Arihant Eng Olympiad Class 4

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>, seater cleo 4 (a) him {b) her 10. Cons: talk Fora prinutey a. want to (ehits 1d) None ofthese Say something to you i (a) us,| tb) we.) 1 3. Ryan and Anya have Sonne. “Wantito {c) ourselves, Myself (dh ours, Mine play the guitar, (a) Who. {bI Whom Directions (Q. Nos. 11-15) Choose the sentence): (} They (6) Them with a particular kind of pronoun 2 4. Thereisa bird in my house. This is. M1. The sentence/s with a demonstrative nest pronoun, (a) its (b)hers ——(c} her 1d) their {a} lamgeingto Deis, 2 ' (b] Weare playing, 5. bee heat ee en tile ce {c) That belongs tothe 17th century OR iG} - i {0) She will nor come. i ic ~ the t 7 Directions (Q. Nos, 6 10) Choose the correc 12\Thesemence /s with a personal pronoun. (Die Pronoun from the options to complete the ea lal He works for tong hours 22 Sentences given below, (Vis your mother liz 6. With . do you share your lunch at (c) Oo it yourselr school? (0) Our house's big, ] {e}wno ol here’ Cc) whieh (a)\nhom 13. The sentence/s witha reflexive pronoun, 4 7. My fatherand.... always go fora walk in {2) She fel down on the for. 4 the morning (b) She hurt herseit. a) (him {el Sheis in pain, ine (he {dh She will not go to schoo! English Olympiad Class 1y ST ee f iit 8 Let’s Practice i Directions (Q. Nos 1-5) Choose the correct 10. He is a better player than you, 1 adjectives fram the given options to complete {a) He {b) player 7 the sentences, {e) you {4} None of these 1. Please givemea cup of coffee Directions (Q. Nos M15) Complete the follow, {al hot {b) cotd Sentences by choosing the Correct adjectiy {c} Either {a} or fb) (d) Neither ta) nor {b) from the options given below. 2. The teacher narrated 2/AN sun Story inthe MN. Thisis the... » Interesting programme) 22 class, have ever seen on TV. fa) short Ib) intersting {almore b) better fc) most (d).goay te (All of these : a ania 72. Susmita is the....... beautiful ofall their 3. We should eat... Food for better life heroines. : (al heaith {b) healthier {a) most tb}. 9004 i (el heaithy (d) healthiest (cl better (d) more 14 4. Abhishek Bachchans... than Amitabh 13. tam....... interested in cricket than in Bachchan, football {a} tall {b) short lal most (b} bad {chlong {d) None of these (ch least id) more 5. You should do your....... in the exam 14. Marsis...... from the Earth than the Mee fa} good (8) well lal nearest ib) far te) better {d} Noneof these (e) farther (dl farthest Directions (Q. Nos. 6-10) Identify the adjectives 15. My brother's handwriting is than mi inthe following sentences from the given fal bad {b) warse c options, (21 Horst [dl None of these 6. Itisa slow and boring movie Directions (Q. Nos. 16-20) Find out the | (almovie 1b) stow adjectives from the options given below. © (e}orin (a (b) and fe) este tle 16. (91 Beauty tb) ecautinw 7, Mobile isa very useful device (2) Beautician () Beauty | {al mobite (b) very : (device (d None of these 17. la) Brave tb) Bravery, : hs hs lees (c) Braveness (0) Bravely : . Independence day is celebrated.on isiiAuguan 1B, (a) wonder (b) Wonderful 7 {al independence Ibi day {e) Wondertutty {d) Wonderfulness Do 4c} celebrated {d) None of these 19. (a) Catmness (b} Caimiy = In India, few. people are rich. fc) Calm, {d) None of these Cod tab few (b} people 20, fa) care {b) Caretessiy feb rich td) fa} angie) [el Caretully (4) Careful fa): 40) i fo (a4 English Olympiad Class jy | Verb Averbis a word which describes the action or situation in asentence Averb can express 1. Aphysical action (e.g. to swim, to walk} 2, Amental action (e.g. to