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Kinds of Computer Software

A. System Software coordinates the activities and functions of hardware and software. It controls
the operations of computer hardware and provides an environment or platform for all the other
types of software to work in. It is the most basic type of software in any computer system,
which is essential for other programs, applications and the whole computer system to

A.1. Operating System – is the program that, after being initially loaded into computer by a
boot program, manages all the other programs in a computer.
Examples– Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Ubuntu

A.2. Utility Programs – are small, powerful programs with a limited capability, they are usually
operated by the user to maintain a smooth running of the computer system.
B. Application Software is a computer program that performs a specific task.
(Application software examples – MS Office, OpenOffice, Media Players, MS Access,
educational software, media development software, Antivirus software, etc.)

2. People – the most important element of a computer system is its users.
The following types of people interact with a computer m system:
a. System Analysts - are people who design the operation and processing of the system
b. System Programmers – are people who write codes and programs to implement the working of
the system.
c. System Operators – are people who operate the system and use it for different purposes. Also
called the end users like students, teachers, and other professionals.


Data are raw facts about things, events, or activities that are captured, recorded, and
stored on the computer. These can be in the form of words, numbers, or pictures.

Data become information when these have been arranged or organized to be of use
and to have meaning to the user.

INPUT – in this step, data are entered into the computer through input devices, such as
keyboard and mouse.
PROCESS – is the computer’s method of analyzing, managing, or manipulating data. The
data entered into the computer undergo changes. The Central Processing Unit
(CPU) directs the operation of the input and output devices to create the needed
OUTPUT – You get the output once the computer is finished processing the data. It could be
displayed on the monitor, printed on paper, or heard through speakers.
STORAGE – The processed data are kept for future use. We use Hard Disk Drive to store the
II. Common Computer Applications Used in Performing Computer
Related Duties

1. Microsoft Office Application – is a package application developed by Microsoft and is intended

to be used in offices and schools.
a. MS Word – A word processing application used for creating documents such as letters,
brochures, activity programs, and learning activities.

b. MS Excel – is a spreadsheet program ideal for entering,

calculating, and analyzing numeric data such as sales figures, sales taxes, and students’

c. MS PowerPoint – is a presentation tool that uses

graphical approach to presentation in the form of slides. Its primary function is to help a
presenter deliver its presentation effectively.

Photo Editing Software – is commonly used in editing and enhancing photos that would give you
an excellent output.
2. Video Editing Software – is used to edit movies or video clips.
3. Web Browsers – is an application used to access information on the World Wide Web. Web
browsers interpret and display HTML web pages, applications, JavaScript, and other content
hosted on web servers in the form of text, pictures, audio, and video.

Search Engine is a program that enables the users to search for documents or information on the
World Wide Web.

How to search information on the World Wide Web?

1. Click a browser that you want to use – Chrome, Firefox or Edge
2. Type the search engine that you want to use in the web browser’s URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
and press the Enter key.

Address bar Bookmark

Search tab

*To bookmark a page, just click the star icon on the right side of the browser.

3. Use the search tab or the address bar of your search engine to find information on the web.
When searching for an information on the web, the results are categorized – All, Images,
Videos, Maps, News, More,
To complete hardware repairs, it is important to have a toolkit that should contain
all of the necessary tools. As you gain experience, you will learn which tools to have
available for different types of jobs. Hardware tools are grouped into these four

 Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) tools

 Hand tools
 Cleaning tools
 Diagnostic tools

Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Tools

Static electricity is easily generated by friction on carpets, tile flooring, clothing,

hair, fabric, and etc. The friction of moving air alone will charge suspended particles and
cause the buildup of static electrical charges on people and objects in the environment.
Grounded antistatic work mats used with antistatic wrist straps provide the most basic
means for the controlled discharge of electrostatic electricity.

Examples of ESD Tools:

Anti-static wrist strap – Used to prevent ESD

damage to computer equipment.

Figure 29. Anti- static wrist strap

Anti-static mat – Used to stand on or place hardware on to

prevent static electricity from building up.

Figure 30. Anti- static mat

Hand Tools

A hand tool is a device for performing work on a material or a physical system

using only hands. Hand tools can be used manually or electrically powered, using
electrical current. Examples of Hand Tools are as follows:

Table 3. Hand Tools

Tool Description

Flat Head Screwdriver – Used to loosen or tighten slotted screws.

Philips Head Screwdriver – Used to loosen or tighten cross-head


Torx Screwdriver - Used to loosen or tighten screws that have a

star-like depression on the top, a feature that is mainly found on

Hex Driver – Sometimes called a nut driver, is used to tighten

nuts in the same way that a screwdriver tightens screws.

Needle-Nose Pliers – Used to hold small parts.

Tool Description

Wire Cutter – Used to strip and cut wires.

Tweezers – Used to manipulate small parts.

Part Retriever – Used to retrieve parts from location that is too

small for your hand to fit.

Flashlight – Used to light up areas that you cannot see well.

Cleaning Tools
Having the appropriate cleaning tools is essential when maintaining or repairing
computers. Using these tools ensures that computer components are not damaged
during cleaning. Examples:

Table 4. Cleaning Tools

Tools Description

Lint-free Cloth – Used to clean different computer components

without scratching or leaving debris.
Tools Description

Compressed Air – Used to blow away dust and debris from

different computer parts without touching the

Cable Ties – Used to bundle cables neatly inside and outside of a


Parts Organizer – Used to hold screw, jumpers, fasteners and

other small parts and prevents them from
getting mixed together.

Diagnostic Tools

Computers are easier to use and more dependable with each new generation of
hardware and operating system update, but that does not mean they are problem-free.
Here are the most popular tools for diagnosing your computer problems:

Table 5. Diagnostic tools

Tools Description

Multimeter – Used to test the integrity of circuits and the quality

of electricity in computer components.

Loopback Adapter – Used to test the functionality of computer

1. Computers are changing our lives.
2. In this digital world, having the knowledge and skills in computer servicing is the start and
most fundamental of all.
3. A computer is a mechanical machine that processes information.
4. The computer system is a collection of entities like hardware, and software.
5. Hardware refers to the physical and tangible computer equipment.
6. Output device accepts data and instructions from the user.
7. Microphone is one of the output devices of the computer.
8. A projector is an input device.
9. The system unit is the main part of a desktop computer.
10. CPU is an acronym for Central Processing Unit.
11. A storage device stores data and programs.
12. Software refers to the collection of electronic instructions that tells the computer what to do.
13. Search engine is a program that enable the users to search for documents or information on
the World Wide Web.
14. Use the Anti-Virus to eliminate the virus.
15. Make sure the pins are misaligned when connecting a cable connector.

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