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Liber Imperatus

The Fist of the Emperor:

An Unofficial Expansion for the Age of Darkness
This document has been an immense labour between a team who have gone above and beyond to get everything ready for release.

This expansion was written by the Liber Panoptica Developer Team:

Codewalrus, Sorakamii, The Ironic Warrior, Diagonalfire, Lauren Hughes, Lord Marshal Aly, Arcangellord, Celebrimbor, Drakeran, Falkenrath, Kidder666,
Kira Nagisho, Lord NaCl, Malice, Mephistopheles-Kaisarion,, Walrusette, The Count, Martin (Col. Hertford), Legio Traitoris, Belisarius Cool, Yekeran,
Max, Archmagos Alyx, Funnybus, Filwilliamson, Jervoise, Kari, realSnice

The Liber Panoptica Developer Team were supported by a group of dedicated play-testers, who we’d like to thank:
Alsoned, Ana Nas, Groppcw, Blade of Omegon, Djinnpachiro, Grey, Grifftofer, Ian - Custodes4life, LordDukeSirDave, OilSpillPaintingStudio, Pauper&Salt,
Trajann Valoris, Kevhooper224 (and the whole team at Stafford Nerdgasm!)

We’d also like to thank our collaborators from a wide range of other community teams, without who this project would
not have been possible:
The Veterans of Terra Team, The Aus30k Team, King Fluff

In addition, we’d also like to thank the following contributors who helped us with previous iterations of this project:
Ash and Gold, GOOTS, Spartan CXVII, Zerik, Quinn / IHF, FreakyM, Gallant, Goltron, JB Minis, The Casual, Wiking, The J, Zewl, OriginalApplesauce

Finally, a special thanks goes out to the following people:

The Games Workshop, Forge World, and Black Library teams for providing the rules and lore that have inspired and propelled this work forward.
The entire HH: Age of Darkness Discord Server for helping us play-test these units and FAQ items - without you this would not have been possible.
Thanks to Lauren Hughes for the custom-commissioned page backgrounds, detail elements, and faction iconography.
Thanks to Quinn / IHF for the custom-commissioned HH: Age of Darkness Logo.

This ruleset is entirely community-made, unofficial, and not for profit. It is not to be sold, distributed for profit, or otherwise restricted in any way. It is
shared entirely out of love for The Horus Heresy game system and our desire to for it to continue. Infringement on any legal rights is not intended.

Some words, terms, and logos in this document are copyrighted – these are used in compliance with copyright laws and procedures,
including this notice.

This document is shared under the provisions of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence, more information on which can be found here:

This version was released on: 03 / 12 / 2023 - V1.1

When the HH: Age of Darkness Discord Partner server’s moderation team first saw the
playtest rules for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy’s second edition, we were overjoyed that
our favourite tabletop game was getting the attention and love it deserved. We also were keenly
aware that with such an undertaking, there would be a few clarifications required for a handful
of rules, and some units would unfortunately be left on the cutting room floor. Some of these
units were fan-favourites, though - and so we decided it would be an undertaking we would
happily expend effort ourselves to remedy. Our first effort - which was internally known as
Operation: Retrograde during development - was the result.

This document is intended to stand alongside the great works of The Warhammer: Age of
Darkness team, providing additional units, options, sub-factions, and more for the various
forces of the Imperium - though you will still need a copy of the core Warhammer: Age of
Darkness Rulebook, as well as one of the various Liber or PDF faction books, and the PDFs
published via Warhammer Community, to make use of this document.

We’re keenly aware that the rules in this book may, now or in the future, be rendered obsolete
by way of Games Workshop releasing official rules for any of the items contained within this
document. If that is the case, it should be assumed that those rules supersede these - unless you
agree otherwise with your opponent!

We hope you enjoy these rules, and Warhammer: The Horus Heresy!

The HH: Age of Darkness Discord Partner Server and Liber Panoptica Development Teams

Introduction ............................................................................................................8 Chambers of the Golden Host............................................................................ 54
Aegis Militant Detachments .................................................................................8 Shield-Hosts of the Legio Custodes................................................................... 56
The Aegis Militant Force Organisation Chart ...................................................9
Warrants of Trade.................................................................................................10
Custodian Host-Master ...................................................................................... 60
HQ Custodian Agamatii Shield Captain................................................................... 61
Rogue Trader Militant ......................................................................................... 14 Custodian Vertoii Shield Captain.......................................................................62
Retainers Militant................................................................................................. 16 Custodian Allarii Shield Captain........................................................................ 63
Custodian Aquilus Shield Captain .....................................................................64
Custodian Venataris Shield Captain .................................................................. 65
Voidsmen Cadre .................................................................................................... 34
Imperatrix Bondsmen Cadre .............................................................................. 35 ELITES
Savaris Bondsmen Cadre ..................................................................................... 36 Allarus Terminator Squad ...................................................................................68
Contemptor-Moritiax Dreadnought Talon ..................................................... 69
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Elites Units................................... 70
Arvus Transport ................................................................................................... 40
Aurox Transport.................................................................................................... 41 TROOPS
Land Raider Armoured Carrier...........................................................................42 Additional Wargear Options for Existing Troops Units.................................74


Grav-Speeder Squadron .......................................................................................46 Dawneagle Jetbike Squadron ..............................................................................78


Carnodon Severax Squadron ..............................................................................50 Custodian Land Raider Carrier Squadron ........................................................82
Custodian Grav-Raider Carrier........................................................................... 83
Custodian Land Raider Spartan Assault Tank .................................................84
Custodian Grav-Spartan Assault Tank .............................................................. 85
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Heavy Support Units...................86

HQ Solar Auxilia Warlord Traits..............................................................................120
Sikari Dar................................................................................................................92 Additional Cohort Doctrines ............................................................................ 122
Additional Wargear Options for Existing HQ Units....................................... 93 Modifications to Existing Cohort Doctrines ...................................................125
Solar Auxilia Armoured Marshals .................................................................... 126

Knight Ensign Covenant..................................................................................... 96 HQ
Indictor Cadre .......................................................................................................97 Lord Marshal Ireton MaSade ............................................................................ 130
Perditor Cadre ...................................................................................................... 98 Solar Auxilia Battle Psyker..................................................................................132
Repressor Automata Maniple ...........................................................................100 Additional Wargear Options for Existing HQ Units......................................133
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Elites Units.................................. 101
TROOPS Solar Auxilia Furibundus Dreadnought Talon............................................... 136
Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport ..................................................................104 Possessed Auxilia..................................................................................................137
Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino Transport ........................................................ 105 Solar Auxilia Extremis Boarding Rig Section ................................................. 138
Enginseer Auxilia Section.................................................................................. 139
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Elites Units..................................140
Shrike Cadre ........................................................................................................108
Impetor Cadre .....................................................................................................109 TROOPS
Otos Transport Craft.......................................................................................... 110 Auxilia Breacher Tercio...................................................................................... 144
Auxilia Infantry Support Tercio........................................................................ 148
Aymhari Interceptor............................................................................................ 111
Solar Auxilia Chimera Transport ..................................................................... 154
Arbiter Cadre ........................................................................................................112
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Fast Attack Units......................... 113
Auxilia Verticalis Drop Tercio ........................................................................... 158
HEAVY SUPPORT Auxilia Light Armoured Tercio......................................................................... 162
Caedecius Exoframe Cadre ................................................................................116
Auxilia Carnodon Tercio ................................................................................... 165
Stymphalia Attack Craft......................................................................................117
Solar Auxilia Tempestor Land Speeder Squadron ......................................... 166
Solar Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Squadron ............................................ 167
Solar Auxilia Hellhound Flame Tank Squadron ............................................ 168
Divisio Aeronautica Avenger Strike Fighter ...................................................169
Solar Auxilia Kelaino Squadron ........................................................................170
Solar Auxilia Aello Gunship Squadron .............................................................171
Solar Auxilia Ocypete Gunship Squadron ...................................................... 172
Solar Auxilia Hades Breaching Drill .................................................................173
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Fast Attack Units........................ 174

Solar Auxilia Macharius Omega Heavy Tank................................................. 178
Solar Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank Squadron ............................................ 179
Solar Auxilia Hydra Flak Tank Battery ............................................................180
Auxilia Artillery Tercio Additions .....................................................................181
Solar Auxilia Manticore Missile Tank Battery................................................ 182
Solar Auxilia Deathstrike Missile Platform..................................................... 183
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Heavy Support Units................. 184

Divisio Aeronautica Marauder Bomber .......................................................... 188
Divisio Aeronautica Marauder Destroyer.......................................................189
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Lords of War Units ....................190

Imperialis Militia Marauder Bomber.............................................................. 260
Armies of Dark Compliance.............................................................................. 194 Imperialis Militia Marauder Destroyer ........................................................... 261
Additional Provenances of War ........................................................................ 196 Imperialis Militia Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher ...............................262
Modifications to Existing Provenances of War.............................................. 198 Imperialis Militia Crassus Armoured Assault Transport.............................. 263

Imperialis Militia Astropath............................................................................. 202
Imperialis Militia Ascendant Rogue Psyker ....................................................203 APPENDICES
Imperialis Militia Mounted Command Cadre .............................................. 204 Archaeotechnological Relics .............................................................................266
Additional Wargear Options for Existing HQ Units.....................................205 Imperatus Psychic Disciplines ......................................................................... 270
Imperatus Unit Types ........................................................................................274
ELITES Imperatus Special Rules.....................................................................................278
Imperialis Militia Demagogue Cadre ............................................................. 208 Armoury of the Imperium................................................................................ 294
Imperialis Militia Ratling Squad...................................................................... 209 Imperatus Wargear .............................................................................................306
Enginseer Auxilia Detachment.........................................................................210 Base Sizing Chart ................................................................................................ 314
Imperialis Militia Kinfolk Exo-Driller Team....................................................211
Imperialis Militia Ogryn Beastmasters............................................................ 212
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Elites Units.................................. 214

Imperialis Militia Voidjumpers......................................................................... 218
Imperialis Militia Chimera Transport ............................................................. 219
Imperialis Militia Aurox Transport................................................................. 220
Imperialis Militia Rhino Transport.................................................................. 221
Imperialis Militia Rhino Advancer...................................................................222
Imperialis Militia Termite Assault Drill .......................................................... 223
Imperialis Militia Land Raider Proteus Carrier .............................................224
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Troops Units............................... 225

Imperialis Militia War Beasts Additions .........................................................228
Mutated Spawn ...................................................................................................229
Imperialis Militia Hellhound Flame Tank Squadron....................................230
Imperialis Militia Centaur Combat Tractor Squadron..................................231
Imperialis Militia Salamander Scout Squadron ............................................. 232
Imperialis Militia Pegasus Assault Squadron ................................................. 233
Imperialis Militia Kelaino Squadron................................................................ 234
Imperialis Militia Kelaino Sky-Talon Squadron............................................. 235
Imperialis Militia Wolf Rapid Response Section ........................................... 236
Imperialis Militia Achilles Light Vehicle Squadron....................................... 237
Imperialis Militia Venator Medium Vehicle Squadron ................................. 238
Imperialis Militia Carnodon Squadron ........................................................... 239
Imperialis Militia Hades Breaching Drill ....................................................... 240
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Fast Attack Units........................ 241

Greater Mutated Spawn.....................................................................................244
Imperialis Militia Sabre Battery........................................................................ 245
Imperialis Militia Macharius Heavy Tank Squadron ....................................246
Imperialis Militia Macharius Omega Heavy Tank.........................................247
Imperialis Militia Malcador Defensor Heavy Tank Squadron.....................248
Imperialis Militia Minotaur Battery ............................................................... 249
Imperialis Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank ......................................................250
Imperialis Militia Hydra Flak Tank Squadron ................................................251
Imperialis Militia Manticore Missile Tank Battery ....................................... 252
Imperialis Militia Helios Ordnance Carrier Squadron ................................. 253
Imperialis Militia Goliath Heavy Vehicle Squadron...................................... 254
Imperialis Militia Ironcrawler Squadron ........................................................ 255
Imperialis Militia Artillery Battery................................................................... 256
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Heavy Support Units................. 257

Within this document, you’ll find expansions to several established Imperial factions - The
Legio Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Solar Auxilia, and Imperialis Militia - as well as an entirely
new faction, the Traders Militant. All the units and concepts presented here are intended to
pay homage to various previous editions of the game, and lore from across many varied

All of the units and options contained within this document were extensively play-tested by a
dedicated team of community writers from the Liber Panoptica Team. We recommend you use
the Liber Panoptica FAQ, Errata, and Balance Changes whilst using these units, for the best
game-play experience - and we all hope you enjoy using our supplements in your games of
The Horus Heresy!

Traders Militant
Amongst the various Imperial factions that blossomed during the Great Crusade, perhaps one of the strangest might have been the Traders Militant
- or Rogue Traders, as they were informally known. Comprised of an eclectic mix of fanciful nobility, the disgraced children of powerful families,
and even some political rivals of the Emperor's new Imperium, to be a Rogue Trader was to bear the seal of the Emperor through a Letter of Marque.

With these marked documents, the Rogue Traders were compelled to disperse far and wide, out of the borders of the Imperium and beyond even the
advancing Expeditionary Fleets, cataloguing the immensely varied worlds of the galaxy to allow the trailing, ponderous behemoth that was Imperial
bureaucracy to decide where next to expend its might to claim another world, another system, another quadrant in His name. It was in this fashion
that despite the very nature of the Rogue Traders - as rebellious, impetuous individuals - that even they found both use and purpose in the
Emperor's design. This individualism and rebelliousness was a unique privilege afforded only to them - and it included an allowance to consort with
alien species, to befriend xenos - a charge all others were expressly forbidden from.

In the coming of the Heresy, however, some among the Traders Militant found a darker purpose. In Horus' war was a new calling for some; one that
required not their fealty or loyalty but their pride and anger, their devotion instead of their cowed submission. It was in this crucible that the first of
the Rogue Traders cast aside their Letters of Marque, becoming piratical raiders and reaver lords and forsaking their honour and bearing in the
doing so.

Even still, in those dark days, some of the Traders Militant held out hope in His vision - and continued their quests, heading back toward the
birthplace of Humanity instead of away from it, trailing their fleets, consorts, and their resources to Terra, in a vain hope that perhaps they might be
the ones to quell the Age of Darkness' flames - or perhaps only quench them for long enough for the Emperor to reclaim the galaxy...


The Aegis Militant Force Organisation Chart allows the forces amassed under the command of a Trader Militant to take to the field in their
combined might, arraying their varied panoply of war against their foes! This section presents a unique Force Organisation chart for Trader Militant
armies; the Rogue Traders and their entourages who took to the field at their command in the Age of Darkness.

Instead of using a Crusade Force Organisation Chart to select your Primary and Allied Detachments as normal, you may choose to use the Aegis
Militant Force Organisation Chart to construct your army. An Aegis Militant Detachment entirely replaces the Crusade Force Organisation Chart
and its Detachments, and is counted as your Primary Detachment for the purposes of all Special Rules, Limitations, and Gameplay Interactions,
including the Allies Matrix. For the purposes of the Alliance Matrix, Traders Militant are either “Agents of the Emperor” if Loyalist, or “Agents of the
Warmaster” if Traitor, and any models selected from the Traders Militant Army List have the “Traders-Militant” Sub-faction . A Detachment with
the Trader Militant Sub-faction may not be taken as a Primary Detachment outside of the Aegis Militant Force Organisation Chart, and the Aegis
Militant Force Organisation Chart may only be used if the Detachment with the Trader Militant Sub-Faction is the Primary Detachment.

An Aegis Militant Detachment may only be taken as a Primary Detachment. If you choose to do so, you may include one Allied Detachment as an
Optional Detachment per 1,000 points in your army. See page 281 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook for more information
about Allied Detachments. This means that in a game of 3,000 points size, you could include the Aegis Militant Detachment as your Primary
Detachment and up to three Allied Detachments. Any Detachment which explicitly replaces an Allied Detachment may be selected in an army using
the Aegis Militant Force Organisation Chart, replacing a single one of the Allied Detachments permitted by the game’s points size.

Allied Detachments in the army must be of different Factions (or sub-factions, where applicable) – though this can be modified by the Warrants of
Trade Special Rule found on the Rogue Trader Militant. Allied Detachments can be of any Faction or Sub-faction, as long as their Allegiance
matches – though this can be modified by the Warrants of Trade Special Rule. The Levels of Alliance between such Detachments is modified by the
Fragile Alliance Special Rule, found on the Rogue Trader Militant. If the Rogue Trader Militant is slain, or otherwise removed from play for any
reason, then in the case of Factions or Sub-factions with varying Levels of Alliance depending on who is ordinarily the Primary or Optional
Detachment, the lowest Level of Alliance between the two Factions or Sub-factions should be used. In addition, no Optional Detachments outside
of a single Lord of War Detachment may be selected if a Aegis Militant Detachment is selected. Any unit selected as part of a Lord of War
Detachment must have the same Faction or Sub-Faction as one of the other Primary or Allied Detachments selected as part of the same Army.

An Aegis Militant Detachment may only include units from the profiles listed in the Trader Militant section of the Liber Imperatus. These units
may not be selected as part of any other Force Organisation chart or Detachment besides an Allied Detachment or a Zone Mortalis Engagement
Force Organisation Chart - if selected in this manner, however, a Warrant of Trade may not be selected for your Rogue Trader Militant. If an Allied
Detachment or a Zone Mortalis Engagement Force Organisation Chart is composed of models with the Trader Militant Sub-Faction, then any
unit with the Trader Militant Sub-Faction able to be selected as an Elites Choice may also be selected as a Troops Choice.

Additionally, an Aegis Militant Detachment may include a single unit from one of the following lists as a non-Compulsory Elites Choice, even
though they are normally taken as HQ choices:
• Knights Errant
• Divisio Assassinorum
• Cults Abominatio


Aegis Militant Detachment

(Primary Detachment Only)
Compulsory Optional
• 1 HQ • +3 Elites
• 2 Elites • +2 Fast Attack
• +2 Heavy Support

Elites Fast Attack Heavy Support

Allied Detachment*
Allied Detachment (Optional) Compulsory Optional
• 1 HQ • +3 Troops
HQ • 1 Troops • +2 Elites
• +1 Fast Attack
• +1 Heavy Support

*For every 1,000 points in a player’s army

beyond the first 1,000, an additional Allied
Detachment may be selected.

Troops Elites Fast Attack Heavy Support

Lords of War Detachment

Lords of War Detachment
(Optional) (Optional)
• 1 Lords of War

Lords of War

Written and signed most often by the Emperor’s hand Himself, these Warrants were worth more than entire sub-sectors to those intelligent enough to
understand them; though some among those handed these documents of authorisation understood that they were in effect also orders of banishment;
permanent exile formalised and sealed with a wax crest.

During Army Selection, a model with the Warrants of Trade Special Rule must select one of the following Warrants; these may grant certain
additional effects to the Detachment containing the model with this Special Rule, as well as affecting which Factions and Sub-factions may be
included in the same army. A model may never select more than one Warrant of Trade, and if a model with the Warrants of Trade Special Rule is
selected as part of an Allied Detachment then no Warrant may be selected.

The most common Warrant in issue, the Warrant of Compliance was handed out in bulk to legitimise those who wished to enact personal campaigns to
subdue star systems, enabling their brief but effective massacres to benefit those in command. Those issued these Warrants were often watched closely, though -
and were not forgiven for mistakes made under the watchful eyes of their patrons.

An army containing a model with this Warrant of Trade may not include any Detachments from any Faction which may select the Xenos Allegiance.

If the army containing a model with this Warrant of Trade has the Loyalist Allegiance, it may include a single Allied Detachment with the Agents of
the Emperor Faction, but may not include more than one such selection.

If the army containing a model with this Warrant of Trade has the Traitor Allegiance, it may include a single Allied Detachment with the Agents of
the Warmaster Faction, but may not include more than one such selection.

The Warrant of Conquest was handed to those Rogue Traders who possessed a single-minded, bloody-handed nature; only those sought to carve out space for
the Imperium to inhabit no matter the cost could truly bear such a writ. To this end, those issued this Warrant would enact great wars to reclaim systems for
their patron - and were even willing to accept xenos aid to achieve their aims…

An army containing a model with this Warrant of Trade may include a single Detachment from any Faction which may select the Xenos Allegiance,
but may not include more than one such selection.

An army containing a model with this Warrant of Trade may not include any Allied or Optional Detachments from the Agents of the Emperor or
Agents of the Warmaster Factions.

Ranging far ahead of the main exploration fleet’s advances, those who bore a Warrant of Exploration were known for fraternising with the scattered human
settlements they found, as well as the varied races of Xenos they encountered - and it was for this reason that the Legiones Astartes would often refuse to walk
alongside them; though the denizens of the Mechanicum often did not hold such qualms…

An army containing a model with this Warrant of Trade may only include a single Detachment from any Faction which contains models with the
Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule.

An army containing a model with this Warrant of Trade may include up to two Detachments from the Mechanicum Faction, but may not include
more than two of such selections.

An army containing a model with this Warrant of Trade must include a Detachment from any Faction which may select the Xenos Allegiance, but
may not include more than one such selection.

A Detachment containing a model with this Warrant of Trade may not include any Allied or Optional Detachments from the Agents of the Emperor
or Agents of the Warmaster Factions.

Even so soon after their issue, tales abounded of those among the Traders Militant who could not remain within the terms of their Warrants; often, these
Rogue Traders would find their Warrants declared null and void, and were set upon by loyalist and traitors both upon returning to Imperial space - to the
detriment of those mortal souls they trailed with them to their doom.

An army containing a model with this Warrant of Trade may only include Allied or Optional Detachments from any Faction which may select the
Xenos Allegiance, or with the Imperial Army Faction. The same Factions or Sub-factions may be selected in these Detachments, but no Faction or
Sub-faction may be selected more than twice. It should be noted that this overrides any restrictions applied to selecting more than one Faction or
Sub-faction which may select the Xenos Allegiance.

All enemy models gain Hatred (Traders Militant) when fighting against an army that includes a model with this Warrant of Trade.

Rogue Trader 6 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 10 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Rogue Trader ● Infantry (Character)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Singular figures within the ● Void Armour ● Independent Character
Imperium as well as without, ● Refractor Field ● Battle-Hardened (1)
the Rogue Traders were the ● Close Combat Weapon ● Stubborn
Emperor’s attempt to solve
two problems facing Him and ● Laspistol ● Relentless
His great design for ● Frag Grenades ● Fragile Alliance
mankind’s new domain; lack ● Krak Grenades ● Warrants of Trade
of resources and upstart

In issuing the documents *A Rogue Trader which selects Indomitus Terminator Armour increases their starting
known as Warrants of Trade, Wounds Characteristic by +1, and gains the Heavy Sub-type.
the Emperor legitimised those
so invested with the right to
stray outside both the borders
and rules of the Imperium -
For theirs was the way of
negotiation, bartering, and
compromise; and their
Warrants permitted them to
do so with not only human
colonies not yet reintegrated
into the Imperium, but also
with the varied and
multitudinous races of Xenos
they encountered.

The individuals issued with

Warrants were often as varied
as the forces they commanded
- whether raging egomaniacs,
paranoid despots, ruthless
privateers, or just and honest
commanders, the common
thread that linked them all
was their dedication to their
new life - and the acquisition
of fame and fortune.

Not all Rogue Traders were so

happy with their lot, however,
and in those cases, Warrants
could be quickly voided, their
bearers named as traitors to
the cause as a result. In these
cases, the Trader Militant’s
forces and their allies would
find no peace or respite
among the stars - for they
would be hunted to the ends
of the galaxy for daring to
transgress against the
Emperor Himself.

● The Rogue Trader may exchange their Void Armour for one of the following options:
- Power Armour..................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Heavy Void Armour...................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Artificer Armour ............................................................................................................................................................................................ +15 points
- Indomitus Terminator Armour*................................................................................................................................................................ +20 points

● The Rogue Trader may exchange their Refractor Field for the following option:
- Iron Halo......................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Rogue Trader may select any of the following options:

- Cyber-Familiar ............................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Spectra Cloak ................................................................................................................................................................................................. +15 points
- Melta Bombs .................................................................................................................................................................................................. +15 points
- Haywire Grenades ........................................................................................................................................................................................ +20 points
- One Vortex Grenade .................................................................................................................................................................................... +30 points

● The Rogue Trader may exchange their Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for one of the following options:
- Blast Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Bolt Pistol ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ +2 points
- Needle Pistol ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Hand Flamer ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Shuriken Pistol................................................................................................................................................................................................ +2 points
- Chainsword ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Volkite Serpenta...............................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Hot-Shot Laspistol ..........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Inferno Pistol ...................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Chainaxe ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Heavy Chainsword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Archaeotech Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Power Weapon .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points
- Charnabal Weapon....................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Lightning Claw ............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points
- Kinetic Destroyer .......................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Power Fist ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................................................................................................ +20 points
- Disintegrator Pistol...................................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Paragon Blade ................................................................................................................................................................................................+25 points

● The Rogue Trader may select one of the following options:

- Shotgun.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. +1 point
- Stubcarbine........................................................................................................................................................................................................ +1 point
- Lasgun ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ +1 point
- Lascarbine........................................................................................................................................................................................................ +2 points
- Lasrifle.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. +2 points
- Bolter .................................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Assault Needler ................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Shuriken Catapult ...........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Minor Combi-Weapon ................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points
- Magna Combi-Weapon ................................................................................................................................................................................ +15 points
- Disintegrator..................................................................................................................................................................................................+25 points

RETAINERS MILITANT ................................ 75 POINTS
Militant Bodyguard 6 5 5 3 3 2 4 2 8 4+
Trader-Militant Standard Bearer 6 5 5 3 3 2 4 2 9 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 2 Militant Bodyguards ● Infantry
● 1 Trader-Militant
Standard Bearer

HQ Wargear Special Rules

The Retainers Militant were ● Laspistol ● Guardian Retainers
those closest to the bearer of ● Close Combat Weapon ● Chosen Warriors
the Warrant of Trade, and in ● Void Armour ● Stubborn
this trusted position they
advised the Rogue Trader on ● Refractor Field ● Battle-Hardened (1)
all matters, warded their lives, ● Frag Grenades
and guarded their honour. ● Krak Grenades
● Melta Bombs
It was not uncommon for
those among the factions that ● Trader-Militant Banner (Trader-
found themselves allied with Militant Standard Bearer only)
the Traders Militant to send a
representative to stand
among such a cadre, allowing
their concerns and Dedicated Transport:
motivations to be heard and ● A Retainers Militiant unit may select a Land Raider Armoured Carrier, Aurox Transport, or
understood directly - and Arvus Transport as a Dedicated Transport, so long as they would be permitted to embark
ensuring the conditions of upon it and fit within its Transport Capacity. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use
up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of
their support were upheld. the army.
Whilst occasionally
uncomfortable in having to
rub shoulders with the giants
of the Astartes or Custodians,
or the strange and varied
forms of the Xenos, none
among the retinue ever
showed such weaknesses
openly; for theirs was the way
of alliances and promises,
careful negotiations, and the
weaving of friendships for
mutual gain.

● A Retainers Militant unit may include:
- Up to 2 additional Militant Bodyguards ................................................................................................................................+20 points per model

● A Militant Bodyguard or Trader-Militant Standard Bearer in the unit may replace their Laspistol with one of the following options:
- Blast Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Needle Pistol ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Bolt Pistol ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ +2 points
- Hot-Shot Laspistol ..........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Volkite Serpenta...............................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Hand Flamer ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Shotgun.............................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Archaeotech Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● A Militant Bodyguard or Trader-Militant Standard Bearer in the unit may replace their Close Combat Weapon with one of the
following options:
- Chainsword ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Storm Axe ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Power Fist ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● Any Militant Bodyguard or Trader-Militant Standard Bearer in the unit may replace their Void Armour with:
- Power Armour..................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Heavy Void Armour...................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Artificer Armour ............................................................................................................................................................................................ +15 points

● The Trader-Militant Standard Bearer may replace their Refractor Field with:
- Iron Halo......................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● A Retainers Militant unit may include one of each of the following options:
- Adjuevant Medicae........................................................................................................................................................................................+25 points
- Jokaero Courtier ........................................................................................................................................................................................... +30 points
- Navigator Nobilis...........................................................................................................................................................................................+35 points
- Templax Challenger ..................................................................................................................................................................................... +50 points
- Astropathica Primus .....................................................................................................................................................................................+55 points
- Primus Psykana............................................................................................................................................................................................. +65 points

● A Retainers Militant unit may include up to two of the following option:

- Defensor-Automata ................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points per model

● In an Army that contains a Detachment composed of models with the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule, a Retainers Militant unit
may include:
- Presage of the Legion...................................................................................................................................................................................+80 points

● In an Army that contains a Detachment with the Mechanicum Faction, a Retainers Militant unit may include:
- Magos Attendis ........................................................................................................................................................................................... +100 points

● In an Army that contains a Detachment with the Imperial Army Faction (of any Sub-faction), a Retainers Militant unit may include:
- Militaris Adjutant ......................................................................................................................................................................................... +30 points

● In an Army that contains a Detachment with the Legio Custodes Sub-faction, a Retainers Militant unit may include:
- Custodian Observer ................................................................................................................................................................................... +100 points

● In an Army that contains a Detachment with the Sisters of Silence Sub-faction, a Retainers Militant unit may include:
- Executor of the Black Fleet .........................................................................................................................................................................+80 points

● In an Army that contains a Detachment with the Asuryani Sub-faction, a Retainers Militant unit may include:
- Envoy of the Asur .........................................................................................................................................................................................+40 points

● In an Army that contains a Detachment with the Saedath Sub-faction, a Retainers Militant unit may include:
- Faceless Delegate .......................................................................................................................................................................................... +65 points

Adjuevant Medicae 6 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 7 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Adjuevant Medicae ● Infantry

HQ Wargear Special Rules

The medicae attached to the ● Narthecium ● Guardian Retainers
fleets of the Traders Militant ● Laspistol ● Sworn to Serve
were often paid handsomely ● Close Combat Weapon ● Stubborn
for exclusive, life-long service
to the Trader Militant cause, ● Void Armour ● Battle-Hardened (1)
and equipped as such with the ● Refractor Field
very best equipment - paid for ● Frag Grenades
from the Rogue Trader’s own ● Krak Grenades
pocket - to ensure they were
effective in their duties.
Often it would be required for ● The Adjuevant Medicae may replace their Laspistol with one of the following options:
the Adjuevants to undergo - Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points
extensive training in the arts - Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points
of rejuvenat treatments, - Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points
allowing the Rogue Trader - Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
and those they deemed worthy - Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
to extend their voyages for - Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
decades beyond human - Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
capacities, living lives of a
length far beyond ordinary ● The Adjuevant Medicae may replace their Close Combat Weapon with one of the
human ken. following options:
- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points

● The Adjuevant Medicae may replace their Void Armour with:

- Power Armour.................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Heavy Void Armour.........................................................................................................+10 points
- Artificer Armour .............................................................................................................. +15 points

Jokaero Courtier 6 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 7 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Jokaero Courtier ● Infantry

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Jokaero Armaments ● Guardian Retainers The strange creatures known
● Close Combat Weapon ● Sworn to Serve as Jokaero were an
● Refractor Field ● Weaponsmith’s Ingenuity uncommon sight across the
nascent Imperium - for in
truth, they represented one of
the very few Xenos races
openly tolerated by humanity
- and actively sought out by a
few. Jokaero, whilst
animalistic and close in form
to an ancient Terran simian,
were seemingly remarkably
intelligent despite lacking the
ability to speak, having an
innate skill with technology
that outstripped their physical
appearance. Anything left
long enough in their presence
would eventually be tinkered
with, modified to fit the
creature’s whims - though it
was just as likely the
modifications would do
nothing as it was to make the
object in question incredibly
potent in its uses.

The Jokaero themselves often

were surrounded by small,
hovering metallic orbs which
projected energy fields to
defend them whenever the
creature perceived a threat,
whilst their long and spindly
fingers were often replaced
with metallic armatures that
contained miniaturised
weapons of unbelievable

Rogue Traders often enjoyed

the company of such
creatures, bartering food and
shelter to them in return for
the Jokaero’s continued
presence - as well as knowing
that anything ‘accidentally’
left in their presence for a
while might become
immensely more useful…

Navigator Nobilis 6 2 4 3 3 2 3 1 8 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Navigator Nobilis ● Infantry (Psyker)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

The Navigator households ● Laspistol ● Guardian Retainers
were not ignorant to the ● Force Staff ● Sworn to Serve
needs of the wider Crusade, ● Aetherlabe Instrumenta ● Navigis Astrologica
and many found themselves
requested to provide ● Void Armour ● Adamantium Will (4+)
assistance to the mustering ● Refractor Field
expeditionary fleets. Some ● Frag Grenades
saw this as a perfect ● Krak Grenades
opportunity to rid themselves
of ascendant members of the
households perceived to be a Options:
threat in times ahead - and ● The Navigator Nobilis may replace their Laspistol with one of the following options:
so, many Navigators assigned - Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points
to the far-flung Rogue Trader - Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points
fleets would come to realise - Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points
their assignment was as much - Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
to fulfil the obligations to the - Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
Emperor as it was to get rid of - Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
their troublesome selves. - Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points

● The Navigator Nobilis may replace their Void Armour with:

- Power Armour.................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Heavy Void Armour.........................................................................................................+10 points
- Artificer Armour .............................................................................................................. +15 points

Templax Challenger 6 6 4 3 3 2 5 3 8 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Templax Challenger ● Infantry

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Laspistol ● Guardian Retainers The individuals known as
● Charnabal Weapon ● Sworn to Serve Templax Challengers were a
● Void Armour ● Honour-Bound, Honour-Defined diverse and unusual group;
comprised as often of high-
● Refractor Field ● Chosen Warrior born nobles with something
● Frag Grenades ● Stubborn to prove as much as they were
● Krak Grenades ● Battle-Hardened (1) hiver scum with a grudge to
● Counter-Attack (1) settle. These varied beginnings
aside, however, the singular
Options: thread that linked these
● The Templax Challenger may replace their Laspistol with one of the following options: disparate individuals into a
- Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points single classification was their
- Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points consummate skill with a
- Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points blade.
- Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points No matter the case of their
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points upbringing, these individuals
- Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points would swear bonds of fealty
- Archaeotech Pistol ..........................................................................................................+10 points to a Trader Militant - perhaps
- Proteus Pattern Storm Shield........................................................................................ +15 points hoping to earn favour or
fortune - and would thusly be
● The Templax Challenger may replace their Charnabal Weapon with one of the following expected to fight in defence of
options: their lives, bound by their
- Power Weapon ........................................................................................................................... Free honour to take on any who
- Paragon Blade .................................................................................................................. +15 points offered insult or injury to their
liege lord no matter the risk to
● The Templax Challenger may replace their Void Armour with: their own life. Armed and
- Power Armour.................................................................................................................... +5 points equipped to complete their
- Artificer Armour .............................................................................................................. +15 points duties from the Rogue
Trader’s own supplies and
pockets, the legends these
individuals would weave in
service to their lieges would
live beyond their mortal

Astropathica Primus 6 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 8 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Astropathica Primus ● Infantry (Psyker)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

The Astropaths bound to a ● Laspistol ● Guardian Retainers
Trader Militant fleet were ● Force Staff ● Sworn to Serve
often selected specifically for ● Void Armour ● Astra Telepathica
their abilities above and
beyond the more ordinary of ● Refractor Field ● Adamantium Will (4+)
their kin; able to project clear ● Frag Grenades ● Astropathic Communication
messages in comparison to ● Krak Grenades
others of their order and
skilled in diplomacy in ways
others not of their order could Options:
not hope to manage. Indeed, ● The Astropathica Primus may replace their Laspistol with one of the following options:
as advisors and confidants - Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points
many found their place at the - Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points
right hand of the Rogue - Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points
Traders themselves, able to - Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
enjoy the comforts of such a - Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
life despite the solitude a - Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
psyker might ordinarily - Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
● The Astropathica Primus may replace their Void Armour with:
- Power Armour.................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Heavy Void Armour.........................................................................................................+10 points
- Artificer Armour .............................................................................................................. +15 points

Primus Psykana 6 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 8 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Primus Psykana ● Infantry (Psyker)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Laspistol ● Guardian Retainers Whilst generally a broad
● Force Weapon ● Sworn to Serve classification, the sanctioned
● Void Armour ● Psykana Militis psykers known as Psykana
were a tolerated transgression
● Refractor Field ● Psychic Mastery (2) against the Emperor’s will
● Frag Grenades ● Adamantium Will (4+) that wielded psychic powers
● Krak Grenades openly, trained in the
methods of doing so safely in
order to bolster the ranks of
Options: the Imperium’s armies against
● The Primus Psykana may replace their Laspistol with one of the following options: the poorly understood
- Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points sorcerous threats of the Great
- Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points Crusade. The most powerful
- Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points of their number were known
- Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points as Primus Psykana, and were
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points able to pour forth great bolts
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points of esoteric lightning, gelid
- Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points flame, and even more unusual
and abhorrent power.
● The Primus Psykana may replace their Void Armour with:
- Power Armour.................................................................................................................... +5 points Among the fleets bound to
- Heavy Void Armour.........................................................................................................+10 points Rogue Traders, whilst rare,
- Artificer Armour .............................................................................................................. +15 points there were still accounts of
Primus Psykana being
unleashed in battle at the will
of their masters; their deadly
and arcane powers being put
to seeming good use against
foes with unknowable power
of their own.

Defensor-Automata 6 3 3 4 5 2 1 1 6 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Defensor-Automata ● Automata (Guardian)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Defensor-Automata were a ● Close Combat Weapon ● Guardian Retainers
common sight in the retinues ● Sworn to Serve
of the most paranoid and ● Feel No Pain (5+)
reclusive Rogue Traders, who
purchased their augmented
charges from Mechanicum
Forge Worlds with which they
had relatively good standing.
Their immense bulk,
resistance to pain, and ability Options:
to bear heavier armaments ● Any Defensor-Automata may replace their Close Combat Weapon with one of the
than most humans could following options:
manage was well liked and - Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................+2 points
respected by many in the - Servo Arm ........................................................................................................................... +5 points
Trader Militant - and none - Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
could deny their effectiveness - Rotor Cannon .................................................................................................................... +5 points
having witnessed them in - Heavy Bolter.....................................................................................................................+10 points
battle - though the primary - Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak Missiles) .............................................. +15 points
attraction to them was often - Volkite Culverin............................................................................................................... +15 points
joked to be their inability to - Lascutter ........................................................................................................................... +15 points
refuse orders. - Plasma Cannon............................................................................................................... +20 points
- Multi-Melta ..................................................................................................................... +20 points

Legion Presage 7 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Presage ● Infantry

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Bolt Pistol ● Guardian Retainers Hailing from the serried ranks
● Chainsword ● Sworn to Serve of the Legiones Astartes, those
● Artificer Armour ● Chosen Warriors commanders seconded to the
Rogue Trader courts as
● Iron Halo ● Legiones Astartes (X) representatives were known as
● Frag Grenades ● Representative of the Legion Presages. In this role they were
● Krak Grenades ● Relentless expected to safeguard the
● Stubborn interests of the Legion during
their duties, as well as the
Options: honour of the Legion itself. To
● The Legion Presage may select one of the following options: invite dishonour upon the
- Bolter ...................................................................................................................................+2 points Astartes was accepted by most
- Astartes Shotgun ...............................................................................................................+2 points mortals who had witnessed
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points them in battle to be a death
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points sentence; as a result, the
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points presence of a Presage would
- Nemesis Bolter.................................................................................................................+10 points still the tongue of even the
most outspoken of a Trader
● The Legion Presage may replace their Bolt Pistol and/or Chainsword with one of the Militant’s courtiers.
following options:
- Boarding Shield* ....................................................................................................................... Free Despite their relatively
- Volkite Serpenta.................................................................................................................+2 points pedestrian assignment,
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points however, a Presage was still a
- Chainaxe ............................................................................................................................. +5 points member of the Legiones
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points Astartes, and a high-ranking
- Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................+10 points one at that - and so whilst
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................. +15 points consummate skill with their
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................ +15 points weapons was expected as the
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +25 points default, their wit and insight
- Thunder Hammer ...........................................................................................................+30 points was often rather more
unexpected of them - though
● The Legion Presage may replace their Bolt Pistol and Chainsword with the following all who treated with them
option: agreed their tongues could be
- Two Lightning Claws...................................................................................................... +15 points just as sharp, if not more so,
than their blades.
● The Legion Presage may select any of the following options:
- Combat Shield ........................................................................................................................... Free
- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................+10 points

*A Legion Presage that selects a Boarding Shield also gains the Heavy Sub-type.

Magos Attendis 6 4 5 5 5 3 4 2 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Magos Attendis ● Infantry

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Hailing from the forges of ● Laspistol ● Guardian Retainers
Mechanicum, the Magos ● Power Weapon ● Sworn to Serve
Attendis were responsible for ● Mechanicum Protectiva ● Chosen Warriors
upholding the laws of their
holy order during the ranging ● Relentless
missions performed by the ● Stubborn
Traders Militant fleets. In this ● Firing Protocols (2)
role, many different castes ● Battlesmith (5+)
and sub-classifications of the
Taghmatas and Divisios were Options:
represented - including both ● The Magos Attendis may select any of the following options:
the Legio Titanicus and the - Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points
Questoris Households, as well - Melta Bombs ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
as ever more obscure sub- - Rad Grenades ...................................................................................................................+10 points
divisions and doctrines of the - Cyber-Familiar ................................................................................................................. +15 points
Martian Priesthood. No - Cortex Controller ............................................................................................................ +15 points
matter their origin, these
magi were expected to assist ● The Magos Attendis may exchange either their Laspistol and/or Power Weapon each for
in matters of both their cult’s one of the following options:
doctrinal purity - and in - Volkite Serpenta.................................................................................................................+2 points
matters of war, co-ordinating - Archaeotech Pistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
the deployment of their - Lucifex................................................................................................................................. +5 points
engines of destruction as - Maxima Bolter ................................................................................................................... +5 points
requested by the Rogue - Photon Gauntlet..............................................................................................................+10 points
Trader. - Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points
- Corposant Stave...............................................................................................................+10 points
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points

● The Magos Attendis may take one of the following options:

- Servo Arm .........................................................................................................................+10 points
- Conversion Beamer......................................................................................................... +25 points
- Graviton Imploder........................................................................................................... +25 points
- Machinator Array ............................................................................................................ +25 points

● The Magos Attendis may take one of the following additional weapon options:
- Rotor Cannon ..................................................................................................................+10 points
- Graviton Gun ................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Magnarail Lance ............................................................................................................. +20 points
- Irad-Cleanser................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Phased Plasma-Fusil........................................................................................................ +25 points
- Transonic Cannon...........................................................................................................+30 points
- Photon Thruster ..............................................................................................................+30 points
- Rad Furnace...................................................................................................................... +35 points

● The Magos Attendis may upgrade a single weapon they are equipped with to have the
following Special Rule:
- Master-Crafted................................................................................................................... +5 points

Militaris Adjutant 6 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 9 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militaris Adjutant ● Infantry

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Lasrifle ● Guardian Retainers Those from among the
● Close Combat Weapon ● Sworn to Serve massed ranks of human
● Void Armour ● Chosen Warriors soldiers who formed the most
numerous of the armies of the
● Refractor Field ● Relentless Great Crusade who fought
● Frag Grenades ● Stubborn alongside the Traders
● Krak Grenades Militant were known as the
● Melta Bombs Militaris Adjutants.
Responsible for the
provisioning of ammunition,
Options: food, and all the other
● The Militaris Adjutant may replace their Lasrifle with one of the following options: materiel needed for the
- Bolter ........................................................................................................................................... Free mortal elements of a fleet to
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points stage a campaign, Adjutants
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points had to be both diplomatic
- Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points and ruthless beyond even the
- Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points other elements of a Rogue
- Grenade Launcher (with Frag and Krak Rounds)......................................................... +5 points Trader’s entourage; for it was
- Blast Pistol .......................................................................................................................... +5 points all too easy for an Astartes or
- Needle Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points Custodian to dismiss the
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points concerns of an unmodified
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points human, and so fighting their
- Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points corner was a required skill.
- Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points
For their bravery - their
● The Militaris Adjutant may replace their Close Combat Weapon with one of the following single-minded willingness to
options: stomp down upon the
- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................+2 points Transhuman Dread that
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points bubbled from within when
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points faced with one of the
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points Emperor’s sons and speak
their minds or fight for their
● The Militaris Adjutant may select any of the following options: lives - did these officers earn
- Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points the grudging respect of all.
- Nuncio-Vox......................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Cognis-Signum ................................................................................................................+10 points

● The Militaris Adjutant may replace their Void Armour with:

- Power Armour.................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Heavy Void Armour.........................................................................................................+10 points
- Artificer Armour .............................................................................................................. +15 points

● If the Militaris Adjutant is equipped with a Lasrifle or Bolter, they may select the following
- Bayonet .................................................................................................................................+1 point

Custodian Observer 8 5 5 5 5 3 5 4 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Custodian Observer ● Infantry (Skirmish)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Assigned often at the ● Guardian Spear ● Guardian Retainers
instruction of the Emperor ● Misericord ● Sworn to Serve
Himself, the Custodians ● Auric Warplate ● Chosen Warriors
known as Observers were not
a specific rank, but instead a ● Frag Grenades ● Relentless
duty - instructed to watch for ● Melta Bombs ● Stubborn
signs that a fledgling Rogue ● Legio Custodes
Trader was correctly utilising ● Bulky (3)
their Warrant of Trade and
that their investiture as such ● Loyalist
was not a mistake or a waste.
In this duty, the Custodian so ● The Custodian Observer may replace their Guardian Spear with one of the following
appointed would remain options:
steadfastly committed - - Guardian Axe.............................................................................................................................. Free
though it was not entirely - Master-Crafted Power Weapon............................................................................................... Free
unknown, over the long - Sentinel Warblade ............................................................................................................. +5 points
periods of their assignment, - Adrasite Spear ..................................................................................................................+10 points
for a Custodian to become - Pyrithite Spear .................................................................................................................+10 points
somewhat attached to their - Paragon Blade ..................................................................................................................+10 points
mortal charge, sharing a bond - Paragon Glaive ................................................................................................................. +15 points
that could even be taken by - Solarite Power Talon....................................................................................................... +15 points
outsiders for something - Two Solarite Power Talons ............................................................................................ +25 points
approaching friendship. - Solarite Power Gauntlet .................................................................................................+30 points
- Meridian Swords.............................................................................................................. +35 points

● The Custodian Observer may select any of the following options:

- Praesidium Shield............................................................................................................+10 points
- Archaeotech Pistol ..........................................................................................................+10 points

Executor of the Black Fleet 6 5 5 3 3 2 5 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Executor of the Black Fleet ● Infantry (Light, Anathema)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Execution Blade ● Guardian Retainers Executors of the Black Fleets
● Bolt Pistol ● Sworn to Serve held a sinister and dubious
● Frag Grenades ● Chosen Warriors prestige among the Rogue
Traders, for the duties that
● Krak Grenades ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Vigilance) required standing shoulder-
● Psyk-Out Grenades ● Fleet (1) to-shoulder with such
● Voidscale Cloak ● Stubborn ominous figures were often
● Artificer Armour ● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted) rumoured to be some of the
most important or critical to
● Precision Strikes (6+) the survival of the nascent
● Precision Shots (6+) Imperium, and so to be tasked
● Ex Oblivio to them was considered an
● Loyalist honour of sorts.
● Null-Soul
Among the Silent Sisterhood
themselves, no such feeling
Options: was present. Regarding their
● The Executor of the Black Fleet may exchange her Execution Blade for one of the assignments to the Traders
following options: Militant as an irritation and
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points a distraction, often many of
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points them would simply slog
- Proteus Neuro-Lash .......................................................................................................... +5 points through the time their forces
spent bound, desperate to be
● The Executor of the Black Fleet may exchange her Bolt Pistol for one of the following released from their shared
options: service to once again pursue
- Hand Flamer .............................................................................................................................. Free their highest calling in the
- Needle Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points hunting of the Mutant and
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points the Pskyer.
- Archaeotech Pistol ..........................................................................................................+10 points
Those Sisters given the task of
● The Executor of the Black Fleet may upgrade a single weapon she is equipped with to have representing their warhost in
the following Special Rule: the court of the Rogue Traders
- Master-Crafted.................................................................................................................+10 points were often noted to be
particularly powerful blanks;
ones who could both hide
their true nature as nulls to
assuage the horror inspired by
their presence, or otherwise go
in the opposite direction and
amplifying the effects of their
blank-souled nature to cause
discomfort or even outright
pain in those foolish or
unlucky enough to irritate

Envoy of the Asur 7 5 5 3 3 2 5 3 9 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Envoy of the Asur ● Infantry (Asuryani)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Tolerated with barely- ● Chainsword ● Guardian Retainers
suppressed contempt by some ● Shuriken Pistol ● Sworn to Serve
within the Traders Militant, ● Heavy Mesh Armour ● Chosen Warriors
but welcomed with open arms
and warm smiles by others, ● Forceshield ● Fleet (1)
the Envoys of the Asuryani ● Plasma Grenades
were representatives of the
great Aeldari Craftworlds,
tasked with ensuring that any
alliance between human and Options:
Eldar was at the least ● The Envoy of the Asur may replace their Shuriken Pistol with one of the following
beneficial to at least the Asur options:
and Traders Militant - if not - Shuriken Catapult .............................................................................................................+2 points
the wider Imperium. - Fusion Pistol....................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
Despite the obvious mistrust - Fusion Gun .......................................................................................................................+10 points
from some, or the doubts of - Ranger Long-Rifle............................................................................................................+10 points
falsehood in others, many
such alliances were witnessed ● The Envoy of the Asur may replace their Chainsword with one of the following options:
- for the list of allies available - Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
to the Asur grew thin during
the waning years of the Great ● The Envoy of the Asur may replace their Forceshield with:
Crusade, and many - Improved Forceshield .....................................................................................................+10 points
understood it would more
conducive to their continued ● The Envoy of the Asur may select:
survival to ally themselves - Haywire Grenades ...........................................................................................................+10 points
with the burgeoning

Unbeknownst to both sides of

these uneasy alliances, the
horrors of Horus’ war upon
the galaxy would soon reveal
the folly of such logic.

Faceless Delegate 8 5 5 3 3 2 6 3 9 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Faceless Delegate ● Infantry (Rillietann, Skirmish)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Holo-Suit ● Guardian Retainers Where the representatives of
● Flip Belt ● Sworn to Serve other groups, or even races in
● Shuriken Pistol ● Chosen Warriors the case of the Xenos, were
distinctive and varied, the
● Power Sword ● Fleet (2) Faceless Delegates of the
● Plasma Grenades ● Faceless Mask Saedathii were all alike in
every way. From the
colourations of their cloaks, to
their soft-spoken lilting voices,
Options: and especially the facelessly
● The Faceless Delegate may replace their Shuriken Pistol with one of the following options: blank masks they wore, no
- Neuro Disruptor ..............................................................................................................+10 points Delegate was ever distinctive
- Fusion Pistol..................................................................................................................... +15 points enough to pick apart, and it
was often whispered one
● The Faceless Delegate may replace their Close Combat Weapon with one of the following would change place with
options: another at random to try and
- Harlequin’s Kiss ................................................................................................................. +5 points unnerve or wrong-foot the
- Harlequin’s Embrace......................................................................................................... +5 points Rogue Traders who consorted
- Harlequin’s Caress...........................................................................................................+10 points with them. Despite these
- Harlequin’s Edge............................................................................................................. +20 points theatrics, the Faceless
Delegates were always fair
● The Faceless Delegate may select: and amicable, offering terms
- Haywire Grenades ...........................................................................................................+10 points that seemed generous to all
who heard them and
reasonable even to the
standards of the most
demanding negotiators -
though to what ends the
Harlequins were playing,
none could ever tell…

VOIDSMEN CADRE ........................................ 85 POINTS
Voidsman 6 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+
Voidmaster 6 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 9 Voidsmen ● Voidsman: Infantry (Line)
● 1 Voidmaster ● Voidmaster: Infantry (Character, Line)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Recruited from among the ● Lasgun ● Inexorable
ranks of the Solar Auxilia and ● Void Armour
other prestigious regiments of ● Frag Grenades
the Imperial Army - or
otherwise drawn from private ● Krak Grenades
militaries and protectorates -
the Voidsmen of the Traders
Militant were usually
employed in the role of
protecting the interests of the Dedicated Transport:
Rogue Trader and their ● A Voidsmen Cadre of no more than ten models may select a Land Raider Armoured
entourage. Well-armed and Carrier, Aurox Transport, or Arvus Transport as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated
equipped, the loyalty Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost
displayed by Voidsmen was must still be paid for as part of the army.
proof that such a thing could
be bought - for the right price. Options:
● A Voidsmen Cadre may include:
The best men and women - Up to 10 additional Voidsmen ..................................................................... +8 points per model
from among the Voidsmen
were often recruited into other ● For every five models in the unit, one Voidsman may replace their Lasgun with one of the
functions in the Trader following options:
Militant’s forces - whether to - Assault Needler .................................................................................................................. +5 points
pilot Grav-Attacks, - Rotor Cannon .................................................................................................................... +5 points
Carnodons, or transports, or - Volkite Caliver.................................................................................................................... +5 points
otherwise to join the ranks of - Multi-Laser (with Suspensor Web) ................................................................................. +5 points
the Savaris or Imperatrix; any - Hot-Shot Volley Gun (with Suspensor Web) ..............................................................+10 points
among them who showed skill - Lascutter ........................................................................................................................... +15 points
was surely rewarded, in an
effort not only to field the best ● Any model in the unit may replace their Lasgun with one of the following options:
possible forces, but to keep - Shotgun....................................................................................................................................... Free
their purchased loyalty firmly - Lasrifle......................................................................................................................................... Free
and truly in place. - Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points
- Hot-Shot Lasgun ............................................................................................................... +5 points

● The Voidmaster may take one of the following melee weapon options:
- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Chainfist........................................................................................................................... +20 points

● The Voidmaster may take one of the following ranged weapon options:
- Laspistol ................................................................................................................................+1 point
- Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● The unit may replace their Void Armour with:

- Heavy Void Armour........................................................................................+2 points per model

● The unit may select:

- Melta Bombs .................................................................................................................... +25 points

Imperatris 6 4 4 3 3 2 3 1 7 3+
Imperatris Bondmaster 6 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Imperatris ● Imperatris: Infantry (Heavy)
● 1 Imperatris Bondmaster ● Imperatris Bondmaster:
Infantry (Character, Heavy)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Lasrifle ● Stubborn Among those bondsmen who
● Heavy Void Armour ● Support Squad excelled in the art of ranged
● Frag Grenades ● Relentless combat, there was often the
chance for promotion to an
● Krak Grenades Imperatrix Cadre. On the
battlefield, the Imperatrix
were expected to provide
covering fire for their
employers should their deals
Dedicated Transport: go awry. A prospective
● An Imperatrix Bondsmen Cadre of no more than ten models may select a Land Raider Imperatris would be drilled in
Armoured Carrier, Aurox Transport, or Arvus Transport as a Dedicated Transport. As a the skills required for precision
Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its under pressure, as well as the
points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. methods and skills required to
maintain the weapons they
Options: were assigned.
● An Imperatrix Bondsmen Cadre may include:
- Up to 15 additional Imperatris.................................................................... +11 points per model Once their training was
complete, the Imperatris
● Any model in the unit may replace their Lasrifle with one of the following options: would be formally invested
- Shotgun....................................................................................................................................... Free into a corps, and equipped
- Hot-Shot Lasgun ...............................................................................................................+2 points with their choice from a
- Rotor Cannon ....................................................................................................................+2 points maddening array of man-
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points portable ranged equipment -
- Assault Needler .................................................................................................................. +5 points ranging from needle to volkite
- Multi-Laser ......................................................................................................................... +5 points weaponry, and including
- Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................................................... +5 points everything between.
- Volkite Caliver.................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Hot-Shot Volley Gun.......................................................................................................+10 points
- Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points
- Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Imperatris Bondmaster may take one of the following melee weapon options:
- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Chainfist........................................................................................................................... +20 points

● The Imperatris Bondmaster may take one of the following ranged weapon options:
- Laspistol ................................................................................................................................+1 point
- Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● The unit may select:

- Melta Bombs .................................................................................................................... +25 points

SAVARIS BONDSMEN CADRE ................... 60 POINTS
Savarite 6 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 7 4+
Savaris Bondmaster 6 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 8 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Savarites ● Savarite: Infantry
● 1 Savaris Bondmaster ● Savaris Bondsmaster:
Infantry (Character)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Where the Imperatrix ● Close Combat Weapon ● Stubborn
Bondsmen Cadres were ● Laspistol ● Support Squad
composed of those individuals ● Void Armour
raised from the Voidsmen who
excelled in ranged combat, the ● Frag Grenades
Savaris Cadres were instead ● Krak Grenades
entirely formed of those
Voidsmen who were most at
home in the swirling
maelstrom of bloody melee. Dedicated Transport:
● A Savaris Bondsmen Cadre of no more than ten models may select a Land Raider
In combat, the Savaris were Armoured Carrier, Aurox Transport, or Arvus Transport as a Dedicated Transport. As a
well known for savagery - Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its
contrasting the orderly rank points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
and file of the Imperatrix, or
the cautious masses of Options:
Voidsmen - and were often ● A Savaris Bondsmen Cadre may include:
witnessed charging into battle - Up to 15 additional Savarite ........................................................................ +11 points per model
with shouted obscenities and
chats; marking themselves as ● Any model in the unit may select the following option:
the veterans of a thousand - Shotgun...............................................................................................................................+2 points
wars, kept in fighting
condition by a mix of rejuvant ● Any model in the unit may replace their Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon with one
treatments and stimms. of the following options:
- Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Storm Axe .........................................................................................................................+10 points

● For every five models in the unit, one Savarite may replace their Laspistol or Close Combat
Weapon with one of the following options:
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Chainfist........................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Lascutter .......................................................................................................................... +20 points

● Any model in the unit may select:

- Boarding Shield (and the Heavy Sub-type)....................................................................+2 points

● The Savaris Bondmaster may take replace their Close Combat Weapon with one of the
following options:
- Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points

● The unit may replace their Void Armour with:

- Heavy Void Armour........................................................................................+2 points per model

● The unit may select:

- Melta Bombs .................................................................................................................... +25 points

ARVUS TRANSPORT ..................................... 60 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Arvus Transport 20 4 11 11 10 2 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Arvus Transport ● Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)

DEDICATED Wargear Special Rules

TRANSPORT ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubber ● Infantry Transport
The Arvus Lighter was a ● Smoke Launchers ● Deep Strike
common and mass-produced
transport that was within
reach and budget for almost
all branches of the Imperial
military - as well as for the
private armies of planetary
governors, Auxilia
commanders, and Rogue Access Points:
Traders. A venerable design ● An Arvus Transport has one Access Point at the rear.
that had been in use since
before the dawn of the Great Options:
Crusade, the Arvus was well ● The Arvus Transport may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubber for one of the
known for being easy to repair following options:
and refit, a quirk that ensured - Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ................................................................................. +5 points
it remained popular despite - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter.............................................................................+10 points
other more advanced models - Hull (Front) Mounted Autocannon..............................................................................+10 points
being introduced toward the - Hull (Front) Mounted Lascannon................................................................................. +15 points
Crusade’s end.
● An Arvus Transport may choose to give a single Ranged Weapon it is equipped with the
following Special Rule:
- Twin-Linked.....................................................................................................................+10 points

● The Arvus Transport may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Flare Shield ....................................................................................................................... +25 points

AUROX TRANSPORT .................................... 40 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Aurox Transport 15 4 11 11 10 3 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Aurox Transport ● Vehicle (Transport)

Wargear Special Rules DEDICATED

● Smoke Launchers ● Infantry Transport TRANSPORT
Comprising a robust, modular
chassis, and an armoured
crew compartment big
enough to seat twelve
passengers, the Aurox
Transport was a relatively
recent innovation, designed
and produced in bulk at the
Access Points: commencement of the
● An Aurox Transport has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front. Crusade to enable the massed
ranks of the Imperial Army to
Options: be transported without the
● The Aurox Transport may select one of the following options: comparatively high
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points expenditures required to
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ............................................................................................ +5 points produce the Rhino
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points Transporter chassis.

