AYUSH BHardwaj 1243, Stats

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Q1. Fit a binomial distribution to the following data.

Find both simple

X f
0 26
1 62
2 46
3 10
4 4

X f fx
0 26 0
1 62 62
2 46 92
3 10 30
4 4 16
n=4 148 200

Mean 1.3513513513514

Fit a binomial distribution and find the expected frequencies if change of a screw being de
No. of defectives No. of samples
in a sample of 128
0 7
1 6
2 19
3 35
4 30
5 23
6 7
7 1
Total 128


n=7 p=.5 q=.5

No. of defectives No. of samples(f)
in a sample of 128(X) P(X=x)
0 7 0.0078125
1 6 0.0546875
2 19 0.1640625
3 35 0.2734375
4 30 0.2734375
5 23 0.1640625
6 7 0.0546875
7 1 0.0078125
Total 128 1

Mean(np) 3.5
variance(sq. root of npq) 1.3228756555323

Q3. 100 car radios are inspected as they come off the production line a
No. of defects No. of sets
0 79
1 18
2 2
3 1
4 0

Fit a poisson distrbution to the above data and calculate the frequencies of 0-4
Find both simple frequencies and cumulative frequencies.


No. of defects No. of sets fx

0 79 0
1 18 18
2 2 4
3 1 3
4 0 0
Total 100 25
Mean 0.25

Q4. Assuming that the typing mistakes per page committed by a typist
No. of mistakes per page No. of pages
0 40
1 30
2 20
3 15
4 10
5 5

Find simple as well as cumulative frequencies.


No. of mistakes per pageNo. of pages fx

0 40 0
1 30 30
2 20 40
3 15 45
4 10 40
5 5 25
Total 120 180

Mean 1.5

Q5. A random vairable X is normally distributed with mean = 12 and S

Mean 12
S.D. 2
P(X=9.6) 0.1150696702217
P(X=13.8) 0.8159398746532
P(9.6<X<13.8) 0.7008702044315

Mean 750
sd 150
Find middle 50% value of X.

Mean 750
SD 150

x value for 50% (Q3-Q1) 202.34692505882

x value for lower than 25%(Q1) 648.82653747059
x value for lower than 75%(Q3) 851.17346252941
owing data. Find both simple and cululative frequencies.

Ayush Bhardwaj, 1243, SECTION-B

P(X=x) P(X<=x)
0.192246057035655 0.192246057
0.3923388919095 0.5845849489
0.300259356053189 0.884844305
0.102129032671153 0.9869733377
0.0130266623305042 1

p(estimated) 0.3378378378

requencies if change of a screw being defective is 1/2. Find mean and variance of of the fitted distribution. F
Expected Frequencies P(X<=x) Expected Frequencies
1 0.0078125 1
7.00000000000001 0.0625 8
21 0.2265625 29
35 0.5 64
35 0.7734375 99
21 0.9375 120
7 0.9921875 127
1 1 128

come off the production line and number of defects per set is recorded below:

d calculate the frequencies of 0-4 defects.


P(X=x) P(X<=x)
0.778800783071405 0.7788007831
0.194700195767851 0.9735009788
0.0243375244709814 0.9978385033
0.00202812703924845 0.9998666303
0.000126757939953028 0.9999933883
er page committed by a typist follows a poisson distribution, find the expecte


P(X=x) P(X<=x) P(X=x)*120

0.22313016014843 0.22313 26.78
0.334695240222645 0.557825 40.16
0.251021430166984 0.808847 30.12
0.125510715083492 0.934358 15.06
0.047066518156309 0.981424 5.65
0.014119955446893 0.995544 1.69

tributed with mean = 12 and S.D. = 2. Find P(9.6<X<13.8).

the fitted distribution. Find both simple and cululative frequencies.
s recorded below:
, find the expected frequencies of the following distribution of typing mistake
of typing mistakes:

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