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3 Unit test
Name: ......................................................................... Class: .....................................................

1 03 Listen and match. Answer the question.

Mark /5


1 e
What does this person love doing

at the end of the day? Counting the cash.

What is the only problem this person has?

What does this person say about the prices?

What do they look around for?

What did this person buy last week?
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 Level 6 Unit 3 Test 1
Why does this person buy second-hand?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 Level 6 Unit 3 Test 2
buy do go make plan spend


2 Read and fill each gap with one or two words. Use the verbs below.
Mark /5

Tips for saving money while shopping

Shopping can be great fun but it’s very easy (1) to spend too much money if you’re not careful!
Most bad shopping decisions are made on impulse – you see something, like it, and decide
(2) it at that moment. Not (3) your shopping trip can be very expensive!
Here are a few simple tips to help you avoid wasting money:
• Try (4) a shopping list before you go out. Don’t buy anything which isn’t on your list!
• Do some research. Check out prices for things online before (5) out.
• Decide how much you want to spend and don’t allow yourself to spend more.
• When you find something you would like to buy, walk away and think about it for a while. By
(6) this, you can make sure you’re not just buying on impulse.

3 Write one word in each gap.

Mark /5

1 You can use euros in lots of European countries, but if you go to the USA, you should
take dollars .

2 When you buy something in a shop, you should keep the in case there’s
something wrong with it and you need to take it back.

3 I went for a haircut. The price was 9.80 so I gave the hairdresser a ten-pound note and said,
‘Keep the !’

4 I never buy something from the first shop I find it in. I prefer to search in lots of different
shops, so I can try to find a .

5 Online shopping would be great, but I can’t do it because I haven’t got a card.

6 When you look at the of something, make sure that there are no hidden extras,
like tax, for example.

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4 Read and match. Write the letters.

Mark /5

1 I haven’t got much money, so I’d like d

a riding my bike.
2 I don’t like running but I really b walk fast.
c collect money for one.
3 I hate wasting time at the shops. I
d saving money for one.
e shopping online.
4 I need a new laptop, so I’m going to
start f buy things in the sales.

5 When the shop assistant gives me g to find a bargain.

change, I often choose h to get me one for my birthday.

6 I can’t afford a bike, but my parents i to getting one at Christmas.

have agreed
j to put it in the charity box.

5 Read and circle the correct words

Mark /5

I (1) have / liking / want / love / would like going to street

markets like this one. Last weekend, my parents (2) wished /
said / agreed / fancied / finished to take me there. After a few
minutes, I found an awesome pair of sunglasses, and
I (3) was / hoping / loved / enjoyed / wanted to buy them
immediately. But mum (4) stopped / told / said / hoped /
preferred me to wait and think about it for a while. I (5) hate / not
want / think / wouldn’t like / don’t want waiting, but I followed
mum’s advice. It was a good idea. When I went back
to get the sunglasses later, I (6) wanted / thought / helped / tried / showed wearing them and looked
in a mirror – and they looked awful!

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6 Write one word in each gap.

Mark /5

Tracy: Hello. My friend bought me these gloves for my birthday but they’re too small.
I’d like to (1) return them please. Here’s the receipt.

Shop Assistant: I’m sorry, we can’t take them back unless there’s something wrong with them.
Are they (2) ?

Tracy: No, there’s nothing wrong with them.

Shop Assistant: Well, would you like something else instead?

Tracy: Yes, OK, I’d like to (3) them for a bigger pair please.

Shop Assistant: Let me see… I’m sorry, but you will have to pay a little extra.

Tracy: Why? Do the bigger gloves (4) more money?

Shop Assistant: No, they’re the same price. But we had a (5) last week. When your
friend bought them, the price was (6) by 20%. We can’t offer the
same price this week.

Tracy: Oh, I see. I haven’t got any money today. I’ll have to come back another time.

7 Look and complete with one or two words.

Mark /5

1 The worst thing about shopping for clothes online is having to post them back if the size is

2 I asked the price of the completed model dinosaur in the window, but the shop assistant
explained that it was not .

3 credit card can be a problem because it’s easy to spend too much money.

4 The problem with buying exercise books is that sometimes the person who
owned it before has written in the answers to the questions.

5 I’m going to wait before buying new shoes because usually, the shops have in

6 Which do you prefer – receiving presents or to someone else?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 Level 6 Unit 3 Test 5

8 Write the answers to the questions.

Mark /5

1 Jim: How much would you have if you had half of three euros?

Eva: I’d have one euro and fifty cents!

2 Jim: What’s the worst thing about eating in restaurants?

Eva: at the end!

3 Jim: Why do you see so many people shopping when there’s a sale?

Eva: !

4 Jim: How much change would you get if used a 20-pound note to pay for a cup of coffee?

Eva: !

5 Jim: What would you do if you bought a new camera and it broke the first time you used it?

Eva: !

6 Jim: Do you enjoy watching television?

Eva: It’s OK, but !

Total unit mark / 40

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