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Connecting the ADS127L01 (or ADS127L11) with an STM32 microcontroller

via SPI for 24-bit data acquisition involves several steps. Let’s go through them
step by step:

Hardware Connections:

SPI Pins: Connect the SPI pins between the ADS127L01 and the STM32. These pins
SCLK (serial clock)
MISO (master in, slave out)
MOSI (master out, slave in)
CS (chip select)
Ensure that the ADS127L01 is powered correctly and that the STM32 and ADS127L01
share a common ground.
Connect the data ready signal from the ADS127L01 to an appropriate GPIO pin on the
STM32. This signal indicates when new data is available for reading.
Software Configuration:

Set up the SPI peripheral on the STM32. Configure it for the correct data format
(24-bit) and clock polarity/phase.
Initialize the GPIO pin for the data ready signal as an input.
Implement an interrupt handler for the data ready signal. When this signal goes
high, it indicates that new data is available in the ADS127L01.
In the interrupt handler, read the data from the ADS127L01 using the SPI interface.
Reading Data:

When the data ready signal triggers the interrupt, read the data from the ADS127L01
using the SPI interface.
The ADS127L01 outputs data in two’s complement format. Convert this raw data to a
usable value (e.g., voltage) based on the reference voltage and gain settings.
Handle any additional features of the ADS127L01, such as configuring the filter
settings or adjusting the data rate.
Library Support:

Unfortunately, there isn’t a specific library provided by TI for the ADS127L01 to

work directly with STM32. However, you can write your own functions to handle the
SPI communication and data conversion.
Refer to the ADS127L01 datasheet and the STM32 reference manual for detailed
information on registers, commands, and configuration options.
Example Code:

Below is a simplified example of how you might read data from the ADS127L01 using
STM32 HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) functions. Note that this is a basic
outline, and you’ll need to adapt it to your specific requirements:
// Initialize SPI and GPIO pins
HAL_SPI_Init(&hspi1); // Initialize SPI1 (adjust as needed)
HAL_GPIO_Init(&GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStruct); // Initialize GPIO for data ready signal

// Interrupt handler for data ready signal

void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin) {
// Read data from ADS127L01
uint32_t raw_data = 0;
HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi1, (uint8_t*)&raw_data, 3, HAL_MAX_DELAY);

// Convert raw_data to voltage (based on reference voltage and gain

// Handle additional processing as needed

// Main loop (or other appropriate location)

while (1) {
// Your application logic here

Remember to adjust the pin names, SPI configuration, and data conversion according
to your specific setup. Consult the ADS127L01 datasheet for detailed register
settings and timing diagrams1.

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