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Doctor of Philosophy





M. Sc. (Agri.)


ANAND – 388 110

(Registration No. 04-2378-2014)

Name of Student Major Advisor
Mote Balaji Mohan Dr. Vyas Pandey


ANAND 388 110

Field experiments were carried out during the summer season of the year

2015 and 2016 was laid out in a split plot design with three date of sowing i.e.,

(D1- 31st January, D2-15th February, D3- 02nd March) as main plot treatments and

four cultivars viz., (V1-GG 2, V2-GG 20, V3-GJG 31 and V4-TG 26) as sub-plot

treatment with four replications. The results obtained during the course of study

revealed that the weather had played a significant role in deciding the yield of

groundnut. The result showed that During 2015 the maximum pod yield (2093

kg ha-1) was recorded under second date of sowing (15th February) and it was

statistically at par with first date of sowing (31st January) (1927 kg ha-1) and the

lowest pod yield (1724 kg ha-1) was recorded under third date of sowing (02nd

March). Similar trends were observed during 2016 also, with slightly higher

value of pod yield in comparison to 2015. Similarly in pooled analysis, also the

highest pod yield (2107 kg ha-1) was recorded under second date of sowing which

was significantly higher than the pod yield recorded under first date of sowing

(1939 kg ha-1) and third date of sowing (1767 kg ha-1). During both years and in

pooled data highest pod yield was recorded under second date of sowing, It might
be due to the late sown crop encountered higher temperature during reproductive

period, resulting in shortening the duration and accumulation of higher heat

units, resulting lowest pod yield.

Pod yield also significantly influenced by different cultivars during

individual years as well as in pooled analysis. During the year 2015, significantly

higher pod yield (2092 kg ha-1) was recorded by the cultivar V2 (GG 20) and it

was statistically at par with cultivar GG 2 (1967 kg ha-) followed by the cultivar

GJG 31 (1834 kg ha-1) and cultivar TG- 26 (1766 kg ha-1). During 2016 also,

significantly highest pod yield (2110 kg ha-1) was recorded by the cultivar V2

(GG 20) and it was statistically at par with cultivar GG 2 (2021 kg ha -1) as well

as cultivar GJG 31 (1945 kg ha-1). The lowest yield (1172 kg ha-1) was by the

cultivar V4 (GJG 31). In the pooled analysis significantly highest pod yield (2100

kg ha-1) was recorded by cultivar V2 (GG 20) and it was at par with cultivar GG

2 (1994 kg ha-1) followed by cultivar GJG 31 (1889 kg ha-1) and cultivar TG 26

(1769 kg ha-1) respectively. A similar trend was also found in the yield attributing


Growing degree days (GDD) accumulated during each phase of

groundnut as recorded by different dates of sowing, cultivars and years showed

that the accumulated GDD under different dates of sowing, from sowing to

physiological maturity was highest (2265 0C days) in second date of sowing (15th

February) followed by (2228 0C days) third date of sowing (02th March) and

(2096 0C days) in first date of sowing (31st January). It may be noticed that the

number of days taken to physiological maturity was maximum under (31 st

January) sown crop but the accumulated GDD was minimum (2096 0C days). In
case of different cultivars accumulation of GDD from sowing to physiological

maturity were more or less remained the same ranged between (2100 ± 160 0C

days). Between two years the accumulated GDD was higher (2236 0C days) in

2016 than that of 2015 (2156 0C days). A similar trend was also found for

photothermal units (PTU 0C days hrs.) and heliothermal units (HTU 0C days

hrs.). Correlation studies were contemplated to have an insight on the effect of

different weather parameters and there by the agrometeorological indices for the

production of groundnut crop and to identify the critical phases of groundnut

crop most sensitive to particular weather parameter.

Overall performance of the model based on the test criterion to evaluate

the CROPGRO-Peanut model for phenological and yield attributes of four

groundnut cultivars sown under three different dates of sowing during both the

years clearly indicated that simulation for phenology was very closer compared

to yield and yield components with acceptable per cent error. The higher yield

and yield components was observed in second date sown crop and model also

showed similar trend. Model output showed that the simulated values for

phenology, pod yield and yield components of the groundnut cultivars were close

to the corresponding observed values with per cent error ± 4.80, ± 9.0, 10.0

respectively. Thus the model could be used to predict the phenology and yield

accurately under different management conditions. Model also well simulated

the effects of variations in maximum temp., minimum temp., concentration of

CO2, combined effect of maximum temperature and CO2 level and combined

effect of minimum temperature and CO2 level on pod yield.

Dr. Vyas Pandey
Emeritus Scientist (ICAR)
Ex-Professor and Head
Department of Agricultural Meteorology
B. A. College of Agriculture
Anand Agricultural University
Anand – 388 110


This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Calibration and validation of

CROPGRO–peanut (DSSAT v. 4.6) model for summer groundnut and

sensitivity analysis to climate change in middle Gujarat” submitted by

MOTE BALAJI MOHAN (Reg. No. 04-2378-2014) in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY

(Agriculture) in the subject of AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY of the

Anand Agricultural University is a record of bonafide research work carried out

by him under my personal guidance and supervision and the thesis has not

previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar


Place: Anand (Vyas Pandey)

Date: 11/12/2017 Major Advisor
Anand Agricultural University
B. A. College of Agriculture
ANAND- 388 110


This is to declare that whole of the research work reported in the thesis

for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture) in the subject of Agricultural

Meteorology is the result of investigation done by MOTE BALAJI MOHAN

undersigned under the direct guidance and supervision of Dr. VYAS PANDEY,

Emeritus Scientist (ICAR), Ex- Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural

Meteorology, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University,

Anand, Gujarat and no part of the research work has been submitted for any other

degree so far.

Place : Anand (MOTE B. M.)

Date : 11/12/2017 Name of Student

Countersigned by

Emeritus Scientist (ICAR)
Ex- Professor and Head
Department of Agricultural Meteorology
B. A. College of Agriculture
Anand Agricultural University
Anand- 388 110

As a novice research at the initial stage of my work, planning, I had

strange fell to be lost in the dense wood of research methodology. I am indeed
proud to mention that my experienced guide granted all his intellectual
resources to layout meticulous plans that enable me to manage all resources to
accomplish my research work. Therefore, my first and foremost humble thanks
to my Supervisor, Dr. Vyas Pandey, Emeritus Scientist (ICAR), Ex-Professor
and Head, Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Anand Agricultural
University, Anand, for his most valuable and inspirative guidance, keen interest,
philanthropic attitude and encouragement, throughout the course of the
investigation and for undertaking arduous task for preparation of this
Thanks are extended to all the supervisory committee members for their
valuable advice during the course of present studies. I am immensely rejoiced
to owe my gratitude to Dr. M. S. Kulsrestha, Professor & Head, Department of
Agril. Meteorology for providing necessary facilities during the course of
I express my sincere thanks to teaching staff as well as non-teaching staff
of the Department of Agricultural Meteorology, AAU, Anand,
My heartfelt gratitude also goes to my colleagues Dr. M. G. Jadhav,
Dr. Mohan Wawge, Dr. D. D. Patil, Dr. Deepak Panpatte, Dr. S. B. Yadav,
Prof. N. G. Chaudhary, Dr. A. K. Mishra, Dr. Bharti Suthar, Vibha Tak, Dr.
Mayank Patel, Dr. Nilesh Pawar and Dr. Gajanan Kadam for their moral
support and encouragement.
Finally I extend my heartiest and sincere sense of gratitude to my
affectionate father Shri. Mohan Mote, mother Smt. Vimal Mote, brother Amol
Mote and my sister in law Anjali Mote, my spirited sisters Smt. Varsha L.
Bhosale and Priti B. Gaikwad for their prayers for my success.

Place: Anand
Date : 11/12/2017 (B. M. Mote)
1.1 Importance of groundnut 1
1.2 Soil 2
1.3 Climatic requirement 3
1.3.1 Heat unit requirement of the crop 4
1.4 Crop simulation model 4
1.4.1 DSSAT/ CROPGRO-peanut model 5
1.4.2 Calibration and validation of crop model 6
1.5 Climate change and groundnut production 7
2.1 Crop weather relationship of groundnut cultivars 9
2.1.1 Temperature 9
2.1.2 Radiation 12
2.1.3 Rainfall 15
2.1.4 Soil moisture 17
2.1.5 Relative humidity 18
2.2 Relation to agrometeorological indices 19
2.3 Crop simulation modelling 23
2.4 Calibration and validation of models 29
Sensitivity analysis of CROPGRO-peanut model for
2.5 33
climate change studies
3.1 Experimental site 39
3.2 Climate 39
3.3 Soil characterestics 39
3.4 Experimental details 41
3.4.1 Layout 41
3.4.2 Treatment combinations 42
3.4.3 Experimental set up 42
3.5 Cultural operations 42
3.5.1 Land preparation 43
3.5.2 Fertilization 43
3.5.3 Seed treatment and sowing 43
3.5.4 Gap filling 43
3.5.5 Weeding and intercultivation 43
3.5.6 Plant protection 43
3.5.7 Harvesting and threshing 44
3.6 Agronomical and phenological observations 45
3.6.1 Growth attributing characters Days taken for attainment of each
phenophases Plant height (cm) 46 Number of branches per plant 46 Leaf area index (LAI) 46 Biomass accumulation and partitioning 46
3.6.2 Yield and yield attributing characters 46 Mature and immature pods per plant 46 Mature and immature pod weight per
plant Shelling percentage 47 Test weight in gram (100 kernels) 47 Pod yield (kg ha-1) 47 Kernel yield (kg ha-1) 47 Haulm yield (kg ha-1) 47 Harvest index (%) 48
3.7 Meteorological observations 48
3.7.1 Daily observations 48
3.8 Computation of agrometeorological indices 48
3.8.1 Growing degree days (GDD) 48
3.8.2 Helio-thermal units (HTU) 49
3.8.3 Photo thermal unit (PTU) 49
3.9 Crop growth modeling 49
3.9.1 CROPGRO (DSSAT.v.4.6) model description
3.9.2 Input and output files
3.9.3 List of input requirement by DSSAT model
3.9.4 Calibration of the model
3.9.5 Validation of the model
Sensitivity of CROPGRO-peanut model for climate change
3.11 Analysis of data
3.11.1 Statistical analysis
3.11.2 Correlation and Regression studies
Weather conditions during crop seasons summer 2015 and
4.1.1 Air temperature
4.1.2 Relative humidity
4.1.3 Vapour pressure
4.1.4 Bright Sunshine Hours
4.1.5 Evaporation
4.2 Periodical observation
4.2.1 Plant height
4.2.2 Number of branches
4.2.3 Leaf area index
4.2.4 Dry matter partitioning
4.3 Phenological duration and heat unit accumulation
4.3.1 Phenophases
4.3.2 Agrometeorological indices Growing degree days (GDD) Photothermal units (PTU) Heliothermal units (HTU)
4.4 Yield and yield attributing characters
4.4.1 Pod yield
4.4.2 Kernel yield
4.4.3 Haulm yield
4.4.4 Test weight
4.4.5 Shelling percentage
4.4.6 Harvest index
4.4.7 Number of mature pod
4.4.8 Number of immature pod
4.4.9 Weight of mature pod
4.4.10 Weight of immature pod
4.4.11 Plant height
4.4.12 Number of branches
4.5 Crop weather relationship
4.5.1 Correlation studies
CROPGRO-peanut (DSSAT v 4.6) model simulation
4.6.1 Genetic coefficient
4.6.2 Days to anthesis
4.6.3 Days to first pod initiation
4.6.4 Days to physiological maturity
4.6.5 Leaf area index
4.6.6 Pod yield
4.6.7 Kernel yield
4.6.8 Haulm yield
4.6.9 Harvest index
4.7 Sensitivity analysis of CROPGRO-peanut model
4.7.1 Effects of maximum air temperature
4.7.2 Effects of minimum air temperature
4.7.3 Effects of carbon dioxide (CO2)
4.7.4 Combined effect of maximum temperature and
carbon dioxide
4.7.5 Combined effect minimum temperature and
carbon dioxide

Table No Table Index Page

3.3.1 Physico-chemical properties of the experimental plots 40
3.4.1 Details of treatment combinations 41
Calendar of field operations carried out during
3.5.1 44
investigation CROPGRO (DSSAT) model input files CROPGRO (DSSAT) model output files
Number of days for different phenological stages of
4.1 groundnut cultivars sown under three dates during two
crop seasons
Growing degree days (oC day) for different
4.2 phenological phases of groundnut cultivars sown under
three dates during two crop seasons
Photothermal unit (oC day hour) for different
4.3 phenological phases of groundnut cultivars sown under
three dates during two crop seasons
Heliothermal unit (oC day hour) for different
4.4 phenological phases of groundnut cultivars sown under
three dates during two crop seasons
Pod yield, kernel yield, haulm yield and test weight of
4.5 groundnut as influenced by dates of sowing and
Interaction effects between dates of sowing and
4.6 cultivars (D x V) of groundnut for pod and yield kernel
Shelling percent, harvest index, number of mature and
4.7 immature pods of groundnut as influenced by dates of
sowing and cultivars
Interaction effects between dates of sowing and
4.8 cultivars (D x V) of groundnut for number of mature
Interaction effects between Year and variety (Y x V) for
number of immature pod
Weight of mature, immature pods, plant height and
4.10 number of branches of groundnut as influenced by dates
of sowing and cultivars
Correlation coefficients between phase wise weather
parameters and pod yield of groundnut
Genetic coefficients for cv. GG 2, GG 20, GJG 31 and
TG 26
Test criteria in evaluation of model with respect to
duration of phenology and growth
Test criteria in evaluation of model with respect to yield
and yield components
Effect of maximum and minimum temperature and CO2
concentration on pod yield of groundnut cultivars
Combined effect of maximum, minimum temperature
4.16 and CO2 concentration on pod yield of groundnut

Figure After
No. Page no.
3.4.1 Layout of the experimental site
Phenophase wise prevailed maximum temperature
under different dates of sowing and cultivars
Phenophase wise minimum temperature under
different dates of sowing and cultivars
Phenophase wise mean temperature under different
4.1. 3
dates of sowing and cultivars
Phenophase wise morning relative humidity under
different dates of sowing and cultivars
Phenophase wise afternoon relative humidity under
different dates of sowing and cultivars
Phenophase wise morning vapour pressure under
different dates of sowing and cultivars
Phenophase wise afternoon vapour pressure under
different dates of sowing and cultivars
Phenophase wise mean vapour pressure under
different dates of sowing and cultivars
Phenophase wise bright sunshine hours under
different dates of sowing and cultivars
4.1.10 Phenophasewise evaporation under different dates of
sowing and cultivars
Periodic plant height under different dates of sowing
and cultivars
Periodic number of branches per plant under
different dates of sowing and cultivars
Periodic leaf area index under different dates of
sowing and cultivars
Dry biomass partitioning during different dates of
4.2.5 Dry biomass partitioning under different cultivars
Mean observed and simulated (a) anthesis (DAS),
(b) first pod formation (DAS), (c) physiological
maturity (DAS) and (d) max. leaf area index for
dates of sowing and cultivars
Mean observed and simulated (a) kernel yield kg ha-
4.6.2 , (b) pod yield kg ha-1, (c) haulm yield kg ha-1 and
(d) harvest index for dates of sowing and cultivars
Effect of increased and decreased maximum
temperature on pod yield of groundnut cultivars
Effect of increased and decreased minimum
temperature on pod yield of groundnut cultivars
Effect of increased and decreased CO2 level on pod
yield of groundnut cultivars
Combined effect of maximum temperature and CO2
level on pod yield of groundnut cultivars
Combined effect of minimum temperature and CO2
level on pod yield of groundnut cultivars


Plat No. Title After page

1 Field view of experimental site 41
2 Leaf area meter LICOR L2 3100 46

1.1 Importance of groundnut

Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is known as king of oil seed crops and

important food legume of tropical as well as sub-tropical part of the world. Groundnut

is also known as “peanut”, “monkeynut”, “monilanut”, “pinda” and “gobbernut”. It is

the world’s most popular oilseed crop cultivated in more than 100 countries in all the

six continents. The world’s total production of groundnut is 39.83 million tonne from

24.00 million hectares of area with the productivity of 1660 kg ha-1 (Anonymous,


India is one of the major oilseeds producing country in the world. India occupies

the first position in the world in area and second in production after China and accounts

for about 19.75 % of world area and 12.20 % of production of the groundnut. India

produces around 4.86 million tonne of groundnut from 4.74 million hectares of land

with a productivity of 1020 kg ha-1 (Anonymous, 2017).

In India, 80 per cent of the groundnut area and 84 per cent of the production is

confined to the states of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and

Maharashtra. Among these, Gujarat ranks first both in area and production

(Anonymous, 2012). In Gujarat, the area under kharif and summer groundnut during

2011-12 was 1.65 and 0.74 million ha with the production of 2.64 and 1.24 million

tonnes, respectively. The average productivity of groundnut is 1603 kg ha-1 in kharif

and 1903 kg ha-1 in summer season (DOA, 2012). In Gujarat it is largely cultivated in

the districts of Junagadh, Jamnagar, Rajkot, Amreli, Bhavnagar, Sabarkantha and

Banaskantha. The handpicked selected (HPS) groundnut is mainly exported from

Saurashtra region of Gujarat state.

Groundnut kernels are an excellent source of plant protein and contain 45 to 50

per cent oil, 27 to 33 per cent protein as well as essential minerals, carbohydrates and

vitamins. They play an important role in the dietary requirements for poor women and

children and haulms are used as livestock feed. Groundnut oil is composed of mixed

glycerides and contains a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids viz., oleic (50 to 65

%) and linoleic (18 to 30 %) (Young, 1996). Groundnut contains amino acids including

cysteine’s which are essential for animal growth. The by-products of this crop like

haulm and cake have good nutritive value. The groundnut cake obtained after groundnut

oil extraction is rich in protein and considered as valuable organic manure and animal

feed, which contains 7 to 8 per cent N, 1.5 per cent P2O5 and 1 per cent K2O. Some

industrial products like paints, varnishes, soap and lubricating oils are also

manufactured from groundnut. The seed has several uses as whole seed or processed to

make peanut butter, oil, soups, stews and other products. There contain a good deal of

oil which is very easily digested and for this reason they are useful consumptive. The

oil is regarded as an excellent aperients or mild laxative and emollient which soften the

skin (Pandey and Bhatt, 2012).

1.2 Soil

Soil structure is an important factor affecting groundnut production. Groundnut

thrives best in well-drained, well aerated, light textured, loose, friable sandy loam or

sandy clay loam soils with good infiltration which helps in better seed germination and

seedling emergence, penetration of pegs, their development and harvesting owing to

high respiratory exchanges during pod formation. The normal yield of groundnut can

be obtained on fairly heavy soils with good tilth and favorable moisture conditions.

Groundnut is highly sensitive to soil salinity. Alkaline soils (pH>8) or soils subjected

to water logging induce iron deficiency. Highly acid soils (pH<5) or soils deficient in

calcium oxide lead to Manganese or Aluminium toxicity. The productivity of groundnut

is higher in soils with pH between 6.0-6.5 (Tsigbey et al., 2003).

1.3 Climatic requirement

Crop yield is affected by many factors, primarily encompassing soil and weather

conditions, and crop management practices. Final yield of any crop is manifestation of

all environmental factors that affects growth and development during life cycle of the

crop. Groundnut is essentially a tropical plant and requires a long and warm growing

season. The favorable climate for groundnut is a well distributed rainfall of at least 500

mm during the crop growing season with abundance of sunshine and relatively warm

temperature, which is essential for maximum yield and quality of groundnut. The longer

frost period, severe drought during pegging and pod development stage and continuous

water stagnation are not suitable for potential production of the crop. It requires more

than 16 0C soil temperature for germination. Low temperatures retard germination and

growth of plants and lengthens flowering. Temperature above 35 0C inhibits the growth

of groundnut. Mean temperature for optimum growth is 30 0C and the growth ceases at

temperature less than 15 0C (Prasad et al., 2000). Moisture stress during vegetative

period delays flowering, pod setting and results in low yields. High atmospheric

humidity stimulates more flowering which results in increased peg setting. Pod

development stage is most sensitive to moisture deficit. Rainfall is the most significant

climatic factor affecting groundnut production, as 70 per cent of the crop area is found

in semi-arid tropical regions characterized by low and erratic rainfall. Low rainfall and

prolonged dry spells during the crop growth period are reported to be main reasons for

low average yields in most of the regions of Asia and Africa, including India (Reddy et

al., 2003). Groundnut crop requires an average rainfall distribution of 100, 150 and

400-500 mm during sowing, flowering and reproductive phases respectively. Low

rainfall or moisture during vegetative period delays flowering, pod setting and results

in low yields (Prasad et al., 2000).

1.3.1 Heat unit requirement of the crop

The occurrence of different phenological event during growing season of any

crop and the effect of temperature on plant growth can be inferred using heat units or

growing degree days (Monteith, 1981). The concept of heat units has been applied to

correlate the phenological development of different crop to predict maturity and seed

yield (Swan et al., 1987). Phenological development of groundnut responds primarily

to heat unit accumulation. Shift in sowing dates directly influences both thermo and

photoperiod and consequently have great impact on the phasic development and

partitioning of dry matter. Quantification of these effects may help in the choice of

sowing time and match phenology of crop in specific environment to achieve higher

heat and radiation use efficiency. Time to attain a given development event is

approximately linearly related to a base and optimum temperature. Pod yield is

significantly influenced by day length. Long days promote vegetative growth at the

expense of reproductive growth and increased crop growth rate resulting in decreased

partitioning of photosynthesis to pods and decreased duration of effective pod filling

phase (Nigam et al., 1998).

1.4 Crop simulation model

Crop growth simulation models are useful tools for considering the complex

interactions between a range of factors that affect crop performance, including weather,

soil properties and management. Crop modeling began with the computer age and the

first models attempted to simulate individual processes within a plant such as light

interception in crop canopies (Loomis and Williams, 1963). Subsequently different

models were developed to simulate plant growth and development for many different

crops. Individual crop models have been combined into comprehensive programs

allowing modeling of various crops in rotation. Crop simulation modeling can be

utilized for many purposes viz. as an aids in interpreting experimental results, as an

agronomic research tool and as an agronomic grower tools (Whisler et al., 1986). Crop

simulation models can also be used by policy makers to analyze the long term effects

of climate change or of management practices on natural resources, such as water, or

to gauge the impact new laws and regulations that change current management practices

have on producers. Presently crop simulation model like WOFOST, InfoCrop, RSCM,


successfully used to simulate crop growth and yield.

1.4.1 DSSAT/ CROPGRO-peanut model

One of the most widely used and researched systems is the Decision Support

System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) model. DSSAT is a result of the

International Benchmark Sites Network for Agrotechnology Transfer (IBSNAT)

project supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development from 1983 to1993.

DSSAT was designed so that users can input, organize, store data on crops, soils, and

weather, can retrieve, analyze and display data, can calibrate and evaluate crop growth

models and can evaluate different management practices at a site (Jones et al., 1998).

It provides users with easy access to data bases of soil, crop, and climatic data;

individual crop models; weather generators; expert systems; strategy evaluation; and

utility programs for formatting, retrieving, and graphing information (Singh, 1989). The

model simulates the impact of the main environmental factors such as weather, soil

type, and crop management on crop growth, development and yield. Input requirements

for DSSAT include weather, soil condition, plant characteristics and crop management.

The minimum weather input requirements of the model are daily solar radiation,

maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation. Soil inputs include albedo,

evaporation limit, mineralization, photosynthesis factors, pH, drainage and runoff

coefficients. Management input information includes plant population, planting depth,

and date of planting. Latitude is required for calculating day length. The model

simulates phenological development, biomass accumulation, partitioning, leaf area

index, root, stem, leaf-growth, the water and N-balance from planting until harvest at

daily or desire time steps. Under DSSAT there are various groups of models viz.,

CERES models for cereals (barley, maize, sorghum, millet, rice and wheat); the

CROPGRO models for legumes (dry bean, soybean, peanut and chickpea models for

root crops (cassava, potato) and other crops (sugarcane, tomato, sunflower and pasture).

Hence, decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) model has

been found one of the most efficient decision support system (Hoogenboom et al.,


1.4.2 Calibration and validation of crop model

Before a crop model can provide accurate and reliable results, a researcher must

first ensure that the model has been calibrated and that it will accurately simulate what

it was designed to predict. Also, the model must be validated to the conditions for which

the researcher wants to simulate. Boote et al., 1996 defined model calibration as

adjusting the model parameters or relationships to make the model work for a site.

Calibration of a model requires several years of field experimental data from the

location or locations for the selected crop or crops under the adequate conditions. The

researcher then simulates these conditions and compares the simulated and observed

results further makes adjustments to reduce errors between the simulated and observed

results. Validation is the process of assessing whether the crop model accurately

predicting crop phenology, dry matter accumulation, leaf area, yield, yield components,

and other variables through the use of field experiment independent data sets.

