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Acid is sour in taste and turns blue litmus red.

According to Arrhenius concept (aRIA AI OQ) Acid gives H*
ions in aqueous solution (yt HAH+ aN J PLA).
Hydrogen is common in all acids.
In Orange and Amla citric acid is found.
Malic Acid - Unripe Apple.
Benzoic Acid Grass, Leaves, Urine.
& TartaricAcid - Tamarind, Grapes,
Unripe Mangoes.
AceticAcid - Vinegar.
Lactic Acid - Milk.
Hydrochloric Acid - Stomach.
Oxalic Acid -Tomato, Sarel Tree, Spinach ((TR-I#).
§ Formnic Acid - Red Ant Sting, Nettle
sting (tG ro).
Carbolic Acid - Soda Water.
Stearic Acid- Fat.
Boric Acid is used in eye wash.
Hydrochloric Acid is used in Gastric Juice, Tanning of
Leather, Dying, Bathroom clearing etc.
Formic Acid is used as insecticides,
fruits, Rubber industry.
preservation of green
& Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) is used in
Petroleum exploration,
Colours, Alum (Pbfo), Detergent, Fertilizer and Battery.
Aquarigia - 3HCL + 1HNO3.
Base ( ) is bitter in taste and turn red litmus blue.
$ Base gives OH ions in aqueous solution.
* Bases which completely dissociate in
water are called strong
base and which partially dissociate in water are
called weak
* Bleaching Powder is mixed salt.
Plaster of Paris is made of gypsumn.
Plaster of Paris is used in Toys industry.
Potassium Nitrate is used in Gun Powder, Match Sticks and
Water Gas contains Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen.
$ Producer Gas contains carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen.
Oil Gas contains Methane, Ethylene and Acetylene.
Coal Gas contains Hydrogen, Methane, Ethylene, Acetylene
and CO.
Cooking Gas contains Methane and Ethylene.
* All explosion in mines caused by Methane.
LPG - Methane, Propane and Butane.
* Maximum quantity in LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) - Butane.
Ethyl Mercaptan is a smelling agent added toLPG Cylinder to
help the detection of Gas leakage.
Butane is used in Cigarette lighter.
3 H2 is called Fuel of future as it is highest fuel value and
causes minimum environmental Pollution.
Alcohol when mixed with petrol is called Power Alcohol.

Calorific Value I60

" H2 -KJ/g
Methane = 55 KJ/g
" LPG = 50 KJ/g
" Petrol = 50KJ/g
C Diesel 45KJ/g
Kerosine = 48 KJ/g
" Ethanol = 30 KJ/g
Coal =25-32 KJ/g
Wood = 17 KJ/g

Lignite is called Brown Coal.

Wood Charcoal is used to decolourise brown sugar solution.
Petroleum consists of a mixture of Hydrocarbon.
Quality of Petrol is measured by Octane Number.
OPEC determined the Petroleum Price in the World.
* CetaneNumber can measure the quality of Deisel.
"Ine lowest temperature at which a substance catches fire 1s
called as Ignition Temperature.
Black colour is the flame denotes innermost zone.
Yellow colour denotes middlezone.
Blue colour denotes outer zone.
$ Hottest part of the Gas flame is known as non-Luminous
* The gas used to extinguish fire is CO2.
ln fireworks orange flame produced because of calcium.
* Green flame produced because of Barium.
Blue flame produced because of Copper.
$ Yellow flame produced because of Sodium.
Red flame produced because of Strontium.
3 Oxygen gas is colourless, odorless, tasteless, neutral.
* Helium gas does not react with oxygen.
¢ Ozone is an allotrope (Teio) of oxygen.
3 Nitrogen gas is discovered by Rutherford.
* Nitrogen gas is colourless, odorless, noncombustible and
Oxygen gas is used in insecticide, purification of water, to 1
preserve food, synthesis artificial silk and bleaching agent.
Nitrogen gas is used in Electric Bulb.
* Nitrogen Peroxide is used in Chloroform Solution.
* Oxygen gas is also used in artificial respiration, Oxygen
acetylene flame (used for welding), rocket fuel.
Taj Mahal is greatly affected due to acid rain.
Smog is occurred in industrial areas.

