Pulsation Vibration Guidelines Seminar API 618 5th Addition

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

Peerless Dynamics LLC

1802 Cloud Croft Dr.
Friendswood, TX, 77546
Phone: 281-992-5824
Cell: 832-274-9396


Pulsation Vibration


Work Sheet

Present by:

Frank Fifer

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

1.0 Vibrations:

Vibration definition:
Vibration = Dynamic______________
2.0 Forces:
Below is a sketch of a 2 throw reciprocating compressor. There are 5 main dynamic forcing
functions that are inherent with every separable reciprocating compressor package. The designer
must understand how these forces will interact with their vessels, piping, cylinder supports,
frame, skid and foundation.




Force Summary Table

Dynamic Force Predominant Frequencies

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

Force 5 is depicted below. What is it?



Rod Load Curve

Any periodic wave can be broken
down into a series of sine waves,
multiples of the fundamental
frequency. Here the rod load curve
can be made up of an infinite number
of sine waves. The fundamental and
first 2 harmonics are shown.

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

3.0 Mechanical Guideline

What does every Pipe, Bottle, Scrubber, Cylinder … has? A ___________________________

What is the R word? ___________________________.

Avoid resonance, avoid failures! You must avoid resonance at the frequencies where the
forces are the highest!


All mechanical natural frequencies must be above 2.4 times run speed.

Proposed wording from new API 618, 5th addition: Separation Margins:

Unless otherwise specified, both of the following guidelines are to be used together to avoid
coincidence of excitation frequencies with mechanical natural frequencies of the compressor,
pulsation suppression devices and piping system.

a) The minimum mechanical natural frequency of any compressor or piping system

element shall be designed to be greater than 2.4 times maximum rated speed.
Note 1: The intent is to be above twice running speed, because there is almost always sufficient
excitation energy at the first and second orders to excite resonance’s to a dangerous level
Note 2: In certain compressor configurations, there can be significant excitation energy at higher orders
of running speed and the system design shall take this into account.
When the minimum mechanical natural frequency guideline is not met or when there is significant
excitation energy at higher orders, the separation margins as defined in b) shall be maintained.
b) The predicted mechanical natural frequencies shall be designed to be separated from
significant excitation frequencies by at least 20%.

Note 1:The intent is that at least 10% separation for the actual system is achieved and due to modeling
limitations, if 20% is used for predicted designs then 10% for the actual system will generally be
Note 2: The ability to accurately predict resonance and therefore separation margin is greatly effected by
the stiffness of the system. Elevated rack-mounted piping systems will be inherently less stiff than
grade-mounted pipe on concrete sleepers. In general, the stiffer the system, the lower the sensitivity of
the model to stiffness variability, and therefore the more accurate the prediction of the natural
frequencies and avoidance of coincidence with excitation frequencies.

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

4.0 Failures

What must be exceeded for a failure to occur? Endurance Limit _________________!

5.0 General Vibration Guideline

Initial screening of measured vibration is according to generally held vibration a standard that
suggests that the table below can to be used as an upper limit for vibrations at any frequency,
whichever is less. This guideline is generally conservative. Slow speed machines can tolerate
much higher vibrations before excessive stresses occur. Actual operating stresses must be
calculated to determine if a failure is likely to occur. An industry accepted maximum calculated
stress (using a finite element program) due to bending from vibration only, is 3000-psi pk (this is
the stress due to the vibration only, and does not include any additional stresses from say
thermal, internal pressure or bolt up stresses).

Displacement Velocity
(mils p-p) (in/s pk)
Piping 10 1
Cylinders 7 .7
Frames 5 .5
Actual 618 5th addition vibration guideline:

6.0 Pulsation Characteristics

1 – Pulsations travel at the speed of __________________________.

2 – Pulsations are reflected at changes in ______________________.

3 – Pulsations start off as ___________________ waves and are reflected at area

changes. The reflected waves combine with the traveling waves to produce
_____________________ waves.

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

7.0 How long is one pulsation wave length?

The wave length Lambda (λ) is:

λ = Speed of Sound (ft/s)

Frequency (c/s)

Speed λ λ
(rpm) 1X 2X

8.0 Dynamic Pressure Drop

Reciprocating compressors produce oscillating pressures or pulsations. Associated with the
pulsations are oscillating flows. If there are real pressure fluctuations there are also real
oscillating flows. The gas stream is made up of two flow components

1010 psi

Pulsation 1000


40 ft/s

1- The ________________state flow component, and

2- The ________________flow or fluctuating or alternating flow component.

