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1. It’s only after a week that you begin to feel relaxed here. HOME
You won’t begin to feel _______________________________gone by

2. He’s almost certain to leave before we get there. ARRIVE

By the time we ______________________________left

3. David was last heard of over a week ago. CONTACT

Nobody __________________________________ a week

4. Theo is the most infuriating person I’ve ever met. MORE

I’ve yet ____________________________________ Theo

5. Never before have I seen children who are so well-behaved. SUCH

This is _______________________________ such well-behaved children.

6. This type of car used to sell very well before they started producing the more modern models. LESS
Since they started producing the more modern model _________________________________well.

7. It appears we have received the wrong information. SENT

We __________________________________________________________ the wrong information.

8. It looks as if we made mistake on our order form. FILLED

We seem _____________________________________ incorrectly

9. The ministers were clearly felt by the president not to have acted swiftly enough. OPINION
The president was clearly OF THE OPINION THE MINISTERS HAD NOT acted swiftly enough.

10. I’m glad we managed to get out of there: it was hell. MADE
I’m glad we MADE IT OUT OF there: it was hell.

1. The group leader’s poor judgement jeopardised the safety of the climbers PUT
The climber’s safety __________________________ by the poor judgement of the group leader

2. Paula and I have been friends since 2008 DATES

My ____________________________ to 2008

3. “It wasn’t my fault that the window got broken” Gary said. RESPONSIBILIY
Gary _________________________________________________the window

4. My grandmother has finally got used to living alone TERMS

My grandmother _________________________________________________ living alone

5. I am not expecting an increase in summer sales this year UPTURN

I have _____________________________________________________ in summer sales this year

6. The students were told to either keep quiet or leave the art gallery NO
The students ________________________________ keep quiet or leave the art gallery (En pasado
porque la frase original es en pasado)

1. I’m afraid the only option open to me is to ask you to leave the restaurant.
I __________________________________________________ you to leave the restaurant.

2. If I had known the flight was going to be late leaving, I wouldn’t have bothered rushing to the
Had I __________________________________________ to my flight, I wouldn’t have bothered rushing
to the airport.

3. The authorities made the landlord take on the financial burden of looking after the building.
The landlord ________________________________________________ looking after the building.

4. David looked as if he was about to cry when he saw the damage to his motorbike.
David looked like _________________________________________________ when he saw the damage
to his motorbike.

5. If you need to contact me urgently, then ring this number.

Should _____________________________________________________________, ring this number.

6. I’m sure that the hotel will be good, as it was recommended by Pablo.
The ___________________________________________________________ recommended it to me

1. In all probability Alan will get a place to study music at Oxford. CHANCES
The __________________________________________________ accepted to study music at

2. Professor Potts is unlikely to retire before she has to. DOUBTFUL

It _____________________________________________ early retirement.

3. Unless there is a last-minute hitch, the Head’s job is his for the taking. BOUND
He’s ________________________________________________________ there isn’t a last-minute

4. It’s possible that the fire was caused by an electrical fault in the gym. LIKELIHOOD
In _____________________________________________ of the fire in the gym was an electrical

5. It’s pretty certain that we’ll win a gold medal this year in the 100 metres. FOREGONE
It’s _____________________________________________ is ours for the taking in the 100 metres
this year.

6. There’s a strong possibility the audience will ignore any mistakes she makes at the concert. TAKE
It’s highly ________________________________________ of any mistakes she makes at the

1. When she won the championship, Stephen began to realise just how happy he was. DAWN
When he won the championship, it began ____________________________ just how happy he
PHRASAL VERB: to DAWN ON SOMEBODY: when he suddenly realize

2. Mr Brown was offended by some of the comments that were made about his wife. EXCEPTION
Mr. Brown ______________________________ some of the comments that were made about his

3. James never really expected the venture to be roaring success. OF

James had little ________________________________________________ a roaring success.

4. We weren’t at all surprised when we heard that Jason had been dismissed. HEAR
It came _______________________________________________ about Jason’s dismissal.

5. The authorities made the owner take on the financial burden of paying for the building. SHOULDER
The owner ____________________________________________________ paying for the building.

6. She may run into additional problems if she doesn’t have any proper insurance. PRONE
She ________________________________________________________ she has any proper

1. That week, the train was late every day except for Friday. RUN
Only _____________________________________________________ that week and that was Friday.

2. Shortly after Sue and Brian met, he announced they were getting married. HAD
Scarcely __________________________________________ he announced they were getting married.

3. You are not staying out late tonight! NO

Under _________________________________________________ stay out late tonight!

