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Employee name: PATDU, DARELL C.


Congratulations! We are very pleased to o er you employment on behalf of GTA Management

Philippines Corporation, ("GTA Management Philippines Corporation"), an entity organized under
the laws of the Philippines. GTA Management Philippines Corporation is a subsidiary of GTA
Management Philippines Corporation, Inc. (“GTA Management Philippines Corporation,”
collectively with its subsidiaries and a liates, “GTA Ltd”). This letter provides the details of our o er
and the procedure for returning your acceptance. Once you have signed and returned it, it will
become a binding employment agreement between you and GTA Management Philippines
Corporation (referred to herein as this "Agreement"). This Agreement is conditional on your
satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1. Position and Start Date.

Start Date JUNE 8, 2023

2. Location
Your primary place of work will be GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s Pampanga o ce,
currently located at Room 301, Angelique Square Bldg. McArthur Highway Dau, Mabalacat
Pampanga. GTA Management Philippines Corporation reserves the right to change the location of
its o ce. You may be required to work from additional other locations or to travel, as may be
necessary in the course of your duties.

3. Remuneration.
(a) Monthly Base Salary. Your monthly base salary will be PHP 22,000.00. It shall be paid in cash,
by bank check, by bank or postal transfer, or by other means as determined by GTA Management
Philippines Corporation. Payable every 15th and on the last working day of the month
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, it is expressly agreed that any bonus, bene t or other
payment given by GTA Management Philippines Corporation to you in excess of your Monthly Base
Salary as stated in this Agreement shall not be considered as salary that you are contractually
entitled to, but as gratuity that GTA Management Philippines Corporation reserves the right to
discontinue or revise at any time, at its sole discretion. Furthermore, instances when GTA
Management Philippines Corporation gives any bonus, bene t or other payment in excess of the
Monthly Base Salary stated in this Agreement shall not be considered to be an established practice
or precedent and shall not form part of those payments due and demandable under this Agreement.
(b)13th Month Pay. Provided that you have been employed at GTA Management Philippines
Corporation for at least one (1) month, you shall be entitled to 13th month pay equivalent to your
Monthly Base Salary in December of each year, subject to continued employment at the time set for
payment of such bonus. You shall be entitled to such bonus in proportion to the length of time you
have worked within the year immediately preceding such bonus. Payments not part of your Monthly
Base Salary, such as cash equivalent of unused leaves, overtime premium, night di erential or
holiday pay, shall not be considered part of the basic salary in calculating such bonus.
(c)Mandatory Bene ts. During your employment, you shall be entitled to mandatory bene ts under
applicable law such as SSS, Philhealth and Pag-Ibig, and applicable deductions for such bene ts
will be deducted from your wages as provided in part (d) of this Section. In addition, you may be
covered by additional bene ts as determined by GTA Management Philippines Corporation in its
(d)Deductions and Withholdings. The payment of your Monthly Base Salary and any additional
remuneration, payments, or bene ts under this Agreement are subject to all deductions and
withholdings which the GTA Management Philippines Corporation is entitled or required to make
under applicable law. Except for the taxes and contributions required by law to be withheld by GTA
Management Philippines Corporation and the government lings required by law to be made by GTA
Management Philippines Corporation in connection with the salary and other compensation and
bene ts arising from your employment, all other taxes and contributions and lings shall be your
responsibility and shall be made by you. You also consent to bona de deductions, including but not
limited to, overpayment of wages, overpayment of expenses, loans, and advances of wages.