● The Aurox Transport may select any of the following options: These massive production
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points quantities inevitably resulted
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points in surplus vehicles, which were
left behind as the grinding
advance of the Great Crusade
pushed onward - and these
were eagerly taken up by
many, including the forces of
the Traders Militant, allowing
them a cheap and reliable
mode of traversing alien

ARMOURED CARRIER .............................. 200 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Land Raider Armoured Carrier 12 4 14 14 14 5 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Land Raider Armoured ● Vehicle (Transport, Reinforced)

DEDICATED Wargear Special Rules

TRANSPORT ● Two Sponson Mounted ● Power of the Machine Spirit
Only the most fantastically Gravis Heavy Bolter Batteries ● Assault Vehicle
wealthy Rogue Traders could ● Hull (Front) Mounted
afford the statement of Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
absolute authority that was a
Land Raider Armoured ● Smoke Launchers
Carrier - the immense size
and complexity in
constructing them ensuring
they commanded a high price Access Points:
from any Magos willing to ● A Land Raider Armoured Carrier has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at
entertain the concept of the front.
selling one to the Trader
Militant in the first place. Yet, Options:
despite the prohibitive cost ● The Land Raider Armoured Carrier may exchange its Two Sponson Mounted Gravis
involved, some Rogue Traders Heavy Bolter Batteries for one of the following options:
owned not one of these - Two Sponson Mounted Flamestorm Cannons ............................................................ +5 points
powerful vehicles but several, - Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Dual-Culverins ........................................................+10 points
using them to ensure that any - Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Melta Cannons ......................................................... +15 points
who took to the field at their - Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannons .............................................................. +20 points
command was properly
protected in order to allow ● The Land Raider Armoured Carrier may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked
them to properly fulfil their Heavy Bolter for one of the following options:
duties. - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer ............................................................. Free
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon......................................................... +15 points
Thanks to their high cost, - Explorator Augury Web................................................................................................. +40 points
however, it was common for
the Land Raiders so ● The Land Raider Armoured Carrier may select one of the following options:
purchased to be customised - Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
further to ensure their - Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ............................................................................................ +5 points
purchase could properly - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
defend itself; various
configurations proved popular ● The Land Raider Armoured Carrier may select any of the following options:
over the years of the Great - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
Crusade, with the ever- - Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
common Lascannon and
Heavy Bolter combination
oft-seen - though everything
from Melta to Volkite
loadouts were recorded as
having been witnessed in

Fast Attack
GRAV-SPEEDER SQUADRON ......................50 POINTS
Grav-Speeder 16 4 4 3 5 3 3 1 7 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Grav-Speeder ● Cavalry (Antigrav)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

The Grav-Attack was a finicky ● Void Armour ● Deep Strike
and awkward piece of ● Arkadia Pattern Grav-Attack ● Relentless
equipment that proved ● Laspistol ● Firing Protocols (3)
annoyingly difficult for many
to master, in spite of its ● Close Combat Weapon ● Outflank
incredible top speed and ● Hit & Run
ability to bear a pilot to ● Heralds of the Advance
unusually high altitudes for ● Skilled Rider
an anti-grav vehicle. In being
unable to support the weight
of a fully-armoured Astartes, Options:
it also never found favour ● A Grav-Speeder Squadron may include:
amongst the Legiones - and - Up to 5 additional Grav-Speeders ............................................................. +50 points per model
this lack of favour would have
led to its extinction, if it were ● Any model may replace either or both of their Arkadia Pattern Grav-Attack’s Heavy Bolters
not for the diligent work of with one of the following options:
the Forge World of Arkadia, - Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................................................. Free
alongside the Traders - Multi-Laser ................................................................................................................................. Free
Militant. - Havoc Launcher ................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Plasma Cannon................................................................................................................+10 points
Refining the chassis to include - Volkite Culverin...............................................................................................................+10 points
stabilisation fins, and to use - Graviton Gun ...................................................................................................................+10 points
the weight of multiple items - Autocannon......................................................................................................................+10 points
of heavy armament to - Needle Cannon ................................................................................................................ +15 points
balance the grav-attack itself, - Multi-Melta ..................................................................................................................... +20 points
allowed the craft to finally see
active use - although solely ● Any model may take up to two of the following option:
within the purview of the - One Hunter-Killer Missile ............................................................................................... +5 points
Rogue Trader’s forces

Heavy Support
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Carnodon-Severax 15 4 12 11 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Carnodon-Severax ● Vehicle

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

The Carnodon was being ● Turret Mounted ● Severax Talon
largely put aside within the Gravis Multi-Laser ● Scout
Imperium toward the end of ● Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers
the Great Crusade, finding
itself replaced by the Leman ● Smoke Launchers
Russ for a variety of reasons
in many forces. One place
where the Carnodon was not
just maintained, but
preferred, however, was the Options:
forces of the Traders Militant ● A Carnodon Severax Squadron may include:
- where the increased speed - Up to 5 additional Carnodon-Severax.......................................................+85 points per model
and manoeuvrability of the
chassis had earned it the ● Any model in the Squadron may exchange their Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser for
favour of all who crewed one of the following options:
them. - Turret Mounted Volkite Culverin........................................................................................... Free
- Turret Mounted Gravis Autocannon ...........................................................................+10 points
Used in formations known as - Turret Mounted Gravis Lascannon ............................................................................. +20 points
‘Severax’, these Carnodon
squadrons would separate ● Any model in the Squadron may exchange their Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers for
after rolling from their one of the following options:
landers, peeling off into - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers................................................................................. Free
distinct groups to encircle and - Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Calivers ............................................................................... Free
harass the enemy to allow the - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters .................................................................................. Free
lighter elements of the Rogue - Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons ........................................................................... +5 points
Trader’s forces to advance - Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons............................................................................ +15 points
under their enfilading
crossfire. ● Any model in the Squadron may select one of the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points

● Any model in the Squadron may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

Legio Custodes
Throughout the whole of the Unification Wars and most of the early Great Crusade, the forces of the Legio Custodes were not widespread nor commonly seen
among the nascent Imperium. Tasked solely with protecting the Emperor and enacting His will, they were only found en-mass when their ranks surrounded
their ward. While smaller sodalities and even individual warriors were often tasked with highly specific missions such as watching over the Primarchs, the
onset of the Heresy proved the folly of this method of deployment. As the fires of war engulfed the galaxy once more, the peerless warriors of the Legio Custodes
assembled into their mighty Shield-Hosts to deny Horus’ ascendancy once and for all.

Each Chamber of the Golden Host represents a different philosophy of waging war embodied by the Legio Custodes, and is chosen when a player
selects their army - before the start of a battle. The rules for each individual Chamber will present a number of Effects which will grant the
Detachment new options or special rules, as well as a number of Limitations which will deny the Detachment access to certain options or rules it
might otherwise have been able to make use of. Unless otherwise stated as part of the Chamber’s rules, all Effects and Limitations must be applied to
models and units that are selected as part of the Detachment that it has been chosen for.


A Primary Detachment that has the Legio Custodes Sub-faction may use a Chamber of the Golden Host. These Chambers of the Golden Host may
not be used by Optional or Allied Detachments of any kind.


The Hykanatoi made up the bulk of the Legio Custodes, heavy infantry clad in Auramite armour that effortlessly crushed all resistance against them. Most
were armed with the iconic Guardian Spear and Misericordia, though this chamber also held the defensive specialists of the Sentinel Guard and the Emperor’s
three-hundred Companions, the Hetaeron Guard. Taken together, the Hykanatoi represented the absolute authority of the Emperor’s will.

● Custodian Host-Masters are a 0-2 selection option in a Detachment using this Chamber, instead of a 0-1 selection as normal.
● Custodian Guard Squads, Sentinel Guard Squads, and Hetaeron Guard Squads selected as part of a Detachment using this Chamber gain the
Counter-Attack (1) and Crusader Special Rules while holding or contesting an Objective Marker. If the mission being used does not use Objective
Markers, then this benefit has no effect.

● If, at the start of your player turn, you control less Objective Markers than your opponent, then friendly models with the Legio Custodes Special
Rule selected as part of a Detachment using this Chamber may only claim the benefits of the Nemesis Special Rule against enemy units that are
Controlling or Contesting an Objective Marker until the start of your next player turn. If the mission being used does not use Objective Markers,
then this restriction has no effect.
● A Detachment using this Chamber must include at least one Custodian Host-Master.
● A detachment using this Chamber may not include more units with the Vehicle and Dreadnought Unit Type than units without the Vehicle or
Dreadnought Unit Type.


The Tharanatoi were the elite shock troops of the Legio Custodes, especially skilled in siege warfare and boarding operations. Befitting this role, the
Tharanatoi were almost universally clad in the nigh-invulnerable Allarus and Aquilon patterns of Terminator Armour. Without fear, hesitation, or mercy, the
Tharanatoi exemplified the unbridled strength of the Emperor’s wrath.

● A Detachment using this Chamber may select Aquilon Terminator Squads and Allarus Terminator Squads as Troops choices.
● Allarus Terminator Squads and Aquilon Terminator Squads selected as Compulsory Troops and composed of no more than 5 models can purchase
the Deep Strike special rule for +20 points per model.
● Allarii Shield Captains and Aquilus Shield Captains included in a Detachment using this Chamber may purchase the Deep Strike special rule for
+30 points each.
● If the army’s Warlord is drawn from a Detachment using this Chamber, then they must use the Wrath of the Tharanatoi Warlord Trait instead of
the Golden Exemplar Warlord Trait, and are unable to select any other Warlord Trait.

● Wrath of the Tharanatoi
All Melee Attacks made by a model with this Warlord Trait gain the Concussive (1) and Wrecker Special Rules.

Furthermore, the first Reaction made in each Game Turn by this Warlord and any unit he has joined does not use up a point of the Controlling
Player’s Reaction Allotment.

● A Detachment using this chamber must select a Custodian Alarii Shield Captain or a Custodian Aquilus Shield Captain as its compulsory HQ.
● A Detachment using this chamber must select either Allarus Terminator Squads and/or Aquilon Terminator Squads as its Compulsory Troops
choices. Each Compulsory Troops choice selected in a Detachment using this Chamber is worth an additional +1 Victory Point when destroyed by
an Opposing Player.
● A Detachment using this Chamber may not select any models with the Cavalry unit type.
● A Detachment using this Chamber may only select a single Fast Attack choice.

Composed of the fast attack and reconnaissance units of the Legio Custodes, the Kataphraktoi were the premier rapid-response and first strike forces of all the
Imperium. Mounted atop Agamatus and Dawneagle jetbikes, or else strapped into the grav-powered Venetari jump harness, Custodians of this Chamber were
the Emperor’s heavy cavalry and swift hunting eagles, ensuring none remained beyond His reach.

● A Detachment using this Chamber may select Custodian Venatari Squads as Troops choices, and all Custodian Venetari Squads selected as Troops
choices gain the Line Unit Sub-type.
● A Detachment using this Chamber may select Agamatus Jetbike Squadrons and Dawneagle Jetbike Squadrons as non-compulsory Troops choices.
● If the army’s warlord is drawn from a detachment using this Chamber, then they must use the Kataphraktoi Charger Warlord Trait instead of the
Golden Exemplar Warlord Trait, and are unable to select any other Warlord Trait.

Warlord: Kataphraktoi Charger

A model with this Warlord Trait, and all models in a unit that he has joined, gain the Hammer of Wrath (1) Special Rule, or otherwise increase the
value of their Hammer of Wrath (X) Special Rule by +1 if they already have it. All hits inflicted by any variant of the Hammer of Wrath (X) Special Rule
caused by the Warlord and all models in a unit he has joined gain the Breaching (6+) Special Rule.

Furthermore, the first Reaction made in each Game Turn by this Warlord and any unit he has joined does not use up a point of the Controlling
Player’s Reaction Allotment.

● A Detachment using this chamber must select a Custodian Vertoi Shield Captain, Custodian Agamatii Shield Captain, or a Custodian Venataris
Shield Captain as its compulsory HQ.
● A Detachment using this Chamber may not include any models equipped with Aquilon Terminator Armour or Allarus Terminator Armour.
● A Detachment using this chamber may not select any Heavy Support choices that do not have the Antigrav Unit Sub-type.
● A Detachment using this chamber may not select any Dedicated Transports that do not have the Antigrav Unit Sub-type.


The smallest of all the Chambers, the Moritoi were the honoured dead of the Legio Custodes, those few warriors who fell in battle and were interred in a
dreadnought sarcophagus. When the situation demanded, whole formations of these venerable warriors were awakened and sent unto the fires of war that the
galaxy might tremble at the coming of the Emperor’s fury.

● Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnoughts and Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnoughts may be taken as Troops choices in a Detachment using this
● Sagittarum Guard Squads may be taken as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Chamber. All Sagittarum Guard Squads in a Detachment
using this Chamber gain the Line Unit Sub-type.
● A single Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought or Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought may be selected as this Detachment’s Compulsory HQ choice.
If this option is chosen, then that model must be upgraded to an Honoured Ancient at a cost of +30 points, and additionally this model must be
the army’s Warlord. The model must select the Ancient of War Warlord Trait, and is unable to select any other Warlord Trait.


A model upgraded to be an Honoured Ancient is equipped with an Iron Halo and gains the Eternal Warrior Special Rule.

Warlord: Ancient of War

All models with the Dreadnought Unit Type in a Detachment including a model with this Warlord Trait gain the It Will Not Die (5+) Special Rule.

Furthermore, the first Reaction made in each Game Turn by this Warlord and any unit he has joined does not use up a point of the Controlling
Player’s Reaction Allotment.

● Compulsory Troops Choices in a Detachment using this Chamber must be composed of either Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnoughts or
Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnoughts in any combination.
● Any model with the Dreadnought Unit Type selected in a Detachment using this Chamber is worth an additional +1 Victory Point when destroyed
by an Opposing Player.
● A Detachment using this Chamber may not select more Fast Attack and Heavy Support choices combined than Troops choices.
● A Detachment using this Chamber can never roll to Seize the Initiative.
● An army whose primary Detachment uses this Chamber cannot select Fortification choices or a Lord of War Optional Detachment.

Among the Legio Custodes, many distinctive and recognisable differences in how different Shield-Hosts waged war existed, even before the outbreak of the
Horus Heresy. These Shield-Hosts would often take immense pride in their unique methods of war; seeing their prowess and traditions as their own personal
dedication to the Emperor made manifest. Foremost in the Legio Custodes in shaping and maintaining these traditions were the Host-Masters, and when an
army of Custodians sallied forth in His name, they often included these representatives of a Shield-Host.

A model with the Master of the Shield Hosts Special Rule is required to select a single Shield-Host upgrade. However, no model may take more than
one such upgrade, and no model in your army may select the same Shield-Host upgrade option as another. Each Shield-Host upgrade must be paid
for at a cost in points, indicated as part of the army list entry for the unit. Shield-Host upgrades may provide Special Rules, Wargear, Unit Sub-types,
or other effects; these are noted in their description, along with any other benefits or restrictions. In all cases, the Shield-Host’s description will
indicate all changes, benefits and restrictions.

Among the Legio Custodes, there were some who were charged not with defending the Emperor, but instead those deemed vitally important by either His
unknowable will, or that of Malcador’s design. The Aquilan Shield undertook these protective duties with stoic determination, their protection often as
unexpected as it was unwavering.

Special Rules
A model with the Aquilan Shield Shield-Host gains the Auric Guardians and For the Future of All Mankind Special Rules.

A model with the Aquilan Shield Shield-Host is equipped with a Praesidium Shield, at no additional points cost.

Auric Guardians
Whilst a unit containing at least one model with this Special Rule is within 3” of a friendly model with the Infantry Unit Type and the Independent
Character Special Rule, and without the Legio Custodes Special Rule, whenever a Wound is allocated to that model (even those caused by the
Precision Strikes (X), Precision Shots (X), or Sniper Special Rules), it must instead be allocated to a model from this unit instead as long as they would
otherwise have been a valid target.

For the Future of All Mankind

A model with the Aquilan Shield Shield-Host may only be selected in an army that includes an Allied Detachment. If a model with this Shield-Host is
selected as part of an Allied Detachment, the model loses the Support Squad Special Rule.

Masters of the lightning assault, shock and awe strikes, and overwhelming power, the Dread Host took sole responsibility for delivering the hammer-blow of
the Emperor’s will upon those who dared to defy Him. Striking out across the galaxy from their three immense vessels, the Moiraides, there were none who
could stand against their might.

Special Rules
A model with the Dread Host Shield-Host gains the Moiraides Strike Special Rule.

A model with the Dread Host Shield-Host is equipped with a Tenebris Praetoria, at no additional points cost.

Moiraides Strike
A model with this Special Rule, and any unit they join during Deployment, gains the Deep Strike and Crusader Special Rules, and must be assigned to
a Deep Strike Assault.

Only the custodians of truly singular will, even among their exemplary order, were recruited to the ranks of the Shadow Keepers; tasked to maintain and
protect the vaults and cells in the darkness beneath the Imperial Palace. To aid them in this duty, the Shadow Keepers kept technologies that brought low their
foes, either living or dead - though many of their enemies would sooner die than be taken alive...

Special Rules
A model with the Shadow Keepers Shield-Host gains the Walkers in Shadow, Vaults of Rython, and Preferred Enemy (Characters) Special Rule.

A model with the Shadow Keepers Shield-Host is equipped with a Tempest Spear and Auric Shackles, at no additional points cost.

Walkers in Shadow
An army containing a model with this Special Rule may not include an Allied Detachment. In addition, a model with this Special Rule may not be
included in an Allied Detachment.

Vaults of Rython
A model with this Special Rule may select a Custodian Guard Squad as a Retinue. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’ and
the model with the Master of the Shield-Hosts Special Rule is referred to as the Retinue Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this Special Rule. The
Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. The Retinue
Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue
Squad during play.

A Custodian Guard Squad selected in this manner must exchange their Guardian Spears for Tempest Spears, at a cost of +10 points per model.

The white-armoured castellans of the Solar Watch held their sacred duty to monitor the Sol system as a singular honour. Tasked as the first line of defence
against incursion, theirs were the huge motor pools and repositories of craft with which to bring their forces to bear against any foolish enough to assail the
birthplace of humanity itself.

Special Rules
A model with the Solar Watch Shield-Host gains the Shining Fleet and Taloned Onslaught Special Rules.

Shining Fleet
A Detachment that includes a model with this Special Rule must have more of the units within it with the Infantry Unit Type start the game
embarked in a Transport than units which do not. Note that for the purposes of this Special Rule, models with the Independent Character Special
Rule are not counted.

Taloned Onslaught
A model with this Special Rule, and any unit they have joined, gain the Pathfinder, Move Through Cover, and Fleet (1) Special Rules, for as long as the
model with the Taloned Onslaught Special Rule is part of that unit.

The heralds of the Emissaries Imperatus proclaimed the coming of the Emperor in all things - for theirs was the task to relay His orders, to know His design,
and to enact His desires. To this end, the Vexillum the Emissaries carried into battle would fill the hearts of those loyal to the vision of an Imperium unified
under His will with hope that such could still be achieved - even in the darkest days of the siege.

Special Rules
A model with the Emissaries Imperatus Shield-Host gains the Fearless Special Rule.

A model with the Emissaries Imperatus Shield-Host is equipped with a Vexillum Imperatus, at no additional points cost.

Host-Master 8 6 5 5 5 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Host-Master ● Infantry (Character, Skirmish)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Among the Legio Custodes, ● Guardian Spear ● Legio Custodes
there were many bonds that ● Misericord ● Independent Character
linked the warrior-paragons ● Auric Battleplate ● Bulky (3)
to each other. One such set of
bonds were the Shield Hosts; ● Frag Grenades ● Relentless
gatherings of those most alike ● Melta Bombs ● Stubborn
in their methods of waging ● Loyalist
war, grouped into a war- ● Support Squad
formation by their common
purpose. Lead by Host- ● Master of the Shield Hosts
Masters, those Custodians
who bore responsibility for Options:
preserving the customs, rites, ● The Host-Master may select any of the following options:
and deeds of the Host, the - Praesidium Shield...................................................................................................................... Free
Shield-Hosts were new at the - Archaeotech Pistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
dawn of the Heresy - but none
among the Legio Custodes or ● The Host-Master may replace his Guardian Spear with one of the following options:
otherwise could dispute their - Sentinel Warblade ..................................................................................................................... Free
effectiveness. - Guardian Axe.............................................................................................................................. Free
- Paragon Blade ............................................................................................................................ Free
- Paragon Glaive .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Solarite Power Talon.......................................................................................................+10 points
- Adrasite Spear ..................................................................................................................+10 points
- Pyrithite Spear ................................................................................................................. +15 points
- Two Solarite Power Talons ............................................................................................ +15 points
- Solarite Power Gauntlet ................................................................................................. +25 points
- Meridian Swords..............................................................................................................+30 points

Shield-Hosts of the Legio Custodes

A model with the Master of the Shield-Hosts Special Rule is required to select a single Shield-Host
upgrade. However, no model may take more than one such upgrade, and no model in your army
may select the same Shield-Host upgrade option as another. The various Shield-Hosts upgrades are
listed here, but full rules for them can be found in the Shield-Hosts of the Legio Custodes
elsewhere in this document:
● Aquilan Shield ....................................................... +30 points
● Dread Host............................................................. +40 points
● Shadow Keepers .................................................... +30 points
● Solar Watch............................................................ +15 points
● Emissaries Imperatus ........................................... +25 points

Agamatii Shield Captain 16 6 5 5 5 3 5 3 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Agamatii Shield Captain ● Cavalry (Character, Antigrav, Skirmish)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Solarite Power Lance ● Legio Custodes Some Shield Captains of the
● Misericordia ● Independent Character Kataphractoi were akin to the
● Melta Bombs ● Relentless great eagles of the past ages of
Terra, known to favour the
● Auric Battleplate ● Stubborn thrill of the hunt; the raw joy
● Custodes Gyrfalcon Jetbike ● Firing Protocols (2) in feeling their spear puncture
● Skilled Rider their prey unleashing within
● Hammer of Wrath (1) them a primal, vicious
excitement at bringing down
● Deep Strike their quarry. To this end,
● Outflank those who took up the long
● Loyalist haft of a Solarite Power Lance
and the helm of a Gyrfalcon
Jetbike became known as
Options: Agamatii - the Leader of the
● The Agamatii Shield Captain may select the following option: Agamatus squadrons, and the
- Archaeotech Pistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points premier sky-borne predators
of the Legio Custodes.
● The Agamatii Shield Captain may replace his Solarite Power Lance with one of the
following options:
- Sentinel Warblade ..................................................................................................................... Free
- Guardian Axe.............................................................................................................................. Free
- Paragon Blade ............................................................................................................................ Free
- Paragon Glaive ................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Solarite Power Talon......................................................................................................... +5 points
- Adrasite Spear .................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Pyrithite Spear .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Solarite Power Gauntlet ................................................................................................. +15 points

● The Agamatii Shield Captain may replace his Custodes Gyrfalcon Jetbike’s Two Lastrum
Bolt Cannon with one of the following options:
- Adrathic Devastator ........................................................................................................ +15 points
- Twin-Linked Corvae Las-Pulser.................................................................................... +35 points

VERTOII SHIELD CAPTAIN ...................... 235 POINTS
Vertoii Shield Captain 14 6 5 5 5 3 5 3 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Vertoii Shield Captain ● Cavalry (Character, Antigrav, Skirmish)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Whilst many Custodes Shield ● Interceptor Lance ● Legio Custodes
Captains excelled at leading ● Misericordia ● Independent Character
charges on foot or otherwise ● Melta Bombs ● Relentless
directing the flow of battle
from the swirling maelstrom ● Auric Battleplate ● Stubborn
of combat, a small few ● Custodes Dawneagle Jetbike ● Firing Protocols (2)
preferred the harrying and ● Skilled Rider
flanking manoeuvres afforded ● Hammer of Wrath (1)
by the power of a Jetbike.
Those who excelled at ● Deep Strike
directing war from their ● Outflank
steeds, and were proficient ● Loyalist
enough to bring low the
enemy’s elite formations in
the doing so, were monikered Options:
the ‘Vertus Praetorians’ - ● The Vertoii Shield Captain may select the following option:
though upon those Shield - Archaeotech Pistol ............................................................................................................ +5 points
Captains who accepted such a
duty, the name ‘Vertoii’ was ● The Vertoii Shield Captain may replace his Interceptor Lance with one of the following
commonly added to their rote options:
of names as they enacted their - Sentinel Warblade ..................................................................................................................... Free
deeds. - Guardian Axe.............................................................................................................................. Free
- Paragon Blade ............................................................................................................................ Free
- Paragon Glaive ................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Solarite Power Talon......................................................................................................... +5 points
- Adrasite Spear .................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Pyrithite Spear .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Solarite Power Gauntlet ................................................................................................. +15 points

● The Vertoii Shield Captain may replace his Custodes Dawneagle Jetbike’s Two Lastrum
Storm Bolters with one of the following options:
- Twin-Linked Adrathic Devastator ................................................................................+10 points
- Salvo Launcher ............................................................................................................... +20 points

ALLARII SHIELD CAPTAIN ....................... 235 POINTS
Allarii Shield Captain 8 6 5 5 5 3 5 5 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Allarii Shield Captain ● Infantry (Character, Skirmish)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Balistus Grenade Launcher ● Legio Custodes A relatively new invention
● Guardian Spear ● Bulky (3) before the dawning of the
● Melta Bombs ● Firing Protocols (2) Heresy, Allarus Terminator
Armour nevertheless had both
● Frag Grenades ● Independent Character its detractors and its
● Misericordia ● Slayer of Kings proponents among the Legio
● Allarus Terminator Armour ● Relentless Custodes. Some praised its
● Stubborn retained speed and dexterity
despite the improved
● Loyalist protection it offered a wearer,
whilst some scorned it as
Options: lesser than the mighty
● The Allarii Shield Captain may replace his Guardian Spear with one of the following Aquilon suits. Despite this,
options: Allarus Armour was seen in
- Sentinel Warblade ..................................................................................................................... Free greater numbers by the days
- Guardian Axe.............................................................................................................................. Free of the siege, its inbuilt
- Paragon Blade ............................................................................................................................ Free targeting systems allowing the
- Paragon Glaive .................................................................................................................+10 points Custodians who wore it to
- Solarite Power Talon.......................................................................................................+10 points engage in acts of headhunting
- Adrasite Spear ..................................................................................................................+10 points to attempt to blunt the traitor
- Pyrithite Spear ................................................................................................................. +15 points offensives.
- Solarite Power Gauntlet .................................................................................................+30 points
- Meridian Swords..............................................................................................................+30 points Following such successes,
none among the ranks of the
● The Allarii Shield Captain may replace his Guardian Spear and Balistus Grenade Launcher Custodians could doubt the
with the following option:
armour’s effectiveness when
- Two Solarite Power Talons ............................................................................................ +15 points
worn by a skilled leader - and
● The Allarii Shield Captain may replace his Balistus Grenade Launcher with one of the the results it offered in defence
following options: of the scions of the Emperor
- Praesidium Shield...................................................................................................................... Free were beyond doubt.
- Lastrum Storm Bolter............................................................................................................... Free
- Adrathic Destructor ........................................................................................................+10 points
- Solarite Power Talon.......................................................................................................+10 points

AQUILUS SHIELD CAPTAIN.................... 250 POINTS
Aquilus Shield Captain 7 6 5 5 5 4 5 5 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Aquilus Shield Captain ● Infantry (Character, Skirmish, Heavy)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

A rare breed among the Legio ● Lastrum Storm Bolter ● Legio Custodes
Custodes, those Shield ● Solarite Power Gauntlet ● Independent Character
Captains regarded as Aquilius ● Aquilon Terminator Armour ● Bulky (4)
were content to move at a far
slower pace than that of their ● Melta Bombs ● Relentless
brethren. Not for them the ● Frag Grenades ● Stubborn
lightning assault, but instead ● Misericordia ● Loyalist
the ponderous and slow grind
of Aquilon Terminator
Armour, and the grim finality Options:
that came with the pounding ● The Aquilus Shield Captain may replace his Solarite Power Gauntlet with one of the
footfalls of armoured suits following options:
that out-weighed some battle - Sentinel Warblade ..................................................................................................................... Free
tanks. - Guardian Axe.............................................................................................................................. Free
- Paragon Blade ............................................................................................................................ Free
Making use of this weighty, - Paragon Glaive ........................................................................................................................... Free
somewhat unwieldy, - Solarite Power Talon................................................................................................................. Free
advantage was a skill few - Adrasite Spear ............................................................................................................................ Free
among the Custodians could - Pyrithite Spear ........................................................................................................................... Free
master; yet those of the
Tharanatoi who did so would ● The Aquilus Shield Captain may replace his Lastrum Storm Bolter and Solarite Power
go to war clad in armoured Gauntlet with the following options:
- Two Solarite Power Talons ...................................................................................................... Free
plate that rendered their
- Meridian Swords.............................................................................................................. +15 points
forms as golden statues of
● The Aquilus Shield Captain may replace his Lastrum Storm Bolter with one of the
following options:
- Solarite Power Talon................................................................................................................. Free
- Twin-Linked Adrathic Destructor ................................................................................+10 points
- Infernus Firepike .............................................................................................................+10 points

Venataris Shield Captain 8 6 5 5 5 3 5 5 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Venataris Shield Captain ● Infantry (Character, Skirmish)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Kinetic Destroyer ● Legio Custodes For some Shield Captains,
● Tarsus Buckler ● Independent Character time spent among their
● Venatari Jump Harness ● Bulky (4) charges could often result in
idiosyncrasies in fighting style
● Misericordia ● Relentless despite the singular way in
● Melta Bombs ● Stubborn which they were normally
● Frag Grenades ● Loyalist witnessed to make war. In
● Auric Battleplate ● Deep Strike these instances, some would
opt to take up the wargear in
● Firing Protocols (2) which they felt best suited
their preferences; and so it
Options: could sometimes be witnessed
● The Venataris Shield Captain may select the following option, in addition to his normal that a Shield Captain
wargear: descended from on high, like
- Kinetic Destroyer ............................................................................................................+10 points some golden-armoured vision
of an angel from old Terran
● The Venataris Shield Captain may replace his Tarsus Buckler with one of the following myth.
- Sentinel Warblade ..................................................................................................................... Free
- Guardian Axe.............................................................................................................................. Free
- Paragon Blade ............................................................................................................................ Free
- Paragon Glaive .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Solarite Power Talon.......................................................................................................+10 points
- Adrasite Spear ..................................................................................................................+10 points
- Pyrithite Spear ................................................................................................................. +15 points
- Solarite Power Gauntlet .................................................................................................+30 points

● The Venataris Shield Captain may replace his Tarsus Buckler and Kinetic Destroyer with
one of the following options:
- Venatarii Lance ................................................................................................................+10 points
- Two Solarite Power Talons ............................................................................................ +15 points
- Meridian Swords..............................................................................................................+30 points

Allarus Terminator 8 5 5 5 5 3 5 3 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 3 Allarus Terminators ● Infantry (Skirmish)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Where the mighty Aquilon ● Balistus Grenade Launcher ● Legio Custodes
pattern Terminator Armour ● Guardian Spear ● Bulky (3)
was an evolution of the ● Melta Bombs ● Firing Protocols (2)
Cataphractii armour used by
the Legiones Astartes, the ● Frag Grenades ● Slayer of Kings
Allarus pattern was a ● Misericordia ● Chosen Warriors
furthering of the Tartaros ● Allarus Terminator Armour ● Relentless
pattern, and nowhere was this ● Stubborn
more evident than in the
manoeuvrability it granted its ● Loyalist
Custodian charges.
Dedicated Transport:
In this extra mobility came a ● An Allarus Terminator squad of no more than three models may select a Custodes Land
unique duty and usage for Raider as a Dedicated Transport. An Allarus Terminator squad of no more than four
those Custodians who took up models may select a Coronus Grav-Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. An Allarus
its use; the ordained duty as Terminator squad of no more than seven models may select a Custodes Spartan Assault
the hunters of men, the slayers Tank as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an
of kings; the killers of the additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the
Emperor Himself, beholden to army.
His needs alone to remove a
foe’s command structure to Options:
allow their golden-armoured ● An Allarus Terminator Squad may include:
brothers to bring low the - Up to 7 additional Allarus Terminators ................................................... +80 points per model
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Guardian Spear with one of the following
- Guardian Axe.............................................................................................................................. Free
- Adrasite Spear ..................................................................................................................+10 points
- Pytherite Spear................................................................................................................. +15 points

● One model in the unit may exchange their Guardian Spear with one of the following
- Magisterium Vexilla & Master-Crafted Power Weapon ............................................ +15 points
- Magisterium Vexilla & Paragon Blade .......................................................................... +25 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Balistus Grenade Launcher for one of the
following options:
- Lastrum Storm Bolter............................................................................................................... Free
- Adrathic Destructor ........................................................................................................+10 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Guardian Spear and Balistus Grenade Launcher
for the following option:
- Two Solarite Power Talons ............................................................................................ +15 points

DREADNOUGHT TALON .......................... 235 POINTS
Contemptor-Moritiax Dreadnought 8 6 5 8 7 6 4 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Contemptor-Moritiax ● Dreadnought

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Gravis Power Fist with ● Legio Custodes As the horrors of Horus’
in-built Lastrum Storm Bolter ● Loyalist betrayal and the scale of the
● Gravis Melta Cannon ● Auramite Talon destruction he unleashed were
revealed upon the galaxy, not
● Atomantic Deflector even the peerless warriors of
the Legio Custodes could hope
to avoid the spiralling cost of
lives. To this end, as ever more
Custodes fell in battle, the
Options: Chamber of the Honoured
● An Contemptor-Moritiax Dreadnought Talon may include: Dead Who Walked, the
- Up to 1 additional Contemptor-Moritiax Dreadnought ...................... +235 points per model Moritoi, proffered an answer;
and so, upon the battlefields
● Any Contemptor-Moritiax Dreadnought in the unit may replace its Gravis Melta Cannon of sunless realms, across dead
and/or Gravis Power Fist with in-built Lastrum Storm Bolter with one of the following moons, and even on the
options: surface of Terra itself, did
- Twin Lastrum Bolt Cannon..................................................................................................... Free Contemptor Dreadnoughts
- Gravis Power Fist with in-built Lastrum Storm Bolter ....................................................... Free retrofitted with advanced
- Gravis Chainfist with in-built Lastrum Storm Bolter................................................+10 points technology held only by the
- Gravis Plasma Cannon....................................................................................................+10 points Emperor and His most trusted
- Kheres Assault Cannon ..................................................................................................+10 points allies walk.
- Volkite Dual-Culverin.....................................................................................................+10 points
- Gravis Lascannon ........................................................................................................... +20 points
- Adrathic Decimator ....................................................................................................... +20 points

● Any Contemptor-Moritiax Dreadnought in the unit may replace a in-built Lastrum Storm
Bolter on either a Gravis Power Fist or Gravis Chainfist with one of the following options:
- Infernus Incinerator.......................................................................................................... +5 points
- Twin-Linked Adrathic Destructor ................................................................................ +15 points
- Proteus Plasma Projector ............................................................................................... +15 points

● Any Contemptor-Moritiax Dreadnought in the unit may take one of the following options:
- Helical Targeting Array ..................................................................................................+10 points
- Havoc Launcher ..............................................................................................................+10 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● Any model in the unit may exchange their Paragon Blade for the following option:
- Paragon Glaive .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points

● As long as no other model in the unit is equipped with a Magisterium Vexilla, one Hetaeron Guard in the unit may exchange his
Paragon Blade for one of the following options:
- Magisterium Vexilla & Paragon Blade ....................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● One Custodian in the unit may exchange his Guardian spear for one of the following options:
- Magisterium Vexilla & Paragon Blade ........................................................................................................................................................+25 points

Fast Attack
Dawneagle 14 5 5 5 5 3 5 2 9 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 3 Dawneagles ● Cavalry (Antigrav, Skirmish)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

If the Custodians who rode ● Interceptor Lance ● Legio Custodes
the Agamatus Jetbikes into ● Misericordia ● Chosen Warriors
battle were the mighty ● Melta Bombs ● Relentless
lancer’s charge, the ones who
rode the Dawneagle jetbikes ● Auric Demi-Plate ● Stubborn
were the scouts, aimed to ● Custodes Dawneagle Jetbike ● Firing Protocols (2)
harry and punish the foe from ● Skilled Rider
an unexpected quarter. Slower ● Hammer of Wrath (1)
than the Agamatus, the
Dawneagles relied upon ● Deep Strike
manoeuvrability and the ● Outflank
power of their mounts to do ● Loyalist
damage - as well as their
specially-designed lances,
which were far more apt for Options:
shredding their foes in ● A Dawneagle Jetbike Squadron may include:
brutally effective charges that - Up to 7 additional Dawneagles ................................................................. +90 points per model
none could hope to easily
defend against. ● Any model in the unit may replace its Custodes Dawneagle Jetbike’s Two Lastrum Storm
Bolters for one of the following options:
- Twin-Linked Adrathic Destructor ................................................................................+10 points
- Salvo Launcher ............................................................................................................... +20 points

Heavy Support
CARRIER SQUADRON................................ 285 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Custodes Land Raider 12 5 14 14 14 5 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Custodes Land Raider ● Vehicle (Transport, Reinforced)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Whilst many factions in the ● Two Sponson Mounted ● Legio Custodes
Age of Darkness utilised the Gravis Lascannons ● Loyalist
Land Raider chassis in various ● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Power of the Machine Spirit
forms and formats, none did Twin-Linked Lastrum Bolt Cannon
so in quite an exemplary ● Assault Vehicle
manner as the Legio ● Smoke Launchers
Custodes. As befitted their ● Flare Shield
high station, their Land
Raiders were often retrofitted
with various weaponry not Dedicated Transport Options:
available to any outside of ● A Hetaeron Guard Squad, Aquilon Terminator Squad, Custodian Guard Squad, Sentinel
their elevated brotherhoods, Guard Squad, or Sagittarum Guard Squad may select a Custodes Land Raider as a
whilst the chassis themselves Dedicated Transport, provided the unit fits into the Custodes Land Raider’s Transport
were of the finest make; Capacity. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation
wargear often only seen in slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
scant numbers common to
their frames. It was upon such Access Points:
peerless transports that the ● A Custodes Land Raider has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.
Custodians of the Emperor
made war - and in the doing Options:
so did they set the patterns in ● A Custodian Land Raider Squadron may include:
which others would merely - Up to 1 additional Custodes Land Raider .............................................. +270 points per model
ape in their use of the Land
Raider in war. ● Any Custodes Land Raider may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lastrum
Bolt Cannon for one of the following options:
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Infernus Firepike ............................................... +5 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon.........................................................+10 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Spiculus Heavy Bolt Launchers............................................ +20 points

● Any Custodes Land Raider may exchange its Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannons
for one of the following options:
- Two Sponson Mounted Iliastus Accelerator Cannons.............................................. +15 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Arachnus Blaze Cannons .................................................... +25 points

● Any Custodes Land Raider may select one of the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Lastrum Storm Bolter.......................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Lastrum Bolt Cannon........................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Infernus Firepike ................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Adrastus Bolt Caliver .........................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ......................................................................................... +15 points

● Any Custodes Land Raider may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

GRAV-RAIDER CARRIER ........................... 325 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Custodes Grav-Raider 10 5 14 14 14 5 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Custodes Grav-Raider ● Vehicle (Transport, Reinforced, Antigrav)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Two Sponson Mounted ● Legio Custodes Unlike the more common
Gravis Lascannons ● Loyalist Land Raider, the Legio
● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Power of the Machine Spirit Custodes retained
Twin-Linked Lastrum Bolt Cannon near-unique access to an
● Assault Vehicle anti-gravity equipped variant.
● Smoke Launchers ● Gravitic Repulsion Dubbed the ‘Grav-Raider’ -
● Flare Shield much to Arkhan Land’s
annoyance - this variant
chassis was uncommon even
Access Points: before the Heresy began,
● A Custodes Grav-Raider has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front. requiring much material and
toil to manufacture even a
Options: single example. It was also
● Any Custodes Grav-Raider may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lastrum slower, thanks to the extra
Bolt Cannon for one of the following options: weight required for the
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Infernus Firepike ............................................... +5 points gravity-repellers it utilised to
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon.........................................................+10 points remain afloat; a factor that
- Hull (Front) Mounted Spiculus Heavy Bolt Launchers............................................ +20 points limited its utility for those
among the Custodes who
● Any Custodes Grav-Raider may exchange its Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannons required rapid transportation
for one of the following options: to the front lines.
- Two Sponson Mounted Iliastus Accelerator Cannons.............................................. +15 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Arachnus Blaze Cannons .................................................... +25 points

● Any Custodes Grav-Raider may select one of the following options:

- Pintle Mounted Lastrum Storm Bolter.......................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Lastrum Bolt Cannon........................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Infernus Firepike ................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Adrastus Bolt Caliver .........................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ......................................................................................... +15 points

● Any Custodes Grav-Raider may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

SPARTAN ASSAULT TANK.........................415 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Custodes Land Raider Spartan 12 5 14 14 14 6 26

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Custodes ● Vehicle (Transport, Reinforced)
Land Raider Spartan

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Where the Legiones Astartes ● Two Sponson Mounted ● Legio Custodes
war-machine would bring a Lascannon Arrays ● Loyalist
Land Raider Spartan to bear ● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Power of the Machine Spirit
only for their most skilled Twin-Linked Lastrum Bolt Cannon
warriors to ride to war within, ● Assault Vehicle
the Legio Custodes held no ● Smoke Launchers
such qualms about their use, ● Flare Shield
allowing any who required
swift passage upon the field of
battle to make use of their Dedicated Transport Options:
thickly armoured hulls. ● A Hetaeron Guard Squad, Aquilon Terminator Squad, Custodian Guard Squad, Sentinel
Guard Squad, or Sagittarum Guard Squad may select a Custodes Land Raider Spartan as a
Indeed, thanks to the sheer Dedicated Transport, provided the unit fits into the Custodes Land Raider Spartan’s
size and scale of such a Transport Capacity. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force
vehicle, the Spartan Assault Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
Tank was one of only a
handful of vehicles which Access Points:
could successfully transport ● A Custodes Land Raider Spartan has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at
larger squads of the Emperor’s the front.
elite, safe from the myriad
firepower raining down upon Options:
the outer ceramite skin of ● Any Custodes Land Raider Spartan may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked
their steed. Lastrum Bolt Cannon for one of the following options:
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Infernus Firepike ............................................... +5 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon.........................................................+10 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Spiculus Heavy Bolt Launchers............................................ +20 points

● Any Custodes Land Raider Spartan may exchange its Two Sponson Mounted Lascannon
Arrays for one of the following options:
- Two Sponson Mounted Iliastus Accelerator Cannon Arrays................................... +15 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Enhanced Arachnus Blaze Cannons................................. +40 points

● Any Custodes Land Raider Spartan may select one of the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Lastrum Storm Bolter.......................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Lastrum Bolt Cannon........................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Infernus Firepike ................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Adrastus Bolt Caliver .........................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ......................................................................................... +15 points

● Any Custodes Land Raider Spartan may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

ASSAULT TANK ............................................ 450 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Custodes Grav-Spartan 10 5 14 14 14 6 26

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Custodes Grav-Spartan ● Vehicle (Transport, Reinforced, Antigrav)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Two Sponson Mounted ● Legio Custodes Requiring even greater
Gravis Lascannons ● Loyalist expenditure and effort to
● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Power of the Machine Spirit produce and maintain than a
Twin-Linked Lastrum Bolt Cannon standard Spartan Assault
● Assault Vehicle Tank and a Grav-Raider
● Smoke Launchers ● Gravitic Repulsion combined, the Grav-Spartan,
● Flare Shield as it was commonly known,
was a behemoth seen so rarely
upon the battlefields of the
Access Points: Great Crusade that it was
● A Custodes Grav-Spartan has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the often rumoured to not exist; a
front. butt of jokes told by Astartes
and mortals alike.
● Any Custodes Grav-Spartan may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lastrum The sight of such an immense
Bolt Cannon for one of the following options: craft hovering cleanly a few
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Infernus Firepike ............................................... +5 points feet above the turmoil of
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon.........................................................+10 points churned earth, shell and shot,
- Hull (Front) Mounted Spiculus Heavy Bolt Launchers............................................ +20 points and more that composed
most battle-grounds oft killed
● Any Custodes Grav-Spartan may exchange its Two Sponson Mounted Lascannon Arrays the humour dead.
for one of the following options:
- Two Sponson Mounted Iliastus Accelerator Cannon Arrays................................... +15 points The colossal bulk of such
- Two Sponson Mounted Enhanced Arachnus Blaze Cannons................................. +40 points vehicles, coupled with the
powerful anti-gravitic
● Any Custodes Grav-Spartan may select one of the following options: repulsion effect they
- Pintle Mounted Lastrum Storm Bolter.......................................................................... +5 points generated, inspired awe and
- Pintle Mounted Lastrum Bolt Cannon........................................................................+10 points dread in those who witnessed
- Pintle Mounted Infernus Firepike ................................................................................+10 points their approach - a fitting
- Pintle Mounted Adrastus Bolt Caliver .........................................................................+10 points chariot for the guardians of
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ......................................................................................... +15 points Mankind.

● Any Custodes Grav-Spartan may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● Any model in the unit may select the following option:
- Solarite Power Gauntlet .............................................................................................................................................................................. +30 points

Sisters of Silence
SIKARI DAR .................................................... 125 POINTS
Knight-Executioner of the Silent Sisterhood, The Abyss-Slayer, Eater of Daemons
Sikari Dar 6 6 5 3 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Sikari Dar ● Infantry (Character, Light,
Anathema, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Knight Sikari Dar had fought ● Nightfall ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Oblivion)
and bled as one of the Silent ● Archaeotech Pistol ● Fleet (1)
Sisterhood almost since its ● Frag Grenades ● Fearless
inauguration, and by the time
the Great Crusade's end ● Krak Grenades ● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted)
neared her face was lined and ● Psyk-Out Grenades ● Precision Strikes (4+)
worn with the weight of her ● Voidscale Cloak ● Precision Shots (6+)
duty to the cause. A war- ● Artificer Armour ● Battle-Hardened (1)
leader by her actions, Sikari
had chosen to allow others to ● Ex Oblivio
lead the Sisterhood from the ● Monster Hunter
higher echelons of power - for ● Loyalist
her leadership required only to ● Independent Character
be at the head of a charge, a
vicious but noiseless snarl ● Warlord: Eater of Daemons
upon her lips, as her immense
polearm Nightfall ripped
through the flesh of her
Warlord: Eater of Daemons
Sikari Dar must always be selected as the army’s Warlord if she is selected as part of the army’s
Primary Detachment. If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Sikari Dar automatically has Eater of
Daemons as her Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
Indeed, the strength possessed
by Dar was famed by many
within and without the ranks The first time any enemy unit with the Psyker, Corrupted, or Daemon Unit Sub-type comes within
of the Null-Maidens - for even 12” of Sikari Dar for any reason, it must take an immediate Leadership Characteristic test. If this
some Custodians offered her test is passed, the unit suffers no ill-effect - but if it is failed, all models in the unit suffer a -1 penalty
genuine respect, seeing in her to their Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, and Initiative Characteristics until the end of the next Game
a strength that did not exist Turn. It should be noted that whilst each unit can only be made to take a Leadership Characteristic
in most mortals. This respect test once from this Warlord Trait’s effects, multiple units can trigger this effect during the course of
was well-earned; the tales of a game, and game turn.
her besting xenos war-beasts
and warlords both in single An army that contains Sikari Dar may select up to two additional Fast Attack choices, but these
combat were well-known, additional slots must be filled with Pursuer Cadre units if selected. Units selected in this way are
even outside the signed-and- not counted toward the maximum number of units allowed as per the Silent Sisterhood (X) Special
signalled speech of the Sisters, Rule in regards to Chamber restrictions.
but in the dawning of Horus'
war upon the Imperium and In addition, an army that has Sikari Dar as its Warlord increases its Reaction Allotment by +1 in the
the coming of the benighted Assault phase as long as Sikari Dar has not been removed as a casualty.
horrors of the warp was an
even greater prey for her to
claim her victory over; the
fel-daemons of the Great Nightfall Range Str AP Type
Enemy her greatest and truest Nightfall - x2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Reaping Blow (2)
foes. Into such a crucible Murderous Strike (6+), Brutal (2)
would a lesser being have
simply capitulated,
overwhelmed by the sheer
malice of such an enemy -
and yet, in such battles did
Sikari Dar thrive.

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.

● A Knight Abyssal may exchange her Execution Blade and/or Bolt Pistol for one of the following options:
- Indictor Axe.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Free

● A Knight Centura may exchange her Execution Blade and/or Bolt Pistol for one of the following options:
- Indictor Axe.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Free

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Vratine Bolter for one of the following options:
- Minor Combi-Weapon ...................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Magna Combi-Weapon ............................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Plasma Gun ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Meltagun......................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Execution Blade for one of the following options:
- Power Weapon ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Charnabal Weapon.................................................................................................................................................................................................. Free
- Indictor Axe.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Free

Knight Ensign 6 5 5 3 3 2 5 2 9 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Knight Ensign ● Infantry (Character, Light, Anathema)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

A division of the Chamber of ● Two Bolt Pistols ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Vigilance)
Vigilance, Knight Ensigns ● Frag Grenades ● Fleet (1)
were inspiring emissaries and ● Krak Grenades ● Stubborn
warriors born under the
Vigilant Standard. A beacon ● Psyk-Out Grenades ● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted)
of authority and inspiration, ● Vigilant Standard ● Loyalist
they acted as icons of ● Vratine Armour ● Vigilant Covenant
judgement against the warp-
Not only were they expected ● A Knight Ensign Covenant may include:
to bear these standards, they - Up to 2 additional Knight Ensigns............................................................ +30 points per model
were also made to bare blade
alongside the fellow sisters ● Any Knight Ensign may select one of the following options:
and act as a figurehead for - Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
their fellows to rally around in - Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................+10 points
the midst of combat, their - Execution Blade ...............................................................................................................+10 points
charges rousing valour and
fervour around the Emperor’s ● Any Knight Ensign may exchange either or both Bolt Pistols for one of the following
own icon. options:
- Needle Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Archaeotech Pistol ..........................................................................................................+10 points

● Any Knight Ensign may exchange both Bolt Pistols for one of the following options:
- Bolter ........................................................................................................................................... Free
- Vratine Bolter.....................................................................................................................+2 points
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points

● Any Knight Ensign may exchange their Vratine Armour for the following option:
- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

INDICTOR CADRE........................................160 POINTS
Indictor 6 4 4 3 4 2 4 2 8 2+
Indictor Mistress 6 4 4 3 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Indictors ● Indictor: Infantry (Heavy, Anathema)
● 1 Indictor Mistress ● Indictor Mistress: Infantry
(Character, Heavy, Anathema)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Indictor Axe ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Vigilance) Where the Eradicator Cadres
● Frag Grenades ● Precision Strikes (6+) of the Chamber of Vigilance
● Krak Grenades ● Fleet (1) were one of the Order’s many
hammers, the rare Indictor
● Vratine Voidplate ● Stubborn Cadres acted as the anvil. An
● Voidsheen Cloak ● Loyalist unopposed wall of veterans,
● Bulky (2) they imposed their vigil-watch
● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted) aboard the black ships,
wrangling the most
uncooperative in the name of
Dedicated Transport: the Great Tithe; called upon
● An Indictor Cadre numbering no more than five models may take a Kharon Pattern to form an indomitable
Acquisitor as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an spearhead in the field against
additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the psyker incursions.
The voidscale plate in which
Options: they were clad made use of
● An Indictor Cadre may include: technologies borne from both
- Up to 5 additional Indictors....................................................................... +30 points per model Selenite void-mail and
astartes power armour;
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Indictor Axe for one of the following options: although it also incorporated
- Execution Blade ......................................................................................................................... Free advanced technologies gained
- Proteus Neuro-Lash .................................................................................................................. Free through the long development
- Charnabal Glaive ....................................................................................................................... Free of Tactical Dreadnought
Armour. This vastly improved
● The Indictor Mistress may exchange her Indictor Axe for one of the following options: protection had the side effect
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................+10 points of slowing the wearer - but
- Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................... +15 points not reducing their overall
manoeuvrability, and
● The Indictor Mistress may exchange her Voidsheen Cloak for the following option: allowing the Indictor Cadres
- Voidscale Cloak................................................................................................................+10 points to act as a bastion of
nullifying power.
● The entire unit may be given:
- The Deep Strike Special Rule.........................................................................................+30 points

PERDITOR CADRE ........................................ 80 POINTS
Perditor 6 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 7 3+
Perditor Mistress 6 4 4 3 3 1 4 3 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Perditors ● Perditor: Infantry (Light, Anathema)
● 1 Perditor Mistress ● Perditor Mistress: Infantry
(Character, Light, Anathema)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Bearers of esoteric and ● Two Bolt Pistols ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Oblivion)
forbidden weapons deployed ● Execution Blade ● Fleet (1)
only in the most dire of times, ● Rad Grenades ● Stubborn
Perditor Cadres were
assemblies of Silent Sisters ● Psyk-Out Grenades ● Counter-Attack (1)
who bore the mournful ● Frag Grenades ● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted)
honour of taking those dread ● Krak Grenades ● Loyalist
weapons to battle. ● Vratine Armour ● Bitter Duty
By the Knight-Commander’s
command, license to use such Dedicated Transport:
horrific devices against the ● A Perditor Cadre of any size which has not selected Venetari Jump Harnesses may take a
Imperium’s foes was granted. Kharon Pattern Acquisitor as a Dedicated Transport. A Perditor Cadre of of no more than
Mass-reactive Null ten models which has not selected Venetari Jump Harnesses may take a Termite Assault
armaments and esoteric Drill, Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport, or Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino as a Dedicated
beams of molecular Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force
disruption were but a few Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
weapons borne into battle in
the hands of the Perditors -
the Oblivion Chamber
making use of these accursed
weapons to decisively
eradicate any foe they faced.

● A Perditor Cadre may include:
- Up to 10 additional Perditors ................................................................................................................................................... +15 points per model

● One Perditor may select:

- Augury Scanner ............................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● One Perditor may select:

- Nuncio-Vox.................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● The entire unit may be equipped with any of the following options:
- Melta Bombs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................+25 points
- Venatari Jump Harnesses* ....................................................................................................................................................... +10 points per model

● Any model in the unit may select:

- Compression Tanks.........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their two Bolt Pistols for any of the following options:
- Vratine Grenade Launcher.............................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Vratine Bolter...................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Two Hand Flamers..........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Two Needle Pistols....................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● For every five models in the unit, one Perditor may exchange one of her Bolt Pistols for one of the following options:
- Needle Cannon (with Suspensor Web) ........................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Vratine Nemesis Bolter (with Suspensor Web)........................................................................................................................................ +10 points
- Snare Cannon (with Suspensor Web)........................................................................................................................................................ +10 points
- Toxiferran Flamer......................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Vratine Bolt Cannon (with Suspensor Web) ............................................................................................................................................ +20 points
- Disintegrator................................................................................................................................................................................................. +20 points
- Missile Launcher (with Suspensor Web, and Rad and Psyk-Out missiles).......................................................................................... +30 points

● The Perditor Mistress may take one of the following options:

- Twin-Linked Vratine Bolter.......................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Minor Combi-Weapon ...................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Magna Combi-Weapon ............................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Disintegrator Pistol...................................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points

● The Perditor Mistress may take one of the following option:

- Phosphex Bomb ............................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● The Perditor Mistress may exchange her Execution Blade for one of the following options:
- Power Weapon ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Charnabal Weapon.................................................................................................................................................................................................. Free
- Proteus Neuro-Lash ........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Power Fist ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

*A Perditor or Perditor Mistress that selects a Venatari Jump Harness also gains the Bulky (2) Special Rule.

Repressor Automata 8 4 4 7 7 5 3 3 8 3+
Repressor Mistress 6 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 2 Repressor Automata ● Repressor Automata: Automata
● 1 Repressor Mistress (Sycophantica, Anathema)
● Repressor Mistress: Infantry
(Light, Anathema, Character)
As the Crusade raged on, the Wargear Special Rules
tithe-fleets of the Sisterhood
began to meet harsher ● Excrutia Armatus ● Silent Sisterhood
resistance from both (Repressor Automata only) (Chamber of Judgement)
psychically-skilled Xenos and ● Two Reclaimator-Chainclaws ● Fleet (1)
human colonies both. To (Repressor Automata only) ● Stubborn
ensure their continued ability ● Atomantic Deflector ● Loyalist
to enact the tithes without
(Repressor Automata only) ● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted)
throwing the lives of the ever-
rare Null-Maidens away, the ● Execution Blade ● Battlesmith (5+)
Emperor commanded in (Repressor Mistress only) (Repressor Mistress only)
secret that the Mechanicum ● Bolt Pistol (Repressor Mistress only) ● Abominant Aura
assist Him in finding a ● Vratine Armour (Repressor Automata only)
solution. (Repressor Mistress only)
The end result of this ● Frag Grenades
collaboration were hulking (Repressor Mistress only)
automata which could ● Krak Grenades
capture those empowered (Repressor Mistress only)
with arcane abilities thanks to
the protection offered by the
interworked wards and
intricate psy-circuitry within Options:
their armour. In secret, ● A Repressor Automata Maniple may include:
however, a third factor tied - Up to 3 additional Repressor Automata................................................. +160 points per model
this unholy miracle together -
for at their core lay an ● A Repressor Automata Maniple may include:
enigma; the Mechanicum had - Up to 1 additional Repressor Mistress...................................................... +30 points per model
constructed a system by which
they could seal the very mind ● A Repressor Mistress may exchange her Bolt Pistol for one of the following options:
of one of the Sisterhood who - Hand Flamer .............................................................................................................................. Free
had perished, ensuring that - Needle Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
even in death, they would not - Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points
know peace - their very - Archaeotech Pistol .......................................................................................................... +15 points
essence reforged into - Inferno Pistol ................................................................................................................... +15 points
something akin to the
automata which the Martian ● A Repressor Mistress may select one of the following options:
Priesthood so venerated. - Voidscale Cloak................................................................................................................+10 points
- Servo Arm .........................................................................................................................+10 points
Knowledge of this - Machinator Array ............................................................................................................ +25 points
bastardisation of the minds of
their kin was entrusted only
to a scant handful of Sisters,
and though they were
disgusted at the truth, the
Emperor Himself had
approved the Automata’s use -
and so, the Mistresses of the
Repressors were taught to
maintain and to safeguard
the machines, prosecuting the
Emperor’s will in both the
Crusade - and later, in the
darkened days of the Heresy.

