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Submitted by:
Project F3

Section W / B

Jose Gabriel Reyes

Edward Francis O. Sioson
Leonah Yosalina
Miguel Ramos
Rynell Espiridion

Submitted to:
Table of Contents
Business Profile 3

Industry Profile 4
Trends and Issues 4

External Environment Analysis 5

Industry Competitors 5
Potential Entrants 6
Suppliers 6
Buyers 7
Substitutes 7

SWOT Analysis 8
Strengths 8
Weaknesses 8
Opportunities 9
Threats 9

Business Domain Analysis 10

Logical DFD Level 0 10

Problem Statement 12

Solution Analysis 12
Solution 1 13
Solution 2 14
Solution 3 16

Comparison Analysis 17

Recommendations 22
Implementation Information 22
Assumptions 22
Constraints 23
Dependencies 23

References 24

Business Profile

Reyes Clinic is a medical clinic that offers women’s care, primarily ob-gyn and ultrasound
services, as well as general healthcare. OB-GYNs provide a wide range of preventive care services,
including pap smears, STI testing, pelvic exams, ultrasounds, and blood work. They can answer a
person's questions about pregnancy, sex, reproductive health, infertility, and numerous other
topics (MedicalNewsToday, n.d.) The clinic also has a supplementary pharmacy which sells
prescribed medicine for patients post-consultation. The service they offer achieves their Mission
and Vision to "provide quality and affordable obstetric and gynecologic care to women in Antipolo
and nearby towns".

The clinic was first established in the early 90s in another location within Antipolo. It was
once a birthing clinic that offered laboratory and x-ray with a drugstore alongside it. Due to high
expenses, the clinic had to temporarily close down and relocate. In 2009, the new Reyes Clinic
was built in its current location, and in 2018 the clinic expanded and renovated to increase the
current number of cubicles and be able to accommodate more ultrasound machines and a fetal
monitor. Because of this, there are now more seating areas to be able to accommodate more

In addition to ob-gyn consultations and ultrasounds, they also offer fetal monitoring, and
dispensing of ob-gyn medicines (This would include prenatal supplements and other ob-gyn
medicines). When it comes to consultations, the clinic has specialists that cover a few of the areas
that pertain to the services they offer like sonologists that can handle the ultrasound machines
that are stationed within the clinic and a gynecologic cancer specialist that can handle
consultations if needed.

As mentioned before, they also have a pharmacy that sells prescribed medicine to patients
that visit the clinic. Despite that their sales of medicine contribute about 10% of the revenue of
the clinic as the remaining 90% would be on the services they provide. Another thing about
services is that once the patient needs to deliver, the clinic would refer them to the Antipolo
Doctors Hospital since the clinic itself no longer has a lying-in service.

The organization consists of the owner of the clinic who is an anesthesiologist, two (2)
secretaries, an internist cardiologist and ob-gyn subspecialists: those include two (2)
perinatologists/sonologists, an infertility specialist, a gynecologic cancer specialist, three (3) other
ob-gyn sonologists, and a female general surgeon. These members are illustrated in the chart

The roles of the Secretaries are to handle scheduling appointments and writing down
patient information and storing it for safekeeping. They also report to each other for any new
consultations so that they can properly calculate any medication that the patient will have to
purchase if needed as well as update the Patient’s information based on the consultation’s result.

As for the sub-specialists, some handle the patient consultations, such as the infertility
specialists and Cancer specialist, and some handle the ultrasound machines and fetal monitors
that are present in the clinic, such as the Sonologists. These sub-specialists are knowledgeable in
their area of expertise so patients can expect both competency and quality in the clinic’s services.

Industry Profile
The clinic belongs to the healthcare industry which is centered on the provision of medical
services, insurance, patient care, and the like, as well as the production of medical supplies and

equipment. Reyes Clinic focuses on women’s healthcare, specifically gynecology and obstetrics
which is constantly being advocated for in the country. For an industry that is continuously
expanding, industry analysis is essential to make sound decisions and a strong project proposal for
the organization.