4. Probationary Period.
The rst 6 months of your employment are probationary. While on probation, your performance and
suitability to the position will be continually assessed. During the probationary period, GTA
Management Philippines Corporation may terminate your employment for any of the causes
provided under the Labor Code of the Philippines (including but not limited to Articles 282 to 284) or
described in Section 11, or for failure to meet the Standards of Regularization outlined below, which
include the performance of your duties in the manner described above and in accordance with GTA
Management Philippines Corporation’s policies. Your manager or People Operations, in their
professional discretion, may specify and determine other Standards of Regularization which are not
detailed in this Agreement, which shall be made known to you at the start of your employment. By
signing this Agreement, you a rm that you have read and understood this Agreement, have received
and are aware of the Standards for Regularization, and agree to perform the duties described in this
Agreement and GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s policies.
The Standards of Regularization include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) External Appearance: you must keep yourself neat, presentable and well-groomed at all times and
must carry yourself in a digni ed and respectful manner;
(b) Attendance and Punctuality: you must be able to strictly observe scheduled workdays, work
hours and break periods and must be able to report to work regularly and on time knowing that
frequent absence, tardiness or "undertime" is strictly forbidden;
(c) Job Competence: you must prove your knowledge and understanding of the nature, details and
demands of your job, must be able to demonstrate ease in learning the rudiments of your job and in
understanding instructions, must adequately show your competence in performing the duties and
responsibilities outlined in this Agreement, and such other duties/responsibilities as may, from time
to time, be assigned to you;
(d) Attitude: you must demonstrate a sincere interest and enthusiasm in your job, must show a
positive outlook towards GTA Management Philippines Corporation, its business, operations, beliefs
and concerns, must show willingness to learn and to overcome job di culties, must be able to
perform your job with a positive attitude even while working under stress, including having the
qualities of initiative, responsibility and foresight;
(e) Discipline: you must be able to comply with GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s rules and
regulations and must be able to show maturity in accepting criticisms and remarks regarding your
work and attitude;
(f) Attitude Towards Co-employees and Superiors: you must be able to show respect to your
superiors, co-employees and others in general and must be able to work well with others, including
the ability to cooperate and to work as part of a team;
(g) Work Quality: you must be able to prove to the satisfaction of GTA Management Philippines
Corporation advanced skills, initiative and competence in carrying out your duties and
You agree that it is the prerogative of GTA Management Philippines Corporation to evaluate your
performance at any time during the probationary period and decide whether you are quali ed to be a
regular employee. The evaluation may or may not be in writing. If you fail to meet the Standards for
Regularization of employment, GTA Management Philippines Corporation may terminate your
employment at any time during the probationary period by giving you notice before the e ective date
of termination. GTA Management Philippines Corporation does not have to wait until the end of the
probationary period to be able to decide whether to make you a regular employee or to terminate
your employment.
During the probationary period, you may terminate this Agreement by providing 30 days’ written

5. Hours of Work.
Your normal working hours will be on the days and at the times communicated to you by GTA
Management Philippines Corporation, provided that your normal work hours shall not exceed 48
hours per week (not including a meal break of 1 hour per day). GTA Management Philippines
Corporation reserves the right to change your working hours, your start and nish times and the days
upon which you work. GTA Management Philippines Corporation expects that you will be able to
ful ll your duties within these working hours, but from time to time, you may be required to work
beyond these normal hours of work to properly complete your duties. You consent to render work
outside your normal work schedule or in addition to your normal work hours, such as overtime work,
whenever required by GTA Management Philippines Corporation. You further understand that
overtime pay and any other premium pay for work rendered outside your normal work schedule or in
addition to your normal work hours shall be paid only if such work is expressly requested or
approved by your supervisor or manager and you are legally entitled to such overtime or premium
pay under Philippine law. Otherwise, your base salary as stated in this Agreement shall be adequate
compensation for all your work, including work that is outside your normal work schedule or in
addition to your normal work hours, and you will not be entitled to any payment in addition to your
base salary for such additional work. You agree you will spend the whole of your time and attention
on GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s business during your working hours.
Subject to GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s operational or business needs, you consent
to GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s implementation of a compressed work week as
needed wherein the normal work week is reduced to four (4) days during the week, inclusive of
weekends, typically composed of 10-hour work shifts each day (but not to exceed 12 hours per work
shift), without payment of any overtime premium. However, work during your rest day or holiday will
be entitled to additional pay in accordance with applicable law. You also agree to any other
compressed work week arrangement, exi-holidays schedule and other alternative work
arrangements that GTA Management Philippines Corporation may implement.

6. Vacation, Public Holidays, and Other Leaves.

(a) Vacation. You will initially receive 5 days of paid vacation per year after one (1) year of
(b) Public Holidays. You will be entitled to paid statutory public holidays under applicable law.
(c) Sickness Leave. If you are absent from work due to sickness or other medical incapacity, you will
be entitled to sick leave in accordance with applicable law. Up to 5 working days of sickness leave
after one (1) year of employment. In addition, you may be required to present a medical certi cate to
justify your sickness and/or incapacity after 3 consecutive days of your absence. Untaken sickness
leave will be forfeited.

