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American Revolutionary War

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June 24, 2022

Short Writing 2: Understanding the Revolutionary War

The article entitled “Reason Behind the Revolutionary War” restates the historic conflict

coined as the American War of Independence or the Revolutionary War. It is a dispute between

Great Britain with the Atlantic coast of North America that happened during the better part of the

17th and 18th centuries. Both nations’ colonial governments took pleasure to self-govern without

the intervention of the Parliament. America faced inconveniences and difficulties when Great

Britain started to pass laws. It was mentioned that Great Britain passed the Sugar Act of 1764

and the Stamp Act of 1765 as they have been left with huge debt with the past French and Indian

War where Americans intervened. With the continuous English rule, a movement against it

swiftly spread and both soldiers and public leaders participated. Poverty, destruction, injuries,

food shortage, and death were experienced as movements against Great Britain took place. The

war ended the construction of the Declaration of Rights.

William narrated the notable American Revolutionary War in great detail. To support his

claims, he referred to different articles and documents. This includes “Documents from the

Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, 1774 to 1789” and “Stamp Act.”

Reading his articles is enlightening about the occurrences for Americans to claim the

independence they deserve. The battle, fought years ago, still echoes in Americans’ hearts and


Library of Congress. “Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional

Convention, 1774 to 1789”


Price, William S. “Reasons Behind the Revolutionary War” In Tar Heel Junior Historian. Fall

1992. Tar Heel Junior Historian Association, NC Museum of History.

Smith, Edward and Ansley, John. “Stamp Act” In NCpedia. Edited by William Powell.


of North Carolina Press. 2006.

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