Validation means simply comparison between output from the model with observed

(measurement) data. An accuracy of model can be derived through some measured of

the average (mean) difference between the observed and modeled values for those


1.5. Climate change and groundnut production

The climate change is now a reality as it is evident from the observed trends in

climatic parameters and factors affecting them green house gases. Globally, the mean

temperature has increased by 0.74 °C and it is projected to increase by 1.8 to 4 °C by

2100 (IPCC, 2014). In addition to increase in temperature, the increase in frequency of

weather extremes events viz., heat waves, floods, cyclones and droughts projected to

aggravate the situation further. These parameters are bound to affect the agricultural

production. The, increase in temperature by 1 to 3 0C may cause reduction in wheat

yield in Gujarat by 8 to 31 per cent (Pandey et al., 2007). Similarly, the reduction of

production in kharif maize (47 %), paddy (32 %), groundnut (24 %) and pearl millet

(14 %), rabi maize (10 %) and summer pearl millet (8%) have been reported with

increase in temperature by 2.8 to 7.7 0C (Patel et al., 2008). The crop growth models

are helpful to assess the impact of climate change on the stability of crop production

under different management options (Hoogenboom et al., 1995). In view of this, the

present investigation has been carried out during the summer seasons of 2015 and 2016

entitled “Calibration and validation of CROPGRO–peanut (DSSAT v. 4.6) model for

summer groundnut and sensitivity analysis to climate change in middle Gujarat” with

the following objectives:

1. To study the crop weather relationship of summer groundnut cultivars

2. To study the growth and yield of groundnut in relation to agrometeorological indices

3. Calibration and validation of CROPGRO-peanut model for summer groundnut

4. Sensitivity analysis of CROPGRO-peanut model for climate change studies


In this section, an attempt has been made to present the relevant literature

available on groundnut and other related work done in India and abroad. For simplicity,

these are presented under following heads;

2.1 Crop weather relationship of groundnut cultivars

2.2 Relation with agrometeorological indices

2.3 Crop simulation modeling

2.4 Calibration and validation of models

2.5 Sensitivity analysis of crop models

2.1 Crop weather relationship of groundnut cultivars

Any given crop variety has its own potential requirements of and/or selective

response to the factors of its environment like rainfall/soil moisture supply, day, night

or mean air temperature, BSS, soil warmth, duration of darkness, light intensity, etc.

These responses and requirements determine the growth and development of a plant in

the given environment at given location (Went, 1957).

2.1.1 Temperature

Prasad et al. (2000) reported that when groundnut crop was exposed to air and

soil temperatures above 350C during the reproductive period, it caused significant yield

losses. High air temperature had no significant effect on total flower production but

significantly reduced the proportion of flowers setting pegs (fruit-set) and hence fruit

numbers. In contrast, high soil temperature significantly reduced flower production and

the proportion of pegs forming pods. The effects of high air and soil temperature were

mostly additive and without interaction. The high air (380C/220C; mean 300C) and/or

high soil (380C/300C; mean 340C) temperatures from the start of flowering or podding
Review of Literature
to maturity significantly reduced total dry matter, pod yield and yield components of


Craufurd et al. (2000) conducted experiment in which eight groundnut

genotypes varying in heat tolerance were grown in controlled environments and

exposed to either high (40/28 0C) or near-optimum (30/240C) temperature from 32 days

after sowing (DAS) to maturity. There was significant variation among genotypes in

main stem, leaf number and total flower number as rates of appearance were faster at

40/28 0C than at 30/24 0C.

Karunakar et al. (2002) reported that the number of effective pegs, developed

pod number and pod dry weight were influenced by variations in air temperatures,

particularly minimum temperature and the relative humidity at Akola (M.S.) condition.

Warmer temperatures and higher relative humidity during crop growth period

favourably influenced the yield contributing characters and finally the pod yield.

Prasad et al. (2003) found that the duration of groundnut from sowing to

flowering was significantly affected by the temperature variations. The optimum

temperature for flower appearance was found to be 35 0C. High temperature delayed

pegging and podding in groundnut, indicating greater sensitivity of pegging and

podding than flowering to high temperatures.

Meena and Dahama (2004) at the Agricultural Research Station, Beechwal,

Bikaner (Rajasthan) studied the crop weather relationship of groundnut cv. MA 10

under irrigated conditions with nine dates of sowings from 15th March to 15th July at

an interval of a fortnight. Results indicated that leaf area index, dry matter accumulation

and pod yields were progressively decreased with the delay in sowing. Dry matter

production was correlated positively with mean temperature and LAI with diurnal

temperature variation. Pod yield was positively correlated with diurnal temperature

Review of Literature
variation from sowing to initiation of flowering and initiation of flowering to

physiological maturity. It was significantly and positively correlated with maximum

temperature, diurnal temperature variation, bright sunshine hours, evaporation rate,

heat units, photo thermal units and heat use efficiency.

Prasad et al. (2006) conducted an experiment to study the influence of soil

temperature on seedling emergence and early growth of six peanut cultivars at eight

sowing dates during January 2001 and May 2002 at Florida in temperature-gradient

greenhouses. They reported that each sowing date, two additional temperature

treatments (ambient and ambient + 4.5 0C air temperature) were evaluated by sowing

on either end of each greenhouse and applying differential heating. Mean soil

temperature from sowing to final emergence in different treatments ranged from 15 to

32 0C. They found that the sowing date, temperature treatment and cultivar had

significant effect on seedling emergence and development.

Subrahmaniyan et al. (2006) conducted a field experiment to study the crop-

weather relationship in polyethylene film mulched groundnut. The statistics revealed

soil temperatures at 10 cm depth was found ineffective to groundnut production in the

autumn, while they were advantageous in winter. In the second experiment, a lower soil

temperature up to 20 cm depth resulted favorable for autumn groundnut, while for the

winter crop a better production was obtained with higher soil temperatures in the first

10 cm of depth.

Pandey et al. (2007) conducted field experiment for five years (1997-98 to

2001-2002) at AAU, Anand. Flowering and pod development phases of mustard were

found to be the most sensitive to weather parameters. Higher sunshine hours, higher

maximum temperature and lower minimum temperature during flowering and pod

development stages of the crop were found to be favourable for mustard crop.

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Temperature range was found to explain the highest variation (92%) in the seed yield

of mustard.

Bannayan et al. (2009) studied the interactive effects of elevated CO2 and

above optimum temperature on growth, development and yield of two peanut (Arachis

hypogaea L.) cultivars, Pronto and Georgia Green. Plants were exposed to day/night

air temperatures of 33/21, 35.5/23.5 (+2.5 0C), and 38/26 0C (+5 0C) along with CO2

treatments of 400 and 700 μmol CO2 mol-1 air. They reported that elevated CO2 alone

resulted in a significant increase in total biomass at final harvest across all temperatures

(P < 0.01), but decreased final seed yield (P < 0.05) except for Georgia Green at (+5
C). From the results they concluded that final seed yield response to CO2 depends on

the sensitivity of individual cultivars to temperature, especially during the reproductive

development stage.

Singh et al. (2009) conducted a field experiment during 2005 at Haryana

Agricultural University, Hisar. They reported that the temperature had a strong

influence on the germination and seed vigour of different chickpea cultivars,

germination was below 90 per cent at 350C temperature in HC-3, HK-1, HC-1, H-208,

Gora Hisari and H Gaurav cultivars. At 250C temperature, germination rate index was

above 13.0 in most of the cultivars. Seed vigor (SG1) was maximum around 250C.

2.1.2 Radiation

Radiant energy plays an important role not only in plant growth and

development processes through photosynthesis and the thermal effects but also

determines the climate near the ground depending upon the surface. The net radiation,

which is balance of net short wave and net long wave radiation, is the fundamental

source of energy, which is responsible for most of the physiological processes taking

Review of Literature
place in the environment, within the crop canopy and surrounding the crop cultivated

area (Arya, 1977; Oke, 1987).

Andre and Viswnathan (1983) studied the radiation balance of soybean

growth in Brazil. They found that the mean daily albedo values for the vegetative

surface were between 0.12 to 0.26 and were inversely related to the vegetative height.

Bhatia et al. (1997) reported that the initiation of flowering and the start of the

pod development stages were most susceptible to variation in the photoperiod. In early

maturity genotype under the long photoperiod, although flowering occurred on normal

date, pod development did not and pods did not reach R6 (beginning of seed growth)

and R7 (physiological maturity) stages.

Antony et al. (2003) conducted an experiment at Bhubaneswar (Orissa) to

investigate the effect of sowing dates on phenology, heat use efficiency (HUE) and

radiation use efficiency (RUE) in greengram cv. K-56. Greengram took 58 and 55 days

and 68 and 60 days to attain physiological maturity during 1999 and 2000, respectively.

As the sowing date was delayed, the growth occurred under higher temperatures with

reduction in phenophase duration. Higher growing degree days were observed in early

sown crop compared to late sown crop (1382 during 1999 and 1290 during 2000). The

crop sown in March experienced higher temperature at the time of physiological

maturity as it coincided with the last week of April and second week of May. The RUE

values varied between 0.09 and 0.24 gMJ-1.

Awal and Ikeda (2003) conducted a field experiment at the research farm of

the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University, Japan. The effect of soil temperature on

radiation use efficiency (RUE) of peanut grown with three soil temperatures (ambient,

reduced and elevated with 23.5, 21.7 and 25.7 0C, respectively). They reported that the

peanut grown under elevated soil temperature converted significantly more of the

Review of Literature
absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) into dry matter accounting for the

higher carbon exchange rate (CER) due to the synthesis of more chlorophyll pigments

(Chl a and b) at early growth stages. However, irrespective of treatments and years, the

RUE and soil temperature were positively correlated (r2 = 0.99; P < 0.01). From the

results they concluded that elevating the soil temperature is a useful method of

compensating for low air temperatures, allowing more efficient capture of resources

especially in cool-temperate regions.

Singh et al. (2003) reported that the phenological stage in wheat took more days

under shade stress due to low radiation and thermal regimes in the crop canopies. The

difference in cumulative heat units increased with the increase in the shade level in the

advanced phenophases during crop season. The radiation use efficiency (RUE)

increased from crown root initiation till anthesis and then decreased slightly upto

drought stage. The highest RUE was recorded in maximum shade levels due to more

reduction in radiation consumed by the crops. The thermal use efficiency (TUE) in the

wheat was lowest at anthesis and highest at maturity followed by jointing and dough


Basu et al. (2013) conducted field experiment at B.C.K.V Research Farm,

Nadia, during pre-kharif season to study the effect of photosynthetically active radiation

(PAR) on the leaf area index (LAI) and total dry matter (TDM) accumulation pattern

in groundnut. Two years experiment was conducted on five groundnut varieties (TG-

51, ICGS-44, TAG-44, TMV-2 and AK-12-24) sown on three dates (20th January, 5th

February and 20th February) revealed that the LAI and total dry matter accumulation

varied with dates of sowing and cultivar. The variation due to variety and dates of

sowing was found significant. Intercepted PAR (IPAR) significantly affected the LAI

upto 65 DAE.

Review of Literature
2.1.3 Rainfall

Joshi and Kabaria (1972) studied the effect of rainfall on phenology of

groundnut at Amreli (Gujarat) and found that the rainfall from full-pegging to pod-

development stage (51-80 days) was significantly correlated with the yield.

Subbaiah et al. (1974) observed that the pod yield of groundnut and rainfall

received during pod formation to maturity were positively correlated in a rainfed crop

grown at semi-arid region of Andhra Pradesh in India.

Murthy and Rao (1986) at Anantpur (A. P.) reported that early sowing in the

season provided favourable weather conditions for proper growth and yield of

groundnut. Delay in sowing by one week from 17th July to 24th July resulted in a linear

decrease in pod yield of groundnut.

Kachroo (1987) carried out a study at Ludhiana and found that flower initiation,

75 per cent flowering and pegging periods of groundnut were not influenced by the pre

and post monsoon conditions.

Singh and Singh (1994) studied the effect of rainfall distribution on the yield

of groundnut during its growth period at Rajkot, Gujarat. They observed that depending

upon the rainfall and its distribution, groundnut yield was as low as 123 kg ha-1 and as

high as 1278 kg ha-1 in Rajkot district. They also found that the partial regression

coefficients of rainfall after 1-30 days, 51-60 days and 81-90 days of sowing the crop

were found significant.

Sahu et al. (1994) reported that the effectiveness of rainfall in groundnut

production depends mainly on commencement of sowing rains and amount and

distribution of rainfall during the season.

Wright et al. (1999) reported that the water deficits occurring during the

flowering to the start of pod growth phase significantly reduced pod yields (range 17-

Review of Literature
25 %) relative to the well watered control plots for two Spanish and two Virginia

cultivars at south-east Queensland, Australia.

Gadgil (2000) observed that the variation in groundnut yield at Anantapur

district (A. P.) arises to a large extent from the variation in the total rainfall during the

growing season. It was observed that seasonal rainfall up to 50 cm is required to sustain

a successful groundnut crop in that region.

Sahu et al. (2000) studied the effect of rainfall pattern on groundnut

productivity using rainfall for 32 years (1968-1999) at Junagadh. They concluded that

in drought years the total rainfall had significant effect on yield, where as in wet years

only weekly rainfall variation had shown significant effect on pod yield of groundnut.

Patel and Vaishnav (2003) used different statistical approaches to study the

effect of rainfall on groundnut yield in dry farming areas of Gujarat involving seasonal

rainfall, monthly, standard weekly, crop physiological stage wise total, shorter interval

total rainfall at critical stages and different categories of rainy days in crop

physiological stages as independent variables. They concluded that the rainfall during

pegging stage (35-50 DAS) had significant influence on yield. Further split into smaller

periods, showed that rainfall during a period of 7 days consisting 36 to 42 and 43 to 49

days after sowing was significantly associated with yield.

Kulkarni et al. (2004) studied the effect of rainfall on groundnut using 40 years

crop yield-rainfall data (1961-2000) at Anantapur. They reported that the non-

parametric approach based on the two way classification duly accounts for the

combined effect of the rainfall pattern on the levels of crop yields and also enables to

quantify the yield response corresponding to the different rainfall patterns that are likely

to occur during the crop season. They also reported that the cluster analysis precisely

Review of Literature
identifies the different rainfall patterns, which are 'likely' to occur during the crop


Patel et al. (2010) reported that the groundnut crop sown at the onset of

monsoon performed better and gave 21.4 per cent higher pod yield than late sown crop.

They concluded that at the onset of monsoon, mean temperature during pod

development phase showed significant positive correlation with pod yield.

2.1.4 Soil moisture

Water being one of the most important factors influencing crop production, it’s

optimum availability particularly under limited water condition greatly influence the

crop performance.

Hemalatha et al. (2006) conducted a field trial on groundnut at Hyderabad.

They observed that the fully irrigated control treatment produced maximum pod yield.

Moisture stress at various crop growth periods caused significant reduction (16.4 to

20.6 %) in pod yield as compared to control. Pod yield reduction due to moisture stress

at flowering and pegging period was 20.6 % with yield sensitivity coefficient of 1.7.

The relative sensitivity of groundnut to water deficit was found to be the highest in

flowering and pegging period, moderate in pod initiation and least in pod filling period.

The field experiment was conducted by Dutta and Mondal (2006) at Mohanpur

(West Bengal) to study the response of summer groundnut to moisture stress. They

noted that the moisture stress at vegetative stage recorded significantly higher yield

attributes, yield and oil content than that at flowering stage.

Thiyagarajan et al. (2010) reported that pre-flowering phase of groundnut crop

was less sensitive to moisture stress than the flowering phase and greater synchrony of

pod set in moderately stressed plants during the pre-flowering phase and resulted in

greater proportion of mature pods at harvest.

Review of Literature
Vaghasia et al. (2010) conducted a field experiment at Junagadh to study the

effect of soil moisture stress at various growth stages on yield of summer groundnut

(Arachis hypogaea L.) for six genotypes. They reported that stress during flowering

stage (25-47 days after sowing) and pod development stage (50-72 days after sowing)

resulted in 18.45 and 30.63 per cent reduction in pod yield. From the results they

concluded that the maximum water use efficiency (WUE) was achieved under water

stress imposed at flowering stage.

A field experiment was carried out at ANGRAU, Hyderabad to study the effect

of moisture stress on yield and yield related parameters in sunflower by Geetha et al.

(2011). Drought imposed at flower bud initiation stage caused reduction in total dry

matter (21 %) and capitulum diameter (32 %) as compared to no stress treatment. They

also reported that water stress resulted in 28 % reduction in seed yield compared to

control (no stress treatment).

2.1.5 Relative humidity

Balakrishnan and Naterajaratnam (1990) studied the response of pigeonpea

cultivars to different sowing environments at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,

Coimbatore. They selected six pigeonpea cultivars, three early maturing (cv. CO-5,

CORG-5, and UPAS-120) and three late maturing (cv. CORG-11, PLS-361-1 and SA-

1) and sown the crop in three different seasons on 21st February, 21st June and 21st

September. They observed that the temperature decreased and relative humidity

increased during later sowing. The first sowing data gave the greatest plant height,

branches and leaf numbers in all cultivars. The yield superiority of late maturing

cultivars decreased with later sowing.

Review of Literature
Mo et al. (1991) showed that the main factors affecting yield of soybean were

the difference between day and night temperature, average RH and precipitation from

the early flowering to maturity.

Karunakar et al. (2002) reported that the number of effective pegs, developed

pod number and pod dry weight were influenced by variations in atmospheric

temperatures, particularly minimum temperature and the relative humidity at Akola

(M.S.) condition. Warmer temperatures and higher relative humidity during crop

growth period favourably influenced the yield contributing characters and finally the

pod yield.

Rani and Reddy (2008) observed that weather variables during various

phenophase of soybean influenced growth, yield and yield attributes, a regression

model was developed which indicated that increase in afternoon relative humidity

(51.5- 84.0 % and 47.4- 85.7 % ) during pod set and seed fill phases respectively,

morning relative humidity in the range of 71.6- 93.5 % at seed fill phase along with soil

moisture in the range of 12.5- 40.2 % and 11.4- 37.6 %, respectively in the 15 and 30

cm soil depth accounted for 65 % variation in soybean seed yield.

2.2 Relation to agrometeorological indices

Hundal and Kingra (2000) formulated phenophasic models for soybean based

on growing degree days and photothermal units in field studies conducted over four

crop seasons at PAU, Ludhiana. Soybean cv. PK-414 attained physiological maturity

in 131 to 137 days. From emergence to maturity, the crop required GDD of 2291 to

2450 0C days with CV of 2.7 per cent and PTU of 29,924 to 32,117 0C day hours with

CV of 3.1 per cent.

Agrawal et al. (2001) studied the photo thermal effect on growth and

development of chickpea in field experiment Jabalpur (M.P.). The crop was planted at

Review of Literature
different dates. Significant variation in phenology particularly in days taken to

flowering was recorded when 3 varieties were sown on different dates. Growth and

yield were reduced with delay in planting. Growing degree day, heliothermal and

photothermal units required to reach different phases greatly varied with planting time.

Heat use efficiency was also affected due to planting dates. Suboptimal photothermal

regime encountered by late planted crop was mainly responsible for reduction in


Meena and Dahama (2004) studied the relevance of thermal units with respect

to sowing time and pod yield prediction of irrigated groundnut. Pod yield and biomass

production were highest for the 15th March and 1st April sowing dates followed by a

progressive decrease in later dates of sowing. The pod yield was positively correlated

with heat use efficiency (HUE), heliothermal units (HTU) and photothermal units

(PTU) from flower initiation to maturity phenophase.

Gouri et al. (2005) conducted the field experiment during rabi season of 1997.

they reported that the duration taken for vegetative, reproductive and pod filling phases

under different sowings environment varied between 32-45, 20-36 and 52-68 days,

respectively, but in terms of growing degree days they remained more or less constant

at 488 ± 37, 304 ± 10 and 778 ± 53 0C days, respectively. They reported that the crop

matured on accumulating GDD 1570 ± 16 0C days regardless of sowing date and year.

Singh et al. (2007) conducted the field experiment during kharif seasons of

2004 and 2005 to study the influence of different environments created through

different sowing time on soybean cultivars at Hisar. They observed that the early sown

crop (1st week of June) accumulated higher GDD, HTU and resulted in maximum RUE

and HUE. Among the cultivars highest RUE was found in PK-416 cultivar due to more

dry matter production and LAI.

Review of Literature
Sahu et al. (2007) observed that the yield attributes of chickpea were

significantly influenced by different dates of sowing. The optimum thermal unit

requirements were GDD 18840C days, HTU 15350C days, and PTU 209440C days. The

identified time of sowing for chickpea was from 15th to 25th Oct for optimal thermal

regime under south Saurashtra Agro climatic Zone.

Gill et al. (2007) conducted an experiment at PAU, Ludhiana (Punjab) during

summer 2007 to study the effect of sowing dates on the phenology and thermal

requirement of mungbean genotypes. Early sown crop (10th July) consumed more

number of GDD, HTU and PTU to attain physiological maturity as compared to crop

sown on 20th and 30th July, which were found at par with each other, while crop sown

on 10th August resulted is low yield. The thermal units required to attain a given

phenological stage increased as sowing was delayed in all the cultivars. Among

mungbean genotypes (viz. SML 668, ML 818, PAU 911 and ML 1299), ML 1299

resulted in higher HUE for both, dry matter and seed yield as compared to other

genotypes under study. Genotype ML 1299 gave maximum grain yield (1117 kg ha-1)

which was significantly higher than SML 668 and ML 818, but remained at par with

PAU 911. A linear relationship obtained between occurrence of different phenophases

and HTU and PTU can be used to predict mungbean phenology, DMA and seed yield.

Parvender and Pal (2007) conducted an experiment to predict the phenology

of summer greengram using thermal indices under varying irrigation schedules at Hisar

(Haryana). Crop irrigated twice (20 and 45 DAS) consumed more number of growing

degree days (GDD), heliothermal units (HTU) and photothermal units (PTU) to attain

physiological maturity compared to crop irrigated once either at 20 or 45 DAS. Cultivar

MH-85-111 resulted in higher heat use efficiency for both dry matter and seed yield

compared to the other genotypes. A linear relationship obtained between occurrence of

Review of Literature
different phenophases and HTU and PTU can be used to predict mungbean phenology,

dry matter accumulation and seed yield.

Tripathi et al. (2009) reported that the chickpea crop sown on Nov 05 produced

significantly higher growth due to fulfillment of optimum thermal requirement for

various plant processes. Delay in sowing reduced the crop duration by 20 days over

sowing done on Oct 20. Heliothermal unit of 16751 0C days and photo thermal unit

22267 0C days from sowing to maturity produced the higher yield of chickpea under

agroclimatic conditions of eastern Utter Pradesh.

Canavar and Kaynak (2010) investigated the effect of different planting dates,

growing degree days (GDD) and daily sunshine duration on three peanut cultivars

(Gazipasa, Florispan, and NC-7) and a local cultivar at four different planting dates in

Turkey during 2004 and 2005. They reported that the planting date affected emergence,

beginning of flowering, beginning gynophore formation, primary branch number,

primary branch length, days to maturity and pod yield. From the results they concluded

that the early planting, ranging from May 5th to 20th, provided the essential 1450 and

1600 0C days GDD and 893 to 978 sunshine hours during reproductive stage and

revealed May 20th as the best planting date for pod yield.

Lavand (2012) laid out the field experiment to study the crop weather

relationship in summer greengram at JAU, Junagadh (Gujarat) during the summer

season of 2011 with four dates of sowing viz., 5th February, 15th February, 25th

February and 5th March and four varieties viz., K-851, GM-2, GM-3 and GM-4. He

observed that the optimum requirement of GDD, HTU and PTU for higher yields of

summer greengram was 1568.2 (°C days), 15658.4 (°C days) and 19325.9 (°C days)


Review of Literature
Singh et al. (2012) conducted field experiment during rabi season of 2006 - 07

and 2007-08 at Faizabad (U.P.) with three chickpea cultivars viz., Awarodhi, Radhey

and Uday grown under three dates of sowing viz., 31th October, 10th November and 20th

November. Result revealed that phasic duration and thermal units from sowing to

maturity decreased with successive delay in sowing. The accumulated thermal units

during the entire growing period of the crop decreased from 21370°C days under

October 31 sowing to 17850 °C days under late sowing (sowing delayed by 20 days).

2.3 Crop simulation modeling

Akula (2003) validated WTGROWS and InfoCrop model using relevant field

experimentation data collected for two years at Anand (Gujarat) India for wheat cv.

GW-496. Results showed that mean measured and WTGROWS simulated grain yield

were 4608±620 and 4537±874 kg ha-1 respectively and corresponding to the same

measured yield, simulated by InfoCrop were 4296±918 kg ha-1. The correlation

coefficient between measured and simulated yields by each of the two models was

nearly indicated in WTGROWS (r=0.95) and InfoCrop (0.96).

Rai and Kushwaha (2005) reported that the simulated and observed values for

number of days to panicle initiation and 50% flowering coincided in case of rice cultivar

under Pantnagar, Uttaranchal, whereas the estimated value for number of days to

maturity was higher than the simulated value. A high correlation between the observed

and simulated value for yield and yield components including number of panicles,

number of grains per panicle and 1000 grain weight was recorded, indicating the

suitability of the CERES-Rice model in simulating the development, yield and yield

components of upland rice.

Aggarwal et al. (2006) reported that the InfoCrop model is well calibrated and

validated for several annual crops such as, groundnut, soybean, chickpea, mustard,

Review of Literature
wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, potato, cotton and coconut and also a perennial plantation.

In all crop phenology, LAI and yield attributing characters were very closely matched

with observed and simulated value. Majority of simulations were within ± 15 percent

boundary of 1:1 line.

Chauhan et al. (2006) studied the utility of Agricultural Production Systems

Simulator (APSIM) peanut model as a tool to assess the yield potential and quality

constraints of peanut in three targeted peanut production regions (Aiyura, Bubia and

Ramusugar) in Papua, New Guinea. They reported that the model predicted pod yield

satisfactorily for Bubia and Ramusugar sites, but poorly at the Aiyura site, due to

unknown site specific constraints. From the study they concluded that APSIM peanut

model can be used as a tool to assess the production potential of peanuts at various

planting times in the target environments.

CERES-wheat model was calibrated and validated with field experimental data

generated during 2004-05 and 2005-06 for wheat (cv. GW-496) at Anand, Gujarat,

India by Pandey et al. (2007). Grain yield as simulated by the CERES-wheat model

under higher temperature regimes showed a gradual decrease in yield, while lowering

the temperatures increased the yield. The impact of maximum temperature was more

than that of minimum temperature.