7. Expenses.
GTA Management Philippines Corporation will reimburse you for any reasonable and necessary
business and travel expenses incurred by you while performing your duties on behalf of GTA
Management Philippines Corporation, subject to you providing receipts in respect of such expenses.
Expenses will be reimbursed in compliance with policies relating to expenses in e ect at the time
you seek reimbursement.

8. GTA Management Philippines Corporation Policies.

You agree that you will adhere to all Policies which are in place at GTA Management Philippines
Corporation and the GTA Ltd, including but not limited to the GTA Ltd’s Code of Business Conduct
and Ethics.

Con dential Information; Trade Secrets – Any matter relating to GTA Management Philippines
Corporation policies and procedures, programs, processes, business strategy and plans, customer
information, pricing, and other nancial data, among others, are regarded as con dential information
and/or trade secrets.

Any con dential information and trade secrets learned or exposed to during the EMPLOYEE’s
employment MUST not be disclosed or discussed to anyone who is not in similar position of trust

That, any permissible communications, use, access, copy or distribution of con dential information
shall solely be for purposes of performance of assigned duties and responsibilities

That, any con dential information and trade secret shall not be removed, transferred or sent outside
the GTA Management Philippines Corporation premises or saved or stored in a personal computer or
device, except to the extent that is required in the performance of the EMPLOYEE’s duties and
responsibilities. Provided, the use of any con dential information and trade secrets shall cease upon
expiration or termination of employment.

Upon expiration or termination of employment, the EMPLOYEE must continue in perpetuity or for the
longest duration allowed by law to treat such information as strictly con dential and as trade secrets
and not discuss or disclose any such information to any outside party under any circumstances
whatsoever, except as required by law.

equipment, property, documents, records, etc., in his/her possession or control, including but not
limited to the materials referenced in this AGREEMENT without retaining any copies, prior to or upon

B. Non-Competition/Non-Solicitation - During the employment and for a period of three year

following the date of termination/end of the EMPLOYEE’s employment whether voluntarily or
involuntarily, the EMPLOYEE shall not:
i. directly or indirectly (a) competes with the GTA MANAGEMENT PHILIPPINES
CORPORATION, (b) accept employment with any of GTA Management Philippines Corporation
competitor whether directly or indirectly; (c) approach, solicit or accept business from any customer,
supplier or vendor of in direct or indirect competition with the GTA MANAGEMENT PHILIPPINES
ii. approach, induce or employ any employee of the GTA MANAGEMENT PHILIPPINES
CORPORATION to leave his or her employ within three (3) years after separation from the GTA
MANAGEMENT PHILIPPINES CORPORATION, consistent with applicable non-Poaching of
employee’s rules;
iii. aid, assist or counsel any other person, rm or corporation to do any of the above.
C. The EMPLOYEE shall strictly comply with all relevant policies of the GTA MANAGEMENT
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION regarding the protection of con dential information, intellectual
property, and data privacy.

10. Data Protection.

(a)Use of Your Personal Information. In connection with your employment with GTA Management
Philippines Corporation, GTA Management Philippines Corporation must process certain personal
information about you and your dependents and/or spouse. The personal information that GTA
Management Philippines Corporation processes may include certain information that is treated as
"sensitive" personal information under applicable data protection laws. The personal information that
GTA Management Philippines Corporation will process, the purposes why GTA Management
Philippines Corporation processes that personal information, and the rights you can exercise over
GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s use of your personal information, are explained in GTA
Management Philippines Corporation’s employee privacy statement, which is available on GTA
Management Philippines Corporation’s internal communications platform. Your personal information
may be processed by third parties for the reasons explained in GTA Management Philippines
Corporation’s employee privacy statement, including the GTA Ltd and third-party service providers,
who may be based in countries other than your country of residence. However, GTA Management
Philippines Corporation will implement measures with any recipients of your personal information to
ensure it remains protected in accordance with this Agreement and applicable data protection laws.
(b)Monitoring. GTA Management Philippines Corporation shall also carry out certain monitoring
activities, for security, quality assurance, and other purposes as set forth in the Information Security
Policy, including in respect of its IT and other systems and any GTA Management Philippines
Corporation devices or other property provided to you, in compliance with applicable data protection
laws. You should note therefore that any uses made of GTA Management Philippines Corporation
systems, devices and other property are presumed to be business-related and may be monitored.
(c)Your Data Protection Responsibilities. As an employee of GTA Management Philippines
Corporation, you must read and comply with GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s data
protection and information security policies, including the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and
Information Security Policy, each as updated from time to time. You must only process personal
information relating to GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s sta , customers, suppliers and
other third parties as necessary for the performance of your role and must protect the con dentiality
of that personal information at all times. Failure to comply GTA Management Philippines
Corporation’s data protection and information security policies, including the Code of Business
Conduct and Ethics and Information Security Policy, may result in disciplinary measures up to and
including termination.