4. They left their car and almost immediately heard a deafening crash. SOONER
No _______________________________________________________ they heard a deafening crash.

5. Kerry didn’t send us any postcards during her travels through Argentina. ONE
Not ______________________________________________________ she was travelling in Argentina.

6. It wasn’t long before the bus company increased their prices for a second time. PUT
Hardly ________________________________________________ before they increased them again.

7. The demand for tickets is so high that the play has been extended by a month. HAS
So ________________________________________________the play has been extended by a month.

8. There are beautiful buildings in Barcelona and it has a wonderful climate too. ONLY
In Barcelona, not ______________________________________________________ is also wonderful.

TEMA 5-8
1. Many people used to believe that they would lose their soul if their photo was taken Widespread
There was once ____________________________________________________taken would mean
losing your soul

2. I’m quite sure that Bill hasn’t left yet as I saw him yesterday Set
Bill __________________________________________ as I saw him yesterday

3. Bridgton is very proud of its new shopping mall Takes

Bridgton _________________________________________ its new shopping mall

4. We weren’t aware at him that we were making a big mistake Know

Little _____________________________________________ big mistake we were making

5. I had only just come back from the supermarket when I realised I had forgotten to by any milk
No sooner _________________________________________ I realised I had forgotten to buy any

6. I’ve often thought of you when listening to that sonata by Barsanti Come
Many’s _______________________________________ when I have been listening to that sonata
by Barsanti

1. I really think you should be more assertive about your rights. up
It’s about time _________________________________________________ more.

2. You should really stop behaving like a child. though

It’s high time _____________________________________________ a child. (=as though you were,
como si fueras…= as if you were)

3. They should do a proper review of teachers’ salaries.Out

It’s time ___________________________________________ a proper review of teachers’ salaries.

4. I think it preferable for all students to write in ink. rather

I _______________________________________________________ in ink.

5. I regret now spending so much money on that car. Splashed

I wish now ______________________________________________ so much money on that car.

6. It’s a pity that he turned up without warning me.  Turn up is a phrasal verb that means ‘to come
or arrive rather casually’ let
I wish ____________________________________________________________ he was coming.

7. It’s a shame she wasn’t aware how much I cared for her. strength
If only _________________________________________________________ of my feelings for her.

8. Please don’t wear shoes in the house. rather

I _______________________________________________ your shoes in the house ( WOULD

1. Daniel wasn’t at all discouraged by the bad news. PUT

The bad news _____________________________________________________ least

2. Jane definitely won’t be able to afford a new car. POSSIBILITY

There ________________________________________________________ able to afford a new car

3. John is convinced that this opportunity is really important. STORE

John ____________________________________________________________this opportunity

4. Although I enjoy reading novels, the way in which some books are written sometimes annoys me.
Much as ____________________________________________________ how some books are

5. I think it preferable for all singers to sin in tune. RATHER

I ______________________________________________ in tune

6. We all agreed we would each tidy the flat on alternate weeks. TURNS
We all __________________________________________________________________ the flat

7. There is no doubt that you should be more assertive about your beliefs. UP
It’s about time _____________________________________________________

8. The government’s plan to privatise the railways met with strong opposition from passengers. CAME
The government’s plan to privatise the railways _________________________________________

9. John had to go to an expert and ask her to advise him. SEEK

John was forced _______________________________________________________ an expert

10. This room needs to be decorated, doesn’t it? DOING

This ________________________________________________________________ doesn’t it?

11. Dave completely ignored his sister’s advice. NOTICE

Dave __________________________________________________________ his sister’s advice

12. In all probability Susan will get a place to study maths at Harvard. CHANCES
The _________________________________________________ accepted to study maths at

13. Pete wants nothing less than get promoted. SET

Her has _________________________________________________________________ promoted

14. I’ve often thought of Mike when teaching that novel by Toni Morrison. COME
Many’s _________________________________________ when I have been teaching that novel by
Toni Morrison

15. It seemed there was nothing the magicians could not do. LIMITS
It seemed _______________________________________ capabilities.

TEMA 12:
1. The European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission aims to land a probe on a comet. FOR
The aim of the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission is ______________________________ on
a comet.  Es una construcción de purpose
What I want is for you to come  Lo que quiero es que vengas
The words: aim, desire, want, wish, long (anhelo) …. Express desire are a construction of purpose

2. It will be necessary to wear safety gloves throughout this experiment. DURATION

Safety gloves ___________________________________________ of this experiment.