Bellow et al. (2007) investigated using temperature, precipitation and solar

radiation outputs from a Dynamically-Downscaled Global Climate Circulation Model

to predict peanut yields in south eastern USA. From the results they reported that the

application of regional spectral climate model (RSCM) forecasts may have the greatest

immediate potential for simulating physiological processes that are most sensitive to

temperature and relatively insensitive to rainfall.

Review of Literature
Wajid et al. (2007) worked on a simple mechanistic growth model,

WHEATGROW to simulate the growth, development and grain yield of wheat as

affected by sowing dates (10th Nov. 25th Nov. and 10th Dec.) under semi-arid conditions

of Pakistan. Simulated grain yield output was 60% in 10th November, 54% in 25th

November, 38% in 10th December and total dry matter accumulation was 73% higher

in 10th November, 36% in 25th November, 12% in 10th December. Comparison of

simulated and measured quantities indicated satisfactory performance of the model with

in reference to LAI, TDM and grain yield.

Karunaratne et al. (2008) described BAMGRO model and explained that it

integrates data from contrasting landraces and locations in Africa and UK. They also

reported that the model is based on the established CROPGRO model taking into

account some features of previous Bambara groundnut models, BAMnut and BamGro.

These models predict the effect of drought, heat and cold stress independently and

collectively on the growth, development and yield of Bambara groundnut landraces. In

addition, BAMGRO estimates the effects of photoperiod on growth and development.

Whilst its predecessors modelled Bambara groundnut as a species, BAMGRO identifies

landrace responses to major abiotic stresses.

Reddy et al. (2008) tested the WOFOST and CERES models for phenology and

grain yield of rice, CERES model predicted the physiology maturity with an error of -

5.7 % and 7.8 % during 2004 and 2005, respectively. Whereas grain yield was predicted

with an error of 4.1 % during 2005, CERES model predicted flowering, maturity and

yield of MTU 1010 with an error of 3.6%, -4.7%, respectively. During 2006, at

Rajendranagar, in JGL 1798, CERES model predicted the yield of 3.4% and -3.4%

compared to WOFOST, which predicted the grain yield with an error 1.9 % and -1.8%,

for 31 July and 11 August plantings.

Review of Literature
Mishra et al. (2013) studied WOFOST crop growth simulation model at Anand.

Result revealed that mean observed days to anthesis were 57.9 ± 2.5, 61.1± 2.1and 59.5

± 1.6 during 2009-10, 2010-11 and pooled data, while simulated days to anthesis were

60.3 ± 3.9, 62.8 ± 2.0 and 61.6 ± 2.2, respectively. The value of RMSE for simulated

maximum LAI were 0.11, 0.08 and 0.08 for 2009-10, 2010-11 and for pooled data

respectively. The observed mean yields were 3406 ± 223, 3757 ± 684 and 3581 ± 430

kg ha-1during 2009-10, 2010-11 and for pooled analysis while, respective simulated

mean yields were 3496 ± 435, 4061 ± 684 and 3778 ± 494 kg ha-1. Likewise, measured

above ground production were 8349 ± 752, 8495 ± 953 and 8422 ± 796 kg ha-1during

2009-10, 2010-11 and pooled data, while corresponding simulated biomass were 8787

± 698, 8910 ± 733 and 8889 ± 653 ha-1 respectively.

Lakra and Nareshkumar (2015) reported that the InfoCrop model simulated

phenology of soybean satisfactorily at I.A.R.I., New Delhi. The difference between

simulated and observed days to maturity was less than 5 days. The observed yield of

soybean under rainfed and irrigated condition was 1778 and 1926 kg ha-1 while that the

model simulated yield 1809 and 1884 kg ha-1 respectively. The observed TDM values

were 5206 and 5742 kg ha-1 and simulated TDM were 5307 and 6184 kg ha-1 under

rainfed and irrigated condition respectively.

Boote et al. (1988), (1989) were the first report on crop growth simulation

model for groundnut as “PNUTGRO” reported the research applications of

‘PNUTGRO’ model for simulating the further effects of maturity traits, partitioning of

dry matter, pod growth, pest effects and crop growth processes to predict the yield.

Management applications included the prediction of growth and yield responses to

planting dates, row spacing and irrigation. They found that higher temperatures caused

Review of Literature
‘PNUTGRO’ model to simulate earlier maturity, shorter pod fill, low yield and shelling


Hook (1994) used three crop growth and water use models, ‘CERES’ Maize,

‘SOYGRO’ and ‘PNUTGRO’ to compare the potential (no water stress) and the lowest

(no irrigation) yield for maize, soybean and groundnut, in Georgia, USA. The simulated

yield loses averaged 75 per cent for soybean and 64 per cent for groundnut.

Hoogenboom (2000) observed a significant impact of weather and management

factors on crop growth and development by the crop simulation models. He suggested

that the DSSAT model can be used to make appropriate management decisions and to

provide farmers with alternate options for their farming system.

Pandey et al. (2001) compared the phenology and yield simulated by

‘CROPGRO’ model and that observed in the field experiment for groundnut crop

grown in kharif seasons of 1997-2000 at Anand. The results revealed that the observed

phenological dates were closely associated with the simulated ones. The decrease in

pod yield with delayed sowing as observed in experiment was well depicted by the

model. However, under high rainfall situations, the model simulated higher pod and

haulm yield for both the varieties and these were not in agreement with the observed

yields. Thus the model could be used to predict the yield accurately under normal

rainfall and different management conditions.

Gilbert et al. (2002) evaluated PNUTGRO model v 1.02 at 15 sites in two

Florida counties during 1990 and 1991 cropping seasons. They reported that the

accuracy of PNUTGRO simulations was varied with year and location. Sites where

peanut was grown in rotations following Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum, Levy County,

1990) had low disease pressure, high pod yields (5260 kg ha-1) and the best model fit

(PNUTGRO simulations were within 9% of observed yield data). Sites where peanut

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followed other row crops often showed high infestation levels of root knot nematode or

stem rot (Jackson County, 1991) resulted in reduced pod yields (3260 kg ha-1) and

poorer model fit (PNUTGRO simulations were 44% above observed yields). They

concluded that PNUTGRO correctly predicted relative yield decreases due to drought.

Naab et al. (2004) conducted field experiments during 1997 and 1998 at Ghana

to evaluate the CROPGRO peanut model for its ability to simulate growth, yield, and

soil water balance of peanut crop. Two peanut cultivars, Chinese which matures in 90

days, and F-Mix which matures in 120 days were grown rainfed at three dates of sowing

between May and August in 1997 and at four dates in 1998. They found that simulated

yield losses caused by water deficits were small (averaging 5–10%) for early sowing

dates and increased with later sowing dates (20 and 70% for third and fourth sowings).

Simulated yields were reduced by 10 to 20 per cent due to water deficit for the two

earlier (normal) dates, but more for the later sowing dates. They concluded that the

CROPGRO peanut model can be successfully used to quantify the yield potential and

yield gaps associated with yield reducing stresses and crop management for the region.

Bhatia et al. (2005) estimated the potential yield and water balance of

groundnut for 20 locations representing different regions across India using

‘CROPGRO’ model. The average simulated rainfed potential yield across different

states of India ranged from 1200 to 3490 kg ha-1 respectively.

Adamou et al. (2005) investigated the utility of CROPGRO-peanut model to

simulate growth and yield as affected by late leaf spot in early and late maturing peanut

cultivars grown at different sowing dates under rainfed conditions in northern Benin.

Peanut cultivars TS 32-1 and 69-101 were sown on three dates between May and

August during 1998 and 1999. They reported that the long duration cultivar 69-101

produced greater yield than the short duration cultivar TS 32-1, concluding that early

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sowing and long duration cultivars result in relatively better yields and the mechanistic

CROPGRO-peanut model can be used to simulate the influence of foliar diseases (leaf

spot) on growth and dry matter production for both short and long duration cultivars

under different sowing dates.

2.4 Calibration and validation of models

Calibration means adjustment of some parameters or coefficients in functional

relationship. Before any model can be used with confidence, adequate validation or

assessment of the magnitude of the errors that may result from their use should be

carried out. Model validation, in its simplest form, is a comparison between simulated

and observed values.

Piper et al. (1998) compared the phenology simulation by SOYGRO model

with that by CROPGRO for prediction of the flowering and maturity date. Based on the

root mean square error (RMSE) criterion between predicted and observed dates,

SOYGRO and CROPGRO predicted flowering equally well.

Mall et al. (1998) used CROPGRO-soybean model to predict the phenology

and yield of soybean. Model predicted satisfactory the trends of days to flowering,

maturity and seed yield. The deviation of simulated results were within ± 15 % of the


Kaur and Hundal (1999) calibrated and validated the DSSAT model to predict

groundnut growth and yield in Punjab. They reported that the simulated phenological

events showed deviations of -3 to +3 days for flowering, -3 to +2 days for pegging and

-4 to +2 days for physiological maturity of the crop. The model estimated the LAI to

be within 95–108% (mean 101.5%) and shelling percentage to be within 93–108%

(mean 100.5%) of the actual values. The model predicted the pod yields from 89 to

Review of Literature
111% (mean 100%) and seed yield from 90 to 110% (mean 100%) of the observed


Rao et al. (2000) used PNUTGRO model to suggest the optimum sowing

window for rain-fed groundnut in the Anantpur region. The variation in the model yield

had shown that the broad sowing window of 22 June –17 August presently used by the

farmers minimizes the risk of failure. Within this broad window, sowing after mid-July

enhanced the yields considerably.

Baston et al. (2001) reported that simulation by CROPGRO model for cowpea

crop the deviation between the simulated and observed values was high which was

attributed to the fall in reproductive growth rate as well as translocation of

photosynthates under high temperatures.

Robertson et al. (2002) tested the generic legume model as it applies to 4

species: chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek), peanut

(Arachis hypogaea L.), and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). The model is an attempt to

simulate crop growth and development with satisfactory comprehensiveness, without

the necessity of defining a large number of parameters. A generic approach was adopted

in recognition of the common underlying physiology and simulation approaches for

many legume species. Simulation of grain yield explained 77, 81, and 70% of the

variance (RMSD = 31, 98, and 46 g/m2) for mungbean (n = 40, observed mean = 123

g/m2), peanut (n = 30, 421 g/m2), and chickpea (n = 31, 196 g/m2), respectively.

Biomass at maturity was simulated less accurately, explaining 64, 76, and 71% of the

variance (RMSD= 134, 236, and 125 g/m2) for mungbean, peanut, and chickpea,

respectively. RMSD for biomass in lucerne (n = 24) was 85 g/m2 with an R2 of 0.55.

Simulation accuracy is similar to that achieved by single-crop models and suggests that

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the generic approach offers promise for simulating diverse legume species without loss

of accuracy or physiological vigour.

Mavromatis et al. (2002) reported that CROPGRO-PEANUT when calibrated

with seven on station trails and validated with twenty one on farm trails in North

Florida, yield was under predicted three times (range -20 to -5%) and over predicted

four out of seven times (range +1 to +23%) with an average absolute error of 13 per


CERES-Rice version 3.5 and CROPGRO-chickpea crop growth simulation

model used to explore the possibility of second crop in agro climatic condition of the

plateau region of Chhattisgarh state. Management combinations simulated were 8

planting dates for rice cultivar IR-36 and chickpea cultivars JG-74 and K-850

developed elsewhere used to running the crop simulation model by Singh et al. (2005)

showed that simulated yield for rice sown on 15 May and 22 May were higher for

chickpea, crop model resulted in higher yield for both the cultivars sown on 4 October

under irrigation scenario with two irrigation while simulated grain yield was higher for

cv. JG-74. Irrespective of sowing dates and irrigation treatments.

Mukhesh (2008) reported that the PNUTGRO model under predicted days to

pod and seed growth and reasonable agreement between the simulated and observed

values for days to anthesis, harvest index, shelling percentage and pod yield of

groundnut crop.

Dugan et al. (2011) validated DSSAT (CROPGRO Peanut) model using data

from field experiments in three farming zones of Ghana. The model was evaluated for

its performance by simulating the response of two groundnut varieties (Kpedevi, short

duration and Goronga, long duration) to planting dates (29/04/02 and 09/09/02) and

planting densities (9 and 17 plants m-2). The model predicted the days to 50 per cent

Review of Literature
emergence, flowering, pegging and pod formation within ± 5 days of the observed

values. Changes in leaf area index (LAI) and total dry matter were significantly

correlated with observed values (R2 = 0.81, and 0.97, respectively, for Kpedevi) and

(R2 = 0.86 and 0.98, respectively, for Goronga). Also, the model accurately simulated

the differences in crop growth, yields at final harvest, densities and seasons. They

concluded that under biotic stress-free situations, the model can be used to predict

groundnut growth and yields of Goronga and Kpedevi as influenced by planting date

and planting density.

Guled et al. (2012) conducted the field experiment during the kharif seasons of

2009 and 2010 to evaluate the CROPGRO-Peanut model for phenological and yield

attributes of three groundnut cultivars V1 – M 335 , V2 – GG-20 and V3 –GG 5 sown

under three environments. Model output showed that the simulated values of

phenology, growth parameters and pod yield of the groundnut cultivars were close to

the corresponding observed values.

Kumar et al. (2012) used the CERES wheat and CROPGRO urd model to

simulated growth and yield in sequential run. They revealed that the validated model

can be further used for applications such as sequential study. The effect of one crop on

soil, water, and nutrient status are carried over to the next crop in the sequence or

rotation. These sequences can be efficiently studied by the sequence analysis program


Parmar et al. (2013) calibrated and validated the DSSAT model for kharif

groundnut (cv. GG-2 and GG-20) using past experimental data (2007 to 2009) of Dry

Farming Research station, J.A.U., Targhadia, Rajkot, Gujarat with two date of sowing

(D1: Onset of monsoon 1st July, D2: after 15 days of D1 15th July). The yield and yield

attributes, phenological stages, harvest index, shelling percentage as simulated by

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model were compared with the observed data. The results revealed that the model

underestimated the LAI and haulm yield for both the cultivars and overestimated rest

of the parameters. The average error percent of pod yield for cv. GG-2 was 2.2% and

for cv. GG-20 it was 1.6%.

Patil and Patel (2017) calibrated and validated the CROPGRO model for

chickpea using past field experimental data of two consecutive rabi seasons 2014-15

and 2015-16 at Anand, Gujarat. The results revealed that the higher R2 (0.97) was

obtained between measured and simulated for days to anthesis, with percent error (PE)

(8.08 %) and D-index 0.91. The PE between measured and observed for all the

parameters were found below ±10 % error.

2.5 Sensitivity analysis of CROPGRO-peanut model for climate change


Sensitivity means rate of change in output variable per unit change in input

variable or parameter. Sensitivity study of crop simulation modeling involves exploring

the behaviour of the model for different values of parameters. Especially since

parameter calibration is largely a black art, sensitivity analysis allows us to see where

we should concentrate our calibration and modelling efforts, i.e., where the model is

most sensitive.

Kaur and Hundal (2006) observed that with an increase in temperature up to

1 0C the yield of rice, wheat, and groundnut decreased by 3, 10, and 4 % respectively.

However, some increase in temperature was found favourable for yield of gram and

soybean. An increase in solar radiation by 5 % increased the yield of rice, wheat,

groundnut, gram and soybean by 6, 3, 8, 4 and 2 % respectively. The interaction effect

of increasing minimum temperature but decreasing maximum temperature revealed that

the growth and yield of crops was adversely affected by increasing minimum

Review of Literature
temperatures while, the decreasing maximum temperatures were able to partially

counteract the adverse effect only up to a certain limit. When the mean temperature

increased by 1 0C and solar radiation decreased by 5 % from normal, the grain yield of

wheat, rice, groundnut and soybean decreased by 14, 9, 7 and 0.5 % respectively from


Ramaraja et al. (2010) used CROPGRO-peanut model to assess the impact of

climate change on agriculture over Tamil Nadu. They reported that there was no

definite trend of impact of predicted temperature on groundnut yield. The level of CO2

enrichment had increased the yield compared to normal level of CO2 (330 ppm).

Concluding that, there was existence of seasonal difference for CO2 enrichment for


Shamim et al. (2010) reported that the sensitivity analysis of CERES-Rice

model with respect to different scenarios of duration of photoperiods, solar radiation,

CO2 concentration, maximum and minimum temperatures were carried out. The

simulated grain yield increased linearly with incremental unit increase in day length,

solar radiation, reduction of maximum temperature and vice versa. Simulated grain

yields increased up to 27.9% under elevated scenarios of CO2 from 380 to 410 ppm by

the model. Large yield reductions were observed on decreasing plant population.

However, model did not show any significant change due to increase in the plant


Kumar et al. (2014) studied the impact of climate variability using

CROPGRO-black gram and CERES-wheat model for Tarai region of Uttrakhand,

India. They reported that the CERES-wheat and CROPGRO-black gram models

satisfactorily simulated the temperature, solar radiation, day length and CO2

concentration effects on yield. Increase in solar radiation from 1 to 3 MJ m-2 day-1 for

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black gram showed decrease in yield by 12 to 28 % while decrease in solar radiation

by 1 to 3 MJ m-2 day-1 showed gradual increase in yield by 1 to 23% of blackgram.

Enhancement in CO2 levels showed gradually increase in yield by 1803 to 2083 kg ha-
, even though decrease in CO2 level by -120,-220 and -320 ppm the yield decreased by

28 to 90% for black gram crop. CERES wheat model results exposed that increase in

solar radiation from 1 to 3 MJ m-2 day-1 corroborate increase in yield while decrease in

solar radiation by 1 to 3 MJ m-2 day-1 showed gradual decline in yield. Decrease in

CO2 level by -120 ppm the wheat yield was 2832 kg ha-1, -220 ppm the yield was 608

kg ha-1 and at -320 ppm the simulated yield was only 29 kg ha-1.

Patel et al. (2015) studied the impact of climate change on different crops

(wheat, maize, pearl millet, paddy and groundnut) of Gujarat using InfoCrop and

DSSAT models. They found that the maximum yield reduction (-61 %) is projected in

wheat and lowest in pearl millet (-<8%). Maize during kharif season would be more

affected (-47 %) than the rabi season (-10 %). Similarly pearl millet in summer season

will be least affected (-8%) than kharif season (-14 %).

Mishra et al. (2015) studied the sensitivity analysis of three Triticum

aestivum (GW 322, GW 496 and GW 366) and one Triticum durum (GW 1139) cultivar

of wheat to asses the change in the grain yield of wheat due to changed sunshine hours

(BSS), maximum and minimum temperatures using WOFOST model. The potential

condition was assumed with congenial weather and adequate management practices.

They reported that the increase in sunshine hours was found to increase the yield in all

cultivars and vice versa. The rise in maximum and minimum temperatures had adverse

effect on wheat yield. The increase in the maximum temperature by 5 0C may cause

reduction in yield by 24 to 29%. The effect of the minimum temperature was also of

the similar order, but the varietal differences were observed. Among the cultivars, GW

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496 was found to be most sensitive to maximum temperature and less to bright sunshine

hours. Among the different stages, flowering to dough stage was found to be most

sensitive stage.

Srivastava et al. (2016) used CROPGRO-chickpea model to study the impact

of climate change on phenology, growth and yield of chickpea at Jabalpur. It was found

that model closely simulated the phenological event as well as biomass. The model

underestimated seed yield of both the cultivars but more error was involved in

simulation of JG 11. Under rainfed conditions there was large differences between

observed and simulated. Under climate change scenarios (increasing maximum

temperature by +1 to +3 0C, minimum temperature by+0.5 to 2.5 0C and CO2 from 400

to 600ppm); the seed yield of the chickpea cultivars would increase by 102.8 and 187.7

per cent under irrigated conditions at Jabalpur. The large variability in yield was noted

under rainfed as compared to irrigated conditions.

Yadav et al. (2016) studied the impact of climate change and variability on

productivity of different monsoon (pigeonpea and groundnut) and winter season crops

(chickpea, mustard, tomato and potato) at Varanasi using Decision Support System for

Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT v4.6.1). They found that the Productivity of

pigeonpea and groundnut in monsoon season and mustard, tomato and potato in winter

season decreased with an increase in temperature. Productivity of different pulse,

oilseed and vegetable crops increased under expected enhanced CO2 concentrations.

Highest productivity decreased in pigeonpea crop (96.0%) in monsoon season and

minimum in tomato crop (4.0%) in winter season with an increase of 3.0 0C in

temperature above normal. Highest productivity increase in mustard crop (164.0%) in

winter season and lowest in pigeonpea crop (33.0%) in monsoon season were simulated

under projected enhanced CO2 concentration of 760 ppm. Highest counter-balance in

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productivity of mustard crop (150%) followed by tomato crop (81%) during winter

season and lowest in pigeonpea crop (99%) during monsoon season were simulated

when an increase in temperature by 3.0 0C above normal under projected enhanced CO2

concentration of 760 ppm.

Yadav et al. (2017) used PNUTGRO model to study the impact of projected

climate change on groundnut (cv. Robut 33-1 and GG-2) at Anand station of middle

Gujarat. They reported that the mean maximum and minimum temperature will be

higher to the tune of 3.6 and 5.1 °C as compared to their base temperature of 19.1 and

29.8 °C respectively. Nearly 21 and 31% pod yield reduction was noted in Robut 33-1

and GG-2 as compared to their base yield during projected period.

The effect of weather on groundnut crop is quite complex and sometimes the

effect of one factor is interlinked with that of the other factors. There are many variables

that affect the crop growth and development in different ways and at different times

during the growth period of the crop. Weather parameters like high air temperature

effect on flower production, flowers setting pegs (fruit-set) and hence fruit numbers,

delayed pegging and podding in groundnut, also indicating greater sensitivity of

pegging and podding than flowering to high temperatures, initiation of flowering and

the start of the pod development stages were most susceptible to variation in the

photoperiod. In case of water deficits occurring during the flowering to the start of pod

growth phase significantly reduced pod yield. Warmer temperatures and higher relative

humidity during crop growth period favourably influenced the yield contributing

characters and finally the pod yield. In contrast, high soil temperature significantly

reduced flower production and the proportion of pegs forming pods. Quantification of

growth response and yield variations due to variations in weather, space, time, cultivar

characteristics and soil environment are essentially required. Agricultural systems are

Review of Literature
very complex. If we hope to manage our scarce agricultural resources or to estimate the

effects of future climatic change on agriculture, we first need to develop an integrated

tool that will simulate observed crop growth in a wide variety of environments and

under a wide variety of management practices. Fortunately, advances in computer

technology have made it possible to represent the advancement in techniques enabled

to development such computer models to represent the soil–plant–climate system

quantitatively. Crop simulation models are tools that can facilitate identification of

production constraints and assist in agro-technology transfer. Crop simulation model

improve agronomic weather information and interpretation in time to come and it also

helpful to farmers to reduce production risks and increase crop yield by tailoring

management decisions to current and expected weather. The principle of crop growth

modelling and its application to decision making are based on the understanding of

natural processes and using this understanding to describe agricultural systems

performance through systems analysis. Calibration and validation of crop models can

improve our understanding the physical and physiological processes involved in the

growth of a crop.


Field experiments were conducted to achieve the objectives set forth for the

present investigation during the summer season of the years 2015 and 2016. The

experimental details and methodology pertaining to the study are given as following.

3.1 Experimental site

The field experiment was laid out at the Agronomy Farm (Plot no A-17), B. A.

College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University Anand. Anand is located at the

latitude of 22°35’N and longitude of 72°55’E and at an elevation of 45.1m above the

mean sea level. The location of the experimental site falls in the Middle Gujarat Agro-

Climatic Zone-III. And located near to the Agrometeorological observatory.

3.2 Climate

Anand which is 90 km away from the Arabian Sea, experiences semi-arid

climate with fairly hot and dry summer with mild winter. The southwest monsoon wind

current during summer brings the rain from 3rd week of June to the first forth night of

September with an average annual rainfall of 832 mm. The weather remains dry from

October to June. The summer is hot and the mercury rises up to 45.5 0C during the

month of May, while the winter is mild cool, dry and temperature dips up to 5.0 0C

during the month of January and on an average the minimum temperature is about 11.0
C in winter months. However, the mean maximum temperature of this region during

the month of May is 40.1 0C and the mean minimum temperature during the month of

January is 10.9 0C.

3.3 Soil characterestics

The experiment was conducted on sandy loam soil, a true representative soil of

the region. The soil is locally known as ‘Goradu soil’. The soil is loamy sand with
Materials and Methods
alluvial in origin and belongs to Entisols (type: ustorthents). The experimental field has

a gentle slope and good drainage as well as fair moisture retentive capacity. The water

table is more than 10 m deep (Lakkad, 1993) and hence, the contribution of ground

water towards the crop evapotranspiration is negligible. The mechanical composition

as well as chemical and physical properties of the soil at depth 0-15 and 15-30 which

are given in Table 3.3.1. The soil chemical properties indicated that it was low in total

nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus and high in available potash. The soil is free

from any kind of salinity and sodicity.

Table 3.3.1: Physico-chemical properties of the experimental plots.

Soil depth (cm)

0-15 15-30
1. Mechanical composition
I. Coarse sand (%) 0.53 0.52
II. Fine sand (%) 82.5 82.8
III. Silt (%) 11.51 11.42
IV. Clay (%) 5.46 5.26
V. Textural class Loamy sand
2. Chemical properties
I. EC (1:2.5) (dSm-1) 0.14 0.16
II. Soil pH (1:2:5) 7.9 8.05
III. Organic carbon (%) 0.209 0.209
IV. Total nitrogen (%) 0.040 0.041
V. Available P2O5 (kg ha-1) 63.43 75.64
VI. Available K2O (kg ha-1) 219.76 203.68
3. Physical properties
F.C. (%) 17.5 17.0
P.W.P (%) 4.55 4.68
B. D. (g cc-1) 1.39 1.41
Source: Patel, (2011)

Materials and Methods
3.4 Experimental details

The experimental and treatment details studied are given as under:

3.4.1 Layout

The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three sowing dates as

main plot treatments and four varieties were allotted as sub plot treatments. The

treatments were replicated four times and assigned at random to each main and sub

plot in each replication. The plan of layout is depicted in Fig. 3.4.1 and field view of

the experimental site in Plate 1.

