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Diagnostic Test in PE MET 5

Identification. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

________________ 1. What do you call the worst enemy of any emergency situation?
________________ 2. This is a lifesaving technique that is administered when breathing and heartbeat
of a person stops.

________________ 3. What is the ratio in giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

________________ 4. This injury is caused from rock, climbing, and stumbling.

________________ 5. This injury is a result of fall, twisted ankle, or rowing.

________________ 6. Which grade category is mild that involves minor tearing of a ligament or muscle.
________________ 7. What do you call the traumatic brain injury that is often caused by a blow or
bumps to the head or body?

________________ 8. What do you call the result of ill-fitting footwear?

________________ 9. What injury is caused by hot liquid or heat?

________________ 10. Which degree burn that affects the top layer of the skin?

II. Essay. 1. How do the factors, budget, and logistics, interplay in the success of outdoor activities?

5 4 3 2 1
Facts are Facts are Lacking details More specific Very few facts
consistently detailed/precise and examples to details and provided
detailed/precise and relevant support examples needed
and very relevant arguments to support
Timeliness: 10 Points – On time | 8 Points 1-2 days late | 6 Points 3-4 days late | 4 points 5 days-1
week late | 0 points – more than a week late

Answer Key:

1. time

2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

3. 30 chest compressions followed by two rescue breaths

4. Impact injury

5. sprain

6. Grade 1 sprain

7. Concussion

8. heel pain

9. Thermal burns

10. First-degree burns

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