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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cavite Province
Tagaytay City National High School-Integrated Senior High School
Mayor’s Drive, Mendez Crossing East, Tagaytay City

Second Periodical Examination in

English for Academic and Professional Purposes
SY: 2022-2023

Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: ______________________

Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ______________ Score: ________

Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer. Write your answers on a

1. What is a published declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer, be it an

individual, group, political party, or government?

A. arguments C. manifesto
B. law D. text

2. What kind of writing where the students establish a position in a given topic and then use
evidence to persuade the audience to see things from his/her point of view?

A. academic text C. comprehensive Writing

B. argumentative writing D. literary Writing

3. What is the set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another

A. claim C. defense
B. counter argument D. evidence

4. Which of the following is strong evidence?

A. counterclaims C. numbers
B. facts D. opinions

5. What are the best facts to use in order to support and defend a position? It persuades
the audience by targeting their thinking.

A. argumentative statement C. logical appeals

B. literary explanation D. opinion

Mendez Crossing East, Tagaytay City, Cavite 4120

6. What type of appeals should be used for the audience’s feelings for the subject of the
paper such as anger, pity, and aversion in order to persuade that also refers to values?

A. consideration appeals C. ethical appeals

B. emotional appeals D. logical appeals

7. What type of appeals should be used for convincing an audience through the credibility
of the persuader, be it a notable or experienced figure in the field or even a popular

A. consideration appeals C. ethical appeals

B. emotional appeals D. logical appeals

8. What type of essay expresses a position on an issue that gives arguments and supports
the opinion of the writer based on the facts collected?

A. academic text C. literary writing

B. literary Writing D. position paper

9. The writer includes details that support the opposing claim, then after writing the
counterargument, he/she will write his/her argument and give a point of view that
provides evidence that supports his/her claim. What element in the position paper state
the opposing argument by briefly describing them?

A. body C. introduction
B. conclusion D. position paper

10. What element in the position paper introduce your topic, then provide the history or
background of the issue?

A. body C. introduction
B. conclusion D. position paper

11. What element in the position paper state both sides of the argument, and summarize
arguments in your essay?

A. body C. introduction
B. conclusion D. position paper

12. What do you call the data gathering tool having a set of questions used in a survey and
is utilized in various fields such as politics, research, marketing, and media that is
intended to gather data, views, opinions, and others from individuals or a particular group
of people?

A. survey C. survey questionnaire

B. survey method D. survey report

13. What is the best to use for the respondents to be involved and face each other to gather
the necessary information?

A. face-to-face structured interview C. personal approach

B. paper and pencil survey D. self-administered approach

Mendez Crossing East, Tagaytay City, Cavite 4120

14. What type of survey uses the internet to send surveys through the internet in various
ways such as email, embedded over websites, social media, or forms?

A. face to Face structured interview C. paper and pencil survey

B. online Survey D. telephone survey

15. In crafting a survey questionnaire there are things to do and do not. Which of the
following is NOT included?

A. should cover all possible options

B. should use words that have a clear meaning
C. should provide double negative questions in one sentence
D. should not ask two, three, or more questions in one sentence

16. What is the best way to know and understand people’s choices, attitudes, or feelings on
certain issues?

A. survey C. survey questionnaire

B. survey method D. survey report

17. What type of survey questionnaires CANNOT BE answered by a "yes" or "no" response,
or with a static response, and are phrased as a statement which requires a longer

A. contingency questions C. matrix questions

B. dichotomous questions D. open-ended questions

18. What type of survey questionnaire is intended for certain respondents only, depending
on the provided answers?

A. contingency questions C. matrix questions

B. dichotomous questions D. open-ended questions

19. What type of survey questionnaire provides two possible answers?

A. contingency questions C. matrix questions

B. dichotomous questions D. open-ended questions

20. What do you call a writer’s position on an issue that is supported with reasons and
pieces of evidence?

A. claim C. defense
B. counter argument D. evidence

21. What is the term that refers to a formal piece of writing based on research where
reporting the results of a survey, and the figures gathered should be given in the form of
percentages and proportions?
A. survey C. survey questionnaire
B. survey method D. survey report

22. What is the technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are thought
to have desired information?
A. survey C. survey questionnaire

Mendez Crossing East, Tagaytay City, Cavite 4120

B. survey method D. survey report

23. The following are the guidelines in writing a survey report EXCEPT?
A. keep it simple
B. modes of ordering
C. basic qualities of a good report
D. avoid leading and biased questions.

24. What do you call a formal piece of writing based on research?

A. survey C. survey questionnaire
B. survey method D. survey report

25. This is a kind of writing where the students establish a position on a given topic and then
use evidence to persuade the audience to see things from his/her point of view.

A. academic text C. comprehensive writing

B. argumentative writing D. literary writing

26. The doctor told me to eat less sugar as it can cause health issues later in life. What type
of appeal is used in this statement?

A. consideration appeals C. ethical appeals

B. emotional appeals D. logical appeals

27. Which of the arguments is a logical appeal?

A. Everyone knows that bottled drinking water is healthy.

B. Water bottles can be recycled, but many don't get recycled.
C. Based on research, Filipinos use 163 million plastic sachet packets daily.
D. Using refillable water bottles can help reduce the amount of trash in our landfills.

28. Which of the following DOES NOT describe a Face-to-face Structured Interview?
A. The interview is set personally and verbally in an open area.
B. The calls are made to ask individuals on particular questions.
C. Questions on the survey are asked directly to the respondent by the researcher.
D. The group of people involved faces each other in order to gather the necessary

29. Haruto is conducting a survey. He wants to give the respondents more time to read the
questions so he mailed the survey questionnaires. What kind of method did Haruto use
in conducting a survey?
A. Gmail survey C. online survey
B. mail survey D. Yahoo! survey

30. Which is TRUE about survey questionnaire?

A. Should have any bias or prejudice

B. Should avoid double negative questions
C. Should ask two or more questions in one sentence

Mendez Crossing East, Tagaytay City, Cavite 4120

D. Should include too-personal or too-embarrassing questions

31. What do you call textual generalizations, that is, a summary of the important data
consisting of the text and numbers?

A. finding C. reading
B. making D. texting

32. The following are the preliminary steps in writing a summary, EXCEPT one:

A. write down the main points of each section

B. skim the text, noting in your mind the subheadings
C. read the text, highlighting important information and taking notes
D. provide background information by explaining the research and studies

33. Which of the following statements about SUMMARIZING is TRUE?

A. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about.

B. The Summary is a thought that is true but is not in the passage.
C. The Summary is always found in the first sentence of the passage.
D. The Summary is specific, detailed information contained in the passage.

34. What SHOULD you include in the Introduction?

A. Background, Issue, and Position

B. Discussion and pieces of evidence
C. References, Studies, and Additional Data
D. Results, Summary, and Recommendation

35. When reporting the results of a survey, the figures gathered should be given in what

A. percentages and proportions

B. report and summary
C. survey and report
D. table and numbers
36. What is the purpose of writing a survey report?
A. to conduct a survey
B. to read a survey report
C. to have a better report
D. to study a research topic thoroughly
Prepared by: Checked/Validated by:

_______________________________ ___________________________________
LSB Teacher OIC, Academic Group Head - HUMSS, Languages
Date Signed: ___________________ Date Signed: ____________________

LSB Teacher
Date Signed: ___________________
Noted by:

______________________________ ________________________________

Mendez Crossing East, Tagaytay City, Cavite 4120

LSB Teacher Assistant Principal II
Date Signed: ___________________ Date Signed: ___________________

Mendez Crossing East, Tagaytay City, Cavite 4120


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