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2023 Umrah

Notes From: Ustadh Owais Ali
Shaykh Abdul Hadi
Shaykh Nuh Keller
Before Travelling

• Perform salat al-tawba and intend by the journey Allah alone, asking Him for tawfique in
helping one break from the bad of one’s past and receiving an opening for the good in one’s
• Memorise Duas and Read them while on the plane.

Before Entering Madinah

• Increase on your salawat upon the Prophet Saw

• When the Walls of Madinah are Seen, this dua should be recited

0 Allah, this is the sanctuary of Your Prophet, so make it a protection for me

from the Fire, and a safety from punishment and a bad reckoning.
• Take a shower before or at the hotel and recite

In the Name of Allah, and on the way of the Messenger of Allah. "My Lord, let
me enter with sincerity, and exit with sincerity, and give me from Thy presence.
an authority of victory:' 0 Allah, send blessings upon our Master Muhammad,
and upon the family of our Master Muhammad; forgive me for my sins; and
open for me the doors of Your mercy and grace.

Entering Madinah

• Pray 2 rakas at his Minbar and then proceed to give Salam

• You can give your salam to the prophet and the companions
• If you want to give salam on behalf of someone, you say Asalamu Alaykum Ya Rasuallah
Min ….
• When visiting the Martyrs of Uhud one should recite surah Ikhlas and Ayat Ul kursi and

Peace be upon you all for your patience; what a great final abode! Peace be upon
you all, 0 abode of believing people; and we shall, if Allah wills, meet with you all.
• When visiting Masjid Quba, One should supplicate:

0 One who is called by those who cry out! 0 [Bestower of] Succor for those
who seek help! 0 Reliever of the distress of those in difficulties! 0 One who
responds to the call of those in utter need! Send blessings upon our Master
Muhammad and his family, and relieve my distress and grief, just as You gave
relief to Your Messenger from his distress and grief in this place. 0 Compas-
sionate, 0 Benefactor, 0 Plentiful in bounty, 0 Constant in excellence, 0 Most
Merciful of those who show mercy.

Going to Makkah

• Before going to Makkah, theres something called the Meeqat, The Prophet Saw used to
stop and where his ihram.This place is known as Dhul Hulayfah.
• You take a shower and wear your ihram before going Dhul Hulayfa.
• After you wear the ihram, you cannot:
1. To apply scent on an entire limb;
2. D To apply oil on an entire limb;
3. [For a man] to wear a stitched garment for at least an entire day [or entire night];
4. [For a man] to cover [a fourth or more of] one's head for at least an entire day [or entire
5. To shave a fourth or more of one's head [or beard];
6. To shave one or both armpits;
7. To shave one's pubic region;
8. To clip all of one's nails [i.e., of both hands and both feet] in one sitting, the nails of one
foot or of one hand;

If one does these actions after Ihram, one must slaughter a sheep or donate

• When you enter Dhul Hulayfa, Your in the state of Ihram and you pray two Rakahs you
recite the following:

0 Allah, verily I desire to perform /hajj and 'umra, so make the two easy for me
and accept them both from me.

0 Allah, verily I desire to perform 'umra, so make it easy for me and accept it from

Then Recite the Talbiya:

Here I am at Your service, 0 Allah, at Your service! [At Your service!] You have'
no partner; here I am at Your service! Indeed, all praise, blessings, and the do.-
minion itself are utterly Yours; You have no partner!

Once Talbiya has been recited you have entered the state of Ihram
Arrival to Makkah

• When entering Masjid Al Haram, Recite:

In the name of Allah, and upon the way of the Messenger of Allah ~. All praise is due to
Allah, who caused me to arrive at His sacred house. 0 Allah, open for me the doors of Your
mercy and forgiveness, and let me enter them; and close upon me the doors of disobedience
to You, and keep me away from engaging in such acts.
• When you see the Kaabah, Make any dua and its said to be accepted

Performing Umrah/Tawaf

• Once your situated on the Hajar Al Aswad, you look at the Kabaah and then raise your
hands and say Bismillah Allahu Akbar and your intent to kiss it.This will begin your umra
and every time you pass it you do it.
• The First 3 laps and speed walk it and confidently.
• Throughout the 7 Laps make dua, Dhikr, Quran etc.
• After the 7 laps, go behind Maakam Ibrahim and you pray 2 Rakah (WAJIB IN
HANAFI).You make Dua:

0 Allah, this is the station of the one who seeks refuge in You from the Fire, so forgive me
for my sins; verily, You are All-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
Safa and Marwa

• Head to Safa first and look at the Kabah and make dua and send salawat upon the Prophet
• On Safa read:

• You run 7 times from Safa to Marwa and during the sa’y recite:

My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, and overlook that which You know; verily,
You are mightier and more generous.
• After you finish, make dua and then drink ZamZam and recite:

In the Name of Allah; all praise is due to Allah, and may blessings be upon the
Messenger of Allah.
• Proceed to shave your head and while shaving make dua:

0 Allah, this is my forelock, in Your hand; so make for me, for every strand of hair,
a light on the Day of Resurrection. 0 Most Merciful of those who show mercy.

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