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No. G/0063/ExO/III/2018 – Rev5
Valid for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree
From Examination Steering Committee
Date ‘7 March 2018
Page 1 of 33
To Bachelor’s and Master’s Students, Lecturers, Advisors
Thesis Guidelines


These Guidelines are established in referral to the Study and Examination Regulations Chapter
10, Thesis and replace thesis guidelines Nr. G/20.03.17/ExO/V/2017.

These Guidelines are intended to help the bachelor’s and Master’s students prepare their
theses. Further information about regulations, submission dates, degree requirements, etc., can
be found in the academic calendar of SGU. All participants should feel free to consult their
lecturer/advisor, at any stage in the preparation of their thesis for further information.

All students who are writing a thesis should pay special attention to the following fundamental

 The thesis advisor strongly influences a student’s academic and professional

development. Through the choice of an advisor, a participant also chooses a method of
scientific research, a work milieu, and sometimes moral and financial support. The value
and success of a thesis depend in great part on the quality of the relationship that
develops between the advisor and participant.
 The Thesis topic should be decided upon as early as possible. The student should be
particularly careful not to choose subjects that are too ambitious or too broadly defined.
 The style and format of a thesis are important. It should be clear, concise and
systematic. Students should aim for a style that is interesting as well as informative.
 The thesis should demonstrate a deep knowledge of literature on the subject. The
presentation of scientific data (tables, figures, chart, etc) must conform to the
requirements of the specific discipline.
 All theses must meet the standards and requirements as defined by SGU in order to be

Questions regarding the format of the thesis not adequately answered in these Guidelines may
be directed to the Examination Steering Committee who will be pleased to give assistance.

Examination Steering Committee

Swiss German University Tel. +62 21 2977 9596/9597

The Prominence Tower Fax. +62 21 2977 9598
Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 2 of 33

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………………………...4

1.1 Definition of a Thesis ................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Purpose of the Guidelines ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Phases of Thesis ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 General Guidelines for Procedure and Format ......................................................................... 4
1.5 Steps in the Development and Submission of a Thesis ............................................................ 4
1.6 Thesis Submission .................................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Thesis Defense .......................................................................................................................... 5

2. RESEARCH PROPOSAL…………………………………………………………………………………....6

2.1 Functions and Benefits .............................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Format of the Research Proposal ............................................................................................. 6

3. THESIS FORMAT………………..........................................................................................................6

3.1 Paper ......................................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Appearance ............................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Fonts .......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Printers ...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Non-typed Material .................................................................................................................... 6
3.6 Spacing ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.7 Margins ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.8 Page numbers ........................................................................................................................... 8
3.9 Pagination .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.10 Reproduction Services .............................................................................................................. 8

4. PARTS OF A THESIS………………………………………………………………………………………...8

4.1 Preliminary Pages ..................................................................................................................... 9

4.1.1 Title Page................................................................................................................................ 9
4.1.2 Statement by the Author ....................................................................................................... 9
4.1.3 Abstract .................................................................................................................................. 9
4.1.4 Copyright Page ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.5 Dedication Page..................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.6 Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................. 9
4.1.7 Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ 10
4.1.8 List of Tables, Figures, Symbols, Acronyms, and Plates ............................................... 10
4.2 Text Pages............................................................................................................................... 10
4.2.1 Body of Thesis ..................................................................................................................... 10
4.2.2 Special Illustrative Material: Photographs, Maps and Illustrations ............................... 10
4.3 The Reference Section ............................................................................................................ 11
4.3.1 List of References ............................................................................................................... 11
4.3.2 Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.3 Curriculum Vitae .................................................................................................................. 11

Swiss German University Tel. +62 21 2977 9596/9597

The Prominence Tower Fax. +62 21 2977 9598
Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 3 of 33

5. Appendix 1: Sample of Thesis Proposal……………………………………………………………….12

6. Appendix 2: Outline of Thesis…………………………………………………………………………....17

7. Appendix 3: Template of Cover and Title Page for Thesis……………………………………….…18

8. Appendix 4: List of Names of Faculties and Study Programs……………………………………...19

9. Appendix 5: Template Statement by the Author – Before Thesis Defense……………………....20

10. Appendix 6: Template Statement by the Author – After Thesis Defense…................................21

11. Appendix 7: Sample of Abstract of the Thesis…..........................................................................22

12. Appendix 5: Sample of Copyright Page….....................................................................................23

13. Appendix 6: Sample of Dedication Page…....................................................................................24

14. Appendix 7: Sample of Acknowledgments Page….......................................................................25

15. Appendix 8: Sample Page of a Table of Contents….....................................................................26

16. Appendix 9: Sample Page of List of Figures…..............................................................................27

17. Appendix 10: Sample Page of List of Tables….............................................................................28

18. Appendix 11: Sample Page of Curriculum Vitae…........................................................................29

19. Appendix 12: Sample Page of Writing a List of References........................................................30

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Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 4 of 33


1.1 Definition of a Thesis

The thesis is a scholarly statement of the results of a period of research and related preparation,
undertaken to partially fulfill the requirements for an advanced degree. It is made available for
public use in the University Library, and other media for archival preservation. The submission of a
thesis is required for completion of a study leading to the award of a Bachelor and Master degree.

1.2 Purpose of the Guidelines

The intention of these guidelines is to assist Students in the preparation and writing of the thesis.

1.3 Phases of Thesis

The Thesis phases consist of the academic research and development of a defined subject, the
writing of the thesis, and the defense of the Thesis.

