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Kimia B 2023, Muhammad Alif Sudrajat, 1307623049

Summary Video

Chemistry is important because everythings in this life is made of

chemicals. Our self are made of chemicals, your pet are made of chemicals too.
Everythings in this life such as the food, furniture in your house, drugs, even
fireworks are made from chemicals. Many of the changes that you observe in this
world are caused by chemicals reactions.

Part of the importence of chemistry is explain how cleaning works. For the
example, when you is putting some white colored liquid in a bucket of water. The
white colored liquid is a disinfectant. It is pouring into a bucket of water because
disinfectant is chemical substance which kills microorganisms and stops their
growth. It used to disinfect floors and toilets. It is different from the disinfectants
used for our bodies and clothes. For the example, if we get a wounds, we can use
very low concentrated solution of disinfectant as an antiseptic.

In everday life, chemical compounds have been employed for a number of

useful purpose. For example sugar is used to sweeten tea, sugar mixed with tea is a
homogeneous mixture. Drugs, chemical substances used for treatment of diseases
and reducing suffering from pain are called medicines or drugs. It use of some
chemical compounds as medicines has helped humanity. We need to understand
basic chemistry so you can understand how vitamins,supplements, and drugs can
help or harm our body.

Chemistry is a heart of environmental issues. Chemicals can become

nutrients and other chemicals become pollutants. We use chemicals every day and
perform chemical reactions whitout thinking much about them. Chemistry is
important because everything you do is chemistry. Chemistry reactions occur when
you breathe, eat, or just sit there reading. All matter is made of chemicals, so the
importance of chemistry is that it’s the study of everything.
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