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● Any Knight Vestal may exchange their Vratine Armour for the following option:
- Artificer Armour ........................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Vratine Bolter for one of the following options:
- Assault Needler ................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

RHINO TRANSPORT...................................... 35 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport 14 4 11 11 10 3 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Silent Sisterhood ● Vehicle (Transport)
Rhino Transport

DEDICATED Wargear Special Rules

TRANSPORT ● Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter ● Silent Sisterhood
As the Silent Sisterhood ● Smoke Launchers (Chamber Militant is the same as that of
carried out their ordained the unit for which this model is selected)
duties in the name of the ● Repair
Emperor during the Great
Crusade, it became ● Infantry Transport
increasingly obvious that ● Loyalist
material shortages were
hampering their efforts. Chief
among this was a lack of Dedicated Transport Options:
transportation vehicles for ● A Questora Cadre, Raptora Cadre, Oblivion Knight Cadre, Eradicator Cadre, Prosecutor
their chambers - for Aquisitors Cadre, Vigilator Cadre, Pursuer Cadre, Firebrand Cadre, Sanctioner Cadre, or Expurgator
were expensive to produce Cadre may select a Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport as a Dedicated Transport, provided
and difficult to maintain at the unit fits into the Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport’s Transport Capacity. As a
the best of times, but at the Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its
points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
far end of an advancing
crusade fleet this issue was
Access Points:
exacerbated tenfold. To
remedy this, the Silent ● A Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one
Sisterhood began at the rear.
experimenting with the use of
Rhino Transports. Options:
● A Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport may take any of the following options:
Refitting a Rhino to carry - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
twelve Sisters was an easy - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
affair, as was the task of - Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
learning how to control such
a vehicle - and so the effort to ● A Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport may take one of the following options:
introduce the Rhino was - Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
deemed an immediate success, - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
and all Chambers found - Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
themselves with a stockpile of - Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (any type) ................................................................+10 points
the vehicles within scant years - Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
of the program’s approval. - Pintle Mounted Snare Cannon .................................................................................... +20 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta .........................................................................................+30 points

GRAV-RHINO TRANSPORT ....................... 50 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino 12 4 11 11 10 3 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino ● Vehicle (Transport, Antigrav)

Wargear Special Rules DEDICATED

● Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter ● Silent Sisterhood
● Smoke Launchers (Chamber Militant is the same as that of Unique among the Rhino
the unit for which this model is selected) Transport variants found
● Gravitic Repulsion across the Imperium, the
Grav-Rhino was a rare
● Repair variant of the ubiquitous
● Infantry Transport vehicle found in every
● Loyalist Legiones Astartes Armoury -
and in that of many mortal
armies too. Fitted with serried
Dedicated Transport Options: rows of repulsor plates, these
● A Questora Cadre, Raptora Cadre, Oblivion Knight Cadre, Eradicator Cadre, Prosecutor vehicles were capable of a
Cadre, Vigilator Cadre, Pursuer Cadre, Firebrand Cadre, Sanctioner Cadre, or Expurgator limited kind of flight - and
Cadre may select a Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino as a Dedicated Transport, provided the could traverse almost any
unit fits into the Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino’s Transport Capacity. As a Dedicated kind of terrain with ease.
Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost
must still be paid for as part of the army.
Often used to ferry squads of
Access Points: Silent Sisters to their targets
in locations where a Kharon
● A Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at Pattern Aquisitor would not
the rear. be practical, by the time of the
dark days of the Horus Heresy
Options: the Grav-Rhino was an
● A Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino may take any of the following options: uncommon sight on the
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points battlefields visited by the
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points Sisterhood - but nevertheless
one recognisable as a mark of
● A Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino may take one of the following options: their presence.
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (any type) ................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
- Pintle Mounted Snare Cannon .................................................................................... +20 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta .........................................................................................+30 points

Fast Attack
SHRIKE CADRE .............................................. 80 POINTS
Shrike 7 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 7 4+
Shrike Mistress 7 4 4 3 3 1 5 3 8 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Shrikes ● Shrike: Infantry
● 1 Shrike Mistress (Light, Skirmish, Anathema)
● Shrike Mistress: Infantry
(Character, Light, Skirmish, Anathema)
Shrikes were the rapid- Wargear Special Rules
response and reconnaissance
spearhead of the Chamber of ● Bolt Pistol ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Oblivion)
Oblivion. Fast, even for the ● Two Shrike Talons ● Fleet (2)
Sisters of Silence, the Shrikes ● Frag Grenades ● Shrouded (5+)
wore chainmail of selenite ● Krak Grenades ● Move Through Cover
origin; often wielding twin
blades coated in an ichor ● Vratine Chainmail ● Scout
which disrupted and distorted ● Stubborn
the very fabric of space. To ● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted)
those unattuned, this was a ● Loyalist
dangerous toxin unlike any
other - but to those who held
even a sliver of aetheric power
it could cause catastrophic Dedicated Transport:
and often fatal repercussions. ● A Shrike Cadre of any size may take a Kharon Pattern Acquisitor as a Dedicated Transport.
A Shrike Cadre numbering no more than ten models may take a Silent Sisterhood Rhino
Shrikes were rarely seen, in Transport or Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated
Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost
part due to their null-soul, but must still be paid for as part of the army.
also due to their alacrity.
Hopping from cover to cover Options:
in an unseen blur to the ● A Shrike Cadre may include:
mortal eye, they would close - Up to 10 additional Shrikes......................................................................... +15 points per model
on key targets and - like the
Terran bird of ages past - ● One Shrike may select:
swoop down to butcher the - Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................+10 points
foe; irregardless of their origin
in either real-space or the ● One Shrike may select:
immaterium. - Nuncio-Vox.......................................................................................................................+10 points

● Any model in the unit may select:

- Vratine Bolter..................................................................................................................... +5 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their two Shrike Talons for any of the following
- Two Charnabal Tabars...................................................................................................... +5 points
- Two Charnabal Sabres....................................................................................................+10 points
- Two Power Weapons ...................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Shrike Mistress may replace her Bolt Pistol with one of the following options:
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Needle Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● The Shrike Mistress may exchange her two Shrike Talons for one of the following options:
- Power Fist ........................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Proteus Neuro-Lash .......................................................................................................... +5 points
- Two Lightning Claws......................................................................................................+10 points

IMPETOR CADRE ........................................... 90 POINTS
Impetor 16 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 7 3+
Impetor Mistress 16 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 2 Impetor ● Impetor: Cavalry (Skirmish, Anathema)
● 1 Impetor Mistress ● Impetor Mistress: Cavalry
(Character, Skirmish, Anathema)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Bolt Pistol ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Oblivion) A harrowing mirror to the
● Impetus Lance ● Relentless ethereal nature of the Erinyes
● Vratine Armour ● Scout Jetbikes, Impetor Cadres were
near silent in their running.
● Alkonost Combat Bike ● Stubborn Taking to the field on
● Hit & Run elegantly crafted all-terrain
● Firing Protocols (2) Alkonost Bikes, these mounts
● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted) allowed the Impetors to
advance silently before
● Loyalist delivering lightning-hard
strikes with their lances,
Options: delivering bursts of actinic
● An Impetor Cadre may include: energy to engulf unsuspecting
- Up to 7 additional Impetor ......................................................................... +15 points per model foes. Mounted firearms on
their mount’s sides allowed
● One Impetor may select: the Sisters to harass targets
- Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................+10 points from afar as they sought the
perfect opening on their next
● One Impetor may select: target; cycling their charges to
- Nuncio-Vox.......................................................................................................................+10 points deliver continuous strikes
from their weapons.
● Any model in the unit may replace their Alkonost Combat Bike’s Twin-Linked
Vratine Bolter with one of the following options:
- Twin-Linked Flamer ................................................................................................................. Free
- Twin-Linked Vratine Grenade Launcher.....................................................................+10 points

● Any model in the unit may replace their Impetus Lance with any of the following options:
- Vratine Bolter............................................................................................................................. Free
- Execution Blade ................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Solarite Power Lance ..................................................................................................... +20 points

● Any model in the unit may replace their Bolt Pistol with one of the following options:
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Needle Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● Any model in the unit may select the following option:

- Compression Tanks........................................................................................................... +5 points

● The Shrike Mistress may exchange her Impetus Lance for one of the following options:
- Proteus Neuro-Lash .......................................................................................................... +5 points
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points

OTOS TRANSPORT CRAFT........................125 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Otos Transport 20 4 12 12 11 3 8

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Otos Transport ● Vehicle
(Flyer, Hover, Transport, Reinforced)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

Modified from the chassis of ● Centreline Mounted ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Vigilance)
the Stymphalia Gunship, the Twin-linked Spiculus Bolt Launcher ● Deep Strike
Otos was designed to ● Spectra Distort Shield ● Night Vision
facilitate the rapid insertion
or extraction of members of ● Outflank
the Sisterhood and their ● Infantry Transport
unfortunate charges from ● Loyalist
combat zones. In this regard ● Armoured Doors
the Otos was wildly
successful, able to transport Access Points:
an elite squad of Sisters to or ● An Otos Transport has one Access Point on each side of the hull.
from orbit quickly, fighting its
way through enemy resistance Options:
where required with its inbuilt ● An Otos Transport may exchange their Centreline Mounted Twin-linked
armament. Spiculus Bolt Launcher for the following option:
- Centreline Mounted Twin-Linked Corvae Las-Pulser .............................................. +15 points

AYMHARI INTERCEPTOR ...........................190 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Aymhari Interceptor 20 4 11 11 11 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Aymhari Interceptor ● Vehicle (Flyer)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Two Hull (Front) Mounted ● Silent Sisterhood Where the Xiphon Interceptor
Vratine Rotary Missile Launchers (Chamber of Judgement) flown by the Legiones Astartes
● Hull (Front) Mounted Iliastus ● Deep Strike was a well-known sight above
Accelerator Cannon Arrays the battlefields of the Great
● Loyalist Crusade, as well as the Age of
● Spectra Distort Shield ● Silence Descends Darkness that followed, the
Aymhari was a far more
elusive and unknown beast.
Sharing a technological base
Options: with the Xiphon, the Aymhari
● An Aymhari Interceptor may select the following option: was a descendent of the
- Ramjet Diffraction Grid ................................................................................................ +20 points Amhut Voyager; bearing
strange and fanciful wing-
vanes with bladed edges to
better manoeuvre at immense

Where the Xiphon required

either an cybernetically-
enhanced human pilot - or
one of the trans-human
Legionaries - to master its
incredible speed and agility,
the Aymhari circumvented
this need by instead invasively
linking into its pilot’s mind
directly via an MIU,
maintaining and stabilising
their conscious mind, whilst
automated systems monitored
and dumped quantities of
stimulant and aero-active
drugs as required directly into
the pilot’s bloodstream to
ensure they remained intact
despite the gravitational and
inertial forces applied to their
mortal bodies.

The invasive nature of the

craft’s control mechanisms, as
well as the complexity of its
construction, played a large
hand in all-but-guaranteeing
its exclusive adoption by only
the Silent Sisterhoods.

ARBITER CADRE ............................................. 65 POINTS
Arbiter 16 4 4 3 5 3 4 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Arbiter ● Cavalry (Antigrav, Skirmish, Anathema)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

Capable of carrying a ● Bolt Pistol ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of
selection of armaments which ● Close Combat Weapon Judgement)
could be tailored to suit any ● Halian Heavy Jetbike ● Stubborn
foe, Arbiter Cadres provided
the Silent Sisterhood with a ● Spectra Cloak ● Relentless
fast moving reserve that could ● Firing Protocols (2)
be brought to bear against ● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted)
enemy units with both speed ● Loyalist
and precision. Usually ● Outflank
equipped with either Heavy
Snare Cannons, Hellion ● Deep Strike
Heavy Cannons, or the ● Hit and Run
formidable Corvae ● Harbingers of Judgement
Las-Pulsers, these massive
speeders were more than
capable of devastating any foe Options:
they encountered. ● An Arbiter Cadre may include:
- Up to 4 additional Arbiters .........................................................................+65 points per model

● Any model may exchange their Halian Heavy Jetbike’s Heavy Snare Cannon with one of
the following options:
- Hellion Heavy Cannon Array ........................................................................................+10 points
- Corvae Las-Pulser........................................................................................................... +20 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.

● Any model in the unit may select one of the following options:
- Power Weapon .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points
- Charnabal Weapon....................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

Heavy Support
Caedecii Exoframe 7 5 5 7 6 4 4 3 8 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Caedecii Exoframe ● Dreadnought (Anathema, Skirmish)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Recruited from among the ● Atomantic Deflector ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Oblivion)
ranks of the Oblivion Knights, ● Executor Great-Blade with ● Loyalist
the pilots of Caedecii exo- in-built Vratine Bolter ● Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted)
frames were well known for
being some of the most ● Vratine Bolt Cannon ● Precision Strikes (6+)
aggressive and unforgiving
members of the Silent Sisters,
and it was to this end that
they were entrusted with some
of the heaviest weaponry their Options:
order could bring to bear. ● A Caedecius Exoframe Cadre may include:
- Up to 4 additional Caedecii Exoframes .................................................. +175 points per model
The exo-frames with which
they were equipped were ● Any Caedecii Exoframe may exchange their Executor Great-Blade with in-built
themselves masterworks from Vratine Bolter or Vratine Bolt Cannon for one of the following options:
a time far before the dawning - Executor Great-Blade with in-built Vratine Bolter .............................................................. Free
of the Imperium - armoured - Vratine Bolt Cannon ................................................................................................................. Free
suits granting their wearer - Needle Cavalcade ............................................................................................................+10 points
both immense strength and - Twin-Linked Corvae Las-Pulser.................................................................................... +15 points
resilience, whilst not - Twin-Linked Adrathic Devastator ................................................................................ +15 points
hindering their fighting - Terminus Power Claw ................................................................................................... +20 points
ability. This came at a high
cost, however - for the suits ● A single Caedecii Exoframe in the unit may exchange their Executor Great-Blade with
were rare beyond measure, in-built Vratine Bolter or Vratine Bolt Cannon for the following - no model may select
and maintaining them was a this option more than once:
task that even the minds of - Sinistrae Magnificat ........................................................................................................ +35 points
the Mechanicum’s best
artificers were frequently ● Any Caedecii Exoframe not equipped with a Sinistrae Magnificat may select one of the
following options:
puzzled by. - Spiculus Bolt Launcher...................................................................................................+10 points
- Vratine Missile Launcher ............................................................................................... +15 points
Whilst the delicate
mechanical internals of the
suits themselves were often
hard to decipher, one more
modern addition the Emperor
and Malcador themselves had
sanctioned was the power of
the Sinistrae Magnificat -
prototypes of the weapons
found on the dread Ordo
Sinister titans, capable of
ripping at the very souls of the
unfortunate psykers who
found themselves treated as
mere batteries to power their
dread mechanisms.

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Stymphalia 20 4 12 12 11 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Stymphalia ● Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Reinforced)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Centreline Mounted ● Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Vigilance) Frequently seen swarming
Enhanced Arachnus Blaze Cannon ● Deep Strike around the Black Ships of the
● Centreline Mounted ● Night Vision Sisters of Silence, the
Twin-Linked Spiculus Bolt Launcher Stymphalia Attack Craft was
● Outflank occasionally pressed into
● Spectra Distort Shield ● Loyalist service as a ground attack role
when heavier vehicles could
not be brought to bear.
Fielding both potent weapons
Options: and intense speed, the
● A Stymphalia may exchange their Centreline Mounted Twin-Linked Spiculus Bolt Stymphalia performed
Launcher for the following option: admirably as a strike fighter
- Centreline Mounted Twin-Linked Corvae Las-Pulser .............................................. +15 points capable of contending with
both enemy aerospace assets
and hardened ground targets.

Solar Auxilia
The warlords of the Solar Auxilia were incredibly varied, united only by two factors - rank and skill. In this regard, no matter their preferred battlefields or
specialisations, it was well-known among those who faced the serried ranks of the Auxilia on the field that to underestimate these mortal commanders was to
court destruction and death.

If your Warlord is of the Solar Auxilia Sub-faction, instead of choosing a Warlord Trait from the Core Rulebook’s Warlord Traits, you may instead
choose a Warlord Trait from the options below.


Tasked with exploring the harshest the galaxy has to offer, from the Galactic core to the furthest edges of the frontier, some commanders had fought in
environments which would have broken lesser officers. From leading firefights in ever-shifting gravity, co-ordinating armoured warfare in gas so thick it slowed
movement, and sieging fortresses of foul xenos which defied the very laws of geometry - under these commander’s instructions, their regiments displayed the
discipline and skill necessary to survive the most deadly environs.

A Warlord with this Warlord Trait gains the Stubborn and Move Through Cover Special Rules, and in addition may ignore the Movement Penalty
imposed by Debris Terrain. They may also choose to re-roll any failed Dangerous Terrain or Hazardous Debris tests. If this Warlord is a model with
the Independent Character Special Rule and has joined a unit with the Tercio Special Rule then these bonuses apply to all models in that unit, as well
as to all models which are part of that Tercio and are ‘In Formation’ with the unit containing the Warlord.

In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the Opposing Player’s Movement phase as long as the
Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.


Drilled to a standard higher than even the most elite of Exertus Imperialis regiments, this commander and the Auxiliaries they lead were not merely crack
shots, but were so well trained that they were able to lay down seemingly unending volleys of fire; even whilst one squad stopped to reload or to cool down their
barrels, another had already replaced it in the firing line.

A Warlord with this Warlord Trait increases the range of all Ranged Weapons they are equipped with by +6”.

At the start of the Controlling Player’s Shooting Phase, a Warlord with this Warlord Trait may nominate a single enemy unit within 30” and Line of
Sight. A Warlord with this Warlord Trait, and any unit they have joined with the Tercio Special Rule and any other squads ‘In Formation’ with that
unit, add +1 to their To-Hit rolls when making Shooting Attacks against that unit until the end of the Phase.

In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the Opposing Player’s Shooting phase as long as the
Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.


It is sometimes said that an hour of combat is worth one hundred hours of training; if that axiom held true then some warriors held incalculable skill. Forged
in the crucible of cramped close-quarters void combat, some even dared to suggest that even the Legiones Astartes might fail to live up to this warrior’s ferocity
and zeal; inspiring Auxiliaries around them to ever greater acts in the name of mere bloody single-mindedness.

A Warlord with this Warlord Trait increases their Weapon Skill by +1 and gains the Hatred (Everything!) and Fleet (1) Special Rule.

A Warlord with this Warlord Trait and the Independent Character Special Rule may elect to purchase a single unit of Solar Auxilia Companion
Sections or Solar Auxilia Tactical Command Sections as a retinue - if selected in this manner, the unit loses the Tercio Special Rule. This unit is
designated the ‘Household Retinue’, and all models in that unit increase their Weapon Skill Characteristic by +1, gain the Hatred (Everything!) and
Fleet (1) Special Rules, and in addition gain the Line Unit Sub-Type for as long as the Warlord is part of that unit. The Warlord with this Trait must be
deployed as part of the ‘Household Retinue’ unit and may not voluntarily leave that unit during play.

In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the Opposing Player’s Assault phase as long as the
Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.

The following list comprises additional Cohort Doctrines that may be used by any Detachment that either includes at least one model with the
Cohort Doctrines Special Rule, or the Detachment can upgrade at least one model from the Detachment to have the Cohort Doctrines Special Rule
as noted in a specific Cohort Doctrine that allows this.


Whilst few Traitor cohorts went untouched by the corruption that swept through the Warmaster’s armies, some proved more willing than most to supplicate
themselves before the Primordial Annihilator. Among the ranks of those who embraced these dark powers, void armour became daubed in bloody scripture,
officers wielded twisted weapons of unnatural origin and the remains of sacrificed victims hung from vexillas. These cohorts inevitably lost much of their once
lauded discipline and cohesion – reduced a debased parody of the Solar Auxilia’s legacy – but with damnation came power, as mutation and possession
turned whole Tercios into monsters.

● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select Possessed Auxilia as Troop choices.
● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select Mutated Spawn as Fast Attack choices (see page 227).
● Auxilia Battle Psykers in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select the Anathemata Psychic Discipline instead of a Core Psychic
● Any unit in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine made up entirely of models with the Infantry, Cavalry, Dreadnought or Mechanised Type
may be given the Corrupted Unit Sub-Type for a cost of +25 points per unit – models that are attached to units, such as Medicae, must be
upgraded separately. In addition, any unit upgraded in this way loses the Close-Order Unit Sub-type if they had it.
● Any Character in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may exchange a Power Weapon for a Tainted Blade, Tainted Axe or Tainted Maul for
+5 points each.

● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may not include more than a single Auxilia Armoured Tercio.
● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may not include more than a single Auxilia Artillery Tercio.
● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine must have the Traitor Allegiance.


Throughout the Great Crusade, the forces of the Imperium came across untold numbers of human civilisations, all of whom faced Compliance. For those that
bent the knee to the Golden Throne, their duty was simply to join His forces. Some of these civilisations knew of exotic, arcane, and dark technological secrets;
and their militaries were thusly equipped. Furnished with these fearsome arms and armaments, these forces became some of the most exceptional members of
the Excertus Imperialis - and so these remnants fought on for the glory of their new masters, even as they were watched rigorously for any sign they might
have begun to rethink their oaths of allegiance….

● All units selected as part of Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine gain the Advanced Weapons Special Rule.

Advanced Weapons
A unit with this Special Rule increases the strength of any Rotor Cannons, Laspistols, or Lasrifles they are equipped with by +1, to a maximum of
Strength 4.

● Any Infantry Unit without the Monstrous Unit Sub-Type in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may be upgraded to replace their Void
Armour or Reinforced Void Armour with Heavy Void Armour at a cost of +30 points per unit.
● Any model in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may exchange a Blast Pistol for a Needle Pistol at no additional points cost, a Heavy
Bolter with a Needle Cannon at a cost of +5 points each, or a Volkite Culverin at a cost of +10 points each.
● Any Infantry model in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine equipped with a Volkite Charger may exchange it for a Assault Needler at a cost
of +2 points per model, and any model equipped with a Rotor Cannon may exchange it for a Needle Cannon at a cost of +10 points per model. If
this option is selected, then all models in a unit must exchange their weapon in the same way.

● A Warlord in an army using this Cohort Doctrine must be a model with the Cohort Doctrines Special Rule.
● All Tercios in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine that have the ability to include a Command Section of any kind must do so.
● If a Warlord in an army using this Cohort Doctrine is ever removed as a casualty then all units in the Detachment which are not locked in close
combat must immediately take a Morale test. Units which do not take Morale Checks, such as units with the Vehicle Unit Type, or models with
any ability to automatically pass them, such as the Fearless Special Rule, ignore this Restriction.

A number of cohorts were raised from the homeworlds and tributaries of the Legiones Astartes. These cohorts usually counted large numbers of failed Legion-
aspirants among their ranks, as well as those who were too old, or otherwise incompatible with the process required to become a Space Marine. Owing to their
shared origins, these cohorts fought fiercely to live up to the example set by the Astartes. Other cohorts had no lineage with a particular Legion, but had fought
together across so many battlefields – typically as part of the same Expeditionary Fleet – that their tactics, experiences and losses bound them closer to the
Legion and its Primarch than the greater Imperium.

● Detachments using this Cohort Doctrine are classed as one level higher on the Levels of Alliance by a single Space Marines Legion Faction.
● Any model in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may exchange a Lasrifle for a Bolter for free.
● Any model in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may exchange a Laspistol for a Bolt Pistol for +2 points per model.

● This Cohort Doctrine may only be taken by an Allied Detachment.


Where the fiercest resistance was met by Cohorts of the Auxilia, Linebreaker Cohorts were summoned to the front lines to resolve the problem. Composed of
armoured exosuits and dreadnought chassis both, the speartips of these cohorts would rampage forward at speed unmatched by their contemporaries on foot,
barrelling into their foes and shattering lines of enemy resistance utterly.

● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select Solar Auxilia Furibundus Dreadnought Talons as Troop Choices.
● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select Solar Auxilia Extremis Boarding Rig Sections as Troops.
● Solar Auxilia Furibundus Dreadnought Talons and Solar Auxilia Extremis Boarding Rig Sections selected as Compulsory Troops in a Detachment
using this Cohort Doctrine gain the Line Sub-Type.

● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may not include any Auxilia Armoured Tercios, Solar Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank Squadrons, Solar
Auxilia Macharius Omega Heavy Tank units, or Solar Auxilia Macharius Heavy Tank Squadron.
● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may not select any Fortification choices.
● An army whose Primary Detachment is using this Cohort Doctrine may not roll to Seize the Initiative.


It was the duty of Pioneer Companies to range ahead of a cohort’s main strength; charged with securing and holding forward positions until heavier firepower
could be brought to bear. Pioneer Sections comprised the mainstay of these pathfinding sub-cohorts and were equipped to demolish static defences and other
obstacles that could impede the cohort’s momentum. Aethon Heavy Sentinels – piloted by veteran Pioneers – were primarily deployed as part of Pioneer
Companies, being light enough to undertake reconnaissance duties whilst acting as fire support platforms for infantry.

● Solar Auxilia Pioneer Sections gain the Line Unit Sub-Type and Infiltrate Special Rule in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine.
● Auxilia Infantry Support Tercios composed entirely of Solar Auxilia Ancillary Command Sections and/or Solar Auxilia Pioneer Sections may be
taken as Compulsory Troops Choices in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine.
● All units selected as part of an Auxilia Veletaris Tercio in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine gain the Scout Special Rule.
● Aethon Heavy Sentinel Squadrons may be taken as Non-Compulsory Troops choices in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine.
● A player whose army includes a Primary Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may re-roll any dice they roll to see which player takes the first
turn, or when attempting to Seize the Initiative.

● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may not select any Fortification choices except those purchased in place of Dedicated Transports for
Solar Auxilia Pioneer Sections.
● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may not include more than a single Auxilia Armoured Tercio.

During the Great Crusade, some Xenos entities proved to be of such terrible power and unspeakable origin that nothing less than their complete and total
annihilation could be tolerated; the ground on which they had trodden burnt away and salted – assuming it could ever be sanctified for human habitation.
Even at their peak, there had only been so many Legiones Astartes to engage these threats, and coupled with the sheer number of Expeditionary Fleets active in
the galaxy, this led to the raising of several Solar Auxilia cohorts trained and equipped for the explicit purpose of scouring whole battle-sectors or even entire
planets clean of life.

● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select Solar Auxilia Hellhound Squadrons as Non-Compulsory Troop choices.
● Any model in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may exchange a Flamer or Heavy Flamer with a Toxiferran Flamer for Free.
● Any Character in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may be equipped with Rad Grenades for +10 points per model.
● Any Auxilia Rapier Carrier with Quad Launchers in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may be upgraded to have Phospex Canister Shot at
a cost of +20 points per model.
● Any Auxilia Malcador Infernus in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may replace its Centreline Mounted Inferno Cannon with a
Centreline Mounted Chem Destroyer at a cost of +25 points per model.

● This Cohort Doctrine may only be selected for a Primary Detachment.
● An army whose Primary Detachment is using this Cohort Doctrine may not select an Allied Detachment.
● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may not select any Fortification choices.


Although among the rarest of doctrines, the sheer scale of the Excertus Imperialis – between the material resources it could call upon and the scope of threats
its armies confronted – meant that some cohorts were near-wholly committed to the deployment of super-heavy tanks. Not dissimilar to Armoured Fist
doctrines; these cohorts developed their tactics around the overwhelming firepower and resilience of its super-heavies. Every other element, be it infantry or
armour, was dedicated to supporting these behemoths as they ground hostiles to pulp beneath their treads and obliterated strongholds with the most powerful
weaponry in the Solar Auxilia’s arsenal.

● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine must select a Lord of War in place of a Primarch on the Crusade Force Organisation Chart. This Lord
of War gains the Cohort Doctrines Special Rule and must be selected as the army’s Warlord regardless of any rules which would require a model to
be selected as the army’s Warlord and must use the Super-Heavy Armoured Legate Warlord Trait (see below).
● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select Solar Auxilia Macharius Heavy Tank Squadrons as Elite choices.

Warlord: Super-Heavy Armoured Legate

A Warlord with this Warlord Trait gains the Dictatii Armoured Marshal upgrade at no additional points cost, and also increases its Ballistic Skill
Characteristic by +1 in addition to any other bonuses.

● All Lords of War Detachments in an army with this Cohort Doctrine must belong to the Solar Auxilia Sub-Faction.
● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine must contain more units with the Vehicle Unit Type than units without.


By the conclusion of the Great Crusade, the adoption of gunships and assault carriers among the Solar Auxilia was not especially widespread – with most
cohorts still relying on the Arvus to shuttle individual sections to-and-from orbit. There were however a number of well-supplied cohorts who took advantage
of these new aircraft and constructed innovative doctrines to emphasise their use. These gunships rapidly inserted larger numbers of line Tercios directly into
battle, but remained on station to provide close air support; punching holes in enemy ranks and armour that could have otherwise overwhelmed those on the

● A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select Solar Auxilia Aello Gunship Squadrons as Heavy Support choices.
● All units in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine eligible to take an Aurox Transport as a Dedicated Transport may instead select an Arvus
Transport as a Dedicated Transport.
● All units in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine eligible to take a Chimera Transport as a Dedicated Transport may instead select an Auxilia
Kelaino or Auxilia Aello as a Dedicated Transport.
● For any model with the Vehicle Unit Type and both the Flyer and Transport Sub-Types in a Detachment that is using this Cohort Doctrine, and
that is in Reserve, the Controlling Player may choose to automatically have them enter play at the start of their First Turn without making a
Reserves roll. If they are not brought into play on Turn One then Reserves rolls are made for the models normally from Turn Two onwards.

● All units composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type must begin the battle Embarked on a model with the Transport Unit Sub-Type
or in Reserves.

The following list comprises additions to the existing Cohort Doctrines that can be found in the Liber Imperium Rulebook. These changes are
to be considered in addition to the rules presented in those publications.


● Enginseer Auxilia Sections selected in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine gains the Line Unit Sub-type, and may optionally select a Triaros
Armoured Conveyor as a Dedicated Tranport (see Liber Mechanicum for rules and points cost).


● Any unit which is eligible to purchase an Aurox Transport may instead purchase a Solar Auxilia Termite Assault Drill, and any unit which is
eligible to purchase a Dracosan Armoured Transport may instead purchase an Auxilia Hades Breaching Drill.

Among the ranks of the mortal armies of the Imperium, the thunder of engines and treads often marked the coming of the Solar Auxilia. Within their
armoured corps, however, there were occasionally stories of individuals - tank commanders - who rose to prominence beyond that expected of their station.
These experts in armoured warfare were often recognised with the rank of Marshal, rewarded and honoured for their uniquely potent contributions to the way
the Auxilia waged war.

An Armoured Marshal may be selected as an upgrade for models with the Vehicle Unit Type and the Imperial Army (Solar Auxilia) Faction and Sub-
Faction. No single model may select more than one Armoured Marshal upgrade, but more than one eligible model in an army may select Armoured
Marshal upgrades. Furthermore, each individual Armoured Marshal upgrade may include specific limitations regarding which models may select
that upgrade – these limitations will be detailed in the entry for that Armoured Marshal upgrade.

Each Armoured Marshal upgrade must be paid for at a cost in points, as indicated in the entry for that Armoured Marshal upgrade – note that the
cost for a given Armoured Marshal upgrade may vary depending on the model that is to receive the upgrade. In addition, each Armoured Marshal
upgrade may grant the model to be upgraded with a number of new Special Rules or items of additional Wargear, or may modify the upgraded
model’s Unit Type, Unit Sub-Type, or Characteristics. In all cases, the Armoured Marshal upgrade will specify all changes, benefits and limitations.
An Armoured Marshal upgrade does not use up a slot of any kind on the Force Organisation chart, or change the slot used by the unit to which it is
applied as an upgrade.

Armoured Marshal upgrades must be visually represented on the upgraded model by a suitable model placed in an otherwise empty cupola or hatch.


The following Armoured Marshal upgrades can be purchased for specified models with any variant of the Imperial Army (Solar Auxilia) Faction and

It should be noted that an Armoured Marshal upgrade purchased for a Lord of War Choice is counted toward that Force Organisation Chart Slot’s
cost, and should be used when calculating the 25% limit on Lords of War and Primarch Choices in an army.


Among the many Armoured Marshal ranks bestowed, those most commonly seen during the Great Crusade and beyond were known as the Ordnance Corps -
specialising in the application of immense firepower, trading blows at extreme range with any who dared to challenge them. Broadcasting a command to all
tanks in range, Ordnance Corps Armoured Marshals could coordinate a creeping barrage that would flush enemy troops from their hidden refuges amongst a
deadly hail of explosive shells.

This upgrade may be purchased for a single model from any of the following units in an army, at a cost of +50 points:
● Solar Auxilia Armoured Battery
● Solar Auxilia Minotaur Battery
● Solar Auxilia Manticore Missile Tank Battery

This upgrade may be purchased for a single model from any of the following units in an army, at a cost of +75 points:
● Solar Auxilia Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher

Special Rules
A model with this upgrade gains the Blitz Barrage Special Rule.

A model with this upgrade is equipped with a Nuncio-Vox.

Blitz Barrage
Once per game, before any Shooting Attacks are resolved during any of the Controlling Player’s Shooting Phases, the Controlling Player may declare a
unit that contains a model with an Ordnance Corps Marshal will fire a Blitz Barrage.

For that Shooting Phase only, a unit declared as firing a Blitz Barrage may fire any weapons they are equipped with that have the Ordnance type
twice. This second Shooting Attack may be made at a different target to the first, but otherwise follows all the normal rules and conventions around
making a Shooting Attack.

The best among the Solar Auxilia’s tank commanders were known by the moniker “Armoured Fists” due to the precision with which they wielded the firepower
of their vehicles; despite the informality of such a term, many commanders bore it with pride, and eventually those Marshals were able to petition for its formal
recognition as not only their designated rank, but as a badge of honour for their conduct in combat.

This upgrade may be purchased for a single model from any of the following units in an army, at a cost of +50 points:
● Solar Auxilia Armoured Command Section
● Solar Auxilia Carnodon Command Section
● Solar Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank Squadron

Special Rules
A model with this upgrade may make the Concentrated Fire Advanced Reaction.

A model with this upgrade may be equipped with a Nuncio-Vox at a cost of +10 points. In addition, a model with this upgrade may be equipped with a
Cognis Signum at a cost of +15 points.

Advanced Reaction: Concentrated Fire

Advanced Reactions are available to specific players as noted in their description. Unlike Core Reactions, they are activated in unique and specific
circumstances as noted in their descriptions, and can often have game changing effects. Advanced Reactions use up points from a Reactive player’s
Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions placed upon Reactions, unless it is specifically noted otherwise in their descriptions.

Concentrated Fire - This Advanced Reaction may be made whenever any enemy unit makes a Shooting Attack targeting a unit eligible to make this
reaction. Once the Active player has resolved all To-Hit rolls, Armour Penetration rolls, Invulnerable Saves and any Damage Mitigation rolls are
made, but before effects of any lost Hull Points or Vehicle Damage Chart rolls as a result of the Shooting Attacks made by all weapons in the Active
player’s unit that made the Shooting Attack are applied, the Reactive player may make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that triggered this
Reaction and following all the usual rules for Shooting Attacks. Models which are part of a unit which includes a model with this Special Rule
attacking as part of this Reaction may attack with all of their Defensive Weapons, and up to one Battle Weapon each. Template weapons may only be
used as part of a Concentrated Fire Advanced Reaction if the target unit is within 8” and must use the Wall of Death Special Rule instead of firing


The influence of some Marshals spanned beyond their immediate command and into those soldiers who milled around their vehicles in battle, inspiring acts of
great bravery or insane stubbornness, depending on the viewpoint of the observer. Indeed, such was the reverence held for these Dictatii that they were often
afforded the best steed their Legate could procure, and the equipment retrofitted into it was of a singular quality, improving their offensive and defensive
capabilities both.

This upgrade may be purchased for a unit composed of a single model from any of the following units in an army, at a cost of +75 points:
● Solar Auxilia Macharius Heavy Tank Squadron
● Solar Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank Squadron

This upgrade may be purchased for a single model from any of the following units in an army, at a cost of +100 points:
● Solar Auxilia Stormhammer
● Solar Auxilia Baneblade
● Solar Auxilia Stormblade
● Solar Auxilia Banehammer
● Solar Auxilia Stormlord
● Solar Auxilia Shadowsword
● Solar Auxilia Stormsword
● Solar Auxilia Stormblade

An army may not contain more than one model with this Armoured Marshal Upgrade.

Special Rules
A model with this Special Rule gains the Void Shields (2) Special Rule. A model with this upgrade also gains +1 to its Ballistic Skill Characteristic, and
+2 to its Hull Points Characteristic.

In addition, all friendly models with the Solar Auxilia Sub-faction within 12” of a model with this upgrade automatically pass any Morale or Pinning
Tests they are called upon to make.

A model with this upgrade is equipped with a Flare Shield at no additional Points cost, though may not purchase a Flare Shield from any other

The Old General, Protector of Agathon, Master of the 60th Expeditionary Fleet
Ireton MaSade 6 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 10 2+
Ireton MaSade Mechanised 8 4 5 5 5 4 3 3 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Ireton MaSade ● Ireton MaSade:
Infantry (Character, Unique)
● Ireton MaSade Mechanised: Infantry
(Character, Unique, Light, Mechanised)
Ireton MaSade was a legend Wargear Special Rules
among the Solar Auxilia.
Having risen from humble ● Archaeotech Pistol ● Battle-Hardened (1)
origins as a scavenger on ● Paragon Blade ● Cohort Doctrines
Terra, he began at the bottom ● Frag Grenades ● Field Officer
as a common-line Auxiliary ● Krak Grenades ● Hatred (Traitors)
and part of the first muster of
the Great Crusade. From ● Ambulator Frame ● Independent Character
there, his ascension through ● Iron Halo ● Loyalist
the ranks of the Solar Auxilia ● Psi-Jammer ● Stubborn
was meteoric and ultimately ● Warlord: Master of the Battlefield
led to command of an entire
Expeditionary Fleet. To have
come from nothing and end Options:
his service as Imperial ● Ireton MaSade may be equipped with:
Commander over the worlds - Extremis Warsuit*........................................................................................................... +35 points
of the Agathean Domain, it is
no surprise that recruiting
officers held his career up as *If this option is chosen, you must use the ‘Ireton MaSade Mechanised’ profile, and Ireton
an example all would-be MaSade’s Unit Type is changed to Infantry (Character, Mechanised, Light, Unique).
soldiers could aspire to in the
Emperor’s service.
Nevertheless, Ireton MaSade’s
tale was largely overshadowed
Warlord: Master of the Battlefield
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Ireton MaSade automatically has the Master of the Battlefield
by the Legiones Astartes and
Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
their Primarchs.
At the start of the battle, once all players have deployed all of their units onto the battlefield
By the conclusion of the Great
(including Infiltrators and Scouts) and any rolls to Seize the Initiative have been made, but before
Crusade, it was expected that
the game begins, the Controlling Player may select up to three units that are under their control.
MaSade would live out the
The selected units may be redeployed as the Controlling Player wishes, within the constraints of the
rest of his days in retirement
mission being played. The selected units may be placed into Reserves, but may not be assigned to a
on Agathon – his lifespan
Deep Strike Assault, Subterranean Assault or Flanking Assault. If a unit with the Tercio Special Rule
already extended well beyond
is selected, each unit is counted seperately, though that unit may ignore the normal rules for Tercio
its natural limits by
deployment when it is being redeployed.
rejuvenats and augmetics.
However, the outbreak of the
In addition, the Controlling Player of an army with Ireton MaSade as its Warlord may select one
Horus Heresy and the death
Phase at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield. During the
of his beloved granddaughter
chosen Phase of their opponent’s turn, an army that includes Ireton MaSade gains an additional
– Jocasta MaSade – at the fall
Reaction as long as Ireton MaSade has not been removed as a casualty.
of Port Maw would lead
Ireton to stage a short, bloody
coup against Agathon’s
squabbling parliamentarians.
With Agathon once again
under the direct control of the
60th Expeditionary Fleet’s
‘Old Guard’, Ireton MaSade
mobilised the Domain for war
against the Traitors.

Ambulator Frame
A relic of the Dark Age of Technology, this irreplaceable marvel functioned as both an exo-skeleton and life support for Ireton MaSade, allowing him to
overcome the infirmities of his advanced age.
An Ambulator Frame provides a 2+ Armour Save and grants the It Will Not Die (5+) Special Rule.

Extremis Warsuit
Ireton MaSade was known to take the field aboard a heavily personalised Extremis Warsuit to further mitigate the limitations of his centuries-old body –
typically alongside similarly equipped Companions.
If upgraded to have an Extremis Warsuit, Ireton MaSade must use the Ireton Mechanised profile, and gains the following benefits:
● Exchanges his Archaeotech Pistol for a Rotary Bolt Cannon.
● The Fleet (2), Inexorable, and Move Through Cover Special Rules.
● The Mechanised and Light Unit Sub-Types.

In addition, an Extremis Boarding Rig Section may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment where Ireton MaSade has been upgraded to have
an Extremis Boarding Rig. A unit selected as Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as
Ireton MaSade. An Extremis Boarding Rig Section selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with Ireton MaSade deployed as part of the unit and
Ireton MaSade may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.

All models in an Extremis Boarding Rig Section selected as a Retinue Squad lose the Battlesmith (X) Special Rule, and gain the Chosen Warriors and
Counter-Attack (1) Special Rules.

One Extremis Boarding Rig may exchange a Vox Interlock for a Command Vox for +5 points.
One Extremis Boarding Rig may exchange an Auxilia Vexilla for a Cohorts Vexilla for +5 points.

Auxilia Battle Psyker 6 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 8 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Battle Psyker ● Infantry (Character, Psyker)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Battle Psykers were rare ● Laspistol ● Battle Psyker
individuals possessed of both ● Force Weapon ● Field Officer
the ability to wield such ● Void Armour ● Independent Character
powers and the mental
fortitude to do so amidst the ● Refractor Field ● Support Squad
violence of frontline combat. ● Frag Grenades
Most Battle Psykers were, at ● Krak Grenades
best, distrusted by their
comrades, however their
unparalleled impact upon the Options:
battlefield usually made them ● An Auxilia Battle Psyker may exchange their Laspistol for one of the following options:
respected assets by Auxilia - Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points
officers who wielded them. - Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points
Although the Edicts of Nikaea - Volkite Serpenta.................................................................................................................+2 points
rendered judgement on the - Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
Librarius of the Legiones - Inferno Pistol ..................................................................................................................... +5 points
Astartes, some elements of the
Imperialis Auxilia who ● An Auxilia Battle Psyker may exchange their Void Armour for:
utilised psykers were - Heavy Void Armour.........................................................................................................+10 points
inevitably impacted, albeit
indirectly. Several more ● An Auxilia Battle Psyker may select any of the following options:
superstitious units quietly had - Cyber-Familiar ................................................................................................................. +15 points
their psykers disappeared, - Psychic Hood.................................................................................................................... +15 points
while others were taken into - Melta Bombs ................................................................................................................... +20 points
custody, but many
nonetheless continued to
utilise their powers on active
battlefronts where news of the
Emperor's judgement had yet
to reach them – or was
otherwise ignored, if not
considered irrelevant to
mortal soldiers.

In the chaos of the Horus

Heresy some desperate,
previously disconcerted
Loyalist cohorts authorised
Battle Psykers to utilise their
powers once more, especially
when their effectiveness
against malevolent Warp
horrors had been proven.
Traitor forces were far less
hesitant to unleash the full
might of their own psykers,
whether they had previously
served in that role or
possessed latent potential they
were now free to wield
without persecution, albeit at
far greater risk to themselves
and their comrades.

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● Any model in the unit may exchange their Lasrifle for one of the following options:
- Hot-Shot Lasgun .............................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Charnabal Weapon and Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................................................ +10 points
- Power Weapon and Hot-Shot Laspistol.................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Storm Axe ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● The entire unit may exchange their Void Armour for:

- Heavy Void Armour...................................................................................................................................................................................... +30 points


● Any model in the unit may exchange their Lasrifle for one of the following options:
- Hot-Shot Lasgun .............................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Charnabal Weapon and Hot-Shot Laspistol ............................................................................................................................................ +10 points
- Power Weapon and Hot-Shot Laspistol.................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Storm Axe ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● The entire unit may exchange their Void Armour for:

- Heavy Void Armour...................................................................................................................................................................................... +30 points

DREADNOUGHT TALON .......................... 160 POINTS
Furibundus Dreadnought 8 4 4 7 6 5 4 3 8 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Furibundus Dreadnought ● Dreadnought

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Whilst the Dreadnoughts of ● Two Dreadnought Power Gloves ● Thermal Runaway
the Legiones Astartes were with in-built Twin-Linked Bolters ● Furibundus Talon
reserved for those warriors ● Atomantic Deflector ● Fleet (1)
fallen in battle, allowing the
slain one last chance at
fighting to reclaim their
honour, the Dreadnoughts
utilised by the Solar Auxilia
were a very different beast.
Most often of the Furibundus Options:
pattern, these gangly, rotund ● A Solar Auxilia Furibundus Dreadnought Talon may include:
machines did not require a - Up to 2 additional Furibundus Dreadnoughts ..................................... +160 points per model
permanent connection to
their wearer, instead making ● Any Furibundus Dreadnought may select one of the following options:
use of an MIU link to allow a - Havoc Launcher ..............................................................................................................+10 points
pilot to interface with their - Helical Targeting Array ................................................................................................. +20 points
chassis in battle.
● Any Furibundus Dreadnought may replace either of its Dreadnought Power Gloves with
A pattern older than even the in-built Twin-Linked Bolters for one of the following options:
dawning of the Emperor’s - Gravis Bolt Cannon........................................................................................................... +5 points
Imperium, the Furibundus - Gravis Autocannon .........................................................................................................+10 points
made use of colossal claw- - Gravis Missile Launcher (with Frag and Krak Missiles) ............................................+10 points
tipped power gloves, varied - Volkite Culverin...............................................................................................................+10 points
ranged armaments, and an - Kheres Assault Cannon .................................................................................................. +15 points
unstable yet potent reactor - Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +15 points
core that afforded it a speed - Gravis Plasma Cannon.................................................................................................... +15 points
beyond that of the - Gravis Lascannon ........................................................................................................... +20 points
Contemptor Chassis at the
risk of uncontrollable thermal ● Any Furibundus Dreadnought may replace an in-built Twin-Linked Bolter on a
explosions should it be Dreadnought Power Glove for one of the following options:
breached. Despite these risks - Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
and shortcomings, however, - Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points
the Solar Auxilia persisted in
their use; for the carnage that ● Any Furibundus Dreadnought may select the following option:
could be wrought upon the - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
battlefield by a Furibundus in
the hands of a skilled pilot
was second to none.

POSSESSED AUXILIA ................................... 110 POINTS
Possessed Auxilia 6 3 2 4 4 2 3 2 7 4+
Greater Possessed Auxilia 6 3 - 5 4 3 3 3 7 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 10 Possessed Auxilia ● Possessed Auxilia: Infantry (Corrupted)
● Greater Possessed Auxilia:
Infantry (Corrupted)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Lasrifle (Possessed Auxilia only) ● Feel No Pain (6+) The proliferation of unholy
● Mutated Appendage ● Hatred (Everything) rites and worship of dark
(Greater Possessed Auxilia Only) ● Relentless powers spread quickly among
the mortal auxiliaries of
● Frag Grenades ● Traitor Traitor forces, and Solar
● Krak Grenades ● Bulky (3) (Greater Possessed Auxilia only) Auxilia cohorts proved no
● Void Armour ● Hammer of Wrath (1) exception. Many succumbed
(Greater Possessed Auxilia only) to the false promises of power
● Rage (2) (Greater Possessed Auxilia only) that daemonic entities
offered, or else were given over
to possession in rituals meant
to forcibly claim the bodies
Options: and souls of prisoners and
● A Possessed Auxilia unit may include: wounded comrades too weak
- Up to 10 additional Possessed Auxilia....................................................... +11 points per model to fend off damnation. Others
were simply overwhelmed by
● For every five models in the unit, one Possessed Auxilia may be upgraded to a: an overabundance of Warp-
- Greater Possessed Auxilia............................................................................................... +15 points energy; rapidly devolving in
mind and body.
● Any Possessed Auxilia with a Lasrifle may take:
- Bayonet .................................................................................................................................+1 point Whether some inkling of
humanity remained within
● Any Possessed Auxilia may exchange their Lasrifle for one of the following options: these possessed vessels was
- Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon .................................................................................... Free hard to say, for they displayed
- Two Close Combat Weapons .................................................................................................. Free little willpower beyond the
- Shotgun....................................................................................................................................... Free compulsion to satiate a
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points newfound bloodlust. Possessed
- Chainsword and Laspistol................................................................................................+2 points Auxilia pushed their forms to
- Mutated Appendage.......................................................................................................... +5 points the limits of human
- Storm Axe ........................................................................................................................... +5 points endurance; surging onwards
even after suffering blows that
● For every five models in the unit, one Possessed Auxilia may exchange their Lasrifle with would have slain a man
one of the following options: outright. Most retained the
- Power Weapon and Laspistol .......................................................................................... +5 points weapons they carried in life,
- Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points but almost always preferred to
- Grenade Launcher (with Frag and Krak Rounds)......................................................... +5 points close in to engage in melee.
- Power Fist and Laspistol.................................................................................................+10 points
Mortal flesh proved extremely
● For every five models in the unit, one Possessed Auxilia may exchange a Laspistol with one malleable to the Warp’s touch,
of the following options: and as such few Possessed
- Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points Auxilia ever looked alike.
- Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points Many had their bodies
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points violently twisted and reshaped
- Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points to become larger, more
powerful creatures that barely
resembled anything close to a
human. While some would
further mutate into
abominations known as
Spawn, most of these meat
puppets inevitably degraded
beyond use after a short span
of time, ultimately casting
their possessor back into the

BOARDING RIG SECTION.........................185 POINTS
Extremis Boarding Rig 8 4 4 5 5 3 3 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 3 Extremis Boarding Rigs ● Infantry (Mechanised, Light)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

The Solar Auxilia began as a ● Pneumatic Claw ● Battlesmith (5+)
space-bound fighting force, ● Heavy Lascutter ● Inexorable
and many of the original ● Multi-Laser ● Fleet (2)
regiments never forgot those
vaunted origins. In the press ● Refractor Field ● Move Through Cover
and claustrophobia of space- ● Frag Grenades
combat, down void-sealed
corridors and within the
wrecks of airless hulks was the
need for the Extremis Rigs Options:
first conceived. ● A Solar Auxilia Extremis Boarding Rig Section may include:
- Up to 3 additional Extremis Boarding Rigs ............................................. +60 points per model
The earliest Extremis
Boarding Rigs were ugly, ● One Extremis Boarding Rig may select:
brutish affairs; all gangly - Auxilia Vexilla..................................................................................................................... +5 points
piston-actuated limbs and
grinding claws to shear ● Any model may exchange their Multi-Laser and/or Heavy Lascutter for one of the
through bulkheads and hull following options:
walls alike. In the darkened - Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................................................. Free
confines of such environments - Grenade Launcher (with Frag and Krak Rounds)................................................................. Free
did the crewmen of the Rigs - Heavy Bolter....................................................................................................................... +5 points
build their skill, and in time, - Rotary Bolt Cannon ........................................................................................................+10 points
not only could they repair - Volkite Culverin...............................................................................................................+10 points
their own Rigs in times of - Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak Missiles) .............................................. +15 points
need, but also assist in ship - Multi-Melta ..................................................................................................................... +20 points
repairs for their commanders - Lascannon........................................................................................................................ +20 points
when required, such was their
skill. This earned them both ● Any model may select one of the following options:
grudging respect and disdain - Vox Interlock ....................................................................................................................+10 points
from the Mechanicum; for to - Servo Arm .........................................................................................................................+10 points
be utterrly uninitiated in the
ways of the Machine-God and ● Any model may select any of the following options:
yet able to repair such - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
venerable vessels was a - Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................+10 points
paradox no amount of
cogitator stacks among their
host could resolve.

In time, the Extremis Rigs

would be codified into a true
pattern, boasting a range of
weapons, a gimbal-mounted
Heavy Lascutter slung over a
shoulder, and a flexible
equipment mount to allow for
servo-arms, vox gear, or any
other manner of useful tool to
be harnessed in their

Enginseer Adept 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+
Servo-Automata 6 3 3 4 5 1 1 1 6 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Enginseer Adept ● Enginseer Adept: Infantry (Character)
● 4 Servo-automata ● Servo-automata: Automata (Guardian)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Laspistol (Enginseer Adept only) ● Battlesmith (6+) (Enginseer Adept only) The hosts of the Excertus
● Power Axe (Enginseer Adept only) ● Battle-Automata (Enginseer Adept only) Imperialis would undoubtedly
● Servo-arm (Enginseer Adept only) ● Stubborn (Enginseer Adept only) have floundered without the
support of the Mechanicum,
● Close Combat Weapon ● Techo-Arcana: Enginseer owing to the sheer volume
(Servo-automata only) (Enginseer Adept only) and diversity of machinery
and equipment utilised across
its ranks – from its lowest
Militia conscript to the loftiest
Dedicated Transport: Legate Marshal. To this end,
● An Enginseer Auxilia Section of no more than ten models may take an Aurox Transport or an array of adepts drawn
Solar Auxilia Termite Assault Drill as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of no more than from numerous rungs of the
twelve models may take a Solar Auxilia Chimera Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A Mechanicum accompanied
unit of any size may take a Dracosan Armoured Transport as a Dedicated Transport. As a the Imperialis Auxilia
Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its wherever the Imperium sent
points must still be paid for as part of the army.
its armies.
● An Enginseer Auxilia Section may include: Many of these Enginseers were
- Up to 2 additional Enginseer Adepts........................................................ +20 points per model deployed to the battlefield
alongside Solar Auxilia
● An Enginseer Auxilia Section may include: Cohorts, usually surrounded
- Up to 6 additional Servo-automata .............................................................+5 points per model by a retinue of servo-
automata that assisted them
● Any Engineer Adept may take any of the following options: in their duties. While the tech-
- Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points priests and their guardians
- Vox Interlock ...................................................................................................................... +5 points were known to carry a
- Nuncio-Vox.......................................................................................................................+10 points fearsome, often esoteric array
- Volkite Charger................................................................................................................+10 points of weaponry, these disciples of
- Cortex Controller ............................................................................................................ +15 points the Omnissiah were primarily
- Graviton Gun ................................................................................................................... +15 points recognised for their ability to
repair damage inflicted onto
● Any Engineer Adept may take any of the following options: war machines and static
- Cyber-Familiar ................................................................................................................... +5 points defences even under heavy
- Melta Bombs ...................................................................................................................... +5 points fire.

● Any Servo-automata may take one of the following options:

- Las-lock ...............................................................................................................................+2 points
- Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Maxima Bolter ................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Servo-Arm........................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Grenade Launcher (with Frag and Krak Rounds).......................................................+10 points
- Rotor Cannon ..................................................................................................................+10 points
- Heavy Bolter..................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +25 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● Any model in the unit may exchange their Volkite Charger for one of the following options:
- Hot-Shot Lasgun ............................................................................................................................................................................................ +2 points
- Power Weapon and Blast Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Power Weapon and Hot-Shot Laspistol.......................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Storm Axe .........................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points


● Any Veletarii in the unit may exchange their Volkite Charger for one of the following options:
- Hot-Shot Lasgun ............................................................................................................................................................................................ +2 points
- Power Weapon and Blast Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Power Weapon and Hot-Shot Laspistol.......................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● The Veletarii Prime may exchange their Volkite Charger for the following option:
- Hot-Shot Lasgun ............................................................................................................................................................................................ +2 points


● Any Veletarii in the unit may exchange their Rotor Cannon for one of the following options:
- Volkite Caliver..................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Multi-Laser (with Suspensor Web) ...............................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Hot-Shot Volley Gun (with Suspensor Web)............................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● The Veletarii Prime may exchange their Rotor Cannon for one of the following options:
- Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Volkite Caliver..................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Multi-Laser (with Suspensor Web) ...............................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Hot-Shot Volley Gun (with Suspensor Web)............................................................................................................................................ +10 points

Each Auxilia Breacher Tercio is a single Troops choice, using up a single Troops slot on the
Force Organisation chart. Each Auxilia Breacher Tercio is composed of a number of
separate units – the exact number of units in the Tercio is shown on the Auxilia Breacher
Tercio organisation chart (shown below). An Auxilia Breacher Tercio may not include more
than three units.


An Auxilia Breacher Tercio may include the following units:
• 0-1 Solar Auxilia Breacher Command Section

TROOPS • 1-3 Solar Auxilia Breacher Sections

Breacher Tercios were

favoured by cohorts who were
expected to fight in gruelling SOLAR AUXILIA BREACHER
‘Zone Mortalis’ engagements,
where even the superior
COMMAND SECTION .................................. 50 POINTS
training and armament of the M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Solar Auxilia were pushed to Auxilia Breacher Veteran 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 4+
their limits. The heavier Auxilia Breacher Troop Master 6 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 8 4+
arsenal and discipline
required to maintain the
integrity of a Breacher Unit Composition Unit Type
formation ensured they were ● 4 Auxilia Breacher Veterans ● Auxilia Breacher Veteran:
typically drawn from ● 1 Auxilia Breacher Infantry (Line, Close-Order, Heavy)
experienced, veteran
Troop Master ● Auxilia Breacher Troop Master: Infantry
(Line, Close-Order, Heavy, Character)
Although the mortality rate
among Breacher Tercios could
be truly appalling – even by Wargear Special Rules
the standards of the Solar ● Shotgun ● Tercio
Auxilia – serving in such a ● Reinforced Void Armour
role nonetheless proved ● Boarding Shield
attractive to Auxiliaries who
sought advancement through ● Frag Grenades
the ranks. Leading a forlorn ● Krak Grenades
hope into certain death ● Breacher Charges
guaranteed commendations
and ascension, but survival
was as much about luck as it Dedicated Transport:
was any ability to survive. For ● A Solar Auxilia Breacher Command Section of no more than ten models may take
this reason, Troop Masters of an Aurox Transport or Solar Auxilia Termite Assault Drill as a Dedicated
Breacher Tercios – as well as Transport. A unit of no more than twelve models may take a Solar Auxilia Chimera
their protectors – tended to be Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of any size may take a Dracosan
younger than their Armoured Transport or Solar Auxilia Hades Breaching Drill as a Dedicated
contemporaries, though were Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force
Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as part of the army.
no less battle-hardened for it.

● A Solar Auxilia Breacher Command Section may include:
- Up to 15 additional Auxilia Breacher Veterans........................................................................................................................ +8 points per model

● One Auxilia Breacher Veteran may select:

- Command Vox .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points

● One Auxilia Breacher Veteran may select:

- Auxilia Vexilla...................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● One Auxilia Breacher Veteran may select:

- Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● The Auxilia Breacher Troop Master may exchange their Shotgun for the following option:
- Laspistol .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Free

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Shotgun for one of the following options:
- Lascarbine................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Free
- Volkite Charger............................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points

● The Auxilia Breacher Troop Master may exchange a Laspistol for one of the following options:
- Blast Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Needle Pistol ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Hand Flamer ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● The Auxilia Breacher Troop Master may select one of the following options:
- Charnabal Weapon....................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Power Weapon .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points
- Power Fist ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Chainfist.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Auxilia Troop Master may select any of the following options:
- Refractor Field .................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

BREACHER SECTION ...................................90 POINTS
Auxilia Breacher 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 4+
Auxilia Breacher Sergeant 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 9 Auxilia Breachers ● Auxilia Breacher: Infantry
● 1 Auxilia Breacher Sergeant (Line, Close-Order, Heavy)
● Auxilia Breacher Sergeant: Infantry
(Line, Close-Order, Heavy, Character)
Breacher Sections regularly Wargear Special Rules
served in the vanguard of the
most perilous frontal assaults ● Shotgun ● Tercio
where other shock troops ● Reinforced Void Armour
could not be relied upon to ● Boarding Shield
survive. They were expected to ● Frag Grenades
advance without hesitation
and in tight lockstep with ● Krak Grenades
their comrades to maintain a ● Breacher Charges
shield-wall against enemy
fuselages that might Dedicated Transport:
otherwise break the advance ● A Solar Auxilia Breacher Section of no more than ten models may take an Aurox Transport
of lesser equipped Tercios. or Solar Auxilia Termite Assault Drill as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of no more than
twelve models may take a Solar Auxilia Chimera Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A
Owing to the close formation unit of any size may take a Dracosan Armoured Transport or Solar Auxilia Hades
doctrines of the Solar Auxilia, Breaching Drill as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up
an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as part of the
Breacher Sections were as army.
suited to deployment on open
battlefields as they were ‘Zone Options:
Mortalis’ engagements,
spearheading the push ● A Solar Auxilia Breacher Section may include:
through breached defences - Up to 10 additional Auxilia Breachers........................................................ +8 points per model
and down exposed city streets.
● One Auxilia Breacher may select:
Auxiliaries who made up
- Vox Interlock ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
Breacher Sections were drilled
to be remorseless on the
● One Auxilia Breacher may select:
advance, instinctively filling
- Auxilia Vexilla..................................................................................................................... +5 points
holes in a line left by a fallen
comrade to maintain its ● One Auxilia Breacher may select:
integrity – always denying the - Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points
enemy a gap they could
exploit. ● The Auxilia Breacher Sergeant may exchange their Shotgun for the following option:
- Laspistol ...................................................................................................................................... Free

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Shotgun for one of the following options:
- Lascarbine................................................................................................................................... Free
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points

● The Auxilia Breacher Sergeant may exchange a Laspistol for one of the following options:
- Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points

● The Auxilia Breacher Sergeant may select one of the following options:
- Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points

● The Auxilia Breacher Sergeant may select any of the following options:
- Melta Bombs ...................................................................................................................... +5 points

Each Auxilia Infantry Support Tercio is a single Non-Compulsory Troops choice, using up a
single Troops slot on the Force Organisation chart. Each Auxilia Infantry Support Tercio is
composed of a number of separate units – the exact number of units in the Tercio is shown
on the Auxilia Infantry Support Tercio organisation chart (shown below). An Auxilia
Infantry Support Tercio may not include more than three units.


