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Improving the lives of cats and their communities and promoting responsible pet ownership. @uncleboston_
Tempatkan kucing di dalam
kandang, minimalisir mengajak
bermain / lari-larian agar jahitan
atau lukanya cepat kering.

Improving the lives of cats and their communities and promoting responsible pet ownership. @uncleboston_
Berikan minuman obat atau oles
yang telah diresepkan dokter.

Improving the lives of cats and their communities and promoting responsible pet ownership. @uncleboston_
Konsultasikan dengan dokter
hewan kapan kucing yang sudah
di steril boleh mandi.

Improving the lives of cats and their communities and promoting responsible pet ownership. @uncleboston_
Berikan minimal 2 jam setelah
operasi dan makan 4 jam setelah

Improving the lives of cats and their communities and promoting responsible pet ownership. @uncleboston_
Ganti makanan kucing dengan
makanan khusus kucing yang
sudah disteril untuk membantu
menjaga kesehatan.

Improving the lives of cats and their communities and promoting responsible pet ownership. @uncleboston_

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