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General rules

• Nodes are events, functions and logical connectors (AND, OR, XOR)
• Valid connectors are directly connected to predecessor or successor nodes via lines.
• A business process BP is started and terminated by an at least one event.
• A BP contains at least one function
• BP's can be composed of partial chains.
• All nodes must be connected by lines.
• Events cannot be directly linked to other events.
• All lines must be connected to nodes on both sides.

• An event cannot be the predecessor of another event.
• An event cannot be a successor to another event.
• An event has only one input arrow.
• An event has only one origin arrow.
• An event follows or precedes a function.

• A function has only one input arrow.
• A function has only one output arrow.


• Insulated connectors are not allowed.

• Use connectors to connect other nodes.
• When connecting nodes, connectors must have at least one incoming and at least two
outgoing arrows, or vice versa.
• Use connectors to create forks in a GP.
• OR or XOR connectors that represent a fork in a GP must not follow an event

Information objects

• Information objects describe entities such as IT systems, data sets, forms, documents,
folders, etc.
• When connecting function and information object, arrows describe data flows.
• in the direction of the function an input data flow for the function („read")
• in the direction of the information object a data flow, which the information object or
influences the attributes of its entities („writing")

Organisational units
• Organizational units are assigned functions.
• Organizational units are based on the organizational chart of the company and can provide
departments, posts, employees, etc.

Formal rules
• An event represents a state/result. This should also be reflected in the wording, e. g. B. :
Invoice (has) arrived, delivery (has) not been completed.

• A function describes an activity/action to be performed. This should be reflected in the

wording, e. g. B. Verify invoices objectively and mathematically, monitor adherence to

• If a business process stretches over several pages, the outlines must be led into a
connection connector at the bottom of the previous page. These shall be numbered from
left to right. On the next page, the same connectors must be set. The drain lines are led out
of them.

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