Trends and Issues

Just like any business during the pandemic, Reyes Clinic was not immune to the challenges
that covid had brought. Although its link to the healthcare industry gave it an advantage compared
to other businesses. At the peak of the pandemic, services were provided on an appointment basis
only. For safety purposes, they also changed their policy to observe social distancing and require
vaccination proof to be able to avail of their services. Retaining employees are not affected
because of how important healthcare is to the community. After the height of the pandemic, they
are accepting walk-ins again but still require vaccination proof and social distancing. Health care
will always be an essential service and customers did not decrease much despite restrictions. It is
also because of the ineffable need for health care that the clinic did not encounter supply issues. It
is a must for patients to be assessed in person and this physical evaluation cannot be replaced. The
problem that they did face though is the lack of manpower, sonologists specifically since not all
OBs know how to operate the ultrasound machine. Apart from the previously mentioned problem,
there were no additional struggles from trends and issues.

As for the clinic’s plans, some of the foreseeable issues and changes they are bound to see
is a lower frequency of visits from the owner. The owner is getting old and wants to spend less
time in the clinic. Unsure of what direction the clinic will go in, with high hopes, they plan to add
more services and hire younger doctors and consultants to join. As for a more technical aspect, the
clinic’s space is limited, with an estimate of 35sqm only. Should the clinic want to widen its range
of services and cater to more patients, more room is needed for such expansion. In line with this,
rent costs are also bound to go up.

The Local Competition

When considering nearby competitors, this will be primarily limited to the Upper Antipolo
area and Antipolo City proper. The main hospital competitors include The Medical City Clinic,
Clinica Antipolo Hospital & Wellness Center, and Fatima University Medical Center among other

hospitals. The Medical City Clinic is a private outpatient ambulatory clinic that offers a wide
range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures targeted to address a broad array of diseases.
They have laboratories for Imaging(X-rays and ultrasound), Heart stations (Electrocardiogram,
Echocardiogram, and blood pressure). They include physical therapy, dental clinics, and
uroflowmetry. Clinica Antipolo Hospital and Wellness Center, Inc. is a private hospital that
provides patients with multiple services and specialized doctors such as audiologists to
obstetrician-gynecologists as well. Fatima University Medical Center is one of the leading
healthcare contributors and has a branch located in Antipolo. They have multiple operations and
laboratories. Their centers and departments have many varieties such as obstetrics and
gynecology, radiology, family medicine surgery, and much more.
Meanwhile, there are also at least 3 other lying-in clinics within the area that have been
established and currently being run by doctors, with 2 being operated by ob-gynecologists and 1
being run by a general surgeon. 2 of these clinics have been upgraded into small hospitals, Soriano-
Leyble Hospital and Santana-Basilio Hospital, which both offer Cesarean Section and laboratory
Finally, there are also 2 other diagnostic centers and laboratories that operate outside of a
hospital, Apex Diagnostics and Physical Rehab and Accucell Diagnostic Center. Apex Diagnostics
offers a wide range of specialties due to the number of doctors that the company employs, such as
ENT specialists, Ob-Gynecology specialists, family medicine, cardiologists, etc. On the other hand,
Accucell Diagnostic Center offers a whole host of services in order to help diagnose patients, such
as complete blood chemistry tests and urinalysis tests.

External Environment Analysis

Industry Competitors (Moderately High)

Competitors for Reyes Clinic would mainly include big hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics
with similar functions and services as Reyes Clinic. The biggest competitor that the clinic has are
the main hospitals because they have the most services that they can provide to the customers.
They have access to better and more up-to-date healthcare technology with their laboratories, as

well as more access to medicine whereas clinics have access to basic medicine and specialized

Another advantage these competitors have is that these hospitals have laboratories that
can be used for tests and analysis to give a wider range of possible diagnosis to the patient so that
proper care and management of their health can be achieved. With RC lacking such, they have to
refer the patients to a laboratory and wait for the results to be able to give out a diagnosis. As they
only provide consultation and would refer them to another hospital if such an event occurs. As
mentioned before, the clinic is unable to offer birthing services as it has numerous requirements
needed to be able to do so due to this being controlled by PhilHealth. If a patient requires birthing
service, they would be referred to ADH as they can provide these types of services. But for
procedures such as advanced ultrasound, the clinic has working machines to be able to do these

What makes the clinic different from the main hospitals is the accessibility of them to the
patients because of location and costs. Clinics usually are situated nearer to certain patients and
can be much cheaper for checkups and special services compared to main hospitals. What Reyes
Clinic has over main hospitals is the fact that they are specialized, they offer more services to their
specialization which is ob-gyn compared to main hospitals. RC also sells the medicine that they
prescribed to the patients so it would make sense that the other competitor they have are other
pharmacies that sell similar products that they would sell. Another would be leading drugstores
selling the same type of medicines and supplements to patients. Although RC has a pharmacy
sector close to the clinic, it is only viable whenever a patient has a prescription after a consultation
or the patient is nearby to the store itself. Otherwise, buying prescribed medicine and
supplements is usually done in leading drugstores that are usually stationed around the area.

