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Time : 03 hours Max marks : 30

Evalua on Scheme Marks

One major Experiment Part A 5 marks
One minor Experiment Part A 4 marks
Slide Prepara on Part A 5 marks
Spo ng Part B 7 marks
Prac cal Record + Viva Voce 4 marks
Project Record + Viva -Voce 5 marks
Total 30 marks

Part A: List of Experiments

I. Major Experiments:
1. Study and describe locally available common flowering plants from the family Solanaceae
(Datura metel) including

(i) Dissection and display of floral whorls Two marks

(ii) Any two Vegetative and two floral characters One mark
(iii) Floral formula One mark
(iv) Floral diagram One mark

2. Study of osmosis by potato Osmometer.

(i) Procedure Two marks
(ii) Observation Two marks
(iii) Conclusion One mark

3. Test for presence of

(i) Starch (Iodine test)
A. Main requirements One mark
B. Methodology Two mark
C. Observation Two marks
(ii) Proteins (Biuret test)
A. Main requirements One mark
B. Methodology Two mark
C. Observation Two mark
II. Minor Experiments :
4. Compara ve study of the rates of transpira on in the upper and lower surfaces of leaves.
(i) Procedure Two marks
(ii) Observa on One mark
(iii) Conclusion One mark
5. Test for presence of urea in urine (Urease Test).
(i) Procedure and Observa on
A. Test (Urease Test) One mark
B. Method Two marks
C. Result One mark
6. Test for presence of sugar in urine (Benedict’s Test).
(i) Procedure and Observa on
A. Test (Benedict’s Test) One mark
B. Method Two marks
C. Result One mark
III Slide Preparation:
7. Prepara on and study of T.S. of Dicot and Monocot Roots.
(i) Procedure One marks
(ii) Observa on Two marks
(iii) Diagram (Ground Plan) Two mark
8. Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels (e.g. Rhoeo /lily leaves or flashy scale leaves of onion
(i) Procedure One marks
(ii) Observa on Two marks
(iii) Epidermal peels One mark
(iv) Diagram One mark
Part B. Study and observe the following (Spo ng)
1. Parts of a compound microscope. – (One mark)
(Condenser / Objec ve lens/ Eye piece/)Find the values of Lower power objec ve lens / High
power objec ve lens / power of eyepiece
2. Specimens / slides / models and iden fica on with reasons – (Iden fica on with reasons)
(i) Spirogyra, (ii) Mushroom (iii) Monocotyledonous plants. (One mark)
3. Virtual specimens/slides/models and iden fying features of – (Iden fica on with reasons)
(i) Ascaris, (ii) Honey bee, (iii) Frog (One mark)
4. Mitosis in onion p from permanent slides (Iden fica on with reasons)
Metaphase stage/ Anaphase Stage (One mark)
5. Different types of inflorescence – (Iden fica on with reasons) (One mark)
(i) Cymose – Monochasial cyme (Eg. Hibiscus rosasinensis)
(ii) Racemose – Raceme (Eg. Radish, Mustard)
6. Human Skeleton and different types of joints with the help of virtual images /models only.
(i) Human Skeleton (Rib cage and Sternum) (One mark)
(ii) Types of joints (Ball and Socket joint) (One mark)
PROJECT RECORD (Any one for each student) 5 Marks

The projects for biology are as follows:

Malnutrition in living beings.

Project of Human Genome.

Monsoon of India.

Sickle cell anemia with its prevention.

Chemical fertilizers and manures used.

The study of the resistance of drug in bacteria by Using Antibiotics.

Prevention of probiotics and its study.

Diseases of eyes.

Types of Pollution


Blood Pressure

Blood Groups

Vitamins or Sources of Vitamins

Mitosis in the Onion Root Tip Cells

Different types of soil

Effect of the dilation of pupils in peripheral vision

How maternal behavior affects the development of the fetus

How Antibiotics effects microorganisms

Greenhouse effect

Rain water Harvesting &

Bio-degradable and non-bio-degradable wastes

Importance of trees
How to Write a Research Proposal in Biology: Everything You Might Need
1. Title. The title should be self-evident, short and definite, clearly delineating the field of study
and the research question.
2. Abstract.
3. Table of Contents.
4. Introduction.
5. Literature Review. ...
6. Project Purpose/Notion of Originality. ...
7. Main Objectives.
8. Methodology.
9. Analysis
10. Bibiliograpy
How to Write a Research Proposal in Biology: Everything You Might Need

The structure of a research proposal, the overall length, the number, titles and optimal word count of each
section, formatting conventions and other characteristics differ wildly depending on all kinds of factors:

1. Title

The title should be self-evident, short and definite, clearly delineating the field of study and the research

2. Abstract

Usually up to 200 words. A very short and to the point summary of your proposed research.

3. Table of Contents

If your research proposal is large enough and contains numerous sections and subsections, it may be worth
including a table of contents. Keep in mind that this does not refer to the actual research project you
propose (there is a dedicated section for that purpose), but to the proposal itself. Include numbers of pages,
sections and subsections (e.g., 6.1, 6.2, etc.).

4. Introduction

Up to 400 words. The beginning of the main part of your proposal – just like any other introduction, it
should attract the reader’s attention, quickly move on to state the research problem and explain why it is
important and worth further investigation.
5. Literature Review

Depending on what kind of research you do (e.g., library-based or experiment-based), the size of this
section can be anything from 400 to 1500 words and beyond.
6. Project Purpose/Notion of Originality

Word count depends on your research, but usually it should be about the same size as the literature review.
This is your sales pitch, the section where you try to persuade the reader that your research is innovative,
original, feasible and will complement the field of study.

7. Main Objectives

It can be a part of the previous section or an independent part of the proposal, but its nature remains the
same: you express the main objectives or assertions of your research, one item at a time. Usually it takes the
form of a list, with single sentence expressing each assertion.

8. Methodology

Depending on the situation, it can take anything from 100 to 1000 words and more.
Here you give an account of how you are going to check your theory or resolve the research question.

9. Analysis

Usually up to 300-350 words. Similar to research methodology, but dedicated to the subsequent analysis of
the collected data. How will you process it? What approaches will you use?

11. Bibliography/Works Cited

The list of all the literature and other information sources you have used to prepare the research

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