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While both a CV (Curriculum Vitae) and a resume are documents used for job applications,
they differ in terms of content, length, and purpose. Here's a brief differentiation:
CVs are typically longer and more detailed than resumes. They can be several
pages long and include comprehensive information about academic and professional
CVs provide an exhaustive overview of an individual's academic and professional
history, including research, publications, presentations, grants, and other scholarly
CVs are commonly used in academic and research fields. They emphasize
educational background, academic accomplishments, and contributions to research and
CVs allow for flexibility in format and structure, enabling individuals to
highlight their achievements in a detailed manner.
Resumes are typically concise and limited to one or two pages. They focus on
presenting relevant information quickly and efficiently.
Resumes emphasize work experience, skills, and accomplishments relevant to
the job applied for. They may also include a summary or objective statement.
Resumes are widely used in non-academic or industry settings. They highlight
professional experience, skills, and achievements in a more tailored and job-specific
Clarity and Readability:
Resumes prioritize clarity and readability. They are often
scanned quickly by employers, so information is presented in a structured and easily
digestible format.

In summary, while both CVs and resumes serve the purpose of showcasing an individual's
qualifications, the choice between the two depends on the industry, job requirements, and
individual preferences. CVs are more common in academic and research settings, while
resumes are widely used in business and industry.

Prepared By: Muhammad Maooz Tayyab

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