read, to write) 3, Astate of being (e.9. to sleep, to appear) eq, * She is walking on the road * Akbar has eaten his birthday cake * Write a letter to your principal, * Don't sleep during the day Here, underlined words are verbs Kinds of Verb | There are two kinds of verb: 1. Action Verb It expresses the action of a subject. eg, * The student participates in the Olympiad. * Shyarn plays the flute. | Here in both the sentences, the underlined words, ‘participates and ‘plays are action verbs, Same other examples are walk, talk, run, watch, sing ete. 2. Helping Verb Helping verb helps the action verb. They are also called auxiliary verb €.g. * The teacher js teaching the students + She will be coming tomorrow “ il 5. Here in both the sentences, the underlined words, is’ and ‘will be’ ere helping verb | Some other examples are am, are, was, were, would, should, shall ete, tions (Q. Nos, 22-23) Match the sentences with the correct verb to fill the gap, a List! 32. Uti ‘a. Thechildren... ther 1. cagky vg lunch if the school @ Themother......the 2 siyyee food for the children € Thelather......piazafer 3, take the children, D. Thewaiter....thefood 4. buys tothe children sng Codes a ae eo fa) Pe palaigs we 2 0 3 (e)3 4 : 1 a) 2 i 2 3 4 fo: Seno ee A, Thefather walked the rmorket to buy provisions ct 8, Hehas....tolndia fran 2. ran England for-a week C, Sheu..onthe come footpath to avoid tratfie D. MiknaSingh.....very 4. gone fastintherace. Codes A 2B 00ND 4 301 3 2 1 ij} 2 3 4 m2 3 3 veg * Directions (Q. Nos. 24-30) Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. All spiders ....(24)..... webs. Webs ...{25) spiders to do three things. Webs help spiders to hold their eggs. Webs help spiders to hide and webs help spiders to catch food. Many spiders like to lay their eggs in their webs. Webs help Spiders. 10 .....(26)..:0 their eggs safe Webs help spiders to hide, Moat spiders 71. dark. They are brawn, grey or Black: When spiders hide in their webs, they are harder ta see, ‘Webs help spiders to cateh food. Spider webs. aresticky. Whena bug flies into the web, it gets stuck tt ...(28),.... to getaut, But it (29)... Its trappedi The spider then (30)..... to ger the bug, 24. Choose the correct action verb to fillin blank 24: (a) make i) sti (b) prepare a [al spin 25. Chaose the action verb which fitsin blank 25. [a support ib) help, [c}make Id] None of these 26. Select the correct verb to fill in blank 26. a) put (b)hide fel keep idimove 27. Select the correct helping verb to fillin blank 27 to make a meaningful sentence. Lal is 1b) was |W) are 28. Fill the blank 28-with the correct action verb. lalilies (vines 4} gaws Id} comes 29. Fill tne blank 29 with an appropriate helping verb, (atisn't (bheadit (chwasnt ld west 30. Fill the blank 39 with the correct form of vyerl from the options given betow. (be) go Id) gone fa) gues (e)geing Directions (Q. Nos, 31-35) Choose the correct verb form of the underlined words 31. Our team win the match today, ib) wor {d} Nene af these {ah winning [c) Bath fa} and tb) 4. Prepositions of Other Relationshipi!29 €9. + My sister got married at the age at 23. * saw a girl with long hairs. * This book is written by Oscar Wilde Some other examples are about, without, (good) at, (afraid) of ete Some of the prepositions thraugh picture can be shown as. a ON OVER 2. ear #3 ewes UNDER NEAR DOWN, 8. ~ j z @ Let’s 2 Directions (Q. Nos. 1-5) Fill in the blanks with Directions (9. Nos, 6-10) Find the Prepositionre, appropriate preposition. the following sentences. is 1. There is acat........ the roof. §. The young mother sat among her childreg, falon {b) in fal sat {blamoeng fc) her {d) the (chat seh 7. You don't need to shut at me. 0. 