An Auxilia Infantry Support Tercio may include the following units:
• 0-1 Solar Auxilia Ancillary Command Section

TROOPS • 1-3 of any of the following choices, in any combination: Solar Auxilia Pioneer Sections,
Solar Auxilia Special Weapons Sections, or Solar Auxilia Heavy Weapons Sections.
While Infantry Tercios served
as the backbone of the Solar
Auxilia cohorts, Infantry SOLAR AUXILIA ANCILLARY
Support Tercios regularly
fought in close formation
COMMAND SECTION .................................. 40 POINTS
alongside the massed ranks of M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Rifle Sections. As per their Auxilia Veteran 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 4+
namesake, the sections that Auxilia Troop Master 6 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 8 4+
made up Infantry Support
Tercios were responsible for
eliminating threats that could Unit Composition Unit Type
withstand even massed lasrifle ● 4 Auxilia Veterans ● Auxilia Veteran: Infantry (Close-Order)
fire, or to pave the way for ● 1 Auxilia Troop Master ● Auxilia Troop Master:
their marching advance –
Infantry (Close-Order, Character)
greasing the proverbial wheels
of the Solar Auxilia’s
mainstay. Wargear Special Rules
● Lasrifle ● Artillery Spotters
To this end, the Troop
● Void Armour ● Tercio
Masters of Ancillary
Command Sections were ● Frag Grenades
responsible for directing their ● Krak Grenades
subordinate sections in battle;
whether by following the
directives of superior officers
and deploying them
accordingly, or acting on Dedicated Transport:
requests for support from ● A Solar Auxilia Ancillary Command Section of no more than ten models may take
other Command Sections. an Aurox Transport or Solar Auxilia Termite Assault Drill as a Dedicated
Transport. A unit of no more than twelve models may take a Solar Auxilia Chimera
Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of any size may take a Dracosan
Armoured Transport or Solar Auxilia Hades Breaching Drill as a Dedicated
Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force
Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as part of the army.

● A Solar Auxilia Ancillary Command Section may include:
- Up to 15 additional Auxilia Veterans ........................................................................................................................................ +6 points per model

● Any model with a Lasrifle may select the following option:

- Bayonet .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. +1 point

● One Auxilia Veteran may select:

- Command Vox .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points

● One Auxilia Veteran may select:

- Auxilia Vexilla...................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● One Auxilia Veteran may select:

- Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● The Auxilia Troop Master may exchange their Lasrifle for the following option:
- Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon .................................................................................................................................................................. Free

● The Auxilia Troop Master may exchange a Laspistol for one of the following options:
- Blast Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Needle Pistol ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Hand Flamer ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● The Auxilia Troop Master may exchange a Close Combat Weapon for one of the following options:
- Charnabal Weapon....................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Power Weapon .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points
- Power Fist ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Auxilia Troop Master may select any of the following options:
- Refractor Field .................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Cognis-Signum .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +15 points

PIONEER SECTION....................................... 70 POINTS
Pioneer 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 4+
Pioneer Weapons Team 6 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 6 4+
Pioneer Sergeant 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 4+
Unit Composition Unit Type
● 9 Pioneers ● Pioneer: Infantry
● 1 Pioneer Sergeant ● Pioneer Weapons Team: Infantry
● Pioneer Sergeant: Infantry (Character)

TROOPS Wargear Special Rules

Pioneer Sections were combat ● Lasrifle ● Bulky (3) (Pioneer Weapons Team only)
engineers vital to the ● Void Armour ● Emplaced Position
doctrines of active defence ● Frag Grenades (Pioneer Weapons Team only)
that came to define the Solar
Auxilia. These strategies ● Krak Grenades ● Crew-Served Weapon
called for the rapid ● Breacher Charges (Pioneer Weapons Team only)
fortification of newly seized ● Mole Mortar ● Forward Defences
ground in preparation for (Pioneer Weapons Team only) ● Scout
enemy counter-attacks, ● Tercio
against which their foe would
break upon their lines to be
cut down by massed-ranks of Dedicated Transport:
lasrifle fire. ● A Solar Auxilia Pioneer Section of no more than ten models may take an Aurox Transport
or Solar Auxilia Termite Assault Drill as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of no more than
On many battlefields, Pioneer twelve models may take a Solar Auxilia Chimera Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A
unit of any size may take a Dracosan Armoured Transport or Solar Auxilia Hades
Sections were also called upon Breaching Drill as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up
to range ahead of a Cohort’s an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as part of the
main thrust; scouting enemy army.
positions and, where they
were able, destroy static
defences such as minefields,
bunkers and other obstacles to
ensure a cohort’s grinding
advance maintained

Unlike most other Solar

Auxilia units – who were
generally equipped in an
inflexible and universal
manner – Pioneer Sections
were known to requisition
varied armaments and
equipment, owed to the range
of roles they fulfilled and
obstacles they were expected
to overcome.

● A Solar Auxilia Pioneer Section may include:
- Up to 10 additional Pioneers ..................................................................................................................................................... +6 points per model

● A Solar Auxilia Pioneer Section may include:

- Up to 2 Pioneer Weapons Teams .............................................................................................................................................+25 points per model

● Any model with a Lasrifle may select the following option:

- Bayonet .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. +1 point

● One Pioneer may select:

- Vox Interlock ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● One Pioneer may select:

- Auxilia Vexilla...................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● One Pioneer may select:

- Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● The Pioneer Sergeant may exchange their Lasrifle for the following option:
- Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon .................................................................................................................................................................. Free

● The Pioneer Sergeant may exchange a Laspistol for one of the following options:
- Blast Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Needle Pistol ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Hand Flamer ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● The Pioneer Sergeant may exchange a Close Combat Weapon for one of the following options:
- Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Power Fist ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● Any Pioneer in the unit may exchange their Lasrifle for one of the following options:
- Shotgun..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Lascarbine................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Free
- Power Axe .........................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● For every five models in the unit, one Pioneer may exchange their Lasrifle for one of the following options:
- Heavy Flamer .................................................................................................................................................................................................. +2 points
- Meltagun......................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Lascutter ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The entire unit may select any of the following options:

- Shroud Bombs............................................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Melta Bombs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................+25 points

● The entire unit may exchange their Void Armour for the following option:
- Reinforced Void Armour ..............................................................................................................................................................................+25 points

Auxilia 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 4+
Auxilia Sergeant 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 9 Auxilia ● Auxilia: Infantry (Line, Close-Order)
● 1 Auxilia Sergeant ● Auxilia Sergeant: Infantry
(Character, Line, Close-Order)

TROOPS Wargear Special Rules

Special Weapon Sections ● Flamer ● Tercio
acted as fire-support for ● Void Armour
Infantry Tercios, bringing to ● Frag Grenades
bear more powerful weaponry
to eliminate especially ● Krak Grenades
stubborn or unconventional
threats that could otherwise
endure their comrades’ volleys
of lasrifle fire. It was for this
reason that with the outbreak Dedicated Transport:
of the Horus Heresy, Special ● A Solar Auxilia Special Weapons Section of no more than ten models may take an Aurox
Weapon Sections quickly Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of no more than twelve models may take a
proved invaluable assets to Solar Auxilia Chimera Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of any size may take a
Dracosan Armoured Transport as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this
commanders faced with does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for
confronting the Legiones as part of the army.
Astartes and Mechanicum.
In order to take advantage of ● A Solar Auxilia Special Weapons Section may include:
these powerful but shorter - Up to 10 additional Auxilia ...........................................................................+7 points per model
ranged armaments, Special
Weapon Sections were ● One Auxilia may select:
typically kept mobile – - Vox Interlock ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
responding rapidly to the
shifting tides of battle – ● One Auxilia may select:
utilised where their massed- - Auxilia Vexilla..................................................................................................................... +5 points
firepower was needed to drive
back breakthroughs or else ● One Auxilia may select:
force open holes in the - Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points
enemy’s defensive lines.
Special Weapon Sections ● The entire unit may exchange their Flamers for one of the following options (all models in
favoured deployment in the unit must take the same option):
transport vehicles for this - Volkite Charger.......................................................................................................................... Free
reason, but could be relied - Grenade Launcher (with Frag and Krak Rounds)................................................................. Free
upon to march in close-order - Plasma Gun....................................................................................................+10 points per model
with other Tercios or - Meltagun........................................................................................................ +15 points per model
coordinate their fire alongside
Heavy Weapon Sections to ● The Auxilia Sergeant may exchange their Flamer for the following option:
hold a defensive position. - Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon .................................................................................... Free

● The Auxilia Sergeant may exchange a Laspistol for one of the following options:
- Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Needle Pistol ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points

● The Auxilia Sergeant may exchange a Close Combat Weapon for one of the following
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points

HEAVY WEAPONS SECTION .................... 45 POINTS
Auxilia Weapons Team 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 6 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 3 Auxilia Weapon Teams ● Infantry (Heavy, Skirmish)

Wargear Special Rules TROOPS

● Heavy Stubber ● Bulky (3) Solar Auxilia Cohorts utilised
● Void Armour ● Emplaced Position Heavy Weapon Sections to
● Tercio provide close fire support for
advancing Infantry Tercios,
● Crew-Served Weapon typically in concert other
supporting elements such as
Special Weapon Sections and
Pioneer Sections. While these
portable crewed-weapons
Dedicated Transport: were lighter than rapier
● A Solar Auxilia Heavy Weapons Section of no more than three models may take an Aurox platforms, what Heavy
Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of no more than four models may take a Solar Weapon Sections sacrificed in
Auxilia Chimera Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of no more than six models firepower they made up for in
may take a Dracosan Armoured Transport as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated
Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points must manoeuvrability and tighter
still be paid for as part of the army. coordination with other
infantry elements.
● A Solar Auxilia Heavy Weapons Section may include: Heavy Weapon Sections were
- Up to 7 additional Auxilia Weapons teams .............................................. +15 points per model equipped with a variety of
man-portable weapons, all of
● One Auxilia may select: them powerful but requiring a
- Vox Interlock ...................................................................................................................... +5 points short delay for the crews to
emplace and range in, an
● One Auxilia may select: exercise they were relentlessly
- Auxilia Vexilla..................................................................................................................... +5 points drilled in again and again, for
every second counted on the
● One Auxilia may select: battlefields of the Great
- Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points Crusade. Heavy Stubbers
raked down scores of slavering
● The entire unit may exchange their Heavy Stubbers for one of the following options (all xenos beasts, while mortars
models in the unit must take the same option): reigned down from above,
- Mortar ..............................................................................................................+5 points per model missile launchers cleared the
- Heavy Bolter....................................................................................................+5 points per model skies and exploded among
- Multi-Laser ......................................................................................................+5 points per model advancing infantry, as
- Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak Missiles) ...........................+10 points per model lascannons obliterated
- Autocannon...................................................................................................+10 points per model armour columns and alien
- Volkite Culverin............................................................................................+10 points per model monstrosities.
- Mole Mortar ..................................................................................................+10 points per model
- Plasma Cannon............................................................................................. +15 points per model With the outbreak of the
- Lascannon...................................................................................................... +15 points per model Horus Heresy and the need
for weaponry that could
penetrate the armour of the
indomitable Legiones
Astartes, the importance of
the Heavy Weapon Sections
was emphasised time and
again. The lives of whole
Tercios were spent to buy time
for crews to reposition, or as
bait to draw the post-human
warriors into prepared kill-
zones where only heavy
weapons were guaranteed to
destroy them.

CHIMERA TRANSPORT............................... 60 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Chimera Transport 14 3 12 10 10 3 14

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Chimera Transport ● Vehicle (Transport, Reinforced)

DEDICATED Wargear Special Rules

TRANSPORT ● Turret Mounted Multi-Laser ● Amphibious
The Chimera Armoured ● Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ● Infantry Transport
Infantry Transport was a ● Smoke Launchers
rugged and durable vehicle
that was beginning to see
widespread use by the
Imperialis Auxilia at the of
the Horus Heresy. Its chassis
was the basis upon which
numerous other variants were Dedicated Transport Options:
designed, but by far the most ● A Solar Auxilia Tactical Command Section, Solar Auxilia Companion Section, Solar Auxilia
endearing was its original role Veletaris Command Section, Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section, Solar Auxilia Veletaris
as an armoured personnel Vanguard Section, Solar Auxilia Line Command Section, Solar Auxilia Rifle Section, or
carrier. Solar Auxilia Artillery Command Section of no more than twelve models may take a Solar
Auxilia Chimera Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A Solar Auxilia Cyclops Demolition
Section of no more than four models may take a Solar Auxilia Chimera Transport as a
Many infantry units favoured Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force
the Chimera not only for the Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as part of the army.
impressive protection it
provided, but also the Access Points:
firepower mounted atop it, ● An Auxilia Chimera Transport has one Access Point at the rear.
which allowed the Chimera to
act in a fire-support role after
its charges had disembarked. Options:
● An Auxilia Chimera Transport may exchange its Turret Mounted Multi-Laser for one of
Among the Solar Auxilia the following options:
adoption of the Chimera was - Turret Mounted Heavy Bolter................................................................................................. Free
not as far reaching as some - Turret Mounted Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................... Free
other branches of the - Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter................................................................. +5 points
Imperialis Auxilia and many - Turret Mounted Autocannon.......................................................................................... +5 points
of the Cohorts who utilised it
forwent the lasgun arrays ● An Auxilia Chimera Transport may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser for one
popular with regular Army of the following options:
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
regiments. Instead, efforts
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter ...................................................................................... Free
were made to further modify
and reinforce their Chimeras
● An Auxilia Chimera Transport may select one of the following options:
with extensive life support
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
systems and superior material
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
components, though this was - Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
far from universal.
● An Auxilia Chimera Transport may select up to two of the following option:
- Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ................................................................ +5 points

● An Auxilia Chimera Transport may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Lasgun Arrays*......................................................................+10 points

*An Auxilia Chimera Transport that selects this option loses the Reinforced Sub-type.

Fast Attack
Each Solar Auxilia Drop Tercio is a single Fast Attack choice, using up a single Fast Attack
slot on the Force Organisation chart. Each Solar Auxilia Drop Tercio is composed of a
number of separate units - the exact number of units in the Tercio is shown on the Solar
Auxilia Drop Tercio organisation chart (shown below). A Solar Auxilia Drop Tercio may not
include more than three units.


An Auxilia Verticalis Drop Tercio may include the following units:
• 0-1 Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Command Section


1-3 Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Sections
0-1 Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Sentinel Squadron
Commanders and
coordinators of rapid
insertion forces, the Drop SOLAR AUXILIA VERTICALIS
Masters of the Solar Auxilia
were the cunning and
DROP COMMAND SECTION .................... 65 POINTS
cohesive minds behind many M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
special operations as shock Auxilia Drop Veteran 6 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 6 4+
infantry and deep strike Auxilia Drop Troop Master 6 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 4+
operatives. Like many of the
Command Sections of the
Solar Auxilia, they deployed Unit Composition Unit Type
to combat alongside their ● 4 Auxilia Drop Veterans ● Auxilia Drop Veteran: Infantry
subordinate drop auxilia; ● 1 Auxilia Drop Troop Master ● Auxilia Drop Troop Master:
coming equipped with
Infantry (Character)
specialist wargear to lead by
example and action.
Wargear Special Rules
The Drop Masters and ● Lasrifle (with Suspensor Web) ● Tercio
accompanying Veterans were
● Void Armour
the best at their job and duty
at fighting far behind enemy ● Verticalis Drop Harness
lines, their abilities proven ● Frag Grenades
through many campaigns; ● Krak Grenades
successful due to their
participation, wholly or
otherwise. Like the famed
Veletaris, the danger and Dedicated Transport:
recognition that came from ● A Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Command Section of any size may take an Arvus
such tactics the Verticalis Transport or Auxilia Kelaino as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport
employed was much lauded - this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but it's points must still
though these back-line be paid for as part of the army.
commanders normally held a
jaded and hot-tempered
demeanour, which they
brought with them as they fell
feet first into hell.

● A Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Command Section may include:
- Up to 5 additional Auxilia Drop Veterans............................................................................................................................... +11 points per model

● Any model with a Lasrifle may select the following option:

- Bayonet .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. +1 point

● One Auxilia Drop Veteran may select:

- Command Vox .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points

● One Auxilia Drop Veteran may select:

- Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Lasrifle (with Suspensor Web) for one of the following options:
- Shotgun..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Volkite Charger............................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Flamer .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. +2 points
- Power Weapon and Blast Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Charnabal Weapon and Blast Pistol .............................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● The Drop Troop Master may exchange their Lasrifle (with Suspensor Web) for the following option:
- Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon .................................................................................................................................................................. Free

● The Drop Troop Master may exchange a Laspistol for one of the following options:
- Blast Pistol ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Free
- Needle Pistol ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Free
- Hand Flamer ................................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● The Drop Troop Master may exchange a Close Combat Weapon for one of the following options:
- Charnabal Weapon......................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Power Fist ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● The Drop Troop Master may select any of the following options:
- Refractor Field .................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

Drop Auxilia 6 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 6 4+
Drop Auxilia Sergeant 6 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 7 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 9 Drop Auxilia ● Drop Auxilia: Infantry
● 1 Drop Auxilia Sergeant ● Drop Auxilia Sergeant:
Infantry (Character)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

Some of the most skilled and ● Lasrifle (with Suspensor Web) ● Tercio
capable of the Solar Auxilia, ● Void Armour
alongside the famed Veletarii ● Verticalis Drop Harness
hosts, the sections of the Drop
Auxilia were veterans in their ● Frag Grenades
own right. Trained to utilise ● Krak Grenades
their Verticalis Drop
Harnesses to descend and
deploy into high-priority
locations and target-rich Dedicated Transport:
environments, they were a ● A Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Section of no more than ten models may take an Arvus
contrast to the Veletaris, but Transport or Auxilia Kelaino as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does
their job was by no means less not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as
dangerous. Bringing lighter part of the army.
arms, with shorter and
specialised patterns to lend to Options:
their lightweight nature, their ● A Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Section may include:
weapons were still capable of - Up to 10 additional Drop Auxilia................................................................ +9 points per model
overwhelming the foe, and
their discipline as soldiers of ● Any model with a Lasrifle may select the following option:
the Solar Auxilia allowed - Bayonet .................................................................................................................................+1 point
them to perform as dangerous
and unexpected forces ● One Drop Auxilia may select:
dropped directly into the foes' - Vox Interlock ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
● One Drop Auxilia may select:
- Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Lasrifle (with Suspensor Web) for one of the
following options:
- Shotgun....................................................................................................................................... Free
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points
- Flamer .................................................................................................................................+2 points

● The Drop Auxilia Sergeant may exchange their Lasrifle (with Suspensor Web) for the
following option:
- Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon .................................................................................... Free

● The Drop Auxilia Sergeant may exchange a Laspistol for one of the following options:
- Blast Pistol .................................................................................................................................. Free
- Needle Pistol .............................................................................................................................. Free
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points

● The Drop Auxilia Sergeant may exchange a Close Combat Weapon for one of the
following options:
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points

Auxilia Verticalis Drop Sentinel 7 4 4 5 6 3 3 1 7 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Verticalis ● Infantry (Skirmish, Mechanised)
Drop Sentinel

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Multi-Laser ● Bulky (5) Whilst the mass-produced
● Vox Interlock ● Move Through Cover mechanical walkers of the
● Verticalis Drop Harness ● Inexorable Imperium were generally
regarded as too weak for
● Tercio front-line military service,
their somewhat lightweight
build when compared to other
mechanised forces lent to
their capabilities in other
Options: ways of war.
● A Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Sentinel Squadron may include:
- Up to 2 additional Auxilia Verticalis Drop Sentinels ..............................+85 points per model When fitted with weaponry to
complement the troops they
● Any Auxilia Verticalis Drop Sentinel may replace its Multi-Laser with one of the following deployed with, and a
options: combination of thrusters and
- Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................................................. Free gravitic plates, they were
- Autocannon................................................................................................................................ Free dropped from high or low
- Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak missiles) ................................................ +5 points orbit from assault carriers to
- Volkite Culverin...............................................................................................................+10 points quickly descend alongside the
- Plasma Cannon................................................................................................................+10 points rest of their drop forces. Used
- Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +15 points as a highly mobile weapons
- Lascannon........................................................................................................................ +20 points platform to be inserted where
needed, whether that be in
● Any Auxilia Verticalis Drop Sentinel may select up to two of the following option: response to front-line combat,
- One Hunter-Killer Missile ............................................................................................... +5 points or to aid in the dismantling of
a key target or objective, their
● Any Auxilia Verticalis Drop Sentinel may select any of the following options: weapons provided the heavy
- Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................ +5 points hitting punch that some
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points tactical insertions required to
- Smoke Launchers .............................................................................................................. +5 points complete their battlefield

Each Auxilia Light Armoured Tercio is a single Fast Attack choice, using up a single Fast
Attack slot on the Force Organisation chart. Each Auxilia Light Armoured Tercio is
composed of a number of separate units - the exact number of units in the Tercio is shown
on the Auxilia Light Armoured Tercio organisation chart (shown below). An Auxilia Light
Armoured Tercio may not include more than three units.


An Auxilia Light Armoured Tercio may include the following units:
• 0-1 of either Solar Auxilia Salamander Command Vehicle

FAST ATTACK • 1-3 of either Solar Auxilia Salamander Scout Squadrons or Solar Auxilia Pegasus Assault
Squadrons, in any combination
Equipped with enhanced
augur suites and grand
Salamander Command
Vehicle was a command and
COMMAND VEHICLE ................................. 125 POINTS
control vehicle built to rapidly Armour Transport
receive and relay data and M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
form an unbreakable link in Salamander Command Vehicle 16 4 12 10 10 3 -
the chain of battlefield
Unit Composition Unit Type
Frequently fielded by ● 1 Salamander Command ● Vehicle (Fast, Reinforced)
Armoured Columns as the Vehicle
figurehead of forward-
operating armoured
reconnaissance operations,
the Salamander Command Wargear Special Rules
vehicle, the commander, and ● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Tercio
their learned crew were Heavy Bolter ● Scout
together able to read the flow
of data through their data ● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Light Command Tank
suites, synchronise Autocannon
reinforcements, and stave off ● Geo-Locator Beacon
assaults through the ● Auspex Surveyor
disruption of enemy ● Smoke Launchers

Like its predecessor, Cohorts Options:

utilising the Salamander
Command Vehicle refitted ● A Salamander Command Vehicle may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy
Bolter for one of the following options:
them to suit the needs of the - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................ Free
Solar Auxilia, enclosing the - Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ............................................................................ Free
rear platform, and
environmentally sealing ● A Salamander Command Vehicle may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted
weapon ports, as well as Autocannon for the following option:
outfitting it with further - Hull (Front) Mounted Gravis Heavy Flamer ............................................................ Free
visual display systems to
compensate. ● A Salamander Command Vehicle may select one of the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.................................................................+5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber..........................................................................+5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ...........................................................................+5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ............................................................................ +10 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (any type) .................................................. +10 points

● A Salamander Command Vehicle may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ...........................................................................................................+5 points
- Dozer Blade ...........................................................................................................+5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ..........................................+5 points
- Vox Disruptor Array ...........................................................................................+25 points

SCOUT SQUADRON.......................................75 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Salamander Scout Vehicle 16 3 12 10 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Salamander Scout Vehicle ● Vehicle (Fast, Reinforced)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter ● Tercio The Salamander Scout
● Hull (Front) Mounted Autocannon ● Scout Vehicle was a light
● Nuncio-Vox reconnaissance vehicle based
upon the Chimera chassis,
● Smoke Launchers which came into service in the
shadow of its sibling. The
Salamander took the rugged
capabilities of the Chimera
and reduced its size and
Options: weight, allowing it fulfil the
● A Solar Auxilia Salamander Scout Squadron may include: role of a low-profile scout
- Up to 2 additional Salamander Scout Vehicles ........................................+65 points per model vehicle and observe enemy
positions whilst operating at
● A Salamander Scout Vehicle may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter for one the forefront of a battle and
of the following options: relay information.
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
- Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ......................................................................................... Free It was in this capacity that
the Salamander proved its use
● A Salamander Scout Vehicle may select one of the following options: time and again, harassing the
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points lines of the enemy during the
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points Age of Darkness.
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (any type) ................................................................+10 points

● A Salamander Scout Vehicle may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points

ASSAULT SQUADRON .................................. 85 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Pegasus Assault Vehicle 14 3 12 11 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Pegasus Assault Vehicle ● Vehicle (Fast, Reinforced)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

Where the punch of a Battle ● Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser ● Tercio
Tank was required alongside ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter ● Scout
the speed and ● Pintle-Mounted Auto-Launcher
manoeuvrability of a scout
vehicle, the Pegasus was called ● Smoke Launchers
to the field. One of the last
Chimera-Chassis vehicles to
see official construction before
the outbreak of the Heresy,
the Pegasus Assault Vehicle Options:
was utilised amongst ● A Solar Auxilia Pegasus Assault Squadron may include:
armoured scouting forces as a - Up to 2 additional Pegasus Assault Vehicles ........................................... +80 points per model
method of both a rapid
assault vehicle, and an escort ● A Pegasus Assault Vehicle may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter for one of
to more vulnerable the following options:
reconnaissance assets. - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
- Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ......................................................................................... Free
Building upon the Chimera’s
capabilities as a Fire Support ● A Pegasus Assault Vehicle may exchange its Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser for one of
vehicle, using the space the following options (all models in the unit must select the same option):
provided by it’s transport - Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter......................................................................... Free
compartments to utilise a - Turret Mounted Pegasus Autocannon.........................................................................+10 points
larger engine and heavier
weapons allowed the Pegasus ● A Pegasus Assault Vehicle may select one of the following options:
to bring a sizeable amount of - Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
stopping power to - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
Reconnaissance Columns. - Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points

● A Pegasus Assault Vehicle may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points

Each Auxilia Carnodon Tercio is a single Fast Attack choice, using up a single Fast Attack
slot on the Force Organisation chart. Each Auxilia Carnodon Tercio is composed of a
number of separate units – the exact number of units in the Tercio is shown on the Auxilia
Carnodon Tercio organisation chart (shown below). An Auxilia Carnodon Tercio may not
include more than three units.


An Auxilia Carnodon Tercio may include the following units:
• 0-1 Solar Auxilia Carnodon Command Section
• 1-3 Solar Auxilia Carnodon Strike Squadrons
Any Solar Auxiliua Carnodon Strike Squadrons chosen as part of an Auxilia Carnodon Although the Carnodon
Tercio automatically gain the Tercio Special Rule. medium battle tank was
beginning to enter strategic
SOLAR AUXILIA CARNODON reserves at the conclusion of
the Great Crusade, a number
COMMAND SECTION ................................100 POINTS of Solar Auxilia cohorts and
Armour Transport officers still favoured the
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity versatility and speed it offered
over newer, heavier armoured
Carnodon Command Tank 15 4 12 11 10 3 - designs – or simply hadn’t
been inundated with sufficient
Unit Composition Unit Type numbers to yet retire their
ageing vehicles.
● 1 Carnodon Command Tank ● Vehicle
Whatever the reason, some
cohorts continued to organise
their Carnodon Squadrons
Wargear Special Rules into Tercio formations,
relying on numbers and speed
● Turret Mounted ● Tercio over technological
Gravis Multi-Laser ● Solar Auxilia Command Tank advancements to win the day.
● Two Sponson Mounted These Tercios were led into
Heavy Flamers battle by officers who had
spent years or even decades
● Smoke Launchers
within the familiar confines of
the Carnodon and many were
stubborn, ageing veterans
who baulked at the idea of
Options: mounting any other vehicle.
● A Carnodon Command Tank may exchange their Turret Mounted Gravis
Multi-Laser for one of the following options:
- Turret Mounted Volkite Culverin.............................................................................. Free
- Turret Mounted Gravis Autocannon ................................................................+5 points
- Turret Mounted Gravis Lascannon ................................................................ +20 points

● A Carnodon Command Tank may exchange their Two Sponson Mounted Heavy
Flamers for one of the following options:
- Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Calivers .................................................................. Free
- Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers ....................................................................... Free
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters ..................................................................... Free
- Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons ..............................................................+5 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons............................................................... +15 points

● A Carnodon Command Tank may select one of the following options:

- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber..........................................................................+5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ...........................................................................+5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ............................................................................ +10 points

● A Carnodon Command Tank may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ...........................................................................................................+5 points
- Cognis-Signum .................................................................................................. +20 points

LAND SPEEDER SQUADRON .................... 85 POINTS
Tempestor Land Speeder 16 3 3 3 5 4 3 2 7 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Tempestor Land Speeder ● Cavalry (Antigrav)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

Based off of the ubiquitous ● Auxilia Tempestor Land Speeder ● Auxilia Rangers
Proteus pattern Land ● Vox Interlock ● Deep Strike
Speeders issued to both the ● Searchlights ● Firing Protocols (4)
Imperial Army and the
Legiones Astartes, the ● Nuncio-Vox ● Hit & Run
Tempestor sub-pattern ● Scout
featured a fully enclosed and ● Relentless
environmentally sealed
cockpit to fit the Solar
Auxilia’s exacting needs. Options:
● A Solar Auxilia Tempestor Land Speeder Squadron may include:
The Tempestor pattern came - Up to 4 additional Tempestor Land Speeders .........................................+85 points per model
into being after initial testing
of it among the Auxilia found ● Any Tempestor Land Speeder may replace their Auxilia Tempestor Land Speeder’s
the Proteus pattern lacking - Multi-Laser with one of the following options:
mainly due to the design - Heavy Bolter............................................................................................................................... Free
clashing against the Auxilia’s - Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................................................. Free
particular combat doctrines - - Graviton Gun ...................................................................................................................+10 points
and so work began to adapt - Kheres Assault Cannon .................................................................................................. +15 points
the anti-grav platforms by the - Volkite Culverin............................................................................................................... +15 points
Forges of Mars.
● Any Tempestor Land Speeder may replace their Auxilia Tempestor Land Speeder’s
Havoc Launcher with one of the following options:
Armoured and equipped in a
- Twin-Linked Multi-Laser ................................................................................................. +5 points
similar way to the more
- Twin-Linked Volkite Culverin....................................................................................... +15 points
common Land Speeder
- Twin-Linked Kheres Assault Cannon .......................................................................... +15 points
patterns, the Tempestor was a
- Cyclone Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak missiles) .............................. +20 points
scouting and reconnaissance
vehicle and as such found ● Any Tempestor Land Speeder may select up to two of the following option:
itself used mostly by the - One Hunter-Killer Missile ............................................................................................... +5 points
pioneer companies of the
Auxilia, ranging out alongside
the Aethon Sentinels and
other light vehicles before the
main forces of the Solar
Auxilia mounted their attack.

Feeding valuable target and

topography data back to the
main thrust of the Auxilia’s
forces, whilst also being
rugged enough to mount a
number of heavy weapons, the
finalised versions of these
strike craft were well-liked
and entered into priority
production alongside other
staples of the Auxilia’s forces -
serving with distinction
throughout the Great

Aethon Heavy Sentinel 7 3 3 6 6 4 3 1 7 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Aethon Heavy Sentinel ● Infantry (Skirmish, Mechanised)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Multi-Laser ● Bulky (6) One of the first forays into
● Two Havoc Launchers ● Move Through Cover adaptation of the sentinel
● Vox-Interlock ● Scout chassis for front-line conflict,
the Aethon sported much
● Augury Scanner ● Auxilia Rangers heavier armour than the
● Inexorable standard Hermes-pattern
● Heavy Walker Sentinels without sacrificing
manoeuvrability. Specialised
for reconnaissance in
Options: extremely hostile
● A Solar Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Squadron may include: environments, Aethons were
- Up to 2 additional Aethon Heavy Sentinels ............................................ +80 points per model commonly piloted by pioneer
veterans which specialised in
● Any Aethon Heavy Sentinel may replace their Multi-Laser with one of the following terrain assessment and
options: counter ambush tactics.
- Heavy Bolter............................................................................................................................... Free
- Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................................................. Free Up-armoured and armed
- Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak missiles) ................................................ +5 points considerably when compared
- Volkite Culverin...............................................................................................................+10 points to standard sentinel, the
- Plasma Cannon................................................................................................................+10 points reinforced chassis of an
- Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +15 points Aethon allowed additional
- Lascannon........................................................................................................................ +20 points racks of heavy weapons to be
fitted to their frames, allowing
● Any Aethon Heavy Sentinel may replace their two Havoc Launchers with one of the them to become the dominant
following options:
force in reconnaissance
- Gravis Multi-Laser............................................................................................................. +5 points
firefights among the Auxilia.
- Gravis Autocannon ........................................................................................................... +5 points
Even when battle was joined
- Cyclone Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak missiles) ............................... +15 points
- Volkite Dual-Culverin.................................................................................................... +20 points proper by the rest of their
- Gravis Melta Cannon..................................................................................................... +20 points companions, their prodigious
- Gravis Lascannon ............................................................................................................ +25 points firepower and solid
manoeuvrability led to many
● Any Aethon Heavy Sentinel may select any of the following options: a fortified position or
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points armoured squadron being cut
- Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................ +5 points down under the withering
onslaught of their assault.
● Any Aethon Heavy Sentinel may select up to two of the following option:
- One Hunter-Killer Missile ............................................................................................... +5 points

FLAME TANK SQUADRON......................... 70 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Hellhound 14 3 12 12 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Hellhound ● Vehicle (Reinforced)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

Based on the Chimera chassis, ● Turret Mounted Gravis Heavy Flamer ● Containment Breach
Hellhound Flame Tanks ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer
sacrificed transport capacity ● Smoke Launchers
for one of several devastating,
short-range armaments. The
most common of these were
large flamethrowers designed
to bathe wide areas in their
lethal payload, flushing out
entrenched infantry and Options:
swarming xenos. Less ● A Solar Auxilia Hellhound Flame Tank Squadron may include:
common variants mounted - Up to 2 additional Auxilia Hellhounds .....................................................+65 points per model
Melta Cannons to deliver a
devastating punch through ● All models in a Solar Auxilia Hellhound Flame Tank Squadron may exchange their Turret
the toughest of strongpoints Mounted Gravis Heavy Flamer for one of the following options (all models in the unit
and vehicles. must select the same option):
- Turret Mounted Chem Cannon ................................................................+10 points per model
Due to the limited range of - Turret Mounted Melta Cannon ................................................................. +15 points per model
the Hellhound’s weaponry, as
well as the volatility of their ● Any Auxilia Hellhound may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer for one of
the following options:
payload, squadrons were kept - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter....................................................................................... Free
mobile and fluidly redeployed, - Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ......................................................................................... Free
favouring engagements where - Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Melta ..............................................................................+10 points
they could rely on speed and
the density of terrain to cover ● Any Auxilia Hellhound may select one of the following options:
their approach. Many - Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
infantry sections - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
understandably preferred to - Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
keep a wide berth, owing to
the risk posed by a ● Any Auxilia Hellhound may select any of the following options:
Hellhound’s destruction. - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Hunter-Killer Missile ......................................................................... +5 points

AVENGER STRIKE FIGHTER ................... 160 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Avenger Strike Fighter 22 3 11 11 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Avenger Strike ● Vehicle (Flyer)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Two Hull (Front) ● Deep Strike Whilst the Avenger Strike
Mounted Lascannons Fighter saw use among
● Hull (Front) Mounted almost every arm of the
Avenger Bolt Cannon Imperial war machine, it was
argued that among the Solar
● Hull (Rear) Mounted Heavy Stubber Auxilia was where it was most
beloved - for as both a capable
void and atmospheric fighter
craft, it could be relied upon
Options: to swoop into battle, the
● An Auxilia Avenger Strike Fighter may select up to two of the following options: spooling of its Avenger Bolt
- Two Hull (Front) Mounted Hellstrike Missiles ..........................................................+10 points Cannon before it unleashed
- Two Hull (Front) Mounted Skystrike Missiles............................................................+10 points an inevitable hail of explosive
- Hull (Front) Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser...................................................................+10 points bolts well-known to spell
- Hull (Front) Mounted Cyclone Missile Launcher ..................................................... +20 points doom for any who dared to
defy the Emperor’s will in the
● An Auxilia Avenger Strike Fighter may select any of the following: form of the massed Regiments
- Battle Servitor Control ..................................................................................................... +5 points of the Solar Auxilia.
- Ramjet Diffraction Grid ................................................................................................... +5 points

KELAINO SQUADRON ...............................100 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Kelaino 20 3 12 12 10 3 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Kelaino ● Vehicle
(Flyer, Hover, Transport, Reinforced)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

A relatively recent addition to ● Centreline Mounted Multi-Laser ● Deep Strike
the armories of the Crusade, ● Two Hull (Front) Mounted ● Infantry Transport
the Kelaino-class of combat Hellstrike Missiles ● Unified Assault
aircraft was in reality a
collection of similar vehicles ● Searchlight
pressed into service by the
forces of the Crusade to
replace older craft, and to
phase out craft of a less
military bent, such as the Access Points:
Arvus Lighter. Whilst these ● An Auxilia Kelaino has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear.
multitudinous Kelaino
variants bore many Options:
similarities to the Arvus in ● A Solar Auxilia Kelaino Squadron may include:
terms of capacity, they were - Up to 2 additional Auxilia Kelaino.......................................................... +100 points per model
however a substantial
improvement in terms of ● Any Auxilia Kelaino may exchange their Centreline Mounted Multi-Laser for the
firepower, and were capable of following option:
bearing multiple heavy - Centreline Mounted Lascannon...................................................................................+10 points
weapons to aid them in
clearing a landing zone or ● Any Auxilia Kelaino may exchange their Two Hull (Front) Mounted Hellstrike Missiles for
fighting their way through the following option:
hostile airspace. - Two Centreline Mounted Multiple Rocket Pods .......................................................+10 points

As the Great Crusade ended, ● Any Auxilia Kelaino may select one of the following options:
and Horus began his terrible - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters ....................................................................... +20 points
war upon the Emperor's great - Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers ......................................................................... +20 points
Imperium, the most common
variant seen in the Kelaino
classification would take up a
name from old Terra's Nordyc
Enclaves; the Valkyrie, an
avenging angel upon wings of
fire and wrath.

GUNSHIP SQUADRON................................ 125 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Aello 20 3 12 12 10 3 6

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Aello ● Vehicle
(Flyer, Hover, Transport, Reinforced)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Three Centreline Mounted ● Deep Strike Modified from the most
Twin-Linked Lascannons ● Infantry Transport common patterns grouped
● Searchlight ● Unified Assault into the Kelaino classification,
Aello Gunships featured a
● Strafing Run (1) reduced capacity to transport
men and materiel, but in
exchange having the ability to
carry a much more potent
array of weapons.
Access Points:
● An Auxilia Aello has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear. Each Aello typically carried
three twin-linked Lascannons,
Options: enabling them to break
● A Solar Auxilia Aello Gunship Squadron may include: through enemy aerospace
- Up to 2 additional Auxilia Aello ............................................................... +125 points per model blockades or act in hunter-
killer roles after deploying
● Any Auxilia Aello may exchange up to Two Centreline Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannons, their cargo of troops.
each for the following option:
- Two Hull (Front) Mounted Hellstrike Missiles .................................................................... Free

● Any Auxilia Kelaino may select one of the following options:

- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters ....................................................................... +20 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers ......................................................................... +20 points

GUNSHIP SQUADRON............................... 120 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Ocypete 20 3 12 12 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Ocypete ● Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Reinforced, Fast)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

The Ocypete was the most ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter ● Deep Strike
heavily-modified variant of ● Two Centreline Mounted ● Strafing Run (1)
the Kelaino-class seen above Gravis Multi-Lasers ● Attack Wing
the battlefields of the Great
Crusade and Age of Darkness. ● Two Hull (Front) Mounted
Stripped of transport capacity Hellstrike Missiles
and capability, the Ocypete ● Searchlight
instead used the internal
space reclaimed by such
removal for additional Options:
munitions and weapons. This ● A Solar Auxilia Ocypete Gunship Squadron may include:
allowed these strike craft to - Up to 2 additional Auxilia Ocypete ......................................................... +110 points per model
become capable of carrying a
formidable array of weapons ● Any Auxilia Ocypete may exchange their two Centreline Mounted Gravis Multi-Lasers for
that could be customised to one of the following options:
strike at any enemy target, - Two Centreline Mounted Missile Launchers (with Frag and Krak missiles).........+10 points
from emplaced infantry to - Two Centreline Mounted Multiple Rocket Pods .......................................................+10 points
vehicle columns, with deadly - Two Centreline Mounted Autocannons .....................................................................+10 points
effectiveness. - Two Centreline Mounted Lascannons ....................................................................... +20 points

● Any Auxilia Ocypete may exchange their Two Hull (Front) Mounted Hellstrike Missiles for
one of the following options:
- Two Hull (Front) Mounted Fragmentation Bombs ............................................................. Free
- Two Centreline Mounted Multiple Rocket Pods .......................................................+10 points
- Six Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missiles ..................................................... +20 points

● Any Auxilia Ocypete may exchange their Two Hull (Front) Mounted Hellstrike Missiles
and Two Centreline Mounted Gravis Multi-Lasers the following option:
- Centreline Mounted Twin-Linked Punisher Rotary Cannon..................................+30 points

HADES BREACHING DRILL...................... 65 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Hades Drill 6 3 12 10 10 2 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Hades Drill ● Vehicle

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Melta Cutters ● Subterranean Assault The Hades Breaching Drill
● Follow-Up Attack was ostensibly a piece of
civilian mining equipment
militarised for use on the
battlefields of the Great
Crusade. The Hades Drill was
equipped with four large
power-cutters which enabled
it to easily bore through the
earth and a set of melta-
cutters to reduce stubborn
rock to liquid slag. While far
from subtle, the speed at
which it could undermine
enemy defences made it
popular among specialised
siege Cohorts.

Unlike its larger and more

advanced cousin, the Termite,
Hades Drills were not large
enough to carry troops
directly into battle. Instead
those units assigned to its
deployment would follow
directly behind the drill as it
cleared a path to the surface.
Those foes who were not
caught by the drill itself were
left disorientated by crashing
waves of flying rock and dust,
vulnerable to the auxiliaries
emerging from the ground to
overwhelm them.

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.

● An Arvus Transport may select one of the following options:
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubber .................................................................................................................................................................. Free
- Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ............................................................................................................................................................ +10 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Autocannon........................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Lascannon............................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● An Arvus Transport may choose to give a single Ranged Weapon it is equipped with the following Special Rule:
- Twin-Linked.................................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points

● An Arvus Transport may select the of the following option:

- Flare Shield .................................................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points

Heavy Support
OMEGA HEAVY TANK................................375 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Macharius Omega 10 3 13 11 10 6 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Macharius Omega ● Vehicle (Reinforced, Bombard)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Before the age of the Emperor, ● Centreline Mounted ● Volatile Plasma Containment
giant steel behemoths ground Omega Pattern Plasma Blastgun ● Exposed Plasma Conduits
across battlefields of many ● Two Sponson Mounted ● Independent Fire Control
worlds. The majority of these Heavy Stubbers
vehicles could trace their ● Armoured Superstructure
lineage back to old Terra, ● Smoke Launchers
before humanity was
scattered across the stars.
Considered obsolete by the
time of the Great Crusade, a Options:
mothballing project began, ● An Auxilia Macharius Omega may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted Heavy Stubbers
especially amongst the for one of the following options:
variants sporting rarer - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamer .................................................................................. Free
armaments; the weapons - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters .......................................................................... +5 points
destined to be stripped down - Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers ............................................................................ +5 points
and refitted onto the new - Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons .........................................................................+10 points
Baneblade chassis. - Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Meltas.......................................................................... +15 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Plasma Cannons ................................................................... +15 points
The outbreak of the Heresy - Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons........................................................................... +20 points
put pause to these plans, and
the forges of many worlds lit ● An Auxilia Macharius Omega may select any of the following options:
hot once again as they began - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
producing these outdated - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
patterns. Millions of these - Dozer Blade ......................................................................................................................+10 points
esoteric tanks rumbled off of - Flare Shield ....................................................................................................................... +25 points
production lines, so they could
be ground to dust in the civil

HEAVY TANK SQUADRON ......................300 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank 12 3 14 13 12 5 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Praetorian ● Vehicle (Reinforced)
Heavy Tank

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Turret Mounted ● None By the ending of the Great
Praetorian Battle Cannon Crusade, many impressive
● Centreline Mounted and wondrous technological
Kheres Assault Cannon innovations had been
rediscovered by the
● Smoke Launchers Expeditionary fleets of the
nascent Imperium. Among
these finds were innumerable
weapons of war; guns, ships,
Options: and so on - but some
● A Solar Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank Squadron may include: discoveries were favoured over
- Up to 1 additional Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank................................+250 points per model all by the Solar Auxilia -
● Any Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank may exchange its Centreline Mounted Kheres Assault
Cannon for the following option: Rumoured to have been
- Centreline Mounted Pulveriser Cannon ..................................................................... +25 points recovered by the hand of the
Imperial Fist, mighty Dorn
● Any Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank may exchange its Turret Mounted Praetorian Battle himself, the Praetorian was
Cannon for the following option: one such tank - and what a
- Turret Mounted Oppressor Cannon with Coaxial Autocannon.............................+50 points tank it was. Boasting
powerful weapons, a modular
● Any Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank may exchange its Turret Mounted Praetorian Battle internal layout to allow either
Cannon and Centreline Mounted Kheres Assault Cannon for one of the following option:
- Centerline Mounted Subjugator Cannon ...................................................................+50 points a turreted cannon of one of a
pair of designs, or a centreline
● Any Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank may select one of the following options: tank-destroying cannon, the
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Stubbers ............................................................................... Free Praetorian was swiftly
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters ........................................................................+10 points incorporated into the
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers.......................................................................+10 points doctrines of those regiments
- Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Meltas..........................................................................+30 points that received them.

● Any Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank which is not equipped with a Subjugator Cannon may
select one of the following options:
- Two Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubbers ...............................................................+10 points
- Two Hull (Front) Mounted Meltaguns ........................................................................ +25 points

● Any Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank may select one of the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points

● Any Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Dozer Blade ......................................................................................................................+10 points
- Flare Shield .......................................................................................................................+50 points

FLAK TANK BATTERY ...............................100 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Hydra Flak Tank 14 3 12 10 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Hydra Flak Tank ● Vehicle (Reinforced)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

A specialised variant of the ● Turret Mounted ● Aerial Interception
Chimera chassis, Hydra Flak Anvilus Autocannon Battery
Tanks were used as mobile ● Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser
anti-air defences for the Solar
Auxilia, providing cover to ● Searchlights
their ground forces as they ● Smoke Launchers
advanced upon the enemy. ● Helical Targeting Array
These batteries were fitted
with an automated Servo-
Turret, allowing their Options:
weapons to track even the ● A Solar Auxilia Hydra Flak Tank Battery may include:
swiftest of foes. This, - Up to 2 additional Auxilia Hydra Flak Tanks...........................................+85 points per model
alongside the prodigious
volume of fire a Hydra could ● An Auxilia Hydra Flak Tank may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser for one of
unleash, allowed a Hydra to the following options:
rip enemy aircraft out of the - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter....................................................................................... Free
air with ease. - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free

Effective, resilient and mobile, ● Any Auxilia Hydra Flak Tank may select any of the following options:
these flak batteries were just - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
as likely to see combat on the - Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
surface of barren airless
moons harassing void craft as
they were inside giant city-
sized space stations plucking
more conventional enemy
aircraft from the ‘sky’.

The unit listed below may be selected instead of or as well as the other options presented in
other publications for an Auxilia Artillery Tercio. These additional units must otherwise
follow all the normal restrictions on Tercios, and may not be used to expand a Tercio above
three units as per the usual restrictions applied on Tercios.


In addition to the normal selections allowed in an Auxilia Artillery Tercio, the following
unit may be included:
• 0-3 Solar Auxilia Sabre Batteries

A widespread method to field
SOLAR AUXILIA plentiful yet capable
firepower, Static Weapon
SABRE BATTERY .............................................25 POINTS platforms were used by the
diverse Cohorts of the Solar
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Auxilia as a mundane yet
Auxilia Sabre Platform - 1 3 3 5 2 1 1 6 4+ robust method of point-
defence, security, and support.
The most common pattern of
such platforms was the Sabre
Unit Composition Unit Type Weapons Platform, its shared
● 1 Auxilia Sabre Platform ● Infantry (Heavy) parts with the similarly-
ubiquitous Tarantula making
it appealing to the Auxilia.
Easy to construct and use,
static weapons platforms were
Wargear Special Rules a mainstay of the Imperial
● Two Twin-Linked ● Tercio Armouries; for if not glorious,
they nevertheless provided a
Heavy Stubbers ● Immobile flexible means to support
● Close Combat Weapon previously unfulfilled
● Void Armour battlefield roles and eliminate
● Helical Targeting Array vulnerabilities in a force.

However, the nature of these

platforms and their gunners
Options: left them vulnerable to close
● A Solar Auxilia Sabre Battery may include: assault - even so, their crew
- Up to 5 additional Auxilia Sabre Platforms .................................+25 points per model would be commanded to hold
their ground til their last
● An Auxilia Sabre Platform may exchange its Two Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers for breath, regardless of incoming
one of the following options: opposition. This, combined
- Sabre Searchlight.......................................................................................................... Free with the immobility of these
- Gravis Bolt Cannon...................................................................................................... Free platforms, often led to the
- Gravis Multi-Laser................................................................................................+5 points attachment to such a weapon
- Gravis Autocannon ..............................................................................................+5 points being considered a martyr’s
- Gravis Lascannon ............................................................................................... +15 points assignment.

MISSILE TANK BATTERY ....................... 200 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Manticore Missile Tank 14 3 12 10 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Manticore ● Vehicle (Reinforced)
Missile Tank

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

The Manticore was originally ● Turret Mounted Manticore Missile ● None
constructed following the Launcher (with 4 Manticore Missiles)
recovery of an ancient piece of ● Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser
artillery, dating back to the
murky history of pre- ● Smoke Launchers
unification Terra, which
inspired a regimental engineer
of the Solar Auxilia to petition
their attached Mechanicum
elements to build a weapon of Options:
similar capability and power. ● A Solar Auxilia Manticore Missile Tank Battery may include:
The end result was soon - Up to 2 additional Auxilia Manticore Missile Tanks ...........................+200 points per model
passed to the requesting
regiment of the Solar Auxilia, ● Any Auxilia Manticore Missile Tank may exchange any number of its Manticore Missiles
and spread rapidly to others for any of the following options, in any combination:
once news reached them of - One Storm Eagle Missile .......................................................................................................... Free
such a weapon. - One Phosphor Incendiary Missile .......................................................................................... Free
- One Solutus Chem Missile ...................................................................................................... Free
These vehicles hosted four
missiles of devastating power, ● An Auxilia Manticore Missile Tank may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser for
mounted on the tried and one of the following options:
tested Solar Auxilia Chimera - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter....................................................................................... Free
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
chassis. Boasting a fully
automated turret and
● Any Auxilia Manticore Missile Tank may select any of the following options:
sophisticated range-finding
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
and tracking tools, these
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
vehicles brought death to their
- Helical Targeting Array .................................................................................................. +25 points
enemies no matter the
environment they found ● Any Auxilia Manticore Missile Tank may select up to two of the following option:
themselves in. - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
Although not as widely
utilised as the more numerous
Armoured Batteries in the
Auxilia’s arsenal due to their
limited ammunition,
Manticore Missile Tanks were
usually held in specialist
reserve companies and
deployed when the destructive
might they wielded was

MISSILE PLATFORM .................................. 350 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Deathstrike Missile Platform 10 3 12 12 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Deathstrike Missile Platform ● Vehicle (Reinforced)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Centreline Mounted ● Countdown To Launch… Some weapons were not
Deathstrike Missile ● Launch System Failure merely for the destruction of a
● Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ● By His Sanction Alone particular enemy, or a force -
they were as much about the
● Smoke Launchers ● Night Vision destruction of the very idea of
resisting the Emperor’s will; of
crushing all who dared to
stand before any
representation of His might.
Options: To this end, the Deathstrike
● A Deathstrike Missile Platform must select one of the following options to equip to its Missile Platform would be
Deathstrike Missile: sanctioned for deployment.
- Plasma Warhead ........................................................................................................................ Free Carrying immense missiles
- Godspear Warhead..........................................................................................................+50 points with engines that allowed
- Tactical Nuclear Warhead.............................................................................................. +75 points them to cross battlefields as
- Vortex Warhead ............................................................................................................ +100 points easily as continents,
Deathstrike platforms took
● A Deathstrike Missile Platform may select any of the following options: time to spool up - and so
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points commanders would often
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points have to spend time protecting
such an asset as it came up to
full readiness, before the
missile committed its stately
ascent into the skies above
upon a cone of billowing fire.

Due to the relative rarity of

such missiles, the warheads
available to Solar Auxilia
commanders often differed.
Some Deathstrikes carried
Tactical Nuclear warheads
whose impacts not only
devastated the ground, but
blinded all who gazed upon
their blooms. Some carried
Godspear warheads - titan-
killers reviled by the
Mechanicum and only
constructed in secret by a
handful of enclaves on Terra
itself. The most common such
warheads, however, were
Plasma-cored, bursting apart
with a blast of energy that
looked for all the world like a
miniature sun. However,
rumours spoke of a final
warhead type, benighted and
doomed. This was the Vortex -
and none among any of
mankind’s armies dared speak
as to the cataclysm that
necessitated their original

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● A Leman Russ Command Tank may exchange its Turret Mounted Battlecannon for one of the following options:
- Turret Mounted Gravis Heavy Lascannon......................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Turret Mounted Exterminator Autocannon...................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Turret Mounted Vanquisher Battlecannon and one Co-axial Autocannon ................................................................................................. Free
- Turret Mounted Demolisher Cannon ................................................................................................................................................................ Free
- Turret Mounted Executioner Plasma Cannon .................................................................................................................................................. Free
- Turret Mounted Volkite Macro-Saker................................................................................................................................................................. Free
- Turret Mounted Eradicator Nova Cannon ........................................................................................................................................................ Free
- Turret Mounted Conflagration Projector .......................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Turret Mounted Punisher Rotary Cannon ........................................................................................................................................................ Free


● All models in a Leman Russ Strike Squadron may exchange their Turret Mounted Battle Cannon for one of the following options (all
models in the unit must select the same option):
- Turret Mounted Eradicator Nova Cannon ........................................................................................................................................................ Free
- Turret Mounted Conflagration Projector ............................................................................................................................................... +20 points


● All models in a Leman Russ Assault Squadron may exchange their Turret Mounted Demolisher Cannon for one of the following
options (all models in the unit must select the same option):
- Turret Mounted Punisher Rotary Cannon .............................................................................................................................................. +15 points


● Any model in a Malcador Heavy Tank Squadron may exchange both its Side (Left) Mounted Heavy Bolter and Side (Right) Mounted
Heavy Bolter for one of the following options:
- One Side (Left) Mounted Plasma Cannon and One Side (Right) Mounted Plasma Cannon .......................................................... +15 points
- One Side (Left) Mounted Multi-Melta and One Side (Right) Mounted Multi-Melta ...................................................................... +20 points

● Any model in a Malcador Heavy Tank Squadron may take any of the following options:
- Siege Retrofit .................................................................................................................................................................................................+75 points


● A Solar Auxilia Valdor Tank Destroyer Squadron may include:
- Up to 1 additional Valdor Tank Destroyer............................................................................................................................+235 points per model

● A Valdor Tank Destroyer may exchange their Centreline Mounted Neutron Beam Laser for one of the following options:
- Centreline Mounted Graviton Annihilator..............................................................................................................................................+25 points
- Centreline Mounted Volkite Curtall .........................................................................................................................................................+35 points
- Centreline Mounted Conversion Destructor ..........................................................................................................................................+75 points

● Any Solar Auxilia Macharius Heavy Tank may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber for one of the following
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer .......................................................................................................................................... Free
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter....................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Multi-Laser ......................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Autocannon.................................................................................................................................. +10 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon............................................................................................................................. +15 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon..................................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Gravis Melta Cannon ...........................................................................................................................................+25 points

● Any Solar Auxilia Macharius Heavy Tank may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted Heavy Stubbers for one of the following
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers.............................................................................................................................................................. Free
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters .......................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers .........................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons ..................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Plasma Cannons ................................................................................................................................................ +15 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Meltas...................................................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons.........................................................................................................................................................+25 points

● Any Solar Auxilia Macharius Heavy Tank may select any of the following options:
- Dozer Blade .....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Flare Shield*..................................................................................................................................................................................................+25 points

*If this option is selected, all models in the unit must select the same upgrade.

Lords of War
MARAUDER BOMBER............................... 400 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Marauder Bomber 18 3 12 11 10 5 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Marauder Bomber ● Vehicle (Flyer, Lumbering)

LORDS OF WAR Wargear Special Rules

To complement the air ● Centreline (Front) Mounted ● Deep Strike
support provided by the Twin-Linked Autocannon
fighter craft of the Divisio ● Centreline (Rear) Mounted
Aeronautica, varying patterns Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
of devastating, long-
endurance aircraft were ● Turret Mounted
utilised. These flying fortresses Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
could carry immense amounts ● Hull (Front) Mounted
of ordnance, integrated with Macro-Bomb Cluster
sophisticated sensors and fire-
control systems to enable
successful bombing runs to Options:
saturate target areas. Their ● The Auxilia Marauder Bomber may select the following option:
airframes carried tonnes of - Ramjet Diffraction Grid .................................................................................................+30 points
fuel to allow operational
freedom when traversing
active combat airspace.

MARAUDER DESTROYER........................ 400 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Auxilia Marauder Destroyer 18 3 12 11 10 5 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Auxilia Marauder Destroyer ● Vehicle (Flyer, Lumbering)

Wargear Special Rules LORDS OF WAR

● Centreline (Front) Mounted ● Deep Strike Alongside the giant bombing
Gravis Autocannon Battery patterns amongst the Divisio
● Centreline (Rear) Mounted Aeronautica, configurations
Kheres Assault Cannon of those aircraft were outfitted
for close air support and
● Turret Mounted ground attack. Outfitted with
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter an incredible array of bomb
● Eight Hull (Front) Mounted payloads, missile racks, and
Hellstrike Missiles weapon mounts, these aircraft
● Four Hull (Front) Mounted were capable of both
barraging target-rich
Fragmentation Bombs
environments and protecting
themselves with its air-to-air
weapon platforms
Options: simultaneously.
● The Auxilia Marauder Destroyer may exchange its eight Front (Hull) Mounted Hellstrike
Missiles for the following option:
- Eight Hull (Front) Mounted Skystrike Missiles ..........................................................+30 points

● The Auxilia Marauder Destroyer may select the following option:

- Ramjet Diffraction Grid .................................................................................................+30 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● A Crassus Assault Transport may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters for one of the following options:
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers............................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons ...................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons................................................................................................................................................ +20 pointsoints

Imperialis Militia
In the years leading up to the Horus Heresy, hundreds of worlds had been secretly preparing for the onset of civil war and immediately declared for the
Warmaster. Despite the efforts of Horus’ agents, there were still hundreds more planets whose allegiance remained uncertain or steadfast in their loyalty to the
Emperor. Taken as a whole these worlds and systems comprised a considerable proportion of the Imperium’s military and material power, meaning their
capitulation was crucial to the longevity of the Traitor war machine on the Long March towards Terra. The campaigns to control these worlds became known
as Dark Compliances – a malevolent parody of the Great Crusade’s mission of liberation and enlightenment.

Even at the height of their strength, there had only been so many Legiones Astartes in the galaxy. Inevitably, the bulk of their number were deployed to the
most crucial and fiercely contested theatres of the war. As such, the occupation of worlds which had capitulated to Dark Compliance largely fell to armies of
mortal soldiers who served under the direct command of Traitor Legiones Astartes. Rarely did these officers place any value on life – save perhaps that of their
Astartes – and no cost was too high if it furthered the Warmaster’s goals. It was a glimpse of Horus’ ultimate vision for the Imperium, where mortals existed as
little more than fodder to be expended at the uncaring whims of their transhuman overlords.

As the Horus Heresy ground on, it was the Shattered Legions, Blackshields and other ad-hoc forces who most often clashed with the armies of Dark
Compliance that typically served as garrisons for important targets within Traitor-held systems. Further armies were, in turn, raised for the purpose of
pursuing these evasive guerrillas when greater numbers of Traitor Astartes could not be committed. Whether presenting ostensibly easy targets to lure in
vengeful Loyalists or pinning them down through sheer weight of numbers – quantity, as ever, proved to be its own kind of quality.

Armies of Dark Compliance are not selected in the usual fashion; instead of choosing models from a single Army List as is normally permitted, they
are constructed from units from several sources, and have their own Effects and Limitations that must be abided by. Armies constructed in this
fashion must be a Primary Detachment, using the Crusade Force Organisation Chart - a Primary Detachment selected in this fashion is then
referred to as an Army of Dark Compliance Detachment.

● An Army of Dark Compliance Detachment is chosen using units drawn from both the Legiones Astartes Army List and the Imperialis Militia
Army List.
● All units selected in a Detachment as part of an Army of Dark Compliance are treated as being of the same Faction for the purposes of all Core and
Special Rules, including but not limited to Wargear, Transports, Special Rules, and so on.
● An Army of Dark Compliance Detachment may not select any Legiones Astartes Rites of War, though an Imperialis Militia Force Commander
may select Provenances of War as normal.
● Any unit with the Militia Unit Sub-Type but without the Independent Character Special Rule may be given the Expendable Special Rule. Any unit
with the Expendable Special Rule loses the Line Unit Sub-Type if they had it.
● All models with the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule gain The Warmaster’s Due Special Rule.