1.4 General Guidelines for Procedure and Format

The student’s work is carried out under the direction and supervision of his/her advisor and co-
advisor if applicable. Before beginning to work on a thesis, Students must present a proposal for

Students are urged to consult with their advisor early in the preparation of the thesis regarding both
the subject and the general methodology. As to format, the regulations included here
supersede any style manual instructions. Format includes thesis arrangement, organization of
specific preliminary pages, spacing, typeface, margins, page number order, page number
placements, and the requirement for permission to reproduce copyrighted material.

1.5 Steps in the Development and Submission of a Thesis

For a general idea on how to proceed from the development of a thesis topic to its oral defense, the
Students should consult with the Department with refer to the current Academic Calendar.

1.5.1 Thesis Topics and Research Title Development

Thesis is developed as part of SGU research activities, therefore the field of study and thesis
topic should be in alignment to SGU Research Roadmap, as defined by SGU ARCS Directorate.
The topic and title should be discussed in early stages, especially in the subject of Research
Methodology (or similar subject), prior to actual research proposal development. Research Topic
outside the SGU Research Roadmap scope is allowed with the review and permission of the
Dean of respective Faculty.

1.5.2 Thesis Advisory Team

Thesis advisory is conducted by qualified academic staff with the following qualification:
a. One person entitled as Thesis Advisor,
b. Maximum of two person as Thesis Co-Advisor
c. Thesis Advisor and Co-advisor must have academic qualification of Master Degree
(S2) for advising Bachelor Thesis
d. Thesis Advisor must have academic qualification of Doctoral Degree (S3) for advising
Master Thesis. Lecturer with S2 qualification is allowed to act as Co-advisor for
Master Thesis and attending the thesis defense session, however this co-advisor
could not be included as thesis defense examiner
e. At least one of the thesis advisory team (either Advisor or one of the Co-advisor)
must be lecturer from the student’s study program
f. The maximum number of student to be advised by one lecturer (as Advisor and Co-
advisor) in one semester is total 10 students, for both Bachelor and Master program.
The assignment of Advisor must be considering the field of study and total workload
of the lecturer.

1.5.3 Thesis Advisory Guidelines

Thesis advisory is an academic process; thus, the academic integrity must be maintained at all
time. Thesis advisory should be conducted within academic environment, and advisable to be in

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The Prominence Tower Fax. +62 21 2977 9598
Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 5 of 33

SGU premises. Thesis advisory meeting in public places (e.g cafes, restaurants, coworking
spaces) or advisor’s private premises (e.g house, apartment, private office) should be avoided.
Thesis advisor should not receive gift in the form of money, goods, or services from the students
to maintain integrity and avoid conflict of interest.
The minimum number of official advisory meeting between student and their advisor is 8 times
(including 3 times meeting with Co-advisor, if any). The meeting must include minimum of the
1. Discussion on the development of research background, research problems, and
2. Discussion on the State-of-the-art of the thesis through literature review and
theoretical overview
3. Discussion of the methodology
4. Discussion of the main research activities, the results, and their interpretation and
academic depth
5. Evaluation of thesis writing style, formatting, and English used
The meeting should be recorded in the log-sheet, signed by respective advisor, and to be
submitted as part of the thesis. Maximum number of meeting is not limited; however, student and
advisor should consider effectiveness and efficiency of such meeting.

1.5.4 Plagiarism and English Evaluation

SGU is implementing plagiarism check by Turn-It In software. Thesis advisor is responsible to
ensure that the thesis work have been checked for plagiarism by the mentioned software before
submission for thesis defense. The minimum allowable percentage of similarity of Bachelor and
Master’s Thesis will be determined in separate regulation. The report of such checking should be
acknowledged by Thesis Advisor and included in thesis submission.

The quality of English used in the thesis writing is maintained by evaluation and reviewing
process by SGU General Subject Department. Minimum of two chapters must be submitted the
latest at week 7 of thesis work, and reviewed by SGU General Subject Department. The
signature of lecturer from General Subject Department must be included in the advisory log-sheet
in addition to signature from Thesis Advisor/ co-advisor. Failure to submit the thesis for English
review may lead to incomplete log-sheet thus failure to submit completed thesis.

1.6 Thesis Submission

Thesis book must be submitted before 17.00 WIB (05:00 pm) on the date as announced on
academic calendar or respective announcement. The submission must include the following:
a. Thesis book (4 copies, signed by advisor and co-advisor, soft cover binding with green color for
Bachelor Thesis, or blue for Master Thesis. Sample of color is available at Library)
b. Advisory log-sheet, filled and signed (minimum of 1 English Dept signature, and 8 Advisor
signatures, or 5 Advisor + 3 Co-advisor signature)
c. Turn It In summary report (first page, signed by Advisor)

Incomplete thesis and late submission will not be accepted and students is automatically
considered failed the Thesis.

After thesis defense session, revision must be made and revised thesis should be submitted within
14 calendar days. The submission must include the following:
a. Thesis book (1 copy, signed by advisor and co-advisor, hard cover binding with green color for
Bachelor Thesis, or blue for Master Thesis. Sample of color is available at Library)
b. CD containing the thesis file and all of its component in .DOC (or .DOCX) or .PDF format

1.7 Thesis Defense

Thesis defense is conducted in accordance to Section 9 in the Study Guidelines and Regulation
published for respective batch of student.