Finally, RC is not the only clinic that specializes in its service, the other competitors they
have are the other clinics that offer the same services that RC offers. Some of those clinics can
have better equipment or doctors than RC, and they may also have better offers because of that
reason, and vice versa with RC to the other clinics.

Potential Entrants (Moderately High)
Firstly, the clinic’s specialization already gives it an advantage over general healthcare
clinics. Given that the clinic caters to women’s reproductive needs, it will always be in demand,
even in times of a pandemic. Entrants, new competitors, may have a hard time surpassing the clinic
for proprietary technology necessary to enter the industry. Machines are costly, especially newer
ones with higher capabilities. Operating these machines, and overall clinic services, require
educated staff. Medical-related education is costly and takes years, additionally, subspecialties
take even longer. Education is a non-negotiable for it inhibits medical malpractice, misdiagnoses,
and wrong management. These two (2) factors need to be considered before fully committing and
delving into the industry.

Suppliers (Moderate)
The suppliers for the Reyes Clinic provide the clinic with medical supplies that can be used
such as gloves, ultrasound gels, pregnancy tests, thermal papers, drugs and supplements, and also
papers and forms. They also have suppliers that provide miscellaneous e.g. cleaning supplies,
mops, and alcohol to keep the cleanliness of the hospital, especially after the height of the

The suppliers are the ones that allow the clinic to perform its functions and without them,
the clinic would not be functional. Even if their current supplier for medical supplies runs out of
stock, they are still able to find other suppliers available that provide the same supplies. As for the
drugs and supplements, these are provided by medical representatives from certain companies
but just like medical supplies, if ever there is a shortage or lack of stock they can always switch as
there are companies that provide quality medicines and supplements with no written partnership

Buyers (Moderate)
The demographic for the buyers of Reyes Clinic would consist of primarily pregnant
women, although women of all ages, both young and old, can still avail of certain services. The
former segment go to the clinic in order to make use of the ultrasound services, check-ups
throughout their pregnancy, buying medicines for their pregnancy, etc. The latter 2 meanwhile,
the younger and older women that aren’t pregnant can instead come to the clinic in order to have
their gynecological health checked as well as to consult with the subspecialists present within the

clinic, with issues such as discharge, cancer, infertility, missed menses, and bleeding coming up
during consultations and check-ups. While the general population of Upper Antipolo / Antipolo
City spans the socio-economic classes from lower middle to upper middle, many of the clinic’s
patients consist of those from the lower middle economic class given that the services are priced
affordably and sometimes lower than its competition in certain cases. 70% of the patients that
come to Reyes Clinic come during their first pregnancy, having heard of the clinic either online,
seeing it during the day due to its location, or having it recommended to them by friends and
family. While other patients might only come for an initial check-up and then switch to another
clinic, many patients still come back to have their successive pregnancies assessed at the clinic,
with Dra. Reyes’ nearly 30 years as an ob-gynecologist resulted in many patients even
recommending their children to go to the clinic should they have their own pregnancies as well.

Substitutes (Moderate)
Substitutes for Reyes Clinic would include patients self-medicating or self-diagnosing, as
well as online consultations for similar services. Self-diagnosis is the process of diagnosing a
medical condition in oneself. Usually, people google symptoms or signs of having an illness to try
and figure out if they have a condition. After this, they would get medication based on their self-
diagnosis like they would a doctor's prescription. This is highly frowned upon. After all, it can be
dangerous to the patient because it isn’t done by a professional and can lead to improper
consumption of medication. The next substitute that RC has are online consultants because RC
includes consultations in their services. Now because RC has specific services catered to pregnant
women it would usually require technology and machines such as ultrasound to aid in
consultations, it is highly unlikely that patients would substitute online consultations for the clinic
unless it is only for checkups that would not require this technology.

