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Establish information and asset handling requirements


At the end of this episode, I will be able to:

Understand and apply the recommended guidance to establish information and asset
handling requirements through your daily practice as an information security

External Resources:

Establish information and asset handling requirements

Media - MUST encrypt to ensure Confidentiality | Need Physical & Technical / Logical & Administrative Controls

Marking - ALL media should be labeled to identify sensitivity of information stored

Handling - Document ALL policies and procedures | Communicate broadly and Train all personnel

Storing - Encrypt

Destruction - Destruction vs. Disposal

Retention Periods - Clearly defined & documented | ONLY keep data for as long
as retention period | Different data = different retention periods

1. Data Inventory -

Scan | Classify | Label | Report

2. Securing Data -

Define Policies | Secure Data | Enforce Policies | Track & React

3. Audit -

Report on Data | Audit | Redefine Policies

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