3.4.2 Treatment combinations

There were 12 treatment combinations in total, which are described in Table 3.4.1.

Table 3.4.1. Details of treatment combinations.

Sr. No Sowing dates Varieties Code

1. D1 (31 January) V1 (GG-2) D1V1

2. D1 (31 January) V2 (GG-20) D1V2

3. D1 (31 January) V3 (GJG-31) D1V3

4. D1 (31 January) V4 (TG-26) D1V4

5. D2 (15 days after D1) V1 (GG-2) D2V1

6. D2 (15 days after D1) V2 (GG-20) D2V2

7. D2 (15 days after D1) V3 (GJG-31) D2V3

8. D2 (15 days after D1) V4 (TG-26) D2V4

9. D3 (30 days after D1) V1 (GG-2) D3V1

10. D3 (30 days after D1) V2 (GG-20) D3V2

11. D3 (30 days after D1) V3 (GJG-31) D3V3

12. D3 (30 days after D1) V4 (TG-26) D3V4

Materials and Methods

Materials and Methods

Materials and Methods
3.4.3 Experimental set up
Crop : Groundnut
Variety : GG 2, GG 20, GJG 31 and TG 26
Experimental design : Split plot
Total treatment combinations : Twelve
Treatment details
Main plot treatments : Three dates of sowing
D1- (31 January)
D2- (15 days after D1)
D3- (30 days after D1)
Subplot treatments : Four varieties
V1- GG 2
V2- GG 20
V3- GJG 31
V4- TG 26
Number of replications : Four
Total number of plots : 48
Crop season : Summer season of the years 2015 and
Plot size
Gross plot : 4.50 X 3.60 m
Net plot : 3.50 X 2.40 m
Spacing : 30 X 10 cm
Seed rate : 100 kg ha-1
Fertilizer rate : 25:50:00 kg NPK ha-1
Seed treatment : Thiram @ 3 g kg-1 of seeds
Location : Agronomy farm, plot number (A-17)
BACA, AAU, Anand

A schedule of cultural operations followed during the entire crop growth period

for both the years is presented in Table 3.5.1.

Materials and Methods
3.5.1 Land preparation

Stubbles of the previous crop and weeds were collected and removed from the

field. The experimental field was cultivated by criss-cross, tractor drawn cultivator

during both the years. Planking was done in both the directions to develop a fine tilth.

3.5.2 Fertilization

The lines were drawn by marker in each plot with a spacing of 30 cm in between

rows and furrows were opened by Kudali. Full dose of nitrogen (25 kg N ha-1) in the

form of urea and phosphorus (50 kg P2O5 ha-1) in the form of di-ammonium phosphate

was applied as per the recommended dose of fertilizer during both the seasons of


3.5.3 Seed treatment and sowing

Before sowing, the seeds of GG-2, GG-20, GJG-31 and TG-26 variety were

treated with Thiram @ 3 gm per kg of seeds. The seeds were drilled in previously

opened and fertilized furrows at a distance of 30 cm between and 10 cm within row @

100 kg ha-1 during both the years.

3.5.4 Gap filling

In all the treatments, gap filling was done after twelve to fifteen days of sowing

to ensure uniform plant population.

3.5.5 Weeding and intercultivation

In both the years, three hand weeding operations were carried out in groundnut

crop to maintain weed free condition during crop season.

3.5.6 Plant protection

No serious disease or insect pest was observed during the course of

investigation; however as precautionary measure against termite, Chlorpyriphos 20 EC

@ 1.5 lit ha-1 was applied during both the years.

Materials and Methods
3.5.7 Harvesting and threshing

A light pre-harvest irrigation was given for easy uprooting and harvest of the

pods. From each plot ring lines were harvested first and shifted to threshing yard. Then

randomly selected five plants for recording observation were harvested separately from

each net plot and their produce was added to respective plot separated from plant

manually. Both pods and haulm were completely sun dried and yield of dry pods, kernel

and haulm were recorded for each net plot.

Table 3.5.1: Calendar of field operations carried out during investigation.

Cultural operations Dates of operation

S. No
2015 2016
(A) Pre-sowing operations
1 Tractor ploughing 30/01/2015 27/01/2016
2 Harrowing and planking 30/01/2015 28/01/2016
3 Layout and marking 30/01/2015 30/01/2016
4 Opening of furrows D1 31/01/2015 31/01/2016
D2 15/02/2015 15/02/2016
D3 02/03/2015 01/03/2016
5 Fertilizer application D1 31/01/2015 31/01/2016
D2 15/02/2015 15/02/2016
D3 02/03/2015 01/03/2016
(B) Sowing and aftercare operations
1 Sowing D1 31/01/2015 31/01/2016
D2 15/02/2015 15/02/2016
D3 02/03/2015 01/03/2016
2 Gap filling D1 15/02/2015 15/02/2016
D2 02/03/2015 01/03/2016
D3 14/03/2015 15/03/2016
3 Hand weeding 1 D1 20/02/2015 22/02/2016
D2 07/03/2015 09/03/2016
D3 22/03/2015 23/03/2016
4 ‘’ 2nd D1 02/03/2015 05/03/2016
D2 17/03/2015 19/03/2016
D3 02/04/2015 04/04/2016
5 ‘’ 3 rd
D1 14/03/2015 16/03/2016
D2 27/03/2015 29/03/2016
D3 15/04/2015 17/04/2016
6 Harvesting D1 31/05/2015 30/05/2016
D2 18/06/2015 15/06/2016
D3 20/06/2015 23/06/2016

Materials and Methods
3.6 Agronomical and phenological observations

Five plants were selected and tagged from each of the net plot of all the

treatments of one of the replications for recording the agronomical and phenological

observations. Phenology was observed on alternate days.

3.6.1 Growth attributing characters

For recording growth attributing characters visual observations like number of

days taken for attainment of each phenophase was recorded and for recording the crop

growth observations viz. plant height (cm), number of branches, leaf area/green leaf

area, biomass (green/dry biomass) root, stem and leaf, the plant samples were uprooted

from the border row of each plot of second replication. The samples were collected at

15 days interval after sowing till the harvest of the pods. Days taken for attainment of each phenophases

Numbers of days from the date of sowing to the date of attainment of stages viz.

P1 emergence (DAS)
P2 first flower opening (DAS) (emergence of one open flower at any node on
the plant)
P3 50% flowering (DAS) (50% of the plants on a plot showed at least one
opened flower)
P4 100% flowering (DAS) (100% of the plants on a plot showed at least one
opened flower)
P5 peg initiation (DAS) (initiation of one elongated peg)
P6 pod initiation (DAS) (one peg in the soil with turned, swollen ovary at least
twice the width of peg)
P7 pod setting (DAS) (one fully expanded pod)
P8 pod maturity (DAS) (one pod showing visible natural coloration or blotching
of inner pericarp or testa)
P9 physiological maturity (DAS)
Source: Boote, (1982)

Materials and Methods Plant height (cm)

The plant height of groundnut crop was measured from five plants selected

randomly in each treatment at 15 days interval after sowing till the harvest of the pods.

The height was measured from the base of the plant (ground level) to the tip of upper

most fully opened leaf and finally the mean height of plant in centimeter (cm) in each

treatment was worked out and were recorded. Number of branches per plant

The number of branches was recorded from five plants selected randomly in

each treatment at 15 days interval after sowing till the harvest of the pods and the

average numbers of branches in each treatment was worked out and were recorded. Leaf area index (LAI)

Three plants were uprooted from ring line of each plot of second replication and

removing the leaves from each plant, the leaves were allowed to pass through the leaf

area meter to recorded green leaf area (cm2) at 15 days interval after sowing till the

harvest of the pods. The LAI was computed as,

Total green leaf area(cm2 )

Ground area covered by the plant (cm2 ) Biomass accumulation and partitioning

To record the weight of green biomass leaves, stem, root and pods were

separated from same plants that were uprooted for LAI. All sample put in oven at 72°C

for 24 hours till a constant dry weight was obtained and noted.

3.6.2 Yield and yield attributing characters Mature and immature pods per plant

Total number of mature and immature pods per plant were counted from

selecting five uprooted plants from each net plot at the time of harvesting and finally

average mature and immature pods per plant in each treatment was worked out.

Materials and Methods

Materials and Methods Mature and immature pod weight per plant

Mature and immature pod weight per plant were recorded separately for

selected five uprooted plants from each net plot at the time of harvesting and finally

average mature and immature pod weight per plant in each treatment was worked out

in gram. Shelling percentage

A composite sample of 100 g was drawn randomly from the bulk of the dry

pods of each net plot and shelled. The ratio of kernels to pod weight was worked out

and expressed in percentage. Test weight in gram (100 kernels)

A composite sample of kernels was drawn from shelled pods of each net plot

and 100 kernels were counted and weighed and recorded separately for each plot to

determine test weight in gram. Pod yield (kg ha-1)

After harvest of the crop, uprooted plants were allowed in sun drying for four

days and thereafter matured pods were separated manually. These pods were also

exposed to sun for five days for drying. The dried pods were weighed and recorded

separately for each net plot and the pod yield was worked out as kg ha-1. Kernel yield (kg ha-1)

After measurement of dried pod weight, kernel was separated from pods and

weighed separately for each net plot and the kernel yield was worked out as kg ha-1. Haulm yield (kg ha-1)

After harvest of the crop, uprooted plants were allowed for sun drying for four

days and thereafter separating mature pods, the dry biomass were also exposed to sun

Materials and Methods
for five days for drying. The dry biomass was weighed and recorded separately for each

net plot and the haulm yield was worked out as kg ha-1. Harvest index (%)

Harvest index is the percentage ratio of economic yield (pod yield) to biological

yield (pod yield + above ground dry weight). It was computed by using the following

formula given by Donald and Hamblin (1976).

Economic yield (kg ha−1 )

HI (%) = X 100
Biological yield (kg ha−1 )

3.7 Meteorological observations

3.7.1 Daily observations

The daily observations of maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall, bright

sunshine hours, wind speed, pan evaporation and wind speed were recorded at

Agrometeorological observatory situated near the experimental site. Relative humidity

and vapour pressure and soil temperature at depth 5, 10 and 15 cm were recorded two

times a day in morning (0738 IST) hours and afternoon (1438 IST) hours.

3.8 Computation of agrometeorological indices

Agrometeorological indices like growing degree days (GDD), heliothermal unit

(HTU) and photothermal unit (PTU) were computed by using the methodology as

described by Nuttonson (1955).

3.8.1 Growing degree days (GDD)

The growing degree days were computed by considering the base temperature

of 100C. The sum of the degree days for the completion of each phenophases were

obtained by using the following formula:

̅ − Tbi)
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐺𝐷𝐷 = ∑ (T

Materials and Methods

T = daily mean air temperature in °C

T = {(Tmax +Tmin) / 2}

T max = daily maximum temperature in°C

T min = daily minimum temperature in°C

Tbi = base temperature in°C

ds = date of sowing or the date of commencement of the phenophases.

dh = date of harvesting or the date of ending of the respective phenophases.

3.8.2 Heliothermal units (HTU)

The heliothermal unit for a given day represents the product of GDD and the

actual hours of bright sunshine for that day. The sum of the HTU for the duration of

each phenophase was determined by using the following formula:

Accumulated HTU (°C day) = GDD x Ds

Where, Ds = daily bright sunshine hours.

3.8.3 Photothermal unit (PTU)

The photothermal unit for a day represents the product of GDD and the possible

sunshine hours calculated for Anand latitude. The accumulated of PTU for each

phenophase was determined by the following formula:

Accumulated PTU (°C day) = GDD x N

Where, N = possible hours of sunshine.

3.9 Crop growth modeling

3.9.1 CROPGRO (DSSAT.v.4.6) model description

It is a physiologically based crop growth simulation model, which predicts LAI,

crop development, growth, yield prediction of groundnut depending on daily weather

data (maximum temperature, minimum temperature, rainfall and solar radiation) for

Materials and Methods
specific soils. Soil parameters describe the ability of the soil to store water and to supply

water to plant roots based on processes of run-off, percolation and redistribution of

water in the profile. Thus soil characteristics and weather data are required as inputs.

The model is sensitive to cultivar choice, planting date, row and plant spacing and

irrigation management and pest and disease etc.

3.9.2 Input and output files

The files are organized into input, output and experiment performance data file.

Typical organizations of these are depicted in Table and The experiment

performance files are needed only when simulated results are to be compared with data

recorded in a particular experiment. In some cases, they could be used as input files to

reset some variable during the course of a simulation run. Model input files are

organized to allow some flexibility in their use with specific models.

3.9.3 List of input requirement by DSSAT model

The different input data of an experiment for running CROPGRO (DSSAT)

model are given in Table

Table CROPGRO (DSSAT) model input files

Sr. No. Input files Description
1. FILE 1 Daily weather data
2. FILE 2 Soil profile properties
3. FILE 3 Unused at present time
4. FILE 4 Soil nitrogen dynamics properties
5. FILE 5 Soil profile initial conditions
6. FILE 6 Irrigation Management data
7. FILE 7 Nitrogen fertilizer management data
8. FILE 8 Crop management data
9. FILE 9 Genetic Coefficient
10. FILE 0 Crop-specific coefficient

Materials and Methods
Table CROPGRO (DSSAT) model output files

Sr. No. File name Description

1 OUT1 Output record of crop model inputs.
Simulated biomass and water balance
components at selected phenological
stages. Harvest summary.
2 OUT2 Simulated crop variables vs time.
3 OUT3 Weather variables and simulated soil
Water balance vs time
4 OUT4 Simulated soil nitrogen variables vs time

3.9.4 Calibration of the model

For calibration of the CROPGRO-Peanut model, data on plant growth and

development, soil characteristics, weather and crop management were collected as

required for determining the cultivar coefficients of V1-GG-2, V2-GG-20, V3-GJG-26

and V4-TG-26, following the procedures described in IBSNAT and Hoogenboom et

al., (1999). The data were collected from field experiments conducted during summer

season as described in section 3.4. The cultivar coefficients were estimated by repeated

iterations by running the GLUE coefficient calculator using the observed phenology

and yield for all the sowing environments during both the years until a close match

between simulated and observed phenology and yield was obtained. The details of these

coefficients are given in Table 4.13. The calibrated genetic coefficients based on 2015

field experimental data for groundnut cv. GG 2, GG 20, TG 26 and GJG 31 in summer

season of Anand condition are mentioned in the following Table 4.12

3.9.5 Validation of the model

Model validation, in its simplest form is a comparison between simulated and

observed values. Beyond comparisons, there are several statistical measures available

to evaluate the association between predicted and observed values. Test criteria have

been separated into two groups, called summary measures and difference measures.

Materials and Methods

Summary measures include the mean of observed values (O) and predicted values (P) ,

the standard deviation of observations (So) and the predictions (Sp).

The summary measures describe the quality of simulation while, the difference

measures try to locate and quantify the errors. The latter include the mean absolute

error (MAE), the mean bias error (MBE) and the root mean square error (RMSE). They

were calculated according to Willmott (1982) as following and were based on the terms

(Pi – Oi):
MAE = ∑I=1[ 1Pi − Oi 1]/n

MBE = ∑[ Pi − Oi ]/n
RMSE = [∑I=1( Pi − Oi )2 /n]1/2
MAE and RMSE indicate the magnitude of the average error, but provide no

information on the relative size of the average difference between (P) and (O). The

statistic MBE describes the direction of the error bias. The value of MBE is related to

the magnitude of the values under investigation. A negative MBE indicates that the

predictions are smaller in values than those of the corresponding observations.

3.10 Sensitivity analysis of CROPGRO-peanut model for climate change


Sensitivity analysis is an important way of evaluating models. It helps to better

understand variation in output to changes in inputs. The analysis were done with input

parameters which include maximum and minimum temperatures, solar radiation, CO2.

The sensitivity analysis of climate change were carried out by increasing and

decreasing maximum and minimum temperature by -2 to +3 °C and CO2 level of 450,

500, 550 ppm in input file of the model. All interactions carried out using the validated

model for each genotype.

Materials and Methods

3.11.1 Statistical analysis

The data on pod yield and its attributes generated through the field

experimentation for the summer season of the two years 2015 and 2016 were subjected

to statistical analysis to ascertain the best treatment combination and to use the data

pertinent to that treatment combination to conduct the subsequent correlation and

regression studies. The statistical analysis was carried out by using "Analysis of

variance techniques". The value of the statistic "F" was worked out and compared with

the table value of "F" at 5 per cent level of significance, the value of C. D. was worked

out to compare the treatment means (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967).

3.11.2 Correlation and regression studies

Correlation studies between the total pod yield with the various weather

parameters as well as agrometeorological indices during different out phenophases

were carried out using methodology described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). The entire

procedures as described above were carried out for the purpose of fulfilling the

objectives of this investigation and pertinent results are described in the next chapter.


The present investigation was carried out during the summer seasons of the

years 2015 and 2016 with the prime objective of simulating the phenology and pod

yield of four different cultivars of groundnut using the CROPGRO-peanut (DSSAT v

4.6) model after calibrating genetic coefficients of groundnut cultivars using field

experiment data carried out at Anand (Middle Gujarat Agro-climatic region)

conditions. The results of pod yield and various yield attributing characters in terms of

their respective actual values were compared with respectively those simulated by the

model. The results are presented and discussed under titled paragraphs in pursuance

of the objectives set forth for the study.

4.1 Weather conditions during crop seasons summer 2015 and 2016

The average meteorological parameters maximum temperature (Tmax.),

minimum temperature (Tmin.), mean temperature (Tmean), morning relative humidity

(RH1), afternoon relative humidity (RH2), mean relative humidity (RHmean), morning

vapor pressure (VP1), afternoon vapor pressure (VP2), mean vapor pressure

(VPmean), evaporation (EP), bright sunshine hours (BSS) and rainfall (RF) as

prevailed during different phases viz., [P1 (from sowing to emergence), P2 (from

emergence to first flower opening), P3 (from first flower opening to 50 % flowering),

P4 (from 50 % flowering to peg initiation), P5 (from peg initiation to 100 %

flowering), P6 (from 100 % flowering to pod initiation), P7 (from pod initiation to pod

development), P8 (from pod development to pod maturity), P9 (from pod maturity to

physiological maturity)] of crop growing seasons of2015 and 2016 are depicted in Fig

4.1.1 to 4.1.10. The meteorological standard week wise weather prevailed during both

the crop seasons are depicted in Appendix I.

Results and Discussion
4.1.1 Air temperature

The phases wise maximum temperature (Tmax.) during 2015 and 2016 crop

growing seasons under different date of sowing (D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February,

D3- 02nd March) and cultivars (V1- GG 2, V2- GG 20, V3- GJG 31, V4- TG 26) is

depicted in Fig. 4.1.1. Figure shows that during different phases of the crop maximum

temperature (Tmax.) ranged between 29.7 and 42.8°C in 2016 and 29.5 and 41.7°C

during 2015. Generally increasing trend of the (Tmax.) is noticed from P1 (sowing to

emergence) phase to till the end of physiological maturity in all dates of sowing

during both the years with slight fluctuation during certain phases of the groundnut.

During 2015, Tmax. ranged from 29.4to 41.4°C under D1 (31st January) sowing, from

30.8 to 41.3°C under D2 (15th February) sowing and from 29.8 to 42.2°C under D3

(02nd March) sowing. This is shows that the crop sown under late sown conditions

experienced higher maximum temperature (Tmax.) in comparison to early sown

crops. Similarly in the second year of experiment also higher Tmax. ranged from 29.7

to 41.6°C under D1 (31st January) sowing, from31.7 to 41.4°C underD2 (15th February)

sowing and 35.8 to 41.2°C under D3 (02nd March) sowing. The large variation in

Tmax. during P2 (from emergence to first flower opening) to P5 (from 100 %

flowering to peg initiation) phase under three dates of sowings seems to be

responsible for differences in yield and yield attributes of groundnut cultivars. Among

the varieties, there does not seem to be significant differences in Tmax.

The phases wise minimum temperature (Tmin.) under different date of sowing

(D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February, D3- 02nd March) and cultivars (V1- GG 2, V2-

GG 20, V3- GJG 31, V4- TG 26) during the year 2015 and 2016 is depicted in Fig.

4.1.2. Figure shows that the minimum temperature (Tmin.) during crop growing

season increased continuously with the advancement of the crop in different

phenophases with slight fluctuations in certain phases. Tmin. increased from 12.2 to
Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
27.7°C during 2015 and from 12.0 to 28.2°C in 2016. Among the sowing

dates, the crop sown on D1 (31st January) experienced lower Tmin. (12.2 to 27.4 °C)

than that sown on D2 (15th February) (14.4 to 27.8°C) and D3 (02nd March) (14.4 to

27.5°C) sown crops. Similarly in 2016 also lower Tmin. (12.0 to 26.3 °C) experienced

on D1 (31st January) sowing than that sown on D2 (15th February) (16.1 to 26.5°C) and

D3 (02nd March) (19 to 27.9°C) sown crops. During flowering to peg initiation (P5)

phase a slight fall in minimum temperature is observed Fig. 4.1.2.

The mean temperature (Tmean) ranged between 20.6 and 34.6°C during 2015,

while the corresponding range in the year 2016 (20.8 to 35.1°C). During 2015, the

crop experienced lower (Tmean) temperature under D1 (31st January) sowing which

ranged between (23.4 and 34.1°C) in comparison to the range of (20.6 to 34.6°C)

under D2 (15th February) sowing and (22.3 to 34.2°C) under D3 (02nd March) sowing.

Similarly trend was observed in year 2016 also with slight higher values. Under D1

(31st January) sowing it ranged from (20.8 to 35.1°C) underD2 (15th February) it

ranged from (24.3 to 34.7°C) and under D3 (02nd March) it ranged from (27.5 to

34.5°C) Fig.4.1.3. Among the different cultivars in both year no any noticeable

variation was observed in (Tmean) temperature.

4.1.2 Relative humidity

The phaseswise morning relative humidity (RH1) and afternoon relative

humidity (RH2) during 2015 and 2016 crop growing season under different dates of

sowing (D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February, D3- 02nd March) and cultivars (V1- GG 2,

V2- GG 20, V3- GJG 31, V4- TG 26) are depicted in Figs. 4.1.4 to 4.1.5

Figure 4.1.4 shows that during crop growing seasons of the mooring relative

humidity (RH1) varied from 69.0 to 95.0 % and from 56.0 to 86.3%, in years 2015

and 2016 respectively. Generally, the (RH1) decreased with the crop age in both the

years, with slight fluctuations during different phases in comparison to 2015, the
Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
(RH1) was lower in 2016. In 2015, under different dates of sowing, (RH1)

varied between 69.0 and 91.5% in D1 (31st January), between 70.3 and 89.5% in D2

(15th February) and between 73.9 and 95.0%, in D3 (02nd March) sown groundnut

crop. Similarly in year 2016, (RH1) ranged between 57.8 and 86.5%in D1 (31st

January), between 57.8 and 86.0% in D2 (15th February) and 56.0 to 88.3% under D3

(02nd March) sowing. (RH1) is highly variable in different phases of the crop. The

fluctuation in (RH1) during year 2015 in different phases were than that of 2016.

The afternoon relative humidity (RH2) during the crop growing season ranged

between 22.5 and 47.0% in 2015 and between 12.0 and 39.8%in 2016. In 2015

afternoon relative humidity (RH2) ranged between 27.8 and 43.2 % under D1 (31st

January), between 22.5 and 47.0% under D2 (15th February) and 25.0 to 46.5% under

D3 (02nd March) sowing. Similarly in 2016 afternoon relative humidity (RH2) ranged

between 21.9 and 35.0 % under D1 (31st January), between 12.0 and 41.2%underD2

(15th February) and between 21.0 to 39.8% D3 (02nd March) sowing. During the both

years, fluctuation in afternoon relative humidity was more duringD2 (15th February)

sowing. Among the different cultivars variation in afternoon relative humidity (RH2)

did not differ much in both the year 2015 and 2016 Fig.1.1.5.

4.1.3 Vapour pressure

The phase wise morning vapour pressure (VP1), afternoon vapour pressure

(VP2) and mean vapour pressure (VP mean) during 2015 and 2016 crop growing

season under different dates of sowing (D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February, D3- 02nd

March) and cultivars (V1- GG 2, V2- GG 20, V3- GJG 31, V4- TG 26) are depicted in

Figs. 4.1.6 to 4.1.8

In 2015 crop growing season the morning vapour pressure (VP1) ranged

from10.4 to 24.1 mm of Hg under D1 (31st January), 11.6 to 24.1 mm of Hg under D2

(15th February)and 12.2 to 24.5 mm of Hg under D3 (02nd March) sowing Fig. 4.1.6.
Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
Similarly, in 2016 these values ranged from 9.7 to 23.8 mm of Hg under D1

(31st January), 9.1 to 24.1 mm of Hg under D2 (15th February) and 13.2 to 23.6 mm of

Hg underD3 (02nd March) sowing. In general, (VP1) increased with the age of crops.

During P1 (sowing to emergence) phase it varied between 9.2 to 14.8 mm of Hg over

the dates and year, which was increased from 9.2 to 25 mm of Hg and varied in

ranged between 19.2 and 24 mm of Hg during physiological maturity (P9). A large

variation in (VP1) is observed during P5 (peg initiation to 100 % flowering) phase of

cultivars V1 (GG 2) and V2 (GG 20) in 2015 as well as 2016.