Swiss German University Tel. +62 21 2977 9596/9597

The Prominence Tower Fax. +62 21 2977 9598
Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 6 of 33

2.1 Functions and Benefits
Both the preliminary and the formal proposal that the students are required to prepare have several
functions and benefits. One of them is that a clear and lucid description of a problem and a
proposed method of solving it is a learning process and helps the Students avoid oversights and
possible mistakes. The proposals also help the advisor(s) to provide appropriate assistance to the
Students in their task.

2.2 Format of the Research Proposal

The proposal should explain the problem to be investigated and convince the advisor(s) that the
problem merits investigation. It should show that the students have read the relevant and recent
literature on the subject and it should contain a list of resources consulted during the preliminary
stages of research. Example of Research Proposal appears in Appendix 1.

The format of the proposal should include:

 Background information related to the research topic
 Purpose of the research
 Methodology, and
 Statistics and analysis to be used


3.1 Paper
The quality of paper for submission of the final copy of the thesis is white (if possible chlorine free),
bond, 80 grams. Please note that no other quality or color of paper will be accepted.
Standard size of A–4 and the same kind of paper must be used throughout the entire thesis. This
includes the preliminary pages, appendices, and vita. Always use a sample page to check margins.

3.2 Appearance
The thesis must be neat in appearance and without any errors. It is the responsibility of the
Students to proofread their thesis to make sure it does not have any typographical or content errors
before submission to the University. No handwritten corrections, or insertions or interlineations are
permitted. The use of any correction fluid is not acceptable. Copies that have dark shading, lines or
any other marks caused by the copying process as well as off-centered and unevenly copied pages
are unacceptable. Type only on one side of each page.

3.3 Fonts
All typing must be done on a word processor with typeface of 12 point type size. Acceptable
typefaces are: Arial or Times New Roman. All other typefaces are not acceptable. Do not use bold
face or Italics for the core thesis text, except for headings. Underlining is not acceptable; Italics may
be used – in lieu of underlining – for scientific names of biological organisms, when typing latin or
non English words.

3.4 Printers
The thesis must be printed on a laser printer, or on a printer which produces the same letter-quality.
The print must be letter-quality with consistently clear, dark, and black characters. Do not use dot-
matrix printer.

3.5 Non-typed Material

Non-typed matter, such as line drawings, handwritten symbols, formulae, and diacritical marks,
should be in black ink for clear reproduction. Hand-written insertions are acceptable only when a
computer program cannot make the symbols or when the hand-written symbols are superior in

Swiss German University Tel. +62 21 2977 9596/9597

The Prominence Tower Fax. +62 21 2977 9598
Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 7 of 33

3.6 Spacing
The text of the thesis must be 1.5 spaced throughout, but long tables and long quotations may be
single-spaced. Text within a chapter should be continuous. No short pages are acceptable unless it
is the last page of the chapter or if there is a table or figure in it. There are special spacing
requirements for some of the preliminary pages (see sample pages for the thesis in Appendices).
The layout for these pages must be followed carefully as departures from the standard format are
not acceptable.

3.7 Margins
Text, illustrations (figures) or tables must not appear outside the specific margins. Page numbers
are the only item which may appear outside the margin requirements.
Left: 1.5 inches (3.8 cm); this margin is wider because of binding requirements
Top: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Right: 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Bottom: 1 inch (2.5 cm)

With the exception of page numbers, all other thesis material must fit within these margin
requirements. This includes tables, figures, graphs, and appendices. When oversized pages are
used, the same margin measurements are maintained.

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Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 8 of 33

3.8 Page numbers

The title page is page 1 of the thesis. All pages which follow are numbered in a single sequence
with Arabic numerals. Page numbers must be placed at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the top of the
sheet, and 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the right edge. The numbers must be at least ¼ inch (0.63 cm)
above the first line of text.

3.9 Pagination
Every sheet of paper in the thesis must be numbered except for one: the title page. This includes
references, appendices, and vita. The title page is counted but not numbered. Arabic numerals are
used for all thesis pages. The font for the page numbers should be consistent with the text font (e.q.
If the text is in Arial font, then the page numbers should also be in Arial Font)

3.10 Reproduction Services

The ultimate responsibility for thesis correctness of thesis, including bound copies and other
reproduction format, lies with the student. The thesis should be proofread carefully before
submission. The student is solely responsible for compliance with these rules and regulations.

The thesis consists of three main parts:
 the preliminary pages
 the text pages and
 the reference sections

The student, in consultation with his/her Advisors, determines the internal arrangement within the
text and reference sections. The student is advised to consult with his/her Thesis Advisor regarding
an acceptable style before preparing the final copy of the thesis. Manuals of style are superseded
by the regulations for thesis preparation in this manual if there is a conflict in the
instructions regarding format.

Order of Thesis
The Preliminary Pages
Title page (counted but not numbered)
Statement by the Author & Approval Page (counted and numbered)
Abstract (counted and numbered)
Copyright page (counted and numbered)
Dedication (optional) (counted and numbered)
Acknowledgments (counted and numbered)
Table of Contents (counted and numbered)
List of Figures (counted and numbered)
List of Tables (counted and numbered)

Text Pages
Body of Thesis (counted and numbered)

The Reference Section

Glossary and or List of Symbols (counted and numbered)
References (counted and numbered)
Appendices (counted and numbered)
Curriculum Vitae (counted and numbered)

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Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
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4.1 Preliminary Pages

The information on the preliminary pages and the format for these pages are standardized and the
student must follow the samples and instructions presented in this manual (see samples). The
student will need to read both this general instruction section and the appropriate sample page
section. The approval page is always numbered “2”. There must be consistency between approval
page and all preliminary pages with respect to the student’s name, major field, advisor/co-advisor,
title of thesis and year the degree is awarded.

