SD Support Questions

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Account 30090210 has been set as not relevant for tax

Go to FS00 for that account code, under control data tab in tax category option select "-" only input tax allowed.

1) Account determination for entry 1000 GBB 0001 BSA 7936 not
2) Account determination for entry 1000 BSX 0001 ___ 7936 not
3) Account determination for entry 1000 GBB 0001 VAX 7936 not

(When input stock through MB1C)


Go to T code: OBYC
Double click on GBB>Enter Chart of A/c>Select the General Modifier>Enter the G/L
Account against the Valuation Class.

Val. Grouping Code: 0001/0002 assignment:

Hope you have Created Plant and now check the Plant Assignments to Company
code etc. are done properly.

If you did all the assignments then you can see the Plant / Valuation area in OMWD

2) Period 001/2011 is not open for account type S and G/L 90010101

(When input stock through MB1C)


1) Go to transaction code OB52 and do the period maintenance.

Account Type Short Description
+ Valid for all account types
A Assets
D Customers
K Vendors
M Materials
S G/L accounts
V Contract accounts

Further Check the MM period is closed or not in OMSY transaction code.

2) Period 001/2008 is not open for account type S and G/L 799999

The error is because the posting periods of S account type are not opened for the year
You have to set the variants to 2008. it is done by the FI Consultants. But you can set
the variants to 2008. The variants for the posting periods are configured in OB52.

In OB52 you have to check the Standard Account type S and change the years to 2008.
After setting these variants save and do the variant assignment to company with the
following process.

Select your company code and assign the Variant.

Valuation area creation Path


Val. Grouping Code: 0001/0002 assignment

Hope you have Created Plant and now check the Plant Assignments to Company
code etc. are done properly.

If you did all the assignments then you can see the Plant / Valuation area in OMWD

3) Balancing field "Profit Center" in line item 001 not filled

1) Maintain Profit Center in Material Master > Sales: General/Plant view.
2) Check the field status adjustments for account groups of customers and vendors.
The field profit center could have been set as mandatory.
Change this to “Optional" and the system won't give this error message.
3) This is due Profit center as mandatory field in document splitting rule. You have
to debit and credit dummy GL account with Profit center, so that entry for the
customer line items also gets profit center in GL view. This is the solution to
4) You can see the field status in 3 places. Account groups, field status variant and
posting keys (OB41). See once all the three places i think this is happen at
posting key level.
5) Check your accounting entry, since the document splitting is active, system and
profit center is one of the component for split, system will always check for the
profit center in any document posted.
In your scenario, the profit center has not been entered in any of the line item

4) Period 001/2011 is not open for account type S and G/L 90010101


Check the posting period variant assigned for your company code in OBBP.

iN OB52 change the month for that variant type s

5) Acct. 32010101 for trans./event key BSX, post able directly


Please use transaction FS00 - change GL account.

You have to check "Post automatically only” field in the Create/Bank/Interest tab.

Check in OBYC also.

Account determination for entry 1000 BSX ____ ___ 7935 not possible

No G/L account found in Account determination type ZOFK

Ans: go to VKOA

Acct determination not defined for trans. WIT IC 21 in chart of accts 1000


Field Order is a required field for G/L account 4000 431132

check the G/L account in FS00 -- create/bank/interest tab check field status group

goto OBC4 and for that field group make order field an optional entry .

Account determination for entry INT BSX ____ ___ 3000

not possible

i've problem when posting goods using Tcode MIGO,im getting error

<b>Account determination for entry INT BSX ____ ___ 3000 not possible</b>

i checked everything ok

>> Valuation class 3000 is in material master

>> Valuation class 3000 is listed under chart of accounts INT, Transaction BSX

ie values are

Valuation modif. is 0001

Valuation Class is 3000

Account is 300000

then y still im getting error pls help me


Please check transaction OMSY and check year and period open on third and fourth fields

Check transaction OMSK for these entries, valuation class 3000

BSX is used when you buy for stock - updating the stock account. (Stock PO)

GBB when you buy for cost center (K), project (P), etc. (Service PO)

WRX is the key that will update the GR/IR account. When you enter a goods receipt there is a credit
in this account, and when you have the invoice receipt, there is a debit in this account (and a credit
to the vendor account)

Account Key
Account keys have two parts:

1) The first part is about creating the account keys and assigning them to a pricing
condition in the pricing procedure.