The afternoon vapour pressure (VP2) also shows increasing trend during the

crop growing season of the 2015, where as in 2016, it was more or less constant upto

P6 (100% flowering to pod initiation) phase and then increased under all dates of

sowing and cultivars. Fig. 4.1.7. In 2015, it ranged between 10.5 to 11.9mm of Hg

under D1 (31st January), between 10.0 to 22.6 mm of Hg D2 (15th February) and

between 10.9 to 21.3 mm of Hg under D3 (02nd March) sowing, which in 2016, there

values were ranged between 9.5 to 19.0, 6.0 to 19.8 and 10.4 to 19.1 mm of Hg under

D1 (31st January), D2 (15th February) and D3 (02nd March) sowing respectively.

The range of mean vapour pressure (VPmean) between (11.3 to 22.2, 11.1 to

21.9 and 11.6 to 22.7 mm of Hg) under (D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February, D3- 02nd

March) sowing, respectively during the crop growing season of the year 2015 Fig.

4.1.8. Similarly, these values were ranged between (10.0 to 21.4, 8.3 to 22.0 and 11.8

to 21.3 mm of Hg) under (D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February, D3- 02nd March) sowing

respectively in the year 2016. Among the different cultivars mean vapour pressure

(VPmean) of ranged between (11.3 to 22.7 mm of Hg) and (9.0 to 22.0 mm of Hg)

during the year 2015 and 2016.

Results and Discussion
4.1.4 Bright sunshine hours

The phase wise bright sunshine hours (BSS) during 2015 and 2016 crop

growing season under different dates of sowing (D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February,

D3- 02nd March) and cultivars (V1- GG 2, V2- GG 20, V3- GJG 31, V4- TG 26) is

depicted in Fig. 4.1.9.

Figure shows that in 2015, bright sunshine hours encountered by the crop

during different phenophases was highly variable, under three dates of sowing.

However, it varies between (8.5 and 11.1 hrs.) under D1 (31st January) sowing which

was higher than that experienced by the crop under D2 (15th February) (7.1 to 10.9

hrs.) and underD3 (02nd March) sowing (7.5 to 10.9 hrs.). Similarly, in 2016 these

values were ranged between 8.6 to11.1 under D1 (31st January), 8.1 to 11.2 under D2

(15th February) and 9.0 to 11.0 hrs. under D3 (02nd March) sowing. Figure 4.1.9 shows

that the fluctuations in the values of sunshine hours under different dates of sowing

was higher during crop growing season of year 2015 as compared to that of year


4.1.5 Evaporation

The phase wise pan evaporation (EP) during 2015 and 2016 crop growing

season under different dates of sowing (D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February, D3- 02nd

March) and cultivars (V1- GG 2, V2- GG 20, V3- GJG 31, V4- TG 26) is depicted in

Fig. 4.1.10

The Figure shows that the EP increased continuously with advancement of the

crop age during the first year 2015 under D1 (31st January), D2 (15th February) and D3

(02nd March) sowings were ranged between 3.7 and 10.7, between 4.6 and 10.9, and

between 5.8 and 10.4 mm respectively. During the second year 2016 it ranged

between 3.7 and 10.7, between 4.6 and 10.9, between 5.8 and 10.4 mm, respectively.

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
4.2 Periodical plant observations

4.2.1 Plant height

The data pertaining to plant height from 15 days after sowing (DAS) to

harvest for different dates of sowing(D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February, D3- 02nd

March) and cultivars (V1- GG 2, V2- GG 20, V3- GJG 31, V4- TG 26) are presented

graphically in the Fig. 4.2.1.Figure shows that the plant height under different

treatments increases continuously upto 75 days after sowing (DAS), after that there

was not major increase in plant height in any of treatment. At 15 DAS the plant height

was (4 to 5 cm) which increases to (25 to 45 cm) at 75 DAS under different

treatments during both years. The maximum plant height was observed in D2 (15th

February) (27 to 44 cm) sowing followed by D1 (31st January) (27 to 38 cm) and (D3-

02nd March) (25 to 35 cm) sowing during the year 2015 and 2016. Among the

cultivar, the maximum plant height was recorded in cultivar V1 (GG 2) (49 and 50

cm) followed by cultivar V2 (GG-20) (45 and 47 cm), cultivar V4 (TG 26)(44 and 46

cm) and cultivar V3 (GJG 31) (36 and 39 cm) cultivars in 2015 and 2016. The rate of

increased in plant height was maximum during 45 to 75 DAS. In generally, the plant

height was more in 2016 as compared to 2015.

4.2.2 Number of branches

The data pertaining to number of branches plant-1 from 15 after sowing (DAS)

to harvest for different dates of sowing (D1- 31st January, D2- 15th February, D3- 02nd

March) and cultivars (V1- GG 2, V2- GG 20, V3- GJG 31, V4- TG 26) are presented

graphically in the Fig. 4.2.2. Graph shows that the number of branches plant-1 under

all the treatments was increases from 15 to 75 DAS, after that there was no major

increase in number of branches in any of the treatment. At 15 DAS the number of

branches were (2-4 plant-1) which increased to (7-8 plant-1) at 75 DAS. The maximum

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
number of branches plant-1 was observed in the second date of sowing(6 to 9 plant-1)

followed by first date of sowing (5 to 7 plant-1) and third date of sowing (5 to 6

plant-1) under both the years. Among the verities, the maximum number of branches

plant-1 were recorded in cultivars V2-GG 20 (9 plant-1) followed by cultivars V1- GG 2

(7 plant-1), V3- GJG 31 (7 plant-1), and V4-TG 26 (6 plant-1) under both years.

4.2.3 Leaf area index

The treatment wise periodic LAI was measured and are presented in Fig. 4.2.3.

Figure shows that the LAI increases upto 90 days after sowing (DAS), after 90 days

DAS decline the LAI is observed in all cultivars under different dates of sowing. The

LAI was higher under second date of sowing D2 (15th February) (5 to6) in all the

treatments and both the years in comparison to D1 (31st January) (4 to 5) and D3 (02nd

March) (4 to 5) sowing. Among the cultivars maximum LAI peak was observed in

cultivar V2-GG 20 (5.81 and 5.84) followed by V4-TG 26 (5.72 and 5.94) in year

2015 and 2016 respectively as compared to other date of sowing and cultivars. Higher

yield obtained from second date of sowing D2 (15th February) in cultivar V2-GG 20

may be due to more LAI as compared to other treatments.

4.2.4 Dry matter partitioning

The partitioning of dry matter in to leaf, stem, root and pod in expressed in

percentage under three dates of sowing (D1- 31stJanuary, D2- 15th February, D3- 02nd

March) is depicted in Fig. 4.2.4 and four cultivars (V1- GG 2, V2- GG 20, V3- GJG

31, V4- TG 26) it depicted graphically in Fig. 4.2.5. Figure shows that in initial stage

(15 DAS) root has significant contribution to dry matter (20-35 %). Whereas leaf

contributed maximum (40-45%) followed by steam (35-40%). During 30 to 60 DAS

leaf and steam contribute about 90-95%. The contribution of pod starts after 45 DAS,

and reaches to its maximum 20% at 105 DAS. During later part of crop growth period
Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
75 to 100 DAS, the contribution by steam is more than that of leaf under all the

treatments. The contribution of pod was maximum (28 %) under D1 (31stJanuary) date

of sowing followed by D2 (15th February) (27 %) and D3 (02nd March) (21 %) sowing

dates. Among varieties the maximum contribution of pod was observed (29%) in

cultivar V1 (GG2) followed by cultivar V3 (GJG 31) (28%), cultivar V2 (GG 20) (27

%) and cultivar V4 (TG 26) (24%). The contribution of stem to dry biomass in

cultivarsV3 (GJG 31) and V4 (TG 26) was higher than stem during most of the period

(30-105 DAS) of the crop. At physiological maturity (105 DAS) stem contribute 41 to

52 %, followed by leaf 33 to 39 % in different varieties.

4.3. Phenological duration and heat accumulation

4.3.1 Phenophases

The life cycle of groundnut crop i.e. from sowing of the seed till the

physiological maturity of the crop was partitioned into nine phases viz.,[P1 (from

sowing to emergence), P2 (from emergence to first flower opening), P3 (from first

flower opening to 50 % flowering), P4 (from 50 % flowering to peg initiation), P5

(from peg initiation to 100 % flowering), P6 (from 100 % flowering to pod initiation),

P7 (from pod initiation to pod development), P8 (from pod development to pod

maturity), P9 (from pod maturity to physiological maturity)] on the basis of the visible

changes that occurred in the morphological characteristics of the crop. The number of

days taken by different cultivars of groundnut for completion of different phases and

under different dates of sowing and year is given in (Table 4.1).

Results and Discussion
Table 4.1: Number of days for different phases of groundnut cultivars sown
under three dates during two crop seasons

Treatments Phases

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 Total

Date of sowing

D1 (31stJanuary) 10 23 3 6 2 13 17 29 11 114

D2 (15th February) 9 22 4 6 2 13 17 29 10 112

D3 (02nd March) 7 21 3 5 1 12 14 30 11 104


V1 (GG 2) 9 22 4 6 1 13 16 30 10 111

V2 (GG 20) 9 23 3 6 2 14 18 30 10 115

V3 (GJG 31) 9 21 4 6 2 14 16 28 11 111

V4 (TG 26) 9 22 3 6 2 13 15 28 11 109


2015 10 21 4 6 2 13 16 30 11 113

2016 8 23 3 6 2 13 16 28 10 109

Where P1 (from sowing to emergence), P2 (from emergence to first flower opening),

P3 (from first flower opening to 50 % flowering), P4 (from 50 % flowering to peg
initiation), P5 (from peg initiation to 100 % flowering), P6 (from 100 % flowering to
pod initiation), P7 (from pod initiation to pod development), P8 (from pod development
to pod maturity), P9 (from pod maturity to physiological maturity) phase

Results and Discussion
Number of days for emergence (sowing to emergence) varied between dates of

sowing (Table 4.1) Number of days taken for emergence (10 days) was more during

first date of sowing D1 (31st January) followed by D2 (15th February) (9 days) and

D3(02nd March)sowing (7 days). The differences in duration were mainly due to

variation in temperature during the period under different dates of sowing. From

emergence to first flower opening took 21 to 23 days, higher being early sown crop

D1 (31st January). Subsequent stage viz., 50 % flowering, peg initiation and 100 %

flowering did not take much time as all three stage were attained in just 9-12 days

under different dates of sowing. P6 (100% flowering to pod initiation took 12-13 days,

while P7 (pod initiation to pod development) took 14 to 17 days to attain their

respective stages, again higher days were required in early sown crops D1 (31st

January). For pod maturity and physiological maturity, the days required were almost

same under all the three dates of sowing. Thus the total number of days taken by the

groundnut crop from sowing to physiological maturity was maximum (114 days)

under D1 (31st January) sown crop followed by (112 days) under D2 (15th February)

sowing and (104 days) under D3 (02nd March) sown crop. Patra, et al. (1981) also

reported that number of days from emergence to maturity was reduced with delayed

sowing. Among the verities, V2-GG 20 took the maximum number of days (115 days)

to attain physiological maturity followed by V1-GG 2and V3-GJG 31 both took 111

days which V4- TG 26 the minimum days (109 days) to attain physiological maturity.

This may be due to the genetical characteristics of the cultivars. It may also be seen

(Table 4.1) that in 2015 the crop took 4 days lower for physiological maturity in

comparison to that of 2016.

4.3.2 Agrometeorological indices

The Agro-meteorological indices like growing degree days (GDD),

photothermal unit (PTU) and heliothermal unit (HTU), required for attainment of each

phase of groundnut cultivars under different dates of sowing were calculated and are

presented in (Table 4.2 to 4.4)

Results and Discussion Growing degree days (GDD)

Growing degree days (GDD) accumulated during each phase of groundnut as

attended by different dates of sowing, cultivars and years are shown in (Table 4.2).

Results revealed that the accumulated GDD under different dates of sowing, from

sowing to physiological maturity was highest (2265 0C days) in second date of sowing

D2 (15th February) followed by (2228 0C days) third date of sowing D3 (02th March)

and (2096 0C days) in first date of sowing D1 (31st January). It may be noticed that the

number of days taken to physiological maturity was maximum under D1 (31st January)

sown crop (Table 4.1) but the accumulated GDD was minimum (20960C days) (Table

4.2). In case of different cultivars accumulation of GDD from sowing to physiological

maturity were more or less remained the same ranged between (2100 ± 160 0C days).

Between two years the accumulated GDD was higher (2236 0C days) in 2016 than

that of 2015 (2156 0C days). Photothermal units (PTU)

Photothermal units (PTU) accumulated during each phase of groundnut as

attended by different dates of sowing, cultivars and year are shown in (Table 4.3)

Results revealed that the under different dates of sowing, accumulated PTU from

sowing to physiological maturity was maximum (28479 0C days hrs.) under second

date of sowing D2 (15th February) followed by (28394 0C days hrs.) third date of

sowing D3 (02th March) and (25962 0C days hrs.) in first date of sowing (D1-31st

January). Variation in PTU during different phases was similar to that observed in

case of GDD under different dates of sowing. Among the cultivars the accumulated

PTU from sowing to physiological maturity was maximum (291770C days hrs.) in

cultivar V3-GJG 31 followed by (28145 0C days hrs.) in cultivar V2-GG 20, (278170C

days hrs.) in cultivar V1-GG 2 and (273030C days hrs.) in cultivar V4-TG 26. Between

the two years the accumulated PTU was higher (280890C days hrs.) in 2016 than that

of 2015 (271340C days hrs.).

Results and Discussion
Table 4.2: Growing degree days (oC day) for different phenological phases of
groundnut cultivars sown under three dates during two crop seasons.

Treatments Phenological phases

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 Total
Date of sowing
D1 (31stJanuary) 114 311 53 99 30 244 331 642 271 2096
D2(15th February) 139 337 69 125 36 259 365 694 241 2265
D3 (02nd March) 111 383 56 108 28 253 315 720 253 2228
V1 (GG 2) 122 342 67 116 23 264 335 702 242 2212
V2 (GG 20) 122 362 53 108 28 265 365 713 243 2260
V3 (GJG 31) 122 331 61 112 37 228 326 658 265 2140
V4 (TG 26) 130 329 59 112 42 251 325 655 280 2181
2015 128 305 60 103 28 251 323 701 255 2156
2016 115 383 58 118 34 253 351 670 255 2236

Where P1 (from sowing to emergence), P2 (from emergence to first flower opening), P3

(from first flower opening to 50 % flowering), P4 (from 50 % flowering to peg initiation), P5
(from peg initiation to 100 % flowering), P6 (from 100 % flowering to pod initiation), P7
(from pod initiation to pod development), P8 (from pod development to pod maturity), P9
(from pod maturity to physiological maturity) phase

Results and Discussion
Table 4. 3: Photothermal unit (oC day hour) for different phonological phases of
groundnut cultivars sown under three dates during two crop seasons

Treatments Phenological phases

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 Total

Date of sowing

D1 (31stJan.)
1314 3606 641 1185 357 2930 4140 8234 3555 25962
D2(15th Feb.)
1602 4012 827 1501 436 3241 4600 9075 3184 28479
D3 (02nd March)
1336 4599 696 1360 355 3186 4042 9458 3364 28394

V1 (GG 2)
1417 4052 820 1414 276 3266 4237 9141 3193 27817
V2 (GG 20)
1428 4111 569 1238 328 3188 4708 9191 3384 28145
V3 (GJG 31)
1445 4921 737 1782 554 2992 3946 8922 3878 29177
V4 (TG 26)
1417 4015 680 1292 463 3100 4077 8695 3563 27303

1488 3614 733 1257 346 3109 4085 9129 3371 27134
1346 4530 710 1440 419 3128 4436 8716 3363 28089

Where P1 (from sowing to emergence), P2 (from emergence to first flower opening), P3

(from first flower opening to 50 % flowering), P4 (from 50 % flowering to peg initiation), P5
(from peg initiation to 100 % flowering), P6 (from 100 % flowering to pod initiation), P7
(from pod initiation to pod development), P8 (from pod development to pod maturity), P9
(from pod maturity to physiological maturity) phase

Results and Discussion
Table 4.4: Heliothermal unit (oC day hour) for different phenological phases of
groundnut cultivars sown under three dates during two crop seasons

Treatments Phenological phases

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 Total

Date of sowing

D1 (31stJan.) 1082 2860 496 926 291 2320 3089 6554 3012 20628

D2(15th Feb.) 1248 3161 695 1167 310 2371 3713 7406 2523 22593

D3 (02nd March) 1052 3624 515 969 267 2583 3079 7858 2372 22318


V1 (GG 2) 1127 3187 659 1060 229 2511 3299 7448 2486 22008

V2 (GG 20) 1127 3383 524 985 252 2551 3615 7598 2415 22452

V3 (GJG 31) 1127 3108 566 1063 336 2204 3124 6971 2816 21314

V4 (TG 26) 1118 3952 546 1111 445 2765 2577 7685 3060 23258


2015 1234 2802 591 920 245 2351 3201 7511 2531 21386

2016 1020 3628 546 1121 334 2497 3387 7034 2740 22307

Where P1 (from sowing to emergence), P2 (from emergence to first flower opening), P3

(from first flower opening to 50 % flowering), P4 (from 50 % flowering to peg initiation), P5
(from peg initiation to 100 % flowering), P6 (from 100 % flowering to pod initiation), P7
(from pod initiation to pod development), P8 (from pod development to pod maturity), P9
(from pod maturity to physiological maturity) phase

Results and Discussion Heliothermal units (HTU)

Heliothermal units (HTU) accumulated during each phase of groundnut as

attended by different dates of sowing, cultivars and year are shown in (Table 4.4)

Results revealed that the under different dates of sowing, accumulated HTU from

sowing to physiological maturity was maximum (22593 0C days hrs.) under second

date of sowing D2 (15th February) followed by (22318 0C days hrs.) third date of

sowing D3 (02thMarch) and (20628 0C days hrs.) in first date of sowing (D1-31st

January). Variation in HTU during different phases was similar to that observed in

case of GDD under different dates of sowing. Among the cultivars the accumulated

HTU from sowing to physiological maturity was maximum (23258 0C days hrs.) in

cultivar V4-TG 26 followed by (22452 0C days hrs.) in cultivar V2-GG 20, (22008 0C

days hrs.) in cultivar V1-GG 2 and (21314 0C days hrs.) in cultivar V3-GJG 31.

Between the two years the accumulated HTU was higher (223070C days hrs.) in 2016

than that of 2015 (213860C days hrs.).

4.4 Yield and yield attributing characters

4.4.1 Pod yield Effect of date of sowing

The pod yield of groundnut as affected by different dates of sowing and

variety in 2015 and 2016 along with pooled analysis are presented in (Table 4.5)

Dates of sowing significantly influenced the pod yield during both years and in

pooled data. During 2015 the maximum pod yield (2093 kg ha-1) was recorded under

second date of sowing (15thFebruary) and it was statistically at par with first date of

sowing (31st January)(1927 kg ha-1) and the lowest pod yield (1724kg ha-1) was

recorded under third date of sowing (02nd March). Similar trends were observed

during 2016 also, with slightly higher value of pod yield in comparison to 2015.

Similarly in pooled analysis, also the highest pod yield (2107 kg ha-1) was recorded
Results and Discussion
under second date of sowing which was significantly higher than the pod yield

recorded under first date of sowing (1939kg ha-1) and third date of sowing (1767 kg

ha-1). Pod yield remained in order of D2 > D1 > D3, in both the years and in pooled


From above results, it can be concluded that 15thFebruary sowing date is found

most ideal for getting maximum pod yield of groundnut under middle Gujarat region.

This was due to favorable weather condition encountered by the crop sown on

15thFebruary. The late sown crop encountered higher temperature during reproductive

period, resulting in shortening the duration and accumulation of higher heat units,

resulting lowest pod yield. Effect of varieties

Influence of different varieties on pod yield are presented in (Table 4.5). Pod

yield was significantly influenced by different cultivars during individual years as

well as in pooled analysis. During the year 2015, significantly higher pod yield (2092

kg ha-1) was recorded by the cultivar V2 (GG 20) and it was statistically at par with

cultivar GG 2 (1967 kg ha-1) followed by the cultivar GJG 31 (1834 kg ha-1) and

cultivar TG- 26 (1766 kg ha-1). During 2016 also, significantly highest pod yield

(2110 kg ha-1) was recorded by the cultivar V2 (GG 20) and it was statistically at par

with cultivar GG 2 (2021 kg ha-1) as well as cultivar GJG 31 (1945 kg ha-1). The

lowest yield (1172 kg ha-1) was by the cultivar V4 (GJG 31). In the pooled analysis

significantly highest pod yield (2100 kg ha-1) was recorded by cultivar V2 (GG 20)

and it was at par with cultivar GG 2 (1994 kg ha-1) followed by cultivar GJG 31 (1889

kg ha-1) and cultivar TG 26 (1769 kg ha-1) respectively.

Results and Discussion
Table 4.5: Pod yield, kernel yield, haulm yield and test weight of groundnut as
influenced by dates of sowing and cultivars

Pod yield (kg ha-1) Kernel yield (kg ha-1)

2015 2016 Pooled 2015 2016 Pooled
Dates of sowing
D1 (31st January) 1927 1953 1939 1261 1325 1293
D2 (15th February) 2093 2121 2107 1387 1440 1413
D3 (02nd March) 1724 1811 1767 1160 1234 1197
SEm ± 48 56 37 37 34 25
CD at 5% 167 196 115 128 119 78
CV % 10 11 10 11 10 11
V1 (GG 2) 1967 2021 1994 1283 1347 1315
V2 (GG 20) 2092 2110 2100 1388 1455 1422
V3 (GJG 31) 1834 1945 1889 1269 1297 1283
V4 (TG 26) 1766 1772 1769 1136 1232 1185
SEm± 57 60 41 41 37 27
CD at 5% 166 174 117 119 109 79
CV % 10 10 10 11 9 10
Interaction effect S S

Haulm yield (kg ha-1) Test weight (g)

2015 2016 Pooled 2015 2016 Pooled
Dates of sowing
D1 (31st January) 4803 4978 4891 47.5 47.9 47.7
D2 (15th February) 5184 5263 5224 50.1 51.8 50.9
D3 (02nd March) 4265 4684 4475 42.2 43.7 42.9
SEm ± 178 100 102 1.3 1.2 0.9
CD at 5% 619 348 316 4.5 4.3 2.8
CV % 15 8 11 11.3 10.5 10.9
V1 (GG 2) 4884 5324 5104 49.0 49.2 49.1
V2 (GG 20) 5257 5424 5340 51.4 51.6 51.5
V3 (GJG 31) 4307 4577 4442 41.0 44.8 42.9
V4 (TG 26) 4558 4578 4568 45.0 45.5 45.3
SEm ± 174 137 111 1.6 1.5 1.1
CD at 5% 503 398 314 4.8 4.4 3.1
CV % 12 9 11 12.2 11.0 11.6
Interaction effect NS NS

Results and Discussion
From the above results it can be concluded that cultivars GG 20 and GG 2 are

suitable for getting higher pod yield as compared to other cultivars under middle

Gujarat condition. Interaction of dates of sowing and variety (D x V)

The data on pod yield as influenced by the interaction effect of date of sowing

and variety (D x V) is presented in (Table 4.6). During 2015 significantly highest pod

yield (2293 kg ha-1) was recorded by the treatment D2V3 (GJG 31 sown on 15th

February) which was at par with D1V1, D1V2, D2V1 and D2V2 treatments. The lowest

pod yield (1503 kg ha-1) was recorded by treatment D3V3 i.e GJG 31 sown under late

condition. During 2016 also, significantly highest pod yield (2426 kg ha-1) recorded

by the treatment D2V3 i.e GJG 31 sown on (15th February) which was at par with the

treatment D1V2 and D2V2. Similarly in pooled data the highest pod yield (2360 kg

ha-1) was recorded by the treatment D2V3 which was at par with the cultivar GG 20

sown on second date (D2V2). The lowest yield was also recorded by cultivar GJG 31

(V3) under late sown (D3) condition. Thus cultivar GJG 31 is more sensitive to date of


4.4.2 Kernel yield Effect of date of sowing

Variation in kernel yield due to different dates of sowing and variety is

presented in (Table 4.5). Date of sowing significantly influenced the kernel yield

during both years and in pooled data. During 2015 the maximum kernel yield (1387

kg ha-1) was recorded under second date of sowing (15thFebruary) and it was

statistically at par with first date of sowing (31st January)(1261 kg ha-1) and the lowest

pod yield (1160 kg ha-1) was recorded under third date of sowing (02nd March).

Similar trends were observed during 2016 also, with slightly higher values of kernel

yield in comparison to 2015. Similarly in pooled analysis also, the maximum kernel
Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
yield (1413 kg ha-1) was recorded under second date of sowing (15thFebruary) which

was significantly higher than the kernel yield recorded under first dates of sowing

(31st January) and third date (02nd March). Kernel yield remained in order of D2 > D1

> D3, in both the years and in pooled data.

From above results, it may be concluded that the 15thFebruary sowing date is

found ideal for getting higher kernel yield of groundnut under middle Gujarat region.

This was due to favorable weather condition encountered by the crop sown on

15thFebruary. The late sown crop encountered higher temperature during reproductive

period, resulting in shortening the duration and accumulation of higher heat units,

resulting lowest kernel yield. Effect of varieties

(Table 4.5) shows that the kernel yield significantly due to variety under

individual year as well as in pooled basis differed. During 2015 significantly highest

kernel yield (1388 kg ha-1) was recorded by the cultivar GG 20 which was at par with

cultivar GG 2 (1283 kg ha-1) and cultivar GJG 31 (1269 kg ha-1) and the lowest kernel

yield (1136 kg ha-1) recorded by the cultivar TG 26. Similarly during 2016, highest

kernel yield (1455 kg ha-1) was recorded by the cultivar GG 20, which was at par with

cultivar GG 2 (1347 kg ha-1) followed by the cultivars GJG 31 (1297 kg ha-1) and TG

26 (1232 kg ha-1). Pooled results shows that the maximum kernel yield (1422 kg ha-1)

was recorded in cultivar GG 20 followed by the cultivars GG 2 (1315 kg ha-1), GJG

31 (1283 kg ha-1) and TG 26 (1185 kg ha-1).

