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Biology at Ease

BIOLOGY Community Post 11-

FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

1. Which of the following is not included as an aspect of

Reproduction ( According to WHO) :

A. Social

B. Emotional

C. Ethical

D. Physical
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

2. Family planning programme was initiated in :

A. 1981

B. 1971

C. 1973

D. 1951
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

3. RCH refers to :

A. Reproductive Care and Health

B. Reproductive and Child Health Care

C. Reproductive Care and Hygiene

D. Reproductive and Child Health

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

4. The use of amniocentesis is legal for?

A. Detecting sex of newborn foetus

B. Detecting sex of unborn foetus

C. Transfer of Embryo into the Uterus

D. Detecting genetic abnormalities

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

5. Which of the following factors is not responsible for the

population growth in India?

A. Decline in Maternal mortality rate

B. Decline in Infant mortality rate

C. Decline in number of people in reproducible age

D. None of the above

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

6. Statement 1 : CDRI stands for Central Drug Report Institute.

Statement 2 : CDRI is located in New Delhi.

A. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Correct

B. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Incorrect

C. Statement 1 is Correct

D. Statement 2 is Correct
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

7. What is the legal age of marriage for girls in India?

A. 21 years

B. 22 years

C. 20 years

D. 18 years
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

8. Statement 1 : An ideal contraceptive should be user-friendly,

easily available, effective and reversible.
Statement 2 : An ideal contraceptive should in no way interfere
with the sexual drive of the user.

A. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Correct

B. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Incorrect

C. Statement 1 is Correct

D. Statement 2 is Correct
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

9. Natural methods of contraception are also called as :

A. Barrier methods

B. Oral Contraceptives

C. Surgical methods

D. Traditional methods
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

10.Assertion : In periodic abstinence, the couple avoid coitus from

day 10 to 17 of the menstrual cycle.
Reason: Between Day 10 to 17 of Menstrual cycle ovulation could
be expected.
A. Both As. and Rs. are True & Rs. is Correct Explaination of As.

B. Both As. and Rs. are True but Rs. is not Correct Explaination of

C. Assertion is True but Reason is False

D. Assertion is False but Reason is True

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

11.Fertile period in Menstrual cycle is from :

A. Day 12 to 15

B. Day 10 to 14

C. Day 14 to 17

D. Day 10 to 17
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology
12.Statement 1 : Withdrawal method of Contraception is also
known as Coitus interruptus.
Statement 2 : Withdrawal method is based on the fact that
ovulation and therefore menstrual cycle do not occur during the
period of intense lactation following parturition.

A. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Correct

B. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Incorrect

C. Statement 1 is Correct

D. Statement 2 is Correct
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

13.Chances of failure are high in which of the following methods of


A. Lactational amenorrhea


C. Surgical methods

D. Sterilisation
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

14.Mark the odd one out :

A. Vaults


C. Diaphragms

D. Cervical caps
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

15. Which of the following is a hormone releasing IUD :

A. LNG-20

B. Multiload 375

C. Lippes loop

D. CuT
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

16.Which of the following function is performed by IUDd :

A. IUDs inhibit Ovulation

B. IUDs stimulates process of implantation

C. IUDs increase phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus

D. IUDs increases fertilising capacity of sperms

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

17.Statement 1: Sterilisation is widely accepted methods of

contraception in India.
Statement 2: Surgical intervention blocks gamete transport and
thereby prevent conception.

A. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Correct

B. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Incorrect

C. Statement 1 is Correct

D. Statement 2 is Correct
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

18.Statement 1: ‘Nirodh’ is a popular brand of condom for the

Statement 2: Condoms are Barrier methods of Contraception.

A. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Correct

B. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Incorrect

C. Statement 1 is Correct

D. Statement 2 is Correct
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

19.Spermicidal creams are used alongwith which type of

Contraceptives :

A. Barriers

B. Pills


D. None of the above

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

20.Which of the following is incorrect about ‘Saheli’ –

A. It is an Oral Contraceptive for females

B. It contains a non – steroidal preparation

C. It is a ‘once a month’ pill

D. It has a few side effects and high Contraceptive value

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

21.The technique which makes use of amniotic fluid for the

detection of prenatal disorder is called as :

A. Endoscopy

B. Hysteroscopy

C. Aminocentesis

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

22.The function of copper ions in copper releasing IUD’s is :

A. They inhibit Gametogenesis

B. They suppress sperm motility & fertilising capacity of sperms

C. They make uterus unsuitable for implantation

D. They inhibit Ovulation

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

23.Assertion : Pills as Contraceptive methods is used by females

Reason : Pills inhibit Ovulation & implantation

A. Both As. and Rs. are True & Rs. is Correct Explaination of As.

B. Both As. and Rs. are True but Rs. is not Correct Explaination of

C. Assertion is True but Reason is False

D. Both Assertion and Reason are False

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

24.The mode of action of implants is similar to that of :

A. Pills


C. Vaults

D. Condoms
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

25. Statement 1: Sterilisation procedure in the male is called

Statement 2: In Vasectomy, a small part of Vasa efferentia is
removed or tied up through a small incision on the scrotum.

A. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Correct

B. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Incorrect

C. Statement 1 is Correct

D. Statement 2 is Correct
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

26.Statement 1 : Government of India legalised MTP in 1951.

Statement 2 : MTP is performed to get rid of unwanted
pregnancies either due to casual unprotected intercourse or failure
of the Contraceptive used during coitus or rapes.

A. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Correct

B. Both Statement 1 and 2 are Incorrect

C. Statement 1 is Correct

D. Statement 2 is Correct
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

27.Infections or diseases which are transmitted through Sexual

intercourse are collectively called as :

A. Sexually transmitted infections

B. Reproductive track infections

C. Venereal diseases

D. All of the above

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

28.Which age group is most vulnerable to STI :

A. 25-30 years

B. 22-25 years

C. 10-15 years

D. 15-24 years
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

29.Tying up or removing a small part of Fallopian tube is called :

A. Vasectomy

B. Hysterectomy

C. Amniocentesis

D. Tubectomy
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

30.Which of the following STI is / are not completely curable –

A. Gonorrhoea

B. Genital herpes

C. HIV infections

D. Both b and c
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

31.In which of the following technique Zygote or early embryos

with up to 8 – blastomeres is transferred into the fallopian tube :




Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

32.In which of the following techniques the embryos are

transferred to assist those females who cannot conceive :





Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

33.In case of a couple where the male is having a very low sperm
count, which technique will be suitable for fertilisation :

A. Embryo transfer

B. Gamete Intra Fallopian transfer

C. Intrauterine transfer

D. Artificial Insemination
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

34.Inability to conceive or produce children even after two years of

unprotected sexual cohabitation is called :

A. Sterility

B. Infertility

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

35.Which one of the following is not an IUD ?


B. CuT

C. Multiload 375

D. Progestasert
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

36.Emergency contraceptives are effective if used within :

A. 72 hours of Ovulation

B. 72 hours of Abortion

C. 72 hours of Implantation

D. 72 hours of Coitus
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology

37. MTPs are safe upto :

A. 12 months of Pregnancy

B. 12 hours of Coitus

C. 12 weeks of Pregnancy

D. 12 days of Pregnancy
Biology at Ease
BIOLOGY Community Post 11-
FULL SYLLABUS Reproductive
MOCK TEST-10 Health NEET Biology
1) C
2) D 20) C
3) B 21) C
4) D 22) B
5) C 23) A
6) B 24) A
7) D 25) C
8) A 26) D
9) D 27) D
10)A 28) D
11)D 29) D
12)C 30) D
13)A 31) B
14)B 32) C
15)A 33) D
16)C 34) B
17)D 35) A
18)D 36) D
19)A 37) C

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