4.1.1 Title Page

The title for the thesis appears in full capital letters at the top of the page and should
include meaningful keywords descriptive of the subject and content to facilitate its location
on a subject index, since titles are the basis for computer searches from which subject lists
are prepared by Microfilm reference services.

Formulae, symbols, superscripts, subscripts, Greek letters, acronyms, and abbreviated

forms in general are to be spelled out (e.g KMnO 4 is written as Potassium permanganate;
TESL is written as Teaching English as a Second Language).

The student’s name must be the name under which he or she is registered at SWISS

The date at the bottom of the title page is the month and the year in which the thesis
is submitted. This also applies to the revision of thesis that must be submitted after thesis
defense. See sample of the Title Page in Appendix.

4.1.2 Statement by the Author

This page is required. This page also consists of the approval by the Thesis Advisor, Co-
advisor (if applicable) and the Dean. See Appendix.

4.1.3 Abstract
Abstract is a summary of your research result, consists of (1) background, (2) problem
statement, (3) methodology, (4) Results/Findings, and (5) Conclusion and
Recommendation. The Abstract is included as a page of your thesis. It is a numbered page
in the thesis, appearing just before the main body of the text. The heading ABSTRACT is
centered at the beginning of the page.

Keywords should be added at the end of the abstract containing maximum five key
scientific terms related to the content of the thesis. See Appendix 4.

4.1.4 Copyright Page

Copyrighted page is inserted immediately after the committee approval page. The following
information must appear centered (vertically and horizontally) on the copyright page:

© Copyright 2018
by (student’s name)
All rights reserved

To be consistent, use the name as it appears on the title page, committee approval page,
and abstract. This page is counted and numbered. The format for the copyright page is the
same for the bachelor’s thesis. See appendix 5.

4.1.5 Dedication Page

This page is optional, but if included, must always be numbered. The dedication should be
brief and no heading is necessary. See Appendix.

4.1.6 Acknowledgments
This page is to thank those who have helped in the process of obtaining the graduate
degree. Acknowledgments page must always be counted and numbered. See Appendix.

Swiss German University Tel. +62 21 2977 9596/9597

The Prominence Tower Fax. +62 21 2977 9598
Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 10 of 33

4.1.7 Table of Contents

The table of contents should have a heading ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS’ in capital letters,
centered below the top margin. The titles of the chapters or sections, and at least the
primary and secondary subdivisions should be listed. They must be worded exactly as they
appear in the body of the thesis. This includes the list of references, appendices and vita.
Tables and Figures are listed separately. Page numbers must be given for each item listed.
See Appendix 8.

4.1.8 List of Tables, Figures, Symbols, Acronyms, and Plates

The lists of tables, figures, symbols, acronyms, and plates should have a heading of LIST
OF TABLES (FIGURES, etc) in capital letters, centered below the top margin. In the lists of
tables and figures, the subheadings Table (Figure) and Page should be typed double-
space below the main heading. Table and figure titles should be single-spaced with double
spacing between entries.

Page numbers must be given for each table and figure listed. Tables (figures) must be
numbered consecutively throughout the text or alternatively numbered using a system
which is a reflection of their location, for example, Tables 3.1, 3.2, etc. The titles should be
listed word-for-word as they appear in the text. Include a list of tables or list of figures if
there are five or more tables or figures in the thesis. The list of tables and list of figures
should not be combined into one list. See Appendix.

4.2 Text Pages

4.2.1 Body of Thesis

The thesis must be divided in some manner of logical organization. Customary major
divisions are chapters which consist of: Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methods,
Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation.

Each chapter must be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Each new chapter
must begin on a new page. The chapter number and title must be in all capital letters.

4.2.2 Special Illustrative Material: Photographs, Maps and Illustrations Photographs
Photographs should be professional-quality black and white. Color photographs if
necessary could be included in the appendix. Photographs should be mounted
on sheets of paper of the same quality as the ones used for the text in a way that
fits within the required margins. Mounting of photographs should be done using
the “dry mounting” method with tissue pressed properly to exclude all air bubbles.
Do not mount any material using rubber cement, glue, tape, staples or photo
mounting corners.

Photo page-number placement follows standard requirements. Photo captions

may be placed on the subject and shot as part of the original negative. Captions
may be typed on the facing page to the photo, typed below the photo paper on
the thesis page (and within page-number margins), No captions or page numbers
may be typed directly on the printed photo used in the thesis or on the photo

The copies of the thesis submitted to the University, for library archives, must
have original photographs unless the student is able to use a high quality, high
contrast copying machine to reproduce photographic material for submission in
lieu of photographs.

Swiss German University Tel. +62 21 2977 9596/9597

The Prominence Tower Fax. +62 21 2977 9598
Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 11 of 33 Reproduced Published Material

Photocopy reproduction of previously published material must be legible and
conform to margin and page numbering requirements (see section 3.7 and 3.8).
When published material is included in the thesis, it is essential that the student
follow instructions for permission to reproduce copyrighted material.

4.3 The Reference Section

4.3.1 List of References

The list of references should go after the end of the main text. On occasion, especially in
the sciences, references are needed at the end of each chapter. This format is acceptable.
The student should consult with the Advisor to discuss the manner in which references are
cited. Reference style used by SGU is Harvard Referencing Guide, as explained in details
on Appendix 12.