From the above results it may be concluded that cultivar GG 20 was suitable

for getting maximum kernel yield in comparison to other cultivars. Interaction of dates of sowing and variety (D x V)

The kernel yield as influenced by the interaction of dates of sowing and

variety (D x V) is presented in (Table 4.6). Results showed that during 2015,

Results and Discussion
significantly highest kernel yield (1998 kg ha-1) was recorded by the treatment

combination D3V1 and during the second year significantly highest kernel yield (1583

kg ha-1) recorded by the treatment combination (D2V3) which was at par with the

treatment combinations D2V1 (1404 kg ha-1), D1V2 (1476 kg ha-1) and D2V2, (1507 kg

ha-1). Similarly in pooled data, the highest kernel yield (1594 kg ha-1) was recorded by

the treatment combination D2V3 which was at par with the treatment D2V2 (1470 kg


4.4.3 Haulm yield Effect of date of sowing

Variation in haulm yield due to different dates of sowing and variety is

presented in (Table 4.5). Dates of sowing significantly influenced the haulm yield

during both years and in pooled data. During 2015 the maximum haulm yield (5184

kg ha-1) was recorded under the second date of sowing (15thFebruary) and it was

statistically at par with the first date of sowing (31st January) (4803 kg ha-1) and the

lowest haulm yield (4265 kg ha-1) was recorded under third date of sowing (02nd

March). Similar trends were observed during 2016 also, with slightly higher values of

haulm yield in comparison to 2015. Similarly in pooled analysis, the highest haulm

yield (5224 kg ha-1) was recorded under second date of sowing (15thFebruary) which

was significantly higher than the haulm yield recorded under first date of sowing (31st

January)and third date of sowing (02nd March). Haulm yield remained in order of D2 >

D1 > D3, in both the years and in pooled data. From above results, it may be concluded

that significantly highest haulm yield was recorded under 15th February sowing. This

was due to favorable weather condition encountered by the crop sown on

15thFebruary as comparison to late sown crop. Effect of varieties

Results and Discussion
Varietal response on haulm yield are presented in (Table 4.5). Haulm yield

was found to differ significantly under different cultivars during individual years as

well as pooled data. The significantly highest haulm yield of 5257, 5424 and 5340 kg

ha-1 was recorded by the cultivar GG 20 during 2015, 2016 and in pooled data

respectively and these were statistically at par with cultivar GG 2. The lowest haulm

yield was recorded by the cultivar GJG 31 during both the years and in pooled data.

From the above results it can be concluded that cultivar GG 20 as well as GG

2 produced higher haulm yield as compared to cultivars GJG 31 and TG 26.

4.4.4 Test weight Effect of date of sowing

Dates of sowing significantly influenced the test weight during both the years

and in pooled data (Table 4.5). During 2015, the maximum test weight (50.1 g) was

recorded under the second date of sowing (15thFebruary) and it was statistically at par

with the first date of sowing (31st January) and the lowest test weight (42.2 g) was

recorded under the third date of sowing (02nd March). Similar trends were observed

during 2016 also, with slightly higher values of test weight in comparison to 2015.

Similarly in pooled analysis also the highest test weight (50.9 g) was recorded under

the second date of sowing (15thFebruary) which was significantly higher than the test

weight recorded under the first date of sowing (31st January) and third date of sowing

(02nd March). Test weight remained in order of D2 > D1 > D3, in both the years and in

pooled data.

From above results, it may be concluded that significantly highest test weight

was recorded under 15thFebruary sowing. This was due to favorable weather

condition encountered by the crop sown on 15thFebruary. Reduction in test weight for

delayed sowing may be? attributed to the lower rate of phloem transport for the

deposition of photosynthate to the sink portion of the plant as the delayed sowing
Results and Discussion
invites higher temperature, it also invites higher rate of photorespiration as a

concomitant effect. Effect of varieties

Varietal response on test weight are presented in (Table 4.5). Test weight was

found to differ significantly under different cultivars during individual year as well as

in pooled data. The significantly highest test weight 51.4, 51.6 and 51.5 g were

recorded by the cultivar GG 20 in 2015, 2016 and in pooled data respectively. These

were statistically at par with cultivar GG 2. The lowest test weight were recorded by

the cultivar GJG 31.

From the above results it is concluded that cultivars GG 20 as well as GG 2

gave higher test weight as compared to cultivars V3 and V4.

4.4.5 Shelling percent

Data on shelling percent under different dates of sowing and cultivars are

presented (Table 4.7). The difference in shelling percent due to dates of sowing as

well as due to varieties were found to be non-significant during both years and in

pooled data also.

4.4.6 Harvest index

The harvest index was insignificantly for either dates of sowing or varieties

neither in individual year nor in pooled data (Table 4.7)

4.4.7 Number of mature pod Effect of date of sowing

Variation in number of mature podplant-1 due to different dates of sowing and

variety is presented in (Table 4.7). Dates of sowing significantly influenced the

number of mature podplant-1 during both years and in pooled data. During 2015, the

maximum number of mature podplant-1(16.0) was recorded under second date of

Results and Discussion
sowing (15thFebruary) and it was statistically at par with first date of sowing

(14.8).The lowest number of mature podplant-1(12.4) was recorded under third date of

sowing (02nd March). Similar trends were observed during 2016 also, with slightly

higher number of mature pod plant-1 in comparison to 2015. Similarly, in pooled

results also the highest number of mature pod plant-1 (16.8) was recorded under

second date of sowing which was significantly higher than the number of mature

podplant-1recorded under first date of sowing (15.5) and third date of sowing (13.5).

The number of mature podplant-1remained in order of D2 > D1 > D3, in both the years

and in pooled data.

From above results, it is concluded that significantly highest number of mature

podplant-1is recorded under 15thFebruary sowing. This was due to favorable weather

condition encountered by the sown on 15th February. The late sown crop encountered

higher temperature during reproductive period, resulting in shortening the duration

and accumulation of higher heat units, resulting lowest number of mature pod. Effect of varieties

Varietal response on number of mature pod plant-1 are presented in (Table

4.7). Number of mature pod plant-1was found to differ significantly by due to different

cultivars during individual years and in pooled data also. During 2015, the

significantly highest number of mature pod plant-1 (15.7) was recorded in cultivar

GJG 31 and it was statistically at par with cultivar TG 26 (15.2) and significantly

lowest number of mature podplant-1 (12.9) was recorded in cultivar GG 2. During

2016, and in pooled results, significantly highest number of mature pod plant-1(18.6

and 17.2) were recorded under V3 cultivar, whereas significantly lowest number of

mature pod plant-1 recorded by under cultivar GG 2 were (14.5 and 13.7) in 2016 and

pooled analysis respectively. From the above results it is concluded that number of

mature pod plant-1 was higher in cultivar GJG 31 as compared to other cultivars.
Results and Discussion Interaction of dates of sowing and variety (D x V)

The data on number of mature pod plant-1 as influenced by the interaction

effects of dates of sowing and variety (D x V) is presented in (Table 4.8). The

significantly highest number of mature podplant-1were observed (19.2, 22.7 and 21.0)

under treatment combination (D2V3) during 2015, 2016 and in pooled results


4.4.8 Number of immature pod Effect of date of sowing

The effect of different dates of sowing on number of immature pod plant-1 is

presented in (Table 4.7). The data shows that the number of immature pod plant-1 was

found to vary significantly during both the years and in pooled. The highest number

of immature podplant-1 were recorded under third date of sowing (02thMarch) and it

was statistically at par with first date of sowing (31st January) sowing in both the

years. The lowest number of immature pod plant-1were recorded under 15th February

sown groundnut in 2015, 2016 and in pooled analysis. Number of immature pod

remained in order of D3 > D1 > D2 in both the years as well as in pooled data.

From the above results it is concluded that groundnut sown on 15th February

was lowest number of immature pod, so it is most suitable date for sowing. This was

due to favorable weather condition encountered by the sown on 15th February. The

late sown crop encountered higher temperature during reproductive period, resulting

in shortening the duration and increases number of immature pod. Effect of varieties

Varietal response on number of immature pod are presented in (Table 4.7).

Number of immature pod was found to vary significantly under different cultivars

during individual year as well as in pooled data. During 2015, significantly highest

number of immature pod plant-1 was recorded under cultivar TG 26 (6.1) which was

statistically at par with cultivars GJG 31 (5.8) and GG 2 (5.7) and significantly lowest

number of immature podplant-1 was recorded under cultivar GG 20 (4.9). In 2016, the

Results and Discussion
significantly highest number of immature pod plant-1 was recorded under cultivar TG

26(7.9) and lowest number of immature pod plant-1was recorded under cultivar GG

20(5.0). The results of pooled were found non-significant due to dates of sowing.

Table 4.7: Shelling percent, harvest index, number of mature and immature pods of
groundnut as influenced by dates of sowing and cultivars

Shelling per cent Harvest index

2015 2016 Pooled 2015 2016 Pooled
Dates of sowing
D1 (31st January) 65 68 66 28.7 28.2 28.5
D2 (15th February) 66 68 67 27.8 28.7 28.2
D3 (02nd March) 67 68 68 29.3 27.9 28.6
SEm ± 1 1 1 0.5 0.9 0.5
CV % 9 7 8 7.6 12.7 10.4
V1 (GG 2) 65 67 66 29.0 27.5 28.2
V2 (GG 20) 66 69 67 28.2 28.0 28.1
V3 (GJG 31) 69 67 68 28.9 29.7 29.3
V4 (TG 26) 64 69 67 28.3 27.9 28.1
SEm ± 2 2 1 0.5 0.8 0.7
CV % 12 12 12 6.9 10.6 8.9
Interaction effect NS NS

Number of mature pod

Number of immature pod Plant-1
Treatment Plant-1
2015 2016 Pooled 2015 2016 Pooled
Dates of sowing
D1 (31st January) 14.8 16.2 15.5 5.8 6.1 6.0
D2 (15th February) 16.0 17.5 16.8 4.8 5.6 5.2
D3 (02nd March) 12.4 14.6 13.5 6.3 6.9 6.6
SEm ± 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1
CD at 5% 1.2 1.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.4
CV % 9.7 10.9 10.4 12.0 15.9 14.3
V1 (GG 2) 12.9 14.5 13.7 5.7 5.5 5.6
V2 (GG 20) 13.8 14.9 14.3 4.9 5.0 4.9
V3 (GJG 31) 15.7 18.6 17.2 5.8 6.5 6.2
V4 (TG 26) 15.2 16.5 15.8 6.1 7.9 7.0
SEm ± 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4
CD at 5% 1.1 1.5 0.9 0.7 0.7 NS
CV % 9.7 11.2 10.5 15.8 14.9 15.3
Interaction effect S S
Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion Interaction of year and variety (Y x V)

The data on number of immature pod plant-1 as influenced by the interaction

effect of year and variety (Y x V) is presented in (Table 4.9). The significantly more

number of immature podplant-1(7.9) was observed under treatment combination

(Y2V4) and significantly lowest number of immature podplant-1 (4.9) was recorded

under treatment combination (Y1V2).

4.4.9 Weight of mature pod Effect of date of sowing

Variation in weight of mature pod palnt-1 due to different dates of sowing is

presented in (Table 4.10). Dates of sowing significantly influenced on weight of

mature pod palnt-1 during both years and in pooled data. The data shows that the

highest weight of mature pod palnt-1 during 2015 (35.1 g) and 2016 (35.3 g) were

recorded under second date of sowing and it was statistically at par with first date of

sowing and the lowest weight of mature pod palnt-1was recorded under third date of

sowing. Similarly in pooled analysis the highest weight of mature pod palnt-1 (35.2 g)

was recorded under second date of sowing and lowest weight of mature pod palnt-1

(32.7 g) under first date of sowing and (29.5 g) third date of sowing. Weight of

mature pod palnt-1 remained in order of D2 > D1 > D3 in both the years as well as in

pooled data.

From above results, it is concluded that significantly highest weight of mature

pod palnt-1 is recorded under 15th February sowing. This was due to favorable weather

condition encountered by the sown on 15th February. The late sown crop encountered

higher temperature during reproductive period, resulting in lower weight of mature


Results and Discussion Effect of varieties

Influence of different varieties on weight of mature pod palnt-1 are presented in

(Table 4.10). Weight of mature pod palnt-1 was significant influenced by different

cultivars during individual years as well as in pooled analysis. Significantly highest

weight of mature pod palnt-1 was recorded by the cultivar GG 20 during the year 2015

(36.1g) and 2016 (37.6 g) and which was statistically at par with cultivar GG 2.

During first year the lowest weight of mature pod palnt-1 recorded under cultivar GJG

31 (28.1 g) and in second year under cultivar TG 26 (28.9 g).

Similar type of results was found in pooled. Significantly highest weight of

mature pod palnt-1 was recorded under cultivar GG 20 (36.9 g) and the lowest weight

of mature pod palnt-1 was recorded by the cultivar GJG 31 (28.6 g).

From the above results it is concluded that higher weight of mature pod palnt-1

in cultivar GG 20 as compared to other cultivars.

4.4.10 Weight of immature pod Effect of date of sowing

Variation in weight of immature pod palnt-1 due to different dates of sowing

are presented in (Table 4.10). Dates of sowing significantly influenced on weight of

immature pod palnt-1 during both years and in pooled analysis. The highest weight of

immature pod palnt-1were recorded under second date of sowing and it was

statistically at par with first date of sowing in both the years and in pooled analysis.

The lowest weight of immature pod palnt-1 were recorded under (02th March) sown

groundnut in 2015, 2016 and in pooled analysis. Weight of immature pod palnt-1

remained in order of D2 > D1 > D3 in both the years as well as in pooled analysis.

From above results, it is concluded that significantly highest weight of

immature pod palnt-1 is recorded under 15th February sowing. Effect of varieties

Results and Discussion
Varietal response on weight of immature pod plant-1 are presented in

(Table 4.10). Weight of immature pod plant-1was found to differ significantly due to

different cultivars during individual years and in pooled analysis also. The

significantly highest weight of immature pod plant-1was recorded under cultivar GG

20(7.8 and 7.5 g) and the lowest weight of immature podplant-1 was observed under

cultivar GJG 31 (5.5 and 5.5 g) during 2015 and in pooled analysis. During the 2016,

significantly highest weight of immature podplant-1 (7.2 g) was recorded under

cultivar GG 20 and it was at par with cultivar TG 26 (6.5 g) and the lowest weight of

immature podplant-1was recorded under cultivar GJG 31(5.5 g).

From the above results it is concluded that the highest weight of immature pod

plant-1 under cultivar GG 20 as compared to other cultivars.

4.4.11 Plant height Effect of date of sowing

Variation in plant height due to different dates of sowing and variety is

presented in (Table 4.10). Dates of sowing significantly influenced the plant height

during both years and in pooled data. During 2015, the maximum plant height (46.9

cm) was recorded under second date of sowing (15thFebruary) and it was statistically

at par with first date of sowing (43.8 cm).The lowest plant height (40.2 cm) was

recorded under third date of sowing. Similar trends were observed during 2016 also,

with slightly higher plant height in comparison to 2015. Similarly, in pooled results

also the highest plant height (48.0 cm) was recorded under second date of sowing

which was significantly higher than the plant height recorded under first date of

sowing (44.7 cm)and third date of sowing (41.4 cm). The plant height remained in

order of D2 > D1 > D3, in both the years and in pooled data.

Results and Discussion
Table 4.10: Weight of mature, immature pods, plant height and number of
branches of groundnut as influenced by dates of sowing and

Weight of mature pod Weight of immature pods

Treatment plant-1 (g) plant-1 (g)
2015 2016 Pooled 2015 2016 Pooled
Dates of sowing
D1 (31st January) 32.0 33.4 32.7 6.7 6.4 6.6
D2 (15th February) 35.1 35.3 35.2 7.2 6.9 7.1
D3 (02nd March) 28.6 30.3 29.5 6.0 5.7 5.9
SEm ± 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.1
CD at 5% 3.5 2.9 2.0 0.7 0.7 0.4
CV % 12.8 10.4 11.6 13.5 14.2 13.8
Variety (V)
V1 (GG 2) 34.2 36.3 35.2 6.5 6.3 6.4
V2 (GG 20) 36.1 37.6 36.9 7.8 7.2 7.5
V3 (GJG 31) 28.1 29.1 28.6 5.5 5.5 5.5
V4 (TG 26) 29.2 28.9 29.0 6.7 6.5 6.6
SEm ± 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2
CD at 5% 2.4 2.2 1.6 0.8 0.7 0.5
CV % 9.1 7.9 8.5 15.7 14.5 15.1
Interaction effect NS NS

Plant height (cm) No. of branches plant-1

2015 2016 Pooled 2015 2016 Pooled
Dates of sowing
D1 (31st January) 43.8 45.6 44.7 7.0 7.5 7.2
D2 (15th February) 46.9 49.1 48.0 7.5 8.2 7.1
D3 (02nd March) 40.2 42.7 41.4 6.6 6.6 6.6
SEm ± 1.4 1.2 0.97 0.1 0.1 0.1
CD at 5% 5.0 4.4 2.99 0.6 0.6 0.4
CV % 13.4 11.1 12.30 11.1 9.4 10.3
V1 (GG 2) 48.8 50.7 49.7 6.7 7.9 7.3
V2 (GG 20) 45.3 47.2 46.3 8.1 8.4 8.2
V3 (GJG 31) 36.3 39.2 37.8 7.3 7.5 7.4
V4 (TG 26) 44.1 46.1 45.1 6.0 6.1 6.0
SEm ± 1.0 0.95 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1
CD at 5% 3.1 2.7 2.0 0.8 0.5 0.5
CV % 8.6 7.1 7.9 14.6 9.1 12.0
Interaction effect NS NS

From above results, it can be concluded that significantly maximum plant

height is recorded under 15th February sowing. This was due to favorable weather

Results and Discussion
condition encountered by the crop sown on 15thFebruary as comparison to late sown

crop. Effect of varieties

Varietal response on plant height are presented in (Table 4.10). Plant height

was found to differ significantly by due to different cultivars during individual years

and in pooled data. During 2015, the significantly highest plant height (48.8 cm) was

recorded in cultivar GG 2 and significantly lowest plant height (36.3 cm) was

recorded in cultivar GJG 31. During 2016, and in pooled results, significantly highest

plant height (50.7 and 49.7 cm) were recorded under V1 cultivar, whereas

significantly lowest plant height recorded by under cultivar GJG 31 were (39.2 and

37.8 cm) in 2016 and pooled analysis respectively. From the above results it may be

concluded that plant height was maximum in cultivar GG 2 as compared to other


4.4.12 Number of branches Effect of date of sowing

The number of branches plant-1 of groundnut as affected by different dates of

sowing and variety in 2015 and 2016 and pooled analysis are presented in (Table

4.10). Dates of sowing significantly influenced the number of branches plant-1during

both years and in pooled data. During 2015 the maximum number of branches plant-1

(7.5) was recorded under second date of sowing (15thFebruary) and it was statistically

at par with first date of sowing (7.0) and the lowest number of branches plant-1(6.6)

was recorded under third date of sowing (02nd March). Similar trends were observed

during 2016 also, with slightly higher value of number of branches plant-1in

comparison to 2015. Similarly in pooled analysis, also the highest number of branches

plant-1 (7.9) was recorded under second date of sowing which was significantly higher

than the number of branches plant-1 recorded under first date of sowing (7.2) and third
Results and Discussion
date of sowing (6.6). Number of branches plant-1 remained in order of D2 > D1 > D3,

in both the years and in pooled data.

From above results, it can be concluded that 15th February sowing date is

found most ideal for maximum number of branches plant-1of groundnut under middle

Gujarat region. This was due to favorable weather condition encountered by the sown

on 15thFebruary. The late sown crop encountered higher temperature during

vegetative period, resulting in shortening the duration and lower number of branches. Effect of varieties

Varietal response on number of branches plant-1 are presented in (Table 4.10).

Number of branches plant-1 was found significant under different cultivars during

individual years and in pooled data. During 2015, significantly highest number of

branches plant-1 (8.1) was recorded under cultivar GG 20 and it was statistically at par

with cultivar GJG 31 (7.3) followed by cultivars GG 2 (6.7) and TG 26 (6.0).

During2016, significantly highest number of branches plant-1was recorded by the

cultivar GG 20 (8.4) which was at par with cultivar GG 2 (7.9) followed by cultivars

GJG 31 (7.5) and TG 26 (6.1). Similarly in pooled results also, the highest number of

branches plant-1was recorded under cultivar GG 20(8.2) followed by cultivars GJG 31

(7.4), GG 2 (7.3) and TG 26 (6.0). From the above results it can be concluded that

number of branches plant-1 was maximum in cultivar GG 20 as compared to other


4.5 Crop weather relationship

4.5.1 Correlation studies

The productivity of the crop mainly depends upon the climatic requirement of

the particular crop like groundnut which can grow in the wide range of climatic

conditions, but its productivity is largely depends on the prevailing weather conditions

throughout the life cycle of the groundnut crop. Further, the different weather
Results and Discussion
parameters affect growth and development of crop differently. Therefore, it was

contemplated to have an insight on the effect of different weather parameters and

there by agrometeorological indices for the production of groundnut crop and to

identify the critical phases at which groundnut crop was most sensitive to the effect of

particular weather parameters. The correlation coefficient between pod yield and

weather parameters as well as between the agrometeorological indices are presented

in (Table 4.11).

Table 4.11: Correlation coefficients between phase wise weather parameters and
pod yield of groundnut

Parameters P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9
Tmax. -0.20 -0.50* -0.21 0.15 -0.32 -0.36 -0.40 -0.2 0.54**
Tmin. -0.29 -0.48* 0.04 -0.38 -0.38 -0.50* -0.29 -0.35 0.23
Tmean -0.26 -0.49* -0.08 -0.11 -0.28 -0.52** -0.37 -0.32 0.53**
BSS -0.27 -0.11 0.19 0.25 -0.32 -0.44* 0.08 -0.41* 0.51**
RH1 -0.05 0.16 -0.08 -0.09 -0.26 0.11 -0.31 -0.07 -0.16
RH2 0.53** 0.28 -0.42* -0.26 -0.48* -0.00 -0.17 -0.29 -0.49*
Rhmean 0.27 0.22 -0.17 -0.20 -0.39 0.03 -0.27 -0.24 -0.40*
VP1 -0.35 -0.59** -0.31 -0.35 -0.46* -0.30 -0.52** -0.32 -0.12
VP2 0.41* -0.12 -0.47* -0.28 -0.42* -0.18 -0.43* -0.27 -0.42*
Vpmean -0.19 -0.42* -0.40* -0.32 -0.44* -0.24 -0.50* -0.30 -0.31
Rainfall .a 0.20 .a 0.14 -0.28 -0.17 -0.14 0.32 -0.41*
GDD 0.33 -0.04 0.33 0.30 -0.11 0.27 0.54** 0.07 -0.14
HTU 0.28 -0.22 0.42* 0.11 -0.17 -0.16 0.52** 0.06 -0.10
PTU 0.33 -0.07 0.29 0.23 -0.15 0.22 0.52** 0.05 -0.15
*Significant at 0.01 % level, ** Significant at 0.05 % level
Where P1 (from sowing to emergence), P2 (from emergence to first flower opening), P3 (from
first flower opening to 50 % flowering), P4 (from 50 % flowering to peg initiation), P5
(from peg initiation to 100 % flowering), P6 (from 100 % flowering to pod initiation), P7 (from
pod initiation to pod development), P8 (from pod development to pod maturity), P9 (from pod
maturity to physiological maturity) phase

The results induced that the pod yield was negatively correlated with

maximum temperature during most of the phenophases except during maturity period.
Results and Discussion
However, the significant negative correlation were obtained with Tmax. during P2

(emergence to first flower initiation) phase. Tmax. during this was between 30.8 and

37.2 0C. Thus the higher Tmax. (>340C) during early vegetative period was not

suitable for groundnut. Higher day temperature Tmax. during P2phase adversely

affected the plant height, LAI, number of branches etc. which ultimately contributed

to lower pod yield. Prasad et al. (2000) reported that the high temperature (>380C)

from starting of flowering to maturity reduces total pod yield and yield components of

groundnut. The significant positive correlation between pod yield and Tmax. during

maturity period P9 (pod maturity to physiological maturity) suggest that during this

period Tmax. varied between 38.7 and 42.80C, pod maturity requires Tmax. more

than 40.7 0C for proper seed development which resulted in higher test weight

resulting in higher pod yield of groundnut. The pod yield was negatively correlated

with minimum temperature during most of the phenophases except during maturity

period. However, the significant negative correlation was obtained with Tmin. during

P2 (emergence to first flower initiation) and P6 (100% flowering to pod initiation)

phase. Minimum temperature during this varied between (14.3 and 20.00C) and (19.1

and 24.30C). Thus the higher Tmin. (>170C) during P2 (emergence to first flower

initiation) and (>210C) during P6 (100% flowering to pod initiation) phase was not

suitable for groundnut. Higher night temperature Tmin. during P2 and P6 phase

adversely affected the flowering., which ultimately contributed to lower pod yield.