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

9.0 Dynamic Pressure Drop

There is pressure drop associated with both the steady and alternating flow components. We all
intuitively know that there is pressure drop throughout our piping. The formula for pressure drop

∆P = k V²
Where k = pressure drop constant
V = velocity of the gas
Since there is oscillating flow, there is an oscillating flow component to the pressure drop. The
total pressure drop through the piping consists of both a steady flow and an oscillating flow
component. These flow component are commonly referred to as steady flow pressure drop and
dynamic flow pressure drop.
Because there is dynamic flow, meter runs can read inaccurately. The error due to pulsations in
a meter makes the meter always read high.
Dynamic Pressure Drop Case:

Pulsation maximums always occur at dead ends and velocity maximums always occur at area

Pulsation Max is a Velocity ___________________.

Pulsation Minimum is a Velocity _______________.

In order to have the highest probability of measuring at or near a pulsation maximum in the
standing wave, located test nipples at dead ends and in piping, near the center between two area

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Dynamic pressure drop is not to exceed the steady flow pressure drop. The
steady flow pressure drop is to follow the allowable levels found in API 618.

Proposed wording from new API 618, 5th addition: Maximum Allowable Pressure Drop:
For all Design Approaches:
a) Unless otherwise specified, the pressure drop, based on steady flow through a pulsation suppression
device at the manufacturer’s rated capacity, for each operating case, shall not exceed 0.25 percent
of average absolute line pressure at the device, or the percentage determined by Equation 12,
whichever is higher. These limits shall be increased by a factor of 2 when the pressure drop is
calculated using the total flow, where total flow is the sum of the steady flow plus dynamic
flow components, provided that the static component still meets the above criteria.

R −1
∆P = 1.67 % (12)
∆P= the maximum pressure drop based on steady flow through a pulsation suppression
device expressed as a percentage of mean absolute line pressure at the inlet of the device;
R= the stage pressure ratio.
b) When a moisture separator is an integral part of the pulsation suppression device, the pressure drop
based on steady flow through such a device at the manufacturer’s rated capacity at each operating
case, shall not exceed 0,33 percent of the mean absolute line pressure at the device, or the
percentage determined by Equation 13, whichever is higher. These limits shall be increased by a
factor of 2 when the pressure drop is calculated using the total flow, where total flow is the
sum of the steady flow plus dynamic flow components.

R −1
∆P = 2.17 % (13)
c) Pressure drops specified in this clause may be exceeded by mutual agreement between purchaser
and vendor, when this is the consequence of the preferred solution to piping resonance problems.
The effects of dynamic interaction between compressor cylinders, pulsation suppression devices
and attached piping on cylinder performance are evaluated and pulsation-induced power and
capacity deviations are determined for the recommended design. This analysis should optimize
pulsation related compressor performance.

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10.0 Pulsation Frequencies

Why do pulsations produce higher frequencies?

Reciprocating compressors are not continuous flow machines. In reality, the compressor valves
are closed more often than they are open.



Head end only

Head and Crank ends

As with the cylinder stretch force, the rod load force, the ‘shark fin’ pulsation input is also a
periodic wave and can be broken down into a series of sine waves. It is much harder to make
shark fins out of sine waves than the saw tooth type wave of the cylinder stretch input rod load
force. That is why higher frequencies vibrations are usually pulsation induced.

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11.0 Acoustical Resonance

%Reflection = A–a (%100)


As the acoustical traveling wave hits the area change, the traveling wave reflects based on the
severity of the area change. The reflected wave adds and subtracts with the next traveling wave.
After many cycles a standing wave is produced. When the physical properties of the piping
system tune up properly with the standing wave, acoustical resonance results.

What stops the pulsation amplitude from going to infinity during resonance? ________________

12.0 ¼ λ or ‘Coke Bottle’ Resonance

Trial and error orifice sizing: Cylinder to bottle connection diameter ratio = ________________
Bottle to line side connection diameter ratio = ________________

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

Typical System

Where are the typical pulsation maximums and minimums?

13.0 Unbalanced Force Guideline

Example 1

12” header, 100 in²

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

Example 2

12” header, 100 in²


Pulsation generated unbalanced forces shall not exceed 100 pounds times the
nominal pipe size to a maximum of 1000 pounds. For pipes larger than 20
inches a 50 pound factor can be used.

