Referenzi Zinc 2

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1, 2012

Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Growth in Very Low Birth

Weight Infants
by T. V. Ram Kumar, and Siddarth Ramji
Neonatal Division, Department of Pediatrics, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi 110002, India

Correspondence: T. V. Ram Kumar, Neonatal Division, Department of Pediatrics, Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi 110002, India. Tel: (91)09650784403; E-mail: <>.

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This was a randomized blinded placebo controlled trial undertaken to study the role of zinc supplemen-
tation on growth, primarily the linear growth velocity in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants at
3 months corrected age (CA). Out of 134 neonates with birth weight <1500 g, 101 babies were eligible.
Due to lack of consent 10 were excluded. The remaining 91 neonates who were comparable for sex,
gestational age, birth weight, APGAR and age at enrollment were randomized to receive either 1 ml of
zinc sulfate (10 mg elemental zinc) (n ¼ 46) or 1 ml placebo (n ¼ 45) from enrollment to 60 days. The
infants in the zinc group had significantly higher linear growth velocity (0.98  0.12 cm week1) com-
pared to a placebo group (0.67  0.15 cm week1) (p < 0.001) at 3 months CA. We concluded that zinc
supplementation at 10 mg day1 for 60 days in VLBW infants improves their linear growth during

Key words: Low birth weight, zinc, growth.

Introduction study was designed to test the hypothesis that zinc

Zinc is one of the most important trace elements for supplement at twice RDA for 60 days would improve
the body. Zinc plays a major role in various aspects the growth of VLBW (VLBW) neonates at 3 months
of physiology, immunity and skeletal growth. Its corrected gestational age.
many roles include participation in basic metabolic
functions such as cellular respiration, synthesis of Methods
many proteins and enzymes, DNA and RNA repli- This study was a double-blinded randomized control
cation, carbohydrate metabolism, cell division and trial, conducted in the Neonatal Division,
growth, pituitary and adrenal gland functions, integ- Department of Pediatrics, Maulana Azad Medical
rity of biological membranes and bone metabolism College and associated Lok Nayak Hospital, New
[1]. The problem of zinc deficiency in low birth Delhi, India. The study was approved by the ethical
weight (LBW) infants has been a subject of investi- committee of the institution. Neonates with birth
gation for over a decade. During the first weeks of weight <1500 g on enteral feed of at least
life, there is a progressive decrease in the serum levels 30 ml kg1 day1, whose parents were residents of
of zinc, accentuated in the small-for-gestational age Delhi, underwent screening for eligibility. Children
(SGA) group [2]. Supplementation studies in young with gross congenital malformations were excluded.
term, AGA infants have not shown benefits of zinc To detect a difference in linear growth velocity of
supplements, as the zinc content of breast milk is 0.1 cm week1 with SD of 0.07 between the interven-
adequate to meet the needs for first several months tion and placebo groups at an alpha error of 5% and
of life. However, in SGA and LBW infants, there power of 80%, it was estimated that 20 subjects
occurs postnatal zinc deficiency due to several fac- would be required in each trial arm. Allowing for
tors, including higher zinc nutritional requirements an attrition rate of 20%, it was decided to enroll 25
to support catch-up growth inadequate intake, im- subjects in each group. On obtaining informed writ-
paired zinc absorption, increased endogenous losses ten consent from parents, the subjects were rando-
associated with organ immaturity, especially the mized using computer-generated random number
gastro intestinal tract, increased losses associated sequence to intervention and placebo groups (blinded
with infections and impaired zinc status at birth as A or B). Allocation concealment was done by pla-
[3, 4]. The exchangeable zinc pool is smaller in cing them in opaque sealed envelopes. The neonates
SGA infants. They have smaller liver size, the mag- in one arm received 1 ml of zinc sulfate (10 mg ml1
nitude of difference being 35–40% [5]. The present of elemental zinc in reconstituted solution) i.e. twice

ß The Author [2011]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: 50
doi:10.1093/tropej/fmr036 Advance Access published on 5 May 2011

RDA, and babies in other arm received 1 ml placebo and asked to attend weekly or earlier if there was
each day for 60 days from enrollment. The drug was any problem. The booklet clearly mentioned the
available as a white powder in white opaque plastic dates of next visit, the date on which she actually
container. When sterile water was added up to the attended and a picture to aid administration of
indicator mark, it provided 15 ml of solution contain- drug. It also had a sheet where mother marked a
ing 10 mg ml1 of elemental zinc. The placebo (which ‘tick’ on administration of drug or on opening of a
did not have zinc as an active ingredient) was also in new bottle. It contained the mobile number of the
a powder form with similar color, taste and packing. investigator to be contacted if the parents felt that
All bottles were labeled either A or B. Each bottle their baby was ill or have any doubt regarding the
once reconstituted was meant for use for 3 days and drug. Compliance was checked by entries in mother’s
the remaining being discarded. The drug/placebo was booklet and measuring residual volume of drug in the
given by 1 ml disposable syringe by the investigator bottle at each visit. For those who did not attend

