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Assignment: Creating a Flowchart with Advanced Arithmetic Operations

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to create a flowchart with

more advanced arithmetic operations to solve slightly complex problems.
Use standard flowchart symbols and basic arithmetic operations.

1. Use pencil and paper to draw flowcharts.
2. Follow the standard flowchart symbols (ovals for start/end, rectangles for
processes, diamonds for decision-making).
3. Clearly label each box and decision with appropriate text.
4. Use arrows to connect the boxes and show the logical flow of the process.
5. Ensure the flowchart is easy to follow and understand.
6. Complete the following five questions, creating a flowchart for each scenario.

1. Calculate the final price of an item after applying a discount and adding tax.
Input the original price, the discount percentage, and the tax rate. Display the
final price.

2. Write a program to find the sum of all even numbers between 1 and a given
positive integer (inclusive). Input the positive integer and display the sum.

3. Calculate the factorial of a given non-negative integer. Input the integer and
display the factorial. If the input is negative, display an error message.

4. Determine the type of a triangle based on its three side lengths. Input the
three sides, and output whether the triangle is "equilateral," "isosceles,"
"scalene," or "not a triangle" if the sides cannot form a valid triangle.

5. Create a simple calculator program that takes two numbers and an operator
(+, -, *, /) as input and displays the result of the operation. Handle division by
zero appropriately.

These questions involve more complex logic and calculations, so take your
time to plan the flowcharts carefully. Good luck, and enjoy the challenge!

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