The Warmaster’s Due

The Traitor Astartes who led Dark Compliances cared little for the mortal soldiery under their command, callously expending their lives in pursuit of the
Warmaster’s goals.

If a model with this Special Rule would receive a Cover Save due to Intervening Models and the intervening unit has any models with the Militia Unit
Sub-Type as part of the same Detachment, they may elect to receive a +1 bonus to their Cover Save, to a maximum of 4+. After all Saves and Damage
Mitigation Rolls are taken, if the bonus is claimed, then the Intervening unit immediately suffers D3+1 Wounds with no Saves of any kind or Damage
Mitigation Rolls allowed. These Wounds must be assigned to models with the Militia Unit Sub-Type first. Wounds inflicted this way are distributed
as if the enemy unit which the Cover Save had been claimed against had made a Shooting Attack against the Militia unit. When determining the unit
with the Militia Unit Sub-Type which will take these wounds, it should be the closest applicable unit to the firing unit which has the Shooting Attack
pass through it.

The bonus to Cover Saves provided by this Special Rule cannot be claimed against any weapon that does not roll To-Hit.

A model with this Special Rule may not join a unit containing any models with the Expendable Special Rule. In addition, models with the Expendable
Special Rule may not join a unit containing any models with this Special Rule.

● An Army of Dark Compliance Detachment may only be selected in a Primary Detachment in an army using the Crusade Force Organisation
● All units selected as part of an Army of Dark Compliance Detachment must have the same variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule, and
the army cannot include an Allied Detachment from that same Faction. An Army of Dark Compliance otherwise counts as the Imperialis Militia
Sub-Faction of the Imperial Army Faction for the purposes of the Allies Matrix.
● An Army of Dark Compliance must have the Traitor Allegiance.
● An Army of Dark Compliance Detachment may not select a Primarch.
● A model with the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule must be selected as the army’s Warlord.
● An Army of Dark Compliance Detachment may never have more units with the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule than units with the Militia or
Third-Line Unit Sub-Types.
● Models with the Legiones Hereticus (X) Special Rule cannot be selected in an Army of Dark Compliance Detachment.

The following list comprises additional Provenances of War that may be used by any Detachment that includes at least one model with the Muster
of Worlds Special Rule.


As reality itself was torn asunder and the lie of Imperial Truth was laid bare, many desperate souls clung to the belief that the Emperor was their divine
saviour. Preachers rallied newfound converts as soldiers prayed in their trenches and many would pay the martyr’s price before the end.

● This Provenance of War may only be selected by an army with the Loyalist Allegiance.
● All eligible units and models in a Detachment with this Provenance of War are immune to the effects of the Fear Special Rule, and gain the
Crusader and Hatred (Corrupted, Daemon) Special Rules.
● All Compulsory Troops Choices selected in a Detachment using this Provenance of War must have a Demagogue or Mounted Demagogue
assigned to them before the game begins. If multiple units are selected as part of the Strength in Numbers Special Rule, each separate unit must
have its own Demagogue or Mounted Demagogue assigned before the game begins.
● Imperialis Militia Discipline Master Cadres may not be chosen in a Detachment using this Provenance of War.
● Detachments with this Provenance of War are classed as having an Alliance level of one lever lower than normal by Detachments with any variant
of the Legiones Astartes Faction.
● This Provenance of War may not be chosen in conjunction with the Mark of the Aeldari Provenance of War.


Though the Knight suits found on some worlds were the primary fighting forces sequestered by the Great Crusade, they were often accompanied by their own
Household guards and troops. These troops were often well trained and conditioned by the feudal society of their world to obey all commands from their
steel-clad masters.

● If this Provenance of War is selected for the Primary Detachment of an Army, that army must include at least one unit with the Knight Sub-type,
either as part of a Questoris Household Detachment, Questoris Crusader Host Detachment, or a Lord of War Detachment. If this model is taken
in a Lord of War Detachment, it may select a Household Rank as if it were part of a Questoris Household or Questoris Crusader Host
● All models with the Milita Sub-type in a Detachment with this Provenance of War gain a bonus of +1 to their to-Hit rolls when making a Shooting
Attack in the Controlling Player’s Shooting Phase when they target an enemy unit that has been shot at earlier in the same Shooting phase by a
model with the Knight Sub-type.
● Detachments with this Provenance may take a single Armiger Helverin Talon or Armiger Warglaive Talon as a Heavy Support choice, however, if
selected in this manner, that unit loses the Armiger Talon Special Rule.
● Detachments with the Knight World Provenance of War treat units with the Armiger Unit Type or Knight Sub-type as though they were Sworn
Brothers on the Allies Matrix, and vice versa.
● For the purposes of unlocking Lords of War options when using an Aegis Militant Force Organisation Chart, a Detachment using this Provenance
of War allows a single model with the Knight Unit Sub-type to be selected as a Lord of War choice, as though this Detachment had the
Mechanicum Faction.
● This Provenance of War may not be chosen in conjunction with the Kinfolk Helots, Abhuman Muster, Ogryn Conscripts, or Ratling Enclave
Provenances of War.


Through manipulation, desperate circumstances, or outright enslavement, several human populations believed that the Aeldari were their allies – or at the
very least, a source of esoteric curios. It was the mission of the Great Crusade to liberate or destroy those in thrall to any division of the Aeldari, but in the
chaos of the Horus Heresy some alliances were rekindled - and new ones forged.

● Imperialis Militia Infantry Squads, Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squads, and Imperialis Militia Command Cadres in a Detachment with this
Provenance of War may exchange their Lasguns for Lasblasters for free.
● Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squads and Imperialis Militia Command Cadres in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may exchange their
Lasguns for Shuriken Catapults at a cost of +20 points per unit.
● Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squads and Imperialis Militia Command Cadres in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may exchange their
Laspistols for Shuriken Pistols at a cost of +10 points per unit.
● A Force Commander in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may exchange a Laspistol for a Shuriken Pistol for free, or a Fusion Pistol for
+10 points.
● Any model in a Detachment using this Provenance of War which is equipped with or has purchased Frag Grenades may exchange them for Plasma
Grenades at no additional points cost.
● Detachments with this Provenance of War are classed as Sworn Brothers with Aeldari Detachments of any Sub-faction. If this Provenance of War
is selected for an Allied Detachment, then the Imperialis Militia Detachment is counted as having the Xenos Allegiance even though they are not
normally permitted to select it, and may be selected as part of an army with a Primary Detachment composed of any Aeldari Sub-Faction.
● Detachments with this Provenance of War are classed as having an Alliance level of By The Emperor’s/Warmaster’s Command by Detachments
with any variant of the Legiones Astartes, Imperial Army, Agents of the Emperor, or Agents of the Warmaster Factions or Sub-factions, with the
sole exception of the Trader-Militant Sub-Faction, which is classed as having an Alliance level of Sworn Brothers.
● This Provenance of War may not be chosen in conjunction with the Debased Rabble, Tainted Flesh, or Acolytes of the Saviour Emperor
Provenances of War.

Many militia regiments were raised from mining colonies, either worlds with valuable resources or systems with vast asteroid fields. Filled with rugged types,
many of the former miners repurposed their tools into weapons of war, being more familiar with the devices.

● All eligible units and models in a Detachment using this Provenance of War do not suffer the usual -1 penalty to their Ballistic Skill or Leadership
Characteristics inflicted by Night Fighting.
● Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squads in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may take a Militia Hades Breaching Drill or a Goliath Heavy
Vehicle (which must have been upgraded to have an Auxiliary Crew Bay) as a Dedicated Transport.
● Imperialis Militia Command Cadres in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may take a Militia Hades Breaching Drill or a Goliath Heavy
Vehicle as a Dedicated Transport.
● Any unit composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type, and which do not also have the Monstrous or Mechanised Sub-type in a
Detachment using this Provenance of War may select up to two of the following options, in any combination (the same option may be selected
more than once):
● Heavy Rock Saw for +5 points per weapon.
● Heavy Rock Drill for +10 points per weapon.
● Heavy Rock Cutter for +15 points per weapon.
● Any unit composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type in a Detachment using this Provenance of War may exchange a Heavy Stubber
with one of the following options:
● Seismic Cannon for +10 points per weapon.
● Mining Laser for +15 points per weapon.

● Any unit composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type (including models with the Mechanised Sub-type) in a Detachment using this
Provenance of War may exchange a Lascannon with one of the following options:
● Heavy Seismic Cannon for no additional points cost.
● Heavy Mining Laser for no additional points cost.


Several worlds were home to large populations of Ratling Abhumans who, despite their poor reputation as warriors, nonetheless found themselves pressed into
service on the frontlines, where many unassuming Ratlings garnered a reputation as excellent marksmen.

● All models in a Detachment with this Provenance of War with either the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Types receive an increase of +1 to their Ballistic
Skill and Initiative Characteristics, but also lower their Movement, Weapon Skill, Strength, and Toughness Characteristics by -1 (to a minimum of
1). Models with a Movement of 0 or - are not affected and remain Movement 0 or -. Imperialis Militia Ratling Squads do not have their
Characteristics modified by this Provenance of War.
● A Detachment with this Provenance of War may select Imperialis Militia Ratling Squads as Troops choices.
● Imperialis Militia Force Commanders in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may take a Longlas or Sniper Rifle for +10 points.
● Detachments with this Provenance of War are classed as Distrusted Allies by all Detachments with any variant of the Legiones Astartes Faction, or
the Solar Auxilia Sub-faction.
● This Provenance may not be chosen in conjunction with the Kinfolk Helots, Ogryn Conscripts, or Knight World Provenances of War.


A number of the Imperium’s worlds were over-abundant in vegetation, or held sparse populations who were required to fight conservatively. Militias raised
from these planets were often formed around a core of light infantry; sharpshooters and rangers who were trained to outmanoeuvre superior forces.

● Imperialis Militia Reconnaissance Squads in a Detachment with this Provenance of War lose the Support Squad Special Rule, and gain the Line
● Imperialis Militia Reconnaissance Squads in a Detachment with this Provenance of War increase their Ballistic Skill Characteristic by +1 (to a
maximum of 4).
● Any number of models in Imperialis Militia Command Cadres and Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squads in a Detachment with this Provenance of
War may exchange their Lasgun for a Longlas or Sniper Rifle for +10 points per model.
● This Provenance may not be chosen in conjunction with the Debased Rabble or Voidborne Raiders Provenances of War.


Some militias, either by virtue of having inherited a system-wide reach from their glory days or else driven by the grim necessity of interstellar piracy, became
experts in boarding operations and close quarters combat. In such deadly confines, the ability to survive sudden ambushes and deadly melees was far more
valuable than swift mobility.

● All models with the Infantry Unit Type in a Detachment with this Provenance of War gain the Heavy Sub-type, and lose the Light Sub-type if they
had it.
● Imperialis Militia Force Commanders included in a Detachment with this Provenance of War which have not been upgraded to a Mounted Force
Commander may select a Boarding Shield at no additional points cost.
● Any model with the Infantry Unit Type and the Character Sub-type in a Detachment using this Provenance of War may select a Boarding Shield
for +5 points.
● All models with the Infantry Unit Type in an Imperialis Militia Command Cadre or Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad in a Detachment using this
Provenance of War may select Boarding Shields for +25 points.
● All models in an Imperialis Militia Infantry Squad in a Detachment using this Provenance of War may take Combat Shields for +20 points.

The following list comprises additions to the existing Provenances of War that can be found in the Legacies of the Age of Darkness:
Imperialis Militia Rules Document. These changes are to be considered in addition to the rules presented in those publications.


● Imperialis Militia Carnodon Squadrons in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may exchange their Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser for
a Turret Mounted Volkite Culverin for free.
● Imperialis Militia Carnodon Squadrons in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may exchange their Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers
for Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Calivers for free.
● Imperialis Militia Hellhound Flame Tank Squadrons in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may exchange their Turret Mounted Gravis
Heavy Flamer for a Turret Mounted Chem Cannon for +10 points each.
● Option – Relic Arms: Eligible models in Imperialis Militia Mounted Command Cadres may upgrade Lasguns to either Volkite Chargers or Assault
Needlers; may upgrade Laspistols to either Volkite Serpenta or Needle Pistols; may upgrade Sniper Rifles to Needle Vulnus; and Heavy Stubbers to
Volkite Culverin or Needle Cannon at a cost of +30 points per unit, regardless of the number of models or types of weapons upgraded in a given


● Enginseer Adepts in units of Enginseer Auxilia Detachments in a Detachment with this Provenance of War gain the Line Unit Sub-Type and the
Battle-Automata Special Rule.


● An Imperialis Militia Force Commander in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may exchange a Power Weapon for a Tainted Blade,
Tainted Axe, or Tainted Maul for +5 points each.


● A model in a Detachment with this Provenance of War and both the Infantry Unit Type and Character Sub-Type may be upgraded with a Power
Pack at no additional points cost. A model with a Power Pack may select up to two weapons from the list below at the cost specified, but no model
may select the same option more than once:
● Circular Stone Saw for +5 points.
● Stone Burner for +10 points.
● Gem Extractor for +10 points.
● Kinfolk Arc Welder for +15 points.


● Imperialis Militia Mounted Command Cadres in a Detachment with this Provenance of War increase their Ballistic Skill by +1 (to a
maximum of 4).


● Imperialis Militia Ogryn Beastmasters may be selected as Fast Attack choices in a Detachment with this Provenance of War.
● Imperialis Militia Ogryn Brute Squads in a Detachment with this Provenance of War gain the “It’s Dark In Dere!” Special Rule.
● Imperialis Militia Ogryn Brute Squads of no more than 3 models in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may take an Imperialis Militia
Chimera Transport or a Vehicle upgraded with an Auxiliary Crew Bay as a Dedicated Transport.
● All Discipline Masters, Militia Medicae, Force Commanders, Rogue Psykers, Ascendant Rogue Psykers, Astropaths, and Demagogues selected as
part of a Detachment with this Provenance of War may join Imperialis Militia Ogryn Brute Squads and Imperialis Militia Ogryn Beastmasters,
ignoring the usual restrictions for joining a unit with the Monstrous Unit Sub-type.


● Any model with the Vehicle Unit Type in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may exchange a Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber for a Pintle
Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter at no additional points cost.

● An Imperialis Militia Force Commander in a Detachment with this Provenance of War may exchange a Power Weapon for a Tainted Blade,
Tainted Axe, or Tainted Maul for +5 points each.
● Imperialis Militia Ascendant Rogue Psykers may be selected as HQ choices in a Detachment with this Provenance of War, in addition to Imperialis
Militia Force Commanders and Imperialis Militia Rogue Psykers.
● The 0-1 limit on Mutated Spawn units is removed in a Detachment using this Provenance of War.
● Units with the Corrupted Sub-type, as well as units with the Among the Flock, Militia Medicae Support, or Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rules, in
a Detachment with this Provenance of War, are not counted toward the number of Infantry Units for the purposes of determining how many
units of Imperialis Militia Levy Squads must be included in the Detachment.

Astropath 6 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 7 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Astropath ● Infantry (Militia, Psyker, Character)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Astropaths were psykers ● Laspistol or Autopistol ● Adamantium Will (4+)
trained to send and receive ● Force Staff ● Astra Telepathica
messages across the void of ● Astropathic Communication
space, serving the vital
function of maintaining ● Independent Character
communication between the ● Support Squad
Imperium’s worlds. The
overwhelming majority of
psykers within the Imperium
– whether civilian or military Options:
– were Astropaths and ● The Astropath may select the following option:
without them the inter- - Refractor Field ................................................................................................................... +5 points
planetary empire would have
surely collapsed soon after its

All Astropaths underwent a

ritual known as ‘soul binding’
which moulded their psychic
potential towards their
defined role, while also
strengthening their defences
against the inherent dangers
of their powers. As a
consequence of this ritual,
however, all Astropaths were
blinded - and many suffered
additional damage to their
other senses.

Due to the critical role they

performed and rarity of their
kind, it was unusual for
Astropaths serving as part of
the Excertus Imperialis to ever
set foot on the field of battle.
Nonetheless, desperation
would sometimes see Militia
commanders directly assign
Astropaths to their staff to
assist with communications,
or in hopes of utilising their
powers in an unorthodox

Ascendant Rogue Psyker 6 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 8 -
Militia Warden 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Ascendant Rogue Psyker ● Ascendant Rogue Psyker:
Infantry (Militia, Psyker, Character)
● Militia Warden: Infantry (Militia)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Laspistol or Autopistol ● Alpha Psyker Individuals classified as
● Close Combat Weapon (Ascendant Rogue Psyker only) Ascendant Psykers were
● Fear (1) (Ascendant Rogue Psyker only) exceeding rare, even
compared to the already
● Independent Character meagre number of psionic
(Ascendant Rogue Psyker only) humans. The ability of
● Psychic Mastery (2) Imperial authorities to
(Ascendant Rogue Psyker only) control these powerful psykers
● Unrestrained Power beyond the most direct and
(Ascendant Rogue Psyker only) drastic methods proved
limited and few were ever
● Traitor taken by the Black Ships.
Mental instability was
common, though those who
Dedicated Transport: survived into adulthood were
● A unit which contains at least one Militia Warden and no more than six models may take a capable of defending
Vehicle upgraded with a Command Crew Bay as a Dedicated Transport. A unit which themselves. Many of their ilk
contains at least one Militia Warden may take an Imperialis Militia Aurox Transport, presented as naturally
Imperialis Militia Chimera Transport or any Vehicle upgraded with an Auxiliary Crew Bay
as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional tougher and faster than
Force Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as part of the army. baseline humans, perhaps as a
quirk of unseen mutation or a
Options: constant if unwitting
● An Imperialis Militia Ascendant Rogue Psyker unit may include: projection of their powers.
- Up to 9 Militia Wardens ................................................................................+5 points per model
During the Great Crusade,
● Any Militia Warden may exchange their Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for one of numerous wars had been
the following options: waged against those
- Lascarbine................................................................................................................................... Free Ascendant Psykers who ruled
- Shotgun....................................................................................................................................... Free entire civilisations as Sorcerer-
- Stubcarbine................................................................................................................................. Free Monarchs. In the years before
- Blast Pistol ..........................................................................................................................+2 points the Horus Heresy, several
- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................+2 points forces that would declare for
the Warmaster took steps to
● The Ascendant Rogue Psyker may exchange their Laspistol for one of the following protect psykers from the
options: Imperial Tithe – in
- Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points anticipation of utilising their
- Blast Pistol .......................................................................................................................... +5 points powers at the onset of civil
- Needle Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points war.
- Hand Flamer ....................................................................................................................+10 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points Despite wielding considerable
power, the consequences of
● The Ascendant Rogue Psyker may exchange their Close Combat Weapon for the following losing control for such
option: individuals were catastrophic,
- Force Weapon ..................................................................................................................+10 points the baleful destruction they
wrought on others reflected
● The Ascendant Rogue Psyker may select any of the following options: back against them. Whether
- Refractor Field ................................................................................................................... +5 points out of desperation or
- Cyber-Familiar .................................................................................................................+10 points ignorance, many psykers
nonetheless pushed their
abilities well beyond all
reasonable limits, knowing
that anything less than
complete destruction of the
Loyalist cause would, one way
or another, lead to their own

Mounted Militia Bodyguard 14 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 6 5+
Mounted Militia Lieutenant 14 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 7 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Mounted Militia Bodyguards ● Mounted Militia Bodyguard:
● 1 Mounted Militia Lieutenant Cavalry (Light, Militia, Skirmish)
● Mounted Militia Lieutenant:
Cavalry (Character, Light, Skirmish,
HQ Militia)
The command staff of many a Wargear Special Rules
Militia commander would
find themselves required to ● Close Combat Weapon ● Support Squad
take to the field not on foot, ● Laspistol or Autopistol ● Household Retinue
but instead upon the backs of ● Lasgun or Autorifle ● Relentless
beasts of burden or motorised ● Frag Grenades ● Scout
single transport instead. This
change of pacing allowed for ● Krak Grenades ● Hammer of Wrath (1)
commander and staff both to ● Flak Armour
keep pace with the very front ● Militia Cavalry Mount
lines of their force’s advance,
providing direction at the
leading edge of the line. Options:
● An Imperialis Militia Mounted Command Cadre may include:
- Up to 10 additional Mounted Militia Bodyguards .................................. +12 points per model

● For every five models in the unit beyond its original starting size, one Mounted Militia
Bodyguard may be upgraded to a:
- Mounted Militia Lieutenant..........................................................................................+10 points

● Any Mounted Militia Lieutenant may exchange their Laspistol and/or Close Combat
Weapon for one of the following options:
- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Bolt Pistol ........................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Blast Pistol .......................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Plasma Pistol .................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points

● One Mounted Militia Bodyguard may select:

- Nuncio-Vox.......................................................................................................................+10 points

● One Mounted Militia Bodyguard may select:

- Militia Standard...............................................................................................................+10 points

● Any model may replace their Lasgun with one of the following options:
- Shotgun....................................................................................................................................... Free
- Stubcarbine................................................................................................................................. Free
- Lascarbine................................................................................................................................... Free
- Bolter ...................................................................................................................................+2 points
- Militia Lance ...................................................................................................................... +5 points

● Any model with a Lasgun, Autorifle, or Bolter may select the following option:
- Bayonet .................................................................................................................................+1 point

● For every five models in the unit, one Mounted Militia Bodyguard in the squad may
exchange their Lasgun for one of the following:
- Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Heavy Stubber..................................................................................................................+10 points
- Grenade Launcher...........................................................................................................+10 points
- Longlas or Sniper Rifle ...................................................................................................+10 points
- Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points
- Melta Lance ......................................................................................................................+10 points
- Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The entire unit may exchange its Flak Armour for the following option:
- Carapace Armour ........................................................................................................... +20 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● For every five models in the unit beyond its original starting size, one Militia Bodyguard may be upgraded to a:
- Militia Lieutenant ....................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

DEMAGOGUE CADRE................................... 20 POINTS
Demagogue 6 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 8 5+
Mounted Demagogue 14 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 8 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Demagogue ● Demagogue: Infantry (Militia, Character)
● Mounted Demagogue:
Cavalry (Militia, Light, Skirmish,
While one of the missions of Wargear Special Rules
the Great Crusade had been
to spread the atheist ● Laspistol or Autopistol ● Among The Flock
philosophy of Imperial Truth, ● Close Combat Weapon ● Hatred (Everything!)
this seemingly-rational ● Flak Armour ● Inspiring Rhetoric
doctrine would not endure ● Militia Cavalry Mount ● Relentless (Mounted Demagogue only)
beyond it. Agents of the (Mounted Demagogue only)
Warmaster spent the years ● Scout (Mounted Demagogue only)
leading up to the Horus ● Hammer of Wrath (1)
Heresy replanting seeds of (Mounted Demagogue only)
faith among many of the
armies and planetary Options:
populations that would later ● An Imperialis Militia Demagogue Cadre may include:
declare for the Traitors. With - Up to 11 additional Demagogues............................................................... +20 points per model
the outbreak of civil war,
numerous cults – usually led ● Any Demagogue or Mounted Demagogue may exchange their Laspistol or Autopistol for
by firebrand preachers – one of the following options:
revealed their loyalties and - Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points
proudly declared their - Blast Pistol .......................................................................................................................... +5 points
subservience to both the - Needle Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
Warmaster and the - Hand Flamer ....................................................................................................................+10 points
Primordial Annihilator.
● Any Demagogue or Mounted Demagogue may exchange their Close Combat Weapon for
As the Horus Heresy one of the following options:
progressed and Daemonic - Chainsword ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
entities tore down the veil of - Heavy Chainsword ..........................................................................................................+10 points
reality, many could not deny - Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
the waking nightmare they
were trapped in – their belief ● Any Demagogue or Mounted Demagogue with the Traitor Allegiance may exchange their
in Imperial Truth shattered by Close Combat Weapon for one of the following options:
the existence of otherworldly - Tainted Blade ................................................................................................................... +15 points
powers the Imperium had - Tainted Axe....................................................................................................................... +15 points
declared false. Driven mad by - Tainted Maul.................................................................................................................... +15 points
this revelation, billions of
souls gave themselves over to ● Any Demagogue may be upgraded to a:
what they now believed were - Mounted Demagogue*.................................................................................................. +20 points
the true gods of the universe.
● A Mounted Demagogue may exchange a Close Combat Weapon for the following option:
The belief that the Emperor of - Militia Lance ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
Mankind was Himself a god
was not new, however. Many
cults arose or returned to *A Demagogue upgraded to a Mounted Demagogue must be assigned to either an Imperialis
prominence with declarations Militia Cavalry Squad, Imperialis Militia Wolf Rapid Response Section, or Imperialis Militia
that the Emperor was a divine Mounted Command Cadre – this ignores the usual restrictions on assigning models via the
Among the Flock Special Rule to units based on Unit Type.
saviour who would banish all
evil from beyond the veil.
Where planetary commanders
might have once denounced
those who worshipped Him,
desperation forced tolerance
of Demagogues who could
inspire their forces to stand
firm in the face of an
increasingly monstrous

RATLING SQUAD........................................... 40 POINTS
Ratling 5 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 5 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 3 Ratlings ● Infantry (Militia, Skirmish, Light)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Longlas or Sniper Rifle ● Scout Ratlings were short, keen-eyed
● Frag Grenades ● Infiltrate abhumans, who lived as an
● Flak Armour ● Shoot Sharp and Scarper underclass on several Imperial
worlds, due not only to their
barely tolerated status as
mutants, but also for their
reputation as indolent and
duplicitous creatures.
Unsurprisingly, this ensured
Options: Ratling enclaves were
● An Imperialis Militia Ratling Squad may include: regularly pressed into service
- Up to 7 additional Ratlings ......................................................................... +12 points per model by desperate Militia
commanders seeking
● The entire unit may select the following option: expendable sources of soldiers.
- Shroud Bombs................................................................................................................. +20 points
Ratlings lacked the hardy
constitution of other
abhuman strains, generally
making them poor frontline
combatants – in many ways
the antithesis of Ogryns – but
their inherent abilities as
marksmen and diminutive
stature led to most Ratling
units serving in the role of
snipers and scouts. More than
once, a battle was decided by
a Ratling’s well-placed shot
eliminating an enemy
commander, though they
were seldom decorated for it.

DETACHMENT................................................. 65 POINTS
Enginseer Adept 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+
Servo-Automata 6 3 3 4 5 1 1 1 6 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Enginseer Adept ● Enginseer Adept: Infantry (Character)
● 4 Servo-Automata ● Servo-automata: Automata (Guardian)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

The hosts of the Excertus ● Laspistol (Enginseer Adept only) ● Battlesmith (6+) (Enginseer Adept only)
Imperialis would undoubtedly ● Power Axe (Enginseer Adept only) ● Stubborn (Enginseer Adept only)
have floundered without the ● Servo-arm (Enginseer Adept only) ● Techo-Arcana: Enginseer
support of the Mechanicum,
owing to the sheer volume ● Close Combat Weapon (Enginseer Adept only)
and diversity of machinery (Servo-automata only)
and equipment utilised across
its ranks – from its lowest
Militia conscript to the loftiest
Legate Marshal. To this end, Dedicated Transport:
an array of adepts drawn ● An Enginseer Auxilia Detachment of no more than six models may take a Vehicle
from numerous rungs of the upgraded with a Command Crew Bay as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of no more than
Mechanicum accompanied ten models may take an Imperialis Militia Aurox Transport as a Dedicated Transport. A
the Imperialis Auxilia unit of no more than twelve models may take an Imperialis Militia Chimera Transport or a
wherever the Imperium sent Vehicle upgraded with an Auxiliary Crew Bay as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated
Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points must
its armies. still be paid for as part of the army.
Many of these Enginseers were Options:
assigned to Militias on newly ● An Enginseer Auxilia Detachment may include:
conquered or Compliant - Up to 2 additional Enginseer Adepts........................................................ +20 points per model
worlds and took to the
battlefield alongside them. ● An Enginseer Auxilia Detachment may include:
Such adepts were usually - Up to 6 additional Servo-automata .............................................................+5 points per model
surrounded by a retinue of
servo-automata that assisted ● Any Engineer Adept may take any of the following options:
them in their duties. While the - Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points
tech-priests and their - Nuncio-Vox.......................................................................................................................+10 points
guardians were known to - Volkite Charger................................................................................................................+10 points
carry a fearsome, often - Cortex Controller ............................................................................................................ +15 points
esoteric array of weaponry, - Graviton Gun ................................................................................................................... +15 points
these disciples of the
Omnissiah were primarily ● Any Engineer Adept may take any of the following options:
recognised for their ability to - Cyber-Familiar ................................................................................................................... +5 points
repair damage inflicted onto - Melta Bombs ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
warmachines and static
defences even under heavy ● Any Servo-automata may take one of the following options:
fire. - Las-lock ...............................................................................................................................+2 points
- Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Maxima Bolter ................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Servo-Arm........................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Rotor Cannon ..................................................................................................................+10 points
- Grenade Launcher (with Frag and Krak Rounds).......................................................+10 points
- Heavy Bolter..................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +25 points

Exo-Driller* 5 4 4 4 5 3 2 3 6 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Exo-Driller ● Infantry (Militia, Monstrous)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Power Fist ● Provenance (Kinfolk Helots) Many of the Kinfolk enclaves
● Heavy Flamer ● Bulky (3) found on Imperial worlds
● Exo-Driller Armour ● Underground Advance were specialised in mining
and engineering, whether
prospecting for the benefit of
their people or as glorified
slaves enthralled to Imperial
masters. Rugged suits of exo-
armour, typically referred to
Options: as ‘Exo-Drillers’, were
● An Imperialis Militia Kinfolk Exo-Driller Team may include: frequently utilised by Kinfolk
- Up to 4 additional Exo-Drillers ................................................................. +50 points per model prospectors to protect their
crews from environmental
● Any Exo-Driller may exchange their Heavy Flamer for one of the following options: hazards and hostile predators.
- Heavy Bolter............................................................................................................................... Free
- Seismic Cannon ...............................................................................................................+10 points Inevitably, many Exo-Driller
- Mining Laser .................................................................................................................... +15 points Teams found themselves
thrust onto the frontlines
● Any Exo-Driller may select any of the following options: alongside their fellow Kin,
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points where their in-built firepower
- Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points could be readily turned
against human foes. Already
● Any Exo-Driller may select the following option: experienced in spearheading
- Seismic Crusher ............................................................................................................... +15 points the deep-dives of lucrative but
perilous expeditions, Exo-
Driller Teams served in the
*The Characteristics modifications applied by the Kinfolk Helots Provenance are already vanguard of Kinfolk Militias,
applied. or outflanked enemy positions
as part of daring
subterranean assaults.

OGRYN BEASTMASTERS .............................. 35 POINTS
Ogryn Handler 7 4 2 5 5 3 2 4 7 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Ogryn Handler ● Ogryn Handler: Infantry
(Militia, Monstrous, Skirmish)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

On some more primitive ● Close Combat Weapon ● Beastmasters (Ogryn Handler only)
worlds it was not unheard of (Ogryn Handler only) ● Bulky (4) (Ogryn Handler only)
for Ogryns – themselves ● Flak Armour (Ogryn Handler only) ● Fleet (1) (Ogryn Handler only)
extremely strong and
imposing abhumans – to ● Frag Grenades (Ogryn Handler only) ● Hammer of Wrath (2)
successfully wrangle and (Ogryn Handler only)
break feral creatures that even ● Stubborn (Ogryn Handler only)
the most experienced
beastmasters would balk at
ever attempting to capture. In Options:
many cases they were reduced ● An Imperialis Militia Ogryn Beastmasters unit may include:
to beasts of burden or given - Up to 4 additional Ogryn Handlers.......................................................... +30 points per model
over to the menageries of
nobility, but among several ● Any Ogryn Handler in the unit may select one of the following options:
warlike cultures their fierce - Ripper Gun ......................................................................................................................... +5 points
fighting spirit was retained in - Thunderstub ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
order to fight their master’s - Combat Shield ................................................................................................................... +5 points
foes. - Augmetic Fist ...................................................................................................................+10 points
- Taser Goad........................................................................................................................ +15 points
When corralled into battle in - Power Weapon ................................................................................................................ +20 points
number, the psychological
effect of staring down such ● All Ogryn Handlers in the unit may exchange their Flak Armour for the following option:
imposing war beasts could - Carapace Armour ............................................................................................................ +15 points
not be understated, for the
predators that these Ogryns ● An Imperialis Militia Ogryn Beastmasters unit may include up to three Great War Beasts
had bound to them were for each Ogryn Handler in the unit (see the Great War Beasts options overleaf for more
details) and all Great War Beasts in a unit must be of the same type, chosen from the list
always of considerable below:
ferocity and tenacity – eager - Mauler Hound ............................................................................................. +20 points per model
to sate themselves on the flesh - Sabrefang ...................................................................................................... +20 points per model
of their handler’s chosen prey. - Wyvern .......................................................................................................... +20 points per model
- Araneae Gigantis ......................................................................................... +20 points per model
Unlike the beasts goaded into - Macroacteniceride....................................................................................... +20 points per model
battle by 'mere' human - Greater Annelid ............................................................................................ +25 points per model
handlers, the monstrous - Rhinox ............................................................................................................+27 points per model
creatures herded into battle by - Karkinos.........................................................................................................+27 points per model
Ogryns were well-feared by all - Crocodylliad ................................................................................................. +30 points per model
not of their oversized
abhuman strain. No two of
these hulking beastmasters
was accompanied by similar
creatures, each one having
personally tamed - or more
accurately, subdued - their
animalistic charges from
across the battlefields visited
by their Militia regiments
before they were eventually
called to war. As such, only
broad classifications could be
applied such creatures -
though often these were apt
enough to indicate their

Mauler Hound 8 4 - 5 4 2 4 3 6 5+
Sabrefang 9 4 - 4 4 2 5 3 6 6+
Crocodylliad 7 4 - 5 5 3 3 3 6 4+
Wyvern 9 4 - 4 4 2 4 4 6 6+
Araneae Gigantis 8 4 - 4 4 2 3 3 6 5+
Greater Annelid 8 4 - 4 5 2 4 3 6 5+
Karkinos 8 4 - 5 4 2 3 3 6 3+
Macroacteniceride 9 4 - 4 4 2 4 3 6 5+
Rhinox 8 4 - 5 5 2 3 3 6 5+ ELITES
Mauler Hounds, Sabrefangs,
and Crocodylliads were easily
Wargear Unit Type recognised as larger and more
● Close Combat Weapon ● Infantry (Monstrous, Skirmish) ferocious versions of the
animals seen accompanying
human beastmasters. In
contrast, the scaled and
Special Rules winged wyverns were feared
● Bulky (3) for their gouts of noxious
steam that concealed them
● Breaching (6+) until they had closed in, and
● Crusader (Macroacteniceride only) were often remarked to be
● Feel No Pain (5+) (Crocodylliad only) similar to the drakes of Terran
● Furious Charge (1) myth. Karkinos were another
(Mauler Hound and Rhinox only) seemingly familiar creature to
most, appearing in aspect like
● Hammer of Wrath (3) (Rhinox only) the crustaceans of ancient
● Murderous Strike (6+) (Karkinos only) Terra; hard-shelled and
● Rending (5+) (Karkinos only) possessed of great armoured
● Pathfinder (Greater Annelid only) claws that could shear a man
in two, should one be so
● Sudden Strike (2) (Greater Annelid only) unlucky. To round out such
● Poisoned (3+) (Araneae Gigantis only) familiar and yet monstrous
● Rage (2) (Sabrefang only) creatures was the Rhinox -
● Shrouded (4+) (Wyvern only) shaggy-haired and bad-
tempered, many scholars
● Fleet (1) (Mauler Hound, Sabrefang,
remarked it seemed to be akin
Wyvern, Araneae Gigantis, Greater to a creature that once
Annelid, Macroacteniceride, and roamed the Nordafrik plains
Rhinox only) where humanity was said to
have also made their origin.

In contrast to these seemingly

familiar creatures, Araneae
Gigantis stimulated the fear
response of most humans,
their hairy eight limbs and
too-many-eyed faces
activating something primal
in the mortal mind, for no
insect of Old Earth had ever
reached such sizes. Greater
Annelids scuttled forward on
many times that number of
limbs, seemingly ponderous
until they pounced on their
prey without warning.
Similarly possessed of an
insectoid body-plan were the
Macroactenicerides, their
segmented bodies and
chittering, clicking
mouthparts belying their
truth as voracious hunters.

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● Any Militia Medicae may exchange their Flak Armour for the following option:
- Carapace Armour ...........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points


● Any model in the unit may exchange a Basic Close Combat Weapon for one of the following options:
- Ripper Gun ......................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Thunderstub ...................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Boarding Shield (and the Heavy Sub-type).................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Lascutter ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Power Weapon ............................................................................................................................................................................................. +20 points
- Heavy Power Weapon..................................................................................................................................................................................+35 points

● Any model in the unit may select one of the following options:
- Lascutter ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Power Weapon ............................................................................................................................................................................................. +20 points
- Heavy Power Weapon..................................................................................................................................................................................+35 points

● Any model in the unit may select one of the following options:
- Augmetic Fist ............................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Storm-Welder............................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● An Ogryn Boss may exchange a Basic Close Combat Weapon for one of the following options:
- Seismic Cannon ........................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Mining Laser ................................................................................................................................................................................................. +15 points
- Arc Welder ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Heavy Rock Cutter ...................................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Heavy Rock Drill.......................................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Heavy Rock Saw........................................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points

VOIDJUMPERS ..................................................75 POINTS
Militia Voidjumper 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 5+
Militia Voidjumper Sergeant 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 9 Militia Voidjumpers ● Militia Voidjumper: Infantry
● 1 Militia Voidjumper Sergeant (Militia, Light, Line)
● Militia Voidjumper Sergeant: Infantry
(Character, Militia, Light, Line)
An incredibly esoteric fighting Wargear Special Rules
force, ‘Voidjumper’ was a
designation given to linesmen ● Shotgun ● Provenance (Survivors of the Dark Age)
from a myriad of human ● Flak Armour ● Strength in Numbers
civilisations discovered ● Militia Jet Pack ● Scout
throughout the Great Crusade ● Close Combat Weapon ● Infiltrate
who utilised jetpack
technologies. Similar in ● Frag Grenades ● Move Through Cover
effectiveness to jump packs
utilised by the forces of the Options:
Legiones Astartes, these packs ● An Imperialis Militia Voidjumpers unit may include:
allowed for rapid - Up to 10 additional Militia Voidjumpers ................................................... +6 points per model
redeployment and were
predominantly made use of ● All models in the unit may exchange their Shotguns for one of the following options (all
for flanking attacks which models in the unit must take the same option):
earned these regiments their - Laspistol or Autopistol ............................................................................................................. Free
reknown. - Lascarbines .......................................................................................................................+10 points
- Stubcarbines.....................................................................................................................+10 points
Many such forces found
themselves folded into the ● All models in the unit may exchange their Shotguns and Close Combat Weapons for the
Excertus Imperialis, with a following option (all models in the unit must take the same option):
large majority ending up - Two Laspistols or Two Autopistols ..............................................................................+10 points
seeing combat within the
● Any model with a Close Combat Weapon may exchange it for the following option:
Imperial Army itself. Some
- Chainsword .....................................................................................................+2 points per model
worlds, however, found
themselves so flush with
● The entire unit may select the following option:
otherwise-rare jetpacks that
- Krak Grenades.................................................................................................................. +15 points
they could outfit even their
reserve and militia forces with ● Up to two Militia Voidjumpers in the unit may select one of the following options:
them. Though a pale - Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
imitation of the more - Grenade Launcher............................................................................................................. +5 points
professional forces with the - Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points
same equipment, these forces - Two Plasma Pistols..........................................................................................................+10 points
usually found themselves with - Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points
the advantage of fighting on
familiar ground, making their ● The Militia Voidjumper Sergeant may select up to two of the following options:
ambushes and flanking strikes - Laspistol or Autopistol .......................................................................................................+1 point
all the more deadly. - Bolt Pistol ...........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Blast Pistol .......................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points

● The Militia Voidjumper Sergeant may select the following option:

- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● Any model attached to the unit via the Among the Flock, Militia Medicae Support, Among
the Ranks, or any other similar such Special Rule may select the following option:
- Militia Jet Pack (and the Light Sub-type)............................................................................... Free

Designer’s Note: This unit does not replace the similarly named existing upgrade option
available in the Legacies of the Age of Darkness: Imperialis Militia document - instead being
designed as a seperate option, so that those players who use the Liber Panoptica but not our
add-on faction books can still use the original unit if they desire.

CHIMERA TRANSPORT................................ 60 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Chimera Transport 14 3 12 10 10 3 14

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Chimera Transport ● Vehicle (Third-Line, Transport)

Wargear Special Rules DEDICATED

● Turret Mounted Multi-Laser ● Amphibious
● Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ● Infantry Transport The Chimera Armoured
● Two Sponson Mounted Lasgun Arrays Infantry Transport was a
rugged and durable vehicle
● Smoke Launchers that was beginning to see
widespread use by the
Imperialis Auxilia at the time
of the Horus Heresy. Its
chassis was the basis upon
Dedicated Transport Options: which numerous other
● An Imperialis Militia Command Cadre, Imperialis Militia Rogue Psyker unit containing at variants were designed, but by
least one Militia Warden, Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad, Imperialis Militia far the most endearing was its
Reconnaissance Squad, or Imperialis Militia Beastmasters unit of no more than ten original role as an armoured
models may take an Imperialis Militia Chimera Transport as a Dedicated Transport. An personnel carrier.
Imperialis Militia Fire Support Squad of no more than four models may take an Imperialis
Militia Chimera Transport as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does
not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as Many infantry units favoured
part of the army. the Chimera not only for the
impressive protection it
Access Points: provided, but also the
● A Militia Chimera Transport has one Access Point at the rear. firepower mounted atop it,
allowing the Chimera to act
in a fire-support role after its
Options: charges had disembarked. In
● A Militia Chimera Transport may exchange its Turret Mounted Multi-Laser for one of the addition, most Chimera hulls
following options: mounted lasgun arrays that
- Turret Mounted Heavy Bolter................................................................................................. Free enabled passengers to fight
- Turret Mounted Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................... Free from within the protection of
- Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter................................................................. +5 points its compartment and repel
- Turret Mounted Autocannon.......................................................................................... +5 points attackers from nearly all
● A Militia Chimera Transport may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser for one
of the following options:
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter ...................................................................................... Free

● A Militia Chimera Transport may select one of the following options:

- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points

● A Militia Chimera Transport may select up to two of the following option:

- Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ................................................................ +5 points

● A Militia Chimera Transport may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

AUROX TRANSPORT......................................25 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Aurox Transport 15 3 11 11 10 3 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Aurox Transport ● Vehicle (Third-Line, Transport)

DEDICATED Wargear Special Rules

TRANSPORT ● Smoke Launchers ● Infantry Transport
The Aurox Armoured
Transport was created in
response to the growing size
and staggering diversity of the
Excertus Imperialis host. As
more and more worlds were
brought into Compliance, the
need to better standardise the
equipment of the Imperialis Dedicated Transport Options:
Auxilia became increasingly ● An Imperialis Militia Command Cadre, Imperialis Militia Rogue Psyker unit containing at
apparent. Not unlike the least one Militia Warden, Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad, Imperialis Militia
Legion Rhino, the Aurox- Reconnaissance Squad, or Imperialis Militia Beastmasters unit of no more than ten
chassis was intended to be models may take an Imperialis Militia Aurox Transport as a Dedicated Transport. An
easily manufactured on a Imperialis Militia Fire Support Squad of no more than three models may take an
Imperialis Militia Aurox Transport as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport
large scale, while allowing for this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid
various additional weapon for as part of the army.
and armour systems.
Access Points:
As a transport the Aurox saw ● A Militia Aurox Transport has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the
widespread service with most rear.
branches of the Imperial
Army, extending down to the
Imperialis Militia. Although it
lacked the armament of the ● A Militia Aurox Transport may select one of the following options:
Chimera and other, more - Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
heavily personnel carriers, the - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
Aurox was nonetheless - Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
commonly sighted among
Militia forces – whether ● A Militia Aurox Transport may select the following option:
because they favoured the - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
robust and swift design or
simple necessity.

RHINO TRANSPORT......................................25 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Rhino Transport 14 3 11 11 10 3 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Rhino Transport ● Vehicle (Transport, Third-Line)

Wargear Special Rules DEDICATED

● Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter ● Provenance (Survivors of the Dark Age)
● Smoke Launchers ● Infantry Transport Many of the worlds that
● Repair endured the horrors of Old
Night relatively intact
retained the ability to
manufacture vehicles of
superior design and
construction to their
contemporaries. Of those that
Dedicated Transport Options: welcomed the Imperium’s
● An Imperialis Militia Command Cadre, Imperialis Militia Rogue Psyker unit containing at coming, or where Compliance
least one Militia Warden, Imperialis Militia Ascendant Rogue Psyker unit containing at was achieved without
least one Militia Warden, Enginseer Auxilia Detachment, Imperialis Militia Grenadier extensive damage to
Squad, Imperialis Militia Reconnaissance Squad, or Imperialis Militia Beastmasters unit infrastructure, Militias raised
numbering no more than ten models may take an Imperialis Militia Rhino Transport as a from these worlds were able to
Dedicated Transport. An Imperialis Militia Fire Support Squad of no more than three
models may take an Imperialis Militia Rhino Transport as a Dedicated Transport. As a take advantage of their more
Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its advanced motorpools.
points must still be paid for as part of the army.
The Rhino was one of the
Access Points: most iconic symbols of the
● A Militia Rhino Transport has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the Great Crusade – specifically in
rear. transporting the Legiones
Astartes. Less recognised was
Options: the personnel carrier’s service
with certain regiments of the
● A Militia Rhino Transport may select one of the following options: Imperial Army, including the
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points Imperialis Militia. The
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points robustness and reliability of
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points its design, as well as the ease
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points with which they could be
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points maintained and repaired,
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (any type) ................................................................+10 points ensured they remained
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
popular with the few units
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta .........................................................................................+30 points
able to field them.
● A Militia Rhino Transport may exchange its Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter for one of
the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber............................................................................................... Free
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ................................................................................................ Free
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ............................................................................................ +5 points

● A Militia Rhino Transport may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points

RHINO ADVANCER ....................................... 65 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Rhino Advancer 14 3 11 11 10 4 22

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Rhino Advancer ● Vehicle (Transport, Third-Line)

DEDICATED Wargear Special Rules

TRANSPORT ● Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter ● Provenance (Survivors of the Dark Age)
The Rhino Advancer was ● Smoke Launchers ● Assault Vehicle
originally designed as an ● Infantry Transport
armoured supply carrier based
upon the Rhino chassis. These ● Open-Topped (5)
carriers were furnished with ● Repair
extended hulls and a more
powerful engine to support a
generous cargo load.
Dedicated Transport Options:
Although the Advancer was ● An Imperialis Militia Command Cadre, Imperialis Militia Rogue Psyker unit containing at
not intended to see frontline least one Militia Warden, Imperialis Militia Ascendant Rogue Psyker unit containing at
service, a number of Militia least one Militia Warden, Enginseer Auxilia Detachment, Imperialis Militia Grenadier
units on worlds which Squad, Imperialis Militia Reconnaissance Squad, or Imperialis Militia Beastmasters unit
manufactured the Rhino numbering no more than twenty models may take an Imperialis Militia Rhino Advancer as
a Dedicated Transport. An Imperialis Militia Ogryn Brute Squad in a Detachment using
chassis – or similar, localised the Ogryn Conscripts Provenance and this Provenance may take an Imperialis Militia
variants and derivatives – Rhino Advancer as a Dedicated Transport. An Imperialis Militia Fire Support Squad of no
took advantage of the more than six models may take an Imperialis Militia Rhino Advancer as a Dedicated
expanded cargo space to Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force
deploy large squads into Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as part of the army.
Access Points:
● A Militia Rhino Advancer counts its entire hull as an Access Point.

● A Militia Rhino Advancer may select one of the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (any type) ................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta .........................................................................................+30 points

● A Militia Rhino Advancer may exchange its Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter for one of
the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber............................................................................................... Free
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ................................................................................................ Free
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ............................................................................................ +5 points

● A Militia Rhino Advancer may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points

TERMITE ASSAULT DRILL ......................... 70 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Termite Assault Drill 8 3 12 12 10 3 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Termite Assault Drill ● Vehicle (Transport, Third-Line)

Wargear Special Rules DEDICATED

● Two Pintle Mounted ● Provenance (Survivors of the Dark Age)
Twin-Linked Bolters ● Infantry Transport The Termite Assault Drill was
● Melta Cutters ● Subterranean Assault a transport vehicle designed
to burrow beneath the earth
and emerge behind enemy
lines, as well as take the fight
to those rare civilisations – be
they human or otherwise –
who lived underground.
Dedicated Transport Options: Unlike crude civilian designs
● An Imperialis Militia Command Cadre, Imperialis Militia Rogue Psyker unit containing at such as the Hades, Termites
least one Militia Warden, Imperialis Militia Ascendant Rogue Psyker unit containing at utilised an array of melta
least one Militia Warden, Enginseer Auxilia Detachment, Imperialis Militia Grenadier cutters linked to phase-shield
Squad, Imperialis Militia Reconnaissance Squad, or Imperialis Militia Beastmasters unit generators to tunnel through
numbering no more than ten models may take an Imperialis Militia Termite Assault Drill the ground, rather than brute
as a Dedicated Transport. An Imperialis Militia Fire Support Squad of no more than three
models may take an Imperialis Militia Termite Assault Drill as a Dedicated Transport. As a force alone.
Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its
points must still be paid for as part of the army. Due to its specialist design
and their disposition for
Access Points: fighting defensively, very few
● A Militia Termite Assault Drill has two Access Points, one on each side of the hull. Militia units counted the
Termite, or transports like it,
among their arsenal. Those
Options: that did had usually retained
● A Militia Termite Assault Drill may exchange its Two Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolters the ability to manufacture
for one of the following options: them from a time before the
- Two Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers............................................................ Free Great Crusade, but had not
- Two Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamers ............................................................................. +5 points yet committed them
- Two Pintle Mounted Volkite Chargers .......................................................................... +5 points wholesale to the Imperial
- Two Pintle Mounted Multi-Lasers ...............................................................................+10 points Tithe by the arrival of the Age
of Darkness.

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Land Raider Proteus Carrier 12 3 14 14 14 5 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Land Raider Proteus ● Vehicle
Carrier (Transport, Reinforced, Third-Line)

DEDICATED Wargear Special Rules

TRANSPORT ● Two Sponson Mounted ● Provenance (Survivors of the Dark Age)
The Land Raider Proteus saw Gravis Lascannons ● Assault Vehicle
use with a small number of ● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Power of the Machine Spirit
Imperialis Militia units raised Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
from worlds and civilisations
which had endured the Age of ● Smoke Launchers
Strife with their culture and
infrastructure largely intact,
at least when compared to the
majority of human Dedicated Transport Options:
populations who propagated ● An Imperialis Militia Command Cadre, Imperialis Militia Rogue Psyker unit containing at
the galaxy. least one Militia Warden, Imperialis Militia Ascendant Rogue Psyker unit containing at
least one Militia Warden, or Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad of no more than ten
Whilst the rediscovery of the models may take an Imperialis Militia Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated
Land Raider’s STC on Mars Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force
Organisation slot, but its points must still be paid for as part of the army.
ultimately led to the vehicle –
and its numerous variants –
Access Points:
becoming relatively
widespread throughout the ● A Militia Land Raider Proteus Carrier has one Access Point on each side of the hull and
Imperial Host, these were one at the front.
almost exclusively assigned to
the Legiones Astartes and Options:
certain regular Imperial Army ● A Militia Land Raider Proteus Carrier may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted
regiments. Those counted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter with one of the following options:
among Militia units were - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer ............................................................. Free
nearly always manufactured - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon......................................................... +15 points
locally, or were models that
shared only passing ● A Militia Land Raider Proteus Carrier may select one of the following options:
similarities with the iconic - Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
design. - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (any type) ................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta .........................................................................................+30 points

● A Militia Land Raider Proteus Carrier may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● The unit may exchange their Flak Armour for the following option:
- Carapace Armour ........................................................................................................................................................................................ +20 points


● Any model in the unit may exchange their Lasgun with the following option:
- Hot-Shot Lasgun ............................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

● Up to two Grenadiers in the unit may exchange their Lasgun with the following option:
- Hot-Shot Volley Gun................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● The Grenadier Sergeant may exchange their Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for one of the following options:
- Hot-Shot Laspistol .........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points


● The unit may select the following option:
- Shroud Bombs.............................................................................................................................................................................................. +20 points

Fast Attack
The options listed below may be selected instead of other War Beast options as seen in the
Imperialis Militia Beastmasters Unit Profile. These additional profiles must otherwise
follow all the normal rules and restrictions applied to War Beast selections.

Arachnid 7 4 - 4 3 1 4 2 5 5+
Wurm 7 4 - 3 4 1 4 2 5 5+
Crustacean 7 4 - 5 4 1 3 2 5 4+
Acteniceride 8 4 - 3 4 1 4 2 5 5+

FAST ATTACK Unit Type Special Rules

Whilst most Militia ● Infantry (Light, Skirmish) ● Crusader (Acteniceride only)
Beastmasters contented ● Murderous Strike (6+) (Crustacean only)
themselves with the more
common - and easily ● Poisoned (3+) (Arachnid only)
controlled - of animal species ● Pathfinder (Wurm only)
found in the wilds of the Wargear ● Sudden Strike (1) (Wurm only)
galaxy, some were not so ● Close Combat Weapon ● Fleet (1)
easily cowed. To them, the (Arachnid, Acteniceride, and Wurm only)
challenge of bringing to heel
an enormous, eight-legged
and venom-spitting Arachnid
was the apex of their craft -
but stranger still creatures Options:
abounded in the galaxy. ● An Imperialis Militia Beastmasters unit may include one War Beast for each Militia
Handler in the unit (see the War Beasts options below for more details) and all War
Beasts in a unit must be of the same type, chosen from the list below:
Gigantic Wurms the length of - Arachnid........................................................................................... +10 points per model
a man with razor-sharp - Wurm ............................................................................................... +10 points per model
mouthparts and two-score - Acteniceride .....................................................................................+12 points per model
legs, or oversized Crustaceans - Crustacean........................................................................................ +15 points per model
with shearing claws double
the size of a man’s torso - or
even the immense beetle-like
Actenicerides; chittering
monsters that would pause in
their attacks only to feed
upon human corpses with
proboscis mouthparts, before
scuttling forth again with a
screeching cry - all these and
more were brought to heel
and forced to fight on both
sides of the war during the
Age of Darkness.

0-1 MUTATED SPAWN ............................... 40 POINTS
Mutated Spawn 12 4 - 5 5 3 3 D6 9 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Mutated Spawn ● Infantry (Monstrous, Corrupted)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Two Mutated Appendages ● Bulky (4) Corruption spread rapidly
● Fearless among those who embraced
● Hammer of Wrath (2) the Empyreal powers of the
Warp and for each scrap of
● It Will Not Die (5+) hellish lore indulged and with
● Mindless Aggression every drop of blood given, the
● Rage (2) deepening stain on a human’s
● Fleet (2) soul inevitably manifested
upon their body and seeped
● Traitor into their mind.
Options: Damnation carried a price
● A Mutated Spawn unit may include: and many would pay it before
- Up to 5 additional Mutated Spawn........................................................... +40 points per model the Heresy’s end.
Overwhelmed by the terrible
powers they had sought to
control, victims rapidly
spawned mutations that
perverted their flesh and
destroyed their sanity,
painfully devolving into
abominations that were
unrecognisable as human.
Not one of these Warp-
spawned monsters was alike,
though all were powerful and
difficult to destroy – for
darker forces seemingly
relished in the agony of their
creations' existence as much
as in the horror of their
victims’ bloody demise.

It was not unheard of for

especially diabolic cultists to
willingly bring about such
horrors; some even sought to
manifest these ‘blessings’ upon
themselves. Shepherded like
animals towards the enemy,
such monsters proved a
simple but brutal weapon
that became increasingly
common among the most
corrupted of the Warmaster’s

FLAME TANK SQUADRON ......................... 60 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Hellhound 14 3 12 12 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Hellhound ● Vehicle (Third-Line, Reinforced)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

Based on the Chimera chassis, ● Turret Mounted Gravis Heavy Flamer ● Containment Breach
Hellhound Flame Tanks ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer
sacrificed transport capacity ● Smoke Launchers
for one of several devastating,
short-range armaments. The
most common of these were
large flamethrowers designed
to bathe wide areas in their
lethal payload, flushing out
entrenched infantry and Options:
swarming xenos. Less ● An Imperialis Militia Hellhound Flame Tank Squadron may include:
common variants mounted - Up to 2 additional Militia Hellhounds...................................................... +55 points per model
Melta Cannons to deliver a
devastating punch through ● All models in a Imperialis Militia Hellhound Flame Tank Squadron may exchange their
the toughest of strongpoints Turret Mounted Gravis Heavy Flamer for the following option (all models in the unit must
and vehicles. Militias on select the same option):
worlds plagued by orkoid - Turret Mounted Melta Cannon ................................................................. +15 points per model
fungi and other, similarly
tenacious organisms were ● Any Militia Hellhound may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer for one of
the following options:
usually the first to receive - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter....................................................................................... Free
cast-off Hellhounds. - Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ......................................................................................... Free
- Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Melta ..............................................................................+10 points
Due to the limited range of
the Hellhound’s weaponry – ● Any Militia Hellhound may select one of the following options:
as well as the volatility of - Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
their payload – squadrons - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
were kept mobile and fluidly - Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
redeployed, favouring
engagements where they ● Any Militia Hellhound may select any of the following options:
could rely on speed and the - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
density of terrain to cover - Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
their approach. - One Hull (Front) Hunter-Killer Missile ......................................................................... +5 points
Infantry units were
understandably wary of the
risk posed by the Hellhound’s
volatile payload and more
than one squad of helpless
soldiers were reduced to
screaming torches after being
caught in a blast-wave of
promethium expelled from an
exploding Flame Tank.

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Centaur Tractor 12 3 11 11 10 2 *

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Centaur Tractor ● Vehicle (Fast, Transport, Third-Line)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubber ● None Centaurs, and other small
● Smoke Launchers utility vehicles, were utilised
● Towing Cable* across the multitude of
different worlds for a plethora
of different roles in the great
imperial machine. From agri-
world harvesting to rapid
small-scale cargo
transportation, they all shared
Options: incredibly powerful engines of
● An Imperialis Militia Centaur Combat Tractor Squadron may include: varying patterns when
- Up to 5 additional Militia Centaur Tractors ........................................... +40 points per model compared to their overall size.
● Any Militia Centaur Tractor may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubber for the Such civilian machines would
following option: not be considered suited for
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter............................................................................... +5 points military deployment by forces
in the Great Crusade, but as
● Any Militia Centaur Tractor may select one of the following options: the Imperialis Militia took up
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points arms during the civil wars in
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points light of Horus’ betrayal, they
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points were soon pushed into service.
Retrofitted with reinforced
● Any Militia Centaur Tractor may select any of the following options: winch cables and light arms,
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points these rapid support craft were
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points capable of hauling a plethora
- One Hull (Front) Hunter-Killer Missile ......................................................................... +5 points of weapon platforms and
emplacements to exactly
where they needed to be.
*See the Towing Cable wargear entry.

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Salamander Scout Vehicle 16 3 12 10 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Salamander ● Vehicle (Fast, Third-Line)
Scout Vehicle

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

The Salamander Scout ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter ● Scout
Vehicle was a light ● Hull (Front) Mounted Autocannon ● Exposed Compartment
reconnaissance vehicle based ● Nuncio-Vox
upon the Chimera chassis,
which came into service in the ● Smoke Launchers
shadow of its sibling chassis.
Forming a backbone for light
military vehicles, it was
known for being rugged,
lightweight, and easily Options:
maintainable by the forces of ● An Imperialis Militia Salamander Scout Squadron may include:
the Imperialis Militia. - Up to 4 additional Militia Salamander Scout Vehicles.......................... +50 points per model

Due to the lightweight and ● Any Militia Salamander Scout Vehicle may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Autocannon
less-protective nature of the for one of the following options:
changes the Salamander - Hull (Front) Mounted Mortar ................................................................................................. Free
vehicle had undergone to - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
make it successful at its role of
reconnaissance, it was ● Any Militia Salamander Scout Vehicle may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy
paramount that these vehicles Bolter for one of the following options:
- and the squadrons they - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
operated - were kept - Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ......................................................................................... Free
well-fuelled and continuously
● Any Militia Salamander Scout Vehicle may select one of the following options:
on the move, otherwise the
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
vulnerability of its lacklustre
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
armour could have spelt
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
doom for the crew
commanding it. Regardless, it ● Any Militia Salamander Scout Vehicle may select any of the following options:
performed successfully enough - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
as a scout to see ongoing use - Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
in the motor pools of the - One Hull (Front) Hunter-Killer Missile ......................................................................... +5 points
Imperialis Militia.