11. Termination.
(a) After completing the Probationary Period referenced in Section 4 (if applicable), you may
terminate this Agreement by providing 30 days’ written notice, or the statutory minimum notice
period if longer than 30 days’ written notice.
(b) Your employment may be terminated due to just or authorized causes enumerated under the
Labor Code, for violation of Policies, or otherwise in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Such causes include, but are not limited to: your serious misconduct or willful disobedience of GTA
Management Philippines Corporation’s lawful instruction in connection with your duties or work for
GTA Management Philippines Corporation; your gross and/or habitual neglect of duties; fraud or
willful breach by you of GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s trust; commission of a crime or
o ense by you against GTA Management Philippines Corporation or any of its authorized
representatives; closing and/or cessation of establishment and/or undertaking; retrenchment to
prevent losses; redundancy; installation of labor-saving devices; your su ering from a disease and
which renders your continued employment unlawful or is prejudicial to your health or to that of your
co-employees; and/or any other cause analogous to the foregoing.
(c) GTA Management Philippines Corporation may terminate this Agreement for any of the foregoing
just causes by providing a written notice of its intention to dismiss you and the particular acts or
omissions constituting the ground for dismissal. Unless a shorter period is provided under applicable
law and GTA Management Philippines Corporation adopts the same, you may answer the charges
against you within 5 days. If you refuse to acknowledge receipt of the notice, service of the notice to
you shall be considered complete after you are o ered a copy of the notice. GTA Management
Philippines Corporation shall a ord you an opportunity to be heard and to defend yourself with the
assistance of your representative, if you so desire. After giving you ample opportunity to be heard
and defend yourself, GTA Management Philippines Corporation shall, if the evidence so warrants,
serve you a written notice of its decision to terminate your employment.
(d) After notice has been served by you or GTA Management Philippines Corporation, GTA
Management Philippines Corporation may (i) require you to carry out no duties, and/or (ii) require you
to remain away from the o ce and/or (iii) require you to carry out such duties as GTA Management
Philippines Corporation may require. For the avoidance of doubt, you shall remain an employee of
GTA Management Philippines Corporation during the notice period and will continue to be bound by
the terms of this Agreement.
(e) You also expressly grant GTA Management Philippines Corporation the authority to make
deductions from your remuneration and any other amounts or bene ts that may be due to you, as
may be necessary to cover outstanding obligations or other debt owed to GTA Management
Philippines Corporation by you at the time of your resignation or termination. This is without
prejudice to GTA Management Philippines Corporation's right to e ect settlement or payment of your
obligations through other legal means should the remuneration and any other amounts or bene ts
due to you be insu cient to cover your unpaid or pending obligations.

12. Compliance with Laws and Regulations.

You agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and governmental orders of the Philippines
now or hereafter in e ect relating to your employment with GTA Management Philippines
Corporation. In addition, you agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and governmental
orders of countries outside of the one in which you reside, to the extent those are applicable to you,
GTA Management Philippines Corporation and/or the GTA Ltd, as such, applicable laws are
communicated to you by GTA Management Philippines Corporation. These laws include, but are not
limited to, local laws dealing with fraud, bribery, and corruption, the United States Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act, and the United Kingdom Bribery Act 2010. Without limiting the foregoing, you
represent and warrant that you have not, and shall not at any time during your employment with GTA
Management Philippines Corporation, pay, give, or o er or promise to pay or give, any money or any
other thing of value, directly or indirectly, to, or for the bene t of: (i) any government o cial, political
party, candidate for political o ce, or public international organization; or (ii) any other person, rm,
corporation or other entity, with knowledge that some or all of that money or other thing of value will
be paid, given, o ered or promised to a government o cial, political party, candidate for political
o ce, or public international organization; for the purpose of obtaining or retaining any business, or
to obtain any other unfair advantage, in connection with GTA Management Philippines Corporation’s