4.3.2 Appendices
Appendix material should be supporting documentation. Information central to your
research should be placed in the main text. All appendices follow the list of references. All
appendices must meet the margin requirements and have a page number. Material may be
reduced to fit margin requirements. Every page must be clear and legible.

4.3.3 Curriculum Vitae

The vita provides a brief biographical background of the student. It is not intended to be a
comprehensive resume or curriculum vitae. The heading CURRICULUM VITAE (centered,
in capital letters, and not underlined) should be typed below the top margin. All vita entries
should be listed in strict chronological order, with no subcategories or subheadings. The
vita includes the date (optional) and place of birth, dates of degrees and names of colleges
or universities (exclude the degree for which this Bachelor’s Thesis is written), academic or
professional employment, publications and presentations. If the student wishes, it may also
include military services, honors, awards and distinctions.

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Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 12 of 33

5. Appendix 1: Sample of Thesis Proposal




[Name of Student]
[Student ID Number]

I propose to the Advisors and to the Committee Members a study of the afore mentioned topic to
be carried out in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the






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Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia

[Month and Year of Thesis Submission]

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Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
Thesis Guidelines 13 of 33



(Why the research title is selected)
Background describes reasons to justify the adoption of the research title. Quantitative data to support
statements is strongly recommended. It concludes with a statement focusing on the justification of the
research to be carried out.

1.2. Research Problems

(What problems to be addressed)
Research problems are identified and formulated from the scope of the research. They are selected as
the ones the research is going to address. Here is only example of research problems from a research
entitled “Breast Cancer Among Women in Jabotabek Area”.

1. The higher incidence of breast cancer among women in Jabotabek Area.

2. The increased risk of diagnosis with advance-stage breast cancer among women in Jabotabek Area.
3. The higher mortality rate among women who are diagnosed with breast cancer in Jabotabek Area.

1.3. Research Objectives

(What targets should be achieved)
Research objectives consist of general objective and specific objectives. Based on the research problems
the research tries to solve, the objectives are formulated. For example, in relation to the topic discussed,
research objectives are as follows.

1.To observe the participation patterns of women in relation to breast cancer screening.
2.To determine the extent to which women receive follow-up treatment if breast cancer is detected, and to
ascertain the nature of the intervention.

1.4. Significance of Study

(What benefits will be gained. The novel part of the research outcomes.)
Example from the related research topic.

The study is significant for three reasons.

1. Since women in Jabotabek Area have a higher rate of death from breast cancer than women in other
urban area in Indonesia, the issue of screening and mammography offered at health clinics and hospitals
is crucial.
2. The study will address the issue of barriers and obstacles to adequate health care delivery with
this population.
3.The study is significant because of its implications for health education, early detection, and
screening for breast cancer.

1.5. Research Questions

Example from the related research topic.

Question #1: What is the level of knowledge among women in Jabotabek regarding breast cancer
Question #2: What is the level of income among women in Jabotabek regarding breast cancer
Question #3: To what extent do the women in the study have access to health facilities related to breast

1.6. Hypothesis
Example from the related research topic.

Hypothesis # 1: Subjects with a higher educational level will demonstrate higher rates of breast
cancer screening than those with lower levels of education.

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Hypothesis #2: Subjects from higher income levels will demonstrate higher rates of breast cancer
screening than those from lower income level.
Hypothesis #3: Subjects with closer proximity to health care facility will demonstrate higher rates of breast
cancer screening than those from further location.

Review of scientific publications describing previous studies related to the research topic, and research
objectives. Thus, general theory and knowledge, should be limited to the minimum. Review is expected to
be carried out on scientific articles in journals, proceedings, and thesis.

Citation of review is strictly from scientific publication. Non-scientific or popular publications such as
media, newspapers, and popular magazines are strictly to be avoided in a scientific writing. Lecture
notes, laboratory manual, and training manual are neither allowed.

(How research will be carried out)
There are various kinds of research. This guideline outlines five of them, i.e., evaluation research,
experimental research, hardware and software design, simulation and modelling, and unique research
such as in the information technology. Other type of research will be rather inclusive, and should be
discussed with the advisors.

The common mistakes that should be strictly avoided are as follows.

1.Using a title of chapter or sub-chapter that have been used previously such as repetition of
introduction, and research objectives.
2.The use of “major” research as sub-chapter after “preliminary research”. There is no such “major”
research since all part of the research is essential. After “preliminary research” name the following part of
your research to reflect the content.
3.Putting outline of thesis in sub-chapter of Research Method. Outline of thesis has been stated in the
Table of Content.
4.Putting question mark in the chapter title. This is scientific publication, all sentences are statement
sentences except in Research Question.

3.1. Suggested Outline for Evaluation Research

1. Scope of Study
Describe the scope of the research in this sub-chapter.
2. Time Frame of Study
Time frame of study indicates the time boundary for taking data which will be used in the
3. Research Process/Research Framework
Research framework or research process illustrates the flow of research step by step within the
boundary of research scope. Flow chart is common to help in explaining the framework or
4. Population and Sampling Method
The target population for the study is identified, and the method of sampling for respondents, and
data collection is outlined.
5. Data Sources and Collection
All methods to collect both primary and secondary data from various sources are described in
detail, such as survey, in-depth interview, and Focus Group Discussion. The development of
questionnaire is also explained.
6. Method of Analysis
All analytical methods and tests should be described one by one in relation to the research
process or research framework, such as descriptive, statistical, value chain, cluster approach,
gap, SWOT, and I/E matrix analysis, and validity test.