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Pegasus 14 3 12 11 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Pegasus ● Vehicle (Fast, Third-Line)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser ● Scout Trading the ability to carry
● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter troops for an upscaled engine
● Pintle-Mounted Auto-Launcher and armament, the Pegasus
Assault Vehicle was but
● Smoke Launchers another one of many vehicles
based upon the Chimera
Chassis. Built to carry the
Firepower of a battle tank but
maintain the speed of its
Options: parent chassis, the Pegasus
● An Imperialis Militia Pegasus Assault Squadron may include: was a lesser-seen but
- Up to 4 additional Militia Pegasus............................................................ +60 points per model nevertheless potent strike
● Any Militia Pegasus may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter for one of the
following options: Its speed and armament
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free allowed it to attack key
- Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ......................................................................................... Free targets, whilst the Auto-
Launcher mounted atop it
● Any Militia Pegasus may exchange its Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser for one of the allowed it to resist infantry
following options (all models in the unit must select the same option): assault; all aiding in buying
- Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter......................................................................... Free themselves time to leave as
- Turret Mounted Pegasus Autocannon......................................................................... +15 points quickly as they struck.
● Any Militia Pegasus may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points

KELAINO SQUADRON .................................. 85 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Kelaino 20 3 12 12 10 3 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Kelaino ● Vehicle
(Third-line, Flyer, Hover, Transport)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

In the Imperialis Militia, the ● Centreline Mounted Multi-Laser ● Deep Strike
designation of ‘Kelaino’ was ● Two Hull (Front) Mounted ● Infantry Transport
often applied in a much more Hellstrike Missiles ● Unified Assault
ad-hoc fashion when
compared to those squadrons ● Searchlight ● Rapid Insertion
of similar vehicles used by the
other arms of the Imperial
Army; often cobbled together
by regiments from civilian
cargo-haulers and retrofitted Access Points:
with weapons. ● A Militia Kelaino has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear.

Though these refitted Kelaino Options:

were less reliable than the ● An Imperialis Militia Kelaino Squadron may include:
purpose-built versions - Up to 2 additional Militia Kelaino .............................................................+85 points per model
brought to bear by the Solar
Auxilia, they still fulfilled a ● Any Militia Kelaino may exchange their Centreline Mounted Multi-Laser for the following
similar role, ferrying cargo option:
and small units to and from - Centreline Mounted Lascannon...................................................................................+10 points
the battlefield with great
speed and then providing fire ● Any Militia Kelaino may exchange their Two Hull (Front) Mounted Hellstrike Missiles for
support upon arrival. the following option:
- Two Centreline Mounted Multiple Rocket Pods .......................................................+10 points

● Any Militia Kelaino may select one of the following options:

- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters ....................................................................... +20 points

SKY-TALON SQUADRON .............................75 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Kelaino Sky-Talon 20 3 12 10 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Kelaino Sky-Talon ● Vehicle
(Third-line, Flyer, Hover, Transport)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Centreline Mounted Heavy Bolter ● Deep Strike Kelaino Sky-Talons, by
● Searchlights ● Combat Transporter comparison to their Militia
● Auxiliary Vehicle Bay Kelaino cousins, were
composed of a more consisten
mixture of civilian and
industrial aircraft, all of
which bore large magnetic
lifting clamps hanging from
the underside of their fuselage.
Options: Before the onset of Horus’
● An Imperialis Militia Kelaino Sky-Talon Squadron may include: Heresy, they were largely used
- Up to 2 additional Militia Kelaino ............................................................ +70 points per model only as cargo transporters,
used to haul containers of
● Any Militia Kelaino Sky-Talon may exchange their Centreline Mounted Heavy Bolter for ammunition, resources, or
the following option: scrap; however, with the civil
- Centreline Mounted Multi-Laser ........................................................................................... Free war claiming all new
- Centreline Mounted Lascannon...................................................................................+10 points production capacity,
Imperialis Forces were left
● Any Militia Kelaino Sky-Talon may select one of the following options: with no choice but to press
- Two Centreline Mounted Heavy Krak Rockets..........................................................+10 points these industrial vehicles into
- Two Centreline Mounted Heavy Frag Rockets ..........................................................+10 points service, hastily outfitting them
for use in war.
● Any Militia Kelaino may exchange its Auxiliary Vehicle Bay Special Rule for the following
On the battlefields, these Sky-
- The Bunker Drop Special Rule ......................................................................................+50 points
Talons were utilised as a fast
and efficient way to deliver
cargo and crew into combat
zones, performing airlifting
duties before rapidly
departing combat airspace.
This cargo was regularly
vehicles of the Militia’s motor
pool, but certain leaders felt it
necessary to utilise the Sky-
Talon’s capabilities to deploy
entire retrofitted fortifications
in the midst of battle, setting
up firebases and bunkers
before swiftly making their

Militia Heavy Outrider 14 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 6 5+
Militia Heavy Outrider Sergeant 14 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 7 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 2 Militia Heavy Outriders ● Militia Heavy Outrider:
● 1 Militia Heavy Cavalry (Militia, Skirmish)
Outrider Sergeant ● Militia Heavy Outrider Sergeant:
Cavalry (Militia, Skirmish, Character)
Where the cavalry units of the Wargear Special Rules
Imperialis Militia rode horses,
motorised bikes, or similar ● Laspistol or Autopistol ● Relentless
such modes of transport, Wolf ● Close Combat Weapon ● Scout
Rapid Response Sections ● Flak Armour ● Hammer of Wrath (2)
instead mounted heavier ● Heavy Stubber ● Battle-Hardened (1)
transports, such as quad bikes
or otherwise larger, hexapodal ● Militia Cavalry Mount ● Firing Protocols (2)
animals. These sections often
mounted heavier weaponry to
go along with their larger Options:
mounts, making use of their ● An Imperialis Militia Wolf Rapid Response Section may include:
combined weight and - Up to 7 additional Militia Heavy Outriders ............................................. +15 points per model
manoeuvrability to bring to
bear any weapons they carried ● Any model in the unit may exchange their Heavy Stubber for one of the following options:
effectively at speed. - Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................................................. Free
- Heavy Bolter....................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Grenade Launcher (with Frag and Krak rounds).......................................................... +5 points
- Multi-Laser ......................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Autocannon......................................................................................................................+10 points
- Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points
- Impaler Harpoon.............................................................................................................+10 points
- Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points

● Any model which selects an option from the list above may choose to select the following
option for that weapon:
- The Twin-Linked Special Rule ........................................................................................ +5 points

● For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange their Heavy Stubber for the
following option:
- Mining Laser .................................................................................................................... +15 points

● All models in the unit may select any of the following options (if any of these options are
selected, all models in the unit must be so upgraded):
- Carapace Armour ...........................................................................................+2 points per model
- Shredder Prow ................................................................................................+5 points per model

● Any model in the unit may take one of the following options:
- Shotgun............................................................................................................................... +1 points
- Stubcarbine.........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Lascarbine...........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Militia Lance ...................................................................................................................... +5 points

● The Militia Heavy Outrider Sergeant may exchange their Laspistol or Autopistol, and/or
Close Combat Weapon for one of the following options:
- Bolt Pistol ........................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Blast Pistol .......................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Plasma Pistol .................................................................................................................... +15 points

LIGHT VEHICLE SQUADRON .....................35 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Achilles Light Vehicle 16 3 11 11 10 2 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Achilles Light Vehicle ● Vehicle (Fast, Third-Line)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Turret Mounted ● Scout The lightest class of true
Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber ● Move Through Cover vehicle brought to bear by
● Smoke Launchers ● Engine Overcharge Militia forces, Achilles-class
vehicles were often little more
than civilian cars strapped
with extra guns. Indeed, many
were tuned for performance
and speed over reliability or
protection, and so it was
Options: common for this class of
● An Imperialis Militia Achilles Light Vehicle Squadron may include: vehicle to lose as many of its
- Up to 4 additional Achilles Light Vehicles................................................ +35 points per model number to enemy action as it
was terrain.
● Any model may replace their Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber with one of the
following options: Despite these shortcomings,
- Turret Mounted Heavy Flamer ....................................................................................... +5 points however, Imperialis Militia
- Turret Mounted Heavy Bolter......................................................................................... +5 points forces continued to field such
- Turret Mounted Multi-Laser........................................................................................... +5 points vehicles - for, if nothing else,
- Turret Mounted Autocannon........................................................................................+10 points they were cheap, plentiful,
- Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Grenade Launcher
(with Frag and Krak rounds)..........................................................................................+10 points and easily replaced.
- Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Missile Launcher
(with Frag, Krak, and Flak Missiles) ............................................................................. +15 points
- Turret Mounted Heavy Mortar..................................................................................... +15 points
- Turret Mounted Heavy Mining Laser......................................................................... +20 points

● Any model may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Centreline Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber ....................................................+10 points
- Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................+10 points

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Venator Medium Vehicle 16 3 12 11 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Venator Medium Vehicle ● Vehicle (Third-Line)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

Venator Squadrons were ● Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser ● Militia Venetaris
found on most Imperial
colony worlds, being another
broad class of civilian vehicle
that could be fitted with
powerful weapons if the call
of war was to be sounded.

Whilst a broad classification,

the most common Venator- Options:
class vehicles were the Tauros ● An Imperialis Militia Venator Medium Vehicle Squadron may include:
and Taurox patterns, both - Up to 2 additional Venator Medium Vehicles ......................................... +50 points per model
most commonly seen ferrying
workmen or Arbites - though ● Any model may replace their Turret-Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser with one of the
other patterns were often following options:
grouped into such a class for - Two Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers........................................................... Free
ease if nothing else. In times - Turret Mounted Gravis Autocannon ............................................................................. +5 points
of war, these vehicles were - Turret Mounted Kheres Assault Cannon ....................................................................+10 points
commandeered, and tech- - Turret Mounted Eradicator Nova Cannon ................................................................. +15 points
priests or simply lowly - Turret Mounted Skyreaper Battery .............................................................................. +15 points
- Turret Mounted Gravis Lascannon ............................................................................. +20 points
maintenance technicians - Centreline Mounted Cyclone Missile Launcher
would set to with welders and (with Frag, Krak, and Flak Missiles) ............................................................................ +20 points
rivet guns, attaching armour - Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser and Auxiliary Crew Bay.................................. +25 points
plating, weapons, and any - Turret Mounted Gravis Autocannon and Auxiliary Crew Bay ................................+30 points
other wargear available in
order to turn these vehicles ● Any model which is not equipped with an Auxiliary Crew Bay may select the following
from mere wagons to option:
weapons of war. - Command Crew Bay ....................................................................................................... +15 points

● Any model may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Smoke Launchers .............................................................................................................. +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- The Pathfinder Special Rule ..........................................................................................+10 points
- Two Centreline Mounted Hot-Shot Volley Guns ......................................................+10 points

CARNODON SQUADRON ............................ 60 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Carnodon 15 3 12 11 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Carnodon ● Vehicle (Third-Line)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser ● None The Carnodon Medium Battle
● Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers Tank saw extensive service
● Smoke Launchers with most branches of the
Imperialis Auxilia for the
duration of the Great Crusade
and its vaunted legacy would
go on to inspire the creation
of several other battle tanks
such as the Leman Russ.
● An Imperialis Militia Carnodon Squadron may include: Built upon the versatile
- Up to 2 additional Militia Carnodons ....................................................... +55 points per model modular design of the Aurox-
chassis, its transportation
● All models in an Imperialis Militia Carnodon Squadron may exchange their Turret capacity was replaced with
Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser for one of the following options (all models in the unit must turret and sponson-mounted
select the same option): heavy weapons, as well as
- Turret Mounted Gravis Autocannon ............................................................................. +5 points improved armour – all
- Turret Mounted Gravis Lascannon ............................................................................. +20 points without sacrificing its speed.
● All models in an Imperialis Militia Carnodon Squadron may exchange their Sponson
Mounted Heavy Flamers for one of the following options (all models in the unit must By the time production of the
select the same option): Aurox-chassis had peaked, the
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters .................................................................................. Free Leman Russ was entering
- Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers .................................................................................... Free service with regular Imperial
- Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons ........................................................................... +5 points Army units, inevitably
- Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons............................................................................ +15 points relegating most Carnodrons
and other Aurox variants to
● Any Militia Carnodon may select one of the following options: strategic reserves. As a result,
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points the Carnodon was typically
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points one of the few battle tanks
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points beside the ageing Malcador
that Militia commanders
● Any Militia Carnodon may select the following option: could commit to battle in
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points large numbers.

HADES BREACHING DRILL........................65 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Hades Drill 6 3 12 10 10 2 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Hades Drill ● Vehicle (Third-Line)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

The Hades Breaching Drill ● Melta Cutters ● Subterranean Assault
was ostensibly a piece of ● Follow-up Attack
civilian mining equipment
militarised for use on the
battlefields of the Great
Crusade. The Hades Drill was
equipped with four large
powercutters which enabled it
to easily bore through the
earth and a set of melta-
cutters to reduce stubborn
rock to liquid slag. While far
from subtle, the speed at
which it could undermine
enemy defences made it
popular among certain
inventive Militia units.

Unlike its larger and more

advanced cousin, the Termite,
Hades Drills were not large
enough to carry troops
directly into battle. Instead
those units assigned to its
deployment would follow
directly behind the drill as it
cleared a path to the surface.
Those foes who were not
caught by the drill itself were
left disorientated by crashing
waves of flying rock and dust,
vulnerable to the troops
emerging from the ground to
overwhelm them.

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● An Arvus Transport may select one of the following options:
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubber .................................................................................................................................................................. Free
- Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ............................................................................................................................................................ +10 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Autocannon........................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Hull (Front) Mounted Lascannon............................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● An Arvus Transport may choose to give a single Ranged Weapon it is equipped with the following Special Rule:
- Twin-Linked.................................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points


● Any Militia Sentinel may replace its Multi-Laser with one of the following options:
- Heavy Bolter............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Free
- Multiple Rocket Pod.......................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Sentinel Powerlifter .......................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Plasma Cannon............................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● Any Militia Sentinel may select any of the following options:

- One Hunter-Killer Missile ............................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Searchlights .....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Heavy Chainsword* .......................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

*A Militia Sentinel which has replaced its Multi-Laser with a Sentinel Powerlifter may not select a Heavy Chainsword.

Heavy Support
GREATER MUTATED SPAWN ....................175 POINTS
Greater Mutated Spawn 10 4 - 7 7 7 4 D6+2 9 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Greater Mutated Spawn ● Infantry (Monstrous, Corrupted)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

The term ‘Greater Mutated ● Two Monstrous Appendages ● Provenance (Tainted Flesh)
Spawn’ referred to the largest ● Bulky (6)
and most powerful of the ● Fearless
many abominations counted
amongst the Warp Cults and ● Feeding Frenzy
Traitor Legiones Astartes. No ● Fleet (2)
less than enormous, ● Hammer of Wrath (3)
murderously insane beasts ● Mindless Aggression
that crushed and devoured all
before them in a stampede of ● Rage (2)
bloody slaughter; it defies all ● Regenerating Horror
reasonable explanations that ● Traitor
such creatures were once
How exactly these larger ● A Greater Mutated Spawn unit may include:
abominations were - Up to 2 additional Greater Mutated Spawn ........................................... +175 points per model
propagated proved difficult to
catalogue, with many reports
being of questionable
legibility – their authors since
driven mad by their
experiences or discovered to be
under the thrall of dark
powers. Some claimed that
mass sacrifices and rituals
coalesced the bodies of their
victims into one enormous
mass of hulking flesh, while
others spoke to the seemingly
random gestation of an
existing mutant having
suddenly evolved into an even
more terrifying monstrosity.

The apparently only

consistent factor in their
creation was the
overabundance of Warp-
energies permeating the site of
their origin, which mercifully
ensured these indomitable
creatures were usually only
sighted among the most
corrupted of Traitor forces.
This would have been small
comfort to their innumerable
victims, many of which were
sacrificed at the altar of a
Spawn’s creation – if not
damned to become one

SABRE BATTERY ............................................. 20 POINTS
Militia Sabre Platform - 1 3 3 4 2 1 1 6 5+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Sabre Platform ● Infantry (Militia, Heavy)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Two Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers ● Immobile Static weapon systems
● Laspistol manned by men rather than
● Flak Armour machine were used all across
the Imperium, especially in
● Helical Targeting Array the Imperialis Militia, with
the Sabre platform being the
most ubiquitous of these.
Whether industrial and
purpose-built, or scavenged
Options: and repurposed, static
● An Imperialis Militia Sabre Battery may include: weapon systems were all
- Up to 6 additional Militia Sabre Platforms ............................................. +20 points per model lightweight in structure and
easy to assemble in the field.
● Any Militia Sabre Platform may exchange its Two Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers for one of
the following options: Cheap to create, Imperial
- Sabre Searchlight....................................................................................................................... Free forces utilised them as a
- Gravis Bolt Cannon................................................................................................................... Free means to bring heavy
- Gravis Multi-Laser............................................................................................................. +5 points weapons to field en-masse - or
- Gravis Autocannon ........................................................................................................... +5 points bring support equipment
- Gravis Lascannon ............................................................................................................ +15 points which required mounting and
manning - such as high-
powered spotlights.

HEAVY TANK SQUADRON ....................... 200 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Macharius Heavy Tank 10 3 13 12 12 6 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Macharius ● Vehicle
Heavy Tank (Reinforced, Third Line)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Ancient designs carried ● Turret Mounted ● Independent Fire Control
forward from Old Earth, these Macharius Battle Cannon ● Armoured Superstructure
lumbering behemoths found ● One Hull (Front) Mounted
themselves fighting in the Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber
thick both before, during, and
after the Great Crusade. ● Two Sponson Mounted
Heavy Stubbers
Up-armoured to the limits of ● Smoke Launchers
the gunsmiths who created
them, those vehicles classified Options:
as true heavy tanks were as ● An Imperialis Militia Macharius Heavy Tank Squadron may include:
varied as their makers. Prior - Up to 2 additional Militia Macharius Heavy Tanks .............................. +175 points per model
to the coming of the
Imperium, these vehicles were ● Any Militia Macharius Heavy Tank may exchange its Turret Mounted Macharius Battle
the centrepiece of many a Cannon for one of the following options (all models in the unit must select the same
Warlord’s collection, with option):
which once they would have - Turret Mounted Macharius Vanquisher Cannon ........................................................ +5 points
used to level the castles and - Turret Mounted Macharius Rotary Bolt Cannon ......................................................+10 points
strongholds of other primitive ● Any Militia Macharius Heavy Tank may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted Heavy
techno-barbarians. Since Stubbers for one of the following options:
those times there had been - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers................................................................................. Free
little further standardisation - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters .......................................................................... +5 points
of these vehicles; many were - Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers ............................................................................ +5 points
content simply to leave their - Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons .........................................................................+10 points
complex and idiosyncratic - Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Meltas.......................................................................... +15 points
internal systems well alone. - Two Sponson Mounted Plasma Cannons ................................................................... +15 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons........................................................................... +20 points
During the Heresy this was
deemed a considerable upside, ● Any Militia Macharius Heavy Tank may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked
as the drafted regiments of the Heavy Stubber for one of the following options:
Imperialis Militia did not - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer ............................................................. Free
need to be trained how to use - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters ..................................................... +5 points
their vehicles anew; riding - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Multi-Laser ......................................................... +5 points
happily to battle within - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Autocannon......................................................+10 points
machines deemed deathtraps - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon................................................ +15 points
in the service of their liege - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon........................................................ +20 points
lords. - Hull (Front) Mounted Gravis Melta Cannon .............................................................. +25 points

● Any Militia Macharius Heavy Tank may select one of the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points

● Any model may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Macharius Omega 10 3 13 11 10 6 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Macharius Omega ● Vehicle
(Reinforced, Bombard, Third Line)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Centreline Mounted ● Volatile Plasma Containment As the Great Crusade brought
Omega Pattern Plasma Blastgun ● Exposed Plasma Conduits the galaxy to heel, it
● Two Sponson Mounted ● Independent Fire Control encountered a myriad of
Heavy Stubbers civilisations. Though the
● Armoured Superstructure technology levels of these
● Smoke Launchers disparate peoples were vastly
different, common amongst
them were the iconic
Standard Template
Options: Constructs of old humanity.
● A Militia Macharius Omega may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted Heavy Stubbers Oddly enough, however, was
for one of the following options: a recurrence of oversized
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamer .................................................................................. Free heavy battle tanks. Whilst not
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters .......................................................................... +5 points of STC design, these venerable
- Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Lasers ............................................................................ +5 points vehicles were favoured
- Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons .........................................................................+10 points weapons of the tribal
- Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Meltas.......................................................................... +15 points warlords who had controlled
- Two Sponson Mounted Plasma Cannons ................................................................... +15 points Terra before the coming of the
- Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons........................................................................... +20 points Emperor, and their designs
had proven popular amongst
● Any Militia Macharius Omega may select one of the following options: those who travelled the stars
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points in humanity’s earliest days.
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points Bearing weapons deemed
esoteric in nature, and
● A Militia Macharius Omega may select any of the following options: otherwise far inferior to
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points modern Imperial designs,
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points these tanks had a poor
- Dozer Blade ......................................................................................................................+10 points performance record and
offered horrendous crew
safety. As such, they were
deemed fit only for issue to the
Imperialis Militia forces that
found themselves drafted into
a war between transhuman
demigods - and thus
desperate for any advantage
they could claim.

HEAVY TANK SQUADRON ....................... 160 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Malcador Defensor Heavy Tank 14 3 13 13 12 5 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Malcador Defensor ● Vehicle (Third-Line, Fast, Reinforced)
Heavy Tank

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Slowly being phased out by ● Two Sponson Mounted ● Independent Fire Control
the time of the Great Crusade, Gravis Bolt Cannons
the Malcador and all vehicles ● Hull (Rear) Mounted Heavy Bolter
which shared its chassis were
destined to be replaced with ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter
newer, more specialised ● Hull (Left) Mounted Heavy Bolter
models of tank such as the ● Hull (Right) Mounted Heavy Bolter
Leman Russ. By the coming of
the Heresy, many Malcadors
were scrapped or left to rot in Options:
massive tank graveyards as a ● An Imperialis Militia Malcador Defensor Heavy Tank Squadron may include:
result - and many Militia - Up to two additional Malcador Defensor Heavy Tanks.......................+150 points per model
commanders found
themselves with a fleet of ● Any Malcador Defensor Heavy Tank may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter
these older tanks. With a bit for one of the following options:
of elbow grease and - Hull (Front) Mounted Autocannon........................................................................................ Free
persuasion, the most - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
functional of these - Hull (Front) Mounted Lascannon.................................................................................+10 points
condemned vehicles were - Hull (Front) Mounted Demolisher Cannon................................................................ +35 points
reactivated, before swiftly
being sequestered away from ● Any Malcador Defensor Heavy Tank may exchange of its Hull (Left) and Hull (Right)
Mounted Heavy Bolters for one of the following options:
the damage the elements and - One Hull (Left) Mounted Autocannon
time could inflict, a safety-net and one Hull (Right) Mounted Autocannon ........................................................................ Free
should their regiment ever be - One Hull (Left) Mounted Heavy Flamer
called for service. At the and one Hull (Right) Mounted Heavy Flamer...................................................................... Free
breaking of the Heresy, all - One Hull (Left) Mounted Lascannon
available material stockpiles and one Hull (Right) Mounted Lascannon ................................................................ +20 points
were reassessed, and as part of
that process many Militias ● Any Militia Malcador Defensor Heavy Tank may select one of the following options:
found themselves overstocked - Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
with Malcador chassis which, - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
despite their efforts, had not - Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
survived their stint in storage,
both hull and weapon systems ● Any model may select any of the following options:
damaged almost beyond - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
repair. - Smoke Launchers .............................................................................................................. +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
It was from these broken and - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile .....................................................+10 points
battered hulls that the
Defensor pattern was born,
the primary weapons systems
of the standard Malcador
pattern replaced with an
armoured pulpit, bristling
with as many fixed-traverse
heavy bolters as the
regimental engineers could
cram on. It was in these jury-
rigged and botched together
hulls that many militia crews
fought and died - and yet, the
effectiveness of such retrofits
ensured that as time passed,
many more such vehicles were
created and pressed to service.

MINOTAUR BATTERY ................................. 175 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Minotaur 8 3 13 12 13 4 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Minotaur ● Vehicle (Reinforced, Slow, Third Line)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Centreline (Rear) Mounted ● Open Crew Compartment An ancient form of self
Earthshaker Battery propelled artillery based on
● Smoke Launchers the workshorse Malcador
chassis, the Minotaur had
largely lost favour in most
parts of the Imperial war
machine; notable exceptions
could be found in the the
Imperial Army and
Options: Mechanicum, both of whom
● An Imperialis Militia Minotaur Battery may include: appreciated the rugged nature
- Up to two additional Militia Minotaurs ................................................ +160 points per model and reliability of the chassis.
This generalised loss of favour
● Any Militia Minotaur may select one of the following options: led to droves of these vehicles
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points being mothballed over time,
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points with not enough demand
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points from those still making use of
them enough to prevent a
● Any model may select any of the following options: slow crawl of many of these
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points venerable artillery pieces to
- One Hull (Rear) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ......................................................... +5 points the graveyard.

With the Age of Darkness’

arrival, these vehicles found
themselves called back to
service, and crewmen once
again loaded their twinned
guns and fired them in anger
and rage against their hated

PRAETORIAN HEAVY TANK .....................275 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank 12 3 14 13 12 5 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Praetorian ● Vehicle (Reinforced, Third-Line)
Heavy Tank

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Whilst a relatively new ● Turret Mounted Praetorian ● None
rediscovery by the ending of Battle Cannon
the Great Crusade and the ● Centreline Mounted
dawning of Horus’ Heresy, Kheres Assault Cannon
some rare examples of the
Praetorian Heavy Tank ● Smoke Launchers
nonetheless found themselves
in the hands of scattered
Imperialis Militia forces.
These vehicles were often only ● Any Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank may exchange its Centreline Mounted Kheres Assault
partially finished and Cannon for the following option:
furnished, or otherwise were - Centreline Mounted Pulveriser Cannon ..................................................................... +25 points
early production models
which did not boast the range ● Any Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank may exchange its Turret Mounted Praetorian Battle
of features that completed Cannon for the following option:
Praetorians did. As a result, - Turret Mounted Oppressor Cannon with Coaxial Autocannon.............................+50 points
for many reasons, these
vehicles were sometimes ● Any Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank may exchange its Turret Mounted Praetorian Battle
Cannon and Centreline Mounted Kheres Assault Cannon for one of the following option:
indistinguishable from the - Centerline Mounted Subjugator Cannon ...................................................................+50 points
more ramshackle, locally-
produced tanks some Milita ● Any Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank may select one of the following options:
forces had access to. - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Stubbers ............................................................................... Free
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters ........................................................................+10 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers.......................................................................+10 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Multi-Meltas..........................................................................+30 points

● Any Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank which is not equipped with a Subjugator Cannon may
select one of the following options:
- Two Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubbers ...............................................................+10 points
- Two Hull (Front) Mounted Meltaguns ........................................................................ +25 points

● Any Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank may select one of the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points

● Any Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Dozer Blade ......................................................................................................................+10 points

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Hydra Flak Tank 14 3 12 10 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Hydra Flak Tank ● Vehicle (Third-line)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Turret Mounted ● Exposed Compartment Based off of the chassis of the
Anvilus Autocannon Battery ● Aerial Interception robust Chimera, the Hydra
● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter Anti-Air platform was a
rudimentary attempt to copy
● Searchlights the more prevalent and
● Smoke Launchers effective Hydra Flak Tank
● Helical Targeting Array Batteries fielded by the Solar
Auxilia for bulk use. These
copies lacked the enclosed
Options: turret and servo-tracking
● An Imperialis Militia Hydra Flak Tank Battery may include: sub-systems of their more
- Up to 2 additional Auxilia Hydra Flak Tanks.......................................... +70 points per model advanced brethren; though
they made up for some of
● A Militia Hydra Flak Tank may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Bolter for the following these shortfalls by using
option: locally-produced variants of
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free autocannon with far higher
fire rates, if greater barrel
● Any Militia Hydra Flak Tank may select any of the following options: wear. These alterations meant
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points that these vehicles required far
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points more ammunition and
servicing than the variants
found within the more
vaunted regiments of the
Excertus Imperialis - though
were just as deadly to
anything in flight.

MISSILE TANK BATTERY .......................... 175 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Manticore Missile Tank 14 3 12 10 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Manticore ● Vehicle (Third-Line)
Missile Tank

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Manticore Missile Batteries ● Turret Mounted Manticore Missile ● Exposed Compartment
were a common sight across Launcher (with 4 Manticore Missiles)
the Imperium; fixed artillery ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter
pieces serviced by a team of
lightly trained crewmen who ● Smoke Launchers
rain death upon approaching
enemies. A number of forward
thinking Imperialis Militia
commanders began mounting
these batteries onto the Options:
workhorse Chimera chassis ● An Imperialis Militia Manticore Missile Tank Battery may include:
following reports of great - Up to 2 additional Militia Manticore Missile Tanks ............................. +175 points per model
successes among the Solar
Auxilia. Though crude and ● Any Militia Manticore Missile Tank may exchange any number of its Manticore Missiles
requiring a large amount of for any of the following options, in any combination:
the vehicle's internals to be - One Storm Eagle Missile .......................................................................................................... Free
exposed in order to make - One Phosphor Incendiary Missile .......................................................................................... Free
these conversions work, these
vehicles were undeniably ● A Militia Manticore Missile Tank may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter for
effective and remained in use the following option:
among the Militias who built - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
● Any Militia Manticore Missile Tank may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
Upon discovery of these jury-
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
rigged chassis, the adepts of
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
Mars officially sanctioned
- Helical Targeting Array .................................................................................................. +25 points
them and codified both the
retrofitted variants and
official constructions as
Manticore Missile Tanks.
Though the mechanics and
commanders who
commissioned and created
these vehicles prior to their
official designation have had
their names long since lost to
the march of history, none
can deny the effectiveness of
their works.

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Helios Ordnance Carrier 12 3 12 10 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Helios ● Vehicle (Third-Line)
Ordnance Carrier

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter ● Exposed Compartment One of many variants built
● Centreline Mounted Griffon Mortar upon the chimera chassis, the
● Smoke Launchers Helios Ordnance carrier was
designed as a light artillery
tank able to provide indirect
fire support, but also to be
capable of rapid relocation
when compared to its larger
cousins. The weapons
Options: mounted upon the Helios did
● An Imperialis Militia Helios Ordnance Carrier Squadron may include: not match the range of other
- Up to 2 additional Militia Helios Ordnance Carriers............................ +80 points per model long-firing support platforms,
but it made up for this with
● Any Militia Helios Ordnance Carrier may replace its Centreline Mounted Griffon Mortar the ability to position itself
for one of the following options: efficiently; being able to
- Centreline Mounted Thunderblast Cannon......................................................................... Free maintain its targeting
- Centreline Mounted Thudd Launcher ........................................................................+10 points capabilities alongside its
● Any Militia Helios Ordnance Carrier may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter
for one of the following options: Where the Basilisk or Medusa
- Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free tanks of the Solar Auxilia
- Hull (Front) Mounted Multi-Laser ......................................................................................... Free would fall behind the advance
of Imperial forces, outpaced
● Any Militia Helios Ordnance Carrier may select one of the following options:
by the advance of the line, the
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
Helios Carrier was able to
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
keep up whilst continuing to
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points
lay down supporting fire.
● Any Militia Helios Ordnance Carrier may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points

HEAVY VEHICLE SQUADRON .................... 75 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Goliath Heavy Vehicle 12 3 13 12 10 4 8

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Goliath Heavy Vehicle ● Vehicle (Reinforced, Transport,

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

The very largest of civilian ● Command Crew Bay ● Infantry Transport
road vehicles pressed into ● Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser ● Open-Topped (5)
service by the Imperialis ● Militia Venetaris
Militias of the Age of
Darkness were classified as
‘Goliaths’ - and this apt
classification reflected the size
and weight of such vehicles.

Often mounting heavy Options:

weapons or industrial tools, ● An Imperialis Militia Goliath Heavy Vehicle Squadron may include:
these vehicles could defend - Up to 2 additional Goliath Heavy Vehicles...............................................+75 points per model
themselves as capably as most
Imperial tanks - and with ● Any Goliath Heavy Vehicle may replace its Turret-Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser with one of
their ability to mount crew the following options:
bays, industrial tools, as well - Turret-Mounted Gravis Autocannon...........................................................................+10 points
as a range of various other - Turret-Mounted Flamestorm Cannon ........................................................................ +15 points
weapons, few doubted their - Turret-Mounted Heavy Seismic Cannon .................................................................... +15 points
effectiveness on the battlefield; - Turret-Mounted Heavy Mining Laser......................................................................... +20 points
even despite their decidedly
ordinary origins. ● Any Goliath Heavy Vehicle may replace its Command Crew Bay with the following option:
- Auxiliary Crew Bay.......................................................................................................... +15 points

● Any Goliath Heavy Vehicle with a Command Crew Bay may select the following option:
- Sawtooth Rockgrinder.................................................................................................... +25 points

● Any Goliath Heavy Vehicle may select up to two of the following options:
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber....................................................................................... +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Laser ..........................................................................................+10 points

● Any Goliath Heavy Vehicle may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Smoke Launchers .............................................................................................................. +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile .....................................................+10 points

IRONCRAWLER SQUADRON..................... 100 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Ironcrawler 10 3 14 13 11 4 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Ironcrawler ● Vehicle (Third-Line, Reinforced,
Slow, Transport)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● 2 Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubbers ● Open-Topped (5) A term used to describe all
manner of massive all-terrain
vehicles of various patterns
found all across the
Imperium, Ironcrawlers were
utilised for a variety of
transportation roles across the
Options: With environmentally-sealed
● An Imperialis Militia Ironcrawler Squadron may include: cabins to protect the driver
- Up to 2 additional Militia Ironcrawlers ................................................. +100 points per model and cargo alike from
attackers and environments,
● Any Militia Ironcrawler may replace any of its Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubbers with one of and an open platform on its
the following options: rear for active security
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Grenade Launcher (with Frag and Krak rounds) ................... Free personnel, Ironcrawlers were
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Bolter ............................................................................................ Free one of the Imperium’s
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Combi-Bolter.......................................................................+2 points premium haulers. At the
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber .............................................+2 points outbreak of the civil war,
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Heavy Flamer....................................................................... +5 points commanders recognised the
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Impaler Harpoon ................................................................ +5 points absolute size and robustness
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Combi-Weapon (any type)................................................. +5 points of these machines, using their
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Multi-Laser .......................................................................... +5 points cargo space for transporting
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Autocannon .......................................................................+10 points their troops into battle, and
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Heavy Bolter ......................................................................+10 points outfitting them with a variety
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Seismic Cannon ................................................................ +15 points of weaponry to serve as a true
- Pintle Mounted Mounted Multi-Melta....................................................................... +20 points mobile fortress.
- Pintle Mounted Mining Laser ...................................................................................... +20 points

● Any Militia Ironcrawler may select any of the following options:

- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Smoke Launchers .............................................................................................................. +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile .....................................................+10 points
- Sawtooth Rockgrinder................................................................................................... +20 points

ARTILLERY BATTERY ...................................125 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Artillery Tank 14 3 12 10 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Artillery Tank ● Vehicle (Third-Line)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Whilst the varied forces of the ● Centreline Mounted ● Exposed Compartment
Imperialis Militias fielded Earthshaker Cannon
static weapons platforms, ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter
many self-propelled artillery
vehicles were also brought to ● Smoke Launchers
bare. Whether retrofitted
using old or otherwise
redundant chassis, or purpose
built through industrial
processes, all manner of Options:
artillery weapons were ● An Imperialis Militia Artillery Battery may include:
mounted for the purposes of - Up to 2 additional Militia Artillery Tanks .............................................. +125 points per model
mobility and relocation,
quickly proving to be effective. ● Any Militia Artillery Tank may exchange its Centreline Mounted Earthshaker Cannon for
one of the following options:
Due to the lesser-equipped - Centreline Mounted Medusa Mortar........................................................................... +25 points
nature of Militia forces, - Centreline Mounted Mars-Colossus Bombard.......................................................... +40 points
Artillery Tanks of a
less-fortunate nature that ● A Militia Artillery Tank may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter for the
were found at the whims of following option:
flanking opposition would - Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................... Free
swiftly find themselves and
● Any Militia Artillery Tank may select any of the following options:
their crew obliterated.
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
Nevertheless, the availability
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
of these vehicles and their
weapons saw them deployed
repeatedly and effectively by
both sides of the galactic civil
war, often en-masse for
maximum battlefield effect.

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● All Militia Gunners in the unit may exchange their Flak Armour for the following option:
- Carapace Armour .................................................................................................................................................................................................................+20 points


● The unit may include:
- Up to two additional Malcador Heavy Tanks .......................................................................................................................................................... +160 points


● All Militia Gunners in the unit may exchange their Flak Armour for the following option:
- Carapace Armour .................................................................................................................................................................................................................+20 points

● Any Gun Carriage may exchange its Earthshaker Cannon for one of the following options:
- Anvilus Autocannon Battery and Helical Targeting Array .............................................................................................................................................. Free
- Manticore Missile Launcher (with Four Storm Eagle Missiles) ...........................................................................................................................+35 points

Lords of War
MARAUDER BOMBER.................................385 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Marauder Bomber 18 3 12 11 10 5 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Marauder Bomber ● Vehicle (Flyer, Lumbering, Third-Line)

LORDS OF WAR Wargear Special Rules

Following the outbreak of the ● Centreline (Front) Mounted ● Deep Strike
Civil War that plagued the Twin-Linked Autocannon
galaxy from end-to-end, ● Centreline (Rear) Mounted
forces throughout the Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
Imperium retrofitted all sorts
of large-scale aircraft, from ● Turret Mounted
their own civilian or Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
industrial vehicles to “retired” ● Hull (Front) Mounted
third-line military craft, to Macro-Bomb Cluster
carry large amounts of
ordnance for deployment on
the field as a platform of air Options:
interdiction. ● The Militia Marauder Bomber may select the following option:
- Ramjet Diffraction Grid .................................................................................................+30 points
The deployment of these
titanic machines was not
done without consideration of
many resources, and the
logistics required to maintain
such beasts was only
achievable by the best leading

MARAUDER DESTROYER......................... 370 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Marauder Destroyer 18 3 12 11 10 5 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Marauder Destroyer ● Vehicle (Flyer, Lumbering, Third-Line)

Wargear Special Rules LORDS OF WAR

● Centreline (Front) Mounted ● Deep Strike Retrofitted Gunship aircraft
Gravis Autocannon Battery were fielded alongside the
● Centreline (Rear) Mounted Bomber configurations
Kheres Assault Cannon pressed into service by the
forces of the Imperialis
● Turret Mounted Militia. Created using various
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter retired military and non-
● Eight Hull (Front) Mounted military chassis to fit a wider
Heavy Krak Rockets range of weaponry, these
● Four Hull (Front) Mounted aircraft - colloquially named
Destroyers by their pilots -
Fragmentation Bombs
mounted a vast array of
ranged armaments intended
for close air support and air
Options: interception.
● The Militia Marauder Destroyer may exchange its eight Front (Hull) Mounted Heavy Krak
Rockets for the following option:
- Eight Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Frag Rockets................................................................. Free

● The Militia Marauder Destroyer may select the following option:

- Ramjet Diffraction Grid .................................................................................................+30 points

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Praetor Armoured 10 3 13 12 12 8 -
Assault Launcher

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Praetor Armoured ● Vehicle (Third-Line, Super-Heavy)
Assault Launcher

LORDS OF WAR Wargear Special Rules

A designation of locally ● Centreline Mounted Praetor Launcher ● None
produced siege vehicles, the ● Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters
Praetor class was made up of ● Smoke Launchers
a number of specialist missile
artillery platforms
encountered during the Great
Crusade. Much like the
Macharius pattern, there was
no standardisation between
any of these crude, lumbering Options:
behemoths. ● A Militia Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted
Heavy Bolters for one of the following options:
Generally looked down upon - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers................................................................................. Free
by the more regimented - Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons .........................................................................+10 points
members of the Exertus - Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons........................................................................... +20 points
Imperialis, these vehicles
generally found themselves ● A Militia Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher may select any of the following options:
relegated to garrison duties. - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
Though fitted with potent - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
weaponry, these vehicles
usually suffered from
reliability and maintenance
issues - though the defender’s
advantage present to
Imperialis Militia forces
alleviated these issues,
allowing them to bring these
behemoths devastating might
to bear against their enemies.

Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Militia Crassus Assault Transport 10 3 13 12 12 8 48

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Militia Crassus ● Vehicle (Third-Line, Super-Heavy,
Assault Transport Transport)

Wargear Special Rules LORDS OF WAR

● Hull (Front, Left) Mounted ● Transport Bay The Crassus Transport was
Heavy Bolter commonly seen in use by the
● Hull (Front, Right) Mounted armies of the Imperialis
Heavy Bolter Militia; more akin to giant
ark-ships used to transport
● Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters ancient man across the seas of
● Smoke Launcher Terra than the tracked
behemoths required to
traverse the dangerous
Access Points: environs of the Age of
● A Militia Crassus Assault Transport has one Access Point at the rear. Darkness. The enclosed
nature of their armoured
Options: shells offered proof against
● A Militia Crassus Assault Transport may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted Heavy shot and shell to the
Bolters for one of the following options: contingent of soldiers that
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers................................................................................. Free huddled inside, resounding as
- Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons .........................................................................+10 points though a struck bell when a
- Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons........................................................................... +20 points shot rang true.

● A Militia Crassus Assault Transport may exchange its Hull (Front, Left) Mounted Heavy Though not as widespread as
Bolter and Hull (Front, Right) Mounted Heavy Bolter for one of the following options: the Gorgons more often seen
- Hull (Front, Left) Mounted Heavy Flamer in service of Militia forces,
and Hull (Front, Right) Mounted Heavy Flamer.................................................................. Free these vehicles were prized by
- Hull (Front, Left) Mounted Autocannons many commanders on both
and Hull (Front, Right) Mounted Autocannons ........................................................+10 points sides of the Heresy.
- Hull (Front, Left) Mounted Lascannons
and Hull (Front, Right) Mounted Lascannons .......................................................... +20 points

● A Militia Crassus Assault Transport may select any of the following options:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points

Archaeotechnological Relics
In the wake of the Age of Strife and the coming of the Great Crusade, considerable amounts of esoteric and powerful technologies were uncovered by the
Emperor’s armies; whether pried from the bodies of slain warlords or found buried away by unknown hands. These relics included weaponry, as well as other
dangerous and poorly understood devices that would nonetheless prove especially potent on the battlefield. These were inevitably taken up by the most
influential of the Imperium’s champions – in spite of the Mechanicum’s efforts to catalogue and hoard them.

Whilst the Legiones Astartes inherently favoured archaeotech that enhanced their killing potential, many officers of the Excertus Imperialis took a view that
their service was a means to an end; anticipating a life beyond warfare, or at least a dynasty that would continue long after their remains had gone cold. As a
sign of their prestige and influence, a great deal of such archaeotech made its way into the hands of this burgeoning aristocracy, much of it – on the surface –
frivolous or relatively impotent - but just as many pieces concealed a deadly purpose or had an unconventional battlefield application.

A Solar Auxilia Legate Marshal, Rogue Trader Militant, or Imperialis Militia Force Commander (who must either be in a Detachment with the
Armoury of Old Night Provenance, or have the Merchant Princeling or Connoisseur of Alien Curios Warlord Traits) may make a single selection
from the following Archaeotechnological Relics list, paying the respective points cost in each entry to select that wargear item. Each item may grant
the model to be upgraded with a number of new Special Rules, abilities, or may modify the upgraded model’s Unit Type, Unit Sub-Type, or
Characteristics. In all cases, the Archaeotechnological Relic will specify all changes, benefits and limitations.

Archaeotechnological Relics must be visually represented on the upgraded model by a suitable conversion on the model where possible.


Digital weapons were highly sought after by those of wealth and influence as signs of their prestige – apex-class weapons most of all. Ostensibly little more
than decorative but otherwise unremarkable signet rings, they disguised weapons of considerable power.

This Archaeotechnological Relic may be purchased for an applicable model at a cost of +15 points.

Once per game when making a Shooting Attack, a model with an Apex Digital Weapon can declare it will fire either a Disintegrator, Lascannon,
Multi-Melta, Plasma Cannon or Volkite Culverin. When firing this weapon, treat the model as if it had the Relentless Special Rule.


Shield generators that utilised teleportation as a means of protection, Displacer Maxtrixes were known to disappear the bearer out of harm's way entirely if
necessary – whether they wished to abandon the field or not.

This Archaeotechnological Relic may be purchased for an applicable model at a cost of +30 points.

A Displacer Matrix provides a 3+ Invulnerable Save. This Invulnerable Save does not stack with other Invulnerable Saves, and cannot benefit from
rules (like Cyber-Familiar wargear) that specifically increase existing saves. If a model has another Invulnerable Save then the Controlling Player must
choose which one to use.

In addition, the first time a roll of ‘1’ is made for an Invulnerable Save for a model with a Displacer Matrix, the Wound is ignored, and the model is
removed from the battlefield, entering the Controlling Player’s Reserves assigned to a Deep Strike Assault (even if one had already been made earlier
in the game). If the model was part of a unit, they count as having left the unit – even if they would not ordinarily be allowed to do so. No other units
may be assigned to this Deep Strike Assault, and resolving this Deep Strike Assault does not prevent the Controlling Player from resolving another
Deep Strike Assault later in the game if they have units still assigned to one. This Deep Strike Assault automatically arrives in the Controlling Player’s
next game turn. If the Deep Strike Assault is Disordered, or the game does not continue into the next turn (in which this model would arrive), then
the model is counted as Destroyed.


Small and portable devices sent out pulses of force that momentarily slowed advancing foes, sapping their charge of momentum.

This Archaeotechnological Relic may be purchased for an applicable model at a cost of +10 points.

When an enemy unit declares a Charge targeting a unit which includes a model with a Grav-Wave Generator, the unit may make the Hold The Line
Advanced Reaction (see the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook, page 330) without expending a point of the Reactive Player’s Reaction
Allotment, and automatically passes the associated Morale Check. This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but does
allow the Controlling Player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit in a given phase.

In addition, a model receives no benefit from the Hammer of Wrath (X) Special Rule if they Charge a unit which makes a Hold The Line Advanced
Reaction that includes a model with a Grav-Wave Generator.

Unique scanners of unknown design, these devices utilised input devices that were capable of detecting every form of energy known to the Mechanicum - and
several to which the Martian Priesthood at large remained ignorant of.

This Archaeotechnological Relic may be purchased for an applicable model at a cost of +20 points.

A model with a Metaphasic Reader gains the Night Vision Special Rule, and enemy models cannot be deployed using the Infiltrate Special Rule within
18” of a model with a Metaphasic Reader.

In addition, when any enemy unit is deployed to the battlefield from Reserves, a unit that includes at least one model with a Metaphasic Reader may
make the Interceptor Advanced Reaction (see the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook, page 309) without expending a point of the Reactive
player’s Reaction Allotment. This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the controlling player to exceed
the normal three Reactions limit in a given Phase.


Harnessing a combination of many poorly understood technologies, Psi-Jammers generated an invisible barrier which mitigated the effects of psychic powers in
the vicinity of the wearer.

This Archaeotechnological Relic may be purchased for an applicable model at a cost of +20 points.

Any enemy model within 18” and line of sight of a model with a Psi-Jammer must reduce its Leadership by -2 when making Psychic Checks. This
modifier is not cumulative and no model may suffer penalties from more than one Psi-Jammer.

In addition, a model with a Psi-Jammer and any unit they have joined gains the Adamantium Will (5+) Special Rule.


This armoured harness mounted upon its rear an impressive and heavy-looking shield projector - the field from which, when struck, could deflect all weaponry
save those normally reserved for destroying armoured vehicles.

This Archaeotechnological Relic may be purchased for an applicable model at a cost of +35 points.

A model with a Void Shield Harness gains the Void Shields (2) Special Rule. Whenever a Shooting Attack is assigned to a unit containing a model with
a Void Shield Harness, that Shooting Attack must instead target the Void Shields (even if that attack had the Sniper or Precision Shots (X) Special
Rule), so long as they have not been collapsed earlier in the battle. In addition, when the Void Shields provided by a Void Shield Harness collapse, all
models within D6” of a model with a Void Shield Harness suffer an immediate hit at S8 AP-.

Psychic Disciplines
This document includes a number of Psychic Disciplines referenced from elsewhere. These are presented here for easy reference and operate under
the rules established for Psychic Disciplines in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook:

Psychic Discipline: Anathemata

A Psyker with this Discipline and the Traitor Allegiance gains the Breach the Veil Psychic Power and the Void Darts Psychic Weapon. A Psyker with
this Discipline and the Loyalist Allegiance gains the Seal the Veil Psychic Power and the Void Darts Psychic Weapon. Psykers with this Discipline of
any Allegiance also gain the Aetheric Lightning Psychic Weapon (see page 322 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook for the rules for
Aetheric Lightning) - unless they have already gained this power from another source.

Seal the Veil (Psychic Power)

Whether by sheer force of will, or indeed by beseeching a higher power, the Psyker compelled the very fabric of reality to reknit and heal itself.

Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Psyker with this Psychic Power may select a single enemy unit composed entirely of models with the Daemon
Unit Type or Corrupted Unit Sub-type that is within line of sight and has at least one model within 18” of the Psyker. All models in the target unit
must reduce their Strength and Toughness by 1 (to a minimum of Toughness or Strength 1) until the end of the target unit’s Controlling Player’s
next turn – the Controlling Player of the Psyker using this Power may then choose to make a Psychic check for the Psyker. If the Check is passed the
target unit also suffers Perils of the Warp, and if the Check is failed then both the target unit and the Psyker using this Psychic Power suffer Perils of
the Warp.

Breach the Veil (Psychic Power)

Calling out to those beyond the void, the Psyker invited those darkling horrors to intrude into the materium.

Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Psyker with this Psychic Power may select a point within 12" and at least 3" away from any enemy model or
Impassable Terrain - place a Blast (3") Marker to represent the Warp Rift until this power is resolved.

The Controlling Player may then choose to make a Psychic check for the model casting this Psychic Power. If the Check is failed or not taken then
the chosen point is scattered as per the normal rules for Scatter. If it scatters onto Impassable Terrain, within 3" of an enemy model, or off of the
edge of the battlefield then the model casting this Psychic Power suffers Perils of the Warp, and the chosen point is moved the minimum distance
required in a direction of the Controlling Player's choice to place it clear of all Impassable Terrain, on the battlefield, and at least 3" away from any
enemy model. If the Check is passed then the Warp Rift does not scatter.

Once the final location of the chosen point is determined, the model casting this Psychic Power’s Controlling Player may choose to deploy up to one
of the Ruinstorm Daemon units in Reserves onto the battlefield (that player may choose to place no units if they wish). That unit moves onto the
battlefield from any point along the edge of the Blast marker placed to represent the Warp Rift as if it was entering play from Reserves, treating the
Warp Rift marker as though it was the Controlling Player's battlefield edge.

Once all models in the unit have moved onto the battlefield, the Warp Rift marker is removed from play. The Daemon unit brought into play by use
of this power may be targeted by the Interceptor Reaction and may act as normal in the Shooting phase in which it arrives and may declare a Charge
in the Assault phase of the turn in which it enters play.

Note that to use this power, a player will need access to the Ruinstorm Daemons Army List.

Void Darts (Psychic Weapon)

Crafting the very substance of unreality into a weapon, the Psyker cast forth that energy as bladed projectiles, capable of damaging both things from our
reality - and those from without.
Range Str AP Type
Void Darts 18” 5 4 Assault 12, Sanctic, Deflagrate, Psychic Focus

Psychic Discipline: Diabolism
A Psyker with this Discipline gains the listed Powers, Weapon and other Special Rules, as well as the Aetheric Lightning Psychic Weapon (see page
322 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook for the rules for Aetheric Lightning) - unless they have already gained this power from another

A Dark and Terrible Power (Psychic Power)

Great were the boons available to those who accepted the power of the immaterium; though the price was, unbeknownst to most, yet to be paid…

When a Charge is declared for a model with this power, or for a unit that includes a model with this power, the Controlling Player may choose to
make a Psychic check for the model before any dice are rolled to determine the Charge Distance of that Charge. If the Psychic check is successful
then the model with this power gains the Hammer of Wrath (3) Special Rule and increases both their Strength and Toughness Characteristics by +1
for the duration of that Assault phase. If the Check is failed then the model suffers Perils of the Warp, and once that has been resolved gains +1 to
both its Strength and Toughness Characteristics until the start of the Controlling Player’s next turn.

Hellfire (Psychic Weapon)

Calling forth the malign sentience of the warp itself, the Psyker projected it forth as a torrent of gelid flame which seemed to cackle and cry as it burned.

Range Str AP Type

Hellfire Template 7 4 Assault 1, Rending (6+), Deflagrate, Psychic Focus

Psychic Discipline: Navis Astrologis

A Psyker with this Discipline gains the listed Powers, Weapon and other Special Rules.

Lidless Stare (Psychic Weapon)

Opening their third eye, the Navigator could project forth horrors only they could see; colour and shape out of phase with our reality burning the very minds of
those unprepared to see such horrific things.
Range Str AP Type
Lidless Stare Template 2 - Assault 1, Pinning, Force, Instant Death

Unit Types
This document includes a number of new unit Sub-types to represent the various sub-factions of the Imperium, as well as some referenced from
elsewhere. These Unit Types and Unit Sub-types are presented here for easy reference and operate under the rules established for Unit Types and
Unit Sub-types in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook:


Unspeakably rare, some humans were born without a warp presence - and some whispered, thusly a soul - and were as a result harvested in their thousands by
a scheme of the Emperor’s designing to swell the ranks of the Silent Sisterhood.

The following rules apply to all models with the Anathema Sub-type:
• A unit that includes at least one model with the Anathema Sub-type may not be directly targeted by any Psychic Power or use any Psychic
Power or make attacks with a Psychic Weapon. Psychic Powers whose effects would otherwise be applied to a unit that includes at least one
model with the Anathema Sub-type (due to area of effect, scattering or other rules) have no effect, but are not cancelled and may continue to
affect other units.
• A model with the Anathema Sub-type that is allocated Wounds caused by a Psychic Weapon (which is any weapon granted to a unit or model
by a Psychic Discipline) will always fail to Wound without any dice being rolled and any special rules attached to that Psychic Weapon will not
trigger. Any Wounds allocated to a model with the Anathema Unit Sub-type caused by a Force Weapon gain no benefit from the Force, Achean
Force, or Soul Tear Special Rules, but are otherwise resolved as normal. These effects do not apply to a model with the Transport Sub-type that
has models with the Anathema Sub-type Embarked within, unless the model with the Transport Sub-type also has the Anathema Sub-type.
• All models that do not have the Anathema Sub-type, but are part of a unit that includes one or more models with the Anathema Sub-type,
suffer a penalty of -2 to their Leadership Characteristic, and models with the Anathema Sub-type suffer a penalty of -1 to their Leadership. Any
unit with at least one model within 6" of a model with the Anathema Sub-type suffers a penalty of -1 to the Leadership of all models in that
unit that do not also have the Anathema Sub-type, or -2 if that unit includes one or more models with the Corrupted or Psyker Sub-types, or
the Daemon Unit Type. Note that these two penalties are not cumulative; they apply only the most severe penalty. However, they do stack
with other Special Rules that modify Leadership (such as the Fear (X) Special Rule).
• A unit that is Embarked on a Vehicle, Fortification or Building suffers no penalties to its Leadership Characteristic due to the Anathema Sub-
type. However, units with the Stubborn Special Rule do suffer penalties to their Leadership from the effects of this Sub-type (note that this
only applies to the Stubborn Special Rule, and other special rules that ignore penalties to Leadership ignore the effects of the
Anathema Sub-type).


The remnants of the Aeldari Empire did not take to the fields of war often in the years following the Fall; but on those occasions that they did, the Children of
Asuryan displayed a power and mastery that echoed their heights of old.

The following rules apply to all models with the Asuryani Sub-type:
• Any model with this Sub-type has the Legacies of the Fall Special Rule.
• Any model with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type and this Sub-type has the Battle Focus Special Rule.


As the Horus Heresy progressed, the Warmaster’s armies became increasingly twisted in body and soul by the malign influence of the Empyrean.

The following rules apply to all models with the Corrupted Sub-type:
• All models with the Corrupted Unit Sub-type gain the Fear (1) Special Rule.
• Any Hits inflicted on a model with the Corrupted Unit Sub-type by a weapon with the Force or Psychic Focus Special Rules gain the Instant
Death Special Rule.
• Any unit composed entirely of models with the Corrupted Unit Sub-type is immune to the effects of the Fear (X) Special Rule, automatically
passes Regroup tests, and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons Are Useless Special Rule. When a unit composed
entirely of models with the Corrupted Unit Sub-type fails a Morale check it does not Fall Back as per the standard rules, but instead suffers D3
automatic Wounds with no saves or Damage Mitigation rolls of any kind allowed.
• No unit that does not also have the Corrupted Unit Sub-type or the Daemon Unit Type may join a unit that includes one or more models with
the Corrupted Unit Sub-type.


Certain automata lacked any initiative of their own, existing only to shield their masters from harm.

The following rules apply to all models with the Guardian Sub-type:
• Units including models with the Guardian Unit Sub-type may Embark freely upon models with the Transport Unit Sub-type and within
Buildings and Fortifications as if they had the Infantry Type, even if their Unit Type would normally restrict this.
• Units including models with the Guardian Unit Sub-type may be joined by friendly models with the Character Unit Sub-type or Independent
Character Special Rule, and when they are joined in this manner may make Reactions, even if their Unit Type would normally restrict this.
• If a unit contains any models with the Guardian Unit Sub-type as well as one or more models with the Character Unit Sub-type, any Wounds
which would be allocated to the Character (even those caused by the Precision Strikes (X) or Sniper Special Rules) may instead be allocated to a
model with the Guardian Unit Sub-type first.
• Unless they are joined by a friendly Character, all models with the Guardian Unit Sub-type suffer the following provisions:
- Reduce their Movement Characteristic by -2 and may not Run.
- Reduce their Initiative Characteristic to 1.

The most enigmatic of all the Aeldari, the Rillietann - Harlequins, in low gothic - were masters of war and performance in equal measure. Their blend of
theatrical storytelling and combative finesse combined into a unique - and supremely dangerous - style of warfare.

The following rules apply to all models with the Rillietann Sub-type:
• Any model with this Sub-type has the Fear (1), Move Through Cover, Hit & Run, Chosen Warriors, and Furious Charge (1) Special Rules.
• Models with this Sub-type may only be taken in a Saedathii Detachment.


These automata-constructs contained engrams that made them unusually responsive to esoteric stimuli - causing them to hunt it down with something
bordering fanatical anger. Many speculated that the data-constructs forming the mind of these machines actually bore a darker origin - that of the mind, and
even perhaps brain-matter, of a slain Silent Sister, forever imprisoned in an engrammatic code-hell.

The following rules apply to all models with the Sycophantica Sub-type:
• As long as a unit including models with the Sycophantica Unit Sub-type also includes at least one model with the Character Unit Sub-type, the
unit may make Reactions, even if their Unit Type would normally restrict this.
• A model with the Sycophantica Unit Sub-type may fire all weapons they are equipped with in each Shooting Attack they make, including as
part of a Reaction where eligible.
• Models with the Sycophantica Unit Sub-type may fire Heavy and Ordnance weapons and count as Stationary even if they moved in the
preceding Movement phase, and may declare Charges as normal regardless of any Shooting Attacks made in the same turn.
• Models with the Sycophantica Unit Sub-type ignore any penalties to their Initiative Characteristic when Charging into or through Difficult
Terrain or Dangerous Terrain.