3. Using electron beams, it is possible to manufacture machines that are too small to see. NAKED
Tiny machines that cannot ___________________________________ are manufactured by means
of electron beams.
Naked eye: expression fija

4. Recently, astronomers have been finding more and more planets outside our solar system.
Recently, an __________________________________________________ outside our solar system.

5. Advances in science should soon yield a cure for cancer. BRINK

Scientists are thought ______________________________________ finding a cure for cancer.
 Estar apunto de
(Se piensa que…)

6. Although they tried to dissuade Josh from continuing with it, he has opted for physics as a career.
Despite ___________________________________________________ Josh has chosen a career in


1. The children agreed they would each tidy the playroom on alternate days. TURNS
The children __________________________________________________ the playroom.

2. Professor Smith talked firstly about living on Mars, and then discussed the Space Lab. WENT
After talking about living on Mars, Professor Smith _______________________________ the Space

3. It’s a shame Peter didn’t wear a suit to the wedding. PUT

If only _______________________________________ the wedding

4. Everyone remembers my great-uncle because he was always having arguments with his wife. HAVING
My great-uncle __________________________________________________ arguments with his wife.

5. We must always bear in mind that many scientific breakthroughs are due to luck. SIGHT
We must ___________________________________________ plays a large part in many scientific

6. When it comes to friendship, I prefer having a few close friends to many acquaintances. RATHER
As far _____________________________________________________ a few close friends than many

1. Helen’s running style seems to be improving now she has lessons. signs
Helen’s running style _______________________________________________ now she has

2. I really admire the changes you have made to your diet. full
I _____________________________________________ the changes you have made to your diet.

3. Sam is reputed to inspire young athletes. has

Sam _______________________________________________________ young athletes.

4. I would have arrived even later at the meeting, if Professor McDougal hadn’t kindly assisted me.
But ___________________________________________________, I would have arrived even later
at the meeting


1. It is permissible to lose rhyme in translation, but it is vital to preserve the cadences of a poem.
A translator must preserve a poem’s cadences, __________________________________ in
translation. (Incluso si)
2. I’ve never attempted to write poetry, though I have had a go at short stories.
Despite trying _______________________________________________something I’ve never
Try my hand at: probar suerte con

3. Although poetry readings are fun, the way in which poems are read sometimes annoys me.
Much as I __________________________________________________________ how poems are read.
Much as I like, I enjoy, I love: por mucho que me guste..

4. The biographer continued to make progress, albeit (aunque) more slowly than at the beginning of the
Good __________________________________________________________, work was now
proceeding more slowly.
Albeit: va con una preposicion con con un adjetivo, nunca junto de un verbo. (es una aposicion).
Siempre va con una coma antes: asdfasf, albeit
Good as it + past simple: good as it was initially, good as it began

5. While most writers earn only modest royalties, a lucky few create a bestseller.

A few writers ________________________________________________ earning only modest royalties
is the norm.
Strike it lucky: tener un golpe de suerte
6. The editor refrained from commenting on the author’s lack of progress in case it prompted him to stop
writing altogether.
The editor refrained from commenting on the author’s lack of progress
__________________________ prompt him to stop writing altogether
For fear that + verb in non-ing / For fear of + verb -ing

1. ‘I always said I didn’t do anything wrong!’ the man said.

From ________________________________________________ doing anything wrong.
2. Luisa and I never agreed on anything to do with the children’s education.
Luisa and I ______________________________________________ came to the children’s education.
3. Although I am generally sympathetic towards them, I don’t usually vote for the Green Party.
Much __________________________________ taken by the Green Party, I don’t usually vote for
Much as: por más que….
4. I know you’ll find it hard to believe, but I’ve never read any of Shakespeare’s works.
Unlikely _________________________________________, I’ve never read any of Shakespeare’s
5. Susie believes this job interview is really important.
Susie _____________________________________________ this job interview.
6. We were surprised when Daphne made such a rapid recovery.
It _______________________________________________ when Daphne made such a rapid recovery


1. Their mother was determined to visit Paris and nothing would stop her.
Their mother had _________________________________________ Paris and nothing would stop her.
2. Graham took back his words on noticing there were fresh strawberries on the menu.
Graham _______________________________________ noticed fresh strawberries were on the menu.
3. We found it difficult not to laugh because the situation was so funny.
We found it difficult to ___________________________________________ such a funny situation.
4. Jenny felt elated when she won the regional skating competition.
Jenny was ________________________________________ place in the regional skating competition.
5. Reading a thriller is far more enjoyable if you don’t know the ending.
Reading a thriller is _____________________________________ fun if you already know the ending.

