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1. Background information on the social media site or app.

2. How does the social media website/ app reflect and influence youth culture?
3. What appeals most to youth about your media? Explain.
4. What are the values and beliefs that your chosen social media convey? How
free are you to accept or reject these ideas? Discuss and explain.
5. What are the trends, languages and codes of conduct of your social media?
6. What pressures do you feel to follow the trends, languages and codes of
conduct? Explain.

Ad: Hello everyone, and we,come back to the AAG podcast! I'm thrilled to have two fantastic guests with
me today: Bottoni , a 27 year old Harvard Alumni and James a 19 year old self made tiktok millionaire.
Today we are going to dive into the fascinating world of tiktok and its profound influence on youth
culture. Tiktok, a dynamic social media platform, empowers users to create and share captivating short
videos, typically ranging from 15 seconds to one minute. In just a matter of months tiktok has taken the
youth demographic by storm, creating millions of devoted users. Tiktok has the capacity to shape and
mold thoughts, behaviours, and trends of our youth which can either be positive or negative.

Ad: Now James let's dive into the nitty-gritty details and I just wanted to explore how it really affects the
youth culture

G: Hi guys, glad to be back on this show thanks for having me. To be honest I feel like this app
can influence youths' culture a lot. Since TikTok promotes real, short, and varied material that
speaks to the tastes of the modern generation, it is a reflection of youth culture. It embodies
their values of creativity, inclusivity, and digital activism. The website has a significant impact
on teen culture through its influence on creativity, fashion trends, musical preferences,
and even social and political awareness. TikTok Also has a way of advertising. There are so
many songs the tik tok has blown up and made the artist famous for example "Beggin” by
Måneskin, Arizona Zervas Roxanne and “Good 4 U” by Olivia Rodrigo.
Tik tok has had a major influence on the communication and self-expression of youth in the
digital age. For example, right now in the NFL Taylor Swift started dating Travis Kelce, ever
since the internet heard that his jersey went up 400% since last year. Tik tok can also negatively
affect youth culture, for example Tik tok can influence negative trends and make kids self
conscious about themselves. Actually I just read a New York Times article and it talks about
how some countries are trying to ban tik tok on its negative effect on youth culture and Invading
sensitive user data.
Why countries are trying to ban Tik tok
Why Countries Are Trying to Ban TikTok - The New York Times
Ad: Thank you for that insight perspective, James. It's fascinating to see how TikTok serves as a
mirror reflecting youth culture. I completely agree with your point on how tiktok influences
various aspectsof youth culture, from fashion trends to musical preferences. Moreover it's
interesting to wonder why Tiktok so strongly appeals to youth. I think it's because Tiktok allows
the youth an escape from their reality and allows them pure enjoyment on the app. Also, our
youth generation has a very low attention span and Tiktok caters to that. Their videos are short
and visually pleasing. Furthermore, If the viewer dosent like the video from the first couple
seconds they can always just click off it and go down to the next video.

Now Bottoni I was wondering something from you What are the values and Beliefs tiktok stands

Aiden: Hey guys, thanks for having me back on your podcast. I'm thrilled to be back here. I feel
Tik Tok can be used to post short tutorials on how to build, fix or make things. Tik Tok is also
used to help people with learning different languages, learn about different cultures, different
types of history, your mental health and well-being. Tik Tok can also help the youth with school
on different subjects such as science, math or english teaching them different things. People
can also use the social media app for motivation or inspiration. Tik Tok Also values creativity
and self-expression, diversity and inclusivity. You are free to accept or reject these ideas but if
you say or post the wrong thing it can offend many people and you can get “canceled” and lose
many followers and even friends and ruin your reputation.

Adam:Thanks Bottoni for a great answer. Now let's turn our attention to the tiktok sensation.
James, can you enlighten me about the trends, languages and codes of conduct of tiktok

G: being a tik tok inflouiser you might think it's very easy to make all these videos but to get all
the likes and follows you need to see what the trends are and what people are interested in
because if you are posting an old trend some people might just scroll because they've seen it a
bunch a times. Tik tok also follows a pretty strict code of conduct; they do not allow nudity,
pornography, or sexually explicit content on their platform. Although you can find some videos
that break that code of conduct,Tik Tok is mostly a fun app to scroll on and watch videos that
you are interested in. I do think that Tik tok needs to do a better job with taking down some of
those inappropriate videos.

Ad:Now Bottoni following up with that question. What pressures do the influencers feel to follow
the trends, languages and codes of conduct? Explain.

AI: If you are a tik tok influencer and especially a growing one you are pressured to follow the
trends as if you don’t you can risk losing followers, views and likes which can drop your revenue
and your popularity by a substantial amount. You are also pressured to follow the codes of
conduct as if you post something inappropriate which goes against the codes of conduct you
can get your account suspended for a certain period of time and if you keep breaking it you can
get your account terminated and would have to make a new account losing all your followers
and videos and it is highly likely that you don’t get all your followers back. Also depending on
what you post you can even get into legal trouble.

Ad: Bottoni thank you for that great answer and I think with that we can wrap this podcast It was
great having you guys on the show and I hope we can talk again and Thank you the viewers for
watching and listening.

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