As for rivals, the most common areas of the medical resource centers are Buliran Rd, Brgy.
San Luis , Sumulong Hwy, Brgy. Mambugan, Magsaysay Ave, Brgy. Dela Paz, and Brgy. Santa Cruz.
These areas have several healthcare facilities that provide the same clinical services. One example
is Fatima University Medical Center, a medical facility that provides more services to patients in
addition to what the clinic currently does like Internal Medicine and Family Medical which can be a
viable substitute for Medical Health Services. Another would be practices in less populated areas
in Antipolo that make use of more traditional medical practices like Hilot as these sorts of

practices are often relied on in the past as an alternative. Especially when there is an Academy
that is stationed within Antipolo which is focused on teaching Traditional Medicine.


One of the major strengths of the clinic is sub-specialist’s that can be present on-site, as
they are able to provide a proper consultation to any oncoming patient. Along with the owner of
the clinic Dra Reyes, who is an anesthesiologist, there are a total of nine (9) sub-specialists that can
provide proper consultation within the clinic. As mentioned before, sub-specialists such as the
Sonologists are well-equipped with knowledge on how to use the Ultrasound Machines and give
proper results and prescriptions as it is within their area of expertise, these goes the same for
consultations that require an expert such as Infertility Specialist that can give patients quality
consultations when needed. What is great about having these sub-specialists in the clinic is that
they are within reach so that if for example an ultrasound result comes in, the patient does not
need to move out of the clinic and look for another hospital to get a consultation as there would be
one within the facility already.

Another strength that they have is in their services, they can offer ultrasound services
along with consultations to patients wherein most clinics would offer them separately in their
services. Patients would usually get their ultrasound first and then proceed to an ultrasound
consultant after getting their ultrasound results. But in Reyes Clinic, once a patient has gone to do
an ultrasound within the clinic, a consultant is already present to inform the patient of the results
without the need to go to a different clinic or hospital.

While there are numerous opportunities for the clinic to expand such as offering more
specialized services, increasing consultation hours, hiring more subspecialists such as sonologists,
the primary weakness would be the underutilization of IT with regards to tracking transactions
and paperwork. Currently, the clinic does all its paperwork and accounting manually, where once
transactions have been completed, receipts are then written and tracked through a logbook.
Additionally, patient records and charts, while doctor-patient confidentiality is still applied as well
as secured through locked cabinets, can still be hard to find due to the number of patients that the
clinic has received throughout the years. With the records in particular, there have been times

where the charts aren’t complete, with certain prescriptions and services rendered not being
written down, and as a result, the clinic is unable to track these transactions and undercharges the
patients. For example, some patients will come in for ultrasound scans and ask for a second
opinion, since a full ultrasound report isn’t being made, there are times where the transaction isn’t
listed and therefore goes uncharged. Other examples of services and transactions going
uncharged would include the sale of prescription medicines as well as pregnancy tests.

Other weaknesses that the clinic faces would include patients queuing and coming in early,
resulting in long and unnecessary wait times as well as crowded clinic space, fewer hours being
worked by Dra. Reyes due to her age, resulting in a smaller window for patient consultation and
check-ups, and the lack of sonologists, also resulting in fewer opportunities for full utilization of
the ultrasound machine since the current sonologist only comes in in the afternoon.

With the ever-growing demand for quality healthcare, an opportunity arises especially
after the pandemic swept across the world for two years. With more services that clinics may
offer, it's given an avenue to expand their business to provide quality and efficient healthcare.

As mentioned before, the clinic has plans to expand its business to be able to provide
general women’s healthcare within Antipolo. As this would be a great opportunity to widen their
range of services to other types of women’s healthcare as well. Especially with the number of
avenues for women’s healthcare, the clinic can expand its services if they have the funds for it.

Another would be able to include modern technology that can make their workflow much
more efficient, as most hospitals have implemented different systems, which can make the jobs of
the current workforce much easier. Especially when we are currently in the age of technology
where businesses thrive with the help of modern technology.

Although healthcare is an industry that is pandemic-proof, no practice is immune from
threats. The clinic may face the following threats: a wide range of hospitals within the patient’s
vicinity, social perception of clinics, technological changes, and rising costs.