6. Ralph needs to move out quickly in order to get on with his life.
The _________________________________________________________ as to get on with his life

TEMA 18:

1. You didn’t spend enough time on this project. put

You ought _____________________ hours on this project.

2. Factory farming was surely less humane before these guidelines were established. Prior
Factory farming must _____________________________________ of these guidelines.

3. I really admire people who are prepared to risk their job for the sake of their principles. line
I really admire people who are prepared to _______________________ for the sake of their principles.

4. You should have spilled the beans about Lisa before now. let
If only you could ___________________________________________ secret before now.

5. It’s time the organisation told the truth about the misuse of its funds. straight
The organisation should set __________________________________________ its funds were

6. Would you mind if I asked you to sign this petition? Raise

Would you _______________________________________ asking you to sign this petition?

TEMA 20:

1. Penny Stone has become really self-important since she was promoted. gone
Getting a _________________________________________ head

2. Paul couldn’t stop thinking about the argument he had had with his brother. over
Paul ________________________________________ mind the argument he had had with his

3. The manager told the press that his team had played very badly. record
The manager _____________________________________ that his team had played very badly.

4. My grandmother would always make us eat everything on our plates when we visited her. waste
Nothing we were given to eat ____________________ my grandmother’s house.

5. I can never follow what he’s saying – he’s always changing the subject. tangent
If he ___________________________________________ I would know what he was talking about.

6. Although Theresa was a hard worker, she was unable to get her business to succeed. Go
Theresa was unable to __________________________________________ of working hard

1. You’ll never sell your house if you let the rumours persist of it being haunted. carry
You ______________________________________ if you want to sell your house.

2. It was kind of you to help us clean up, but it really wasn’t necessary. helped
You _______________________________________ the cleaning up.

3. It doesn’t matter when he comes: I’m not bothered. far

He can ______________________________________________________concerned.

4. I asked the press to keep her name a secret so she would remain anonymous. had
In order ________________________________________________________ keep her name a secret.

5. Eliza did better than usual at her debut performance, even though she had a sore throat. excelled
Despite ________________________________________________________________at her debut

6. She is unlikely to accept anything except a full apology. would

It is unlikely that anything _________________________________________________ to her

 You should not treat/regard them as identical people PAINT
You should not _________________________________________ [No todos estan cortados con el
mismo patron]

 You should tell the whole truth about this matter BREAST
_________________________________ (To tell the truth about something)

 You should confront your thoughts and feelings IN HIS DEN

________________________________ (Negative mood) [No provoques una situación que te puede
llevar a peor]

 Can you recommend me to your boss. WORD

Can you __________________________________________ your boss

 There wasn’t much information left, but we just managed to use what we had. EKE
There wasn’t much information left, but we ______________________________________ what we
Eke out – when you have limited access of something that you need.

 I find it so hard to lose the habit of eating burgers at night. WEAN (destetar a tu hijo)
I find it hard to ________________________________________ burgers at night
I find it hard to ________________________________________ burgers at night

In need to prevent my son from using consoles.

Stop myself from doing something / I need to stop smoking / I need to stop myself from smoking
I want to preclude myself from -ing
Wean es un verbo que significa stop tambien, para un habito
I need to wean myself from using cigarettes
 These verbs mean to stop or to prevent doing something

 My boss scolded me this morning for my lack of respect. ROW

My boss ___________________________ this morning for my lack of respect

 May your new life go well…. ROSES

May your life be __________________________
May your new life _________________________ (que vaya por un camino de rosas
I hope everything is coming up roses

 I assume you are leaving the team. READ

Should I __________________________ you are leaving the team

 If your true identity is revealed, you’ll be in trouble. LIGHT

If your true identity ___________________________, you’ll be in trouble
If someone ____________________________________, you’ll be in trouble

 Employment polices disfavour women. DISCRIMINATION

Employment policies ___________________________________ women (fixed expression)

 I hate reading in public, but today I will have to bring myself to do it. BITE
I hate reading in public, but today I ______________________________


 There were very few people who understood what the professor said in class. VIRTUALLY
There _________________________________________ understood what the professor said.

 Mr. Edwards was sacked partly because of his arriving late to work. CONTRIBUTED
Mr Edwards’ constant lateness ___________________________________________ the company.

 That child is twice as tall as he was two years ago. DOUBLED

That child’s _________________________________ in the last two years.

 Harry plays tennis much better than I do. NEARLY

I am not ____________________________ tennis player as Harry is.

