Angol 2

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Angol 2

Dear Tom,

I completely understand how busy you are with schoolwork and rehearsals. It can be tough to
find the time and motivation to exercise regularly.

To answer your question, I typically make time for exercise by incorporating it into my daily
routine. I either wake up early to go for a run or swim before work, or I go right after school. I find
that scheduling it into my day helps me stay committed and consistent. Additionally, I try to make
it fun by exploring new running trails or swimming in different pools.

For you, I suggest finding a form of exercise that you enjoy and scheduling it into your day. It
could be something as simple as taking a 20-minute walk during a break in your schedule or
finding a workout buddy to join you for a class.

I hope this helps, and good luck finding a way to incorporate exercise into your routine!


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