Reference - Lab Sheet AMMONIA

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The sample is buffered at pH 9.5 and distilled into boric solution. The ammonia in the
distillate is determined by titration with a standard solution of an acid.

1) Kjeldahl Distillation Appararus
2) pH meter
3) Heating Unit

1) Borate buffer solution
2) Mixed Indicator solution
3) Boric acid-mixed indicator solution
4) Sodium Carbonate solution Na2CO3 (0.05N)
5) Sulphuric Acid titrarft (0.02N)

Standardization of Sulphuric Acid Titrant (0.02N)

Mix 15ml Na2CO3 with 85ml distilled water and titrate to pH 5. Lift out the electrode, rinse
into the beaker and boil 3 - 5 minutes under cover. Cool to room temperature, rinse cover
into beaker and finish titrating to pH 5.
Normality(N ) 
53.00  C
A = g Na2CO3 weighted into 1 L
B = mL Na2CO3 solution taken for titration
C = mL acid used

1) Measure 100ml sample. Add 5 ml borate buffer solution. Adjust pH to 9.5 with NaOH
2) Attach the sample tube to the distillation apparatus. Distill and collect 50 ml distillate
containing 25 ml indicating boric acid solution.
3) Titrate the ammonia in the distillate with standard sulphuric titrant until the indicator
turns back pale lavender.
4) Carry out a blank following similar procedure (using distilled water)

( X  Y )  280
Calculation : Ammonia as N mg / L 
ml sample
X : ml of sulphuric acid (0.02N) used for titrating the sample
Y : ml of sulphuric acid (0.02N) used for titrating the blank

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 20th Edition (APHA, AWWA, WEF

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