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 Tech Tomar

 2 reviews
 3 weeks agoNew
 *stop wasting time and money, try another country instead of Italy*
My experience with Study in Italy Scam

I wanted to share my unfortunate experience with the "Study in Italy" scam, specifically
involving the Uni Italia Agency. I hope my story can serve as a cautionary tale for those
considering studying in Italy and using agencies to help with the process.

A little background: I had always dreamt of pursuing my higher education in Italy, so I

started researching universities and programs online. This is when I stumbled upon Uni
Italia Agency, which claimed to offer seamless assistance with applications, visa
procedures, and accommodation arrangements for international students. It all sounded
too good to be true, and, well, it was.

I reached out to Uni Italia Agency, and they were incredibly responsive and professional
at first. They promised to help me secure admission to a prestigious Italian university,
assist with my visa application, and even guarantee accommodation close to the
university. The catch? They required an upfront fee for their services, which seemed
reasonable considering the services they claimed to offer.

Long story short, I paid the fee 16k INR, which was not a small sum, and eagerly waited
for their assistance. However, once the payment went through, their communication
began to dwindle, and the promises they made began to unravel. Here's how I got

1. **Broken promises:** Despite their assurances of securing admission and helping with
the visa, I received little to no assistance. My application to the university was never
submitted, and I was left to navigate the complicated visa process on my own.
2. **Italy is worst in term of student VISA success rate :** As it turns out, I later
discovered that Uni Italia Agency's so-called "team" consisted of nothing more than a
group of inexperienced interns, who were being paid peanuts, with salaries as low as 10k.
It's astonishing to think they were entrusted with the future of hopeful students. Beware
of such shady practices!
3. **Evasive responses:** Whenever I reached out to Uni Italia Agency for updates or
explanations, they became increasingly evasive. They even stopped responding to my
emails and calls altogether.

Moreover, my dealings with Uni Italia Agency revealed that their staff didn't seem to be
knowledgeable about the application and visa processes, adding to the overall frustration
and disappointment. There are certainly other countries with more reliable and promising
opportunities for education and future prospects.

It was a hard lesson to learn, and I felt utterly devastated and cheated. It's heartbreaking
to think that there are agencies preying on the dreams of students who simply want to
pursue an education abroad.

My purpose in sharing this is to alert others who might be considering Uni Italia Agency
in India (Mumbai and Delhi )or similar services. Please, be extremely cautious when
dealing with any agency that demands upfront payments and makes lofty promises.
Research thoroughly, read reviews, and seek advice from other students who have
successfully studied in Italy.

If you've had similar experiences or tips to avoid falling into such traps, please share
them in the comments. Let's protect each other and ensure that more students don't fall
victim to these scams.

Stay safe, and never stop chasing your dreams, but be vigilant along the way!

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