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Senior High School

San Teodoro, Bunawan, Agusan del Sur


21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Name: _____________________________________ Score: ________________________

Teacher: ___________________________________ Date: _________________________

General Directions: This fifty-item examination will take only for 60 minutes. Please read every test
instruction. Write your answers LEGIBLY, NEATLY and AVOID ERASURES. Best of luck!


Directions: Identify representative text (column B) and authors (Column A) from ENGLISH, AMERICAN,
EUROPEAN and ASIAN Literature. Write the letter of the correct answer to the space provided.


_____1. Robert Frost A. Live or Die

_____2. William Shakespeare B. Don Quixote
_____3. Ernest Hemingway C. Decameron
_____4. Edgar Allan Poe D. The Iliad
_____5. Geoffrey Chaucer E. The Road Not Taken
_____6. Anne Sexton F. The Canterbury Tales
_____7. Giovanni Boccaccio G. The Scarlet Letter
_____8. Walt Whitman H. O Captain, My Captain
_____9. Homer I. Raven
_____10. Nathaniel Hawthorne J. Sonnet 18
K. The Killers
L. Rip Van Winkle


Directions: Read and understand the following questions carefully. Write your answer thrice (like ‘aaa’) in the
space provided before the number.

_____11. The following are American Literature writers EXCEPT _______________.

a. Edgar Allan Poe c. Robert Browning
b. Emily Dickinson d. Washington Irving
_____12. Which of the following literary pieces does not belong to William Shakespeare works?
a. Hamlet c. My Last Duchess
b. King Lear d. Sonnet 18
_____13. Which of the following choices is the similar meaning of the underlined words in the lines taken from
the story “The Scarlet Letter”?
“Yea, woman, thou sayest truly!” cried old Roger Chillingworth, letting the lurid fire of
his heart blaze out before eyes.

