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Pre-University One Management of Business


Instructions for students

Please read through the notes and watch the lecture video on ‘Functions of Management’ and complete this

1. What is management?
The process of planning, organising, leading and directing and controlling the efforts of organisational
members and use of other organisational resources in order to achieve the organisational objectives.

2. Identify the different functional roles of a manager?

Planning, organising, leading and directing and controlling

3. Explain and describe the management functions.

- What is each function?
- What happens in each function?
- Give a simple illustration

4. For each function, analyse its importance.

Management Function Why businesses need this function

 Dynamic biz environment – fast and ever changing.
 Need to think ahead so as to take prompt actions to adapt to fast-changing
environment such as changing demand of market and changing needs of
society in order to survive – include reviewing objective to ensure objectives
set are realistic and achievable.

 Need to determine ways to achieve the goals conceived in planning.

 To have a structure so as to ensure activities are systematically carried out
and effectively coordinated to achieve goals.
Organising  Ensure businesses hire the right people of the right number at the right
time so that business can function & that these employees will remain and
contribute to organizational goals.

 Overseeing and influencing the behaviour of the staff and achieve the
company’s goals, which may include assisting or even motivating them
Leading  Ensure that the staff have the right skills and competencies (training and

 Checking on performance / achievement against targets and identifying

corrective actions if targets are not met and providing positive feedback
when things go right.

PU 1 2022 HBL Exit Pass on Management

Pre-University One Management of Business
Name: ___________________________ Class : ____________ Date: __________

Explain and describe the management functions.

- What is each function?
- What happens in each function using a simple illustration

An illustration
Management (In the context of an H&M, BreadTalk or Mustafa)
Function You are supposed to just choose one and you should not choose the company
that your subject tutor has gone through with you in class.





PU 1 2022 HBL Exit Pass on Management

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