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Review Notes Review Notes SCIENCES Mechanics I

Any object at rest may be in one of three
The scalar product and the vector product are For Parallel Vectors: states of equilibrium.
Statics is a branch of mechanics which studies the
effects and distribution of forces of rigid bodies the two ways of multiplying vectors.
For vectors parallel horizontally:  Stable
which are and remain at rest. In this area of
mechanics, the body in which forces are acting is DOT Product: Scalar Product of Two Vectors
assumed to be rigid. R = F1  F2  F3  ...  Fn

Topics in Statics:
For vectors parallel vertically:
the C.G. is at lowest possible position.
1. Resultant of Force System the C.G. needs to be raised in order to
2. Equilibrium of Force System R = F1  F2  F3  ...  Fn topple the object.
A • B = A xB x + A yB y + A zB z = AB cos 
3. Cables they are difficult to topple over.
4. Friction
5. Centroid and Centers of Mass CROSS Product: Vector Product
For Perpendicular Vectors: ➋ Unstable
6. Moments of Inertia

R= (F1)2 + (F2 )2
1. Scalar Quantity - is a physical quantity which the C.G. is at the highest possible
has magnitude only. A  B = ( A y B z − A z B y ) i − ( A x B z − A zB x ) j + ( A x B y − A yB x ) k  CONCURRENT FORCE SYSTEM position.
A  B = AB sin  the C.G. is lowered in order to topple the
Examples: Concurrent system occurs when the lines of object.
{Volume, temperature, height, mass, age, Where in both cases above: actions of the forces acting on a body They are easy to topple down.
etc..} intersect at a common point.
 Neutral
( )
(Ax ) + (Az )
2 2
2. Vector Quantity - is a physical quantity which A= + Ay
has both magnitude and direction. rrent

+ (B y ) + (B z )
(B x )
2 2
Examples: B=
{Force, velocity, displacement, weight, etc..}
Concurrent the C.G. is neither lowered nor raised
A → denotes vector when the object is toppled.
The RESULTANT of a number of similar A → denotes magnitude of the vector
they roll from one side to another.
vectors is that single vector which would have
the same effect as all the original vectors taken  NONCONCURRENT FORCE SYSTEM ❖ 3 FACTORS AFFECTING STABILITY
together. Determinant Form:
Nonconcurrent system occurs when the
forces are acting at different points. 1. Mass of the object
For vectors
II. VECTOR OPERATIONS 2. Location of the center of gravity
A = A x, A y, A z ) IV. FORCES IN EQUILIBRIUM 3. Area of the base of support

 Addition of Two or More Vectors B = (B x ,B y ,B z ) Equilibrium is a condition where there is no

change in the state of motion of a body. The Center of Gravity C.G. is the location
where all of the weight of an object seemed
i j k to be concentrated.
A B = Ax Ay Az
Bx By Bz
➊ Static equilibrium is the condition of a
body at rest and remains at rest under
A  B = ( A yB z − A zB y ) i − ( A xB z − A zB x ) j + ( A xB y − A yB x ) k the action of concurrent forces.
➋ Dynamic equilibrium is the condition of
a body in motion with constant velocity.

Review Notes Review Notes SCIENCES Mechanics I

 Parallelogram Method:
➊ Graphical condition: Two types of friction: T1
(for two coplanar, concurrent forces) = e 
➊ DRY FRICTION – resists relative lateral T2
The forces or vectors are graphed or Cosine Law:
transformed into a force polygon. Under motion of two solid surfaces in contact. It is T 
equilibrium condition, the force polygon must subdivided into: ln  1  = 
R 2 = F12 + F22 − 2F1F2 cos   T2 
static friction between non-moving
F1 Force polygon: Sine Law: surfaces Where:
F2 kinetic friction between moving  = the coefficient of friction
F2 R surfaces.  = angle of contact in radians
F1 =
sin  sin 
It is also termed as “Coulomb friction”. T1 = tension in the tight side
T2 = tension in the slack side
F2 ➋ FLUID FRICTION – describes the friction
between layers within a viscous fluid that Net Transmitted Torque:
F3 The Component Method: are moving relative to each other. Where:
Torque = ( Fmax − Fmin ) r Fmax = T1
➋ Directional condition: FRICTION ON BLOCK Fmin = T2
If there are three or more non-parallel forces or Power transmitted by the belt running at
vectors in equilibrium, then they must be tangential velocity:
concurrent. F = N
F1 F Power = ( Fmax − Fmin ) Vt
tan  =  =
F2 N
If the velocity or mass of belt is very large, the
centrifugal force experienced by the belt must
be considered:
Point of
Resultant and Direction Formula: T1( total) − FC
= e 
F3 T2( total) − FC
( F ) + ( F )
2 2
➌ Analytical Condition: CAUSING THE BODY TO SLIDE DOWN: FC = centrifugal force
 F 
The three static equations must be satisfied for −1
 = tan  
y FC =mVt 2/r
 
forces or vectors in equilibrium:  F  x m = mass per unit length of the belt

 Fx = 0 = For more than 2 forces: (Use the Component

= Method) VII. CABLES
 Fy = 0  =  = tan −1 
= A. PARABOLIC CABLE : It is used to analyze cable
M = 0 VI. FRICTION when the loading is uniformly distributed
Friction is a force that opposes motion horizontally throughout the cable.
Important Points for Equilibrium Forces: Where:
between two surfaces in contact. Frictional F = frictional force
force always opposes motion, trying to stop
Two forces are in equilibrium if they are N = normal force
the movement of one surface over another.
equal and oppositely directed. P = the applied force
Three coplanar forces in equilibrium are R = total surface reaction
 = coefficient of friction
Three or more concurrent forces in
equilibrium form a close polygon when  = angle of friction
connected in head-to-tail manner.  = angle of the incline
Review Notes Review Notes SCIENCES Mechanics I