 I’d prefer us to go to the cinema. WE

I’d _________________________________ to the cinema.

 We found it difficult not to laugh because the situation was so funny. KEEP
We found it difficult to _______________________________________________ such a funny

 I can never follow what he’s saying – he’s always changing the subject. TANGENT
If he __________________________________________________________ I would know what he
was talking about. = to start talking about something that is only slightly or indirectly related to the
original subject.

 Melissa thought her daughter was reluctant to go dancing because she was shy. DOWN
Melissa put her _________________________________________________ to shyness.

 He admitted that he had made a mistake. OWNED

He ______________________________________________ a mistake. = to admit or confess.

 We waited until the second quarter before releasing the product. BACK
We __________________________________________________ until the second quarter. = to wait
for a period of time before doing something.

 The heavy downpour brought their picnic to an abrupt end. CUT

They had to ______________________________________________ because of the heavy downpour.

 Charlie really should get someone to mend his bike. HIGH

It’s _________________________________________ someone to mend his bike.

 I had no problems at all during my trip to France. PLAN

Everything _________________________________________________ during my trip to France.

 The washing machine destroyed my silk shirt. TATTERS

The washing machine __________________________________________________.

 The new film was barely similar to the book I read. BORE
The new film ______________________________________________ the book I had read.

 If necessary, I’ll stay longer. BE

If ________________________________ longer.
 He was rather depressed because she had been fired. LOW
He was _______________________ because he had been fired.  at a low point, in a state of decline
or depression

 It’s a pity she didn’t change her mind. WISH

I ________________________________ her mind.

 He had nothing to do so he decided to see a movie. END

He _____________________________________ so he decided to see a movie.

 Paul is far superior to Mike in terms of technical knowledge. NO

When it comes ______________________________________________________ to Paul.

 Paul is far superior to Mike in terms of technical knowledge. MATCH

When it comes to _______________________ to Paul

 He was imprisoned for having such revolutionary ideas. EXTENT

To such _____________________________________________________ he was imprisoned.

 Don’t treat it as unimportant. It’s serious. LIGHT

Don’t ________________________________________. It’s serious = act as something is unimportant.

 I liked my new teacher immediately. LIKING

I took __________________________________ my new teacher.

 He tried to cheer me up because I felt sad. MOUTH

He tried to cheer me up because ____________________________________. = to be sad.

 She has never lied to us. NO

On ______________________________ lied to us.

 His handwriting is illegible. I can’t understand anything. HEADS

His handwriting is illegible. I can’t _________________________________ it. = not be able to
understand something at all.

 Passing the proposed law would be an important step for worker’s rights. BE
If it ________________________________, this law would surely improve worker’s rights.

 Most of Ben’s colleagues were quite surprised when he decided to quit. SOMETHING

Ben’s resignation _________________________________________________________ to his team

 I think that fines deter people from parking illegally. SERVE

Fines ____________________________________________ people from parking where they should

 The economic situation is bout to improve son. TAKE

We are confident that the economy _____________________________________________ before

 Passing the proposed law would be an important step for workers’ rights. BE
If it ___________________________________________, this law would surely improve workers’

 The problem stems from her letting employees do whatever they wanted. FOOT
If _________________________________________________ her staff, we would not be in this mess.
 To indicate that someone is unyielding or inflexible in one’s position or decision.
 Peter has fallen out with Rob so they do not communicate with each other. TERMS
Peter is ________________________________ Rob at the moment.

 Tina still has no fear at all when she takes on a defensive role in games. UTTERLY
Tina remains ___________________________________ a defender.

 I’m going to trust Pat, even if her explanation doesn’t make much sense. DOUBT
I’m prepared to __________________________________________ however unlikely her story is.

 The minute I resigned, I wish I hadn’t SOONER

_______________________________ I wish I hadn’t.

 The news that the president had quit came as a great surprise to everyone. ABACK
Everyone ____________________________________________ the president quitting.

 The price increases you described are also happening in our country. BOAT
We ________________________________________________________ you in terms of rising prices.
 share a particular experience or circumstance with someone else.

 If only I hadn’t answered my teacher back. KICKED

I ________________________________________________ my teacher back.  To reprove oneself
for something one has done; to be angry or disappointed in oneself for doing something.

 I never allow my mother in law to interfere into my affairs. NOSE

I never allow my mother in law ___________________________________________ affairs.

 Since my wife left me, I am about to lose my mind. WITS

Since my wife left me, _________________________________________________________________.
 In a state of distress because one has no more patience or mental stamina, often after having dealt
with some kind of problem or difficult situation.

