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Delegate: Barbara Jakubiak

Country: Malta
Committee: Security Council
Topic: Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean: Addressing historical
disputes and fostering peace in the region with special emphasis
on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The Eastern Mediterranean has been a region of

geopolitical tensions and conflicts, with historical disputes and
competing interests among nations hindering the prospects for
peace and stability. The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one
of the most prominent and intractable issues in the region, and it
is imperative that the international community, particularly the Security Council, takes a
proactive and constructive approach to address this crisis. As the ambassador of Malta, we
urge the members to support the following initiatives to promote peace and stability in the
Eastern Mediterranean.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and longstanding issue that has its roots
in the early 20th century, with both parties having competing claims to the same land. The
conflict has led to numerous wars, displacement of people, and a deep-seated mistrust
between the parties. The status quo is unsustainable and has led to a humanitarian crisis, with
over 5 million Palestinians living under occupation and over 600,000 Israeli settlers residing
in the West Bank.
The international community is responsible for addressing the region's historical
disputes and promoting a just and lasting solution to the conflict. This requires a sustained
effort to understand both sides' perspectives, encourage dialogue and cooperation, and hold
accountable those who violate international law and human rights. The United Nations has a
critical role in this process through its various mechanisms, including the Security Council.
The ongoing violence and instability in the region have resulted in a humanitarian
crisis, with over 5 million Palestinians in need of assistance. The international community
must provide immediate and sustained humanitarian assistance to alleviate the suffering of
the affected populations. This includes providing food, shelter, medical care, and other
essential services.
The international community must also take all necessary measures to protect
civilians in the region, particularly in Gaza and the West Bank. This includes ensuring access
to clean water, sanitation, and healthcare and protecting everyone's rights, with an emphasis
on children and women.
The Republic of Malta recognises the right of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples
to self-determination and the establishment of an independent and sovereign state. The
two-state solution remains the only viable option for achieving peace in the region. The
international community must support this solution and work towards its realisation.
The international community must engage constructively with both sides to promote a
negotiated settlement based on the two-state solution. This includes supporting the work of
the Middle East Quartet and other international efforts to promote peace and stability in the
The status of Jerusalem is a critical issue in the conflict, with both sides claiming the
city as their capital. Malta believes that the final status of Jerusalem should be determined
through negotiations between the parties, with full respect for the religious and cultural
sensitivities of all parties involved.
The issue of Palestinian refugees is another critical factor in the conflict, with over 5
million refugees living in camps in the region. Malta supports the right of all refugees to
return to their homes and the need for a comprehensive solution to this issue, including the
repatriation of refugees and the provision of compensation and reparations.
The crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly the ongoing Israel-Palestine
conflict, is a pressing issue that requires the urgent attention of the international community.
Malta calls on all members of the Security Council to support the initiatives outlined in this
position paper, including the promotion of a two-state solution, the protection of civilians,
and the provision of humanitarian assistance. We must work together to address the historical
disputes and promote a just and lasting peace in the region.

Reference titles:
1. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Backgrounder” (2020) by the Congressional
Research Service:
2. The Two-State Solution: A Blueprint for a Final Settlement” (2018) by the Middle
East Quartet:
3. The UN and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” (2020) by the United Nations Office for
the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:

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