2. My parents live ....... America, lal to tb) an (a) en (ohin (} Both fa and tb} fetontot ines i tchat [dh abave | 8. Where are you coming from? 4 3. We are Waiting ....... the train. lalwnere (bj are (elfram— tdtyou (ja for (a) to at (eh fo {d) into 9. Hurey uplDinoerieconthe tebe 4, She lives... her husband, {aldinner — ib).0n tebis (dh the fa) i (b) on ich under 1} with ; ae ae 10. The dog was hiding under the car a Sonia is going the school. (al the 16). was (alin (bite (cat (a) with (0) under 4) car English Olympiad Ctassty Frections (Q.Nos. 11-15) Findout the, irom the following aptions. Revere (ol This: {elAnd fb) Otherwise a {a} On tb) Form to) Forum tb} In {d) Thin {) Fatt (dl Free Birections (Q. Nos. 16-18) Choose the correct ‘statement. {a} The frog jumped on the pond. 4b] The frog jumped into the pond. {cl The frog jumped inside the pond, {91 The frog jumped to the pond. ta) When water is heated it changes in steam. {b) When water is heated it changes of steam. fc) When water is heated it changes for steam, {a) When water is heated it changes inta steam + fal Ritesh has been studying for the last three days. {b) Riteshhas been studying since thelast threedays {c} Ritesh has been studying to the last three days. (d) Ritesh has been studying !rom the lastthree.days. tions (Q. Nos. 19-23) Find the werd. which {bbinto (dbink (bk Onto: (d) Upon (b) For () About {tb} Within {¢) Without ‘{b) Over {d} Quter 28, 26. When does your class start? ‘Our class starts .....B o'clock. ‘a)in tbhon tebat a) from 27. How does Rohan go to the school? bus. Rohan goes to the schoo! . (aon Ib} by. felfrom tals Directions (Q. Nos, 28-29) Match the following Sentences with the carrect preposition. ‘nia yor freedom t 15th August, 1947. The elves wil sar on Slack Voutireoteish you a homework Maney, ea A 8 5 ft 2 3 4 (#2 4 3 4 A The train will arrive 1 into platform 2, 8. Sachin Tendulkar tives — Mumbs CHAPTER ! Conjunction Conjunctions are words that join sentences, words OF group of words, They ar a W t 4 f words, They are also called ‘connectors’ conjunctions help in joining two shorter sentences t make ani shorter : 9 sentences tomake ane eg Rahilis not well today, Rahil didn't goto school, Sentence? Sentence 2 4 Rahil is not well today sahe didn't go to school, ___ Inthe example, ’so’ is a conjunction. Some other examples of conjunction are and, but, or, because etc, | Types of Conjunction There are three types of conjunction: 1. Coordinating Conjunctions These conjunctions join sentence elements that are the same. They jain words to words, phrases to phrases and clauses to clauses, i e.g, * Kids like to eat ice creams and chocolates, * He will goto market or mall to buy a TV, Coordinating conjunctions are only ‘seven’. They can easily be memorised by remembering ‘Fanboys’. - For = And = Nor But = Or =) yet - So u) went ehgoing {d} willbe going Directions (Q. Nos. 11-15) Choose the correct form of the verbs underlined in the sentences given below. ak . 12. Neha and her mother are gone to the {al going b)g0 "0 {e) will go (4) None of these a 13. She is studying in class [Vth a {fo} study (b) studies < {cl studied (d) None of these 14, Nisha was gone from school to homein, bus, = (al went (bhoces for (c} going (d) None of these 15, When mother walk into the room, Akshe, v was sleeping {a} walked 22.0 (b) walking ; (c} walks (d} Allof the above Directions (Q. Nos. 16-20} In these questions, select the correct option 16. {3} The Earth rotates on its axis. (0) The Eartn rotated onits axis. {ch The Earth will rotate on its axis, (Ud) The Earth is rotate on its axis q 17. (a) Last Friday, Mohan goes for fishing, te {b) Last Friday, Mohan went for fishing Mm (c} Last Friday, Mohan will go for fishing, tec (3) Last Friday, Mohan go or fishing 1B. {0} Everybody attends the party tomorrow. ch (b] Everybody attended the party tomerrow lc} Everybody will attendtne party tomorrow 23s! (c) Everybody attend the Party tomorrow. 