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CMM Prof.ª
SECRETARIA Neli da Silva
NOME DO (A) ALUNO Aluno(a): ___________________________________
(A): _____________________________________________________
DISCIPLINA: _____________ PROFESSOR(A): _______________ SÉRIE: 8th
Data: ____/____/2023 Série 6º ano

Grade: 8th


1) Discuss and answer the questions:

a) What do the quotes have in common?

b) If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? Why?
c) Think about the issue you mentioned in item b. Are you doing something to change it? If so,

2) Read some information on the website of the non-governmental organization (NGO) Girls
Not Brides, which fights against a serious human rights violation.
a. What issue does it fight?
b. Is this an issue where you live? If so, are there people and organizations fighting it?

3) Several NGOs have champions – important people who support the cause defended by the
organization and help publicize it. How could an NGO display information on its website
about a champion so that people become more engaged with the cause?

( ) Include a video with the champion’s personal introduction and reasons why he/she
involved with the cause
( ) Display the champion’s picture, with his/her full name and birth date.
( ) Include the champion’s complete biography with information from the moment he/she was
born to the present date.
( ) Include a profile with relevant biographical information and reasons the champion became
involved with the cause.

4) Look at the organizations below. Then discuss the questions

a. What do you know about these organizations? ________________________________

b. What do you think they have in common? ____________________________________
c. Do you think people need to belong to an organization to change the world? Why?
Sonita Alizadeh, a young Afghan student, is one of the champions of Girls Not Brides. Look at the
content below. Which of the resources in bold in Activity 2 is used to introduce her? Answer in
your notebook

5) Profiles are often used to provide biographical information about a person. Based on
Sonita’s profile, choose the features of this text genre. Profiles …
( ) aim to give readers all the information about a person’s life.
( ) aim to provide highlights of a person’s life.
( ) can be organized into paragraphs.
( ) have an introduction that shows readers why the person is important.
( ) never highlight the person’s achievements to keep the readers’ attention.
( ) use informal and objective language.
( ) can present the historical and/or cultural context in which the person is living.
( ) usually have direct quotes from the person.

6) Now read Sonita’s profile quickly. Which form of art does Sonita Alizadeh use to fight child
marriage? Choose the correct alternative.

a. video installations
b. movies
c. music

7) Read Sonita’s profile again. Answer the questions about it in your notebook.

a. What genre of music does Sonita use? __________________________________________

b. How many times did Sonita’s family try to sell her into marriage? ______________________
c. What is the title of Sonita’s song? _______________________________________________
d. What is the song about? ______________________________________________________
e. What is the title of the documentary about Sonita’s life? ______________________________

8) Read Sonita Alizadeh’s profile once more. Then, in your notebook, write if the sentences
about the information in the text are T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information.

a. ( ) Sonita was born in Afghanistan, but spent her teenage years in Iran.
b. ( ) In Afghanistan, child marriage rarely happens.
c. ( ) Child betrothal and exchange marriages are religious practices in Afghanistan.
d. ( ) The video of Sonita’s song became very popular online.
e. ( ) Sonita became an advocate against child marriage before the video was produced.
f. ( ) The documentary about her life and “Brides for Sale” were released in the same year.
g. ( ) Women are not allowed to be singers in Iran.


9) Considering the information in the profile, how did Sonita’s song and the music video help
her escape child marriage?


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