Special Rules
The units that form the various sub-factions in this document have a number of additional new Special Rules - these can be found below. These
function in addition to the Special Rules found in the official Horus Heresy publications, and operate under the broader Rules and Conventions laid
out in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook.

Abominant Aura Among the Flock

To stand in proximity of the Repressor-Constructs bound to the Silent Many Demagogues took their place among the rank and file; whether
Sisterhood whilst possessing malintent toward their Null-Maiden to shepard the faithful or inspire new followers.
guides was to invite their dread aura forth. Unbelievably potent, this
projected malignance was likened in effect to feeling the weight of a An Imperialis Militia Demagogue Cadre is selected like any other
thousand souls dragged to their doom for their defiance of His Will - unit, using up a single Force Organisation slot and bought in the
and the inevitability of following their path for any similar same manner. However, before the first turn begins and any
transgression... models are deployed to the battlefield, all models in an Imperialis
Militia Demagogue Cadre must be assigned to another unit from
Models with the Traitor Allegiance suffer a penalty of -1 to their the same Detachment of the army they were selected as part of.
Initiative and Leadership Characteristics whilst within 6” of a unit Demagogues may only be assigned to units composed entirely of
containing a model with this Special Rule. This penalty is models with the Infantry Unit Type, and either the Militia or
cumulative with other effects, and units with the Stubborn Special Artillery Unit Sub-Types, unless upgraded to a Mounted
Rule do suffer penalties to their Leadership from the effects of this Demagogue, in which case that model must be assigned to a Unit
Special Rule (note that this only applies to the Stubborn Special with the Cavalry Unit Type and the Militia Unit Sub-Type.
Rule, and other Special Rules that ignore penalties to Leadership
ignore the effects of the Abominant Aura Special Rule). Once assigned to a unit, the Demagogue is considered part of that
unit and may not leave it under any circumstances – if that unit is
removed as a casualty then the Demagogue is removed as well. In
Aerial Interception battles using Victory points, no Victory points are ever scored for
Some weapon platforms were equipped with suites of sensor auguries, removing a Demagogue as a casualty. When assigned to a unit, an
gyroscopic aim assistors, or other more arcane targeting systems which Demagogue gains all of the special rules (with the exception of
let them quickly bring heavier weapons to bear upon incoming aircraft. those that specifically forbid it, such as the Bitter Duty Special
Rule) and Unit Sub-types listed for the unit to which it is attached,
A model with this Special Rule which performs the Interceptor but does not gain access to any additional Wargear options
Advanced Reaction may fire a single Battle Weapon it is equipped available to the unit to which it is assigned.
with when shooting at a unit with the Flyer Unit Sub-Type.

Agripinaan Guidance System Some vehicles were designed to cross bodies of water that would have
Pioneered by the Forge World of Agripinaa, these guidance systems impeded most other forces.
contained an array of additional scanners and range finders. Though
initially promising, these systems caused cataclysmic errors and A model with this Special Rule treats all water-based terrain as
conflicts with almost all other machine spirits. Only the Eradicator Open Terrain when it moves.
pattern of Leman Russ, and a scant handful of other chassis, showed
complete compatibility with these systems, their machine spirits
belligerent enough to accept the technology - all the better to lay waste Armoured Doors
to their enemies. Often retracted when delivering its passengers on the ground, the Otos’
heavy duty doors were designed to protect its cargo from the vagaries
A weapon with this Special Rule may toll two Scatter Dice when of void combat.
firing a weapon with the Blast (X) Special Rule; and may select one
of those dice to discard when resolving that weapons scatter. At the beginning of the Controlling Player’s Movement phase, the
When firing a weapon with this Special Rule, if this model re-rolls Controlling Player must decide if the Otos Transport’s Armoured
its scatter die then it must re-roll both. Doors will be opened. If the doors are declared to be open, then
the Otos Transport gains the Open-Topped (4) and Assault Vehicle
Special Rules until the beginning of the Controlling Player’s next
Alpha Psyker Movement phase, where they are assumed to automatically close.
The most powerful Psykers possessed extremely high psionic potential
and had little difficulty unleashing devastating displays of power –
with or without training. Armoured Superstructure
Approaching in bulk that of a Super-Heavy vehicle, some armoured
A model with this Special Rule gains the Anathemata Psychic behemoths could withstand blows that would utterly destroy a lesser
Discipline (see page 264). In addition, they may select a single target.
Psychic Discipline from the following list: Biomancy, Pyromancy,
Telekinesis (see the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Whenever a roll is made on the Vehicle Damage Table against a
Rulebook, page 322), Diabolism (see page 269). model with this Special Rule, subtract -1 from the result rolled.

Array Fire (X) Auxilia Rangers
Some vehicles – most famously the Chimera – mounted weaponry A designation applied to the Solar Auxilia’s scouting forces, these units
intended to be crewed by its passengers, allowing them to contribute to moved ahead of the main battleline to perform reconnaissance,
its defence even while sheltered within. disruption, and coordination work. Trained to harry their foe in any
manner they could to hinder their movements, Auxilia Rangers
A weapon with this Special Rule may only be fired if the model specialised in this duty to allow the main battlelines hammering strikes
equipped with it is a Transport with at least one model embarked to better impact their enemy.
upon it. For each model embarked, the weapon may be fired again
as part of the same Shooting Attack, up to a total number of times A unit that includes any models with this Special Rule may not join
equal to the value in brackets. Models with the Bulky (X) Special or be joined by any model that does not also have this Special Rule,
Rule count as a single model for the purposes of this Special Rule. and a unit that includes any models with this Special Rule may
never count as a Scoring unit or a Denial unit regardless of any
other Special Rule or Mission rules in use.
Artillery Spotters
These spotters worked in tandem with their charges, calling targets for In addition, models with this Special Rule may re-roll all failed
those under their command to assail. Shrouded Damage Mitigation saves.

A unit with this Special Rule may grant the benefits of a Cognis
Signum it has purchased to a single unit with at least one model Auxiliary Vehicle Bay
within 6” of a model from this unit, instead of using the benefit Certain transports were of such large scale that they were able to carry
itself. smaller vehicles directly into battle, though the risk of deploying them
under fire was considerable.
Note that the unit must be from the same Tercio as it to grant it
the benefits of the Cognis Signum in this way. Models with the Vehicle Unit Type may Embark on a model with
this Special Rule, Embarking and Disembarking as per the normal
rules for Embarking/Disembarking. A model with this Special Rule
Astra Telepathica may carry one model with the Vehicle Unit Type whose starting
Bound in soul and mind to the Emperor Himself, those from among Hull Points Characteristic is 4 or less. A model with the Vehicle
the Astra Telepathica could send messages across vast distances, Unit Type Embarking or Disembarking from a model with this
warnings and portents all... Special Rule may do so from any point on the model’s base, or its
hull if it has no base.
A model with this Special Rule and the Psyker Sub-type must
select a single Psychic Discipline from the following list:
Divination, Telepathy, Telekinesis (see the Horus Heresy: Age of Battle Focus
Darkness Core Rulebook, page 322). Warriors of the Aeldari entered a semi-trance state when at war,
enabling them to enact pinpoint assaults whilst still utilising their
natural agility for rapid repositioning.
Astropathic Communication
When not required to bridge the enormity of space to send their A unit composed entirely of models with this Special Rule may
messages, an Astropath’s abilities can be used to relay communiques choose to Advance in the Controlling Player’s Movement Phase and
between the relatively short distances to a circling spacecraft, to assist still shoot in the following Shooting Phase. If they choose to
in coordinating ground-based armies. Advance in the Movement Phase, all shooting attacks the unit
makes in the following Shooting Phase are resolved at a Ballistic
As long as a model with this Special Rule is on the battlefield (but Skill Characteristic of 2.
not in Reserves) then all Reserve rolls made by the Controlling
Player may be re-rolled.
Battle Psyker
Battlefield psykers were rare among the Solar Auxilia, but the cohorts
Attack Wing who enlisted them could call upon a range of powers to devastate
Often deployed in squadrons to act as one, these craft soared and enemy ranks and support their Tercios.
swooped through the skies in great wings, diving upon enemies to
deliver their doom. An Auxilia Battle Psyker may select a single Core Psychic Discipline
from the following list: Biomancy, Divination, Pyromancy,
When deployed onto the battlefield (either at the start of the battle Telekinesis, Telepathy, Thaumaturgy (see the Horus Heresy: Age of
or when arriving from Reserves), all models with this Special Rule Darkness Core Rulebook, page 322).
in a unit must be placed within unit coherency, but afterwards
operate independently and are not treated as a unit. Once a unit
with this Special Rule has separated, each model counts as its own Battle-Automata
unit for the purposes of Victory Points, Units Destroyed, and It was not uncommon for Enginseers to deploy alongside Battle-
similar rules. Automata seconded to the Imperialis Auxilia. In such circumstances, an
Adept’s duties extended to issuing machine-cant commands during
combat and, in the aftermath, scouring the field for wounded
Auramite Talon Auxiliaries who might replace their fallen.
Operating together in perfect synchronicity, not even death could
prevent the warriors of the Custodians from fighting in lockstep.
For every model in a Detachment with this Special Rule that is also
equipped with a Cortex Controller, a single Thallax Cohort or
When deployed onto the battlefield (either at the start of the battle Castellax Battle-Automata Maniple (see Liber Mechanicum) may be
or when arriving from Reserves), all models with this Special Rule included in the army as an Elites choice. A Thallax Cohort selected
in a unit must be placed within unit coherency, but afterwards in this way may not select a Dedicated Transport.
operate independently and are not treated as a unit. Once a unit
with this Special Rule has separated, each model counts as its own
unit for the purposes of Victory Points, Units Destroyed, and
similar rules.

Bunker Drop Countdown to Launch…
Many forces of the Imperialis Militia chose to utilise makeshift The blaring of alarms and targeting cogitators signalled the priming
fortifications on the battlefields of the Horus Heresy. Typically and preparation of these dread weapons to fire, often only moments
retrofitted cargo containers, these were well built enough to protect before they flared to life in a cone of raw fire and took to the skies.
those inside from small arms fire, if not a little claustrophobic.
A Deathstrike Missile Platform may not fire its Deathstrike Missile
A model with this Special Rule starts the game carrying a single normally for any reason. Instead, in order to fire a Deathstrike
Deployable Bunker, which does not use up any Force Organisation Missile, the Controlling Player should roll a D6 and add the
slot. This bunker is a Fortification (Building) and has Access Points current Turn Number during the Controlling Player’s Shooting
on each side. It has Front, Side, and Rear Armour Values of 12, a Phase. If the total is 7 or higher, the Deathstrike Missile is
Hull Points value of 4, a Fire Points value of (Front, 6), and a immediately launched!
Transport Capacity of 12. This Deployable Bunker may also choose
to select two Emplacement Mounted Heavy Stubbers at no The Controlling Player must laugh maniacally, then proceed to
additional points cost. Models may start the battle Embarked resolve their selected Warhead anywhere on the battlefield - It
within the Deployable Bunker, but may not disembark until the should be noted that the Warheads do not have a Range as the
Deployable Bunker is deployed, and the Deployable Bunker or its Blast Marker can be placed anywhere the battlefield! This Blast
Embarked unit may not act until the Deployable Bunker is Marker must still be Scattered following the usual Rules, reducing
deployed. the distance scattered by the model’s own unmodified Ballistic
Whenever the Kelaino Sky-Talon is eligible to have models
Disembark, it may instead choose to deploy the Deployable Once fired, a Deathstrike Missile may not be fired again for the
Bunker. Place the Deployable Bunker within base contact of the remainder of the game for any reason, and is counted as having
Kelaino Sky-Talon. If there is no location in which the Deployable suffered an irreparable Weapon Destroyed Result. A Deathstrike
Bunker can be placed on the battlefield in which its final position Missile cannot suffer the effects of Weapon Destroyed results for
is not within 1” of an enemy model, Objective Marker, or any other reason, and is immune to any effects which would allow
Impassable Terrain, then the Deployable Bunker may not be another player to fire a weapon belonging to an enemy model.
deployed. If the Deployable Bunker may be deployed, and the
model’s final position has been decided, the Deployable Bunker
remains in that location for the duration of the game and is now Crew-Served Weapon
treated as a Fortification, following all usual rules that The weight and bulk of some heavy weapons required multiple troops
Fortifications follow. to partially deconstruct and carry them when repositioning or
boarding most transports.
If a Kelaino Sky-Talon suffers the Crash and Burn damage result
whilst it is carrying a Deployable Bunker, after resolving the initial A model with this Special Rule may Embark on models with the
Crash and Burn result (as shown on the Vehicle Damage table), Transport Unit Sub-Type and Infantry Transport Special Rule,
resolve an additional Small Blast (3”) marker using the Crash and contrary to the restriction on models with the Bulky (X) Special
Burn rules. The Flyer, the Deployable Bunker, and any unit that Rule rule, but still must take into account their size due to the
was embarked within it, are then removed from play. Bulky (X) Special Rule.

Designer’s Note: The Bunker should be roughly of a size which allows it

to fit on a 120 x 92mm base. Defender
Some weapons committed to hindering and hampering enemy
combatants with hot shrapnel or shocking blasts rather than
Burst (X) damaging the foe directly.
Designed to fire multiple projectiles in quick succession, the speed of
such fire ensured that if one shot was on target, all that followed it A unit hit by one or more models or weapons with this Special
were also sure to connect. Rule from attacks made during an Overwatch Reaction resolve
their attacks in the following Assault Phase with a negative
If this weapon inflicts a Hit then instead of one Hit it inflicts a modifier of -1 to their to-Hit rolls.
number of Hits equal to the number in brackets included as part of
the Special Rule.
Some strikes heaped damage upon damage, their pummelling strikes
By His Sanction Alone grinding and breaking through any obstacle in their path.
Some weapons were simply too great and terrible to be authorised for
use against any foes but the most dangerous - requiring the sanction of When a model is allocated a Wound or Hull Point Loss inflicted by
the Emperor Himself, or one of near-standing, to authorise their use. a weapon with this Special Rule, it does not suffer only one Wound
or Hull Point of damage, but instead suffers D6 Wounds or Hull
A model with this Special Rule may only be selected in a Points of damage instead, with all of the Wounds or Hull Points
Detachment that also contains the Army’s Warlord, and in games inflicted using the same AP and special rules as that of the initial
of 2,500 points or above. Wound. Roll to save against each Wound or Hull Point of damage
inflicted separately, but note that Wounds or Hull Points of
damage caused in excess of a given model’s remaining Wounds or
Combat Transporter Hull Points do not spill over to other models and are lost.
The sheer weight of the cargo this vehicle carries made it hard to
properly deploy countermeasures. In addition, if the target of this attack is a model with the Knight,
Titan, Gargantuan, Super-Heavy Vehicle, or Building or
If a model with this Special Rule is carrying a Vehicle or any Fortification Unit Type, or the Monstrous Unit Sub-type, increase
Dreadnoughts in its Auxiliary Vehicle Bay, reduce any rolls for the number of Wounds suffered or Hull Points lost to 2D6.
Countermeasures Saves it makes by -1.

Dimensional Edge (X) Faceless Mask
The blade of this weapon was not truly at home in our reality - and the Unlike the masks worn by the other Saedathii, this mask never left a
exotic matter that constituted its form would, when caught in the right blank, impassive state; equal parts unsettling and judging of all it
phase, pass straight through any matter it touched. surveyed.

Weapons with this Special Rule can only ever cause a Wound on A model with this Special Rule may be included in a Detachment
the number indicated in brackets. No Saves or Damage Mitigation which is not a Saedathii Detachment, in exception to the normal
rolls of any kind may be taken against Wounds caused by this restriction imposed by the Rillietann Sub-type.

Feeding Frenzy
Embrace of Death (X) Flailing tendrils snatched up the dead and dying to be devoured by one
Some weapons were so swift as to defy the eyes, moving before of the creature’s many fanged maws. The feast of flesh was added to its
perceptions could even register their presence. mass – regenerating damage inflicted upon it.

On a turn in which a model equipped with a weapon with this At the end of an Initiative Step in which an enemy model is slain in
Special Rule charges, or are themselves charged, they may make a close combat as a result of attacks made by a model with this
number of attacks indicated in brackets at Initiative step 10 with it, Special Rule, the Controlling Player may roll a D6 for each model
but may not assign or make any further attacks to or with it. Note slain. On a result of a 6 a model with this Special Rule in the
this attack does not grant an additional Pile In move, and a attacking unit immediately regains 1 Wound, up to its starting
weapon with this Special Rule may not be used in subsequent Wounds Characteristic.
turns of the same combat, but may be used even if the charge
made was Disordered.
Field Officer
Emplaced Position The officers of the Solar Auxilia were never far from the frontlines, ready
Heavy Weapon Sections were equipped with crew-portable weaponry and able to lead their troops into battle directly if necessary.
that required valuable seconds to prepare a viable firing position.
When this model with this Special Rule joins a unit with the Close-
A unit that includes any models with this Special Rule may only Order Unit Sub-Type, it automatically gains the Close-Order Unit
make the Return Fire or Overwatch Core Reactions, or the Sub-Type for as long as it remains part of that unit.
Interceptor Advanced Reaction – no other Reaction of any kind
may be made.
Follow-Up Attack
Rather than carrying any passengers, troops followed behind Hades
Engine Overcharge Drills as they cleared a path to the surface.
Some engines on civilian vehicles could be coaxed to impressive levels of
performance, at some risk to the vehicle and its crew both. Before the game begins, you may assign a single Infantry unit from
the same Detachment as a model with this Special Rule to each
Whenever a unit with this Special Rule moves as part of a Auxilia Hades Drill or Militia Hades Drill as though it had the
Reaction, the distance may be increased by +6”, but if the unit Transport Unit Sub-Type, and the unit was embarked upon it. The
chooses to do so, all models in the unit must immediately make a Auxilia Hades Drill or Militia Hades Drill is assumed to have a
Dangerous Terrain Test once the move is complete. Transport Capacity big enough to fit any unit assigned to it. A unit
with any version of the Bulky (X) Special Rule may not be assigned
to either an Auxilia Hades Drill or Militia Hades Drill.
Exposed Compartment
Whilst the open crew bays of some vehicles made them easier to When an Auxilia Hades Drill or Militia Hades Drill arrives as part
operate for many tasks, they also made easy prey for weapons designed of a Subterranean Assault, place a 3” Blast Marker directly beneath
to take advantage of such weaknesses. the model. This marker is now treated as Difficult Terrain, and the
Blast Marker remains in play for the rest of the game. The Auxilia
Any rolls on the Vehicle Damage Table that target a model with Hades Drill or Militia Hades Drill gains the Shrouded (5+) Special
this Special Rule add +1 to the result. Rule for the duration of the turn it arrives.

In any of the Controlling Player’s following Movement Phases, the

Exposed Plasma Conduits unit embarked upon the Auxilia Hades Drill or Militia Hades Drill
The containment mechanisms of some plasma weapons ran so hot may be deployed as though it was disembarking, measuring from
there was no other choice than to vent them to the atmosphere. any point of the Blast Marker. The unit may move up to their
Movement Characteristic and may choose to Run. A unit
Each time a model with this Special Rule suffers a Penetrating hit, deploying in this way cannot be the target of the Interceptor
add an additional +1 to all rolls on the Vehicle Damage chart. Advanced Reaction if it deploys in the Controlling Player’s first
Movement Phase after the Auxilia Hades Drill or Militia Hades
Drill has arrived. A unit can still be deployed in this way even if the
Auxilia Hades Drill or Militia Hades Drill is destroyed after it has
Eye of the Storm
been deployed. If there is not sufficient room to deploy the unit,
To stand at the centre of an inferno from such a weapon was to invite
then it must remain in Reserve and move onto the battlefield in
death upon yourself in a manner so final as to be utterly inescapable.
their Controlling Player’s next turn.

Any hits applied to a model under the 5” marker at the centre of

the Apocalyptic Mega-Blast from a weapon with this Special Rule
also gain the Destructor Special Rule. Any unit which suffers a hit
by any part of the Apocalyptic Mega-Blast Marker from an attack
with this Special Rule permanently reduces the Toughness
Characteristic of all models it contains by -1 for the rest of the

Forward Defences Guardian Retainers
Pioneer Sections were responsible for establishing defensive positions Standing as an unbroken circle around the Rogue Trader Militant,
alongside and, when viable, ahead of the cohort’s main advance, these Guards would let no harm come to them; though for honour,
around which infantry sections could form firing lines and shelter from personal gain, or any other selfish reason, none might say...
enemy fusillades.
A Retainers Militant unit may only be selected as part of a
The Controlling Player of a model with this Special Rule may Detachment that includes at least one model with the Warrant of
select a single Defence Line for each Solar Auxilia Pioneer Section Trade Special Rule. A unit selected in this manner is considered a
in the army without a Dedicated Transport, for the appropriate ‘Retinue Squad’ and the model with the Warrant of Trade Special
points cost before the game begins, as long as they have points Rule is referred to as the Retinue Squad’s Leader for the purposes
remaining to do so. This Defence Line takes up no Force of this Special Rule (if the Detachment includes more than one
Organisation choices for the army and may be upgraded normally. model with the Warrant of Trade Special Rule then the
If this option is taken, the unit must be deployed on the table at Controlling Player selects one as the unit’s Leader).
the start of the game and may not be held in Reserves.
The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and
is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its
Fragile Alliance Leader. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model
Through wit, guile, and no small amount of favours exchanged, the selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader
forces led by this commander were bound by common cause to their may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. A
will - for as long as they were fit to lead… Retainers Militant unit may not be selected as part of an army
without a Leader.
As long as a model with this Special Rule has not been removed as
a casualty and is your army’s Warlord, all models in an army that
contains them count their Level of Alliance as Fellow Warriors, Harbingers of Judgement
unless they are already Sworn Brothers. The characteristic shriek of Halian Heavy Jetbikes’ anti-grav systems
were often the first, terrifying noise that enemies would hear, heralding
the sudden approach of the Silent Sisterhood.
Furibundus Talon
Whilst often deployed from great landing vessels in drop-racks, once on A unit that includes any models with this Special Rule may not join
the ground the Solar Auxilia Dreadnoughts would separate, each or be joined by any model that does not also have this Special Rule.
undertaking the objectives assigned to them by their Legate.
In addition, a unit that includes any models with this Special Rule
When deployed onto the battlefield (either at the start of the battle never counts as a Scoring or Denial unit regardless of any other
or when arriving from Reserves) all models in the unit must be Special Rule or Mission rules in use - however, a model with this
placed within unit coherency, but afterwards operate Special Rule may re-roll all failed Shrouded Damage Mitigation
independently and are not treated as a single unit. Once a unit rolls.
with this Special Rule has separated, each model counts as its own
unit for the purposes of Victory Points, Units Destroyed, and
similar rules. Heavy Beam
As opposed to the normal pulsing shots emitted by weapons, this
weapon projects a constant barraging stream of power.
Gravitic Implosion
The immense forces emitted by this weapon's strikes were strong When the weapon with this special rule is used to make a Shooting
enough to pulp flesh and grind armour to paste. Attack, draw a 1" wide line from the end of the gun barrel up to the
listed range of the weapon – this is the beam area. The initial
Instead of rolling To Wound normally with this weapon, any non- target for the weapon (the model in the beam area closest to the
Vehicle model that suffers a Hit from a weapon with this Special attacking model) must be an enemy model.
Rule must instead roll under their Strength on a 2D6 or suffer a
Wound (a roll of double ‘6’ always counts as a failure). Armour • All models (friend and enemy) caught in the beam area
Saves and Damage Mitigation rolls may be taken as normal - (excepting the firing model) suffer a Hit with the listed
except Shrouded rolls which may not be used. Against targets with profile of the weapon, except models with the Flyer Sub-type
an Armour Value, the attacking player rolls 4D6 for Armour which cannot be affected or targeted.
Penetration instead. • Units with any models in the beam area receive a number of
Hits equal to the number of their models caught in the path
If a Graviton Pulse weapon also has the Blast type, then leave the of the beam; casualties are removed from affected units
Blast marker in place after resolving all Wounds, or otherwise using the normal rules for removing casualties.
mark the area. This area now counts as both Difficult Terrain and • If a Terrain piece, Building, model with the Vehicle Unit
Dangerous Terrain until the start of the next turn of the player Type or any model with 6 or more Wounds is in the beam
that made the attack. area, the attack is blocked and its line of effect will go no
further than that model. The blocking model will, however,
suffer 1+D3 separate Hits, rather than just 1.
Gravitic Repulsion • If a model with the Vehicle Unit Type and the Transport Sub-
The sheer power of the graviton-repellers used to keep some anti-grav type suffers a Penetrating Hit from a weapon with this
craft airborne would push back and pummel any foolish enough to special rule, each unit Embarked on it suffers D6 Str 4 AP -
approach. Hits with the Deflagrate Special Rule, in addition to any
other effects. Any Wounds caused are allocated by the
Whenever a charge is declared against a model with this Special controller of the target unit.
Rule, the Charging unit suffers a -2 penalty to their Charge roll.

Heavy Walker Impale
Certain combat units were not heavy enough to be considered vehicles, Designed specifically not only to capture an enemy, but also to inflict
but were of such tall, broad or otherwise inflexible design that they debilitating damage upon them, these weapons were dreaded by all who
proved difficult to transport. faced them.

A model with this Special Rule may not Embark on a model unless A unit may re-roll Charge Rolls when attempting to Charge an
it has the Transport Bay Special Rule. enemy unit that has suffered one or more Hits from a weapon with
the Impale Special Rule caused by one or more models in the unit
for which the Charge was declared in the same player turn. This
Heralds of the Advance takes effect even if no Wounds are caused by the Hits. If one or
Moving at speeds impossible to manage for those not augmented to more Wounds are caused by a weapon with this Special Rule, the
endure, those employed by a Rogue Trader to range ahead of the main affected unit decreases its Initiative characteristic by -1 until the
forces and scout safe lanes to their goals were unmistakable in their end of the subsequent Assault phase.
role as the heralds of the Militant Host.

A unit that includes any models with this Special Rule may not join Independent Fire Control
or be joined by any model that does not also have this Special Rule. Whether achieved by automated targeting cogitators or human crew,
some vehicles could target their weapons at seperate targets.
In addition, a unit that includes any models with this Special Rule
never counts as a Scoring unit or a Denial unit regardless of any After a model with this Special Rule (or a unit composed entirely of
other Special Rules or Mission rules in use – however, a model models with this Special Rule) has resolved a Shooting Attack
with this Special Rule may re-roll all failed Shrouded Damage targeting an enemy unit, any weapons that were not used to attack
Mitigation rolls. (either due to being out of line of sight or range of the enemy unit,
or because the Controlling Player voluntarily opted not to attack
with them) may make a number of Secondary Shooting Attacks
Honour-Bound, Honour-Defined using those weapons that did not fire as part of its initial Shooting
To those bound by the strict honour-codes of the duellist, to ignore a Attack. Each weapon not fired as part of the initial Shooting Attack
worthy opponent was a shameful and ignoble thing, tantamount to may be fired once, either all of them in a single Secondary Shooting
death. Attack, each in a separate Secondary Shooting Attack targeting a
different enemy unit or any combination – however, each weapon
may only be used to attack once and in no more than one
If possible, a unit that includes a model with this Special Rule must
Secondary Shooting Attack. All Secondary Shooting Attacks obey
issue a Challenge when Engaged in combat, and if an enemy player
all the normal rules for range and line of sight and are with a
issues a Challenge to a unit including one or more models with
modifier of -1 on all To Hit rolls.
this Special Rule then a model with this Special Rule must accept.
In addition, during any Assault phase where this model begins the
Fight sub-phase Engaged in a Challenge, or enters into a Challenge Instead of the above, in a turn in which a model with this Special
with an enemy model, this model and all friendly models in the Rule either remained Stationary or moved at Combat Speed during
same combat gain the Fearless Special Rule until the end of that the Controlling Player’s Movement Phase, then for the duration of
Assault phase. the Controlling Player’s following Shooting Phase, it may make
Shooting Attacks as if it had the Super Heavy Sub-Type.

Fixed in place, or otherwise unable to move in any fashion, these units
had to stand their ground or perish.

A model with this Special Rule may not move for any reason,
including making Run moves, declaring or otherwise making
Charge moves, falling back, or make Reactions which would allow
it to move. If it would be forced to do so, the model is immediately

Impact Flash
Against the flaring solar heat of such a weapon, no amount of distance
could shield the retinas of those who witnessed their blooms.

Any unit which can draw direct Line of Sight to any part of the
Blast Marker used to resolve a weapon with this Special Rule’s
Shooting Attack at its final position must immediately take a Blind

Inexorable Light Command Tank
No matter the odds, some warriors refused to halt their advance. Not unlike Battle Tank Cohorts, many officers of the Solar Auxilia
were trained to lead their tank squadrons from the hatch of their
A unit that contains only models with this Special Rule ignores vehicle, co-ordinating the units under their command with eagle-eyed
modifiers to Leadership when making a Morale check or Pinning precision and coordination.
test – except those caused by the Fear (X) Special Rule or the
Corrupted and Anathema Sub-types. If a unit has both the Fearless A model with this Special Rule is selected as a separate unit, but
and Inexorable Special Rules, it uses the rules for Fearless instead during deployment must be assigned to another unit from the
of Inexorable. same Tercio and may not be deployed as a separate unit. If
multiple appropriate units are available, the Controlling Player
chooses which unit a model with this Special Rule is assigned to.
Inspiring Rhetoric Once assigned to a unit, a model with this Special Rule counts as a
Demagogues were fanatical orators whose words inspired those around part of that unit and may not leave the unit during play for any
them to fight on where others would have fled. reason.

A unit containing a model with this Special Rule rolls an additional

dice when making a Morale Check or Pinning Check (but not
Makeshift Weapon
Psychic Checks) and discards the dice with the highest result Whilst not all tools of the 31st millennium were intended to see combat,
before determining the result of the Check. in a pinch they too served as deadly weapons of war.

A model equipped with a weapon with this Special Rule may only
“It’s Dark In Dere!” make a single attack at Initiative Step 1 with it, and may not gain a
bonus attack for Charging or from any Special Rules that would
The dim and cramped confines of vehicle interiors were not designed
normally grant additional Attacks.
with Ogryns in mind; however trusted officers and comrades could,
with effort, convince them to board certain transports.
Master of the Shield-Hosts
If a unit with this Special Rule selects a Dedicated Transport, a Among the Legio Custodes, many distinctive and recognisable
model without this Special Rule (such as a Discipline Master) must differences in how different Shield-Hosts waged war existed, even
be assigned to them before the game begins. So long as a model before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. These Shield-Hosts would
without this Special Rule is part of the unit, models with this often take immense pride in their unique methods of war; seeing their
Special Rule may Embark upon a Vehicle with the Transport Unit prowess and traditions as their own personal dedication to the
Sub-Type and the Infantry Transport Special Rule, ignoring the Emperor made manifest. Foremost in the Legio Custodes in shaping
usual restriction on models with the Bulky (X) Special Rule being and maintaining these traditions were the Host-Masters, and when an
ineligible to Embark, but must still adhere to Bulky (X) for the army of Custodes sallied forth in His name, they often included these
purposes of Transport Capacity. representatives of a Shield-Host.

A model with this Special Rule is required to select a single Shield-

Launch System Failure Host upgrade. However, no model may take more than one such
With the unimaginable power of some weapons came a deadly upgrade, and no model in your army may select the same Shield-
repercussion - unspent munitions easily turning upon their wielders at Host upgrade option as another. Each Shield-Host upgrade must
the merest unlucky happenstance. be paid for at a cost in points, indicated as part of the army list
entry for the unit. Shield-Host upgrades may provide Special
Whenever a model with this Special Rule loses its last Hull Point, if Rules, Wargear, Unit Sub-types, or other effects; these are noted in
it has not already fired its Deathstrike Missile during the game, the their description, along with any other benefits or restrictions. In
Vehicle will suffer Catastrophic Damage in the manner of a all cases, the Shield-Host’s description will indicate all changes,
Vehicle with the Super-Heavy Sub-type, and will immediately benefits and restrictions.
explode regardless of any other factor. Note that if this result is
applied, the Vehicle cannot suffer an Explodes result from any
other source. Militia Venetaris
The crew of Imperialis Militia vehicles were oft-renowned for their
independence and ability to function as separate units to harass the
Legacies of the Fall enemy; though many commanders suspected that cowardice and
The Asuryani simultaneously despised and feared She Who Thirsts. In cruelty were more likely motives.
the neverborn of the warp they encounter in real-space, they saw their
doom made manifest.
When deployed onto the battlefield (either at the start of the battle
or when arriving from Reserves) all models in a unit with this
A model with this Special Rule has the Hatred (Daemons) Special Special Rule must be placed within unit coherency, but afterwards
Rule. operate independently and are not treated as a single unit. Once a
unit with this Special Rule has separated, each model counts as its
In addition, a unit with this Special Rule suffers a -1 penalty to own unit for the purposes of Units Destroyed or similar rules.
their Leadership whilst locked in a combat which includes at least
one model with the Daemon Unit Type. This penalty is cumulative
with other penalties applied to the unit’s Leadership

Mindless Aggression Paired Weapons
Whilst mutated in form beyond recognition, one trait survived – the Some weapons require they are used together to achieve full effectiveness.
desire to kill.
A model armed with a weapon with this Special Rule gains an extra
A unit with this Special Rule must always Charge in the Assault Attack.
phase, if possible. If multiple targets are available, the Controlling
Player may choose their Charge target. The unit must always
attempt to Sweeping Advance, if able. Ponderous Aim
Some weapons were simply too unwieldy to use without difficulty -
though their troublesome use was often offset by their decidedly
Navigis Astrologica impressive effects.
The hidden knowledge of the Navigators could be revealed to those
foolish enough to stand unprotected in the glare of the Noble’s third A weapon with this Special Rule cannot be fired as part of a
eye. Reaction or used to Snap Shoot.

A model with this Special Rule and the Psyker Sub-type

automatically knows the Thaumaturgy (see the Horus Heresy: Age Plasma Burn
of Darkness Core Rulebook, page 322) and Navis Astrologis (see The outpouring of plasma some weapons launched forth burnt and
page 269) Psychic Disciplines. overloaded circuits and armour both.

If the target of a weapon with this Special Rule is a model with the
Null-Soul Vehicle Unit Type and that model loses one or more Hull Points as
With great effort, those who possessed the dubious ‘gift’ of being a Null the result of an attack from this weapon, roll a D6. On a 4+, the
could suppress their dread aura, minimising the discomfort their target model loses an additional D3 Hull Points with no Cover
presence caused upon others. Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls allowed.

A model with this Special Rule may not be included in a unit that
contains any models with the Psyker Sub-type, but does not apply Provenance (X)
the Leadership Characteristic Penalties from the Anathema Sub- The Imperialis Militia counted a staggeringly diverse array of cultures,
type to a unit it has joined which does not have the Anathema Sub- warmachines and stratagems among its number, and while most
type. musters shared at least some similarities, there were several units that
could only have been raised from a specific source.

Open-Topped (X) A unit with this Special Rule may only be selected in a Detachment
Some vehicle hulls were open to the elements, allowing for their with the corresponding Provenance of War that matches the
occupants to fire - but at the cost of protection. option indicated in brackets - for example, a unit with the
Provenance (Survivors of the Dark Age) Special Rule could only be
Any unit embarked upon a Transport with this Special Rule may selected in a Detachment which had that Provenance of War
fire up to (X) ranged weapons (where X is the number in brackets selected for it during Army Selection.
next to the Special Rule), measuring from the Transport’s model. If
the unit chooses to fire in this way, they are counted as having
moved - note that this may prevent them from shooting certain Psychic Mastery (X)
weapon types. Units with any Special Rule that allows them to A raw bulwark of ethereal power, this psyker could push past the limits
count as stationary for the purposes of Shooting attacks (such as that would spell doom for others - despite the great risk of doing so...
Relentless, Legiones Astartes (Death Guard), etc) may not benefit
from them whilst embarked on a Transport with this Special Rule. A model with this Special Rule may cast an amount of Psychic
Powers per phase, up to the number indicated in brackets, in spite
In addition, any rolls on the Vehicle Damage Table that target a of the normal limitations on doing so. Note that a Psychic Power
model with this Special Rule add +1 to the result. counted as a Shooting Attack counts as a single power for the
purposes of this Special Rule.

Open Crew Compartment

Designed with the safety of crew as a primary concern, some vehicles Psykana Militis
bore weapons so dangerous they were vented directly to the Those of the Psykana were often trained in the arts of defensive and
atmosphere. offensive powers both - though some could draw upon darker powers
Any Hits scored against a Vehicle with this Special Rule in close
combat (including as part of a Death or Glory Advanced Reaction) A model with this Special Rule and the Psyker Sub-type must select
are resolved against the Vehicle’s Armour Facing with the lowest a single Psychic Discipline from the following list:
value. Biomancy, Divination, Pyromancy, Telekinesis (see the Horus
Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook, page 322), or Anathemata
(see page 268).
Overload (X)
Whenever this weapon contacted a foe, the sheer force and coruscating
energy of the hit was said to feel like a barrage to any unlucky enough
to be struck…

Whenever a weapon with this Special Rule causes a successful hit,

a hit roll of X instead inflicts three automatic hits. On weapons
which use a Blast Marker or Template to hit, every successful hit
inflicted is instead counted as three successful hits against the

Psykana-Battery Representative of the Legion
Utilising the power of a caged psyker, funnelled into their weapon via Seconded from a Legion’s support staff, those among the Presages of
arcane circuitry and forbidden lore, these weapons were a risky the Legion were tasked to uphold the traditions and honour of their
endeavour to use - but a risk the Silent Sisterhood were willing to take, brothers in the courts of the Traders Militant.
for in doing so, an enemy could be entirely obliterated from existence
with a single shrieking shot. Even so, the risks were immense, and ever- A model with this Special Rule must have the same variant of the
present was the risk of a catastrophic backlash against which not even Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule as the Detachment which
their null-soul could protect. allowed you to select it. In addition, a Legion Presage may select
any Legion-Specific options permitted by their variant of the
Wherever a model equipped with a weapon with this Special Rule Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule, counting as having the
suffers a wound as a result of the Gets Hot Special Rule whilst Character Sub-type for the purposes of selecting them, and is
firing the weapon with this Special Rule, the Controlling Player affected by any effects of such rules, despite not being in a unit
must make a Leadership Check for the model. If this is failed, the entirely composed of models with that Special Rule.
weapon has suffered catastrophic psychic feedback - the firing
model is instantly slain by the rampant psychic energies! In
addition, a Blast (3”) marker should be placed as close as possible to Resonance (X)
the model’s final position - this marker is then treated as if it had Certain pieces of industrial mining equipment sent out waves of sonic
been placed as a result of the Vortex Special Rule. force capable of demolishing structures and, when used as weapons,
could reduce human’s internal organs to mush.

Rapid Insertion When rolling To Wound and for Armour Penetration for a model
For the most daring of mortals, the requirement to deploy onto the that has the Resonance (X) Special Rule, or is attacking with a
battlefield from several hundred feet above it was no major issue - and weapon that has the Resonance (X) Special Rule, for each To
with a grav-pack, such a challenge was ripe for the taking. Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed in brackets, the
Controlling Player must resolve these wounds at AP 1 instead of
If a model with this Special Rule has moved at Cruising speed or the weapon’s normal AP value. Against any building or
has otherwise made a Zoom move, passengers may still disembark Fortification with a Hull Points value this Special Rule is triggered
in spite of the normal restrictions, via the following procedure. on a Armour Penetration Roll of 2+ instead.

Nominate any point over which this model moved this turn, and
place a single model from the disembarking unit onto that point, Restricted Trajectory
then scatter that model. If the unit scatters, every model in the Though fearsome, a number of larger weapons lacked the ability to
disembarking unit must immediately take a Dangerous Terrain depress their barrel or launch system far enough to achieve direct fire of
test. In the case of a unit split across multiple transports (such as their payload, requiring at least a short arching shot.
via the Unified Assault Special Rule) only a single Scatter roll
should be made for the entire unit, with the same result applied to A weapon with this Special Rule may not be fired directly.
the models as a unit.
Once the final position of the placed model is determined, deploy
Some attacks were imbued with energies that allowed them to directly
the rest of the unit in coherency with it. Any models that cannot
damage even the most incorporeal of foes.
be placed into coherency and at least 1” away from enemy models
are destroyed.
A weapon with this Special Rule always wounds models with the
Daemon Unit Type on a 2+ and any successful Invulnerable Saves
Regenerating Horror made by models with the Daemon Unit Type against any Wounds
The most devastating blows and the heaviest firepower could only it inflicts must be re-rolled.
inflict so much damage against such an unnatural abomination.

Any model with this Special Rule and a Wounds Characteristic Seismic Shock
which suffers an Unsaved Wound with the Instant Death Special The ground itself rippled and shook apart at the touch of such a
Rule is not immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses 3 weapon’s fury.
Wounds instead of 1 for each Unsaved Wound with the Instant
Death Special Rule inflicted upon it. Units which suffer one or more Wounds or Hull Points lost from
an attack from a weapon with this Special Rule halve their
Movement Characteristic and may not Run or make Reactions
Repair until the end of the attacker’s next Shooting phase.
Designed with simplicity in mind, some vehicles could be pressed back
into service even under fire by crew with only scant technical ability.
Severax Talon
In any of the Controlling Player’s Shooting phases, instead of The Carnodon crews of those who travelled with the Traders Militant
making any Shooting Attacks with a model with this Special Rule, were trained to rove ahead of the main force, working in smaller
the controlling player may instead roll a D6. On the roll of a ‘4’ or groups to ensure they could outmanoeuvre and entrap the forces of foes
more, a damage result of Immobilised that has been inflicted on much larger than themselves.
this model may be removed but no Hull Points are returned.
Before deploying a unit with this Special Rule (either at the start of
the battle or when arriving from Reserves), the unit must be split
into two separate units, with models split as evenly as possible.
These units are then deployed separately, with the two separate
units being allowed to be placed anywhere permitted, but having
to follow all normal restrictions for models within each unit for
being placed within unit coherency and so on. Once a unit with
this Special Rule has separated, each unit counts separately for the
purposes of Victory Points, Units Destroyed, and similar rules.

Shoot Sharp and Scarper Skilled Rider
Due in large part to their small stature, Ratling marksmen were adept A lifetime in the saddle allows the most skilled to fire their arsenal at
at avoiding counter-sniper fire. full effectiveness - even on the move.

Shooting Attacks made as part of a Reaction in the Shooting Phase A model with this Special Rule may opt to run in the Movement
targeting a unit composed entirely of models with this Special Rule Phase and still fire a single ranged weapon in the Shooting Phase.
are resolved as Snap Shots. These shots are made at BS2. The To-Hit rolls for these shots
cannot be improved by any source.

Shieldbreaker Note that if a unit makes use of this Special Rule, they may not
Designed expressly to pierce shielding via a complex “warp-skip” drive claim the benefits of the Firing Protocols (X) Special Rule in the
built into their munitions, these weapons were hazardous in the same Game Turn.
extreme to any enemy - especially those who thought themselves
impervious to harm.
Slayer of Kings
Invulnerable saves may not be taken against Wounds or Hull Utilising their improved speed and resilience to hunt the leadership of
points of damage inflicted by a Weapon with this Special Rule. In an enemy army, these custodians took grim pride in their role as the
addition, a weapon with this Special Rule ignores the effects of killers of tyrants and the slayers of kings.
both the Void Shields (X) Special Rule, and Flare Shields wargear.
A model with this Special Rule gains the Preferred Enemy
(Independent Characters) Special Rule, but this Special Rule is not
Silence Descends conferred to any model that does not have the Slayer of Kings
Certain craft among the Silent Sisterhood were used not as tools of Special Rule.
retrieval in the ordained task of recovering Psykers, but as weapons of
aerial terror and supremacy to ensure the mission of those Null-
Maidens on the battlefield below went uninterrupted. Solar Auxilia Command Tank
The commanders of sub-units of Solar Auxilia Tank Cohorts would
A unit or model with this Special Rule may be placed into Combat often be required to conduct battles isolated from the wider command
Air Patrol at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed structure, becoming solely responsible for themselves and their charges
onto the battlefield. Models assigned to Combat Air Patrol are not in the fires of war.
deployed onto the battlefield and remain in Reserves – however,
no Reserves rolls are made for these models. A model with this Special Rule is selected as a separate unit, but
during deployment must be assigned to another unit and may not
Instead, the Controlling Player gains access to the Combat Air be deployed as a separate unit. If multiple appropriate units are
Patrol Advanced Reaction: available, the Controlling Player chooses which unit a model with
this Special Rule is assigned to. Once assigned to a unit, a model
with this Special Rule counts as a part of that unit and may not
Advanced Reaction: Combat Air Patrol leave the unit during play for any reason.
Advanced Reactions are available to specific players as noted in
their description. Unlike Core Reactions they are activated in
A model with this Special Rule must be assigned to another unit
unique and specific circumstances, and can often have game
made up entirely of models with the Vehicle Unit Type purchased
changing effects. Advanced Reactions use up points of a Reactive
as part of the same Tercio.
player’s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other
restrictions placed upon Reactions, unless it is specifically noted
otherwise in their description. In addition, a model with this Special Rule may still make Shooting
Attacks as normal in a turn in which they use their Cognis-Signum
to provide +1 Ballistic Skill to all other models in their unit, even
though this would normally be prevented by using this Wargear.
Combat Air Patrol
This Advanced Reaction may be made whenever any enemy model
that has the Vehicle Unit Type and the Flyer Sub-type enters the Sonic Pulse
battlefield from Reserves. The Reactive player may nominate any
Operated on the same principles as the Sonic Destructors mounted on
one model that has been assigned to Combat Air Patrol. Once the
the venerable and respected Ordinatus Ulator platforms, these
enemy model with the Vehicle Unit Type and Flyer Sub-type that
weapons unleashed a smaller - if no less potent - sonic pulse that
triggered this Reaction has finished any and all Movement as it is
resonated through even the strongest armour to shake it apart.
brought into play, the chosen model assigned to Combat Air Patrol
is brought into play from any point on the edge of the battlefield,
moving into play as if it had entered play from Reserves. Once the When making a Shooting Attack with this weapon, place the Blast
Combat Air Patrol model has finished its Movement it may (3”) marker so that its edge touches the barrel of the firing model’s
immediately make a Shooting Attack targeting the enemy model weapon. Instead of scattering this Blast marker, move the marker
that triggered this Reaction – as long as it has finished its in a direct line away from the firing model, travelling in any
Movement with line of sight to that model. direction within the weapon’s 45° forward firing arc until its
maximum range is reached or the template leaves the battlefield.
All models the template passes over suffer a single automatic Hit.
Only models with the Vehicle Unit Type and Flyer Sub-type may
Flyers cannot be hit by this attack. Should a model with the
make the Combat Air Patrol Reaction.
Knight, Titan, Super-Heavy Vehicle, Building or Fortification Unit
Type be Hit by this attack, increase the Strength of the attack to 8.

Spotted! Traitor
These lights blazed beyond that of mere illum-beacons or handheld Some combatants upon the battlefields of the Age of Darkness had
torches, allowing none to escape their rays and brightening all to see. irredeemably given themselves to Horus’ cause.

A model equipped with a weapon with this Special Rule gains the A model with this special rule may only be included in an
Split Fire Special Rule, and also ignores all penalties imposed by army that has the Traitor Allegiance.
the Night Fighting rules when making Shooting Attacks. However,
enemy units ignore the 24” line of sight limitation when making
Shooting Attacks that target a unit including a model equipped Tremor
with a weapon with this Special Rule. Whilst most conventional barrage ordnance described great looping
arcs through the sky, these weapons instead burrowed into the earth
In addition, any unit that has received any amount of hits from a itself.
weapon with this Special Rule may be freely targeted for Shooting
Attacks by any other unit in the same Shooting phase, ignoring the A unit successfully hit by a weapon with this Special Rule treats all
Ballistic Skill Penalty and 24” restriction to line of sight imposed by Terrain, including open Terrain, as Difficult and Dangerous
the Night Fighting rules. Terrain until the end of their Controlling Player’s Next Game

Sworn to Serve In addition, for the purposes of line of sight, a weapon with this
Sworn to serve the Traders Militant, none dared to break the bonds of Special Rule should be treated as if it had the Barrage Special Rule,
both blood and honour that bound such a force together. but note that it can still be fired even in Zone Mortalis Games
without Line of Sight, despite this normally being prevented.
A model with this Special Rule may only be selected as part of a
Retainers Militant unit by paying the cost indicated in that unit’s
options, and may not be selected in any other manner. Underground Advance
Experienced miners and diggers all, Exo-Driller Teams were able to
outmanoeuvre enemy positions by tunnelling beneath their lines, or
Sudden Strike (X) taking advantage of preexisting passages known only to the Kinfolk.
Relying on speed to ensure a pre-emptive strike, some warriors
could not bring their arms to bear without it. During Deployment, a unit with this Special Rule may be given the
Subterranean Assault Special Rule and placed into Reserve.
In a turn in which a model with this Special Rule Charges into
combat, it adds a bonus to its Initiative Characteristic until the end
of the Assault phase. The bonus added to the model’s Initiative is Ungainly
equal to the value in brackets after the Special Rule; for example, a Awkward to bring to bear, certain weapons were best used as part of a
model with Sudden Strike (2) adds a bonus of +2 to its Initiative. crushing charge to harness their full effect.

A model that has made a Disordered Charge that turn receives no A model may only attack with this weapon on a turn in which it
benefit from Sudden Strike (X). makes a successful Charge, but does not gain a bonus attack for
Charging or from any Special Rules that would normally grant
additional Attacks.
Techno-Arcana: Enginseer
Enginseers were the most common of the Mechancium’s Tech-Priests;
they regularly accompanied the warmachines of the Excertus Unified Assault
Imperialis into battle and performed vital repairs.
Operating in close proximity came naturally to some pilots, and their
craft were not often parted from their precisely-spaced formations.
While the unit contains any number of Servo-Automata, Enginseer
Adepts in the unit improve their Battlesmith (X) Special Rule to
During Deployment, a unit may elect to split itself across a unit
Battlesmith (4+).
with this Special Rule’s transport capacity, rather than all in a
single Transport as is the norm. The squad must not exceed the
total Transport Capacity of the transports in the squadron in order
Thermal Runaway to do so. If a unit elects to do so, the models with this Special Rule
Unlike the more precise and controlled reactor cores of Legiones must remain in unit coherency, effectively negating the effects of
Astartes Dreadnoughts or Mechanicum Automata, the effects of a any Special Rules which would normally allow them to separate,
breach on a vented reactor core could be catastrophic. until the squad has disembarked from all transports.

Whenever a model with this Special Rule rolls a dice to determine Note that the transported unit must observe coherency
an explosion radius, add +3” to the result rolled. requirements despite disembarking from separate transports –
meaning if the contents of one transport elects to disembark, all
other members of the unit carried in other transports must elect to
Titanic Weight do so within coherency of the other members of the unit in the
Certain weapons were so cumbersome or were simply heavy enough same phase. If a model transporting a unit across multiple models
that even the monstrously strong struggled to wield them. has one suffer a Crash and Burn result on the damage table, all
models inside the destroyed transport are automatically counted
A weapon with this Special Rule always strikes at Initiative 1, as destroyed - Any models spread across other multiple models in
regardless of other modifiers. the Squadron’s Transport Capacity must still disembark within
normal unit coherency as normal. Note that no Leadership tests
can be inflicted for models removed from play in this way.

Unrestrained Power Vortex
Some Psykers were so powerful that even when barely trained, they The collapsing singularities caused by these weapons tore and broke at
could innately push their abilities beyond the limits of most other the fabric of reality itself.
psykers – but in drawing so deeply from the Warp, they always risked
exposing themselves to an enormous psychic backlash. Once an attack with this special rule has been fully resolved, any
Blast markers placed as part of that attack are not removed from
If a model with this Special Rule suffers Perils of the Warp, it play and instead are left in place for the remainder of the battle.
receives D6 Wounds instead of D3. Such a Blast marker is then referred to as the Vortex marker. The
area under a Vortex marker is treated as Area Terrain for the
In addition, the first time in each Game Turn a model with this remainder of the battle, and applies the following effects to all
Special Rule makes a Psychic Check, they may choose to roll three models that enter its boundaries:
dice instead of two, discarding the die with the highest roll when
determining the result of the check. If they do this, when making No line of sight may be drawn through, into, or out of the area
any further Psychic Checks in the same Game Turn, they must roll covered by the Vortex marker (as such, models within such an area
three dice instead of two, discarding the die with the lowest roll, of terrain cannot draw line of sight to any other model, nor can
when determining the result of the check. other models draw a line of sight to them).

Any models that enter the boundary of this area of terrain, or

Vigilant Covenant begin the Movement phase of the model’s Controlling Player
Those Sisters of Silence who were given specific duties upon the field of within its boundaries, immediately suffer one Str 10, AP 1 Hit and
battle took them seriously - even by the standards of their dour order. the Instant Death and Armourbane (Melee) special rules. If the
model has the Vehicle Unit Type and suffers a Penetrating Hit due
A Vigilant Covenant is selected as any other unit, using up a single to this effect then it adds a modifier of +3 to that roll on the
Force Organisation slot and bought in the same manner. However, Vehicle Damage table.
before the first turn begins, all models in a Vigilant Covenant must
be assigned to another unit from another unit from the same This area of terrain does not confer a Cover Save and no model
detachment if the army they were selected as part of. Knight within its boundary may use a Cover Save granted by any other
Vestals may only be assigned to units entirely composed of models rule or effect.
with the Infantry Unit Type and the Silent Sisterhood (X) Special
Warrant of Trade
A Knight Vestal cannot be assigned to any unit that includes one Written and signed most often by the Emperor’s hand Himself, these
or more models with the Independent Character Special Rule or Warrants were worth more than entire sub-sectors to those intelligent
Unique Unit Sub-type (but such models may join a unit that enough to understand them; though some among those handed these
includes a Knight Vestal as normal during either deployment or documents of authorisation understood that they were in effect also
any following turn). orders of banishment; permanent exile formalised and sealed with a
wax crest.
No more than one Knight Vestal may be assigned to any given
unit. Once assigned to a unit, the Knight Vestal is considered part During Army Selection, a model with the Warrant of Trade Special
of that unit and may not leave under any circumstances - if that Rule must select one of the following Warrants; these may grant
unit is removed as a casualty then the Knight Vestal is removed as certain additional effects to the Detachment containing the model
well. In battles using Victory Points, no Victory Points are ever with this Special Rule, as well as affecting which Factions and Sub-
scored for removing a Knight Vestal as a casualty. When assigned factions may be included in the same army, and at what Level of
to a unit, a Knight Vestal gains all of the Special Rules (with the Alliance.
exception of those that specifically forbid it, such as the Bitter
Duty Special Rule) and Unit Sub-types listed for the unit to which
it is attached, but does not gain access to any additional wargear
options available to the unit to which it is assigned.

Volatile Plasma Containment

Some plasma weapons’ containment fields were not designed to resist
external pressure - and the effects of damage from hostile forces could
often detonate them.

If a model with this Special Rule loses its last Hull Point due to the
Gets Hot Special Rule then it also suffers the effects of the
Explodes result on the Vehicle Damage table. When a model with
this special rule suffers an Explodes result (as shown on the Vehicle
Damage table), the Strength of any Hits it causes is increased to 10.

Weaponsmith’s Ingenuity
Jokaero were natural tinkerers, unable to stop themselves from
meddling with all manner of inventions and improvements - though
these were often for no reason other than to appease their curiosity.

Once per game turn, at the start of the Controlling Player’s

Shooting Phase, the Controlling Player may choose to roll on the
below chart. The result rolled applies to all models in the unit with
the Trader Militant Sub-faction until the start of the Controlling
Player’s next Shooting Phase.
D6 Result Description
1 Oops! The weapons of all models affected gain
the Gets Hot Special Rule, or if they
already have it, a to-Hit roll of a 1 or a 2
triggers the effects of the Special Rule
2 Aesthetic The modifications have no noticeable
Modifications effect.
3 Rangefinder All Ranged weapons in the unit increase
Calibration their Range Characteristic by 12“.
4 Armour Repairs All models affected may re-roll Armour
Save rolls of 1.
5 Cooling Coils All models affected’s Ranged Weapons
increase the number of shots they fire by
1 (for example, a weapon with Assault 2
becoming Assault 3), and may ignore the
effects of the Gets Hot Special Rule on
their weapons, if they have it.
6 Complete The Controlling Player may choose two
Overhaul different results from this table and apply
them to the unit.

Designed to sunder armour beyond repair, nothing could stay the
wrath of such weapons.

Penetrating Hits caused by attacks made with weapons or models

with this Special Rule add +1 to the result of any rolls on the
Vehicle or Building Damage tables.

Armoury of the Imperium
The units that form the various sub-factions in this document have access to a number of new Weapons - these can be found below. These function
in addition to the Weapons found in other Horus Heresy publications, and operate under the broader Rules and Conventions laid out in the
Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook.