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initially and later by the mother under investigator’s follow up on the stipulated date, the parents were
supervision, till she became sufficiently proficient to contacted by telephone or post card. Those who
administer it correctly by herself. were not traced by either of these were then traced
At baseline, the data on maternal and infant char- by social worker by home visit. If no contact was
acteristics were recorded. They were then followed made even after home visit, the subject was con-
weekly for 3 months corrected age (CA). At each sidered a permanent loss to follow up.
visit, the weight, length, head circumference and tri- The data were analyzed by Epi Info software. An
ceps skin-fold thickness were recorded. At discharge intention to treat strategy was used for analyzing the
the mother was given a mother booklet (in Hindi) data. All continuous parametric variables were

Subjects screened for eligibility (n=134)


• Non-residents=9
• Malformations=7
• Not reached enteral feed of

Subjects eligible (n=101)

Not randomized=10

• Consent not given=7

• Consent not taken=3

Randomized (n=91)

Zinc Placebo
(n=46) (n=45)

Not completed trial=10 Not completed trial=18

• Lost to follow up=2
• Died=8 • Lost to follow up=4
• Died=14

Completed trial
Completed trial
(n=36) (n=27)

FIG. 1. Flow of the study.

Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol. 58, No. 1 51


compared between the groups by using t-test and all were symmetrically growth retarded (ponderal index
non-parametric variables by Mann–Whitney test. All >10th centile of reference standards). The proportion
categorical data were analyzed by chi-square/Fisher’s of preterms (<37 weeks) was comparable in both
exact test. A probability of 5% was considered groups (zinc: 25%; placebo: 26.6%). Table 3 shows
significant. the changes in growth during the period of the study
between the zinc and placebo groups. Weight, length
Results and triceps skin-fold thickness at 40 weeks post con-
ception age (PCA) showed non-significant trend for
The neonates with birth weight <1500 g were
higher values in the zinc group compared to the
screened for eligibility (n ¼ 134) as depicted in
placebo group. At 52 weeks PCA, all the growth par-
Fig. 1. Of these, 33 infants (24.6%) were non-eligible
ameters were significantly higher in the zinc com-
due to reasons mentioned in the Fig.1. Of the 101
pared to placebo group. The linear growth velocity

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neonates who were eligible for the study, 10 could
in the zinc group was significantly higher
not be randomized due to lack of consent. The re-
(0.98  0.12 cm week1) compared to the placebo
maining 91 neonates were randomized to either zinc
group (0.67  0.15 cm week1) by an average of
(n ¼ 46) or placebo (n ¼ 45). There were 91 eligible
about 0.3 cm week1.
neonates randomized to zinc (n ¼ 46) or placebo
(n ¼ 45) arm. A total of 63 neonates completed the
study (36 in zinc and 27 in placebo arm). The infants Discussion
not completing the study were significantly lower The present study demonstrated that VLBW neo-
in birth weight and gestation. The baseline param- nates who were exclusively fed with breast milk and
eters of mothers in the two groups were compar- supplemented with zinc for 60 days had significantly
able except for maternal weight (Table 1). The higher weight, length and head size at 52 weeks PCA
maternal weight in the placebo group was significant- compared to those who had received a placebo.
ly more (53.9  9.7 kg) compared to zinc group The results of the present study were similar to
(50.1  7.9 kg). The neonates randomized to the those reported by Castillo-Duran et al. [6] in a ran-
zinc and placebo groups were comparable for domized controlled trial of zinc supplementation
gender, birth weight, gestational age, intrauterine (3 mg day1) among 68 term SGA neonates who
growth status, Apgar scores and age at enrollment received mixed feeding of breast milk and enriched
(Table 2). The enrolled neonates were about 1300 g supplemented cow’s milk formula over 6 months.
and 34 weeks gestation at birth. Over two-thirds of The zinc supplemented groups were observed to
the enrolled subjects were growth retarded (birth have significantly higher weight and length at
weight <10th centile for gestation of reference 6 months of age. The weight change in these infants
growth standards) and almost half of these infants was, however, reported to be also influenced by sex

Baseline maternal characteristics

Characteristics Zinc (n ¼ 46) Placebo (n ¼ 45) p-value

Age of mother (years) (mean, SD) 24.5  3.2 25.2  3.4 0.3
Parity(median, inter-quartile range) 2 (1–2) 2 (1–3) 0.3
Socio-economic statusa (%)
I 6 (13.6) 5 (11.1) 0.3
II 15 (34.1) 16 (35.6)
III 12 (27.3) 12 (27.3)
IV 11 (25) 11 (25)
V 0 (0) 0 (0)
Antenatal care (3 visits) (%) 26 (60.5) 34 (75.6) 0.2
Hypertension (%) 8 (18.2) 15 (33.3) 0.16
Diabetes (%) 0 (0) 1 (2.2) 0.5
Weight (kg) (mean, SD) 50.1  7.9 53.9  9.7 0.04
Height (cm) (mean, SD) 152.3  4.1 152.9  3.5 0.5
Mode of delivery (%)
Vaginal 38(86.4) 35 (77.8) 0.4
Caesarean 6(13.6) 10 (22.2)
Hemoglobin (g/dl) (mean, SD) 10.2  1.7 10.1  1.7 0.8

ANC ¼ Antenatal care.