There are two types of Smog :--

i. Classical Smog.
ii. Photo Chemical Smog.
Classical smog occurs in reducing nature and cool humid
¢ The Survey of India - 1767, Kolkata.
* Atomic Energy Commission - 1948, Homi J, Bhava.
3 Department of Atomic Energy - 1956.
Bhava AtomicResearch Center - Mumbai, 1954.
* Indiara Gandhi Center for Atomic Research - Kalapakkam,
Tamil Nadu, 1971.
* Atomic Energy Commission - Mumbai.
Variable Energy Cyclotron Center- Kolkata.
Atomic Mineral Division - Hyderabad.
$ Uranium Corporation of India Limited - Jadugoda.
1 2 3 Agreement - Nuclear Agreement between India and
America, 2008.
& National Remote Sensing Agency - 1980,
§ India's first satellite - Hyderabad.
ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) 1969,
Bengaluru, Chairman was Vikram Sarabhai.
& Vikram Sarabhai Space
Kerala, 1963. Center-Thiruvananthapuram,
Indian Institute of Space Science and
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Technology
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Dehradun,
National Remote Sensing Centre - Hyderabad. Uttarakhand.
& Satish Dhawan Space
Center - Sriaharikota, Andhra
& ISRO (Indian Space
- Bengaluru. 196
Research Organization) - Satellite Center
+ DRDO (Defense
Research & Development Organisation
* Space Application Centre - Ahmedabad.
* India's 1st Test Tube Baby - 6th August, 1986, Mumbai, Indira
Hinduja, Nae of the Baby Harse.
1st Kidney Transplant - 1971, Vellore.
1st Open Heart Surgery - Vellore.

* India's First Integrated Missile Development Programme' was

started in 1982 by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

Missile Under this Programme i--

I.I Prithvi - Short Range Surface to Surface.
II. Trishul - Short Range Low-Level Surface to Air.
III. Akash - Medium Range Surface to Air.
IV. Nag- Third-Generation Fire and Forget' Anty
Tank Missile.
V. Nirbhay - Subsonic Cruise Missile.
VI. Agni-I Medium Range Ballistic Missile (700 900
VII. Agni-II - Medium Range Ballistic Missile (2000 -
3000 km).
VIII. Agni-III -Long Range Ballistic Missile (3500
5000 km).
IX. Agni-IV - Long Range Ballistic Missile (3500
5000 km).
X. Agni-V -Long Range Ballistic Missile (5000-8000
XI. Brahmos -Supersonic Cruise Missile (The World's
fastest) - India and Russia.
---Atomic Structure & Radioactivity ---
The AtomicTheory of matter (ICA afs 9g)- Dalton.
The negatively charged particles which revolve around the
Nucleus of Atom is Electron.
Proton is discovered by Rutherford.
Electron is discovered by J.J. Thomson.
Mass of Proton-1.672 x1027 kg.
Mass of Electron 9.10 x 10-31 kg.
* Mass of Neutron - 1.674 x 10-27 kg.
* Neutron is Zero charged.
* Cathode Rays (ve rays) was discovered by J.J. Thomson.
* Anode Rays (tve rays) was discovered by Goldstein.
* The strongest force is Nuclear force.
The number of Protons in the Nucleus is called Atomic
Number (°IgAURE FeMT).
The number of Proton + Neutron is called Mass Number (ud

* The elements having same atomic number, but different

mass number is called Isotopes'.
* Tritium is the radio-active isotopes of Hydrogen.
* Lightest Isotope - Hydrogen.
* Heaviest Isotope - Lead-208.
* Maximum numnber of isotopes - Polonium.
1 H1, 1H2, and 1 H3- are called Isotope.
* The elements having same mass number but different atomic
number are called Isobar.
18 Ar 40, 19 K 40 and 20 Ca 40 are called - Isobar.
The elements which have same number of Neutrons are
called - Isotones.
H3and 2 He 4 are called - Isotones'.
Location and energy of an electron is specified by Quantum
The founder of Quantum Theory' - Max Planck.
The concept of dual nature of radiation was proposed by - De
* Inventor of Radio activity - Henery Becquerel.
Unit of Alpha - Curie.
* Unit of Beta - Becquerel.
* Unit of Gama Rutherford.
Positively charged particle emitted by a radioactive element -
Low penetrating power but very high ionizing power and
kinetic energy - Alpha Particle.
* Negatively charged particle emitted by a radioactive element
- Beta Particle.
* High penetrating power (er »NO) but very low ionizing
power and kinetic energy - Gama Ray.
* Nuclear Fission - A process in which a heavy nucleus is
broken down into two or more fragments.
* Nuclear Fission is caused by the impact of Neutron.
* Nuclear Reactor is used to produce electricity based on
Nuclear Fission.
* Atom Bomb is based on Nuclear Fission.
* In Nuclear Reactor the speed of Neutron is slowed down by
heavy water and graphite.
* Liquid Sodium is used as coolant in Nuclear Reactor.
* Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239 is used as fuel in Atom
* Atom bomb was developed by Robert Open Heimer.
* Nuclear Fusion -A process where two or more lighter Nuclei
fused to give a heavier nucleus.
Hydrogen bomb is based on Fusion reaction (R=).
* Hydrogen bomb contains Deuterium Oxide (D>0) and
Tritium Oxide (T0).
* Edward Teller developed Hydrogen bomb.
* Energy of Sun - Nuclear Fusion.
The estmation of age is done by Radio-Carbon Dating by two
isotopes of carbon, C12 and Cl4,
.* The estimation of the age of the Earth, minerals and rocks
are done by Uranium Dating.
Iodine 123 - Brain Imagination.
Sodiun 24 - Increase flow of blood.
Cobalt 60 - Cancer disease.
* Iodine 131
Thyroid disease.
* Carbon 14 Studyof kinetics of
* Phosphorous 32 - Leukemia. Photosynthesis.
PENof RTC (company) -
o R= Rutherford Proton.
o T=
Thomson Electron.
oC= Chadwick Neutron.