a. for he is angry c. for he is happy

b. for he is devil d. for he is in love
_____14. What is the synonymous meaning of this line from the Raven “Leave no black plume as a token that
lie thy soul hath spoken”?
a. a black large feather bird c. a parrot talking bird
b. a cute tail bird d. a white dove bird
_____15. According to William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 in his second line: “Thou art more lovely and more
temperate”. What does it mean?
a. The youth’s beauty is not important.
b. The youth’s beauty is hot and sexy in summer
c. The youth’s beauty is opposite in to a summer’s day
d. The youth’s beauty is more perfect than the beauty of a summer day.
_____16. In the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, In leaves no step had trodden black
means ________________.
a. Neither the roads is less travelled by. c. The road is more travelled by.
b. Neither the roads has end road. d. The road is beautiful to travel by.
_____17. Laura Esquivel’s Como Agua Para Chocolate is an example of _____________.
a. creacionismo b. magic realism c. realism d. surrealism
_____18. What is the author’s message to convey us about his work in The Road Not Taken?
This is all about ______________________.
a. the roads and yellow woods.
b. the choice or decision making in life.
c. the two roads that you can have both ways to travel.
d. the end of the road, that when you are getting tired of life you can jump off
to the clip that easily.
_____19. Which of the following is the EXACT description of the Letter A on Hester’s dress in
“The Scarlet Letter”.
a. It is symbolizes by being adult. c. It is symbolizes of adultery.
b. It is symbolizes by being alive. d. It is symbolizes of a single parent.
_____20. How can you extend help to a single mom that being bullied by the people of the community like
Hester’s life for being a single mother? I will _____________________.
a. help her how to revenge to the people.
b. encourage her to donate her child to someone’s well off.
c. help her to get a husband to stand as the father of her child.
d. help her by encouraging her to stand in her feet and fight for her rights.
_____21. Which one of the following is the BEST thing to do when you are choosing the wrong road to take?
a. take a suicide
b. blaming God for the road you take
c. blaming parents for what will happened to you
d. face the road confidently for it’s your decision in the first place.
_____22. Is it impossible to take two roads at the same time?
a. Yes, because we can serve two lords at the same time.
b. No, because you can experience two roads at the same time.
c. No, because you cannot turn back, to take another road at the same time.
d. Yes, because it’s easy to turn back to the other roads when you change your mind instantly.
_____23. “Gio’s sock still soaked with sweat from Tuesday’s P.E class filled the classroom with an aroma to
that of salty, weak- old, rotting fish”. The statement generally uses _______________.
a. alliteration b. imagery c. metaphor d. simile
_____24. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? What figure of speech is being used?
a. hyperbole b. simile c. metaphor d. symbolism
_____25. The Raven described as a sadness and darkness.
a. imagery b. metaphor c. simile d. symbolism
_____26. What figures of speech being use in this line “Life is a journey”?
a. imagery b. metaphor c. simile d. symbolism
_____27. What literary technique was used in the lines of “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by: T.S Eliot?
I shall wear the bottoms of trousers rolled
Shall I part my hair behind?
Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers,
And walk upon the beach
a. enjambment c. rhyme scheme
b. trochaic d. stream of consciousness
_____28. What literary techniques are being used in these lines?
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.
a. enjambment c. rhyme scheme
b. trochaic d. stream of consciousness
_____29. What is the measurement of this line of William Shakespeare in the Sonnet 18?
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”
a. enjambment b. iambic pentameter c. hexameter d. trimester
_____30. What literary devices being use in this line of the Raven; “Night’s of the Plutonian Shore”?
a. alliteration b. allusion c. metaphor d. simile
_____31. This is a figure of speech when a word’s pronunciation imitates its sounds.
a. alliteration b. imagery c. onomatopoeia d. simile
_____32. What literary genre was applied to the story “The Scarlet Letter”?
a. funny b. horror c. murder d. mystery
_____33. What is the genre of “The Killers” by; Earnest Hemingway?
a. funny b. horror c. murder d. mystery
_____34. Analyze what rhyme scheme is being applied in the first line of the poem “The Road Not Taken”.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To what it bent in the undergrowth;
_____35. How many enjambments are there in the above lines?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
_____36. What do you mean by “Bard of Avon”?
a. The great dramatist c. The great singer
b. The great poet d. The great writer
_____37. What is the other meaning of “Thanatopsis”?
a. exotic b. meditation c. poem d. sorrow
_____38. Who is the father of English Literature?
a. Emily Dickenson b. Edgar Allan Poe c. Geoffrey Chaucer d.Robert Frost
_____39. He is the father of horror story.
a. Emily Dickenson b. Edgar Allan Poe c. Geoffrey Chaucer d.Robert Frost
_____40. Who is the father of free verse?
a. Emily Dickenson b. Edgar Allan Poe c. Robert Frost d.Walt Whitman
_____41. What type of electronic literature that refers to works of verse or includes verse with links to
sub- poem?
a. blog b. hyperfiction c. hyperpoetry d. textuala
_____42. What type of electronic literature that is truly hypertextual fiction is non- linear, it cannot be
represented on a printed page?
a. blog b. hyperfiction c. hyperpoetry d. textuala
_____43. It is also known as picture poem.
a. blog b. hyperfiction c. textuala d. photopoem
_____44. It is so called as online journal.
a. blog b. hyperfiction c. hyperpoetry d. textuala
_____45. This electronic literature includes a power of visual images to narrate without the help of words.
a. blog b. photo poem c. silent comics d. textuala
_____46. Who is the main character in the story “The Scarlet Letter”?
a.Chillingworth b. Demisdale c. Hester & Pearl d. Hawthorn
_____47. What literary elements do this line belongs?
“The adventure begins at the Tabard Inn. Here you will meet the first of your
costumed guides who’ll prepare you for your pilgrimage to Canterbury.”
a. climax b. introduction c. resolution d. rising action
_____48. What literary elements do this line belongs?
“Chillingworth discovers a mark on the man’s breast (the details of which
are kept from the reader), which convinces him that his suspicions are correct”
a. climax b. introduction c. resolution d. rising action
_____49. Which of the following is the BEST theme for “The Scarlet Letter”?
a. Love conquers all. c. Love is selfish.
b. Love is full of fun. d. True love can wait
_____50. If you have the chance to give or to change the title of the sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare, which
of these choices is the BEST title for the poem?
a. The Eternal Beauty of Nature c. The Eternal Beauty of Summer
b. The Eternal Beauty of Men d. The Summer’s Day

Your examination ends here.

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