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Name: Dan-R-ALA-1
Gender: Female
Service group: Production, Logistics & Commissary [Armored Autocar Escorts]

Action Skills
Management Stealth Violence
Interrogation 1 Concealment 1 Agility 5
Bootlicking 4 Sleight of Hand 1 Demolition 5
Chutzpah 4 Surveillance 1 Field Weapons 5
Intimidation 4 Shadowing 9 Fine Manipulation 5
Moxie 4 Sneaking 9 Hand Weapons 5
Oratory 4 Disguise 13 Projectile Weapons 5
Hygiene 8 High Alert 13 Thrown Weapons 5
Con Games 8 Security Systems 13 Unarmed Combat 5
________________________ __ ________________________ __ Vehicular Combat 5
________________________ __ ________________________ __ Energy Weapons 9
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Knowledge Skills
Hardware Software Wetware
Nuclear Engineering 1 Bot Programming 10 Cloning 1
Bot Ops & Maintenance 9 C-Bay 10 Bioweapons 4
Chemical Engineering 9 Data Analysis 10 Medical 4
Habitat Engineering 9 Data Search 10 Outdoor Life 4
Mechanical Engineering 9 Financial Systems 10 Pharmatherapy 4
Vehicle Ops & Maintenance 9 Hacking 10 Psychotherapy 4
Weapons & Armor Maintenance 9 Operating Systems 10 Suggestion 4
Electronic Engineering 13 Vehicle Programming 10 Biosciences 8
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Mutant power: Polymorphism
Secret society: Mystics (degree: 16)

Secret Skills
Uncommon Unlikely Unhealthy
Drug Procurement 18 Meditation 1 Old Reckoning Drugs 7
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Credits: 590

Personal Assigned Treasonous
Comb, red (R) Laser Pistol body 'Death from Above' Mk IV patch
Gelgernine (Inner Happiness) tablet RED Reflec armor Logo Mug (Y)
(R) Series 1300 PDC Hammer (O)
Mark IV Warbot Logo Mug (R) Nightvision goggles (I)
Plasticord, per meter (R) Slide rule (Y)
Pyroxidine (Wide-Awake) tablet (R)
Vita-Yum Meal Substitute Bar (plain)

PARANOIA Copyright (c) 1983,1987,2005 Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. PARANOIA is a trademark of Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. All Rights Reserved.

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