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InfoMAS Online Quiz for PHY126

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1. Three capacitors of capacitance, 2uF, 4uF and 8uF are connected in
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parallel and a p.dNoofproblem.
6V is maintained across each capacitor, the total
energy stored is
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A. 6.90 x 10­6J Powered by InfoMAS
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B. 9.60 x 1 06J HOME

C. 2.52 x 10-4 J
D. 2.52 x 10­6J

2. Determine the force between two free electrons spaced 10-10m apart
A. 23 � 10­19N
B. 3 � 10­9N
C. 32N
D. 0.234N

3. Which of this is not true about protons and electrons?

A. Electrons has equal but opposite charges as protons
B. Mass of protons is equal to mass of electron
C. Protons repels one another
D. Electrons repel one another

4. If a fully charged parallel-plate capacitor remains connected to a

battery while you slide a dielectric between the plates. How does this
affect the capacitance C and store charge Q?
A. Both C and Q remains the same
B. C increases and Q increases
C. C increase and Q decreases
5. If the potential difference across a capacitor is doubled, by what factor
does the stored energy change?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 3
6. A capacitor is charged with 9.6uC and a 1200V potential difference
between its terminals. Compute the capacitance and the energy stored
in it
A. 20uf and 0.534uJ
B. 34uf and 574J
C. 80uf and 0.57uJ
music down
D. 12uf and 234J

7. How many electrons are responsible for 1C of charges?

A. 62000
B. 2000
C. 62421
D. 6.2 � 10-18

8. Two equally charged bodies are separated by a distance of 1m in air.

Evaluate the magnitude of the charge on each body if the force between
them is 360uN
A. 900C
B. 0.2uC
C. 50uC
D. 15uC

9. A long cylindrical wire carries a charge 10-4. The magnitude of the

electric field 2.0cm from the wire is
A. 9.0 � 107N/m
B. 4.5 � 109J.C
C. 9.0 � 109N/C
D. 4.5 � 109N/C
E. 9.0 � 109N/C

10. Two charged bodies separated by a distance d, repel each other with a
force F. This force will change to 9F when the two bodies are separated
by a distance of _____
A. 3d
B. 9d
C. d/81
D. d/9
E. d/3

11. Two point charges, one +2 � 10-9C, the other of -5 � 10-9C, are
separated 2cm in air. What is the magnitude of the force on the first
A. 2.25 � 10­4N
B. 2.25 � 104N
C. 4.25 � 10­4N
D. 4.25 � 104N
E. 42.5 � 10­4N

12. A potential difference of 120V generated a 100C of electric charge

through an electric heater each second. The work done by the voltage
source in 1s is______
A. 1.2 � 103J
B. 1.2 � 104J
C. 1.2 � 103eV
D. 2.4 � 103J
E. 1.2 � 10­3J

13. Which of the following units could be properly used to specify a

voltage of 1V?
A. 1N/C
B. 1J
C. 1J/C
D. 1eV
E. 1C/F

14. A �perfect� insulator would have _______restivity

A. Moderate
B. Small
C. Infinite
D. Zero
E. Large

15. The voltage across the terminals of a cell or other source of electrical
energy when no current is flowing is
A. Electricity
B. Potential Energy
C. Potential Difference
D. Electroscopic Forces
E. Electromotive Forces

16. Two equal but opposite charges each 1units were placed 300cm apart.
Predict the force of attraction between the two charges?
A. 109N
B. 1.1 � 103N
C. 1.1 � 10­3N
D. 1 � 106N
E. 1 � 10­6N

17. A spherical plate capacitor has concentric spherical plates of radii

4cm and 2.5cm. What is the capacitance of the capacitor?
A. 73.5uF
B. 8.00uF
C. 10.20uF
D. 15.00uF
E. 7.35uF

18. Determine the electric field intensity created by a charge of 10C

attracted by a force 3N
A. 30 unit
B. 0.3 unit
C. 0.03 units
D. 300 units

19. All the following are uses of capacitors EXCEPT

A. Measurement of Charge
B. Enable radio to tuned to another station
C. Form vital part of the ignition system
D. Energy conversion
E. Store charges
20. The charge on an electron is 1.6 � 10‑19C. How many electrons does
1C contains?
A. 6.25 � 1019
B. 1.60 � 1018
C. 6.25 � 1018
D. 6.25 � 10­19
E. 6.25 � 10­18