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3.2. Suggested Outline for Experimental Research

1. Venue and Time

2. Materials and Equipments
Describe in details the homogeneity and the sources of the main material treated in the study.
This is essential since initial diversity of treated material will produce varieties in the results
that interfere with the influences of treatments on any observed variable. Example of the
description is as follows : “Mangosteen fruits was harvested at the maturity index of 4 meaning
around 108 days after anthesis from the farmer orchard at Kiarapedes, Purwakarta district,
West Java, Indonesia. The size of mangosteen was 5-6 fruits/kg. The fruits were carried in a
plastic crate using land vehicle to the laboratory, and were exposed to the surrounding air until
the treatments were applied on the second day after harvest”.

Avoid putting small appliances like knife, cutting board, beaker glass, and petri dish.
Concentrate on key equipments stating the name, brand and serial number. The picture of
analytical instruments do need to be posted in the thesis body. On the other hand, specific
assembled experimental instrument for the research should be included in this sub-chapter.
3. Preliminary Research
4. Design of Experiments
Outline the treatment factors and the level of treatment per each factor. Treatments are
variables that purposively varied in a research to check for their influence to a specific target.
Provide description, and function of all treatments.

Indicate the statistical analysis that is going to be used to process the data resulted from the
experiment. State the number of replications to be carried out during the study.
5. Experimental Procedure
Illustrate the step by step process taken to conduct the experiment including the applied
treatments. Flow chart will help to understand the procedure.
6. Observations
Determine the physico-chemical parameters that are going to be measured to observe the
influence of the applied treatments. Observed parameters are different from the measured
ones. For example, fruit color is a measured parameter, but the changes of fruit color is an
observed parameter.
7. Analytical Procedure
Described the analytical procedure to measure the observed parameters using international

3.3. Suggested Outline for Hardware and Software Design

1. Design Justification
The overview of design to be developed is described along with necessary justification for each of
2. Components of Design
Components of design may consist of functional design and structural design, or mechanical,
electrical, and program design. Each should be described in details including the drawing.
3. Performance Test
In concise description, write the performance test of the designed prototype or system.

3.4. Suggested Outline for Simulation and Modelling

1. Theoretical Approach
Provide basic theory for the simulation model followed up by the formulated model that is going to
be developed in the study.
2. Experimental Considerations
In a concise description, outline the time and venue, the materials and equipments, the
treatments, and the experimental procedure to carry out the experiment.
3. Model Validity
Describe the model validity test against the results of the experimental data.

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4. Sensitivity Test
Test the sensitivity of the model varying some variables that may have influences on the model

3.5. Suggested Outline for Unique Research (such as Information Technology)

1. Research Framework
Research framework illustrates the flow of research step by step within the boundary of research
scope. Flow chart is common to help in explaining the framework or process.

2. System Overview
System overview consists of system definition, planning, and implementation. Each should be
described proportionally to the framework outlined in the previous chapter.
3. Data Collection and Analysis
Method to collect data should be explained here like data preparation, survey, and measurement.
The analysis of collected data is described such as algorithm or other ways of analysis.
4. Application and Performance Test
This sub-chapter covers the application of the defined system, the performance measurement,
and other characteristics such as the indicated error, and precision.

Refer to the guidelines for references.


I propose Mr./ my Advisor, and

Mr./Ms....................................................... as Co-Advisor for my proposed Thesis.

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6. Appendix 2: Outline of Thesis

Refer to Outline of Research Proposal. All sub-chapters are the same. The only different from the
content of the research proposal is the part of Introduction of the thesis should be written in past
tense, since everything now already in the past.


Similar guidelines are applied using the same chapter in Research Proposal. However, more in-
depth review is expected from additional scientific articles.


This chapter is expected to be the same with the similar chapter in Research Proposal. However,
modifications might be accommodated if some of the methods had been changed during the course
of the research. Research is open possibility, problems are always welcomed because it may
produce a novel invention. Thus, research proposal should be referred only as initial guidance that
could be changed in due needs of the research progress.
In writing Research Methods as part of the thesis, past tense should be applied since it was already
done some times ago.


The systematic of this chapter may be developed accordingly to the Research Methods. It is worth to
note that each result should be discussed thoroughly, and compared to the previous study already
published and cited in the literature review. Keep in mind the objectives that already stated in the
beginning of the research proposal.

The regression of the function between variables is usually calculated when the ANOVA (Analysis of
Variance) indicates a significant difference among the treatments and the interaction of treatment.
However, the minimum number of treatment levels must be four. Less than that, the variable should
be illustrated in a histogram.


Conclusions should make responses to each of specific objectives, item per item, stated in the
beginning of the thesis.

Recommendations are the specific outcome of the research that could be implemented for the
community at large, and the possible improvement that could be made on any aspect of the
research, or could be followed up in the future.

Refer to the guidelines for references.

All necessary documents that support the body of thesis such as computer program, raw data, detail
of engineering drawing, and statistical information constitute the appendices. Still justification should be
taken carefully in selecting the material for the appendices so that the volume is not cumbersome. It will
be rather awkward if the volume of appendices is larger than the body of the thesis.