Adrathic Weapons
Whilst insanely potent, Adrathic weapons were not widely disseminated across the armies of the Imperium, instead remaining only the
purview of the Legio Custodes and Silent Sisterhood - for their terrible ability to tear asunder the very form of an enemy in an explosive
bloom of power was deemed to dangerous for any but the guardians of the Emperor to possess.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Adrathic’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Adrathic Decimator 24“ 8 3 Heavy 3, Instant Death, Armourbane (Ranged), Breaching (5+),
Gets Hot
Adrathic Destructor 12“ 5 3 Assault 1, Instant Death, Armourbane (Ranged), Gets Hot,
Breaching (5+)
Adrathic Devastator 18“ 6 3 Heavy 2, Instant Death, Armourbane (Ranged), Gets Hot,
Breaching (5+)

Artillery Cannon
Designed to bombard the enemy from long range, the deployment of artillery was a vital component of the Imperium’s military doctrines.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Demolisher Cannon 24“ 12 3 Ordnance 1, Blast (3”), Sunder, Rending (6+), Brutal (3), Wrecker
Earthshaker Battery 12 - 240“ 9 4 Ordnance 2, Barrage, Large Blast (5“), Shred, Pinning, Breaching (6+)
Earthshaker Cannon 12 - 240“ 9 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5“), Shred, Pinning, Breaching (6+)
Griffon Mortar 36“ 6 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5”), Barrage, Pinning, Shell Shock (1),
Ignores Cover
Heavy Mortar 36“ 6 4 Heavy 1, Blast (3”), Barrage, Pinning, Ignores Cover
Mars-Colossus Bombard 12 - 72“ 7 3 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5”), Pinning, Shell Shock (1),
Ignores Cover, Wrecker
Praetor Launcher
- Firestorm Munitions 72“ 7 4 Ordnance 2, Barrage, Massive Blast (7”), Pinning, Shell Shock (2),
Rending (5+), Ignores Cover
- Foehammer Munitions 72“ 8 3 Heavy 12, Guided Fire, Breaching (5+), Ignores Cover
Pulveriser Cannon 18“ 10 3 Heavy 1, Blast (3”), Sunder, Breaching (6+), Brutal (2)
Thudd Launcher 12 - 60“ 5 5 Heavy 1, Massive Blast (7”), Barrage, Shred, Restricted Trajectory

Auto Weapons
Making use of an innovation used since the dawn of large-scale warfare, auto-weapons used a chemical reaction to propel solid-shot
ammunition at rapid velocities - though more uncommon variations, such as mag-lev impellers, were also occasionally found in the
armouries of the Age of Darkness.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Auto’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Anvilus Autocannon Battery 48“ 7 4 Heavy 4, Rending (5+), Sunder, Twin-Linked
Astartes Shotgun 12“ 4 - Assault 2, Concussive (1)
- Blind Rounds 12“ 1 - Assault 1, Blast (3”), Blind
- Defender-Frag Rounds 12“ 3 5 Assault 1, Blast (3”), Pinning, Defender
Eradicator Nova Cannon 36“ 6 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5”), Agripinaan Guidance System,
Ignores Cover
Exterminator Autocannon 48“ 7 4 Heavy 6, Rending (5+), Twin-Linked
Gravis Autocannon Battery 48“ 7 4 Heavy 4, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Iliastus Accelerator Cannon Arrays 48“ 8 3 Heavy 6, Rending (6+), Brutal (2), Twin-Linked
Kheres Assault Cannon 24“ 6 4 Heavy 6, Rending (6+)
Macharius Battle Cannon 48“ 8 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5“), Twin-Linked, Pinning, Shell Shock (1),
Breaching (6+)
Macharius Vanquisher Cannon 72“ 9 2 Heavy 2, Sunder, Brutal (2), Twin-Linked, Exoshock (4+)
Magnarail Lance 24“ 7 2 Heavy 1, Brutal (2)
Oppressor Cannon 72“ 10 2 Heavy 2, Sunder, Brutal (3)
Pegasus Autocannon 48“ 7 4 Heavy 3, Rending (5+)
Praetorian Battle Cannon 48“ 8 4 Heavy 2, Large Blast (5“), Breaching (6+), Pinning
Punisher Rotary Cannon 36“ 6 4 Heavy 18, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)
Skyreaper Battery 48“ 7 4 Heavy 5, Skyfire, Twin-Linked
Subjugator Cannon 72“ 12 2 Ordnance 3, Sunder, Brutal (3)

Bolt Weapons
The mass-reactive rounds ejected by these weapons were feared by man and xenos both - for the explosive demise they promised to their
targets was often brutal and bloody.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Bolt’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Avenger Bolt Cannon 36“ 6 3 Heavy 7
Gravis Bolt Cannon 48“ 5 4 Heavy 6, Twin-Linked
Maxima Bolter 12“ 4 5 Assault 3
Macharius Rotary Bolt Cannon 36“ 6 3 Heavy 10, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Reactor Overload
Rotary Bolt Cannon 24“ 6 3 Heavy 3, Pinning, Shred
Vratine Bolt Cannon 24“ 6 4 Heavy 5, Pinning, Psy-Shock

Conversion Beam Weapons

Usually reserved for the most elite echelons of the Imperial warmachine, these strange devices fire beams of blinding light which power the
further they travel. In the era of the Horus Heresy many of these delicate devices have had to undergo field repair unbefitting of their storied
history, and as such these cast offs find themselves in the hands of lesser member of the conflict.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Conversion Beam’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. An attack made with a Conversion Beam
Weapon has a number of different profiles, the use of which depends upon how far the chosen target is from the attacking model up to the weapon’s
maximum range. When attacking with one of these weapons measure the distance to the target, place the weapon’s Blast template and scatter as
normal for a blast weapon. Once the final location of the template has been determined, measure to the centre of the Blast marker and consult the
weapon’s chart to determine the effect.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Conversion Beamer
0“- 18“ 6 - Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Blind
18“- 42“ 8 4 Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Blind
42“- 72“ 10 1 Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Blind
Conversion Destructor
0“- 18“ 8 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Blind
18“- 42“ 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Blind, Sunder
42“- 80“ 12 1 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Blind, Sunder, Wrecker

Disintegrator Weapons
Whilst the secrets for reproducing these accursed weapons had long been lost by the dawning of the Great Crusade, some examples of this
foul technology still remained in use during the Horus Heresy.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Disintegrator’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Disintegrator 24“ 5 2 Rapid Fire, Instant Death, Gets Hot
Disintegrator Pistol 12“ 5 2 Pistol 1, Instant Death, Gets Hot

Flame Weapons
Varied were the type of flame weapons the armies of mankind brought to bear upon their enemies, but all invariably left horrifically-charred
corpses in their wake.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Flame’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Conflagration Projector Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Torrent (18”), Breaching (6+), Concussive (1)
Flamestorm Cannon Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Torrent (18“)
Gravis Heavy Flamer Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Torrent (8“)
Infernus Firepike Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Torrent (9“)
Toxiferran Flamer Template 4 5 Assault 1, Poisoned (3+), Rending (6+)

Graviton Weapons
Esoteric and shrouded in myth, even by the standards of Imperial weapons, these devices created pockets of gravitational anomalies which
short-circuited machinery and pulped organic matter.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Graviton’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Graviton Annihilator 48“ * 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Gravitic Implosion*, Haywire,
Concussive (2)
Graviton Gun 18“ * 4 Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Concussive (1), Graviton Pulse*, Haywire
Graviton Imploder 18“ * 3 Heavy 2, Concussive (1), Graviton Pulse*, Haywire

Grenade Weapons
Designed to fire small, canister-style cartridges that exploded on impact, these weapons had changed little in thousands of years - though
their munitions had been improved many times over.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Balistus Grenade Launcher
- Frag 18“ 3 6 Assault 1, Blast (3”), Pinning, Shell Shock (1)
- Krak 18“ 6 4 Assault 2, Concussive (1)
- Tanglefoot 18“ 4 - Assault 2, Entangle (1)
Grenade Launcher
- Frag 24“ 3 6 Assault 1, Blast (3”), Pinning
- Krak 24“ 6 4 Assault 1
Vratine Grenade Launcher
- Frag 24“ 3 6 Assault 1, Blast (3”), Pinning
- Krak 24“ 6 4 Assault 1
- Psyk-Out 24“ 4 - Assault 1, Blast (3"), Psy-Shock

Guardian Weapons
Whilst the more common variants of Guardian weapons were seen in the hands of most of the Legio Custodes, some rarer variants existed -
and these unusual weapons were largely confined to special formations of even that elite group.

Unlike most weapons, Guardian weapons always have several profiles, one for when making a Shooting Attack with the weapon and one for use in
combat. The Shooting profile must be used when the weapon attacks as part of any Shooting Attack, and the Melee profile must be used when a
model makes attacks with that weapon when resolving an Assault (though any Shooting Attacks made during the Assault phase, such as the
Overwatch Reaction, still use the Shooting profile). The ‘Shooting’ profiles from the Tempest Spear listed here is counted as a ‘Las’ weapon for those
rules that affect such weapons. The Melee profile for the Tempest Spear is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon, but may not be selected by models that are
eligible to select a generic Power Weapon.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Tempest Spear
- Shooting 12“ 8 1 Heavy 1, Lance, Exoshock (6+)
- Melee - +1 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Reaping Blow (1)

Harpoon Weapons
These huge, thorned harpoons were launched at terminal velocity, their powered fields allowing them to punch through almost any target
with horrifying ease.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Impaler Harpoon 12“ 6 3 Heavy 1, Impale

Industrial Gear
Certain pieces of heavy equipment designed for civilian purposes – usually mining and excavation – could be turned against living targets
with little, if any modification.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Storm-Welder 12“ 6 5 Heavy 3, Gets Hot, Rending (5+)

Las Weapons
The favoured weapons of many forces within the Excertus Imperialis, Las weapons fired high-powered beams of light at foes. With reliability,
sheer stopping power, and powerful rechargeable energy cells, there was little wonder billions of these weapons rolled out of forges across the
galaxy during the Great Crusade and well into the Horus Heresy.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Las’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Hot-Shot Lasgun 18“ 3 3 Rapid Fire
Hot-Shot Laspistol 9“ 3 3 Pistol 1
Hot-Shot Volley Gun 24“ 4 3 Heavy 3
Lasblaster 24“ 3 5 Assault 3
Lascannon Array 48“ 9 2 Heavy 2, Twin-Linked, Sunder
Las-Lock 18“ 4 6 Assault 2
Lascutter (Ranged) 8“ 10 1 Assault 1, Armourbane (Ranged)
Heavy Lascutter (Ranged) 12“ 10 1 Heavy 1, Armourbane (Ranged)
Gravis Heavy Lascannon 48“ 10 2 Heavy 2, Sunder
Lasgun Arrays 24“ 3 - Rapid Fire, Array Fire (3)
Mining Laser 18“ 9 1 Heavy 1, Exoshock (6+)
Heavy Mining Laser 24“ 9 1 Heavy 1, Exoshock (6+)
Photon Gauntlet 12“ 5 2 Assault 2, Blind, Gets Hot
Photon Thruster 24“ 6 2 Assault 2, Blind, Lance, Gets Hot
Ranger Long-Rifle 48“ 5 4 Heavy 1, Sniper, Rending (5+), Pinning

Melta Weapons
These weapons projected a beam of searing power so immensely hot that armour and flesh trickled and burned like wax in their path.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Melta’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Melta Cannon 24“ 8 1 Heavy 3, Armourbane (Melta)
Gravis Melta Cannon 24“ 8 1 Heavy 2, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-Linked
Fusion Gun 12“ 8 1 Assault 1, Armourbane (Melta)
Fusion Pistol 8“ 8 1 Pistol 1, Armourbane (Melta)

Missile Weapons
Whether firing ‘dumb’ ballistics with rocket motors, or targeted warheads that chased down a target, missile weaponry could be used for
anything from anti-infantry duty to tank hunting - provided the correct munitions were used.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Missile’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

*A Manticore Missile Launcher may only fire a single Missile it is equipped with as part of any Shooting Attack it makes.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Cyclone Missile Launcher
- Frag 48“ 4 6 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5”), Pinning
- Krak 48“ 8 3 Heavy 2, Twin-Linked
- Flak 48“ 7 3 Heavy 2, Skyfire, Twin-Linked
Deathstrike Missile
- Godspear Warhead - 16 1 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Wrecker, Destructor, Shieldbreaker
- Plasma Warhead - 10 2 Ordnance 1, Apocalyptic Blast (10”), Plasma Burn, Ignores Cover,
Pinning, Shell Shock (3)
- Tactical Nuclear Warhead - 14/10/6 1/2/3 Ordnance 1, Apocalyptic Mega-Blast, Eye of the Storm, Impact Flash,
Seismic Shock, Ignores Cover
- Vortex Warhead - 12 1 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7”), Vortex, Armourbane (Ranged),
Instant Death, Wrecker, Ignores Cover
Fragmentation Bomb - 5 5 Bomb 1, Blast (3”), One Use
Gravis Missile Launcher
- Frag 48“ 4 6 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5”), Pinning
- Krak 48“ 8 3 Heavy 2
Havoc Launcher 48“ 5 5 Heavy 1, Blast (3”), Twin-Linked
Hellstrike Missile 72“ 9 2 Heavy 1, Sunder, One Shot
Macro-Bomb Cluster - 8 4 Bomb 1, Apocalyptic Barrage (6), One Shot
Manticore Missile Launcher*
- Manticore Missile 18 - 300“ 8 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Breaching (4+), One Shot,
Ponderous Aim
- Phosphor Incendiary Missile 12 - 72“ 5 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5”), Ignores Cover, Pinning,
Shell Shock (2), One Shot, Ponderous Aim
- Solutus Chem Missile 12 - 72“ 1 - Ordnance D3+1, Barrage, Blast (3”), Brutal (2), Breaching (5+),
One Shot, Fleshbane, Ponderous Aim
- Storm Eagle Missile 12 - 120“ 10 2 Ordnance 4, Guided Fire, One Shot, Ponderous Aim
Missile Launcher
- Rad Missile 48“ 4 3 Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Fleshbane, Rad-Phage
- Psyk-Out Missile 36“ 7 3 Heavy 1, Psy-Shock
Mole Mortar 48“ 6 4 Heavy 1, Blast (3”), Ignores Cover, Tremor
Multiple Rocket Pod 24“ 4 6 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5”), Pinning
Salvo Launcher
- Melta Missile 18“ 8 1 Heavy 1, Armourbane (Melta)
- Flakburst Missile 24“ 7 3 Heavy 1, Skyfire
Skystrike Missile 72“ 8 2 Heavy 1, Skyfire, Sunder, One Use
Vratine Rotary Missile Launcher 48“ 8 2 Heavy 2, Exoshock (6+), Ignores Cover, Twin-Linked, Psy-Shock

Needle Weapons
Ejecting a volley of tiny slivers of toxin-coated shards at incredible velocity, these weapons could lay low enemies with the sheer potent
virulency of their ammunition - though against armoured targets, they often clattered harmlessly as they failed to reach the flesh of their

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Needle’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Needle Cavalcade 30“ 2 - Heavy 6, Poisoned (3+), Pinning

Phosphex Weapons
The crawling, emerald flames of these weapons seemed alive, seeking victims to consume by movement alone.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Phosphex’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Phosphex Bomb 6“ 5 2 Assault 1, One Use, Blast (3"), Poisoned (3+), Crawling Fire,
Lingering Death
Phosphex Canister Shot (Rapier) 12 - 24“ 4 3 Heavy 1, Barrage, Blast (3"), Poisoned (3+), Crawling Fire,
Lingering Death

Plasma Weapons
The super-heated plasma ejected by various weapons burns hotter than a star for a fraction of a second - but that is often enough…

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Plasma’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Phased Plasma-Fusil 24“ 6 3 Heavy 3, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot
Omega Pattern Plasma Blastgun 48“ 9 3 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7“), Rending (4+), Gets Hot
Plasma Cannon 36“ 7 4 Heavy 1, Blast (3”), Breaching (4+), Gets Hot

Rad Weapons
Firing concentrated bursts of radiation, these weapons could melt flesh from bone and even blister metal in the blink of an eye.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Rad’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Irad-Cleanser Template 2 5 Assault 1, Fleshbane, Rad-phage
Lucifex 8“ 2 5 Pistol 1, Fleshbane, Rad-phage

Snare Weapons
Capable of unleashing prodigious quantities of entangling shred-nets, these weapons could immobilise targets in seconds - allowing for those
key to the Emperor’s plans who refused to come quietly to be retrieved with ease…

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Heavy Snare Cannon 24“ 7 - Heavy 6, Entangle (2)

Seismic Weapons
Operating on a similar principle to the Transonic weapons hoarded by the Mechanicum, these tools projected a cone of sheer force that
pulverised whatever stood before them - equally at home pounding rock to dust as flesh to paste.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Seismic Cannon
- Short-Wave 12“ 8 4 Heavy 2, Concussive (1), Resonance (5+)
- Long-Wave 24“ 5 5 Heavy 4, Concussive (1), Resonance (6+)
Heavy Seismic Cannon
- Short-Wave 12“ 8 4 Heavy 3, Concussive (2), Resonance (4+)
- Long-Wave 24“ 5 5 Heavy 6, Concussive (2), Resonance (5+)
Seismic Crusher Template * 4 Heavy 1, Graviton Pulse*, Haywire, Concussive (1), Breaching (5+)

Transonic Weapons
Designed to emit great waves of sonic force, these weapons blasted apart armoured targets with resonant frequencies - whilst those of the
flesh struck by them simply disintegrated into bloody matter and bone.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Transonic’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Transonic Cannon 9“ 4 2 Heavy 1, Blast (3”), Sonic Pulse, Armourbane (Ranged), Pinning,
Ignores Cover

Shuriken Weapons
Rather than the crude ammunition of other races, shuriken weapons fired bladed disks at supersonic velocities to shred their targets.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Shuriken’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Shuriken Catapult 18“ 4 5 Assault 2, Breaching (6+)
Shuriken Pistol 12“ 4 5 Pistol 1, Breaching (6+)

Volkite Weapons
Ancient beyond measure, Volkite formed part of the Imperial war machine since before it earned the name, and both new and experimental
variants of these ray-weapons found their ways into forces on both sides of the heresy as material and manpower stretched needs thin.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Volkite’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Volkite Caliver 30“ 6 5 Heavy 3, Deflagrate
Volkite Curtall 45“ 8 3 Ordnance 1, Heavy Beam, Deflagrate, Pinning
Volkite Dual-Culverin 45“ 6 5 Heavy 6, Deflagrate, Twin-Linked
Volkite Macro-Saker 45“ 6 5 Heavy 8, Deflagrate, Pinning

Exotic and Miscellaneous Weapons of the Imperium

Some weapons found in the Imperial armouries were so unique in form and aspect that they composed a class all of their own.

The Adrastus ‘Disintegrator’ is counted as an ‘Adrathic’ and ‘Disintegrator’ weapon and has two separate profiles. In each Phase where a Shooting
Attack may be made by a model with an Adrastus Bolt Caliver, only one of these profiles may be used to attack with, chosen by the Controlling

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Adrastus Bolt Caliver
- Bolt Volley 36“ 5 4 Assault 4, Shred, Pinning
- Disintegrator 24“ 5 2 Assault 1, Instant Death, Gets Hot, One Shot
Chem Cannon Template 1 - Heavy 1, Fleshbane, Breaching (5+)
Chem Destroyer Hellstorm 3 3 Ordnance 1, Torrent (9”), Breaching (5+), Fleshbane, Pinning
Reclaimator-Chainclaw (Ranged) 12“ 7 - Heavy 1, Impale, Entangle (2)
Neuro Disruptor 12“ 1 2 Pistol 1, Fleshbane
Sabre Searchlight 48“ * - Heavy 1, Large Blast (5”), Twin-Linked, Spotted!*
Sinistrae Magnificat 15“ 10 1 Heavy 1, Blast (3”), Gets Hot, Vortex, Instant Death, Psykana-Battery,
Ponderous Aim
Vortex Grenade 8“ 8 2 Assault 1, Blast (3”), Haywire, Concussive (1), Vortex, One Use,
Ponderous Aim

Arc Weapons
Utilising similar high-retention capacitor blocks as ranged Arc weaponry, melee Arc weapons let out huge bangs, flashes, and bursts of smoke
as they contact enemies, searing flesh and burning circuits alike.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Arc’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Taser Goad - +2 - Melee, Overload (6+)

Chain Weapons
Infamous for their ability to tear through flesh and the resulting eruption of gore, chain weapons were composed of razor-edged blades given
motion by powerful motors.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Chain’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Chainfist - x2 2 Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Unwieldy
Gravis Chainfist - 10 2 Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Murderous Strike (5+)
Heavy Chainsword - +2 - Melee, Shred, Two-Handed

Force Weapons
Designed to channel and project the psychic might of their wielders, these weapons could be used to deadly effect by those with the power to
harness the Warp.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Force’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

A model that is eligible to select a Force Weapon may take any of the weapons included in this Profile.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Force Axe - +1 2 Melee, Force, Unwieldy
Force Maul - +2 3 Melee, Force
Force Staff - +1 3 Melee, Force, Reach (1)
Force Sword - User 3 Melee, Force, Rending (6+)

Industrial Gear
Certain pieces of heavy equipment designed for civilian purposes – usually mining and excavation – could be turned against living targets
with little, if any, modification.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Arc Welder - +3 2 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy, Reaping Blow (1)
Augmetic Fist - +1 3 Melee, Unwieldy, Breaching (5+)
Heavy Rock Cutter - x2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Unwieldy, Murderous Strike (5+)
Heavy Rock Drill - x2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Unwieldy, Brutal (2)
Heavy Rock Saw - x2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Unwieldy, Sunder
Sentinel Powerlifter - x2 2 Melee, Brutal (2), Paired Weapon

Las Weapons
Discharging great cells of power in a confined space allowed for Laser weapons to punch great holes in a target - and the closer that target,
the greater the damage could be…

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Las’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Lascutter (Melee) - 10 1 Melee, Makeshift Weapon
Heavy Lascutter (Melee) - 10 1 Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon

Power Packs
Power Packs were equipped by ranking Kinfolk for mining and salvage operations. Worn on the back, these devices were not dissimilar to
servo-arms. They mounted pairs of tools that aided the user in their role – whether carving through rock and stone, or driving back attackers.

A model with a Power Pack may make one additional attack in the Shooting Phase or Assault Phase for each incorporated weapon,
using the profiles shown below. A model equipped with a weapon selected as part of a Power Pack with a Melee profile makes a
single additional attack with each, but cannot allocate any additional attacks to those profiles. A Power Pack cannot have more than
two weapons and each weapon may only be selected once.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Circular Stone Saw - 4 5 Melee, Shred
Gem Extractor - 6 3 Melee, Rending (6+)
Kinfolk Arc Welder - 7 2 Melee, Unwieldy
Stone Burner 6“ 7 2 Pistol 1, Armourbane (Melta)

Power Weapons
Energised by powerful disruption fields, these weapons could shear through armour as though it were merely paper - reducing flesh to a
bloodless, smoking ruin with a cleaving blow.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. A model that is eligible
to select a Power Weapon and has the Imperialis Miltia Sub-faction may select any of the weapons included in this section as a
Power Weapon selection, instead of any other variant of Power Weapon.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Power Hammer - +3 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Unwieldy
Power Pick - +2 3 Melee, Unwieldy, Breaching (5+)

Although technically operated on the same principle, the following weapons are far rarer and more difficult to master than the more
common weapons, and so may not be selected by a model eligible to claim a generic Power weapon.

A model armed with two of the same weapons marked with a * gains +2 attacks, instead of the normal +1 for having two combat
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Dreadnought Power Glove - 8 2 Melee, Armourbane (Melee)
Executor Great-Blade - User 3 Melee, Reaping Blow (2), Rending (5+)
Gravis Power Fist - 9 2 Melee, Brutal (2)
Heavy Power Weapon - x2 2 Melee, Titanic Weight, Two-Handed
Indictor Axe - +3 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Two-Handed, Rending (6+), Murderous Strike (6+)
Lightning Claw* - User 3 Melee, Shred, Rending (6+), Specialist Weapon
Pneumatic Claw - +1 3 Melee, Brutal (2)
Reclaimator-Chainclaw (Melee) - +1 3 Melee, Breaching (5+), Brutal (2)
Terminus Power Claw - x2 2 Melee, Brutal (2)

Servo Weapons
Designed to aid those who undertook manual labour to repair all manner of technology, those grafted with servo arms and their like were
able to carry impossible loads or otherwise undertake feats that none so equipped could hope to manage

A model equipped with a Servo-Arm may make an additional single attack per turn as well as any they would normally be eligible to
make, while a model equipped with a Machinator Array makes two additional attacks per turn. These attacks are made using the
weapon profiles shown below.

Additionally, a Machinator Array incorporates a Flamer and a Meltagun. A model with the Battlesmith (X) Special Rule may add +2
to their Repair roll result if they also have a Machinator Array.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Machinator Array - +1 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Shred, Armourbane (Melee)
Servo-Arm - 8 2 Melee, Unwieldy

Solarite Weapons
Forged from alloys impossible to reproduce outside of the hidden tempest-galleries of Terra, and energised by technologies long kept hidden
at the Emperor’s command, these weapons are masterworks not seen outside of the armouries of the Legio Custodes, except in unspeakably
rare circumstances.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Interceptor Lance - 8 1 Melee, Sudden Strike (3), Brutal (2), Two-Handed

Tainted Weapons
Perhaps once gleaming examples of the power of the Imperium, these weapons had been corrupted by both the Warp and the twisted souls of
their owners.

A model that is eligible to select a Tainted Weapon may take any of the weapons included in this Profile.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Tainted Blade - User 3 Melee, Rending (6+), Murderous Strike (6+)
Tainted Axe - +1 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Murderous Strike (6+)
Tainted Maul - +2 3 Melee, Murderous Strike (6+)

Exotic and Miscellaneous Weapons of the Imperium

Some weapons found in the Imperial armouries were so unique in form and aspect that they composed a class all of their own.

A model armed with two of the same weapons marked with a * gains +2 attacks, instead of the normal +1 for having two combat
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Corposant Stave - +1 4 Melee, Two-Handed, Haywire
Harlequin’s Caress - User - Melee, Fleshbane, Rending (5+)
Harlequin’s Edge - User - Melee, Rending (4+), Dimensional Edge (4+), Murderous Strike (6+)
Harlequin’s Embrace - 6 3 Melee, Monofilament, Embrace of Death (2)
Harlequin’s Kiss - +1 - Melee, Rending (5+), Murderous Strike (6+)
Haywire Grenade - - - Melee, Haywire, Detonation
Impetus Lance - +3 3 Melee, Deflagrate, Burst (D3), Sudden Strike (3), Two-Handed,
Melta Lance - 8 1 Melee, Ungainly, Lance, Sudden Strike (2), Two-Handed, One Use
Monstrous Appendage - 9 2 Melee, Brutal (3)
Mutated Appendages - +2 4 Melee, Rending (5+)
Ripper Gun - +1 5 Melee, Reaping Blow (1), Two-Handed
Shrike Talon* - User 4 Melee, Poisoned (3+), Psy-Shock
Tarsus Buckler - +1 3 Melee

The units that form the various sub-factions in this document have access to a number of new items of Wargear - these can be found below. These
function in addition to the Wargear found in the official Horus Heresy publications, and operate under the broader Rules and Conventions laid out
in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook.

Aeldari Shields Arkadia Pattern Grav-Attack

Unlike the bulky and restrictive shield projectors of other races, the A rare and relatively unknown pattern of anti-gravitic craft, the Grav-
shield projectors of the Eldar were discrete and sophisticated, Attack was seldom seen, for its light armour contrasted with a
comparatively incredibly powerful for their size. comparatively heavy armament load. The Arkadia pattern of Grav-
Attack was of special note again, however - for those examples that
appeared within armouries across the Imperium before the outbreak of
Forceshield the Heresy were unlike many other such grav-craft seen at that time,
A Forceshield confers a 5+ Invulnerable Save. rarity heaped upon the unknown, and this factor coupled with their
strange provenance made many outside the Traders Militant reluctant
Improved Forceshield to use these unusual vehicles.
An Improved Forceshield confers a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
An Arkadia Pattern Grav-Attack has two Heavy Bolters.
A Holo-Suit confers a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, a model equipped with an Arkadia Pattern Grav-Attack
that chooses to Run gains the Shrouded (5+) Special Rule until the
start of the Controlling Player’s next turn.

Aetherlabe Instrumenta
These scrying mechanisms allowed those skilled enough to perceive the
ebb and flow of the warp. Asuryani Armour
The Asuryani were not a dedicated military force - and the battlefields
The Controlling Player of an enemy unit that arrives via Deep of the Great Crusade and Age of Darkness were unkind to those
Strike Assault within 12" of a model with this Special Rule must roll unprepared to fight upon them. As a result, rapid innovation was
an additional D6 when rolling to Scatter that unit. required by the Bonesingers of the Craftworlds, as well as raids on old
Anrathe caches to bolster existing supplies. This would result in armour
wholly unique to that strand of the Aeldari race, designed from the best
Alkonost Combat Bike they could muster to defend themselves.
Only seen to be fielded by the Silent Sisterhood, the Alkonost Combat
bike was a pattern of skeletonised ground bike, allowing for only the Mesh Armour
most rapid of scout-and-strike operations whilst remaining low in Fashioned from scales of psychically-sensitive armour in a fashion
profile and silhouette. Perfectly constructed for a round performance on similar to chainmail, these suits were light, and preserved the mobility
all forms of terrain, it allowed potent actions during light combat and of those who wore them.
harassment Manoeuvres.
Heavy Mesh Armour:
An Alkonost Combat Bike has a Twin-Linked Vratine Bolter, and Heavy Mesh Armour confers a 4+ Armour Save.
sets the Unit Type of any model equipped with an Alkonost
Combat Bike to Cavalry (Skirmish), though the model keeps any
additional Sub-types it may have, and changes its Movement
Characteristic to 16”. Auric Shackles
These dread restraints were crafted from the same alloys as the armour
In addition, a model with a Alkonost Combat Bike has the of the Custodians, but were also imbued with various psychic wards and
Shrouded (6+) Special Rule, which increases to Shrouded (5+) until technological measures to make escape from them utterly impossible.
the start of the Controlling Player’s Next Turn if the model chooses
to Run. Whenever a model equipped with Auric Shackles fights in a
Challenge, they add +2 to the Wounds score used to determine if
A model equipped with an Alkonost Combat Bike also gains the they won the Combat.
Firing Protocols (2), Hammer of Wrath (1), Skilled Rider, and
Battle-Hardened (1) Special Rules. In addition, if a unit including a model equipped with Auric
Shackles slays the enemy Warlord as the result of a Melee attack or
Sweeping Advance, the Controlling Player gains an additional +1
Allarus Terminator Armor Victory Point.
Designed to grant both protection and mobility to Custodians who
were called upon to make savage, full-frontal assaults, Allarus
Terminator Armour was developed using a blend of technology from
the new Tartaros suits provided to the Legiones Astartes and Aquilon’s
proven strength both.

Allarus Terminator Armour confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 5+

Invulnerable Save.

Auspex Surveyor Boarding Shields
This vast array provided a broad spectrum of constant data within a These sizeable shields were composed of an armoured plate which itself
greater localised area than that of man-portable multi-scanners, concealed small field generators that amplified their protective qualities.
making its squadron aware of the presence of nearby foes with pinpoint
accuracy. Boarding Shields confer a 5+ Invulnerable Save, but a model with a
Boarding Shield cannot claim bonus attacks for having more than
A unit that includes at least one model with an Auspex Surveyor one melee weapon, or make attacks during the Assault phase using
makes Shooting Attacks as if they had the Ignores Cover Special a weapon with the Two-handed Special Rule.
Rule. In addition, they gain the following benefits:
Invulnerable Saves granted by a Boarding Shield do not stack with
• Enemy models cannot be deployed using the Infiltrate special other Invulnerable Saves, but can benefit from rules (like Cyber-
rule within 24” of a model with an Auspex Surveyor. Familiar wargear) that specifically increase existing saves. If a model
has another Invulnerable Save then the Controlling Player must
• A unit that includes at least one model with an Auspex choose which one to use.
Surveyor ignores the 24” limit to line of sight and the -1
penalty to Ballistic Skill when making Shooting Attacks while
the Night Fighting rules are in effect. Breacher Charge
Breacher Charges were specialised explosive devices utilised to force entry
• When any enemy unit is deployed to the battlefield from through fortified walls and doors.
Reserves, a unit that includes at least one model with an
Auspex Surveyor may make the Interceptor Advanced The Controlling Player may choose to have a model with a Breacher
Reaction (see the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook, Charge that is Engaged or otherwise in base contact during the
page 309) without expending a point of the Reactive player’s Assault phase with a Building or Fortification model, inflict one
Reaction Allotment. This does not allow the unit to make automatic Str 10, AP 2 Hit on the target in Initiative Step 1 instead
more than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the of attacking normally. Any model in a unit that is chosen to inflict
controlling player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit Hits using breacher charges may not otherwise attack or make use
in a given Phase. of any other Special Rule or item of Wargear that inflicts Hits or
Wounds on a model in the same Assault phase (but may participate
in Sweeping Advances as normal).
Auxilia Tempestor Land Speeder
A sub-class of the more common Proteus pattern, these vehicles featured
a large suite of command and control equipment, as well as extra Combat Shields
armour plating to further protect its human crew. Tempestor scouting A small shield or buckler worn on the wrist, these shields often contained
vehicles roved ahead of the main force of the Auxilia, their fully small field generators that amplified their protective capabilities.
environmentally-sealed nature allowing them to function as strike craft
in low- or zero-gravity environments. Carrying a multitude of Combat Shields confer a 6+ Invulnerable Save.
weaponry, the Tempestor was notoriously deadly to enemy infantry and
light vehicles. Invulnerable Saves granted by a Combat Shield do not stack with
other Invulnerable Saves, but can benefit from rules (like Cyber-
An Auxilia Tempestor Land Speeder has a Multi-Laser and a Havoc Familiar wargear) that specifically increase existing saves. If a model
Launcher. has another Invulnerable Save then the Controlling Player must
choose which one to use.
In addition, a model equipped with an Auxilia Tempestor Land
Speeder that chooses to Run gains the Shrouded (5+) Special Rule
until the start of the Controlling Player’s next turn. Command Crew Bay
While the doctrines of the Imperialis Auxilia – at least during the Horus
Heresy – usually relied on numbers to carry the day, certain vehicles
Auxiliary Crew Bay served to transport only small squads, primarily officers and their
Either by removing as many nonessential components from a vehicle as attendants.
possible, or because it was designed to carry large numbers of passengers
in the first place, the Imperialis Militia had access to a range of civilian A model equipped with an Command Crew Bay gains the Transport
and military vehicles that could transport troops into battle. Sub-type, a Transport Capacity of 8 models (or otherwise increases
its existing Transport Capacity to 8), Access Points on both of its
A model equipped with an Auxiliary Crew Bay gains the Transport sides (if it did not already have these), and the Infantry Transport
Sub-type, a Transport Capacity of 14 models (or otherwise increases Special Rule.
its existing Transport Capacity to 14), Access Points on both of its
sides and rear (if it did not already have these), and the Infantry
Transport Special Rule. Command Vox
These bulky vox units allowed commands to be relayed instantly.

Battle Servitor Control Any friendly unit that includes at least one model with a Command
By delegating weak-spot recognition to dedicated servitor units, the Vox may choose to use the Leadership value of any model in a
damage inflicted by shots was greatly increased. friendly unit with another Command Vox when making Pinning
tests or Morale checks – this includes any friendly units with
A model with Battle Servitor Control gains the Sunder Special Rule. Command Voxes that are in Reserves or Embarked on unit with the
Vehicle Unit Type. A unit that includes a Command Vox also offer
benefits to friendly units that include a Vox Interlock. While at least
one model with a Command Vox is present on the battlefield and
not Embarked in a Vehicle or Building, the Controlling Player may
re-roll any Scatter rolls made (whether as part of a weapon attack or
the deployment of a model or unit), as long as the model with the
Command Vox has line of sight to the unit targeted by the attack or
the point chosen as the target of the deployment.

Cortex Controller Flip Belt
Adepts of the Mechanicum who wielded these devices were able to The exclusive purview of the Saedathii Eldar, these belts allowed the
directly control those Battle-Automata upgraded with cybernetica wearer to treat gravity with contempt and walk astride any surface they
cortex systems and observe the battlefield through them. so chose.

Any unit that includes one or more models with the Cybernetica A unit composed entirely of models equipped with Flip Belts may
Unit Sub-type may ignore the Programmed Behaviour provision choose to ignore terrain and intervening friendly units while
described as part of that Sub-type while within 12” of a friendly Moving, including Charges, Fall Back moves, Advancing, and
model with a Cortex Controller. during Reactions. A unit that ends or begins its movement in
Dangerous Terrain will still need to take Dangerous Terrain tests
as normal, though they entirely ignore the effects of Difficult
Custodes Dawneagle Jetbike Terrain.
Introduced to the Custodes armoury toward the latter half of the Great
Crusade, these bikes sacrificed the raw speed of the Agamatus for both
better performance over rough terrain, and ease of construction. Geo-Locator Beacon
These immense vox arrays could call out from a planet’s surface and
A Custodes Dawneagle Jetbike has Two Lastrum Storm Bolters. into the void, guiding in their fellow warriors.

In addition, a model with a Custodes Dawneagle Jetbike that As long as a model equipped with a Geo-Locator Beacon is
chooses to Run gains the Shrouded (5+) Special Rule until the start deployed on the battlefield, the Controlling Player may choose to
of the Controlling Player’s next turn. re-roll all failed Reserves rolls they make.

A model that is equipped with a Custodes Dawneagle Jetbike must Halian Heavy Jetbike
change its unit type to Cavalry (Antigrav, Skirmish), if it does not Sitting somewhere between a true Jetbike and a Speeder, the Halian was
already have this Unit Type and Sub-types, keeping any other unit capable of mounting a variety of potent heavy weapons while
Sub-types it had. Additionally, the model must change its maintaining a blistering maximum speed. The Silent Sisterhood used
Movement Characteristic to 14”, and gains the Hammer of Wrath this combination to respond rapidly to enemy threats with devastating
(1), Skilled Rider, Firing Protocols (2) and Deep Strike Special Rules. firepower.

A Halian Heavy Jetbike has a Heavy Snare Cannon.

Exo-Driller Armour
Found near-exclusively among Kinfolk enclaves who had retained some
measure of independence, Exo-Driller Armour was designed to protect In addition, a model with a Halian Heavy Jetbike gains the
miners from environmental hazards and enable them to fight back Shrouded (6+) Special Rule on any turn in which it has moved, or
against bandits and aggressive fauna. Many were further upgraded the Shrouded (5+) Special Rule if it has Run in that turn.
with suites of sensor equipment to track valuable mineral seams and
detect hostile movement. Due to the excellent protection afforded by
Exo-Driller Armour, the origin of these suits was a jealously guarded Helical Targeting Array
secret. Designed to track targets moving at extremely high speeds or that were
heavily obfuscated, Helical Targeting Arrays ensured a war machine’s
weaponry could find its mark against even the most guileful foes.
Exo-Driller Armour confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 5+
Invulnerable Save.
The Controlling Player of a model with a Helical Targeting Array
may activate it at the start of any of their own turns, or, if the
Explorator Augury Web Controlling Player is not taking the first turn of the battle, at the
These clustered systems of auspexes, location-finders, and range seeking start of the battle, before the beginning of the Opposing Player’s
apparatus were so powerful that they could determine the precise first turn. Once the Helical Targeting Array is activated, the model
coordinates of enemy or friendly units that were a continent away. is affected by the following conditions until the beginning of the
Controlling Player’s next turn:
At the start of each of the Controlling Player’s turns, that player
may choose to activate the Explorator Augury Web in either • The model may not move, Run or declare or make any
Disruption or Relay mode, the effects of which last until the Reactions other than the Interceptor or Overwatch Reaction.
beginning of the Controlling Player’s next turn:
• Disruption Mode: Any Reserves rolls made by an enemy • The Controlling Player may choose to use the Skyfire Special
player to bring units into play from Reserve are modified by Rule when making any Shooting Attacks with the model.
-1 while this mode is active. This modifier does not stack with
any other negative modifiers to Reserves rolls – use the • No model may make a Damage Mitigation Roll provided by
highest single modifier instead. However, once the final the Shrouded Special Rule against an attack made by a model
negative modifier to a Reserves roll is determined, it can be with a Helical Targeting Array while it is active.
reduced by any positive modifiers applied to the roll (for
example if a Reserves roll was affected by both a -1 and +1 • When the model makes a Shooting Attack as part of the
modifier then they would cancel each other and no modifier Interceptor Reaction, the Reaction does not cost the
would be applied). Controlling Player a point from their Reaction Allotment.
• Relay Mode: Any Reserves rolls made by the Controlling This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction
Player to bring units into play from Reserves may be re-rolled per Phase, but does allow the Controlling Player to exceed
while this mode is active. the normal three Reactions limit in a given Phase.

• When a model with the Vehicle Unit Type and a Helical

Targeting Array makes a Shooting Attack as part of the
Interceptor Reaction, that model may fire all of its weapons,
not just Defensive Weapons, as part of the Shooting Attack.

Indomitus Terminator Armour Power Armour
Combining numerous features of both Cataprachtii and Tartaros Employing armoured plates and electro-fibre bundles to both protect
armour; Indomitus armour became increasingly prevalent among the and augment their wearers, versions of these armoured suits that could
armies of both Loyalist and Traitor as the Horus Heresy progressed – fit mortal frames were in high demand during the Great Crusade and
having proven much easier to produce than either of its predecessor Horus Heresy .
designs, if slightly more cumbersome.
Power armour provides a 3+ Armour Save.
Indomitus Terminator Armour confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 5+
Invulnerable Save.
Praesidium Shield
Jokaero Armaments These golden shields could weather storms that threatened even the
The long mechanical armatures that formed a Jokaero’s hands could Emperor’s Golden Host could not.
reshape to form a weapon of its choosing in moments.
A model with a Praesidium Shield adds +1 to its Invulnerable Save
Whenever a model armed with Jokaero Armaments makes a (to a maximum of 3+) or an Invulnerable Save of 6+ if they do not
Shooting Attack, the Controlling Player may choose a single already possess one. In addition, a model with a Praesidium Shield
weapon from the following list for the model to make their cannot claim bonus attacks for having more than one melee
Shooting Attack with: weapon, or make attacks during the Assault phase using a weapon
with the Two-Handed Special Rule.
Lascannon, Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer, Volkite Culverin,
Disintegrator Proteus Pattern Storm Shield
Whilst not in general use during the Great Crusade, by the Age of
Darkness the first prototypes of ‘Storm Shields’ had reached all of the
Mechanicum Protectiva Legiones Astartes - loyalist or otherwise.
Rare devices exclusive to all but the highest ranking of the
Mechanicum’s magi, they were not of a singular design but covered a A model with a Proteus Pattern Storm Shield gains a 4+
variety of shield generators intended to protect the bearer from harm – Invulnerable Save, Invulnerable Saves granted by a Proteus Pattern
whether on the battlefield when confronting the enemies of mankind or Storm Shield do not stack with other Invulnerable Saves, and
from rivals who sought to assassinate them. cannot be modified by any other Special Rule. If a model has
another Invulnerable Save then the Controlling Player must choose
A model with a Mechanicum Protectiva gains a 4+ Invulnerable one to use. A model with a Proteus Pattern Storm Shield may never
Save. gain an additional Attack for being armed with two close combat
weapons or make attacks using a weapon with the Two-Handed
Invulnerable Save granted by a Mechanicum Protectiva do not Special Rule.
stack with other Invulnerable Saves, but can benefit from rules (like
Cyber-Familiar wargear) that specifically increase existing saves. If
a model has another Invulnerable Save then the Controlling Player Psychic Hood
must choose which one to use. Trained psykers utilised these esoteric devices to focus in on
concentrations of Warp-energy being expended by hostile witches and
mitigated their impact accordingly.
Plasma Grenades
Unlike the lesser races, the Eldar would carry usually only a single type Any enemy model within 18" and line of sight of a model with a
of grenade - and with which, both infantry and vehicles would fall. Psychic Hood must reduce its Leadership by -2 when making
Psychic checks. This modifier is not cumulative and no model may
A unit that includes at least one model with Plasma Grenades suffer from penalties from more than one Psychic Hood.
makes attacks at its normal Initiative Step during an Assault after it
has successfully Charged through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Rad Grenades
Terrain, but still suffers any penalties to Charge rolls imposed by Seldom issued except in the most dire of circumstances and against only
Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain when resolving a Charge the most heinous foes, Rad Grenades poisoned not only the enemy, but
through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain. the very ground on which they detonated.

In addition, the Controlling Player may choose to have a model During a turn in which a unit with at least one model with Rad
with Plasma Grenades that is Engaged or otherwise in base contact Grenades successfully Charges, or is themselves successfully
during the Assault phase with a Building or Fortification, or a Charged, all models in the enemy unit(s) suffer a -1 penalty to their
model with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type, Toughness Characteristic, to a minimum of Toughness 1, until the
inflict one automatic Str 5, AP 4 Hit with the Breaching (6+) Special end of the Fight Sub-phase that follows the successful Charge.
Rule, on the target in Initiative Step 1 instead of attacking normally.
If this option is selected, the unit makes its Pile In move at the
Note: This does affect Instant Death thresholds.
Initiative 1 step. Any model in a unit that is chosen to inflict Hits
using Plasma Grenades may not otherwise attack or make use of
any other Special Rule or item of Wargear that inflicts Hits or
Wounds on a model in the same Assault phase (but may participate
in Sweeping Advances as normal).

Rad Furnace Siege Retrofit
The devices known as Rad Furnaces were originally an offshoot of Though famed for their speed, Malcadors frequently found themselves
research into Atomantic technology - although their diversion from the involved in prolonged siege warfare where their weaker front armour
ordinary shielding such machines usually provided was apparent in the and large size impeded their performance. As such, many Malcadors
appalling radiation they spewed forth, itself weaponised to weaken and found themselves refitted and up-armoured in prolonged campaigns.
debilitate foes. These siege retrofits greatly increased the tank’s durability - however,
the added bulk severely taxed their engines, leading to reduced top speed
Any melee Hits allocated to models locked in combat with one or and increased rates of engine failure.
more units that include a model with a Rad Furnace require one
lower result To Wound than they would normally, to a minimum A model equipped with a Siege Retrofit loses the Fast Unit
of 2+. This effect is not cumulative with itself if more than one Sub-type, increases their Front Armour Characteristic to 14, and
model in a combat has a Rad Furnace. additionally gains a Flare Shield at no additional Points cost,
though may not purchase a Flare Shield from any other source.
Models with Rad Furnaces are immune to the effects of Rad
Grenades, the Rad-Phage Special Rule and the Rad Furnaces of
models they are locked in combat with. In addition, Hits from Suspensor Web
weapons with the Rad-Phage Special Rule that are allocated to a These miraculous devices rendered even the heaviest weapons portable -
model with a Rad Furnace only successfully wound on a To Wound at the cost of accuracy.
roll of a 6+.
A Heavy Weapon with a Suspensor Web may be treated as having
the type Assault rather than Heavy when used to attack as part of
Sawtooth Rockgrinder any Shooting Attack at targets at up to half the weapon’s usual
Some industrial vehicles mounted large ploughs which utilised whirring maximum range.
cutter arrays to grind through rock and other solid obstacles. Desperate
or unconventional Militia units turned these drilldozer blades against For example, a Heavy Bolter with a Suspensor Web, which is
living targets, reducing victims to nothing more than bloody sinew. usually a Range 36" Heavy 4 weapon, can instead be used as if it
were a Range 18" Assault 4 weapon if the Controlling Player wishes.
A model equipped with a Sawtooth Rockgrinder gains the
following effects: A weapon with a Suspensor Web may be fired as an Assault weapon
at half range or less. If a weapon fired in this manner has any
• The model’s Front Armour Value is increased by +1 Special Rules that rely on range (such as Armourbane (Melta)) then
(to maximum of a Front Armour Value of 14). the range required to trigger this Special Rule is calculated based
on the weapon’s original range, not the modified range from the
• The model’s Movement Characteristic is decreased by -2”. Suspensor Web’s effects.

• The model ignores the effects of Difficult and Dangerous

Terrain. Tarsus Buckler
These bladed shields could be used to attack as well as defend.
• Whenever the model performs a Ram attack, increase the
number of hits inflicted by +D3, and the Strength Reduce the Strength characteristic of Shooting Attacks made
Characteristic of the Ram attacks by +3. In addition, all Ram against a unit in which the majority of models have a Tarsus
attacks made by a model with this upgrade are resolved at an Buckler by -2 (to a minimum of 1)
AP value of 3, with the Sunder and Shred Special Rules.

Tenebris Praetoria
Shredder Prow Designed to obscure and confound, the Tenebris Praetoria cast out an
These bladed, whirring industrial prow attachments were a mimicry of ink-black pall - within which even the shining gold of the Custodians
the larger Sawtooth grinders - but were no less deadly for it. was rendered invisible.

A model with this upgrade does an additional +D3 hits when Whenever targeted by a Shooting Attack, the range between an
resolving Hammer of Wrath attacks. In addition, all Hammer of attacking unit and a unit including one or more models with a
Wrath attacks made by a unit with this upgrade are resolved at an Tenebris Praetoria is considered to be 6" further than the actual
AP value of 3. range between the two units – enemy units with the Night Vision
Special Rule, weapons with the Template Special Rule and models
with the Primarch Unit Type ignore this effect. In addition, when
Shroud Bombs attacked by a weapon with the Barrage Special Rule, a unit
Designed to conceal users from the enemy’s sight, Shroud Bombs varied including one or more models with a Tenebris Praetoria is always
in design from army to army – from basic smoke bombs, to chaff treated as though it was out of line of sight when scattering any
grenades and portable jamming arrays. attacks.

Whenever targeted by a Shooting Attack, the range between an

attacking unit and a unit that includes at least one model with
Shroud Bombs is considered to be 6” further than the actual range
between the two units – enemy models with the Night Vision
Special Rule and models with the Primarch Unit Type ignore this
effect. In addition, when attacked by a weapon with the Barrage
Special Rule, a unit that includes at least one model with Shroud
Bombs is always treated as though it was out of Line of Sight when
scattering any attacks.

Towing Cable Vexillum Imperatus
With a powerful engine and an industrial tether, many battlefield Immense banners that shone with internal light, these symbols of the
emplacements could be pulled across even the most broken landscapes might of the Emperor and Imperium both were said to be enough to
of war - their spotters and gunners holding what purchase they could to rally all to them.
ensure they too were taken swiftly alongside them.
All of the Controlling Player’s units with the Legio Custodes
At any point in the Controlling Player’s Movement Phase, a model Special Rule within 12” of a friendly model with a Vexillum
with a Towing Cable may target a friendly Infantry model with a Imperatus are considered to have a Leadership Characteristic of 10
Movement Characteristic of “-” in contact with this model’s Hull. when resolving Morale checks or Pinning tests. Once per game,
A model which is currently locked in combat may not be targeted. whenever a friendly unit with the Legio Custodes Special Rule
within 12” of a model with a Vexillum Imperatus fails a Leadership
Both the targeted model and the model with this Special Rule may Test, that Leadership test may be re-rolled.
move an amount of inches up to the model with this Special Rule’s
remaining Movement, so long as it remains in contact with the In addition, all models in a unit that includes a Vexillum Imperatus
model with this Special Rule’s hull for the duration of that move. If gain the Line Sub-type as long as they remain part of that unit –
moving that model for any reason would cause it to be removed as this benefit is lost immediately if the model with the Vexillum
a casualty, such as by the effects of a Special Rule, it is not for the Imperatus is removed as a casualty or leaves the unit.
purposes of being moved this way.

Furthermore, if there are other models in the same unit as a model Vigilant Standard
targeted by the Towing Cable and they have a Movement These banners bore esoteric symbols of fealty and devotion to the
Characteristic of “1” or more, they are counted as having embarked Emperor, as well as arcane wards and warnings of the null nature of the
on this vehicle for as long as a model is being moved via the Towing Silent Sisters; these standards felt to all as eyes boring into the soul.
Cable Special Rule. They must disembark via the normal procedure
once a model with a Towing Cable has finished its move in the A unit that includes at least one model with an Vigilant Standard
Movement Phase. If there are multiple models with a Movement adds +1 to the Wounds score used to determine if they win a
Characteristic of “-” being towed by multiple models equipped with Combat in the Assault phase. In addition, a unit that includes at
a Towing Cable, then any models counted as embarked may least one model with a Vigilant Standard may, before any dice are
disembark from any model with a Towing Cable which was towing rolled to determine Fall Back distance, choose to Fall Back only a
a model from their unit. distance equal to the roll of a D6 instead of 2D6, and if forced to
move off the edge of the battlefield will instead stop moving, with
A model with this Special Rule may not activate its Towing Cable if any model that would have moved off of the battlefield instead
it moves Flat-out; and a model with this Special Rule may not move ending its Fall Back move prematurely when it reaches 1” from the
Flat-out if it activates its Towing Cable. Any Infantry models edge of the battlefield.
moved via this Special Rule may only fire Snap Shots in the
following Shooting Phase. Vox Disruptor Array
Designed to project counter-frequencies and disruption waves, these
Trader-Militant Banner devices could utterly scramble any radio equipment.
The immense banners born by the Retainers Militant were one-of-a-
kind heirlooms, proclaiming proudly the successes and victories of the At the start of each Game Turn you can declare whether each Vox
Trader Militant and their household. A uniting force, the banner served Disruptor Array in your army is turned on or turned off. While
to rally all those loyal to the Rogue Trader’s cause. To allow one to fall there is at least one model on the battlefield with a Vox Disruptor
was a great dishonour, and so only the most trusted were allowed to Array turned on, regardless of whether that model is enemy or
bear them into battle. friendly, any attempt to perform a Deep Strike Assault, Drop Pod
Assault, Area Denial Drop or Subterranean Assault during that turn
A unit that includes at least one model with a Trader-Militant is Disordered on the roll of a ‘1’, ‘2’ or ‘3’ instead of just on a ‘1’.’
Banner adds +1 to the Wounds score used to decide if they win a
Combat in the Assault phase. A unit that includes at least one
model with a Trader-Militant Banner may choose to Fall Back only
Vratine Voidplate
a distance equal to the roll of a D6 instead of 2D6, and if forced to Taking technologies discovered from the tactical dreadnought armour
move off the edge of the battlefield will instead stop with each program, and combining them with the incredible selenite void-mail,
model 1" away from the edge of the battlefield. In addition, all of these large suits of armour - literally “Voidplate of the Oath” - provided
the Controlling Player’s units that are part of a an Army in which greater protection and enhanced systems to their wearer whilst still
the Primary Detachment is from the Traders Militant Sub-faction allowing them some of the manoeuvrability lighter panoplies could
within 12" of a model with a Trader-Militant Banner are considered provide.
to have a Leadership Characteristic of 9 (unless they already had a
higher Leadership Characteristic) when resolving Morale checks or Vratine Voidplate confers a 2+ Armour Save. In addition, a unit that
Pinning tests (but not Psychic checks). includes any models with Vratine Voidplate make Sweeping
Advance rolls at a penalty of -1.

Verticalis Drop Harness

Whether locally patterned as anti-gravitic devices or short-fuse thruster Vratine Chainmail
packs, the Verticalis Drop Harness was utilised by specialised veterans Lacking many of the power armour systems Vratine Armour provides,
of the Solar Auxilia Cohorts as a means of rapid insertion deep into the primary utilisation of Selenite void-mail in the build of “the
enemy lines. Dropped from high in sub-orbit or out the back of fast- Chainmail of the Oath” provided those equipped with it a greater
moving aircraft, these robust devices allowed deep strikes in almost alacrity in trade for its lesser protection.
every environment.
Vratine Chainmail confers a 4+ Armour Save.
A model equipped with a Verticalis Drop Harness gains the Deep
Strike Special Rule. Furthermore, Models with the Verticalis Drop
Harness can disembark from Zooming Flyers and Flyers they are
embarked upon that move at Cruising Speed, regardless of other

Base Sizing Chart
The units made available to Imperial armies by this document may not immediately have an obvious base size to use for them - our
recommendations for these can be found below.


Model Base Size
Rogue Trader Militant Round, 40mm
Retainers Militant
- Militant Bodyguard Round, 25mm
- Trader-Militant Standard Bearer Round, 25mm
- Adjuevant Medicae Round, 25mm
- Jokaero Courtier Round, 25mm
- Navigator Nobilis Round, 25mm
- Templax Challenger Round, 25mm
- Astropathica Primus Round, 25mm
- Primus Psykana Round, 25mm
- Defensor-Automata Round, 25mm
- Presage of the Legion Round, 32mm
- Magos Attendis Round, 32mm
- Militaris Adjutant Round, 25mm
- Custodian Observer Round, 40mm
- Executor of the Black Fleet Round, 32mm
- Envoy of the Asur Round, 32mm
- Faceless Delegate Round, 32mm
Voidsmen Cadre Round, 25mm
Imperatrix Bondsmen Cadre Round, 25mm
Savaris Bondsmen Cadre Round, 25mm
Arvus Transport Flying, Oval, 120x92mm
Aurox Transport No Base
Land Raider Armoured Carrier No Base
Grav-Speeder Squadron Round, Flying, 60mm
Carnodon Severax Squadron No Base


Model Base Size
Custodian Host-Master Round, 40mm
Custodian Agamatii Shield Captain Round, Flying, 60mm
Custodian Vertoii Shield Captain Oval, Flying, 75mm
Custodian Allarii Shield Captain Round, 40mm
Custodian Aquilus Shield Captain Round, 50mm
Custodian Venataris Shield Captain Round, Flying, 40mm
Allarus Terminator Round, 40mm
Contemptor-Moritiax Dreadnought Round, 60mm
Dawneagle Oval, Flying, 75mm
Custodes Land Raider No Base
Custodes Grav-Raider Round, Flying, 100mm
Custodes Land Raider Spartan No Base
Custodes Grav-Spartan Round, Flying, 100mm

Model Base Size
Sikari Dar Round, 40mm
Knight Ensign Round, 32mm
Indictor Cadre Round, 40mm
Perditor Cadre
- On Foot Round, 32mm
- With Venataris Jump Harness Round, Flying, 32mm
Repressor Automata Maniple
- Repressor Mistress Round, 32mm
- Repressor Automata Round, 60mm
Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport No Base
Silent Sisterhood Grav-Rhino Round, Flying, 60mm
Shrike Cadre Round, 32mm
Impetor Cadre Oval, 75mm
Otos Transport Flying, Oval, 120x92mm
Aymhari Interceptor Flying, Oval, 120x92mm
Arbiter Cadre Round, Flying, 60mm
Caedecius Exoframe Cadre Round, 60mm
Stymphalia Attack Craft Flying, Oval, 120x92mm


Model Base Size
Lord Marshal Ireton MaSade
- Ireton MaSade Round, 28.5mm
- Ireton MaSade Mechanised Round, 50mm
Solar Auxilia Battle Psyker Round, 25mm
Solar Auxilia Furibundus Dreadnought Talon Round, 60mm
Possessed Auxilia
- Possessed Auxilia Round, 25mm
- Greater Possessed Auxilia Round, 40mm
Extremis Boarding Rig Section Round, 50mm
Enginseer Auxilia Section
- Enginseer Adept Round, 32mm
- Servo-Automata Round, 25mm
Solar Auxilia Breacher Command Section Round, 25mm
Solar Auxilia Breacher Section Round, 25mm
Solar Auxilia Ancillary Command Section Round, 25mm
Solar Auxilia Pioneer Section Round, 25mm
Solar Auxilia Special Weapons Section Round, 25mm
Solar Auxilia Heavy Weapons Section Round, 50mm
Solar Auxilia Chimera Transport No Base
Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Command Section Round, 25mm
Solar Auxilia Verticalis Drop Section Round, 25mm
Solar Auxilia Drop Sentinel Squadron Round, 60mm
Solar Auxilia Salamander Command Vehicle No Base
Solar Auxilia Salamander Scout Squadron No Base
Solar Auxilia Pegasus Assault Squadron No Base
Solar Auxilia Carnodon Command Section No Base
Solar Auxilia Carnodon Strike Squadron No Base
Solar Auxilia Tempestor Land Speeder Squadron Round, Flying, 60mm
Solar Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Squadron Round, 60mm
Solar Auxilia Hellhound Flame Tank Squadron No Base
Divisio Aeronautica Avenger Strike Fighter Flying, Oval, 120x92mm
Solar Auxilia Kelaino Squadron Flying, Oval, 120x92mm
Solar Auxilia Aello Gunship Squadron Flying, Oval, 120x92mm
Solar Auxilia Ocypete Gunship Squadron Flying, Oval, 120x92mm
Solar Auxilia Hades Breaching Drill No Base

Model Base Size
Solar Auxilia Macharius Omega Heavy Tank No Base
Solar Auxilia Praetorian Heavy Tank Squadron No Base
Solar Auxilia Hydra Flak Tank Battery No Base
Solar Auxilia Sabre Battery Round, 60mm
Solar Auxilia Manticore Missile Tank Battery No Base
Solar Auxilia Deathstrike Missile Platform Round, Flying, 40mm
Divisio Aeronautica Marauder Bomber Round, Flying, 160mm
Divisio Aeronautica Marauder Destroyer Round, Flying, 160mm


Model Base Size
Imperialis Militia Astropath Round, 25mm
Imperialis Militia Ascendant Rogue Psyker
- Ascendant Rogue Psyker Round, 28.5mm
- Militia Warden Round, 25mm
Imperialis Militia Mounted Command Cadre Oval, 60x35mm
Imperialis Militia Demagogue Cadre
- Demagogue Round, 25mm
- Mounted Demagogue Oval, 60x35mm
Imperialis Militia Ratling Squad Round, 25mm
Enginseer Auxilia Detachment
- Enginseer Adept Round, 32mm
- Servo-Automata Round, 25mm
Imperialis Militia Kinfolk Exo-Driller Team Oval, 50mm
Imperialis Militia Ogryn Beastmasters
- Ogryn Beastmasters Round, 40mm
- Greater War Beasts (all variants) Round, 50mm
Imperialis Militia Voidjumpers Round, 25mm
Imperialis Militia Chimera Transport No Base
Imperialis Militia Aurox Transport No Base
Imperialis Militia Rhino Transport No Base
Imperialis Militia Rhino Advancer No Base
Imperialis Militia Termite Assault Drill No Base
Imperialis Militia Land Raider Proteus Carrier No Base
Imperialis Militia War Beasts Round, 40mm
Mutated Spawn Round, 50mm
Imperialis Militia Hellhound Flame Tank Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Centaur Combat Tractor Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Salamander Scout Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Pegasus Assault Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Kelaino Squadron Flying, Oval, 120x92mm
Imperialis Militia Kelaino Sky-Talon Squadron Flying, Oval, 120x92mm
Imperialis Militia Wolf Rapid Response Section Round, 60mm
Imperialis Militia Achilles Light Vehicle Squadron Oval, 120x92mm
Imperialis Militia Venator Medium Vehicle Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Carnodon Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Hades Breaching Drill No Base
Greater Mutated Spawn Round, 100mm
Imperialis Militia Sabre Battery Round, 60mm
Imperialis Militia Macharius Heavy Tank Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Macharius Omega Heavy Tank No Base
Imperialis Militia Malcador Defensor Heavy Tank Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Minotaur Battery No Base
Imperialis Militia Praetorian Heavy Tank No Base
Imperialis Militia Hydra Flak Tank Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Manticore Missile Tank Battery No Base
Imperialis Militia Helios Ordnance Carrier Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Goliath Heavy Vehicle Squadron No Base
Imperialis Militia Ironcrawler Squadron No Base

Model Base Size
Imperialis Militia Marauder Bomber Round, Flying, 160mm
Imperialis Militia Marauder Destroyer Round, Flying, 160mm
Imperialis Militia Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher No Base
Imperialis Militia Crassus Armoured Assault Transport No Base

“I remember the Imperium as it was meant to be, as it could have been, and
unlike the Emperor, I have no gilded wonder to keep me, and soon I shall pass.”

We Remember.

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