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The Sky is the limit-CC Assignment

Engineering English – CC
Fall 2023
Engineering is a field where new ideas are challenging old ones. In other words, the sky is the limit: from the
smallest microchip to the tallest skyscrapers defying gravity. This Engineering assessment salutes these marvels
through research on these current innovations.
The Mission
Find an article written IN ENGLISH about a relevant, current engineering topic (from the year 2020+) and
have it approved by the professor. No duplicate articles are allowed.
The response to the article must include:

• A brief synopsis or summary, in your own words

• Your opinion on the articles main points, yet based on research. Do not limit yourself with an “I agree”
or “It’s good”: give us a reason and base it on other scholarly voices (important individual researchers or
current Engineering/Technology oriented institutions)
• Answers to relevant questions on the facts of the paper.
• Proper formatting, spelling and punctuation and two pages in length double-spaced (not including title
page, and references page)
• No plagiarism! Use your own words and reference your source information. References must be
provided if you have based your project over other sources ( all sources, including the article you were

On the day the Current Events are due:

• You will turn in the work the week of Nov 27th. It will comprise of the written paper, and an oral
presentation. Presentation of topic, comprehension and writing skills will be assessed
• Paper: You must print or email your paper on the due date before the oral presentation to receive full
credit. No extra time will be allowed.
• Presentation
o 4-5 minute oral presentation minimum per person on week of Nov 27th.
o Presentation Slides 1-5; can only contain highlights/talking points. No overloading/copy paste
from source; Be ready to present and discuss the article and your write-up to class.
o Audience participation. Audience must ask questions regarding the topic. Participation and
answering follow up questions is part of the oral presentation grade.

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