Runoff Problem Sheet

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Tutorial 4

CE 3030: Water Resources Engineering

1. In a 600-ha watershed the Curve number for saturated soil moisture condition is
estimated to be 70. (a) estimate the direct runoff volume for the following four days
of rainfall. The AMC on July 1st was of category III. Use standard SCS-CN equations.
(b) what would be the runoff volume if the CNIII value were 80?

Date July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4

Rainfall (mm) 60 21 40 16
2. a) Compute the runoff hyetograph (excess rainfall hyetograph) from 136.144 mm of
rainfall on a 500-acre watershed. The area comprises of 50 percent of cultivated land
with hydrologic soil group C, 30 percent of residential complex with Hydrologic soil
group of C (Curve Number =90) and remaining is forest land with poor cover having
a hydrologic soil group of B. The incremental precipitation hyetograph is given

Time in Incremental Rainfall in mm

0 0
1 5.08
2 17.78
3 9.398
4 26.416
5 59.436
6 16.256
7 1.778

b) If the antecedent moisture conditions become more wet or drier what is the effect
on rainfall excess plot and Infiltration plot. Justify it numerically. Refer the values from
table below.
3. The direct runoff hydrograph resulting from the successive 2 hr. durations of rainfall
excess values of 2.0 cm in the first two hours and 4 cm in the next two hours
respectively is given in the table below. Compute the 2-hr unit hydrograph for the
Time in Direct Runoff Hydrograph (m3/sec)
0 0
2 100
4 450
6 650
8 440
10 380
12 260
14 140
16 110
18 60
20 0

4. The 1-h unit hydrograph for a catchment and the average areal rainfall for a particular
storm event in a watershed are given in the table below. a) Determine the direct runoff
hydrograph assuming a Φ index of 0.70 cm/hr.

Time in Rainfall in cm 1-hr UH (m3/sec/cm)

0 0 0
1 1.25 0.27
2 2.50 2.90
3 4.00 6.2
4 1.30 4.27
5 0 2.87
6 0 1.40

b) Now assuming the Rainfall excess to be 5 cm, find the Φ index. For that Φ index
find the DRH Co-ordinates respectively.

5. The streamflow hydrograph at the outlet of a drainage basin with area 93.8 km2 is
given in the Table. Determine the base flow using the straight-line method, the fixed
base method, the variable slope method and constant slope method.

Time (h) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Discharge (m3/s) 10.2 10 9.8 22 51.2 63 46 33 21 15 10.5 7.5 6

6. A watershed of area 4045 m2 has hydrologic soil groups that are 60% group B & 40%
group C.
(a) compute runoff from 20 cm rainfall over the watershed which is fully urbanized
with 90% residential area (30% impervious) and 10% roads with curbs.
(b) For the same rainfall and soil conditions, compute runoff from the watershed before
urbanization. Prior to development the land use was pasture and rangeland in poor

Hydrologic Soil Group

Land Use
Residential (30% impervious) 57 72 81 86
Roads with curbs 98 98 98 98
Pasture or Range land good condition 39 61 74 80
Assume AMC II condition.

7. The ordinates of a 2-h unit hydrograph are given below. a) Determine the 3-h unit
hydrograph and 6 h unit hydrograph. b) Justify the decrease in peak for 3h and 6h
Unit Hydrographs respectively.

Time in 2h UH (cumecs/cm)
0 0
1 0.18
2 2.50
3 8.90
4 17.50
5 25.7
6 24.0
7 18.10
8 10.30
9 3.10
10 1.50
11 0
8. A storm over a catchment of area 6 km had a 14 hrs. duration. The mass curve of
rainfall is given. If ∅ index is 0.5 cm/h, determine the effective rainfall hyetograph
and the volume of direct runoff from the catchment.

Time from start of storm (hr.) Accumulated rainfall (cm)

0 0
2 0.6
4 2.8
6 5.2
8 6.7
10 7.5
12 9.2
14 9.6
9. The ordinates of a 4-h unit hydrograph are given below. Determine the a) 1-h unit
hydrograph by S Curve and b) 3 h unit hydrograph by the method of S Curve.

Time in 4 hr. UH
hrs. (m3/sec/cm)
0 0
4 20
8 80
12 130
16 150
20 130
24 90
28 52
32 27
36 15
40 5
44 0

10. A rainfall of 4.2 cm and 3.5 cm occurred on two consecutive 4-hr duration over an
area of 27 km2. Using a straight line baseflow separation method, estimate the rainfall
excess and φ-index from the measured runoff.

Time from start of rainfall Observed runoff

(hr.) (m3/s)
-6 6
0 5
6 13
12 26
18 21
24 16
30 12
36 9
42 7
48 5
54 5
60 4.5
66 4.5

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