19. (a) We are going to watch a movie. = (oi Weare go to watch a movie. {c} We are went to watch amove. (al We are gone to watch amovie 20. (al Sheena making a cake when someone knocks the deer 1b) Sheena was making a cake when someone knacked at the door, (ch Sheena makes a cake when someone knocksat the door, Id) None ef the above ; 'S (Q. Nos. 21-22) Complete the sentences in List | with the correct form of “verb from List I hist Ravi..intheexambut |, could not pass, B. Water cheated fi atW0Ore. 2. freezes India ..n..a Test Match 3. bolle against Bangladesh next month. OL Water... Avg TC 52D) MAREE ty eS a es 4 3 2 4 ist The school July a Sheila has....... her 2 on7th 1. read opens _homework, Have you.....nursery 3. willbe 4. completed A BinGe 0 Ho) 3 2 4 Bb) 4 Sh ie Ic) 2 4a 3 id2 3 Wy 4 ions (Q. Nos, 23-27) Choose the option that is correct answer of the question. }, What does your father do? Ans, __ (a) My father worked in a office. (b) My father working in a office. __ (c) My father works in a office. (a) My father will work in a office. Where do you live in Delhi? Ans. (a) | Living at Rohini in Delhi, (b) Hive at Rohini in Delhi. | 25. When will Sohan have his lunch? Ane seit (a) Sohan have his: lunch at 2 o'clock {b) Sohan has his tunch, at 2 o'clock. (6) Schan wi have his lunch at 2 o'clock. {d) Sohan had his lunch at 2 o'clock. Why does everyone go to the park? Ans, __ oe = (2) Everyone go to the park to wall. (b) Everyone goes to the park to walk. (c) Everyone gone to the park to walk. {@) Everyone going to the park to walk 26. 27. How did he go to the school? Ans. ees (a) He goes to scheot on foot (b) He gone to sehool on foot. (c) He went to school on foot. (d) He will goto school on foot Directions (Q. Nos. 28-32) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. One day a lion was sleeping under a tree. Suddenly a mouse .....(28)..... over his paw. The lion ......(29)...... the mouse, but the mouse said to the lion. “Please let me .....(30)..... 1 sol 3Tunee YOU Some day”. The lion ,. and said, “You are just a tiny mouse. You cannot help me in any way.” 28. Fill the blank 28 with the correct form of verb. fa) run (b) runs (c)ran {¢) will run 29. Complete the sentence by choosing the right option for blank 29. (a) catch (b) caught (c) Either (a) or(b) (6) None of these 30. Fill the blank 30 to complete the sentence correctly. ols (algo (bigoes- (cl went (d) wiltgo soit 31. Fill the correct verb in blank 31. ta help (by helped (c) helps (a) willhelp 32. Fill in the blank 32 to complete the sentence a (b)taughes {a) laughs these ak (a) None of | | CHAPTER | Synonyms | Asynonym meansa word having a meaning similar to the given word. ©9, Beautiful has its various synonyms like attractive, pretty, lovely, etc, Various words and their synonyms are given below: | Words ‘Synonyms Words Synonyms Words ‘Synonyms Abundant Profuse Honest Fair ot Appease Suen ee eek femecerhca yee “Wethy Baffle Confuse Hurry Rush se ————— Sal —— Strong Solid Controlling Hate Loathe —— ee | Complain Introvert Shy Sad___Unhappy | Cue Bright Slim Thin 3 Modify Referee Solve Crack, Scarce Gracious —____Unravel Bae T_beayes Sten preteen