2) The second part of this is setting up the account determination (G/L number) for
these accounting keys.

The flow is that you assign account keys to a pricing condition in a pricing procedure.
This pricing procedure is picked by sales order. In the sales order a $ value pricing
condition is determined. All these prices flow from sales order to billing. And then
from billing to Accounting. So ont the basis of the account key defined for the pricing
condition, the customer accounting group and material accounting group, a general
ledger is determined and this price entry is passsed to this G/L.

For creating and assigning the account key in pricing procedure you have to use the
pricing procedure transactions. But for Account determination you will ave to use
VKOA. This is an activity done by SD consultant but owned by Finance people.
Because they are the people who tell you the G/L number.

IMG - Sales & Distribution - Basic Functions - Account Assignment/Costing -

Revenue Account Determination - Define And Assign Account Keys.

Here you first define the account keys as per your requirement & then you assign it
in your pricing procedure for the specific condition types (do not use acct key for a
condition type which is statistical) whose values are to be passed on to accounting.

You can create the account keys in consultation with the FI consultant.

Then you have to use the account keys for determining the G/L accounts.

Use t.code OV34 to define new account keys and OV35 to assign them to condition

Its generally done by an FI guy but can also be done on the side with respect to the
SD related account keys. But the important thing is this has be in the knowledge of
both SD and FI as its an integration point.

Account requires an assignment to a CO

Use transaction code: KA02: enter G/L account (Cost element) and in default acct
assignment TAB, assign the Cost Center and save.

Now try ur transaction.


Check the Field Status of the account in FS00. SPRO → Financial Accounting
(New) → Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) → Document → Line Item →
Controls → Define Field Status Variants) If this account requires CO object as
mandatory then check whether a cost element is created or not, this error normally
occurs when CO object is mandatory but relevant cost element is not created.

Example: CO object may be cost center, cost element, WBS element

Set the Cost Center in FS00 → Default Acct Assignment.


Use t.code OKB9 and assign G/L account to cost object with company code and

For more check the link

Acct determination not defined for trans. WIT IC 21 in chart of accts 1000

- Use Transaction OBWW then enter your chart of accounts 1000 and maintain GL Account to
WA W5 combination
Error: Acct. 32010102 for trans./event key BSX, postable directly

Ans.--> Use T-code FS00 enter your G/L A/C and Company Code

Goto > Create/bank/

Check the tab "post automatically only"

Block material

Q:) How does one block a material?

1) You can block the material using the tcode MM02

Goto Basic data 1 and select field

X-plant matl status and maintain as follows,
01 Blocked for procment/whse
02 Blocked for task list/BOM
10 Blocked for MRP

2) MM06 - Flag Material for Deletion

You can block the material from many ways, in Mm02, u can block, mm06 you can block the
material, you also can freeze the material while inventort cont while creation of PI document in
T.code MI08

You can block or flag the material for deletion on client, plant,sales org, storage location,valuation

User the following field


Using the t-code MM06 & MM17

Check table T159L entry 0005 does not

exist in MB1C
I have created a plant and storage location in IMG.

i have created a material in plant 0005 and storage location 0005 in industry sector
retail and material type finished product.
Now i am trying to put the stock because i need to do a sales order.

so i came to MB1C and system automatically taken today date as document date
and posting date. I entered movement type 561, plant 0005 and storage location
0005 and pressed enter.

I got a warning message "No parameters have been maintained for this plant in
inventory management". I again pressed enter and then i entered inside and given
my materil and and quantity and pressed enter, now an error message came

"Check table T159L entry 0005 does not exist".

Ans: GL accounts are created at chart of accounts level and at company code

First unblock the GL account and create the GL account at company code level.

TCode: FS00

From menu bar select G/L account and then select block.

A tick in the Block for creation check box must be there. That means this G/L can not
be created in any company codes using that chart of accounts. You need to remove
that tick to enable you to create the same G/L.

SPRO > Materials Management > Inventory Management & Physical Inventory >
Plant Parameters

Enter your plant 0005 and add the relevant details and save. If needed, you can
copy the values from an existing plant and add the details to the new plant.
Accounting error: check value field
assignment for condition ZDBP
Message no. KE/AD243

When condition "ZDBP" (application "V") was transferred to the value field "ERLOS" in operating concern "1000"
in Profitability Analysis, the following became apparent:

• The condition can take both positive and negative values

• The flag "Transfer values with +/- signs" has not be set in Customizing for value field assignment.

