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Electrical hazards on board a cargo ship - The danger of

electric shock

The danger of electric shock

: The resistance of the human body is quite high only when the skin
is dry. The danger of electric shock is therefore much greater for
persons working in a hot, humid atmosphere since this leads to
wetness from body perspiration. Fatal shocks have occurred at as
low as 60V and all circuits must be considered dangerous.

The danger from a.c. equipment in terms of electric shocks is far

greater than for similar d.c. voltages. a.c, equipment often operates
at very high voltages.Care must therefore be taken. All electrical
equipment should be isolated before any work is done on it. The
circuit should then be tested to ensure that it is dead. Working near
to live equipment should be avoided if at all possible. Tools with
insulated handles should be used to minimise risks.

The treatment of anyone suffering from severe electric shock must

be rapid if it is to be effective. First they must be removed from
contact with the circuit by isolating it or using a non-conducting
material to drag them away. Electric shock results in a stopping of
the heart and every effort must be made to get it going again.
Apply any accepted means of artificial respiration to bring about

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