5-Part Welcome Sequence Framework

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5-Part Welcome Sequence Framework

Thanks for checking out the 5-Part Welcome Sequence Framework.

I’ll do my best to make it worth your time.

It’s a short report because I like to get to the point.

I hate content that contains unnecessary fluff to make it look important. It just waters
down the core message.

Anyway… this framework comes from a combination of my experience as a freelancer

and consultant… learning from successful email copywriters/marketers, studying direct
response, and observing how other successful businesses show up in my inbox.

It’s a simple sequence you can start plugging into your business the moment you finish
this report.

I’ve used this sequence (and similar variations) for my clients and myself.

I can’t list all, but one client in the fitness space hired me to implement this sequence for
them. I remember checking in with them shortly after implementing the sequence.

The numbers looked like this – 40-50% open rates, 1-4%% click through rates, and 9
qualified leads for a high-ticket program after only 121 new subscribers passed through
the sequence.

7.4% conversion rate for a high ticket offer isn’t bad at all when you consider the
thousands of dollars that could be hitting my client’s bank account.

The Power Of A Welcome Sequence

A solid automated welcome sequence will work for you 24/7. It will:

● Building the foundations of a strong email list

● Set the right expectations
● Create long-term relationships with your subscribers

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● Build trust from the get-go
● Convince more subscribers to become customers or clients
● And all sorts of additional awesomeness that will come your way as a result

How To Set It Up

Kick things off by sending 5 emails every day for the first 5 days.

Once a subscriber moves through it, send them over to your main list.

Some business owners immediately send their new subscribers their regular emails
during the welcome sequence.

You’ll have to decide what works best for you depending on your list and market. The
key here is to test. Both ways work.

If you’re using tags and a subscriber becomes a customer or client during the welcome
sequence, you have an option to add the subscriber to your buyers list, or just let them
continue through the sequence.

Do what you think is best for your business. Marketing is about testing.

And include a link to an offer in each email.

It doesn’t have to be a hard sell, but I’d always have something for my subscriber to
take advantage of. It’s my opinion that you’re doing a disservice to your subscribers if
you're not selling them something that could help them overcome the problems or
achieve a goal.

The Only Way?

This isn’t the only way to welcome new subscribers. But it’s a good, reliable way.

Some people only have ONE email as their welcome sequence, others have 10-15

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If 5 emails is too much, no probs. Start with the first 1-3, and then build from there.

Even having one welcome email is better than what most businesses are doing. And
sometimes that’s enough.

It all depends on your goals.

Again, marketing is all about testing. So, this is a good sequence to test and see if it
works for your business. Then dial it up or down depending on what works for you.

Will It Work?

That depends on your offer, list, subscriber quality, etc… but it’s an effective sequence
to start and tweak as you sally forth in your pursuit to email riches.

If you’ve got those elements nailed, then I’m confident this sequence will give you a
solid foundation to earn trust, build a relationship, and convince more of your new
subscribers to take you up on your offer.

Final point: If you decide to offer a special deal for new subscribers in your sequence, it
doesn’t always have to be a discount. In fact, most discounts should be rewarded to
your most loyal customers to maintain a strong brand.

It could simply be a bonus they receive if they take you up on your offer. Be wary of
offering discounts because everyone else does. You’ll run the risk of cheapening your
brand if it becomes a habit.

Subject Lines

I was going to give you a subject line template for each of the emails below.

Then I realised that I’d be doing you a disservice if I did.

That’s because even with an email framework to follow, different people will write their
emails differently.

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So it’s hard for me to just give you one that works across the board.

What I’ll do is give you a guideline and some tips.

The purpose of the subject line is to get your readers to open the email.

And a great way to do that is combine benefit + curiosity.

Benefit - Something positive the reader will gain from reading your email.

Curiosity - A desire to know or discover something.


- 9 ways to achieve [Benefit] quickly

- How to do [x] and get [Benefit]
- The key ingredient to [Benefit]
- You/[First Name] - X months from now
- What is it about [Product/Service] that makes [Audience] [Experience Benefit]

The curiosity element is what you omit.

E.g. “7 ways to achieve x…” - You have to open the email to find out.