Inconsistencies in the data could occur as a consequence.

Ans: Maintain Condition Assignment to Value Fields - SD Condition

Looks like the condition type is not assigned or incorrectly assigned to COPA value field. Check t-
code KE4I (ke4i)

Also check in the same t-code whether the Transfer +/- field is set. It should be set.

Cost center xxxx not allowed for GL xxxx. Only business CC

allowed (FI Rule)

GGB0 (Last letter zero)

For FI rule. Can create or modify or delete.

Create account 4103010188 for 07.02.2017

as a cost element in controlling area 1000
Ans: use T code: KA01 and create Cost element for 4103010188

Enter u r controlling area 1000

Then account 4103010188

Valid from 01.02.2017 Valid to 31.12.9999 then press enter & put other details...
"Create delivery" not allowed (User Status A00, object )

Ans.> Go to VA02, input the sale order against which you are trying to create
delivery and execute. Click from top menu bar "Goto -- Header -- Status" and again
click on Object Status at left bottom screen.

Make changes and save. Now create delivery.

Error: Date 31.08.2020 is after the end of factory calendar US

Ans.: Go to SCA3 and extended the Holiday Calendar and then extend Factory
calendar till 2098

In OX10 you can see which factory calendar is assigned to Plant

TVKO - VKOKL, you can see which Factory calendar assigned to Sales org

Error: Date 31.08.2020 is after the end of factory calendar US

Ans.: Go to SCA3 and extended the Holiday Calendar and then extend Factory
calendar till 2098


In OX10 you can see which factory calendar is assigned to Plant

TVKO - VKOKL, you can see which Factory calendar assigned to Sales org

Deficit of CustomerSt. unr.prev 1.000 PC : RD0MA0740026 2300 7990.00 W Message no. M7021

Ans. > Date of receiving the material in stock.

The message says that you have no stock in January (prev = previous period)

SAP has always 2 stock figures: current period and previous period

assume you had 1800 in January (previous period)

you had not posted the goods issue in January,

hence you still had those 1800 in the current period (February)

so technically you have 1800 in the january field and 1800 in February field

Now you goods issued with date of January.

this removed the 1800 from the January field, and since this stock exists only once
physically the February field is as well zero after this goods issue.

now you reversed the material with a date of February

this means you added again 1800 but only into the February field, nothing into
January because you did not use a date of the previous period.

the situation after this reversal is:

1800 in February field - 0 in January field

Now you try to post this goods issue again, using a January date.

since you have nothing in January, you cannot issue anything in January, and hence
you get the M7021 message.

to do the goods issue you have to change the posting date to February now.

Error: Goods movemt for delivery 90552599 cannot be canceled for the following reasons:

Deficit of BA qual.insp 2.000 PC : GO0MA0744001 2600 AM05

Solve: - MB1B → Movement type 322 (Trfr posting qual. inspection to unrestricted

Error: Goods movemt for delivery 90552599 cannot be canceled for the following reasons:

Deficit of BA qual.insp 2.000 PC : GO0MA0744001 2600 AM05

Solve: - MB1B → Movement type 322 (Trfr posting qual. inspection to unrestricted -
Determination of Storage Location
If I am making sales order storage location D002 Is coming automatically but if i want to change this
storage location, I am not able to change. How can i change this storage location if i am going to
change its allowed but automatically again change to D002 and i want D001.


i. Storage location will never come automatically in standard. It will flow only in delivery.
Only if you apply sale order user exit where the storage location is hard coded, it will
flow into your sale order. So check in debug mode whether any storage location is hard
coded where you have to include the new storage location also.

ii. The system automatically determines the storage location using the
combination Shipping Point + Plant + storage conditions ( T.code
OVL3).This happens at delivery level only and not at order level

System does not determine storage location at sales order level. User has
to indicate it at the time of creating sales order. The storage location
entered in the order item is copied into the outbound delivery. If no storage
location for picking is specified in the order item, the system determines
the storage location when it creates the outbound delivery and copies it
into the delivery item. The system determines the picking location based
on a MALA, RETA, MARA rule defined in the delivery type.

Storage location determination at sales order level is only possible using

user exits. Can use the user


It seems that you have used the exit. So please debug and update us.