Isobar-Same Mass Number (A9AATT).

Isotope - Same Proton Number (AA CATD ARNI).
* Isotone - Same Neutron Number (IAG AET).
Isotope of Carbon is used to determine the age of fossils

C14 and C12- Age of Fossils.

Uranium 235 is used as fuel in Atomic Reactor.
Red Phosphorous is used in Matchbox.
* SepticTank- Methane.
Largest source of Methane -Paddy Field.
Dialysis is Colloidal Solution.
Main SI unit - 7.
-39°C- Mercuryfreezing point.
* -115°C - Alcohol freezing point.
---; Light ---
* Total Internal Reflection (gAr gf efORTa) is used in
Endoscopy, Optical Fiber.
Colour most scattered Violet.
* Colour lowest scattered - Red.
* Colour comes at first - Red.
glow in the sky during the Sunset and Sunrise
* Red
White colour of Cloud - Scattering.
Blurred vision during fog- Scattering.
Centre of Rainbow Green.
Primary Colours Red, Green, Blue.
* Largest wavelength - Red.
* Most Reflective Index - Diamond.

pH of Lemon -2.2 - 2.4

* pH of Coffee-4.5 -5.5
* pH of Rainwater -6
pH of Pure Water - 7
pH of Salt 7
pH of Sea Water 8.5
pH of Milk 6.4 -6.6
pH of Blood - 7.4
* pH of Urine-4.8

* Newton -
o l-Inertia (Tg)
o 2 - Force (41)
o3-Conservation of Energy (fgs RTE)
* Rain drops are spherical (caIIT<AI3) because of - Surface Tension
* Mercury does not wet the glass - Surface Tension.
* Needle floats in water - Surface Tension.
* Dancing of Camphor ( ) in water - SurfaceTension.
* Oil spreads overwater - Surface Tension.
* Absorption of ink by blotting paper - Capilarity Action.
* Towel soaking of water -Capilarity Action of cotton.
* Ice floats on water because an egual amount of ice is lighter
than water (F YAS RLF AGF).
Gas is dispersed in liquid Foam- Shaving Cream.
Gas is dispersed in Solid- Foam- Rubber, Sponge.
Liquid is dispersed in liquid - Emulsion Milk and Face
Solid is dispersed in Gas- Aerosol- Smoke
Liquid is dispersed in Gas Aerosol - Fog, Cloud, Mist.
Dialysis - Removing electrolytes from colloidal solution.

Most abundant in the Universe- Hydrogen and Helium.

Most abundant in the Earth surface - Oxygen.
Most abundant metal in the Earth surface - Alluminium
followed by Iron.
Fool's Gold Pyrite.
> Best conductor of electricity as nonmetal - Graphite.
Behave comically both as metal and nonmetal - Boron.
Balloon - Helium.
Chocolates bad for health - Due to nickel.
> Photo film -Silver.
Wire of flashbulb - Magnesium.
--; Sound :--
’ Vibration in 1Second - Frequency ( ) .
Sound waves can't pass through - Vacuum.
’ Speed of sound is maximum in solid.
Speed of sound is minimum in -Gases.
Speed of sound in Air -332Mtr./Sec.
1483 Mtr./ Sec.
> Speed of sound in Water -
-5130 Mtr./Sec. and density.
’ Speed of sound in Iron on electricity sound
’ The speed of sound depends pressure the speed of
’ Increasing or decreasing
remains constant.
speed of sound increases
With the rise of temperature the
’ increase).
(.61 Mtr./Sec. with 1°C humnid than dry
sound is more in
’ The speed of harmful to the body.
’ Noise above 85DB is
(õpo) of sound depends on frequency.
’ Pitch
women is generally higher than men.
Pitch of the voice of in quality.
The Sitar and the Binaare
’ Mach Number <1 =
> Mach Number >1 =
’ Mach Number >5 =
- Doppler effect.
’ Pitch of frequency of siren

’ Heat from the Sun

reaches Earth by Radiation.
Best conductor of heat - Silver.
Good conductor of heat but bad conductor of electricity
Mica (used in electric iron - ) .
G0)- -273°C.
> Absolute Zero Temperature (GAI
’ Clinical Temperature- 96°F to

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