Water Filter

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COSSA F.S- 222041451

MANGENA M.W- 222005209
MKWANAZI A.L.Y- 222002216
MOROASWI M.P- 222052918

Water treatment filters are an essential component of many water treatment plants.
They remove impurities from water by passing it through a porous medium, such as
sand or gravel. This report describes a practical demonstration of a water treatment
filter, including the order of use in the filter.

 1L bottle (empty and clean)
 Red soil
 Sand with small stones
 250ml of water
 Cotton pads
 Cup
 Kitchen Knife
 Spoon
 Stopwatch
The filter used in this demonstration was a sand filter. The filter was constructed by
filling a large container with layers of sand and gravel. The red soil was placed at the
top of the container, followed by a layer of gravel, and then another layer of sand.
The water to be filtered was poured into the top of the container and allowed to pass
through the layers of sand and gravel before exiting through a pipe at the bottom.

 We started by cutting the clean 1L bottle in half using the kitchen knife, and
then flipped the top part over and placed it inside the bottom, so the top looks
like a funnel.
 We then place cotton pads all over the top part of the bottle making sure to
cover the opening as well.
 After doing so we added some of the sand, gravel (small rocks) and red soil
into the top half that’s already covered with cotton pads.
 The next step was for us to make our own dirty water. We took the 250ml
water and poured into our cup and went on to add the sand, we mixed the
water and the sand together and produced our own dirty water.

 We poured the dirty water into the filter and started our time using a
stopwatch immediately as we started pouring.
 We timed to see how long it took for all the water to go through the filter which
was 1 minute 52 seconds (which the first pour into the filter)

 We continued to pour the remainder of the dirty water into the filter which took
us approximately 18 minutes 34 seconds to complete until all the dirty water
was completely filtered.
 And this was the final result of how our experiment went.

The water treatment filter was tested using water that contained visible sediment.
When the water was poured into the top of the container, it passed through the
sand layer and was filtered of impurities. The water that exited through the pipe at
the bottom was visibly clearer than the water that entered the filter.

The order of use in the water treatment filter is important for optimal filtration. The
sand layer is placed at the top of the container because it is the finest layer of the
filter medium and is able to filter out the smallest impurities. The gravel layer is
placed below the sand layer to prevent the sand from getting clogged with larger
particles. The final layer of sand is added to ensure that the water is properly filtered
before exiting the filter.

We can conclude that our water filter was a success as it was able to filter the dirty
water, letting only the water pass through the soil and cotton pads while all the other
unwanted substances remained at the top along with the soil and stones and all the
other dirt that was present. The practical demonstration of a water treatment filter
showed that it is an effective method of removing impurities from water. The order of
use in the filter is important for optimal filtration, with the sand layer placed at the top,
followed by a layer of gravel, and a final layer of sand.

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