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Unit 6

Vocabulary I

Exercise 1

1 get; 2 worry; 3 bully; 4 exercise; 5 ask; 6 get; 7 discuss; 8 take

Exercise 2

1 bully; 2 ask; 3 discuss; 4 get; 5 worry; 6 take; 7 exercise; 8 get into

Exercise 3

1 discuss; 2 get; 3 take; 4 exercise; 5 worry; 6 get; 7 bully; 8 ask

Vocabulary II

Exercise 1

1 toothache; 2 sunburn; 3 headache; 4 feel sick; 5 a cold; 6 getting mosquito bites;

7 toothache; 8 stomach ache

Exercise 2

1 headache; 2 cold; 3 cough; 4 sunburn; 5 feel sick; 6 mosquito bites; 7 stomach ache;
8 toothache

Exercise 3

1 cold; 2 feel sick; 3 toothache; 4 stomach ache; 5 headache; 6 mosquito bites; 7 sunburn;
8 cough

Grammar I

Exercise 1

1 You should; 2 Should Jane, she shouldn’t; 3 shouldn’t; 4 should try to; 5 Should we order, we
should; 6 should study; 7 should do

Exercise 2

1 shouldn’t go; 2 should eat; 3 Should we buy, should; 4 should talk; 5 shouldn’t leave;
6 should take; 7 shouldn’t bully

Exercise 3

1 should ask; 2 should I go; 3 should study; 4 shouldn’t go; 5 should ask; 6 Should I call;
7 should

Grammar II

Exercise 1

1 to study; 2 to read; 3 to buy; 4 to get; 5 to speak; 6 to protect; 7 to take

Exercise 2

1 To buy; 2 to see; 3 to buy; 4 to pay; 5 to record; 6 to get; 7 to be

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 2 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

Exercise 3

1 to be; 2 to visit; 3 to buy; 4 to do; 5 to relax; 6 to get; 7 to stay


Exercise 1

1 It’s the most important thing. 2 Visiting new places and learning about a country’s culture or
having to queue for a long time to visit museums can affect our mental health . 3 We should take
time to read and relax. 4 You should eat healthily 80% of the time. 5 You can go swimming, go
for walks and explore the new environment. 6 No, you shouldn’t. 7 Possible answers: You should
keep following them. / You should continue following them.

Exercise 2

1 False; 2 True; 3 True; 4 False; 5 False; 6 True; 7 False


Daniel: Hello, Carla. What’s up? You look worried.
Carla: Hi, Daniel. I am worried. I think some of the students from my class are bullying
my friend, Ruby.
Daniel: Why do you think that?
Carla: Well, she has been really quiet since last weekend. I’ve tried to speak to her but
she won’t say what’s wrong. Yesterday, I asked her to come round to my house
but she said she had a headache and she wanted to go home.
Daniel: Hmm, well maybe she’s telling the truth. Perhaps she’s just ill.
Carla: Maybe, but Iast week, one of the girls from my class, Erin, said something really
horrible about Ruby’s clothes. All of Erin’s friends were laughing. Ruby said she
didn’t care, but she looked really upset.
Daniel: Have you spoken to your teachers?
Carla: No, Ruby told me not to.
Daniel: Listen Carla, Ruby is your friend and you must do something to help. I think you
should talk to a teacher straight away. How about Mr Knight? He’s great. When
my brother had trouble with bullying last year, Mr Knight sorted out the problem
straight away.
Carla: You’re right, but I think Ruby will be really angry with me if I do that.
Daniel: OK. Why don’t you and Ruby go to see a teacher together? Ruby will feel braver
if you’re with her.
Carla: I’ve already suggested that. The problem is that Ruby thinks it’s her fault. She
says that Erin is only joking. She thinks that people will think she is causing
Daniel: Well, if Ruby is upset, it isn’t funny.
Carla: I know. I think she needs someone to talk to who understands her, someone
who has had the same experience
Daniel: I’ve got an idea! I can ask my brother to talk to her. Bullying made his life really
hard, but now things are much better. He can give Ruby advice about what to do
and he can show her that the bullying isn’t her fault.
Carla: That’s a fantastic idea, Daniel. I think we should do it!

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 2 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

Exercise 1

1 classmates; 2 doesn’t want to; 3 clothes; 4 didn’t speak; 5 herself; 6 doesn’t think; 7 Daniel’s

Exercise 2

1 upset; 2 headache; 3 ill; 4 care; 5 teacher; 6 joking; 7 hard


Students’ own answers

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 2 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

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