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7. Appendix 3: Template of Cover and Title Page for Thesis



[Name of Student]
[Student ID Number]






The Prominence Tower
Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat No. 15, Alam Sutera
Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia

[Month and Year of Thesis Submission]

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8. Appendix 4: List of Names of Faculties and Study Programs

Bachelor’s Degree:


Study Program:


Study Program:


Study Program:

Master’s Degree:


Study Program:


Study Program:

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9. Appendix 5:..... Template Statement by the Author – Before Thesis Defense


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my knowledge, it contains no
material previously published or written by another person, nor material which to a substantial extent has
been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any educational institution, except where
due acknowledgement is made in the thesis.

[Name of Student]
_______________________________________________ _______________
Student Date

Approved by:

[Name and Title of Advisor]

_________________________________________________ ________________
Thesis Advisor Date


[Name and Title of Co-Advisor]

_________________________________________________ ________________
Thesis Co-Advisor Date

[Name and Title of Dean]

_________________________________________________ ________________
Dean Date

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10. Appendix 6:........ Template Statement by the Author – After Thesis Defense


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my knowledge, it contains no
material previously published or written by another person, nor material which to a substantial extent has
been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any educational institution, except where
due acknowledgement is made in the thesis.

_______________________________________________ _______________
Student Name Date

Revision after Thesis Defense on [month date, year]

Approved by:

_________________________________________________ ________________
Thesis Advisor Date

_________________________________________________ ________________
Dean Date

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11. Appendix 7:.................................................. Sample of Abstract of the Thesis





James Students
Prof. Thesis Advisorus, Advisor
George Coadvisoris, S.Si, M.Si, Co-Advisor


Begin typing the abstract here, 1.5 spaced. The abstract must include the following components:
purpose of the research, methodology, findings, and conclusion. The body of the abstract is
limited to maximum 200 words. The abstract may consist of one or more pages. The first page is
formatted the same as a first chapter page; subsequent pages are formatted the same as general
text pages. Begin typing the abstract here, 1.5 spaced. The abstract must include the following
components: purpose of the research, methodology, findings, and conclusion. The body of the
abstract is limited to maximum 200 words. The abstract may consist of one or more pages. The
first page is formatted the same as a first chapter page; subsequent pages are formatted the same
as general text pages. Begin typing the abstract here, 1.5 spaced. The abstract must include the
following components: purpose of the research, methodology, findings, and conclusion. The
body of the abstract is limited to maximum 200 words. The abstract may consist of one or more
pages. The abstract must include the following components: purpose of the research,
methodology, findings, and conclusion. This is to give the example of abstract with the length of
exactly 200 words.

Keywords: Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3, Keyword4, Keyword5 (use scientific terms).

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12. Appendix 5:............................................................. Sample of Copyright Page

© Copyright 2018
by James Student
All rights reserved

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13. Appendix 6:........................................................... Sample of Dedication Page


Dedication is normally short and direct. Example:

I dedicate this works for the future of the country I loved: Indonesia

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14. Appendix 7:.............................................. Sample of Acknowledgments Page


This is the part where you express your gratitude to all parties involved in the success of your
thesis work. However, keep it simple and short.

Example: I wish to thank the members of my committee for their support, patience and good
humor. Their gentle but firm direction has been most appreciated. Prof. Thesis Advisorus was
particularly helpful in guiding me toward a qualitative methodology. George Co-advisoris’s
interest in sense of competence was the impetus for my proposal. Finally, I would like to thank
Dr. Stephen Fain. From the beginning, he had confidence in my abilities to not only complete a
degree but to complete it with excellence.

I have found my coursework throughout the Curriculum and Instruction program to be

stimulating and thoughtful, providing me with the tools with which to explore both past and
present ideas and issues.

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15. Appendix 8:............................................. Sample Page of a Table of Contents



STATEMENT BY THE AUTHOR...............................................................................................2



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................................ 25

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... 26

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. 27

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... 28

CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................29

1.1 Background..........................................................................................................32
1.2 Objectives.............................................................................................................40
1.3 Hypothesis............................................................................................................45
2.1 Theoretical Perspectives......................................................................................50
2.2 Previous Studies..................................................................................................55

CHAPTER 3 – RESEARCH METHODS.................................................................................60

3.1 Materials and Equipment ...................................................................................... 65

3.2 Analytical Method ................................................................................................. 68

CHAPTER 4 – RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ..................................................................... 70

4.1 Initial Evaluation ................................................................................................... 75

4.2 Data Analysis ........................................................................................................ 80

CHAPTER 5 – CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATIONS ................................................. 85

5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 90

5.2 Recommendations .............................................................................................. 100

GLOSSARY .....................................................................................................................105

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................110

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16. Appendix 9:..................................................... Sample Page of List of Figures


Figures Page

1. Example of figure placement in your body of thesis and its label ..................... 20

2. Another example of figure placement in your body of thesis and its label ....... 35

3. Another example of figure placement in your body of thesis and its label ....... 40

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17. Appendix 10:..................................................... Sample Page of List of Tables


Table Page

1. Example of table placement in your body of thesis and its label ........................ 43

2. Another example of table placement in your body of thesis and its label ...........47

3. Another example of table placement in your body of thesis and its label........... 50

4. Another example of table placement in your body of thesis and its label .......... .60

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18. Appendix 11:……………………………………………….Sample Page of Curriculum Vitae


Name: (first name, middle name, last name)

Place of Birth: (city, Region)

Date of Birth: (dd, mm, yyyy)