Disturb i “Head —~=«sSympathy Tenderness ris Fortunate True Real SoaaeiReg Lethargic el Simple Mom, Mummy Tough Difficult Just old Ancient Vital ‘important Dad, Papa Positive Optimistic Valid Humorous Pray Worship Weak Frail B Let’s Directions (2. Nos. 1-10) Select the option correct _ Which is a. synonym of the word underlined in the sentence given below. Practice J, The teacher is very angry with the students, (a) calm (b) annoyea (quiet {d} cool 2. Wewent to watcha Movie but it was tootong (a) sticky tb) Fengthy a {el big {d) short 3, Pragya’s great-grandpa is very ola (a) friendly (b1 big ky {c) elderiy {d young P &. The doctor asked the patient to besilent, | [a) noisy, (b) early i {sit (0) quiet 5. The girlis plucking the beautiful flowers. | (a) pretty (bl ugly (eh good Ad) nice | &. Children are advised to stay away from fire (a) flames fe) match box i {e) eylinder td) electricity 7. The students are given a difficult topic to speak. fa) easy (b) hard (cl boring {d) interesting 8. Sherpa Tenzing went to the apex of Mt, Everest, fa) bottom tb) riddle (c)top {[d) base The father is in ahappy mood today. | )taughing (by sad (c)sitent (di) joyful 0. The sounds coming from Mahit's home were strange, . (a) funny {) unusual {e) weird (6) Both (b) and fe) | Directions (Q. Nos, 11-15) Selver the correc} option which is a synonym of the wor ries y Word given i Freedom (a) Lioble (6) Liberty {e) War (6) Peace 72. Intelligent (a) Brilliant {0} Honese (e) Smart () Handsome 13. Lazy {al Tal (b) Steepy (ehdle (8) Quick 14. Ancient fa) Modern (01 Unique {ec} Ole (cd) New 15. Misty (a) Rainy {) chites (cl wet td) Foggy Directions (Q. Nos, 16-20) One option is different from others, Find it. 16, {0} Tovah (6) Soft {0} Fragile (d) Tender V7, (a) Faithiut (b) Loyal. {el Tustnorthy (d} Cheat 18, (a) Beautiful (b) Lovely (cl Uaty (d) Gracetut 19. (a) Leader (b) Guide (c) Follower (A) Commander 20, (a) Free (b} Locked le) Open (A) Loose Directions {Q. Nos, 21-23) Select the correct Option which is a synonym of the word underlined in the sentence given below. 21. The odour of your shoes is most unpleasant. . {a} colour tb) sight (cl smelt {d)tooks CHAPTER Antonyms An antonym is a word which is opposite in meaning to the given word, | 29, Agree has its antonym as disagree. | |_| Various words and their antonyms are given below: | Words Antonyms Words _ Antonyms Rinne) | Above: Below Empty Full Maximum Minium | ‘Accept Decline “Extravert Introvert Modern Ancient “accurate accurate aire lg iro eos aa | Admit Deny Strong “Never A nae “Agree Disagree Unfold Normal Abnormal _ | Apart: “Together For Against Praise Bla | Appear Disappear ‘Forward ‘Backward Present Absent \ Arrive Depart Fortunate Unfortunate Proud ‘Humble | Ascend ___Descend Fresh state Public Private ‘Awake Asleep «Gloomy Cheerful “Sale “Unsale Beautiful Ugly Grant Refuse Secure ——_Unsecure | F Begin. End Harmful Harmless ‘Show Hide | Best Worst Healthy Diseased Slow Rapid Bless Clever Hell Heaven Sweet __Bilter el Brave Coward Host Guest Succeed Fail Capabie Incapable _—_tnhale Exhale Seldom Frequent vo : Common Rare “Inferior ‘Superior Stupid ‘Clever a || Contract Expand Internal ___External “Wealth Poverty. | || “Greate Destroy interior exterior War_Fesee____— | | Dead Alive Kind Cruel Young __Old || Definite Indefinite “bate Eaty ie. oan Dull Bright Lend Borrow alain _@ Let’s Practice Directions (Q. Nos. 1-8) Select the option which is an antonym of the word underlined in the Sentence. 