Organizational Behavior NMIMS

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Name : Aditya Dhote

Organizational Behavior

Answer 1:


Ability -

It refers to individual capacity to respond, whereas motivation refers to individual’s desire to respond.
Abilities can be divided into (MA) mental abilities and (PA) physical abilities.

Personality represents a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determines the psychological
behavior of people.

Personality development -
It is influenced by several factors, including physiological, cultural, family and group, role, and
situational determinants.

Concepts and Application

The maximum essential function of activity looking is to permit employers realize how properly
certified you're for the positions you're making use of for. When you do so, you're much more likely
to be visible as a candidate really well worth interviewing via way of means of the hiring manager.
You will usually handiest have some seconds to persuade an organisation which you are match
sufficient for the location to advantage a extra thorough assessment of your CV and cowl letter. The
pinnacle five talents that assist me carry out my function correctly are autocratic, supervisory,
compassionate, collegial, and machine models.


Examples of the behaviour consist of difficulty selling, taking the initiative, optimistic change-
orientated communication, innovation, and proactive socialization. In addition, the fulfilment of your
organization is predicated at the capabilities of your personnel and setting the proper character
withinside the proper activity may be the distinction among fulfillment and failure, now no longer
only for the worker however additionally for the project. Part of a hit control is figuring out your
worker’s strengths, and weaknesses, after which assigning jobs and tasks accordingly. The worker
talents play as crucial function in self-increase in addition to business enterprise increase. It
additionally affected in the direction of the overall performance of each worker.

why the abilities of an employee should match the job requirement ?

There are many benefits due to matching the abilities of the employee to the job description such as

 it gives enough information of the candidates on how could they perform once they are

 If the required skill sets are not in the candidates it could be easy for recruiter to filter out the

 It also gives a lot of idea before hand that how will they perform in the selected domain.

 It also reduces certain requirement of providing training before joining, as most of abilities
match JD.

For example, if in JD there includes the skills of speaking the native language in the joining location
for better reaching the people effectively. So hiring the person who doesn’t know that language and
give training after joining will cost the company time and money.

Similarly if JD has given certain technology that candidate should have hands on and have worked
before. Due to this the employer would know that if the person has already worked on particular
technology then is gives them upper hand than the one who doesn’t know that technology.

Answer 2:


Insight the board is the act of guaranteeing the message an individual wishes to send is perceived by
the particular people or gatherings they need to reach. It likewise implies impacting how individuals
decipher what others say about an individual or affecting how individuals decipher what others say
about somebody.

Insight is vital for the administrator who needs to abstain from making mistakes when managing
individuals and occasions in the work setting. Discernment is additionally significant on the grounds
that it offers more than genuine yield, it ingests a perception and fabricates an adjusted reality
improved with past encounters.

Concepts and Application :

With the current pandemic changing the way that individuals work for the time being, organizations
are attempting to sort out if telecommuting really is better or more terrible for their representatives.
The current impression of telecommuting is adverse however the measure of individuals that are
telecommuting is ceaselessly expanding. Be that as it may, there are numerous up-sides and a ton of
chances for change of insight while additionally keeping up with the current culture. The following
are the means and measures that assist with dealing with the insight interaction.


The course of insight starts with the incitement of the faculties. At the point when somebody is
animated, something becomes obvious. The five faculties invigorate individuals. They incorporate
smelling, seeing, hearing, tasting and contacting. The eyes are the most widely recognized receptors
for incitement, however tasting a heavenly supper or smelling a fruity dessert cooking can be
comparably invigorating. In this manner, the primary phase of discernment starts with the faculties.
Individuals should initially detect upgrades before they can see.


The body spreads a lot of data all through the body. The cerebrum perceives natural thoughts and
ideas and associates them with previous encounters. This permits the cerebrum to get what's going on.
During this stage, receptors in the body develop mental portrayals of the incitement individuals
experience. This is known as a percept. They help in organizing thoughts in individuals' psyches with
the assistance of examples. Examples assist individuals with gathering thoughts so they can decipher


At the point when the body perceives occasions and highlights, individuals apply their own
encounters and predispositions. They assess their own insight and relate it to their past, values and
convictions. This assists them with deciding how to respond to circumstances before them. At the
point when data is deciphered, it is given importance. Translation is abstract, implying that every
individual can have an alternate assessment or comprehension of a similar upgrade.

At the point when the body stores occasions and minutes in the cerebrum, they become part of the
memory. Individuals assemble relationship between these minutes and their own convictions and
encounters. Recollections can identify with positive or negative encounters. Regularly, individuals
may not understand that have a memory put away until another improvements helps them to
remember something that occurred. The body stores the particular boosts somebody encountered, yet
additionally their sentiments about them.


Individuals can review minutes from their life to assess them. At the point when they do this, they
carry an apparent occasion to their psyche to recover subtleties. At the point when individuals review
minutes frequently, they can start to do as such more precisely. They may likewise understand that
over the long run, the recollections they can review change. Their review might even change a few
components of the memory. Discernment eventually helps individuals of various encounters allocate
significance to data and occasions in their lives. Every individual likewise sees occasions uniquely in
contrast to other people. This makes insight emotional.


Telecommuting presents major difficulties to managers. There are no ways of deciding how long a
representative has spent on telecommuting since the framework grants adaptable hours. However,
information from different sources plainly demonstrates that telecommuting is a pattern that will fill
in future.

Answer 3:


As the technology changes with time the new things always come to replace the old ways. Like in
earlier Days attendance were used to ,marked on register and entry time and exit time used to be filled
with hand. But nowadays the fingerprint scanner is used directly to monitor the incoming and
outgoing activities of one person. Such change in technology had happened in past many years. S
A) Learning is described as a system of obtaining, enriching, or converting one's know-how, skills,
values, attitudes, conduct, and international perspectives with the aid of using combining private and
environmental stories and influences. Nikita need to pick out cognitive psychology because the
maximum influential gaining knowledge of idea for quicker results. Employees are now not visible as
collections of responses to environmental stimuli, as behaviorists apprehend them, however as facts
processors, in step with the idea. Unlike behaviorists, cognitive psychology will be aware of complex
intellectual events. The emergence of the laptop as an facts-processing technology, which have
become just like the human mind, affected the hypothesis. Learning is described as the purchase of
know-how in cognitive psychology: the learner is an facts processor that absorbs data, plays cognitive
operations on it, and shops it in memory. As a result, it'll be employees' desired method of gaining
knowledge of specific version behaviors displayed with the aid of using leaders.

b) The significance of reinforcement withinside the gaining knowledge of system can't be

overstated. Reinforcement, in step with the regulation of effect, is some thing that increases the
electricity of the reaction at the same time as additionally tending to encourage repetitions of the
conduct that preceded the reinforcement. Reinforcement also can be defined functionally: some thing
is reinforcing if it strengthens the reaction earlier than it and reasons it to be repeated. Reinforcement
is a method that includes offering or doing away with a stimulus straight away after a conduct to help
decorate the chance that it's going to arise once more withinside the future. Positive reinforcement is
whilst a nice stimulus is used to inspire a favoured conduct. Positive punishment includes the creation
of an negative stimulus as a way to deter the conduct. Negative reinforcement is whilst a poor
stimulus is eliminated as a way to inspire a favoured action.


Some times the old ways get tedious or takes more time to or became less reliable compared to what
the new technology offers. To increase the productivity of the company the management always tries
to do their best. It might cost some money and time to get use to that technology but in the long run
there are many benefits that offers. And hence it is always good to keep evolving with the technology.

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