Address: Cikarang Permai Indah Blok B No. 1

Tangerang 15321

Education: 1997 - Present, Swiss German University, Information Technology

1994 – 1997 SMU Pangudi Luhur, Jakarta
1991 – 1994 SMP 1 Cikini, Jakarta
1985 – 1991 SD Tarakanita, Jakarta

Courses: English Course at International Language Program, Jakarta

German Course at Goethe Institute, Jakarta
French Course at The Centre Cultural Francaise, Jakarta
English Course at the ELS Language Centre, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
CAL Computer Training
CTC Computer Training Centre

Seminars & Workshops: 2002, “Go Wireless” Seminar, 2002

2002, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Seminar
2001, Successful Presentation and Moderation, by MC3 Consult
(Management Communication Creativity Coaching), Tangerang

Work Experience Aug 2001 – Nov 2001, Internship Program, Serang Industrial Training
Institute, Serang, Banten

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Tangerang, Banten 15143 - Indonesia
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19. Appendix 12:………………………………..Sample Page of Writing a List of References



When writing a list of references, the following need very careful attention:

 Order of detail – such as author, title, place, publisher, date, etc.

 Punctuation of the reference.
 References listed in alphabetical order, not numbering.
 No indent.
 Do not use any non-scientific publication including media, lecture notes, or laboratory
 Newspapers, magazines, Wikipedia, Youtube, social media, and blogs are NOT
acceptable academic sources unless as objects of research
 Statistical data citation must be accessed from the legal statistical data sources such as
BPS or Ministry bodies.

1. Books
a. One author
Brick, J. (2017) Academic culture: a student’s guide to studying at university. Sydney: National
Centre for English Language Teaching and Research.

b. Two authors
Carter, R. and McCarthy, M. (2015) Cambridge grammar of English: a comprehensive guide.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

c. Three authors
Bretag, T., Crossman, J. and Bordia, S. (2010) Communication skills. New York: McGraw-Hill.

d. More than three authors

Czinkota, M., et al. (2011) International marketing. Melbourne: Cengage Learning Australia.

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e. Single editor
Larkin, E. (ed) (2004) Common sense: Thomas Paine. Toronto: Broadview.

f. Multiple editors
Strangio, P. and Costar, B. (eds) (2018) The Victorian premiers 1856-2006. London: The
Federation Press.

g. Organization
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2015) Human development report 2006:
beyond scarcity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

h. No authors
Style manual for authors, editors and printers. 15th edn (2016). Canberra: Australian
Government Publishing Service.

i. Second or later edition

Godfrey, J., Hodgson, A. & Holmes, S. (2010) Accounting theory, 7th edn. New York: John Wiley
& Sons.

Wheeler, J.C. (2017) Cosmic catastrophes: exploding stars, black holes, and mapping the
universe. 2nd edn. e-book. New York: Cambridge University Press. Viewed 10 January 2012,
Available at:
75048&loc=&srch=undefined&src =0

2. Serials (journals, magazines and newspapers)

a. One author
Prentice, C. (2010) ‘Terms of ambivalence: cultural politics and symbolic exchange’, Australian
Literary Studies, 25(4), pp. 33-54.

Kolbert, E. (2011) ‘The acid sea’, National Geographic, 219(4), pp. 100-121.

Devlin, M. (2012) ‘Keys found to success by the less privileged’, The Australian, 16 November,
p. 32.

b. Two authors

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Prentice, C. and McCarthy, M. (2010) ‘Terms of ambivalence: cultural politics and symbolic
exchange’, Australian Literary Studies, 25(4), pp. 33-54.

c. Three authors
Prentice, C., Crossman, J. and McCarthy, M. (2010) ‘Terms of ambivalence: cultural politics and
symbolic exchange’, Australian Literary Studies, 25(4), pp. 33-54.

d. More than three authors

Czinkota, M., et al. (2010) ‘Terms of ambivalence: cultural politics and symbolic exchange’,
Australian Literary Studies, 25(4), pp. 33-54.

Downing, S. (2013) ‘Social control in a subculture of piracy’, Journal of Criminal Justice and
Popular Culture, 17(1), pp. 77123, viewed 18 November 2011, Available at: pc_vol17.html

World Bank (2014) World Bank annual report 2011, viewed 11 January 2012, Available at: ations/docs/9780821388280/5

3. Theses
Howie, L. (2015) Terrorsex: witnesses and the reanimation of 9/11 as image event, commodity
and pornography. Doctoral Thesis. Melbourne: Monash University.

Clark, P.G. (2011) Synthesis of interlocked molecules by olefin metathesis, doctoral thesis,
California Institute of Technology, California, viewed 31 January 2012, Available at: 81/1/Paul_Clark_PhD_Thesis__810-2010.pdf

4. Websites
Fein, B. (2011) ‘The Patriot Act is at war with the constitution’, The American view: God, family,
republic, viewed 8 November 2011, Available at:

5. Conferences

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Gorman, M. (2015) ‘AACR3? Not!’ in BEC Schottlaender (ed.), The future of the descriptive
cataloguing rules: American Library Association Annual Conference, 22 June, Chicago: American
Library Association, pp. 19-30.

van der Veer, G., Sloep, P. & van Eekelen, M. (2011) Computer Science Education Research
Conference, conference proceedings, Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC
'11), 7-8 April, Heerlen: Open Universiteit.

Newland, L. (2017) Religion and politics: the Christian churches and the 2006 coup in Fiji, paper
presented at the 10th Pacific Islands Political Studies Association (PIPSA) Conference, 7-8
December, Vanuatu, viewed 3 February 2012, Available at:

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