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Implementation Pathway

● Curriculum Overview:
○ Week 0: Intro & Onboarding
○ Week 1: Deliverability
○ Week 2: Targeting
○ Week 3: Messaging
○ Week 4: Sending Software
○ Week 5: Inbox Management
○ Week 6: Campaign Review
○ Week 7-12: Opportunities

● Scenarios
○ Newcomer to cold emailing:
■ Follow the curriculum in order from Week 0 to Week 6
■ When you’re ready, start to explore opportunities
○ Cold emailer looking to refine their skills:
■ Skip what you’re already familiar with
■ Jump to the sections you are struggling the most with
○ Business owner training a cold emailer:
■ Business owner should go through the curriculum from Week 0 to Week 6
■ Then guide the cold emailer through the course from Week 0 to Week 6
○ Cold emailer looking for job opportunities:
■ First make sure you fully understand the curriculum
■ Focus on Week 7-12 right away

● Keep in mind…
○ Internalize then implement the learnings
○ Actively participate in the community
○ Attend live calls for deeper understanding
○ Revisit course material as needed

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