1. The King of Persia was very kind. (slbrave fb) rien (el cruel {di modest 2. Earthquakes are frequent in Nepal, {a) extiner {6} many (clare {dl unusual 3. Arjun was the younger brother of Bheem fa) bigger a “Ib} longer {¢) smaller Id) elder 4. There will be an Stal exam on Monday, (a) written Ibi seading lel listening {dl None of these 5. Thereisa dead snake in the park (2) alive {b) lovely fel big Id) survive 6. Let's start our journey, (a) begin Ie} walk {e)end {d) None of these 7. My grandfather is very sick, fa} it (b} fine teh healthy Id} Noneof these 8, She has the ability to complete her work on time, (a) incompetence (b} aptitude te) silt {d) None of these. Directions (Q. Nos, 3-19) Select the option which San antonym of the word given below. 9, Hara {a} Rude: {bl Tough (c) Soft (d) Nane of these 10. Dettease (a) increase tbl Lessen {ch Reduce {a} Lower 1. Pass {a} Success {b) Victory y to) win (a) Fai T2. Dirty (al Dark te) Filthy 13. Sorrow (at Grief {c} Happiness 14. Employment {a} Business Ae) Service 15. Important (a) Worthless {c} Valuabte 16. Full {19} Plentiful (el Loud 17. Sell {a} Barter (ci Spend 18. Agree ta) Match {cl} Disagree 19. Defend fe) Cheat Ie) Accuse Directions (Q. Nos 20- different from the ot 20, ta) ask Ie nterrogate 21. ta) costiy {c) Cheap BB. tal Connect {c] Unite 23. tal ry {cl Wet 24. 'a) Stable (0) Firm lel Mabite (d) Fixed English Olympiad Class wy (b} Clean (d) Dat {b) Sadness q {d} Trouble {bl Unemployment (d) Occupation (b) Essentiat (a) Chief 2 (b] Saturated (d] Empty {b} Buy 2 (4) None of these (b} Harmonise (d) None of these (6) Support (0) Justify. 24) One option is hers. Find it. (8) Question Id) Answer [bl Expensive {d) Dear {b) Separate {4} Combine (b) Rainy (a) Moisture Yirections (Q. Nos, 25-28) Find the word that is antonymof the word underlined inthe sentence, 25. Rohan is very healthy but his younger brother Sohan is not. {a} delicate [cl weak {1 poor Id) None of these Everybody wants to succeed because nobody likes failure, (a) happy (e} Joyous tb) success. {d} None of these 2T. We should not discuss our personal life in (a) secret {c) open, (b} private (d} None of these: 2B. When Kapil Sharma sees sorneone sad, he tries to cheer him up. la) sees (c) make (bl tries (dl happy ions (Q. Nos. 29-30) Match the following 29. Match the words with their correct antonyms. Ap ¢ O ae ¢ 8 fa)2 3 1 4 (b)2 1 4 a 93 2 J 4 (a2 4 y 3 Match the underlined word given in the sentence with its apprapriate antonyrm. ‘(Senn You should have 1 spati¢ace for your turn. & Everybody wantsta 2, Codes Yaa ¢ 0 Wt 2 3 4 (4 3 2 4 2 4 4 3 (3 4 3 2 Directions (Q. Nos, 31-35) Select the antonym of the given words and complete the crossword. “a a Bc 0 x 31. Loud (a) Quiet (b)Cable (cI Flame (a) Quick 32. Known fa) Lecture (b) Married (¢) Product (d) Unknown: 33. Enter (a) Even (B) Exit {c)East _(¢)Come 34. Loose la) Mark Ib) Knit. fc) idea Id} Hard 35. Messy p la} Nurnb — {b) Push: Ic) Neat {d) Gold Directions (Q, Nos. 36-38) in the passage given below, some words have been underlined. You have to find antonyrn for these words, Amouse washaving avery bad time, She could find no food at all. She looked here and there, but there was no food and she grew very thin. At last, the mouse found a basket full of corn. ‘There was a small hole in the basket and she crept in. She could just get through the hole, 36. Choose antonym for the word bad used in the passage. a) dark {b) good fe} nice (d}clean 37. Choose antonym for the word thin used in the passage. farthick ibifat, =e) Big Hal Tong ‘Choose the appropriate antanym for the word small. ajiarge”tilong ted HNgh” DBI) | | CHAPTER | | Vocabulary is defined as a set of words within a language that a person knows and uses To communicate effectively L@ Let’s Practice Directions 19, Nos, 1- 5} Choose the option which has Same relationship as given in the question, 1, Work : Earn, tal Influence: assisr 2. Aeroplane: Flying {a} Aeroplane: Airport. 