There are at least 20 hospitals within the city of Antipolo, these hospitals may offer the
same ob-gyn and ultrasound services as the clinic, among other specialties and practices. The
patient’s proximity and preference for these hospitals are counted as a threat. Convenience may
be the determining factor as to where the patient would go, given that the services provided could
be an immediate need. In addition, the social perception of clinics may be a threat to the
organization. Established hospitals, especially those that have been around longer, are preferred
due to the wider range of services and patient trust and loyalty. Lastly, technological changes and
rising costs go hand in hand as a threat. As previously mentioned, one of the barriers to entering
this industry is costly machines. It was also shared by the organization that some of its competitors
have stopped offering ob-gyn and ultrasounds because they made higher margins in other

Business Domain Analysis

Logical DFD Level 0

Problem Statement

Reyes Clinic faces a rather difficult situation where the clinic is running out of space for the
Medical Records. Ever since 2009, the clinic mostly records everything manually, especially
patient records and sub-specialist consultation results. All these records are placed in a filing
cabinet. With the number of patients that they have to deal with throughout those thirteen (13)
years, the space for filing cabinets is running out and having to buy more of it will be costly
especially when there is no space for any additional filing cabinets. Because of the sheer number of
records that the clinic has to manage, sometimes the secretaries who are in charge of writing
these records would make an error which leads to records being incomplete. Sometimes records
get lost which makes the secretaries rewrite the records again, which would mean more space will
be used. Their current manual process is not suited to the number of records that are being made
each and every day. As some of the errors from such process led to patients overpaying for
medication they most likely do not need or underpaying

Ever since pandemic restrictions have gotten more lax over time, the demand for quality
healthcare is increasing again. With this, the clinic must be able to accommodate oncoming
patients. They would be handling more data than usual which needs to be properly organized.
With the number of Softwares and Systems that exist in the market, the clinic utilized these to
organize patient information at a faster rate, which can lead to more immediate medical
responses, effective decision making and generate more sales. However, because of the lack of IT
Personnel they are not able to implement such within the clinic.

Solution Analysis
The group formulated three (3) possible solutions that can address the current problem
Reyes Clinic is facing. The following solutions involve facilitation of implementing a system that
will automate their current processes. This will be done in an online setting as the passing COVID-
19 pandemic is taken to account during planning.

The client has set a few requirements of features that they are looking for in an Electronic
Health Record (EHR software):
- To allow users to write down an Electronic Health Record that can be edited and revisited
whenever the patient returns.
- To allow users to set up patient appointments, so that they are able to prepare whenever a
patient is about to arrive
- To track patient prescriptions so that it will not be forgotten
- To allow users to access the needed data anywhere in the facility
Additional things that the client notes but is not a high priority according to them:
- To track medical inventory supplies

One thing to note when choosing a is that these cannot be solved by hiring new people as
the problem is the current lack of space in the facility. Even if the clinic does hire more people, the
clinic would require buying another set of filing cabinets which can also mean either expanding or
renovating the clinic. This results in more money being wasted. So instead of having the clinic
forced to renovate or expand to keep medical records secure, it is a much more feasible solution to
purchase subscription-based software that can be installed within the facility.

The project team consists of five (5) members who are students with different
responsibilities and obligations that need to fulfill different requirements of other subjects of our
course. Other factors such as limitations and distance between the campus to the Clinic are also
taken into account as well which is why it will be done in an Online setup. Due to the client’s lack of
IT personnel, the following solutions will also include training of the employees that are always
present on-site, which are the secretaries and the owner. This will ensure that once the project is
completed and is passed on to the client, they will not have a difficult time to maneuver around the
system that will be implemented to the clinic.

Solution 1: BluEHR

BluHR is an EHR/EMR for Philippine doctors. EMR stands for Electronic Medical Records
which is simply a digital version of the medical forms that patients are tasked to fill up during
hospital/clinic visits. EHR on the other hand, contains comprehensive data regarding the patient’s
health from multiple sources. EHR can carry all data that can be found in an EMR, but not the
other way around.

Given that BlueEHR can support both EHR and EMR, this will be able to target the clinic’s
need to establish an organized system for patient record keeping. It is designed for medical
practitioners, which makes the software ideal, compared to basic record keeping systems. It’s data
secure, supported on mobile and cloud-based. BluEHR also has extensions to best suit the medical
institution using it, from veterinary, or telemedicine up to family planning and maternal care. It
also has an E-prescription plugin that will definitely be useful for the clinic's pharmacy.