 I said I’d rather we departed early. EXPRESSED

I ______________________________________ departure.

 When I was awarded the first prize, I didn’t know what to say. WORDS
When I was awarded the first prize ______________________________________________________.
 Having nothing to say; not knowing what to say; stunned to the point of being speechless.

 They criticized the manager’s decisions. FAULT

They ______________________________________ manager’s decisions. = criticise.

 I don’t like that colour hair dye. LIKING

That colour hair dye ___________________________________

 Helen’s running style seems to be improving now she has lessons. SIGNS
Helen’s sunning style __________________________________________ now she has lessons.

 I really admire the changes you have made to your diet. FULL
I __________________________________________________ the changes you have made to your

 Sam is reputed to inspire young athletes. HAS

Sam _________________________________________________________ young athletes.

 I would have arrived even later at the meeting, if Professor McDougal hadn’t kindly assisted me. KIND
But __________________________________________, I would have arrived even later at the

 The outcome of the trial was extremely difficult to predict. GO

It was _______________________________________________ the defendant would be found guilty.

 I strongly disagreed with my boss expecting me to do unpaid work. TOOK

What I ________________________________________________ expected to work for free.

 What helped us improve our performance was hearing Our fans’ cheers. SPURRED
Our fans’ vocal support _________________________________________ when we were getting tired.
 encourage.

 I will struggle to understand all the course content before the test. GET
It will be hard ________________________________________________everything before the exam.
 to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation.

 Local campaigners are disgusted by the council’s decision concerning public transport. MUCH
The council is cutting bus services, ________________________________________ local campaigners.

 I wasn’t able to identify what was making Sue seem different. FINGER
Sue seemed different, but I could __________________________________________________ had
changed.  to know or understand something and be able to say exactly what it is.

 I’m sure her punishing workload did nothing to help her health. TAKEN
Working so hard ________________________________________ physical health.  to cause harm or

 I went to the city centre because I wanted to buy new shoes. VIEW
I went to the city centre __________________________________________ new shoes.

 The Christmas break has made me feel more lively. LEASE

The Christmas break has ___________________________________________ life.  to make
someone feel happy or healthy after a period of illness or sadness.

 You may not like the school rules, but you have to obey to avoid trouble. LINE
You may not like the rules, but ____________________________________ to avoid trouble.

 The school play has really lasted too long. ON

The school play is _________________________________________.  continue tediously.

1. Keeping a full-time job while taking care of my elderly parents is a challenge. HOLD
It is not ________________ my caring responsibilities

2. He never wants to compromise, which is why we are getting concerned. CAUSE

What is becoming _____________ his refusal to compromise.

3. Hardly anyone can afford to buy a house in that part of town. REACH
Properties in that area are ______________ most people.

4. I don’t understand why she didn’t complain to officials about being disqualified. APPEALED
She ought _________________ the competition

5. I think it’s likely that being recommended by Stefan helped Helga get the role. LIKELIHOOD
The reason Helga was hired _________________ to Stefan’s recommendation

6. The suspect’s presence at the property is one conclusion we can draw, given the evidence. MAY
From the evidence, it ____________________ at the house

7. The manager told the press that his team had played very badly. RECORD
The manager ___________________ that his team had played very badly.

8. My neck feels much better since I bought that new pillow. RESULTED
Buying that new pillow _____________ much better

9. The pain in my shoulder never recurred after I went to see the osteopath. OF
There __________________ pain after I went to see the osteopath.

10. The careful preparation for the event ensured it was a memorable day for everyone who attended.
WHICH The care _______________________ event ensured it was a memorable day for everyone.

11. Kate might not agree with the idea. DOUBT

It’s _________________ Kate will agree with the idea.

12. The will have followed every single rule so that they can pass the inspection. BOOK
Everything ___________________ to satisfy the inspectors.

13. Bill performed not quite as well as Sue in the interview. EDGE
It was decided that ___________ Bill in the interview

14. There should be something like a social club for youngsters in the local area. LINES
We need something _______________ a local youth club.

15. Nobody knew how to respond to David’s emotional outburst. LOST

Everyone ____________________ following David’s speech.

1. He was forced to accept a transfer to another department. CHOICE

He ______________________________________ a transfer to another department

2. How do you explain the difference between the two focus groups? ACCOUNT
How _______________________________ the difference between the two focus groups?

3. The idea for the experiment came to him without thinking about it first. SPUR
The idea for the experiment came to him _________________________________

4. I don't influence the way that my colleagues do their work. SAY

I have _______________________________ the way that my colleagues do their work.

