Ingles 2.1

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Really? How come?

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

Are you feeling sleepy right now?

Yes, it's so hot in here. How about you? Do you feel warm too?
How often do you take naps on weekdays?
Actually, I don't. I never take naps. I can't sleep during the day at
all. Can you?
Do you ever sleep in class or at work?
No, I'm always too busy. I never fall asleep during the day. Do
Are you sleeping well these days?
No, not really. I'm feeling really stressed about exams. Are you
sleeping OK?
What do you do when you wake up at night?
If I really can't sleep, I usually read or listen to the radio. What do
you do?
Do you dream in color?
Actually, I don't know. I can never remember my dreams the next
day. Do you?

Healthy lifestyles
We all know that sleeping well is good for us, but sometimes it can be
difficult. Here are some suggestions to help you get a better night's
1. Try to sleep at regular times. If you have a sleep routine, it really
2. Find a quiet place and take a 15 minute nap if you feel tired during
the day.
3. When you go to bed, make sure your room is quiet, cool, and dark.
It's the best way to get a good night's sleep.
Remember that everyone has sleep problems at some time. Don't get
stressed if you can't sleep for one or two nights. But if you don't sleep
well for a long time, go and see your doctor.

It depends.
Are you going to celebrate your birthday with a party and everything?
It depends. If the weather's nice, I think we're going to take some burgers and
hot dogs and things and have a barbecue in the park.
What do you want to do this weekend?
I don't know. I have a lot of work to do this weekend, so I can't go out. I think
I'm going to stay home and work.
Are you going to send your mother some flowers on her birthday?
Maybe. I'm not sure I'm going to have enough money for flowers this year.
Do you want to go see the fireworks tonight?
I'm not sure. It's going to be very cold tonight, and I'm not really into fireworks.

Unit 5 Lesson A Childhood

4 About you Activity B

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

When were you born?

I was born in 1988. May 2.
Where were your parents born?
My parents were born in Korea. My father was born in Pusan
and my mother was born in Seoul. They moved here twenty
years ago.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Buenos Aires. I lived there until I was 18.
Who was your best friend five years ago?
I think Tony Silva was my best friend five years ago.
Did you ever move when you were a child?
Yes, I did. We moved to a different neighborhood in 2002.
No, I didn't. I lived in the same apartment until I was 18.
Did you play outside a lot when you were little?
Yes, I did. I loved being outside with my friends. We played in my
neighbor's yard.
No, I didn't. I preferred playing computer games with my friends
How old were you when you started school?
I think I started school when I was six

Unit 5 Lesson B Favorite classes

3 About you Activity B

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

When you were in high school, what was a subject . . .

most of your friends liked?
Most of my friends liked P.E. I think most of us were good at it
all of the students had to study?
All of the students had to study science. Only a few of us got
good grades in it.
a lot of students hated?
A lot of students hated math. None of my friends liked it.
some of your classmates loved?
Some of my classmates loved English. Some of them got As
every year.
no students ever failed?
No students ever failed art. Everybody loved the art teacher.
a few students were always really good at?
A few students were always really good at math. Some of them
were really smart.
none of your classmates liked?
None of my classmates liked economics. None of us really
understood it.
a lot of students got good grades in?
A lot of students got good grades in history. We had a great
history teacher.
some students dropped?
Some students dropped chemistry. I dropped physics.

Unit 5 Lesson C Well, actually, . . .

3 About you Activity B

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

I started school when I was three.

I started school when I was three.
Actually, no, when I was five.
The name of my elementary school was
Park Elementary.
The name of my elementary school was
Park Elementary. No, wait . . . it was
Parkside Elementary.
My first teacher's name was Miss
My first teacher's name was Miss
Parker. I mean, Miss Porter.
I got good grades in every subject.
I got good grades in every subject.
Well, except for math. I hated that!
Most of my childhood friends liked
classical music.
Most of my childhood friends liked
classical music. Well, no, not most.
Some of them preferred pop.
When I was a child, my favorite
holiday was Halloween.
When I was a child, my favorite holiday
was Halloween. I mean, New Year.
I remember all my classmates in
I remember all my classmates in
kindergarten. Well, actually, I
remember most of them.
A lot of my friends did gymnastics or
played sports after school.
A lot of my friends did gymnastics or
played sports after school. No, wait . . .
on the weekends.

Unit 5 Lesson D Teenage years

2 When I was a teenager Activity C

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

When I was a teenager, I lived in a small town near the beach in California. My friends
and I loved to go swimming and surfing, and in the summer, we went to the beach every
day after class except for Sundays. On Sundays, my family all had lunch together.
I really enjoyed sports at school except for track. I preferred baseball and basketball. My
best friend and I played on the school teams.
I liked all kinds of music apart from folk. My parents always listened to folk music and
I didn't really care for it then. When I was 16, I got a guitar and started a rock band with
a couple of friends. We weren't bad. Some of us still play together.

Unscramble the words to make questions about a neighborhood that match the

 Is
 there
 a
 good
 coffee
 shop
 in this neighborhood?

 Yes, there is. There's Emily's Café on the corner of Center Avenue and First


 Is
 there
 a
 big
 department
 store
 near here?

 Yes, there is. There's one on Main Street, across from the bank.

 Are
 there
 any
 unusual
 stores
 around here?

 No, there aren't any. You need to go across town to find unusual stores.

 Is
 there
 a
 convenience
 store
 in this neighborhood?

 Yes, there's one on Third Avenue, between the restaurant and the post office.

 Are
 there
 any
 cheap
 restaurants
 anywhere?

 There's a fast food place around the corner.

Unit 6 Lesson A Finding places

3 About you Activity B

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

Is there a good coffee shop in this

Yes, there is. There's Emily's Café on
the corner of Center Avenue and First
No, there isn't. I prefer the coffee shops
in the mall.
Is there a big department store?
Yes, there is. There's one on Main
Street, across from the bank.
No, there isn't. The big department
stores aren’t in the city center.
Are there any unusual stores?
Yes, there are. There are lots of unusual
jewelry and clothes stores on Elm
No, there aren't any. You need to go to
across town to find unusual stores.
Is there a convenience store?
Yes, there's one on Third Avenue,
between the restaurant and the post
No, there aren't any. But there's a big
Are there any cheap restaurants?
There's a fast food place around the
corner from my house.
No, there aren't. All the restaurants
around here are really expensive.

Unit 6 Lesson B Getting around

4 About you Activity C

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

Can you recommend a nice restaurant around here?

Yes, there's the Crab King Restaurant next to the ferry terminal.
It's great. Go straight ahead for two blocks. Then it's just across
the street.
Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hotel?
Yes, there's a hotel just around the corner on First Avenue. Make
a left at the corner and it's right there in front of you.
Could you give me directions to a park or a place to go
Sure, there's a running path by the river. Make a right and go two

Unit 6 Lesson D Exploring the city

2 Walking guide Activity C

Use your own ideas. Here is an example.

Directions from the Brevard-Mahat-Rice House to Orleans Café

Start at the Brevard-Mahat-Rice House on the corner of First and
Chestnut. Go straight ahead on Chestnut for two blocks. Then make a
right onto Third Street at the bank. Continue on Third Street for one
block. Turn left into Coliseum, and the Orleans Café is just next to the
museum. It's famous for its excellent coffee and cakes.

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