Error: Version 0 is not defined for fiscal year 2016

Transaction Code: OKEV

Select the version 0 and go to ‘Settings for each Fiscal year’

Select & Copy the last year (here 2015)
Change the Fiscal Year as 2016

Number of entries copied: 1 then SAVE

Account determination error - in creation

of invoice - Message no. VF051

Normally GL account setting in VKOA.

But here need to add Provision acct. in VKOA

Means, not to post advance from customer amount in Revenue account directly, the value will post
under Provision Acct.

Another accounting entry will pass in future after providing service/goods form Provision Acct.
(22060804) to Revenue GL (50030103).

Error in account determination: table T030K key 1000 VS6 PB

Solve: OB40

SPRO => Ref IMG => Sales & Distribution => Basic Function => Pricing => Pricing Control => Define &
Assign Pricing Procedure => Maintain Pricing Procedure.

Error in transaction code J_1IG_INV for

While executing transaction code J_1IG_INV I am getting following errors:

• Message No. F5507: G/L account is not defined in chart of accounts

• Message No. RW609: Error in document : BKPFF $
• Message No. FF765: Transaction key does not exist
• Message No. KI235: Account xxxxxxxxxx requires an assignment to a CO object
• Message No. RW602: Required Field TAX_CODE was not transferred in parameter

Please follow the below steps in order to re-generate the above errors:

• First, create stock transfer order.

• Now create the outbound delivery document and issue the goods
• And then create GST outbound invoice
• Now post goods receipt
• At last, create a GST inbound invoice document with the help of t-code 'J_1IG_INV

In order to avoid the above errors please make sure the settings are maintained as
mentioned below:

• First please make sure the customizing for STO (Stock Transfer Order) are
in accordance with the document provided in SAP document 2416018.
• The business place has been activated for the country code 'IN'
• The plant assigned to Business place
• Info record has been maintained and referred in STO PO for tax code
• The business place must be defined for company code
• Also make sure that the condition names CGSTSOFFAP, SGSTSOFFAP,
J_1IEXCDEFN must be classified in t-code SM30.
• In table J_1IT030K_V Tax code/Accounting key/Business place relevant
GL account should be maintained
• The Accounting key must be assigned to the condition types
• Maintain the condition record for atleast one condition from tax procedure
with 0 rate and key combination 'Tax Classification' (A003 table) for the
tax codes created for GST. This is required to make the tax code active for
the tax procedure.

We are facing same problem. checked all the setting. Is there any updated SAP notes realted
to J_1IG_INV.


Ensure you have Tax code in the GL Assignment and in the Info REcord of the Material, maintain the
TAx code what you made in PO.

Error occurred in derivation rule

Message no. K/111
CO-PA Characteristic Derivation

Please give Line of Business : (Example : FILMS) in Account assignment tab of line
item (after condition tab) level.

The error seems that you have not maintained the derivation rule. You should take the help of FICO
Consultant. For maintenance of Derivation rule go to KEDE. Before that you have to maintain the
characteristics in t. code. KED1 provided the attributes exist for your operating Concern.

Field Order is a required field for G/L

Field Order is a required field for G/L account 1000 23107

Message no. F5808

Ans: Please check CO/PP order under Additional account assignments.

Please go to FS00 for G/L account 23107 -> Create/bank/interest tab.

Write down field status group.

Then go to t-code OBC4 and for relevant field status group make order field an
optional entry.

Field Profit Ctr is a required field for G/L

account 37010758
Q: While we are doing MIRO, we are facing a error message - Field Profit Ctr is a
required field for G/L account 1000 205405.

Please guide, what should be error.

Is there any error in G/L account?

A : Check the field status group attached with account number. Field status group might have profit
center as required entry which would prevent posting in GL account without profit center.

SPRO >> Financial Accounting (New) >> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) >> Ledgers >>
Fields >> Define Field Status Variants >> select: Field Status Variant SIL and select Field Status Grp
(here S014) and make Profit Center is Opt. entry

Item category LF ZTAN cannot be invoiced with billing type F2

In VTFA or in VTFL - Make sure you have maintained copy controls for your item category.

VTFA – Order to Invoice.

VTFL - Delivery to Invoice.

Error: Item category ZAPS ZAPP cannot be invoiced with billing type ZAPS

Ans.> VTFA > Order to Bill copying control.

Error: The item is not relevant for billing

Ans.> Go to VOV7, and check your Item category. Check what is maintained in Billing Relevance, I
think it will be Blank, if so, change it to A and save. Create a new Order and process till billing.