3. Heat : Cooked fa) old: Frozen 4. Claw: Cat (8) Cat; Whiskess [bl Expect: Think ()TenderLovable (a) plane; Harvest Mb) Sailboat Harbour fc) ship «cai ing Id} Glider: Park 1B) lee : Skating {Cold iee cream —— ¢gy ‘Chilly: Thaw (b} Wag: Tait Ye} Tail: Dog |d) Tooth : Bite (a) None of these: (clpierce (di None of these 8. She looks tike AM owusin the white dress, (a angel tbLange (el angina (A) Nane of these Sa Very dangerous disease. (c) All of these re seven days ina (&) weak (a) None hese PPirections (Q. Nos. 11-20) Select the correctly spelt word from the options given below Hi, (a) Seautytutty tb) Beautitutty ) Bea @) Beautytuly 42. bite (a) Habit 13. Succes (4) Suecass 14. (ho) Adress (e) Adress. td) Added. (eioiege (4) Cotteg (b) Sroaktast 4) Breekfast (b) Caprenter (a) Carpemar 18. (2) Vaiter {(b) Waitar ) Waiter (a) Weiter 79, (21 Reilwey (b) Railway «) Ralway (a) Rateway c} Pasport (d] Passport Directions (Q. Nos. 21-25) Select one word Substitution for the collection described below. 21. A group of angry people. ia) Crowd th} Mob B ciRush {a} None of these | 22. A group of students. if (a) Class {b) School (eh Pack Id} None of these 23. A collection of flowers or grapes. (a) Bouquet Ib) Packet {c) Bunch {4) None of these 24. One who writes about his own life. {a} Biographer {b) Autobiographer (ec) Writer {d) Poet 25. That which cannot be eaten. (al Edible {b} Incredible (ch inaudible {d} inedible Vocabulary heen rectonsic Nos. 26-30) Choose the word ich iS. odd in the Following options. 26. (ai Den) te) Lucknow lalNew Yor (8) Maematays 27. (1800 NBOok (IPE fe) Pane (di Table fal Success (Faire (ain) Viewory 29. 19)Singer (by Author (c) Run (4) Tencher 30:1 e O, falSaity —{b) Spicy fe) Sweet 44) Vegetable Directions (Q. Nos, 31-35) Choose the most Suitable option to complete the following sentences 31. is next te goodness, (al ina Ibi Cleanings (6) ior (3) charity 32. Indian saldiers are full of {a} honesty (bl bravery (el wisdom (dh waren 33. Neha did not goto play due to _._. {ah amusement (bhamazemert (€) excitement (el weakness 34, Ginger is used for the mnunaun OF COUGH, (a) disease (bicause ‘e)pain (a reatment 35. Tanya has applied for a) membership fc} Either (a) or (b} fb) scholarship {a} Neither {ab ror (0) Directions (Q, Nos, 36-40} Choose the correct option to complete the following sentences, 36. All players in our school’s volleyball team Te OVEN SIX enna la} feets (be) foots 37. My Grandmother has lostall her ~.-»~ (citer (a foot lalteeths {b)tooths fc) tooth (dd teeth 38. The ......- were dancing around the bonfire. (ajman {Ib} men felmans td) means: 39. cconun Of all department were presentin the meeting. : fa) Chief {b) Chiefs’ [¢) Chieves (a) Chiel's AO. enw are grazing in the field. {a) Buffato {b) Bulfaices {c} Either fal oF tb) {d) Neither (a) ror Ib) CHAPTER Jumbled Words and Jumbled Sentences A jumbled word is the rea; vocabulary Mangement of the letters in the word to test a student's eg. * elerve —clover * ster —rest A jumbled sentenc to teach astudent eg @ is the arrangemer the formation of se eats/mango/2/he/daily He eats 8 mange daily. Nt of Words ina sentence in ad; ntences, isorderly way writes/letter/he/paren| ts/his/to/a He writes a letter tohis parents intelligent/very/is/ho Heis very intelligent. hard/always/works/she She always works hard,

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