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Name: Norol-Ain M.

Kabunto Course & Year: BS ARCHITECTURE 2A


1. Monologue
- A monologue is a speech or a long way of speaking that is typically used in theater plays or
films by a single speaker. Monologues can address other characters in the drama or be the one
character speaking to themselves or the viewers. Its purpose in storyline is to provide additional
details about a topic or character to the audience. It’s a way of sharing a character’s inner
thoughts or backstory, or to provide more plot details.

2. Soliloquy
- A Soliloquy is a form of speech in a theatrical play or drama The character makes a soliloquy
speech to convey inner emotions and thoughts that aren’t meant to be heard or known by other
characters from the play or audience members. A soliloquy is when one character speaks for a
prolonged time frame of time while alone or when the other characters cannot hear. In
comparison to a theatrical monologue, which is normally delivered by a character when several
characters are on stage, a soliloquy is typically delivered by a character standing alone on stage.

3. Aside
- Aside is a short statement or speech delivered to the crowd or to himself by a character while
the other actors on stage would seem to ignore him. Just the audience is aware that the character
has spoken to them. Compared to Soliloquy, a soliloquy is a longer speech, whereas an Aside is a
shortened remark. A further difference is that an Aside exposes hidden details or opinions,
whereas a soliloquy reveals intentions, inner thoughts in the character’s mind.

4. Dialogue
- Dialogue is referred to as the interaction of verbal words among two or more characters book,
play, written work, or in person. Dialogue commonly involves character’s action/reaction flow.
One person tells something, and the other reacts, moving the scene forward.

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