Manual price not copied in sales order form Invoice

Go to – VTAF (Billing Type to Sales Doc Type) select Item category (here ZECM) → change Copying
requirements 303 to 301 and save.


Error ME 124 is raised when view "plant stock / storage location stock" is not maintained in
material master for plant.


If the material is not available in stock then no delivery and no transfer is possible. It is not
possible for non-stock materials to make an stock transfer.

If you are using ME21 or ME21N to create stock transfer order, make sure the view "plant
stock / storage location stock" have been maintained for the relevant plant in the material

Also make sure the quantity flag have switched on in transaction OMS2 for both the delivery
and receiving plant for the material type that you are using. Otherwise, the error message ME
124 will be issued.

Therefore, the functionality for material which is not in stock is not available.

Missing data: Net value in Sales order

Incompletion log?
I created one order. While saving the order I found Net Value missing incompletion

What is the reason of the error?

Instead of removing the Net Value from from Incompletion log procedure, what is
another process to remove this net Value=0 error?

Ans.: This may be because field NETWR_Net value is assigned to incompletion

procedure in OVA2 at item level and at Sales Order type level (VOV8) you have
marked the "Incomplete message" checkbox.

Try removing Incomplete message checkbox and test again.

Missing data: Shipping Point/Receiving Pt.

Missing data: Shipping Point/Receiving Pt : This error is showing while creating Sales Order (VA01)

Ans.> Logistics Execution → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions → Shipping Point and Goods
Receiving Point Determination → Assign Shipping Points (OVL2)
General Information

Change Reference

Change Manager Arup C

Contact Person Subhra NC

System ID RP1

Client Number 500

Implementation Time
1. Immediate Implement.
(Choose 1 option only)
2. Emergency Implement. 1
3. Normal Implement.
Transport Type (Choose 1 option only)

ABAP Transport 1

SDM Transport

JAVA Portal Transport (Import / Export)

Steps to be executed in sequence:

Step Number Step Type Step Details (T)U- Execution Successful /
Mode? Failed
(T) Transport (T) Transport request number
For Basis use only
(M) Manual (M) Full detailed description to be executed

1 SEDK914371

SD :12.12.2019: Cluster Maintenance -

New Financial Year Setting
For Basis use only

Implementation Information

Implemented by

TR Start Date / Time 12.12.20169

TR End Date / Time



No GL account found in Account determination type KOFK

Have to maintain KOFK (Acct Determ.with CO entries) in Accounting procedure.

You will also have to maintain G/L Accounts for KOFK Condition type. Using VKOA

path: IMG > BF --> Account Assignment/Costing -->Revenue Account Determination

--> Assign G/L Accounts

Try to maintain these settings and try the transaction again.

The menu path: SPRO >> SD >> Basic Function >> Account Assignment/ Costing >> Revenue Account

No sales area could be determined

1) Check the sales area assignment again.

Sales Org + Distr channel + Division assignment.
Check whether you have created the customer under the same sales area or not?

2) Please check in OVAZ whether you have assigned the sales area to sale order
type. If not, assign it and then retry.

3) check at enterprise structure level

1. Assign sales area

2. img->sd->sales->sales document->sales header-> assign sales document to

sales area
2.1 assign sales organization
2.2 assign distribution channel
2.3 Assing Division
2.4 Permitted sales document to sales area.

3. Check the customer ' sales area also.

4) Go to OVKK, check whether properly determined or not

sales org. + dist. channel+ div.+ cust. Pricing proc. + Doc Pricing proc = pricing

5) If in CMR in Dupp field if you have not maintained as 1 there is no need to

maintain the DuPP in the pricing procedure determination.

6) If you are doing for any contracts, free goods etc then also you need to
determine for pricing procedure

standard pricing procedure

standard Cust. Pricing procedure (Cupp) = A

for contracts Cust Pricing procedure (Cupp) = V
for free goods Cust Pricing procedure (Cupp) = C

So you may have to determine the pricing procedure if you are doing for
contracts and free goods and other functionalities

7) If your problem persists even after checking all the possibilities given by people.

Check if you are entering customer from same sales area.

I am sure it must be different. I think this will solve your problem.

No stock posting possible for this material - While doing MB1C I am getting error.