Don’t copy those subject lines exactly. Use them for inspiration.

Another tip, is to scan the email you’ve just written, and pick out an interesting segment
and use that information to write your subject line.

Final tip: Scan your inbox and notice what subject lines peak your interest. Use those
as inspiration.

Warning: Don’t copy the subject lines in your inbox verbatim. Use them as inspiration.

Anyway, with that all out of the way, here’s the framework…

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Email 1 - Welcome - Give Them What They Requested

Welcome them into your world and congratulate them for making a wise decision.

Share your values on “how things are done here”. If you have polarising views, even

Tell them what to expect over the coming days and weeks.

Give them access to whatever they requested (ebook/report/coupon/gift) when they

signed up.

Then our goal is to improve deliverability (so your emails don’t fall into the spam or
promotions tab).


Two ways:

1. Get your new buddy to reply by sharing their number 1 roadblock with the
problem they want solved. (This is great intelligence you can use in your copy,
marketing, and emails.

2. Get your new buddy to whitelist you, add your email address to their address
book, and drag your email from the promotions tab to the priority tab. You can
add this in the P.S. section of the email.

You can do both of these, or choose one and use the other in your next email.

Don’t forget to give your subscribers a reason why you’re doing the above. Like missing
out on all your amazing emails.

All of the above points can be done in whatever order you want. Just make sure it flows
and makes sense.

In the P.S., mention a relevant offer that they can buy there and then. They’ve already
raised their hand by subscribing, so get them while they’re hot.

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For this email, I can give you a universal subject line that’s worked consistently for me:

Subject line - Here’s Your [X] [Action Required]

Email 2 - Your Story

People love stories, and humans have done for thousands of years. We’re hardwired to
consume and learn by stories.

Here’s your chance to build a solid relationship and connection with your subscribers
that will last the long haul.

Give a short story about yourself, your business, why you started, your mission, and
your values.

Then link it back to your offer at the bottom of the email.

Email 3 - Number ONE Problem

Talk about a common problem that keeps your ideal prospect awake at night.

You can never talk about your audience's problems enough, so long as you offer hope
to solve it. Then present your offer as the solution.

As the late great master negotiator Jim Camp puts it, “You’re always safe in the other
person's world”.

Trust me (don’t trust anyone who says “trust me” - except on this occasion), you won’t
bore anyone if you’re talking about their world of problems and desires.

Email 4 - Testimonials/Social Proof

Testimonials are third-party validation. They give credibility and a reason for your
audience to believe your claims.

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If you claim how good you are, you’ll bore people to sleep. But, if these same people
see someone else claim how good you are, you might grab their attention.

In this email, you can write a short case study on how you’ve helped someone achieve
the results that your audience wants.

Or you can take one testimonial and write about it.

Anything that can make your claims more believable.

Then link back to your offer.

Email 5 - Objections/FAQs

Everyone has objections when deciding to go ahead with the offer or pass it up.

Cover the main objections in this email.

You can even do a FAQ-style list.

You might already know the common objections in your market. Then you’re ready to

If not, ask yourself, “If a subscriber hasn’t taken me up on my offer after these emails,
what might be stopping them?”

Brainstorm them, and get writing.

You may even decide to focus on ONE core objection for the whole email.

Final Note

There we have it, a 5-email welcome sequence framework that sets up a solid
relationship with your subscribers from the get-go and can start generating sales for
your business from day 1.

Remember, this is ONLY a framework guideline.

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It’s not the only way to set up a welcome sequence, but it's a good way.

And if you prefer, you can start off with 1-3 emails in your sequence, and slowly build
your sequence out from there.

Need More Help?

You now have a couple of choices.

You can go ahead and implement this welcome sequence into your business right away.

This framework gives you a shortcut to creating your first welcome sequence without
spending hours online figuring it out yourself.

Or I could take the workload off of your hands and write the emails for you.

This way you can focus on other areas of your business while you have a
money-making welcome sequence written for you without much effort on your part.

So if that’s something you’re interested in, you can pop me an email at


I’ll get back to you pronto and we can organise a 15-minute chat to see if we’re a good



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