BluEHR’s core features are interconnectivity within healthcare systems, storage of digital
records, push notifications and reminders, sends referrals and generates analytics and reports
with added practice management features such as billing, booking, and many more. At the heart of
BluEHR is a modular system that allows easy and flexible expansion of features.

Sample of BluEHR’s Dashboard

BluEHR is workflow oriented, it's created to help doctors work worry-free. Designed to
follow their workflow. It is easily accessible. This will be useful for the staff of the clinic, from the
doctors, to the receptionist, as well as patients. BluEHR can be used anytime and anywhere in the
world because it utilizes cloud-based systems. It’s privacy certified. Given that the data being
handled by the clinic is health data, it is crucial that this information is kept safely and securely.
BluEHR’s processing and storage is compliant to the data privacy act. They are certified compliant
with the National Privacy Commission. Lastly, they are Philhealth Ready. BluEHR is certified by
PhilHealth and is recognized by DOH as a health information provider.

Sample of BluEHR’s Scheduling feature

Given all the mentioned key features of BluEHR, it is no surprise that they are trusted by
medical practitioners all over the nation, below are a few testimonials as to how the software has
amplified their practice:

Solution 2: SeriousMD

SeriousMD is also an EMR/EHR that allows teams to create, store, and view
comprehensive patient records on onsite and on mobile. It stores details of the patient such as
their. Information history, vital readings, tabulations, and diagnostic results.

SeriousMD is a trusted software that has partnered with big healthcare organizations that
bring quality end to end healthcare to patients around the country. This includes Medicard, a
leading Health Maintenance Organization in the Philippines, as well as Watson, the #1 Pharmacy
brand in Asia. With their software as well as their partnerships, SeriousMD promotes quality
healthcare that can help with the client’s needs.

This software provides many features to the doctors who are going to use this for their
daily operations.

The first feature that they advertise is the charting and note taking, using the app they are
able to take notes of notes about their patients. They have customizable notes such as
prescription notes, diagrams, and much more.

The next feature they have is the booking and appointment feature, where doctors will be
able to manage all appointments through a calendar system with an included queueing system.

They also include virtual appointments and consultations within the app so they can
consult with patients who have a hard time getting to the clinic or who cannot attend onsite

What makes SeriousMD a good choice is its price point for the value that it gives. The basic
plan is basically free besides the service fee which is 5% + php75 the pro plan has an annual
payment of P22, 788, and the group plan is negotiable with the company.

Solution 3: Bizbox

Bizbox Inc. is a healthcare service provider that offers multiple services that can assist in a
medical healthcare’s processes. The provider is currently the #1 leading solutions provider in the
country within the healthcare industry with their services being used by about 3000 active clients
around the country with some being major healthcare facilities such as The Medical City and
QualiMed. The company also has partnered with DOH and LGU which makes them a trusted
service provider in the country.

Bizbox has nine (9) modules for their healthcare system which all have different features
that can be utilized by their clients. But in this case, the module that fulfills the requirements of the
clinic is the Electronic Health Records Module.

Electronic Health Records Module

The Electronic Health Records Module is a module that involves handling of
Electronic Health Records of patients. The features within this module includes Secure
Patient Records and Medical Files and E-Prescriptions which reduces errors and
promotes a better service delivery.

- Patient Medical Info

- A detailed and more organized patient charting designed to provide more reliable
patient history data.

- Vital Sign Graph
- This feature allows the user to store, compare, monitor the patient's vital

- ePrescription
- An electronically generated prescription to reduce errors and making it
easier for patients to understand.

- Receive and Share Health Info

- Electronically receive and interchange notes, documents, referrals, and

- Specialized Note Template
- This feature enables the user to collate and take notes based on a specific
clinical note.

- Video Conference
- Plot patient appointments, meet with patients online, and provide medical
prescriptions with this enhanced feature.

- Data Trends
- Gather top trending medical cases and gather analytics using this feature.