Kuppuswamy scale (2003).

52 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol. 58, No. 1


Baseline infant characteristics

Characteristics Zinc (n ¼ 46) Placebo (n ¼ 45) p-value

Male gender (%) 23 (52.3) 20 (44.4) 0.6

Gestational age (weeks) (mean, SD) 34.8  2.8 34.6  2.9 0.7
Birth weight (g) (mean, SD) 1310  185 1268  197 0.3
APGAR (median, inter-quartile range)
1 min 9 (9–9)(n ¼ 43) 9 (9–9) (n ¼ 43) 0.1
5 min 9 (9–9)(n ¼ 43) 9 (9–9) (n ¼ 44) 0.1
Ponderal index (mean, SD) 2.1  0.2 2.1  0.3 0.6
IUG status (%)

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AGA (10th–90th centile) 13 (29.5) 13 (28.9) 0.9
SGA (<10th centile) 31 (70.5) 32 (71.1) 0.8
Symmetrical SGA (B.Wt <10th centile and P.I. >10th centile) 15 (48.4) 13 (40.6) 0.7
Age at enrollment (days) (mean, SD) 3.3  1.6 3.7  1.9 0.3
Age when maximal enteral feed achieved (days) (mean, SD) 6.3  1.5 6.4  1.7 0.7

IUG ¼ Intra uterine growth, AGA ¼ Appropriate for gestational age, P.I. ¼ Ponderal index, B.Wt ¼ Birth weight.

Changes in growth between zinc and placebo groups

Anthropometrical variable Zinc Placebo p-value

Weight (g) (mean, SD)

At enrollment 1310  185 (n ¼ 46) 1268  197 (n ¼ 45) 0.3
At 40 weeks of PCA 1839  348 (n ¼ 38) 1722.7  377 (n ¼ 35) 0.2
At 52 weeks of PCA 4120.1  635 (n ¼ 36) 3404.4  802 (n ¼ 27) 0.0003
Length (cm) (mean, SD)
At enrollment 39.3  1.9 (n ¼ 46) 38.9  1.9 (n ¼ 45) 0.4
At 40 weeks of PCA 43.8  2.4 (n ¼ 38) 42.8  2.3 (n ¼ 35) 0.07
At 52 weeks of PCA 55.9  2.4 (n ¼ 36) 50.7  3.9 (n ¼ 27) <0.001
Head circumference (cm) (mean, SD)
At enrollment 27.5  1.6 (n ¼ 46) 27.4  1.5 (n ¼ 45) 0.6
At 40 weeks of PCA 30.9  1.6 (n ¼ 38) 30.9  2.2 (n ¼ 35) 0.8
At 52 weeks of PCA 37.5  1.7 (n ¼ 36) 36.1  2.2 (n ¼ 27) 0.008
Triceps skin-fold thickness (mm) (mean, SD)
At enrollment 2.5  0.4 (n ¼ 46) 2.6  0.5 (n ¼ 45) 0.3
At 40 weeks of PCA 3.6  0.8 (n ¼ 38) 3.3  0.7 (n ¼ 35) 0.2
At 52 weeks of PCA 7.5  1.4 (n ¼ 35) 5.8  1.6 (n ¼ 27) <0.001
Linear growth velocity (cm week1) (mean, SD) 0.98  0.12 (n ¼ 36) 0.67  0.15 (n ¼ 27) <0.001

and enriched formula and not zinc alone. The study full-term LBW infants between 1500 and 2499 g,
had also observed that the effect of zinc on linear observed only a significant difference in weight gain
growth was noted as early as 30 days after initiation (mean birth weight 2337  152 g) among the zinc sup-
of zinc supplementation; an observation also noted in plemented group at 26 weeks of age. The authors
the present study. Two other studies in VLBW in- postulated that the lack of effect of zinc on linear
fants by Friel et al. [7] and Gomez et al. [8] reported growth in their study could be due to the low
significant improvement in linear growth among zinc number (about 27%) of stunted infants (less than
supplemented infants, but not for weight and head 2 SD of length for age), which was about 27%.
circumference. The lack of effect on weight and head However, this argument appears untenable, since a
circumference in these studies may have been due to controlled randomized trial among Ethiopian infants
lower dosage of zinc supplementation compared to observed a significant effect of zinc on linear growth
the higher (therapeutic) dose used in the present in both stunted and non-stunted infants. This benefit
study. was postulated to be due to reduction of anorexia,
In contrast, a community-based randomized acute respiratory infection and diarrhea in zinc sup-
double blind trial by Lira et al. [9] which enrolled plemented infants and the existence of zinc deficiency

Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol. 58, No. 1 53


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54 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol. 58, No. 1

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