5. James talked so much no one else could say a word. EDGEWAYS

James talked so much no one else could ______________________________________ (ni por asomo
me dejaron decir una palabra, no poder hablar ni de broma)

6. Would you mind if I asked you to repeat this exam? RAISE

Would you _________________________________________ asking you to repeat this exam?

7. The Prime Minister told the media that his decisions had already been made. RECORD
The Prime minister __________________________________ that his decisions had already been

8. I thought Mary liked me, but she was very unfriendly to me at the party. SHOULDER
Although I thought Mary liked me, she ________________________________________ at the party.

9. We were allowed to enter the lab after a rigorous security check. GAIN
Only after a rigorous check ______________________________________________ to the lab.

10. How much did you have to spend on your new suit? FORK
How much ___________________________________________ your new suit? (Arreglarselas para
conseguir algo, persona pobre para comprar algo, rascarse los bolsillos para comprar algo)

11. Inflation has risen to unprecedented heights. ROOF

Inflation has ____________________________________________. (estar por las nubes)

12. My brother will never let me forget the day I wore his dirty pants. DOWN
My brother, _____________________________________ the day I wore his dirty pants. (nunca me
dejara superar, olvidar el dia en que lleve los pantalones sucios)

13. We are confident that the new DNA evidence will help us understand the evolutionary
processes involved. SHED
We are confident that now DNA evidence ______________________________ the evolutionary
process involved

14. Rose’s plans were fiercely criticized at the general meeting. CAME
Rose’s plans ______________________ fierce criticism at the general meeting.

15. I really think he ought to control his emotions. He’s behaving like a child!
I really think he ought to _________________________. He’s behaving like a child! (controlate)

1. We must focus on the main results and stop arguing about unimportant details. SPLITTING
We must focus on the main results and ________________________________ hairs.

2. How do you explain the differences between the two focus groups? ACCOUNT
How do you ____________________________________________ between the two focus groups?

3. I am not going to put up with administrative red tape! ENOUGH

I __________________________________ administrative red tape!

4. I can't understand how he found an answer to the problem. BEYOND

How he found an answer to the problem

5. I choose very carefully who I go out with. PARTICULAR

_________________________________ who I go out with.

6. Nobody knows much about the boss. He is quite mysterious. HORSE

Nobody knows much about the boss. He is ___________________________

7. Some students find statistics extremely boring. STIFF

Some students _______________________________________statistics

8. When I lost my job, I was forced to give up my holiday plans. CHOICE

When I lost my job, I ________________________________ to give up my holiday plans

9. The examining board was surprised by his sincerity. ABACK

The examining board was ____________________________________ by his sincerity

10. We’ll look for you at the party, although I expect it will be very crowded. EYES
We’ll _______________________________________ at the party, although I expect it will be very

11. James talked so much no one else could say a word. EDGEWAYS
James talked so much no one else could ___________________________________________

12. In the end his hard work paid off. REAPED

In the end ____________________________________________ for all his hard work

13. No one knows more about Globalization than him. AUTHORITY

He is ________________________________________ Globalization

14. This laptop is very reliable: it hasn’t disappointed us once. LET

This laptop is very reliable: it ________________________________________ once

15. Never use the research of others without acknowledging your source. AT NO TIME
____________________________________ the research of others without acknowledging your

1. No matter what happens, we will never do business with that firm again. EVER
Under ___________________________________________________________ with that firm

2. There's still a faint possibility that the deal can be finalised by tomorrow's deadline. GLIMMER
There's a _____________________________________________________ for tomorrow's

3. The news that the Prime Minister had resigned came as a great shock to everyone. ABACK
Everyone ________________________________________________________he Prime Minister's

4. Once the game was over, they all shook hands. HAVING
_____________________________________, they all shook hands. (no lo podemos decir de otra
manera tiene que ser asi)

5. I was waiting in the classroom with fourteen other students. US

___________________________________________ waiting in the classroom. (Fixed construction)

6. That watch is in great demand among those in the know. SOUGHT

That watch __________________________________________ by those in the know.

7. She deliberately ignored his bad behaviour. TURNED

She ________________________________________ his bad behaviour. (deliberately not needed
in answer)

8. The tiger would be extinct by now if governments had not forbidden tiger hunting. IMPOSED
Had ________________________________________ tiger-hunting, the tiger would be extinct by

9. He will do anything to achieve his ends, whether it is legal or not. LENGHTS
He will ________________________________ to achieve his ends, whether it is legal or not.