Comparison Analysis

Solutions Breakdown
Cost Plan Benefits

BluEHR Team
BluEHR The BluEHR TEAM Edition is designed to support
family or peer practice configuration. Robust support
● BluEHR Team for common staffing and administration with the
○ ₱5,400 (₱1,800 per same feature of the PRO edition at a discounted rate.
doctor per month This plan is also less expensive than the pro plan, and
minimum subscription 3
more cost-efficient given that it is made for multiple
doctor accounts.
○ ₱180,000 for 9 doctors
Subscription Inclusions:
annually (₱20,000 per
● 3 (min) Doctor Accounts
● 1 Sub-account each
● Unlimited Records

SeriousMD Basic Plan

SeriousMD ● Unlimited Clinics

● Basic Plan ● Unlimited Devices

○ Free ● Unlimited Patients

○ Service Fee ● Standard Rx Design

■ 5% + ₱75 mandatory ● Patients book through NowServing

Electronic Health Records Module

BizBox The EHR Module of BizBox digitizes patient

information and medicals. This reduces errors,
● Electronic Health Records Module ensures data privacy and enhances the facility’s

○ Demo available. service delivery.
○ Prices will be discussed after
contacting the software The Module includes the following:
provider ● Patient Medical Info
● Vital Sign Graph
● Receive and Share Health Info
● Specialized Notes
● Video Conference
● Data Trends

Pros and Cons

Possible Solutions Pros Cons

BluEHR ● Offers additional ● Most costly in comparison to

extensions that are more the rest of the options.
suited for specific
specializations and fields
(veterinarian, family
planning, maternal care,
● Compliant with the Data
Privacy Act and the National
Privacy Commission.
● Certified by Philhealth and
recognized by the DOH as a
health information provider
● Creation and storage of digital

● Notifications and reminders
● Sending of referrals
● Generation of analytics and
● Management features such as
billing, booking, etc.

SeriousMD ● Charting and Note Taking ● No inventory tracking or

features, the latter is transaction tracking /
customizable, allowing for logbook software.
prescription notes, diagrams,
● Queuing System where the
clinic can book and manage
appointments within a
● Virtual appointments and
consultation are also an option
for patients that are unable to
go to the clinic for check-ups
and consultations.
● The Basic Plan is cheap, with
the costs only coming from a
Service Fee. Can then upgrade
into a higher plan if needed
● Payments can be done
through this software because
they are partnered with
multiple different payment
options such as Gcash, Maya,
WeChat, and more.

● SeriousMD can be accessed
offline and online
● Simple UI and easy for new
users to learn and understand

BizBox ● Able to have electronic ● Price is currently unknown,

records for patients and will need to contact the
● Have the option to set up sales team for demo and
online appointments with inquiry.
patients ● No inventory tracking or
● Able to possibly expand and transaction tracking /
use other modules offered logbook software.
by Bizbox ● Not ideal for small clinics
● The Specialized Notes with a few to no
feature can be used to keep departments
track of more unique cases
for patients on top of the
electronic records
○ Electronic records
will be easier to
organize and find
than paper records.

Solutions Comparison
Legend: Green = 3, Yellow = 2, Red = 1
Requirements BluEHR Team SeriousMD Basic BizBox

Electronic Health

Records? ● Patient ● Patient ● Patient
Medical Info Medical Info Medical Info
● Custom Notes ● Custom Notes ● Custom Notes
● Lite Analytics ● Can receive ● Vital Sign
Updated Lab Graph
● Analytics and

Appointments? ● Telemedicine ● Calendar ● Video

● Referral System that Conference
System allows ● Referral
● Diagnostics E- appointments System
Request ● Virtual

Patient ● ePrescriptions ● Notes can ● ePrescriptions

Prescriptions make
Tracking? Prescription

Data Security ● Cloud SaaS ● SSL AES 256- ● DOH-EMR

● ICD10 bit Encryption Validated
compliant ● 2FA ● No other info
● HL7-FHIR Authentication
enabled ● Server
● Data backup Firewall
& export ● Secure Login
● Automatic