21. Which of the following is the initial action of a dielectric between the
plates of a capacitor?
A. Electrostatics
B. Introduction of surface charge
C. Polarization
D. Induced field
E. Conduction

22. The capacitance of the capacitor depends only on one of the following
A. Area of the plate
B. Charge on the plate
C. Geometry of the plate
D. Potential different of the plate
E. Total
23. An A/c current in 1 ohms resistor produces heat at the rate of 360W.
Determine the effective value of the current and the voltage
A. 60A, 6V
B. 6A, 60V
C. 30A, 36V
D. 6A, 6V
24. A 7 ohms resistor is in parallel with 3ohms resistors. This parallel
combination is in series with a 5.4ohms resistor. If 30V battery is used.
What is the equivalent resistance of the entire circuit? What is the
A. 5.7ohms, 4A
B. 4ohms, 7.5A
C. 7.5ohms, 4A
D. 4.5ohms, 4A

25. A spherical plate capacitor has concentric spherical plates of radii 4cm
and 2.5cm. What is the capacitance of the capacitor?
A. 73.5uf
B. 8.00uf
C. 10.20uf
D. 15.00uf
E. 7.35uf
26. Which of the following is the initial action of a dielectric between the
plates of a capacitor?
A. Electrostatics
B. Induction of the surface charges
C. Polarization
D. Induced field
E. Conduction

27. Two equal but opposite charges are separated by a distance of r.

Which of the following will gives the expression for the force of
attraction between the charges (let K be constant of proportionality)
A. Kqr2
B. Kqr­2
C. Kq2r-2
D. Kq2r

28. If a voltage (V) flows through a capacitor of capacitance (C) the work
done by the voltage is express as
A. CV2
B. � CV2
D. � CV­2
29. When a voltage (V) is apply to a capacitor the capacitor become
charged. Let the charged be donated by q. The energy stored in the
capacitor in terms of V and q can be expressed as
A. � qV
B. � q-1V
C. � q­1V2
D. � qv2
30. For the capacitors C1 C2 C3. The effective capacitance of the
capacitors connected in parallel is
A. C1 + C2 + C3
B. (C1+C2 + C1C​ ­1
C. (C1+C2 + C1C​ ­1
D. (C1+C2 + C1C​

31. If the above capacitors were connected in series what will be the
equivalent capacitance of the capacitors?
A. C1 + C2 + C3
B. (C1+C2 + C1C​
C. (C1+C2 + C1C​
D. (C1+C2 + C1C​

32. If the distance between two charges is double, the force of attraction
between the charges will
A. Double
B. Reduced by half
C. Reduced by quarter
D. Increased by quarter

33. If the output voltage of a transformer is greater than the input voltage
the transformer is known as
A. Step-down
B. Step­up
C. Step­down­up
D. Small transformer
34. The type of transformer in a transistor radio is an example of
A. Step­up
B. Step-down
C. Normal­transformer
D. DC transformer

35. What is the electric field intensity by a force of 45N attracting a charge
of 10C
A. 4.5
B. 450
C. 0.45
D. 0.045

36. Determine the electric field intensity created by a charge of 100C

attracted by a force 30N
A. 30 unit
B. 0.3 unit
C. 0.03 units
D. 300 units

37. The charge on an electron is 1.6 � 10‑19C. How many electrons does
1C contains?
A. 6.25 � 1019
B. 1.60 � 1018
C. 6.25 � 1018
D. 6.25 � 10­19
E. 6.25 � 10­18

38. Three capacitors of capacitance, 2uF, 4uF and 8uF are connected in
parallel and a p.d of 6V is maintained across each capacitor, the total
energy stored is
A. 6.90 x 10­6J
B. 9.60 x 1 06J
C. 2.52 x 10-4 J
D. 2.52 x 10­6J

39. If a fully charged parallel-plate capacitor remains connected to a

battery while you slide a dielectric between the plates. How does this
affect the capacitance C and store charge Q?
A. Both C and Q remains the same
B. C increases and Q increases
C. increase and Q decreases

40. How many electrons are responsible for 1C of charges?

A. 62000
B. 2000
C. 62421
D. 6.2 � 10-18

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