14. Conditions.
In addition to the other terms and conditions of this Agreement, this o er of employment is
contingent on the following conditions being completed in advance of the Start Date:
(a) satisfactory completion of routine background and reference checks in accordance with
applicable law. You hereby consent to the said checks and hold GTA Management Philippines
Corporation and any person who may participate in the checks free and harmless against any claim
arising from such checks;
(b) evidence con rming your lawful right to work in the Philippines, and continuing ability to provide
evidence con rming your lawful right to work in the Philippines during your employment and/or
immediate noti cation to GTA Management Philippines Corporation if such right ceases or is
expected to cease. If you require a work visa and alien employment permit to commence your
employment under this Agreement, this Agreement will not be e ective until you have the lawful
authority to work in the Philippines;
(c) satisfactory completion of routine pre-hire medical checks in accordance with applicable law. You
hereby consent to the said checks and hold GTA Management Philippines Corporation and any
person who may participate in the checks free and harmless against any claim arising from such
checks. You authorize the medical person and facility conducting the medical checks to release to
and discuss with GTA Management Philippines Corporation's representatives the results of the
checks. You waive any doctor-patient privilege that may apply;
(d) you signing and returning the enclosed Appendix A (Employee Con dentiality and Invention
Assignment Agreement) and other policies provided to you before or after your Start Date.
If you do not meet the above conditions, GTA Management Philippines Corporation may ask for
additional information and, after consideration, will advise you if it is prepared to continue to o er
you employment.

15. Other Provisions.

(a) Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the enclosures contain our entire understanding with
respect to your employment with GTA Management Philippines Corporation, and supersede any and
all prior understandings and agreements, whether oral or written. You speci cally acknowledge that
no promises or commitments have been made to you that are not set forth in this Agreement.
(b) Amendment. Any modi cation to this Agreement must be in writing, and signed by GTA
Management Philippines Corporation, or it shall have no e ect and shall be void. GTA Management
Philippines Corporation reserves the right to make reasonable changes to the terms and conditions
of your employment without the need to obtain your consent, and you will be noti ed of such
changes in writing.
(c) Waiver. No failure of GTA Management Philippines Corporation to pursue any remedy resulting
from your breach of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of that breach or as a waiver of
any subsequent or other breach.
(e) Severability. If any provision or part of this Agreement is deemed by any court of competent
jurisdiction to be void or invalid and unenforceable to any extent, the remaining provisions or parts of
this Agreement will remain in full force and e ect.
(f) Successors and Assigns. The rights which accrue to GTA Management Philippines Corporation
under this Agreement shall pass to its successors or assigns, and by your signature on this
Agreement you expressly consent to such assignment. Your rights under this Agreement are not
assignable or transferable in any manner.
(g) Language. You con rm and agree that you and GTA Management Philippines Corporation have
agreed to execute this Agreement in the English language, and that you are fully pro cient in the
English language and understand all the provisions in this Agreement.
(h) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the Philippines, without reference to con icts of laws. The courts of the Philippines shall have
exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any matter or issue arising from, or relating to, the interpretation
or application of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto a xed their signatures this/her 18th day of
November 2022, in Unit1112 Medical Plaza Ortigas No. 25 San Miguel Ave Ortigas Center San
Antonio Pasig City


___________________________________ ______________________
GTA Management Philippines Corporation Employee

Signed in the presence of:

_________________________ _____________________


Republic of the Philippines )

______________________ ))

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in ______________________, this day _________of____________,
personally appeared.

Name Valid ID
Employee Name _________________
Representative _________________

Known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing Employment Contract and she
acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed, as well as the free and
voluntary act and deed of the entity herein represented.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and at the place rst above written.

Doc No.________
Page No. _______
Book No. _______
Series of 2022
Employee Laptop Responsibility Form


Employee Name

Employee ID No.


Equipment Model Number Serial Number Other Speci ca ons


Employee Signature

Supervisor Signature


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