Excerpt From Reality of Muhammadiyah by Sheikh Ibrahim Niyas

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All Praise is due to Allah that has no associate.

He is at present as He was in showering His

mercy and blessings upon us. When He transfigured Himself, the reality of Muhammadiyah
manifested (S.A.W) He is the first servant of Allah, the first to remember Allah and he is the
first of Allah’s affectionate and He distinguished him with servanthood. By this virtue, the
Prophet (S.A.W) said: ‘I am the leader of men without boasting. How could he boast of
leadership, when the station of servanthood is more exalted than the latter. However, he will
not be a leader of men save when he has abdicated Allah’s platform. He bears servant of the
divine platform. He prefers the position of servanthood than the latter.
By his virtue, Allah tags him servant on His exalted stations, for instances, on the station of
prophethood, station of revelation, and station of his ascension to the seventh heaven, its apt
to say that, in all these stations mentioned above, Allah named him Servant. Quran 72:19
read thus: ‘and that when the servant o f Allah stood up, calling upon Him...’ Q 18:1 read
thus: ‘Praise is due to Allah who revealed the book to His servant...’ and Q17:1 read thus:
‘Glory be to Him who made His servant to go on a night...’ for this reason the Prophet make
proud of station of servanthood than his leadership.
The Muslim community were guided against conviction of the Christians who stereotyped Isa
as son of God and even as a god. Alas! All these creeds were absolutely falsified. Prophet
Muhammad was superior in Prophethood than Isa and it is pertinent to note here that Prophet
Isa receives his divine providence from him (S.A.W). Despite great status of the Prophet, the
Muslims does not go astray by calling him son of God of god as the Christians did to their
I have a dialogue inside aeroplane with one American in one of my journeys. He said we are
worshiping Isa while you are worshiping Muhammad, then what is the different between us,
Christians and you Muslims? Then I replied; we Muslims do not worship Muhammad as you do
to your Apostle (Jesus) but rather we worship our Lord and Lord of Muhammad. Muhammad is
our leader in servanthood and in brotherhood. He is servant of Allah like any other creature.
Our religion is called Islam not Muhammadan as you call yourselves Christians. We followers
of Muhammad and Muhammad himself are Muslims before Allah.
Muhammad (S.A.W) was the first creation of Allah. He worshipped and remembered Allah for
millions of years ever before the advent of other creation. We are blessed to be member of his
community. In point of fact, he is apostles of all apostles and he is the messenger of Allah to
all Prophets, angels, jins and men. When Allah transfigured Himself, reality of Muhammadiyah
manifested. Then from the appearance of the Divine essence (S.A.W), the creation came into
being. It is for this reason some of his eulogist are fond of saying: Sun, Moon, Stars are
illuminating from his light.
Allah says to him in (Hadith Qudsy) ‘I created you for my own purpose and I created the
creation because of you. And He stated further ‘if not because of you, I would not have
created anything. Thus connotes two meanings (a) Allah created all beings in order to honour
Muhammad (S.A.W). Had it been He did not created Muhammad, nothing could have come to
existence. (b) In reality, He did not created anything save Muhammad and all things that He
created after Muhammad were just a part of light of Muhammad (S.A.W). The prophet said: I
emanated from light of Allah and the believers emanated from my light.
On this premise, the Prophet (S.A.W) became prophet to the whole worlds at the same time,
the seal of prophethood. There will be no any prophet after him and his religion (Islam)
abrogated all the religions before him. There is no any authentic religion presently on earth,
save Islam. Worshiping of Allah cannot be valid save in conformity with Allah and His Apostles
injunctions. Ostensibly, all the Apostles before him delivered Allah’s message perfectly to
humanity. The message of Allah through Muhammad must be in vogue throughout the
universe until the day of resurrection.
Whoever embraced this religion (Islam), he/she is on the right path and he who confuted it,
Quran 3:19 has this to say: ‘surely the (true) religion with Allah is Islam’ and Quran 3:85
stated thus ‘and whoever desires a religion a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted
from him.
Had it been that Allah wanted to chose a child for Himself, He could have chosen Muhammad.
Alas! He begets not. He (S.A.W) was His vicegerent and Divine Essence manifested on him,
while other creation emanated from reality of Muhammadiyyah. The reality f Muhammadiyyah
manifested on the reality of our leader, the concealed Qutb (Axis) and the seal (best of)
sainthood from time primordial till period of his appearance. This is our leader, otherwise
called Ahmad al-Tijaani (R.A). He is one of unique saint of Allah and he receives his divine
providence from al-Mustapha (S.A.W). When our leader, Muhammad manifested on the reality
of Tijan, he (al-Tijani) encloses all his attributes except that of prophethood. That is the
reason why he was named the best of all saints. Whoever drinks from spiritual sea of reality of
Muhammadiyyah will emerge as prophet. Save Ahmad al-Tijani who drank from it and did not
become a Prophet but a saint.
Shaykh Tijaani is the source of sainthood and all pivot leaders receives their divine providence
from him since time primodial till the day of resurrection and whatever providence from the
apostles, he will disperse it to all creation. He said: ‘my two feet steps on the neck of all saints
from the period of Adam to the day of resurrection’ I (Sheikh Ibrahim Niyas) said, there is no
controversy over this, what he means by his two feet is his Sufi Order and his reality. He
asserted, through ecstatic utterances that ‘I am He and He is I and if I am asked thousands of
questions, I will answer in one word’.
By virtue of this he emerged as a seal of Saints just like al-Mustapha emerged as seal of
Prophets. Tijaniyyah Order abrogated all Sufi Orders just like Shariah of Muhammadiyyah
abrogated all laws before him. His Sufi Order has permeated the whole world. The Order has
three characteristics:
1. Seeking forgiveness
2. Seeking for Allah’s blessings upon Muhammad
3. Remembrance of Allah
There are three categories of Interpreting Laa ilaha ila Lah.
1. The beginners would say: There is no deity, worthy of worship than Allah
2. The second category would say: There is no authority other than that of Allah
3. The Gnostics would say: The is nothing in existence save Allah
All this concepts were put succinctly in the Quran. Allah Says: ‘There is no god except Him’
‘There is no god except You’ and ‘there is no god except Me’ If a Gnostic says ‘I am the truth’
the novice will stereotyped him as infidel. He did not mean it really, it is Allah that makes use
of his tongue just the way He manifested on the tree, when He spoke to prophet Musa and He
said ‘I am Allah’. He is all powerful and He can do and undo on anything. The Prophet said:
‘the best said I and the apostles before me is Laa ilaha ila Lah’. Verily Sheikh Tijani guides his
disciples to the right path.
And praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

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