1) go to tcode OMS2 select the material type of your material and then click on the
quantity/value folder and then mark the check box of quantity and value in front fo your
plant or valuation area

Then this error will not come.

2) Maybe your material has a material status set. Either on global level or on plant level.
(see fields at general data view and e.g. purchasing view). Material statuses are defined
in customizing and assigned to materials. They can be used to restrict certain actions,
e.g. blocking of movements, its usage in Bill of materials.

3) Also Maintain plant Parameters.

Spro-Material mgmt-Inventory Mgmt& Physical Inventory-Plant Parameters.

In Detailed Screen of your plant parameters maintain std settings.

Not possible to determine shipping data for material MR0MA0741000

Message no. 06280

For the stock transport order, the system attempted to determine certain shipping data (e.g. the orderer,
or sold-to party, and the responsible sales organization). The system was not able to determine this
shipping data. Possible reasons:

• the customer number of the plant does not exist;

• the material master record does not exist or has been flagged for deletion;

• data on the sales organization, the distribution channel or the division is missing for the
supplying plant;

• it was not possible to determine a shipping point.

If the message is a warning, you can continue your processing.
If it is an error message, you cannot do so.

If necessary, contact your system administrator. The latter can check the settings for the supplying plant in

Set up stock transport order

Solve: Material extension is required for Distr. Channel 60 - Stock Transfer.

Materials Management → Purchasing → Scheduling Agreement → Set up Stock Transport
Scheduling Agreement → Define Shipping Data for Plants

‘Number range for internal challan numbers not maintained’

Object No.: J_1ICHLNNO

Solve: SNRO





T codes:
Challan Number Updation J1INCHLN

Bank challan updation J1INBANK

Open Deliveries list


In the field "total goods movement status" fill A and then execute.

VL06 summarizes all that you need.

VL06o -> outbound deliveries

VL06I -> inbound deliveries

Order quantity 1 not equal to goods issue qty 0

Just to give you a background, I configured a SO doc type which readily creates a delivery document
during SO creation. I also have set the customized item category we defined as ZTAN as not relevant
for picking so that upon autocreation of the delivery document, the pick status of our item in the
picking tab is automatically set to 'not relevant for picking'. I can see that the delivery quantity is 1
while the pick qty field is greyed out (uneditable). So my expectation is that when I carry out billing I
should be able to proceed in the creation of the billing document even though i have not performed
PGI. However this does not happen. Is there anything I missed out in my configuration?

Plant is not copied to "Checking Rule for

Updating Backorders" screen
I am trying to configure Availability Check with ATP Logic. In that, as you know plant should be
assigned to the checking rule. But when i went to "Checking Rule for Updating Backorders" screen i
couldn't find my plant and even there is no option to add a plant in that screen except "Change ->
display" option. So, Could you please help me by telling how to get my plant copied to "Checking
Rule for Updating Backorders" screen?

Ans: Spro - Production - Material Requirements Planning - Plant Parameters - Carry

Out Overall Maintenance of Plant Parameters -


Select your plant

Check RUle: Backorder

Check the settings for checking group 02 and checking

rule BO

Please Check the availability check settings in the IMG

SPRO>Basic functions>Availability check-->Availabilty check with ATP logic or

Requirements here go to step Carry out Control for Availability Check assign your
Availabilty checking Group 02-Individ.requirements with Checking rule B0-Backorder
Assign BO to 02 in transaction OVZ9.

Error "postal code must have length 5 or 10"

For the above issue, for the country US, check the settings for the postal code length
and it should be 10.

Path: Spro-->SAP Netweaver-->Genral settings-->Set Countryies-->Set Country-

Specific Checks

Select the country US and under the formal checks verify the postal code length.

Set it to 10, problem will resolve.

Posting keys for account determination for transaction JOC do not


Check the Pricing Procedure in billing ( ref:VF02)

then goto V/08- chek for which condition type against this EXD account key has
been assigned ( guess, EXD is assigned to Excise Cond types)

now goto VKOA- Account key table.

check whether any record maintained for the relevant combination ( Application /
Chart of accounts / Sales Org / Acct key/Gl Account) r not?

if not, maintain- & save

now try to release invoice from VF02- green flag icon .

revert . ( if still invoice cant release to accounting, then check Account determination
1. In OBCN maintain JOC transaction with posting key indicator XXXX

2. In OB40 posting key and G/L account has to be maintained for the JOC transaction.

Region IN 50 is not defined

Menu Path: IMG- SAP NetWeaver → General Settings → >Set Countries → Insert Regions (OVK2)

Sales return pricing procedure not appealing in sap

Returns new pricing procedure

Go to copy control between your Source & Target Documents & in the Header
Details (VTAF), in first DataT (Copying requirements for data transfer VBAK)
maintain routine number 053.