Tension at the sup port and length form ula : Tension at the sup ports : Sample Problems
T1 =  y1 : T2 =  y 2
: 84.3o *
Problem 1:
 L  8d2 32d 4 Minimum Tension, H :
S=L+ −
Find the resultant of the
T=   +H
 2  3L 5L3 H = c three forces acting on
the eye bolt.
Dis tan ce Between sup ports (span): a. 243i + 201j N
c. 343i + 201j N*
 s + y1  d. 343i + 301j N
Tension at the lowest po int : x = c ln  1 
 c 
 L2 Problem 2:
H= Tension at the sup port T1 : Compute algebraically the resultant of the following
coplanar forces: 100N @30°, 141.4N @45°, and
T1 = H 2 + (  S1 )
100N @ 240°.
H Re lationship among S, y & c : Problem 3:
The resultant force of the three
( y1 ) = ( s1 ) + ( c )
2 2 2
cable tensions that support the
crate is R=500j N. Find T1 and
Where: T3, given that T2 =300 N.
T = tension at the support a. T1 = 203.5 N, T2 = 146.4 N
Where: H = tension at the lowest point b. T1 = 103.5 N, T2 = 146.4 N*
c. T1 = 103.5 N, T2 = 246.4 N
T = tension at the support  = weight per unit length d. T1 = 203.5 N, T2 = 246.4 N
y = height of the support
H = tension at the lowest point
d = sag c = minimum clearance from the ground Problem 4:
The crate weighing 2000N is
 = weight per unit length s1 & s 2 are half lengths of the cable
supported by three ropes
L = span or distance between supports L = span or distance between supports concurrent at B. Find the forces in
S = length rope AB if P =2300 N.
a. Tab = 273.2 N
Area Moment of Inertia of Some Common c. Tab = 473.2 N
B. CATENARY: A cable is considered as a Plane Figures:
catenary when the loading is distributed along d. Tab = 373.2 N
and throughout the cable. The term
Problem 5:
“catenary” comes from the Latin word Determine the force P that will keep
meaning “chain”. It is a graph of the equation the pulley system in equilibrium.
y = cos h x Neglect the weights of the pulleys.

Problem 6:
Determine the magnitude of force at
the pin A and in the cable BC needed
to support the 500-lb load.
Neglect the weight of the
boom AB.
a. 1.06 kip
b. 2.06 kip*
c. 3.06 kip
d. 4.06 kip

(For Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical Supports)

Review Notes Review Notes SCIENCES Mechanics I

Problem 7: Problem 13:

When one boy is sitting 1.20 m from the center of a A certain cable is suspended between two supports
see-saw, another boy must sit on the other side 1.5 m at the same elevation and 50m apart. The load is 50N
from the center to maintain an even balance. per meter horizontal length including the weight of the
However, when the first boy carries an additional cable. The sag of the cable is 3m. Calculate the total
weight of 14 kg and sit 1.8 m from the center, the length of the cable.
second boy must move to 3 m from the center to
balance. Neglecting the weight of the see-saw, find Problem 14:
the weight of the heavier boy. A rectangle has a base of 3 cm and a height of 6 cm.
What is its second moment of area about an axis
through the center of gravity and parallel to the base?
Problem 8:
The homogeneous Problem 15:
beam AB weighing What is the moment of inertia of an ellipse with major
3000N carries the axis of 10 and minor axis of 6 about its centroid and
distributed load axis parallel to the minor axis?
shown. Find the support reactions at A.
a. 2400 N* Problem 16:
b. 3400 N What is the moment of inertia of a triangle with a base
c. 1400 N of 9 m and altitude of 8 m with respect to an axis 6 m
d. 3300 N below and parallel to the base?

Problem 9:
The two forces can be replaced by an equivalent force
R acting at point B on the beam. Determine the
distance b that locates B.
a. 4.4 m c. 2.4 m
b. 3.4 m d. 1.4 m

Problem 10:
A block having a mass of 250 kg is placed on top of
an inclined plane having a slope of 3 vertical to 4
horizontal. If the coefficient of friction between the
block and the inclined plane is 0.15, determine the
force P that maybe applied parallel to the inclined
plane to keep the block from sliding down the
plane.Ans: 1177.2N*

Problem 11:
A cable weighing 0.4 kg/m and 800 m long is to be
suspended with a sag of 80 m. Determine the
maximum tension and the span.

Problem 12:
Find the tension on a wire weighing 0.15kg/m
stretched between supports 30m apart with a sag of
0.06m. Ans: 281.26kg*

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