The high minimum temperature during crop growth period influenced the yield

contributing characters and finally the pod yield Karunakar et al. (2002).The results

revealed that the pod yield was negatively correlated with mean temperature during

most of the phenophases except during maturity period. However, the significant

negative correlation was obtained with Tmean during P2 (emergence to first flower

initiation) phase. Tmean during this was between 22.9 and 28.6 0C. Similarly
Results and Discussion
significant and negative correlation was obtained with Tmean during P6 (100%

flowering to pod initiation) phase. Tmean during P6 between 23.7 and 30.30C.Thus

the higher Tmean. were (>25.70C) and (>270C) during P2 and P6 phase was not

suitable for groundnut. Higher Tmean during P2 and P6 phase adversely affected the

plant height, LAI, number of branches etc. which ultimately contributed to lower pod

yield. The significant and positive correlation between pod yield and Tmean during

maturity period P9 (pod maturity to physiological maturity) suggest that during this

period Tmean varied between 32.7 and 35.10C, pod maturity requires Tmean. more

than 33.90C for proper seed development which resulted in higher test weight

resulting in higher pod yield of groundnut. Patel et al. (2010) reported that the mean

temperature during pod development phase shows significant positive correlation with

pod yield.

The pod yield was negatively correlated with bright sunshine hours (BSS)

during most of the phenophases except during P3, P4, P7 and P9 phases. However, the

significant negative correlation was obtained with BSS during P6 (100% flowering to

pod initiation) phase. BSS during this phases were between 8.6 and 10.7 hrs.

Similarly significant and negative correlation was obtained with BSS during P8 (pod

development to pod maturity) phase. BSS during P8 between 9.8 and 11.0 hr. Thus the

higher BSS varied between >9.6 hrs. and >10.4hrs. during P6 and P8 phase was not

suitable for groundnut. Higher BSS during P6and P8 phase adversely affected the pod

yield. Bhatia et al. (1997) found that the initiation of flowering and start of the pod

development stages were most susceptible to variation in photoperiod. The significant

and positive correlation between pod yield and BSS during maturity period P9 (pod

maturity to physiological maturity) suggest that during this period (BSS) varied

between 8.0 and 11.3 hrs. pod maturity requires BSS more than 9.6 hrs. for higher pod

yield of groundnut.
Results and Discussion
The significant and positive correlation between pod yield and afternoon

relative humidity RH2 during P1 (sowing to emergence) phase suggest that during this

period RH2 varied between 28.0 and 48.8 per cent. Afternoon relative humidity

requires more than 38.4 per cent for higher pod yield of groundnut. However, the

significant negative correlation was obtained with RH2 during P3 (first flower

initiation to 50 % flowering) phase. RH2 during this was between 17.0 and 41.67 %.

Similarly significant and negative correlation was obtained with Tmean during P5 (peg

initiation to 100 % flowering) and P9 (pod maturity to physiological maturity) phases.

RH2 during P5 between 12 and 68 % and P9 between 27 and 53%. Thus the higher

RH2 were (>27.8%), (>40%) and (>40%) during P3, P5 and P9 phases was not suitable

for groundnut. Rani and Reddy (2008) also, observed that increase in afternoon

relative humidity (51.5-84.0 % and 47.4 -85.7 %) during pod set and seed fill phase

influenced growth, yield and yield attributes of soybean.

The results induced that the pod yield was negatively correlated with morning

vapour pressure VP1 during all the phenophases. The significant negative correlation

were obtained with VP1 during P2 (emergence to first flower initiation), P5 (peg

initiation to 100 % flowering) and P7 (pod initiation to pod development) phases. VP1

during this phases were between (10.6 and 14.9 mm of Hg), (9.1 and 24.5mm of Hg),

(21.1 and 24.4mm of Hg). The significant and positive correlation between pod yield

and afternoon vapour pressure VP2 during P1 (sowing to emergence) phase suggest

that during this period VP2 varied between 10.3 and 13.8mm of Hg. Afternoon vapour

pressure VP2 requires more than 12.5mm of Hg for higher pod yield of groundnut

during sowing to emergence phase. However, the significant negative correlation was

obtained with VP2 during P3 (first flower initiation to 50 % flowering) phase. VP2

during this was between 8.1 and 15.3 mm of Hg. Similarly significant and negative

correlation was obtained with VP2 during P5 (peg initiation to 100 % flowering), P7
Results and Discussion
(pod initiation to pod development) and P9 (pod maturity to physiological maturity)

phases. VP2 during P5 between 6.0 and 22.6 mm of Hg, P7 between 10.3 to 17.9 mm

of Hg and P9 between 16.1 and 21.3 mm of Hg. Thus the higher VP2 during P3

(>11.7), P5 (>14.3), P7 (>14.1) and P9 (>18.7) phases was not suitable for groundnut.

Pod yield was also negatively correlated with mean vapour pressure VPmean during

all the phenophases. The significant negative correlation were obtained with VPmean

during P2 (emergence to first flower initiation), P3 (first flower initiation to 50%

flowering) P5 (peg initiation to 100 % flowering) and P7 (pod initiation to pod

development) phases. VPmean during these phases were between (10.6 and 14.7 mm

of Hg), (11.3 and 17.3mm of Hg), (8.3 and 21.8mm of Hg) and (13.4 and 19.7mm of


The significant and positive correlation between pod yield and growing degree

days GDD 0C day only during P7 (pod initiation to pod development) phase suggest

that during this period GDD varied between 285 and 4110C day. GDD requires more

than 3480C day for higher pod yield of groundnut during pod initiation to pod

development phase. Similarly, the significant and positive correlation between pod

yield and heliothermal units HTU during P3 (first flower initiation to 50% flowering)

and P7 (pod initiation to pod development) phase suggest that during this period HTU

varied between (382 and 9220C day hrs) and (2577 and 4175 0C day hrs). HTU

requires more than 6520C day hrs. and 33760C day hrs. for higher pod yield of

groundnut during P3 and P7 phase. Also The significant and positive correlation

between pod yield and photothermal units PTU during P7 (pod initiation to pod

development) phase suggest that during this period PTU varied between 3655 and

5196 0C day hrs. PTU requires more than 44250C day hrs. for higher pod yield of

groundnut during pod initiation to pod development phase. Meena and Dahama

Results and Discussion
(2004) also, reported that the pod yield was positively correlated with heliothermal

units HTU and photothermal units PTU from flower initiation to maturity.

4.6 CROPGRO-peanut (DSSAT v 4.6) model simulation results

4.6.1 Genetic coefficient

Crop genetic input data, which explains how the life cycle of a cultivar

respond to its environment, are not usually available and therefore these are derived

interactively using Hunt's method (Hunt., 1993). This involved determining the values

of the phenology coefficients initially and then the values of the coefficients

describing growth and grain development. Minimum crop performance data set are

required for those calculations include days to anthesis, days to first pod formation,

days to physiological maturity, kernal yield, pod yield haulm yield, leaf area and

harvest index. The procedure for determining genetic coefficients involved in running

the model using a range of values of each coefficient, in the order indicated above,

until the desired level of agreement between simulated and observed values are

reached. Interactions for the coefficients were stopped when the agreement reached

±10 %. The genetic coefficients derived data for groundnut cultivars GG 2, GG 20,

GJG 31 and TG 26 based on 2015 field experimental data at Anand presented

(Table 4.12) and validated with 2016 data.

For the present study the genetic coefficients for groundnut cultivars GG 2,

GG 20, GJG 31 and TG 26 were developed as per Hunt’s method.

Results and Discussion
Table 4.12: Genetic coefficients for cultivars GG 2, GG 20, GJG 31 and TG 26

Parameter GG-2 GG-20 GJG-31 TG-26

CSDL 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84
PPSEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EM-FL 19.5 19.5 18.5 18.5
FL-SH 11.0 10.0 8.0 11.0
Fl-SD 20.0 19.0 18.0 18.0
SD-PM 40.00 39.00 35.00 36.00
FL-LF 89.00 87.00 80.00 80.00
LFMAX 1.50 1.50 1.48 1.40
SLAVR 270 260 240 240
SIZLF 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0
XFRT 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.80
WTPSD 0.155 0.200 0.200 0.200
SFDUR 24.0 22.0 24.0 22.0
SDPDV 1.46 1.65 1.46 1.55
PODUR 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
THRSH 76.0 74.0 74.0 80.0
SDPRO .270 .270 .270 .270
SDLIP .510 .510 .510 .510
Description of parameter coefficients

Parameter Description of parameter coefficients controlling development

CSDL Critical Short Day Length below which reproductive
development progresses with no day length effect (for short day
plants) (hours)
PPSEN Slope of the relative response of development to photoperiod
with time (positive for short day plants) (1/hours)
EM-FL Time between plant emergence and flower appearance (R1)
FL-SH Time between first flower and first pod (R3) (photothermal days)
Fl-SD Time between first flower and first seed (R5) (photothermal days)
SD-PM Time between first seed (R5) and physiological maturity(R7)
(photothermal days)
FL-LF Time between first flower (R1) and end of leaf expansion
(photothermal days)
LFMAX Maximum Leaf photosynthesis rate at 30°c, 350 vpm CO2 and
high light (mgCO2/m2-S)
SLAVR Specific leaf area of cultivar under standard standard growth
condition (cm2/g)
SIZLF Maximum size of full leaf (three leaflets) (cm2)
XFRT Maximum fraction of daily growth that is partitioned to seed +
WTPSD Maximum weight per seed (g)
SFDUR Seed filling duration for pod cohort at standard growth conditions
(photothermal days)
SDPDV Average seed per pod under standard growing conditions (#/pod)
PODUR Time required for cultivar to reach final pod load under optimal
conditions (photothermal days)
Results and Discussion
4.6.2 Days to anthesis

The observed and simulated value of days taken to anthesis (DAS) under

different dates of sowing and cultivars of groundnut are presented in (Table- 4.13) and

Fig. 4.6.1 (a). The results revealed that the observed days to anthesis under different

dates of sowing were 32 to 35 DAS, while the simulated days were 34 to 38 days with

deviation ranging between 3.6 to 5.5 percent. The lowest deviation was observed in

second dates of sowing i.e 15th February. In case of different cultivars close

simulation is obtained i.e the observed days to anthesis were 34-35 DAS, while model

simulated 35-36 days with deviation ranging between 3.9 to 4.9 per cent. The model

have been slightly overestimated days to anthesis Fig. 4.7.1 (a). The average error as

computed by r, MAE, MBE, RMSE and PE were0.94, 0.11, 0.11, 1.0 and 2.4

respectively indicating a fairly good simulation (Table 4.13). Similar result have been

reported by Kaur and Hundal (1999).

4.6.3 Days to first pod initiation

The observed and simulated days taken to first pod initiation (DAS) under

different dates of sowing and cultivars are shown in (Table-4.13) and depicted in Fig.

4.6.1 (b). It is found that the model simulated days to pod initiation were very close to

the observed one under different dates of sowing the observed days to first pod

initiation were 52-57 days, while the simulated values were 48-53 days with deviation

ranging between 6.2 to 7.3 per cent. Among the cultivars close simulation is obtained

i.e the observed days to first pod initiation were 53-55 DAS, while model simulated

50-51 days with deviation ranging between 6.1 to 7.4 per cent. The model have been

slightly underestimated days to first pod initiation Fig. 4.6.1. (b).The average error as

computed by r, MAE, MBE, RMSE and PE were 0.98, 0.30, -0.30, 2.61 and 4.80,

respectively indicating a fairly good simulation (Table 4.13).

Results and Discussion
4.6.4 Days to physiological maturity

The observed and simulated days taken to physiological maturity (DAS) under

different dates of sowing and cultivars are shown in (Table-4.13) and depicted in Fig.

4.6.1 (c). It is found that the model simulated days to physiological maturity were

very close to the observed one under different dates of sowing, the observed days to

physiological maturity were 95-103 days, while the simulated values were 95-99 days

with deviation ranging between 0.2 to 5.9 per cent. Among the cultivars close

simulation is obtained i.e the observed days to physiological maturity were 99-102

DAS, while model simulated 95-99 days with deviation ranging between 0.5 to 4.8

per cent. The model have underestimated days to physiological maturity under most

of the treatments except third date of sowing and cultivar GG 2 Fig. 4.6.1 (c). The

average error as computed by r, MAE, MBE, RMSE and PE were 0.61, 0.27, -0.27,

2.55 and 2.55 respectively. The results are in good agreement with the findings of

Guled et al. (2012) for days to physiological maturity in groundnut as simulated by

PNUTGRO model.

4.6.5 Leaf area index

The comparison between observed and simulated value of max. LAI under

different dates of sowing and cultivars of groundnut are presented in (Table 4.13) and

Fig 4.6.1 (d). The results revealed that the observed value of max. LAI under different

dates of sowing were 4.3 to 5.5 per cent, while the simulated value were 4.5 to 4.7 per

cent with deviation ranging between 2.6 to 13.9 per cent. The lowest deviation was

observed in third dates of sowing i.e 02nd March. In case of different cultivars

observed value to max. LAI were 4.1 to 5.6 %, while model simulated 4.2 to 5.0%

with deviation ranging between 4.6 to 12.6 per cent. The model was found to

overestimate the maximum LAI under first date of sowing and for cultivars GG 2 and

GJG 31 Fig. 4.6.1 (d). The statistical test criteria computed by r, MAE, MBE, RMSE

and PE were 0.47, 0.00, 0.00, 0.46 and 9.58, respectively.

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
4.6.6 Pod yield

The highest pod yield (2123 kg ha-1) was observed under second date of

sowing (15th February) followed by (1953 kg ha-1) first date of sowing (31st January)

and (1811 kg ha-1) third date of sowing (D3-02nd March), while model also shows

similar trend, the highest pod yield simulated (2348 kg ha-1) under second date of

sowing (15th February)followed by (2184 kg ha-1) first date of sowing (31st January)

and(1614 kg ha-1) third date of sowing (02nd March) with deviation ranging between

(9.4 and 12.1 %) (Table 4.14). In case of different cultivars observed value to pod

yield were 1772 to 2110 kg ha-1, while model simulated 1853 to 2285 kg ha-1 with

deviation ranging between 2.8 to 6.4 per cent (Table 4.14). The average error as

computed by r value was 0.85, MAE was found 19.38, while RMSE was recorded as

171.74. MBE described the direction of the error bias and was found to be 19.38. The

positive sign suggested the overestimation of the pod yield by the model. The PE was

8.75. The evaluation of the model on an overall basis revealed that the simulation

performance of the model in respect of pod yield was found good with an accepted

level. Similar results were obtained by Ujinwal and Patel (2008) and Pandey et al.

(2001) by PNUTGRO and CROPGRO model for kharif groundnut.

4.6.7 Kernel yield

The observed and simulated value to kernel yield under different dates of

sowing and cultivars are shown in (Table 4.14) and depicted in Fig.-4.6.2 (b). It is

found that the model simulated value to kernel yield were very close to the observed

one under different dates of sowing. The observed value to kernel yield were 1234-

1439 kg ha-1, while the simulated values were 1350-1580 kg ha-1 with deviation

ranging between 9.0 to 10.0 per cent. Among the cultivars close simulation is

obtained i.e the observed value of kernel yield were 1232-1455 kg ha-1, while model

simulated 1396-1556 kg ha-1 with deviation ranging between 7.0 to 13.3 per cent. The
Results and Discussion
model have overestimated value to kernel yield Fig. 4.6.2. (b). The average error as

computed by r, MAE, MBE, RMSE and PE were 0.96, 10.26, 10.26, 99.33 and 6.77,

respectively indicating a fairly good simulation (Table 4.14).

4.6.8 Haulm yield

The observed and simulated value to haulm yield under different dates of

sowing and cultivars are shown in (Table-4.14) and depicted in Fig.-4.6.2 (c). It was

found that the model simulated value of haulm yield were very close to the observed

one under different dates of sowing the observed value to haulm yield were 4684-

5263 kg ha-1, while the simulated values were 3959-4711 kg ha-1 with deviation

ranging between 10.5 to 15.6 per cent. Among the cultivars close simulation is

obtained i.e the observed value of haulm yield were 4576-5423 kg ha-1, while model

simulated 3868-4706 kg ha-1 with deviation ranging between 11.7 to 15.6 per cent.

The model have underestimated value to haulm yield Fig. 4.6.2 (c). The average error

as computed by r value was 0.96 and MAE was found 57.50, while RMSE was

recorded as 500.84. MBE described the direction of the error bias and was found to be

-57.50. The negative sign suggested the underestimation of the haulm yield by the

model. The PE was 10.6 %.

4.6.9 Harvest index

The highest harvest index (28.7) was found under second date of sowing

(15thFebruary) followed by (28.3) first date of sowing (31stJanuary) and (28.0) third

date of sowing (02ndMarch) and same trend in simulated value, highest harvest index

simulated under (38.8) second date of sowing followed by (34.4) first date of sowing

and (34.0) third date of sowing with deviation ranging between (21.1 to35.5 %)

(Table 4.14). Among the cultivars observed value to harvest index were 27.5-29.7,

while model simulated 34.0-37.3 with deviation ranging between 17.6 to 30.6 per

cent. (Table 4.14). The average errors as computed by r, MAE, MBE and RMSE were

0.23, 0.63, 0.63 and 5.72, respectively. The PE was 20.20. It is presumed that, the

value of PE exceeds there was no perfect matching between simulated and observed

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
value. The overall results showed that model overestimated harvest index in

all the treatments Fig. 4.6.2 (d), however trend between measured and simulated was


4.7 Sensitivity analysis of CROPGRO-peanut model

Simulation models provide a scientific approach to study the impact of climate

change on agricultural production. Sensitivity test of the crop simulation model is the

process by which various input parameters are evaluated with regards to their

importance relative to simulation relations. IPCC (2014) has projected increase in

global mean temperature of 1.8 to 4°C by 2100. For Indian region also 1-4°C

increases in temperature has been reported by Krishna Kumar et al. 2011. Under

Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP, 4.5) the temperature is reported to

increase by 1.1 to 2.6°C and CO2 concentration is projected to increase upto 600 ppm.

Looking to the projected climate change scenario, the impact of change in climatic

parameters on pod yield of groundnut cultivars were studied by increasing or

decreasing maximum and minimum air temperature from -2 to +3°C and

concentration of carbon dioxide was increased to 450, 500 and 550 ppm. The

combined effect of elevated maximum temperature and CO2 (1+450, 2+500, 3+550)

and elevated minimum temperature and CO2 (1+450, 2+500, 3+550) on pod yield of

groundnut were also studied. The negative temperature was chosen to take into

account the year to year variation in temperature. The model simulated results with

altered weather was compared with base yield. The base or reference yield for all

selected cultivars under study was simulated by running the CROPGRO-peanut model

with daily normal weather data set. One variable at a time was modified and it’s effect

was studied on yield of cultivars. The potential condition was assumed with congenial

weather and adequate management practices. The present study was carried out

mainly to establish the sensitivity of CROPGRO-peanut model in relation to pod yield

of various cultivars of groundnut affected by individual weather parameters as well as

combination with others.

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
4.7.1 Effects of maximum temperature

The effects of altered maximum air temperature (-2 to +3°C) on simulated pod

yield of four cultivars of groundnut under optimal date of sowing (D2-February 15)

was compared with base yield (simulated by model under daily normal weather data

set) and its per cent change from base yield are presented in (Table 4.15) and

represented in Fig. 4.7.1.

Sensitivity of CROPGRO-peanut model simulated pod yield (Table 4.15)

shows that with increasing in maximum temperature from 1 to 3°C, a gradual decrease

in yield was observed, ranging from 1818 to 1317 kg ha-1 against the base yield of

2160 kg ha-1 in cultivar GG 2, ranging from 1787 to 1173 kg ha-1 against the base

yield of 2164 kg ha-1 in cultivar GG 20, ranging from 2007 to 1423 kg ha-1 against the

base yield of 2513 kg ha-1 in cultivar GJG 31 and from 1755 to 1088 kg ha-1 against

the base yield of 2086 kg ha-1 in cultivar TG 26 under optimal date of sowing (D2-

February 15). While the decrease in maximum temperature from -1 to -2, increase the

yield was observed ranging from 2518 to 2606 kg ha-1 in cultivar GG 2, from 2385 to

2890 kg ha-1 in cultivar GG 20, from 2975 to 3301 kg ha-1 in cultivar GJG 31 and

2344 to 2617 kg ha-1 in cultivar TG 26 under optimal date of sowing (D2-February

15). The highest percent change in yield over base yield due to change of maximum

temperature was recorded obtained in cultivar GG 20 (+3 to -46%) followed by cv.

TG 26 (+25 to -48%), cv. GJG 31 (+31 to -43%) Fig. 4.7.1 in all cultivars. Such

behaviuor of the model was mainly due to reduction in duration of anthesis and grain

filling with rise in ambient temperature and vice versa. Boote et al. (1989) also stated

that the elevated maximum temperature decreased pod yield of groundnut

significantly. Overall results showed that elevated maximum temperature decreased

pod yield significantly and reduced temperature increased the pod yield in all

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
4.7.2 Effects of minimum temperature

The simulated pod yield of four cultivars of groundnut due to increase (1 to 3

°C) and decrease (-1 to -2 °C) of minimum temperature presented in (Table 4.15) the

results shows that with decrease in the minimum temperature from -1 to -2°C, the

simulated pod yield increased from 2267 to 2289 kg ha-1 in cultivar GG 2, from 2294

to 2328 kg ha-1 in cultivar GG 20, from 2598 to 2798 in cultivar GJG 31 and 22148 to

22194 kg ha-1 in cultivar TG 26 under optimal date of sowing 15th February. When,

the minimum temperature was increased from 1 to 3°C, the simulated pod yield

decreased from 2336 to 1908 kg ha-1 in cultivar GG 2, from 1968 to 1848 kg ha-1 in

cultivar GG 20, from 2261 to 2115 in cultivar GJG 31 and 1851 to 1782 kg ha-1 in

cultivar TG 26. The per cent change in pod yield was highest (+11 to -16%) in

cultivar GJG 31, followed by +8 to -15 in cultivar GG 20 and + 6 to -12 % in GG 2

Fig. 4.7.2. The result of simulated yield when examined in relation to minimum

temperature indicated decrease in yields with increase in temperature above that

corresponding to potential conditions in all cultivar. But the magnitude of change

from base yields in terms of percentage was more than corresponding to the preceding

level in all the increased level of minimum temperature. This type of behaviour shown

by the crops might be due to dual effects of higher rate of respiration during night

time resulted in to comparatively higher loss of photosynthates than that was occurred

during day time due to increased maximum temperature and differential reduction in

crop duration of different cultivars. Paradoxically, the lower minimum temperature

increased the pod yield in the all cultivars, but not in the same. Similar effects of

increased and decreased temperature on groundnut yield have been reported by Rao

et al. (2011).

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
4.7.3 Effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2)

The data pertaining to the effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) on simulated pod

yield of groundnut cultivars and presented in (Table 4.15) and the per cent change

depicted in Fig. 4.7.3. The results show that with increase in carbon dioxide from 450

to 550 ppm resulted in increase in the pod yield from 2495 to 2935 kg ha-1 in cultivar

GG 2, from 2581 to 2994 kg ha-1 in cultivar GG 20, from 2856 to 3112 in cultivar

GJG 31 and 2365 to 2948 kg ha-1 in cultivar TG 26. The percentage change over base

yield was recorded highest (41%) in cultivar (V4-TG 26) followed by (38%) in

cultivar GG 20, (37%) in cultivar GG 2 and (23%) in cultivar GJG 31 Fig. 4.7.3. This

clearly shows that elevated concentration of CO2 had a significant and positive impact

on the pod yield of various groundnut cultivars. Ramaraja et al. (2010) also reported

that the level of CO2 enrichment had increased the yield compared to normal level of


4.7.4 Combined effects of maximum temperature and carbon dioxide

The data pertaining to the combined effect of maximum temperature and

carbon dioxide on simulated pod yield of groundnut cultivars is presented in

(Table 4.16) and depicted in Fig. 4.7.4. the sensitivity results shows that with increase

in maximum temperature 1°C, combined with increase in CO2 concentration upto 450

ppm, the pod yield increased in all cultivars, the highest (25%) being in GG 20

followed by 20% in GG 2 and 20% in GJG 31. However, at increase of maximum

temperature 2°C and corresponding increase in level of CO2 at 500 ppm, adverse

effect of maximum temperature was compensated with positive effect of CO2

concentration as a result net effects are very marginal (-1 to 5 %) across the cultivars.

Further increases in temperature (+3°C) with corresponding increase of CO2 at 550

ppm, resulted in adverse effect on groundnut. The decrease in yield was maximum

(-17%) in TG 26 followed by -16 % in GJG 31 and -15 % in GG 20.

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion
4.7.5 Combined effects of minimum temperature and carbon dioxide

The data pertaining to the combined effect of minimum temperature and

carbon dioxide on simulated pod yield of groundnut cultivars is presented in (Table

4.16) and percent change is depicted in Fig. 4.7.5. The results shows that the adverse

impact of higher minimum temperature are well compensated by the corresponding

increasing level of CO2 and ultimately resulted in higher yield. At elevated CO2 of

450 ppm + 10 C minimum temperature, the increase the pod yield was highest (74 %)

in GG 2 followed by 69 % in GG 20 and 52 % in TG 26. However, when minimum

temperature was further increased with corresponding elevated CO2 concentration, the

net impact was still positive. even with increases in minimum temperature by 30 C at

CO2 concentration of 550 ppm, the net impact was positive ranging from 64 % in

cultivar GG 2 to 33 % in cultivar TG 26.

Results and Discussion


5.1. General

This chapter describes brief and precise summary of the procedures and

techniques followed, findings achieved and conclusions drawn through the

study entitled “Calibration and validation of CROPGRO–peanut (DSSAT v.

4.6) model for summer groundnut and sensitivity analysis to climate change in

middle Gujarat”. The study was carried out for purposes of simulation of

phenology, growth and yield of four different groundnut cultivars (viz. V1-GG

2, V2-GG 20, V3-GJG 31 and V4-TG 26), sown under three different dates of

sowing (viz, D1-31st January, D2-15th February and D3-02nd March).