10. Your problems are of no interest to me. LESS

I ___________________________________________ your problems

11. Miranda is rumoured to be about to sign a new contract with the film studio. VERGE
Rumours has ___________________________________ signing a new contract with the film

12. The plane’s engines were so loud that she couldn’t understand what he said. OUT
She couldn’t MAKE OUT WHAT HE SAID/WAS SAYING because of the plane’s engine

13. We are confident that the new DNA evidence will help us understand the evolutionary processes
involved. SHED
We are confident that the new DNA _______________________ the evolutionary processes

14. We ask students no to talk during the exam. REFRAIN

We ask students ___________________________________________________ during the exam
(Abstenecerse de hacer algo, evitar hacer algo, contenerse de hacer algo)

15. Dwayne has the potential to become a great teacher. MAKINGS

Dwayne ______________________________________ a great teacher (Tiene madera de

1. I regret now spending so much money on that dress. SPLASHED

I wish ______________________________________________ money on that dress
 Poner el OUT

2. She really admires the changes you have made to your routine. FULL
She _____________________________________ the changes that you have made to your routine

3. Keeping my main client is the most important thing to me. RISK

I am not willing ________________________________________________ my most important

4. The police seems to be dealing with minor crimes more severely now. DOWN
The police are showing sings ___________________________________________ petty crime

5. We know the resignation was his decision, but it was still a shame. ACCORD
He _____________________________________________________ but we wish he had stayed

6. That minister has never made it clear whether her supports tax cuts. STANDS
It is hard to know __________________________________________________ the issue of

7. There is no way she forgot about Lee’s party after being reminded so much. MIND
Lee’s party _________________________________________________ after all our reminders.

8. “You should revise your bibliography”, said his professor. RECOMMENDED  SUBJUNCTVE MOOD
The professor _________________________________________________ his bibliography
9. He may do whatever he likes as long as it is within the law. PROVIDED.
_________________________________________________ LAW he may do whatever he likes.

10. Do you mind if I watch you while you write? OBJECTION.

Do you _____________________________________________________ you while you write?
TO es obligatorio: ON mal

11. Sarah performed not quite as well as John in the interview. EDGE.
It was decided that ___________________________________________ Sarah in the interview.
 To have the edge: to have an advantage: llevar la delantera, tener ventaja

12. Paul was determined to visit New York, and nothing would stop him. SET.
Paul _______________________________________ New York and nothing would stop him.
 Set your sight ON (to esta mal)

13. Rob is someone I would want to make angry in a professional setting. BOOKS.
I would hate ____________________________________________ in the workplace.
 To be in someone’s bad books: estar en la lista negra de alguien

14. His bad mood was because he had not had any sleep the previous night. WINK.
Having ___________________________ whole night, he was very irritable.

15. Keeping a full-time job while taking care of my children is a challenge. HOLD.
It is not __________________________________________________ my parenting responsibilities.
 To hold down a job:

1. The examining board was surprised by his sincerity. ABACK

The examining board____________________________________ by his sincerity.

2. It will take a while but you'll get promoted eventually. COURSE

It will take a while but_______________________________

3. Few know more about Discourse Analysis than him. AUTHORITY

He______________________ Discourse Analysis.

4. We should never use others' research without acknowledging our source. AT NO TIME
_________________________________________others' research without acknowledging our

5. Sam completely ignored my advice when he chose his house. NOTICE

Sam_____________________________________my advice when he chose his house.

6. The meeting was rearranged shortly before it was due to take place. NOTICE
The meeting was rearranged________________________________ before it was due to take place

7. Recent research has given new insights on the causes of disease. LIGHT
Recent research __________________________________________________ on the causes of

8. My tutor didn't comment on my lack of progress in case I gave up. FEAR

My tutor didn't comment on my lack of progress _______________________________ give up.

9. When they started torturing him, he told them everything straight away. BEANS
When they started torturing him, ____________________________________________ straight

10. Daniel has become really self-important since he published his first novel. HEAD

Publishing his first novel has ____________________________________________________

11. Mary believes this new policy is really important. STORE

Mary _________________________________________________ this new policy.

12. I think it preferable for all parties to rest their cases. RATHER

I ______________________________________________ their cases.

13. Pete should really stop behaving like an unstable teenager. THOUGH
It's high time ________________________________________________ an unstable teenager.

14. We should give financial help to developing countries without any special conditions. STRINGS
We should give financial help to developing countries __________________________________

15. There’s still faint chance that our team will win. GLIMMER
There’s still ________________________________________________that our team will win


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