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

Proposed wording from new API 618, 5th addition: Maximum Allowable Acoustic Shaking Force:

The maximum allowable non-resonant shaking force based on the design vibration guideline is
calculated with Equation 9.
SFk = keff • V (9)
SFk = non-resonant shaking force guideline relative to static structural stiffness
(SI Units: N pk-pk; US Customary Units: lbF pk-pk)
keff = effective static stiffness along the piping or pulsation suppression device axis where
the shaking force acts (SI Units: N / mm; US Customary Units: lbF / in)
(see Annex P for a detailed discussion of keff)
V = design vibration guideline (SI Units: mm pk-pk; US Customary Units: in pk-pk)
(see clause, Figure 5)

Note 1: The shaking force guideline (SFk) applies to non-resonant vibration, therefore, shaking forces near
resonance must be reduced well below the above shaking force guideline. This guideline is simplified from
a complex analysis, contains many inherent assumptions, and needs to be applied with care. Refer to
Annex P for conventions and a more detailed discussion of the maximum allowable shaking forces.

Note 2: Various support types provide ranges of support stiffness approximately as follows:

Elevated Un-braced Rack Supports 900 – 2700 N/mm (5000 – 15000 lbF/in)
Grade Level Typical Supports and Clamps 2700 – 27000 N/mm (15000 – 150000 lbF/in)
Grade Level Heavy Supports and Clamps 27000 – 45000 N/mm (150000 – 250000 lbF/in)

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet Maximum Allowable Piping System Non-Resonant

Acoustic Shaking Force:
The maximum allowable piping non-resonant shaking forces are limited to the levels calculated
from Equation 9 or from Equation 10, whichever is less.

In SI units:

SFpmax = 45 • NPS (10)

Or in US customary units:

SFpmax = 250 • NPS


SFpmax = maximum piping non-resonant shaking force guideline based on support strength
(SI Units: N pk-pk; US Customary Units: lb F pk-pk)
NPS = nominal pipe size (SI Units: mm; US Customary Units: in) Maximum Allowable Cylinder Mounted Pulsation

Suppression Device Non-Resonant Shaking Force
The maximum allowable cylinder mounted pulsation suppression device non-resonant shaking
forces are limited to the levels calculated from Equation 9 or from Equation 11, whichever is less.
For Design Approach 2 since the shaking force levels are not evaluated using Equation 9, the
maximum allowable level shall be 10% of Equation 11. For frequencies within +/- 20% of the
calculated pulsation suppression device mechanical natural frequency, the maximum allowable
level shall be 1% of Equation 11.

In SI units:

SFdmax = 45000 (11)

Or in US customary units:

SFdmax = 10000

SFdmax = maximum pulsation suppression device non-resonant shaking force guideline based on
structural strength (SI Units: N pk-pk; US Customary Units: lbF pk-pk)

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Peerless Dynamics/ Pulsation-Vibration Seminar Worksheet

Acoustical/Mechanical Guideline Summary

1- Include all operating conditions expected over the entire life of the machine. The full range of
operating conditions should include variations in cylinder action and clearance, variations in
pressures and temperatures, and variations in gas compositions.

2- Perform analysis up to and including the first major vessel (inlet separator on the suction side
or dehydrator on the discharge side) or to the pipeline.

3- Perform analysis for at least 16 orders of run speed or more as needed to consider
frequencies up to at least 100 Hz.

4- Where orifice meters are present, allowable meter error for custody transfer is less than
.125%, and for station accounting/flow control less than 1%.

5- Pulsations at the cylinder flange connection are to follow API 618 guideline

Allowable pulsation = [.03 X (line pressure) X (compression ration)] to a maximum of 7%

6- Minimum design mechanical natural frequencies should be above 2.4 times run speed. For
higher speed units (where this may not be practical), for parts of the system exposed to
significant excitation at 3 and higher orders, or for fixed speed units, design mechanical
natural frequencies will be separated from significant excitation frequencies by at least 20%.

7- Dynamic pressure drop is not to exceed the steady flow pressure drop. The steady flow
pressure drop is to follow the allowable levels found in API 618.

8- Rule of thumb shaking force criteria are as follows: Pulsation generated unbalanced forces
shall not exceed 100 pounds times the nominal pipe size to a maximum of 1000 pounds. For
pipes larger than 20 inches a 50 pounds per inch of nominal pipe size factor can be used.
These criteria may be superseded by shaking force guidelines derived on the basis of
support stiffness.

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