New Pricing proced while creating credit memo req with Ref Billing doc

Ship-to party 9576 not defined for sales area 1000 50 60

Change the Division to 50 in material master.

Tax code VV does not appear in any GL account item message no. FF753
Problem solvent when maintained transaction code OBA5 with user

Or through Menu path --

SPRO >> Cross-Application Components >> Bank Directory >> Change Message Control >> Execute >
Application Area = FF (FI Function Module Messages) & assign Msg No 753 (Tax code & does not
appear in any G/L account item) – User Name – TAPASNOE - Switch off message
Tax code XX country IN does not exist in
Create a condition record by T code FV11 for any of the condition record in your tax
procedure TAXINN and check that tax code in header and line item should be same.

Also use TCode: OBBG and assign tax procedure with county code and save.


Tax Code should have been assigned to condition type JIN7 in FV11. Also in FTXP
for that tax code, you should be able to see this condition type with the required tax
percent. Place your mouse here and click on Tax Accounts from top so that you will
see some G/L Accounts assigned. Ensure that the correct G/L Account is assigned

TCode for packing list

I have just worked on smartform object where i have to display packing list details

I wanna is there any tcode exist for packing list just like VA01 for sales order?


i) VT01N, VT02N, VT03N..

ii) PACKING LIST - (VL02, VL01)

iii) As such VA01...There is no tcode .. for packing ...

but while doing the outbound delivery vl01n or vl02n....packing of the line
items will be done

u can check the packing button this

goto VL02n or VL03n..give the delv number enter ...then there is a packing
button ( 8th button ) in the applicatino tool bar.

by clicking on the PACKING button .. packing process will be carried out.

Error: Acct determination not defined for trans. WIT IJ 08 in chart of accts 1000 (For TDS)

It says that you have created withholding tax type IJ and tax code 08 that have not been assigned GL Accounts
under your chart of accounts 1000.

>Use Transaction OBWW then enter your chart of accounts 1000 and maintain GL Account to WA W5

SE16 > Table Name T030 > Transaction WIT & Chart of Accts 1000 > Execute (F8)
FI: Acct determination not defined for trans. WIT IC 18 in chart of accts 1000

(Transport Req.: SEDK913102)

Solve: whenever you have a massage like: "Acct determination not defined for the trans.WIT F7 in
chart of accts chpl" look at table t030a, enter the transaction key WIT in the field KTOSL and you will
get the customizing T-Code for account determination maintenance (OBWW in this case).

The CO account assignment object belongs to company code SIL, not SINC
Remove Company Code from Internal Order MA0740002 in KO02 and OKB9.

The document has already been fully

Got an error while creating billing document in VF01.

Goto VOV7, for selecting the item category. Here check whether you have
maintained B in the field completion rule. Which means the Billing Relevance should
be K.

Then when executing the transaction VF01, instead of pressing Enter key, click on
selection list.

And in copy control for your item category, plus indicator has to be maintained for
pos.neg.value field.

Check VTFL - Delivery to Bill copying control.

Transaction key JIC XX chart of accts 1000 not defined in table T030K

Maintain in OB40

Goto transaction FTXP>> Give Country>> Give Tax Code>> Click on tax account and maintain the GL
account relevant for tax code.

Transport function only active within

customizing client
Factory calendar can be only edited in customizing client. This message will always appear if your
client role is not defined as customizing client. Obviously client had customizing role only in
development system but not in other systems. If you logged on to dev system and make sure you
logged on to right client which has role customization. You can check role of your client in SCC4
Valuation area creation Path

Hope you have Created Plant and now check the Plant Assignments to Company
code etc. are done properly.

If you did all the assignments then you can see the Plant / Valuation area in OMWD

Error: Version 0 is not defined for fiscal year 2020

Solve: Goto T code "OKEV". -Controlling Area: XXXX (e.g.: 1000) -Enter -Select the line indicating
version 0 -Click the Tab: Setting for Each Fiscal Year and enter the values relevant (copy from
previous year) for the current year. -Then SAVE.

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