OTP2 Level 2 U3 Test Activity Bank Answer Key

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Unit 3

Vocabulary I

Exercise 1

1 autobiography; 2 poetry book; 3 fairy tale; 4 thriller; 5 travel guide; 6 cookery book;
7 adventure story; 8 historical novel

Exercise 2

1 thrillers; 2 biographies / autobiographies; 3 fairy tales; 4 science fiction novels; 5 historical

novels; 6 cookery books; 7 travel guides; 8 poetry books

Exercise 3

1 autobiography / biography; 2 thriller; 3 historical novel; 4 adventure story; 5 fairy tales;

6 poetry books; 7 travel guide; 8 cookery book

Vocabulary II

Exercise 1

1 began; 2 decided; 3 gave; 4 was born; 5 earned; 6 bought; 7 produced; 8 wrote

Exercise 2

1 wrote; 2 earned; 3 was born; 4 decided; 5 began; 6 spent; 7 wrote; 8 bought / read

Exercise 3

1 wrote; 2 was born; 3 died; 4 became; 5 went; 6 began; 7 earned; 8 bought

Grammar I

Exercise 1

1 Where were you last night? I was at Jimena’s house. 2 Was Pippa at work yesterday? Yes, she
was. 3 When was your English class? It was at 10 am. 4 Were Jane and Rodrigo / Rodrigo and
Jane at the party? No, they weren’t. 5 How was the party? It was a bit boring. 6 Who was your
favourite teacher last year? It was Ms Gimenez. 7 What was the book like? It was very good.

Exercise 2

1 were; 2 was, was; 3 was, was; 4 Was, she was; 5 Were, I was; 6 Were, they weren’t; 7 was,

Exercise 3

1 were; 2 was; 3 Were; 4 was; 5 Were; 6 was; 7 was; 8 was; 9 Were; 10 was; 11 were; 12 was;
13 Was; 14 wasn’t

Grammar II

Exercise 1

1 When did; 2 Did, he did; 3 Where did; 4 Did he go, he didn’t; 5 Why did you; 6 Did you give,
Yes, I did; 7 Where did you

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Exercise 2

1 Did you see; 2 I didn’t; 3 saw; 4 Did she give; 5 gave; 6 Did you see; 7 saw; 8 had; 9 Did you
both have; 10 we did; 11 made; 12 did he understand; 13 he did; 14 gave

Exercise 3

1 Did you and your mum have; 2 Did you return; 3 got; 4 had; 5 Did you read; 6 Did you buy;
7 liked; 8 did he do; 9 didn’t; 10 did the school want


Exercise 1

1 False; 2 False; 3 True; 4 True; 5 False; 6 False; 7 True

Exercise 2

1 speaker; 2 confused; 3 black; 4 actress; 5 young; 6 focus; 7 fourteen


David: Hi, Mia! What’s that book about?
Mia: Oh, hi, David. This is a biography about Albert Einstein.
David: Oh yes. He was a really important scientist in the 20th century, wasn’t he?
Mia: That’s right. He did a famous calculation about the speed of light. He showed
that lots of ideas about science were wrong. He was a genius!
David: What was he like as a child? I bet he was good at school!
Mia: Well, he was very good at maths and science but he wasn’t good at all of his
subjects. He didn’t get good marks in history, geography or languages. In fact,
some of his school teachers thought he was lazy.
David: Really?
Mia: Yes, but really he was bored. He didn’t want to learn about facts and dates. He
wanted to solve the mysteries of science.
David: And that’s what he did!
Mia: Yes! His work changed people’s ideas about science. And our lives are different
today because of Einstein. He didn’t invent TVs, laptop computers or DVD
players himself but his work made them possible.
David: And did you learn anything else that was interesting about him?
Mia: Yes. I found out that he loved music. He listened to music to relax. He was a
musician too. He could play the piano and the violin.
David: I didn’t know that. The biography sounds really interesting. Can I read it after
Mia: Of course. I’m reading the last chapter now. You can borrow it tomorrow.
David: Great, thanks! Bye!

Exercise 1

1 She is reading a biography. 2 He lived in the 20th century. 3 He was good at maths and
science. 4 Some of his teachers thought he was lazy. 5 He wanted to solve the mysteries of
science. 6 He loved music. 7 Tomorrow.

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Exercise 2

1 False; 2 False; 3 True; 4 True; 5 False; 6 True; 7 True


Students’ own answers

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 2 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

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