5.2 Objectives and methodology

The study was carried out with the broad objectives of simulation of

four groundnut cultivars (viz. V1-GG 2, V2-GG 20, V3-GJG 31 and V4-TG 26)

phenology, growth and yield attributes after calibrating the required genetic

coefficients for Anand (Gujarat) under varied environmental conditions created

through three different dates of sowing (viz., D1-31st January, D2-15th February

and D3-02nd March).

5.2.1 Experimental details

The field experimental data generated during summerseasons of 2015

and 2016 through field experiment laid out in split plot design with four

replications on loamy sand soils of the Plot No. A-17, Agronomy Farm, B. A.

College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand were used for

calibration and validation of model.The main treatments were three dates of

Summary and Conclusions
sowing (viz. D1-31st January, D2-15th February and D3-02nd March and the sub

plot treatments were four groundnut cultivars (viz.viz. V1-GG 2, V2-GG 20, V3-

GJG 31 and V4-TG 26). For recording growth attributing characters visual

observations like number of days taken for attainment of each phenophase was

recorded and for recording the crop growth observations viz. plant height (cm),

number of branches, leaf area/green leaf area, biomass (green/dry biomass)

root, stem and leaf, the plant samples were uprooted from the border row of

each plot of second replication. The samples were collected at 15 days interval

after sowing till the harvest of the pods. observation of harvesting time like test

weight, number of mature pod per plant, number of immature pod per plant,

number of branches per plant, pod yield, haulm yields etc., of individual year

and pooled over the seasons were subjected to statistical analysis to ascertain

the best treatment combination resulting in high yields.

5.2.2 Calibration and validation

In the present investigation genetic coefficientsof groundnut cultivars

GG 2, GG 20, GJG 31 and TG 26 was calibrated using 2015 field experimental

data (the genetic coefficients were develop as per Hunt’s method)and validated

with 2016 field experimental data in summer season of Anand condition. For

purposes of determination of genetic coefficients, the model was run several

times using a range of values of each coefficient in the sequential order of the

crop growth events and parameters viz., days to anthesis, days to first pod

formation, days to physiological maturity, kernal yield, pod yield, haulm yield

etc., the desired level of agreement between simulated and observed values of

Summary and Conclusions
crop growth, development and phenology was reached. Comparisons were

made between the model simulated and observed growth and yield

parameters.Validation of the model was done using different test criteria

(summary, difference and descriptive measures). Mean absolute error (MAE),

mean bias error (MBE) and root mean square error (RMSE) were the difference

measures, which located and quantified the errors. Error percent, correlation

coefficient were also carried out to express the deviation in simulated values

from those observed.

5.2.3 Sensitivity analysis of the CROPGRO model

The sensitivity analysis of the model were studied with respect to the

selected weather parameters were), maximum and minimum air temperature (-2

to + 3 0C) concentration of carbon dioxide (450, 500 and 550 ppm) and

combined of maximum temperature + CO2 as well as minimum temperature +


5.3 Summary of the results

5.3.1 Periodical plant observations Plant height

Plant height under different treatments increases continuously upto 75

days after sowing (DAS), after that there was not major increase in plant height

in any of treatment. At 15 DAS the plant height was (4 to 5 cm) which

increases to (25 to 45 cm) at 75 DAS under different treatments during both

years. The maximum plant height was observed in (15th February) sowing

followed by (31st January) and (D3-02nd March) sowing during the year 2015

Summary and Conclusions
and 2016. Among the cultivar, during 2015 and 2016 the maximum plant

height was recorded in cultivar V1 (GG 2) (49 and 50 cm) and lowest in cultivar

V3 (GJG 31) (36 and 39 cm) cultivars. The rate of increased in plant height was

maximum during 45 to 75 DAS. In generally, the plant height was more in

2016 as compared to 2015. Number of branches

The number of branches plant-1 under all the treatments was increases

from 15 to 75 DAS, after that there was no major increase in number of

branches in any of the treatment. The maximum number of branches plant-1

was observed in the second date of sowing (6 to 9 plant-1) followed by first date

of sowing (5 to 7 plant-1) and third date of sowing (5 to 6 plant-1) under both

the years. Among the verities, the maximum number of branches plant-1 were

recorded in cultivars V2-GG 20 (9 plant-1) and lowest in V4-TG 26 (6 plant-1)

under both years. Leaf area index

The LAI was higher under second date of sowing D2 (15th February) (5

to 6) in all the treatments and both the years in comparison to D1 (31st January)

(4 to 5) and D3 (02nd March) (4 to 5) sowing. Among the cultivars maximum

LAI peak was observed in cultivar V2-GG 20 (5.81 and 5.84) followed by V4-

TG 26 (5.72 and 5.94) in year 2015 and 2016 respectively, as compared to

other date of sowing and cultivars.

Summary and Conclusions Dry matter partitioning

In initial stage (15 DAS) root has significant contribution to dry matter

(20-35 %). Whereas leaf contributed maximum (40-45%) followed by steam

(35-40%). During 30 to 60 DAS leaf and steam contribute about 90-95%. The

contribution of pod starts after 45 DAS, and reaches to its maximum 20% at

105 DAS. During later part of crop growth period 75 to 100 DAS, the

contribution by steam is more than that of leaf under all the treatments. The

contribution of pod was maximum (28 %) under D1 (31stJanuary) date of

sowing followed by D2 (15th February) (27 %) and D3 (02nd March) (21 %)

sowing dates. Among varieties the maximum contribution of pod was observed

(29%) in cultivar V1 (GG2) minimum in cultivar V4 (TG 26) (24%).

5.3.2 Agrometeorological indices Growing degree days (GDD)

Results shows that the accumulated GDD under different dates of

sowing, from sowing to physiological maturity was highest (2265 0C days) in

second date of sowing D2 (15th February) followed by third date of sowing and

in first date of sowing D1 (31st January). It may be noticed that the number of

days taken to physiological maturity was maximum under D1 (31st January)

sown crop but the accumulated GDD was minimum (2096 0C days).In case of

different cultivars accumulation of GDD from sowing to physiological maturity

were more or less remained the same ranged between (2100 ± 160 0C days).

Between two years the accumulated GDD was higher (2236 0C days) in 2016

than that of 2015 (2156 0C days).

Summary and Conclusions Photothermal units (PTU)

Accumulated PTU from sowing to physiological maturity was

maximum (28479 0C days hrs.) under second date of sowing followed by

(28394 0C days hrs.) third date of sowing and (first date of sowing (D1-31st

January). Variation in PTU during different phases was similar to that observed

in case of GDD under different dates of sowing. Among the cultivars the

accumulated PTU from sowing to physiological maturity was maximum

(29177 0C days hrs.) in cultivar V3-GJG 31 and lowest in cultivar V4-TG 26.

Between the two years the accumulated PTU was higher (280890C days hrs.) in

2016 than that of 2015. Heliothermal units (HTU)

Under different dates of sowing, accumulated HTU from sowing to

physiological maturity was maximum (22593 0C days hrs.) under second date

of sowing D2 (15th February) followed by (22318 0C days hrs.) third date of

sowing D3 (02th March) and (20628 0C days hrs.) in first date of sowing (D1-

31st January). Variation in HTU during different phases was similar to that

observed in case of GDD under different dates of sowing. Among the cultivars

the accumulated HTU from sowing to physiological maturity was maximum

(23258 0C days hrs.) in cultivar V4-TG 26 followed by (22452 0C days hrs.) in

cultivar V2-GG 20, (22008 0C days hrs.) in cultivar V1-GG 2 and (21314 0C

days hrs.) in cultivar V3-GJG 31. Between the two years the accumulated HTU

was higher (22307 0C days hrs.) in 2016 than that of 2015 (21386 0C days hrs.).

Summary and Conclusions
5.3.3 Correlation studies

Pod yield was negatively correlated with maximum, minimum

temperature and mean temperature during most of the phenophases except

during maturity period. The higher (Tmean.) were (>25.70C) and (>270C)

during P2 and P6 phase was not suitable for groundnut. Higher (Tmean) during

P2 and P6 phase adversely affected the plant height, LAI, number of branches

etc. which ultimately contributed to lower pod yield. The significant and

positive correlation between pod yield and (Tmean) during maturity period P9

(pod maturity to physiological maturity) during this period (Tmean) varied

between 32.7 and 35.10C, pod maturity requires (Tmean.) more than 33.9 0C

for proper seed development which resulted in higher test weight resulting in

higher pod yield of groundnut. The pod yield was negatively correlated with

bright sunshine hours (BSS) during most of the phenophases except during P3,

P4, P7 and P9 phases.

5.3.4 CROPGRO-peanut (DSSAT v 4.6) model simulation results Days to anthesis

The lowest deviation was observed in second dates of sowing i.e 15th

February. In case of different cultivars close simulation is obtained i.e the

observed days to anthesis were 34-35 DAS, while model simulated 35-36 days

with deviation ranging between 3.9 to 4.9 per cent. The model have been

slightly overestimated days to anthesis. The average error as computed by r,

MAE, MBE, RMSE and PE were 0.94, 0.11, 0.11, 1.0 and 2.4 respectively

indicating a fairly good simulation

Summary and Conclusions Days to first pod initiation

Model simulated days to pod initiation were very close to the observed

one under different dates of sowing the observed days to first pod initiation

were 52-57 days, while the simulated values were 48-53 days with deviation

ranging between 6.2 to 7.3 per cent. Among the cultivars close simulation is

obtained i.e the observed days to first pod initiation were 53-55 DAS, while

model simulated 50-51 days with deviation ranging between 6.1 to 7.4 per cent.

The model have been slightly underestimated days to first pod initiation. The

average error as computed by r, MAE, MBE, RMSE and PE were 0.98, 0.30, -

0.30, 2.61 and 4.80, respectively indicating a fairly good simulation. Days to physiological maturity

It is found that the model simulated days to physiological maturity were

very close to the observed one under different dates of sowing, the observed

days to physiological maturity were 95-103 days, while the simulated values

were 95-99 days with deviation ranging between 0.2 to 5.9 per cent. Among the

cultivars close simulation is obtained i.e the observed days to physiological

maturity were 99-102 DAS, while model simulated 95-99 days with deviation

ranging between 0.5 to 4.8 per cent. Leaf area index

The observed value of max. LAI under different dates of sowing were

4.3 to 5.5 per cent, while the simulated value were 4.5 to 4.7 per cent with

deviation ranging between 2.6 to 13.9 per cent. The lowest deviation was

observed in third dates of sowing i.e 02nd March. In case of different cultivars

Summary and Conclusions
observed value to max. LAI were 4.1 to 5.6 %, while model simulated 4.2 to

5.0 % with deviation ranging between 4.6 to 12.6 per cent. Pod yield

The highest pod yield (2123 kg ha-1) was observed under second date of

sowing (15th February) followed by (1953 kg ha-1) first date of sowing (31st

January) and (1811 kg ha-1) third date of sowing (D3-02nd March), while model

also shows similar trend, the highest pod yield simulated (2348 kg ha-1) under

second date of sowing (15th February) followed by (2184 kg ha-1) first date of

sowing (31st January) and (1614 kg ha-1) third date of sowing (02nd March)

with deviation ranging between (9.4 and 12.1 %). In case of different cultivars

observed value to pod yield were 1772 to 2110 kg ha-1, while model simulated

1853 to 2285 kg ha-1 with deviation ranging between 2.8 to 6.4 per cent Kernel yield

It is found that the model simulated value to kernel yield were very close

to the observed one under different dates of sowing the observed value to

kernel yield were 1234-1439 kg ha-1, while the simulated values were 1350-

1580 kg ha-1 with deviation ranging between 9.0 to 10.0 per cent. Among the

cultivars close simulation is obtained i.e the observed value to kernel yield

were 1232-1455 kg ha-1, while model simulated 1396-1556 kg ha-1 with

deviation ranging between 7.0 to 13.3 per cent. Haulm yield

It is found that the model simulated value to haulm yield were very close

to the observed one under different dates of sowing the observed value to

Summary and Conclusions
haulm yield were 4684-5263 kg ha-1, while the simulated values were 3959-

4711 kg ha-1 with deviation ranging between 10.5 to 15.6 per cent. Among the

cultivars close simulation is obtained i.e the observed value to haulm yield

were 4576-5423 kg ha-1, while model simulated 3868-4706 kg ha-1 with

deviation ranging between 11.7 to 15.6 per cent. Harvest index

The highest harvest index (28.7) was found under second date of sowing

(15thFebruary) followed by first date of sowing and third date of sowing and

same trend in simulated value, highest harvest index simulated under (38.8)

second date of sowing followed by first date of sowing and third date of sowing

with deviation ranging between (21.1 to 35.5 %). Among the cultivars

observed value to harvest index were 27.5-29.7, while model simulated 34.0-

37.3 with deviation ranging between 17.6 to 30.6 per cent.

5.3.5 Sensitivity analysis of CROPGRO-peanut model Effects of maximum temperature

Sensitivity of CROPGRO-peanut model shows that the highest percent

change in yield over base yield due to change of maximum temperature was

recorded obtained in cultivar GG 20 (+3 to -46%) followed by cv. TG 26 (+25

to -48%), cv. GJG 31 (+31 to -43%) in all cultivars. Such behaviuor of the

model was mainly due to reduction in duration of anthesis and grain filling

with rise in ambient temperature and vice versa. Overall results shows that

elevated maximum temperature decreased pod yield significantly and

downscaled temperature increased the pod yield in all cultivars.

Summary and Conclusions Effects of minimum temperature

The per cent change in pod yield was highest (+11 to -16%) in cultivar

GJG 31, followed by +8 to -15 in cultivar GG 20 and + 6 to -12 % in GG 2.

The result of simulated yield when examined in relation to minimum

temperature indicated decrease in yields with increase in temperature above

that corresponding to potential conditions in all cultivar. But the magnitude of

change from base yields in terms of percentage was more than corresponding to

the preceding level in all the increased level of minimum temperature. Effects of carbon dioxide (CO2)

The percentage change over base yield was recorded highest (41%) in

cultivar (V4-TG 26) followed by (38%) in cultivar GG 20, (37%) in cultivar

GG 2 and (23%) in cultivar GJG 31. This clearly shows that elevated

concentration of CO2 had a significant and positive impact on the pod yield of

various groundnut cultivars. Combined effects of maximum temperature and carbon dioxide

The sensitivity of model shows that with increase in maximum

temperature 1°C, combined with increase in CO2 concentration upto 450 ppm,

the pod yield increased in all cultivars, the highest 25% being in GG 20

followed by 20% in GG 2 and 20% in GJG 31. However, at increase of

maximum temperature 2°C and corresponding increase in level of CO2 at 500

ppm, adverse effect of maximum temperature was compensated with positive

effect of CO2 concentration as a result net effects are very marginal (-1 to 5 %)

across the cultivars. Further increases in temperature (+3°C) with

Summary and Conclusions
corresponding increase of CO2 at 550 ppm, resulted in adverse effect on

groundnut. The decrease in yield was maximum (-17%) in TG 26 followed by -

16 % in GJG 31 and -15 % in GG 20. Combined effects of minimum temperature and carbon dioxide

The results shows that the adverse impact of higher minimum

temperature are well compensated by the corresponding increasing level of

CO2 and ultimately resulted in higher yield. At elevated CO2 of 450 ppm + 10 C

minimum temperature, the increase the pod yield was highest (74 %) in GG 2

followed by 69 % in GG 20 and 52 % in TG 26. However, when minimum

temperature was further increased with corresponding elevated CO2

concentration, the net impact was still positive. even with increases in

minimum temperature by 30 C at CO2 concentration of 550 ppm, the net impact

was positive ranging from 64 % in cultivar GG 2 to 33 % in cultivar TG 26.


The following broad conclusions could be drawn from the results of the

present investigation.

(1) The higher maximum temperature during pod maturity phase more than

40.7 0C, more favourable for groundnut production.

(2) Among the different dates of sowing 15thFebruary, sowing date is found

most ideal for getting maximum pod yield of groundnut under middle

Gujarat region.

(3) Among all cultivars GG 20 performed best (2093 kgha-1 in 2015 and 2121

kgha-1 in 2016) which is at par with cultivar GG 2 followed by cultivar

Summary and Conclusions
GJG 31 and TG26. Thus, variety GG 20 and GG 2 is better than cultivar

GJG 31 and TG 26.

(4) The calibrated CROPGRO model performed well for simulating

phenology (viz., anthesis, first pod initiation and physiological maturity)

with error percent less than 4.8. Similarly, for simulation of pod, kernel

and haulm production error percent was less than 10.06. Hence, this

model can be used for simulating the phenology and yield of groundnut


(5) As per model simulation the effect of minimum temperature on yield was

less than that of maximum temperature. Among different cultivars GG 20

and GJG 31 was more vulnerable to increase in maximum temperature.

(6) Among all cultivar GG 20 and GJG31 was affected most adversely with

increased minimum temperature upto 30C, about 15% pod yield was

decreased in this cultivars.

(7) The simulated pod yield with elevated CO2 concentration from 450 to 550

ppm above the base (400 ppm) increases the yield by 16 to 41 % in

different cultivars. The maximum effect of elevated CO2 on simulated

yield was on cultivar TG 26 followed by GG 20, GG 2 and GJG 31.

(8) As per model simulation pod yield increases (18 to 24%) with increases

(Tmax+ CO2) by (1+450) there after increasing (Tmax + CO2) highly

decreases the pod yield in all the cultivars. Similarly pod yield highly

increases (68 to 74%) with increases (Tmin+ CO2) by (1+450) in all

cultivars there after increasing (Tmin + CO2) slowly decreases the pod

yield in all the cultivars.


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Appendix I: Weekly a) mean maximum, b) minimum, c) mean air temperature, d) mean morning, e) afternoon and f) mean relative humidity
as prevailed during the crop growth period during summer seasons of 2015 and 2016.
Appendix I: Weekly mean a) morning, b) afternoon, c) mean vapor pressure, d) evaporation, e) bright sunshine hours and f) rainfall as
prevailed during the crop growth period during summer seasons of 2015 and 2016.

Appendix-II: Weekly meteorological data during crop growing season

Tmax Tmin Tmean RH1 Rh2 Rhmean VP1 VP2 VPmean EP BSS Rain
12.1 19.2 39 65.4 11.0 10.3
5 26.3 92 9.6 3.2 9.8 0.0
6 29.8 9.2 19.5 85 44 64.3 10.8 12.6 11.7 3.8 9.3 0.0

7 26.9 11.9 19.4 90 36 63.0 10.8 12.5 11.7 4.3 9.9 0.0

8 25.7 12.6 19.1 87 36 61.2 13.4 13.6 13.5 4.5 9.7 0.0

9 28.2 10.5 19.4 89 50 69.3 11.4 11.9 11.7 4.2 8.1 25.4

10 29.4 13.4 21.4 82 34 57.9 12.1 11.8 12.0 5.2 9.7 0.0

11 31.8 12.7 22.2 82 42 61.9 13.7 14.4 14.1 5.6 9.0 3.6

12 35.3 16.3 25.8 72 23 47.6 14.0 11.8 12.9 7.0 10.3 0.0

13 27.8 14.0 20.9 77 34 55.6 17.0 15.7 16.4 6.7 8.3 0.0

14 32.2 16.0 24.1 82 43 62.5 17.6 18.3 18.0 7.4 8.7 0.0

15 32.8 16.8 24.8 90 45 67.5 20.4 18.2 19.3 5.9 9.2 18.8

16 38.3 19.0 28.6 74 24 48.6 18.6 13.3 16.0 7.4 10.2 0.0

17 38.7 21.6 30.2 84 30 57.1 20.7 15.2 17.9 8.0 10.7 0.0

18 36.2 21.5 28.9 86 32 58.8 23.3 19.7 21.5 8.7 10.4 0.0

19 36.0 21.8 28.9 68 29 48.5 19.7 15.0 17.4 8.2 10.6 0.0

20 40.1 23.4 31.8 66 27 46.5 20.5 15.4 18.0 9.7 11.2 0.0

21 39.4 23.1 31.2 80 40 59.9 23.8 20.9 22.3 9.3 10.8 0.0

22 41.1 24.9 33.0 81 38 59.4 24.8 19.9 22.4 9.5 11.0 0.0

23 40.6 26.2 33.4 73 38 55.6 22.1 19.2 20.6 9.4 8.4 0.0

24 42.5 26.7 34.6 84 59 71.4 24.9 22.7 23.8 6.7 6.4 11.6

25 40.8 27.8 34.3 83 63 73.3 23.5 23.8 23.6 5.6 6.6 27.4

Tmax Tmin Tmean RH1 Rh2 Rhmean VP1 VP2 VPmean EP BSS Rain
13.2 21.8 40.4 64.2 12.3 11.7 0.0
5 30.4 88.0 11.0 3.4 9.2
6 29.9 11.1 20.5 76.7 31.1 53.9 8.5 9.2 8.9 4.2 10.0 0.0

7 29.8 14.7 22.3 80.4 33.6 57.0 10.8 10.2 10.5 4.0 8.5 0.0

8 33.0 15.4 24.2 79.0 38.4 58.7 11.5 13.3 10.3 5.2 8.9 0.0

9 36.0 18.5 27.2 66.8 31.5 49.1 11.8 13.5 12.7 5.5 9.3 0.0

10 35.2 19.1 27.2 70.7 26.1 48.4 12.9 10.3 11.6 6.4 9.9 0.0

11 34.9 19.8 27.4 71.7 28.7 50.2 13.5 11.2 12.4 6.3 9.7 0.0

12 38.4 19.9 29.2 66.1 20.3 43.2 13.1 9.9 11.5 8.2 9.8 0.0

13 38.9 19.8 29.4 73.7 22.1 47.9 13.7 10.4 12.1 6.9 9.1 0.0

14 37.2 23.5 30.4 70.6 29.2 49.9 17.0 13.0 15.0 7.2 9.1 0.0

15 38.6 24.1 31.4 60.5 22.7 41.6 15.7 11.1 13.4 9.3 10.4 0.0

16 39.0 23.9 31.4 58.6 28.9 43.7 15.4 13.7 14.6 8.3 10.6 0.0

17 37.7 24.4 31.1 66.3 30.7 48.5 17.9 14.3 16.1 7.4 9.1 0.0

18 40.2 25.1 32.6 75.4 32.1 53.8 20.7 16.8 18.7 8.7 9.2 0.0

19 40.5 26.9 33.7 73.1 32.3 52.7 21.6 17.4 19.5 8.4 10.6 10.3

20 43.3 27.1 35.2 70.4 27.0 48.7 22.2 16.8 19.5 10.5 11.2 0.0

21 39.7 28.2 33.9 76.6 42.3 59.4 24.5 21.6 23.1 10.0 10.8 0.0

22 39.7 28.0 33.9 74.9 38.0 56.4 24.0 19.3 21.7 10.3 11.2 0.0

23 41.9 28.1 35.0 74.3 34.0 54.1 23.8 18.8 21.3 10.5 11.2 0.0

24 39.1 28.1 33.6 71.7 37.6 54.6 23.1 18.8 20.9 10.3 9.6 0.0

25 37.7 28.5 33.1 77.6 50.4 64.0 24.6 22.3 23.4 7.4 4.5 3.4

Appendix-III: List of input requirement by CROGRO (DSSAT) model

Input variables Acronyn Units

Latitude LAT Degree
Longitude LONG Degree
Elevation ELEV m
Average air temperature TAV °C
Height of temperature measurement TMHT m
Height of wind measurement WMHT m
CO2 concentration ppm
Maximum temperature TEMPMAX °C
Minimum temperature TEMPMIN °C
Solar radiation SOLARAD MJm-2day-1
Rainfall RAIN mm
Wind speed WRUN kmh-1
Relative humidity (morning) %
Relative humidity (afternoon) %
Dew point temperature TDEW °C
Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) PAR MJm-2day-1
Soil texture SLTX
Soil local classification SLDESC
Soil family SCS system TACON
Soil depth SLDP m
Colour, moist SCOM
Albedo (fraction) SALB
Evaporation limit U cm
Drainage rate (fraction day-1 ) SWCON
Runoff curve number CN2
Mineralization (0 to 1 scale) SLNF
Photosynthesis factor (0 to 1 scale) SLPE
pH in buffer determination method SMPX
Potassium determination method SMKE
Lower limit drained LL(L) cm3cm3
Upper limit drained DUL(L) cm3cm3
Upper limit drained SAT(L) cm3cm3
Saturated hydraulic conductivity SWCN(L) cmhr-1
Bulk density moist BD(L) gcm-3
Organic carbon OC(L) %
Clay (<0.002 mm)` CLAY(L) %
Silt (0.05 to 0.002 mm) SILT(L) %
Coarse fraction (>2 mm) STONES(L) %
Total nitrogen TOTN(L) %
pH in buffer PHKCL(L)
Cation exchange capacity CEC(L) Cmolkg-1
Root growth factor 0 to 1 SHF(L)
Sowing date YRPLT
Emergence date IEMERG

Plant population at seedling PLNATS Plantm-2
Planting method (TP/direct seeded) PLME
Planting distribution (row/broadcast/hill) PLDS
Row spacing ROWSPS cm
Row direction (degree from north) AZIR
Plants per hill PLPH
Seed rate SDWTRL kgha-1
Sowing depth SDEPTH cm
Irrigation dates IDLAPL
Irrigation amount AMT(J) mm
Method of irrigation IRRCOD
Fertilizer application dates FDAY(J)
Fertilizer amount N ANFER kgha-1
Fertilizer type IFTYPE
Fertilizer application method FERCOD
Fertilizer incorporation depth DFERT cm
Tillage date TDATE
Tillage implement TIMPL
Tillage depth TDEP cm
Residue management LNRES
Chemical applications LNCHE
Environment modification LNENV
Harvest HDATE
Harvest stage HSTG
Harvest component HCOM
Harvest percentage kgha-1


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