Cost ● Very ● Has a free ● No Cost until

Expensive plan, and can validation
which costs ₱ be upgraded if
5,400 ever

Overall 12 14 7

After further discussion, the chosen solution among the given solutions is the EMD|EHR
system. Having known the current circumstances of Reyes Clinic as well as the project group’s
limitations, SeriousMD is the more viable solution to take. After analyzing the potential solutions
that the project team has suggested, SeriousMD seems to fulfill most of the requirements that the

clinic is looking for with BluEHR coming in second. One of the deciding factors is the overall cost of
the software with SeriousMD’s Basic Plan being free and the clinic can even upgrade it if the clinic
wishes to. The other solutions do provide promise but these solutions seem more ideal in a larger
medical facility with enough money to be able to afford the software annually. With the client
being a clinic, SeriousMD gives all of their needed functionality for free or for a price range that is

The project team will first discuss the chosen solution to the client and finalize the choice.
Once that is set, the client with the project team will contact the software provider and avail the
chosen plan. The team will set two (2) weeks to set up the software, and one (1) month for
assisting the employees and analyzing the effectiveness of the software. Weekly reports will be
made and sent to the client in order to review the effectiveness of the software. Once the one (1)
month testing period is over, the project team will discuss with the client about the overall analysis
of the software.

Implementation Information


The assumptions for the project will be as follows:

- Project has support from the head of the clinic as well as cooperation from the other
members / employees
- Relevant information and documents will be provided in order to fulfill the objectives of
the project.
- The relevant / appropriate employees / members will be assisted by the project team on
how to use the chosen software.


For the chosen solution, there will be a number of constraints for the Project Team once
the solution is being implemented. One of the major constraints for this project is the distance of
Antipolo from Manila, not being able to head to the clinic on-site will have the project team
required to communicate with the clients in an extensive amount to avoid any miscommunication
to occur during the implementation. Although if a team member is able to visit the clinic on-site
during implementation, they are free to do so as this can help in properly implementing the

solution to the clinic itself but otherwise the project team will facilitate the implementation.
Communication will be key in order for the implementation to succeed.
In addition to constant communication that the project team has to do, training the
employees will be done synchronously as the team will be assisting and joining the employees on
navigating the implemented system. This is due to the fact that the clinic employees are required
to keep watch of walk-ins, as they have the obligation to fulfill a patient’s medical needs. And with
the project team also learning about the implemented system, they will commit to studying the
functionality of the system that will be used.


- The terminal that is currently being used by the clinic is able to run the software
comfortably and reliably.
- The information in the records are of good quality, specifically that they are complete and
- The records themselves are still intact and able to be found and organized to be digitized
- The chosen employees (secretaries) to be trained are willing and able to learn the software
- Dra. Reyes will still need to approve of the chosen software


The importance of information systems in Healthcare. Accessed November 24, 2022.

Advantages and disadvantages of accounting software. Accessed November 24, 2022.

Leonard K. (January 28, 2019). Advantages and disadvantages of accounting software.

Accessed November 24, 2022.

Shah, S. N. (October 27, 2019). The Pros and Cons of Healthcare Database Systems.
Accessed November 24, 2022.


Alternative Plans of Solutions

BluEHR BluEHR Lite

The BluEHR LITE Edition is for doctors who
are starting their career and would like to have
● BluEHR Lite
their digital practice early. Unlimited records,
○ ₱4,500 (₱1,500 per
compliant and secure. Starting your practice
doctor per month
minimum subscription 3 on the right foot.

months) Subscription Inclusions:

○ ₱148,500 for 9 doctors ● 1 Doctor Account

annually (₱16,500 per ● 1 Sub-account
doctor) ● Unlimited Records

● BluEHR Pro BluEHR Pro

○ ₱6,000 (₱2,000 per The BluEHR PRO is for the tech-savvy doctors
doctor per month who want more features that can support their
minimum subscription 3 digital practice. Powerful personalization and
months) extendible system that makes the application
○ ₱199,800 for 9 doctors your own.
annually (₱22,200 per
Subscription Inclusions:

doctor) ● 1 Doctor Account
● 1 Sub-account
● Unlimited Records

SeriousMD Pro Plan

● Unlimited Clinics
● Unlimited Devices
● Pro Plan ● Unlimited Patients
○ ₱1,950 monthly ● Customizable Rx Design
○ ₱22,788 annually
● Patients can be manually added
○ Service Fee
SeriousMD Group Plan
■ 5% + ₱75 mandatory
● Unlimited Clinics
● Group Plan
● Unlimited Devices
○ Needs contact with
● Unlimited Patients
SeriousMD for details
● Custom order


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